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IT8501 – Web Technology Unit wise possible questions

Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai

Department of Information Technology

IT8501 – Web Technology


Host Objects: Browsers and the DOM-Introduction to the Document Object Model DOM
History and Levels-Intrinsic Event Handling-Modifying Element Style-The Document Tree-
DOM Event Handling-Accommodating Noncompliant Browsers Properties of window. Server-
Side Programming: Java Servlets- Architecture -Overview-A Servlet-Generating Dynamic
Content-Life Cycle- Parameter Data-Sessions-Cookies-URL Rewriting-Other Capabilities-Data
Storage Servlets and Concurrency- Databases and Java Servlets.

PART A (2 Marks)
S.No Possible Questions K-Level CO
1 Differentiate SAX with Dom parser (Nov/Dec 2015) K1-Remember CO3
2 Write a short note on java servlet life cycle. (Nov/Dec 2015) K1-Remember CO3
3 Define host objects. (May/June 2014) K1-Remember CO3
4 Write the purpose of URL rewriting. (May/June 2014) K1-Remember CO3
List and explain any four HTML intrinsic event attributes.
5 K1-Remember CO3
(Nov/Dec 2013)
6 What is meant by DHTML? (Nov/Dec 2013) K1-Remember CO3
List the different life cycle methods of Java Servlets. (May/June
7 K1-Remember CO3
8 What is the purpose of cookies? (May/June 2013) K1-Remember CO3
9 List the types of event listeners in DOM2. (Nov/Dec 2012) K1-Remember CO3
10 What is a cookie? (Nov/Dec 2012) K1-Remember CO3
11 What is meant by intrinsic event handling? (May/June 2012) K1-Remember CO3
Explain the servlet API life cycle methods in brief. (May/June
12 K2-Understand CO3
Write code to return the full URL of a document. (Nov/Dec
13 K2-Understand CO3
How is session tracking achieved by URL rewriting? (Nov/Dec
14 K2-Understand CO3
Explain in brief the interaction between a web server and a
15 K2-Understand CO3
servlet. (May/June 2011)
16 List some HTML intrinsic attributes. (May/June 2011) K1-Remember CO3
17 List down the ASP/JSP objects. (Nov/Dec 2010) K1-Remember CO3
18 Compare Servlet and JSP. (Nov/Dec 2010) K2-Understand CO3
Give the importance of a Real One Player Object. (May/June
19 K1-Remember CO3
20 What is the need for Client Side Scripting? (May/June 2010) K1-Remember CO3
21 List any two keyboard events? K1-Remember CO3
22 List any two mouse events? K1-Remember CO3
23 What are Servlets? K1-Remember CO3
24 What are Applets? K1-Remember CO3
25 What do you mean by Server-side? K1-Remember CO3
26 Explain the life cycle methods of a Servlet. K2-Understand CO3
27 What is the difference between the getRequestDispatcher(String K2-Understand CO3
IT8501 – Web Technology Unit wise possible questions

