Unit 2 WT Question Bank

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IT8501 – Web Technology Unit wise possible questions

Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai

Department of Information Technology

IT8501 – Web Technology


Style Sheets: CSS-Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets-Features-Core Syntax-Style Sheets

and HTML- Style Rule Cascading and Inheritance-Text Properties-Box Model Normal Flow
Box Layout-Beyond the Normal Flow-CSS3.0. Client-Side Programming: The JavaScript
Language-History and Versions Introduction JavaScript in Perspective-Syntax-Variables and
Data Types-Statements-Operators-Literals-Functions-Objects-Arrays-Built-in Objects-JavaScript

PART A (2 Marks)
S.No Possible Questions K-Level CO
Write the javascript to print “Good Day” using IF-ELSE
1 K2-Understand CO2
condition. (Nov/Dec 2015)
How external style sheet is useful in web page design?
2 K2-Understand CO2
(Nov/Dec 2015)
Differentiate client side scripting and server side scripting.
3 K2-Understand CO2
(May/June 2014)
4 How will you include CSS in web sites? (May/June 2014) K2-Understand CO2
Give some advantages of using cascading style sheets.
5 K1-Remember CO2
(Nov/Dec 2013)
State the types of java script statements with examples.
6 K1-Remember CO2
(Nov/Dec 2013)
7 Give example for inline sheet. (May/June 2013) K1-Remember CO2
List the different methods defined in document and window
8 K1-Remember CO2
object of Java script. (May/June 2013)
List the two forms of style rules with an example. (Nov/Dec
9 K1-Remember CO2
List the ways of positioning an element within a browser
10 K1-Remember CO2
window. (Nov/Dec 2012)
11 Give the core syntax of CSS. (May/June 2012) K1-Remember CO2
List and explain any two java script built in objects. (May/June
12 K2-Understand CO2
13 Give the syntax of a CSS rule. (Nov/Dec 2011) K1-Remember CO2
What is a JavaScript statement? Give an example. (Nov/Dec
14 K1-Remember CO2
15 Mention the need for cascading style sheets. (May/June 2011) K1-Remember CO2
Explain array creation in Java Script with example. (May/June
16 K2-Understand CO2
17 What do you mean by host objects? (Nov/Dec 2010) K1-Remember CO2
18 How does one access cookie in a JavaScript? (Nov/Dec 2010) K2-Understand CO2
19 Define Event Bubbling. (May/June 2010) K1-Remember CO2
20 What is the use of Blur Filter? (May/June 2010) K1-Remember CO2
21 Mention the advantages of java/java script K1-Remember CO2
22 What are Style Sheets? K1-Remember CO2
List down the ways of including style information in a
23 K1-Remember CO2
IT8501 – Web Technology Unit wise possible questions

S.No Possible Questions K-Level CO

24 Define cascading. K1-Remember CO2
What are the style precedence rules when using multiple
25 K1-Remember CO2
26 Give the syntax to specify a characteristic in linked style sheet. K1-Remember CO2
27 List down font characteristics permitted in style sheets. K1-Remember CO2
28 Write a note on content positioning characteristic \"Visibility\". K1-Remember CO2
29 Define scriptlets. K2-Understand CO2
30 What does DHTML refer? K1-Remember CO2
31 What does data binding mean? K2-Understand CO2
32 What is meant by Plug-in? K2-Understand CO2
33 Mention the types of scripting languages K1-Remember CO2
34 List the advantages of java script K1-Remember CO2
35 What is dense arrays? K1-Remember CO2
36 List comparision operators & string operators in java K1-Remember CO2
37 List the various dialog boxes in java script K2-Understand CO2
38 Mention the various java script object models . K2-Understand CO2
39 How scripting language is differs from html. K2-Understand CO2
40 Define function in java script . K1-Remember CO2
41 Define CSS – cascading style sheet K2-Understand CO2
42 What are Style Sheets? K1-Remember CO2
43 Mention the types of style sheets K1-Remember CO2
44 List the difference between style sheets K1-Remember CO2
45 List the properties of style tag K1-Remember CO2
46 How to introduce style in html program? K2-Understand CO2
List down the ways of including style information in a
47 K1-Remember CO2
What are the style precedence rules when using multiple
48 K1-Remember CO2
49 Give the syntax to specify a characteristic in linked style sheet. K1-Remember CO2
50 List down font characteristics permitted in style sheets. K1-Remember CO2
51 Write a note on content positioning characteristic \"Visibility\". K1-Remember CO2
52 Mention the advantages of java/java script K1-Remember CO2
i.Explain in detail the CSS box model (Nov/Dec 2015)
1 ii.List and explain the various positioning schemes in detail K2-Understand CO2
(Nov/Dec 2015)
i.Explain the javascript array handling and array methods.
(Nov/Dec 2015)
2 ii.Explain the following javascript objects. (Nov/Dec 2015) K2-Understand CO2
i.Describe how do you use javascript for form validation?
Develop a complete application that would include functions to
3 validate the user data. (May/June 2014) K2-Understand CO2
ii.Write short notes on javascript built-in objects. (May/June
Discuss the various aspects of Normal Flow Box Layout in the
4 K2-Understand CO2
context of CSS. (May/June 2014)
5 Explain the document object model architecture K2-Understand CO2
6 Explain the various event handlers in java script. Give an ex. K2-Understand CO2
IT8501 – Web Technology Unit wise possible questions

S.No Possible Questions K-Level CO

7 Write short notes on scripting languages. K2-Understand CO2
What are the various java script objects? Explain each with an
8 K2-Understand CO2
9 How to validate the check box and check box group? K2-Understand CO2
Explain about types of cascading style sheet? Explain with
10 K2-Understand CO2
11 Explain the various CSS properties K2-Understand CO2
What is html? explain the various html tags to develop the web
12 K2-Understand CO2
What is CSS ? List out the Various CSS Properties. Explain the
13 K2-Understand CO2
various concepts of CSS properties with neat example.
14 What are the types of CSS? Explain any two with neat example. K2-Understand CO2
Explain in detail about all the types of Cascading Style sheet
15 K2-Understand CO2
with an example Program draw the form design.
16 Mention the 3 types of CSS K2-Understand CO2
17 Write example program for each type of CSS K2-Understand CO2
18 Write the differences and advantages of each CSS K2-Understand CO2
Write short notes on Java Script/Advantages of Scripting
19 • Java Script control statements K2-Understand CO2
• Java Script functions
Discuss briefly about HTML – Object Model and Collections
• Object modeling
20 • Object Referencing K2-Understand CO2
• Dynamic Styles
• Dynamic Positioning
21 Discuss briefly Dynamic HTML – Event Model K2-Understand CO2
22 Write Short notes on event model K2-Understand CO2
23 Explain Event bubbling with an example program K2-Understand CO2
24 How can we JavaScript using Objects. Give an Example K2-Understand CO2
25 With an example describe java scripts Control structure. K2-Understand CO2
What are Style Sheets? List down the ways of including style
26 K2-Understand CO2
information in a document.
What are the methods associated with array object in
27 K2-Understand CO2
JavaScript? Explain each one with an example.
What do you mean by CSS? Discuss the properties of CSS-
28 K2-Understand CO2
level-1 in detail with suitable example.
Write a JavaScript program to demonstrate the JavaScript
29 K2-Understand CO2
What are the objectives of using Cascading style sheet? Briefly
30 explain about linking of external Style sheets and fixing the K2-Understand CO2
PART C (15 Marks)
1 Draw form design K3-Apply CO2
• Design must have one Primary key field – always
• check for duplication for the primary key field
• emp- name, product- name, dept-name etc should not be blank
• Write a function for all these validation
• When you introduce any number field, always check it is
negative or not, if it so do not
accept the input value
• For calculations always use program concept, do not ask the
IT8501 – Web Technology Unit wise possible questions

S.No Possible Questions K-Level CO

user to enter total, gross etc.
• Instead through program calculate Gross.value =
val(basic.value + hra.value+da.value)
• Always use val or ParseInt function when you perform
calculation with numbers.
• for avoiding too much of validation better use the following in
the design itself
• Radio button
• Command button
• Check box
• List box
• Must introduce SUBMIT & RESET button at the end of the
Write a XHTML program to create a web page for your college
information using any one CSS type (Assume your own
2 K3-Apply CO2
data) .Explain the various CSS properties in detail. Write a
suitable code each property.
Write a JavaScript to display a welcome button of an html form
3 K3-Apply CO2
is pressed
With a neat diagram write a SCRIPT PROGRAM with
validation for the following (each program carries 16 marks)
• Student Mark List
4 • Inventory System K3-Apply CO2
• Employee Pay Slip generation
• Railway Ticket Reservation
• Online Quiz program
Develop a JavaScript program to display a message “HI !
GOOD MORNING TO YOU” when a page is loaded and
5 K3-Apply CO2
display a message “THANKS TO VISIT OUR WEB PAGE”
when a page is unloaded.
Design a webpage with a textbox where the user can enter a
four digit number and a button “validate” . Validate the entered
6 number for the following using java script. No zero as the first K3-Apply CO2
digit Entered number must be in ascending order of digits
Write the complete JavaScript to prompt the user for the radius
of the sphere and call function sphere Volume to calculate and
7 K3-Apply CO2
display the volume of the sphere. Use the statement.
To calculate the volume, the user should input the radius
8 through an HTML text field and press an HTML button to K3-Apply CO2
initiate the calculations.
What is the use of HTML Forms? Create a HTML Form page
9 K3-Apply CO2
for Railway Registration Form
10 Write a java script program to develop the arithmetic calculator K3-Apply CO2
Write a java script program to perform the validation process in
11 K3-Apply CO2
an application programs
Using a JavaScript create a web page using two image files ,
12 which switch between one another as the mouse pointer moves K3-Apply CO2
over the images.
IT8501 – Web Technology Unit wise possible questions

S.No Possible Questions K-Level CO

Develop the web page for employee management system and
13 validate all the fields using java script. (Note: The web page K3-Apply CO2
should contain all the html forms control)
Design a web page with a text box (username) where the user
can enter a name and another text box (ID) where the user enter
an only four digit ID.NO and a button “validate”. Validate the
entered username and ID field for the following using java
14 K3-Apply CO2
i.Both the fields should not be empty
ii. Name field should have alphabets
iii. ID field should have numeric.
Write JavaScript for the following. Provide a text box for the
user enter user name. validate the username for the no. of
characters(assume some no. say 6). Provide a SUBMIT button
for the validation to happen. On successful validation display a
15 new page with an image and two text boxes for entering the K3-Apply CO2
width and height of the image respectively with a RESIZE
button below. On clicking the Resize button validate the width
and height numbers and on successful validation display the
image with the requested width and height.
Explain the various event handlers in java script. Give an
16 example of each. Write a java script program to develop the K3-Apply CO2
arithmetic calculator .

Course In-charge Module Coordinator HoD/IT

(Ms.R.Nancy Deborah,AP-III/IT) (Mrs.D.Anandavalli,AP-II/IT) (Dr.R.Perumalraja)

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