S.No Possible Questions K-Level CO

path) method of javax.servlet.ServletRequest interface and
javax.servlet.ServletContext interface?
28 Explain the directory structure of a web application. K2-Understand CO3
29 What are the common mechanisms used for session tracking? K1-Remember CO3
30 Explain about Session tracking. K2-Understand CO3
31 Explain Servlet Context K2-Understand CO3
32 What is pre-initialization of a servlet? K1-Remember CO3
What is the difference between Difference between doGet() and
33 K2-Understand CO3
34 What is the difference between HttpServlet and GenericServlet? K2-Understand CO3
What is the difference between ServletContext and
35 K2-Understand CO3
i.Explain the Document tree in detail. (Nov/Dec 2015)
1 K2-Understand CO3
ii.Explain DOM event handling in detail. (Nov/Dec 2015)
i.Explain in detail about the dynamic content generation by a
servlet with an example. (Nov/Dec 2015)
2 K2-Understand CO3
ii.Explain how java servlets perform session handling.
(Nov/Dec 2015)
i.Descibe the ways of generating dynamic content using
servlets. (May/June 2014)
3 K2-Understand CO3
ii.Briefly explain the importance of Document Object Model.
(May/June 2014)
Discuss the ways of storing and accessing information using
4 K2-Understand CO3
cookies and handling associates issues. (May/June 2014)
List and explain the various types of document nodes. (Nov/Dec
5 K2-Understand CO3
Explain in detail about event listeners with an example.
6 K2-Understand CO3
(Nov/Dec 2013)
7 Explain the servlet life cycle with an example. (Nov/Dec 2013) K2-Understand CO3
8 Explain about architecture of servlet. (May/June 2013) K2-Understand CO3
Explain the purpose of the following DOM methods and
properties. (May/June 2013)
(1) Get Element By Id
9 (2) Create Element K2-Understand CO3
(3) Create Text Node
(4) Append child
(5) Parent Node.
Discuss about the architecture and life cycle of a servlet.
10 K2-Understand CO3
(Nov/Dec 2012)
Explain the document tree in detail. (May/June 2012, May/June
11 K2-Understand CO3
Explain DOM event handling in detail. (May/June 2012,
12 K2-Understand CO3
May/June 2011)
Explain in detail with an example the dynamic content
13 K2-Understand CO3
generation by a servlet. (May/June 2012)
Explain how java servlets perform session handling. (May/June
14 K2-Understand CO3
15 What is a session? Explain how client state is maintained using K2-Understand CO3
IT8501 – Web Technology Unit wise possible questions

S.No Possible Questions K-Level CO

session and also explain about session tracking and session
management using an example. (Nov/Dec 2011)
Explain the Servlet operation in detail with a sample servlet
16 K2-Understand CO3
program. (May/June 2011)
17 Explain the concept of Servlets with an example program K2-Understand CO3
Explain about applet to servlet communication with example
18 K2-Understand CO3
Explain about applet-to-applet communication with example
19 K2-Understand CO3
20 Explain about servlet interfaces with snippet code? K2-Understand CO3
What are attributes are available for servlet and explain each of
21 K2-Understand CO3
What do mean by Connection pooling? Explain it with an
22 K2-Understand CO3
23 What is HTTP Tunneling? Explain with an example K2-Understand CO3
What\'s the difference between sendRedirect( ) and forward( )
24 K2-Understand CO3
methods? Explain each with an example
List down the methods of GenericServlet .Explain ach of them
25 K2-Understand CO3
with an example
List down the methods of HttpServlet .Explain each of them
26 K2-Understand CO3
with an example
List down the methods of SevletConfig .Explain each of them
27 K2-Understand CO3
with an example
List down the methods of Servletcontext .Explain each of them
28 K2-Understand CO3
with an example
29 Explain implicit objects with example K2-Understand CO3
30 Explain about JSP expressions K2-Understand CO3
31 Explain about JSP actions with example K2-Understand CO3
Write down the differences between <jsp: include> and
32 K2-Understand CO3
<@include…> with example
33 Briefly explain about Java Server Pages technology K2-Understand CO3
Why do I need JSP technology if I already have servlets? And
34 K2-Understand CO3
explain the features of JSP over servlet.
35 Explain how are the JSP requests handled with an example? K2-Understand CO3
36 What are Directives? Explain about JSP diecives. K2-Understand CO3
37 Explain in details about taglib . K2-Understand CO3
38 Explain the concepts of JSP directives with suitable example. K2-Understand CO3
39 Explain the various session tracking mechanisms. K2-Understand CO3
40 Explain the architechture of a Servlet? K2-Understand CO3
41 Explain life cycle of a Servlet? K2-Understand CO3
42 What is Servlet Chaining? Explain with an example K2-Understand CO3
43 Explain the concepts of Servlet chaining and communications. K2-Understand CO3
44 Explain about session tracking. K2-Understand CO3
Explain the feature of Multi-tier application using servlet
45 K2-Understand CO3
46 Explain the Servlet architecture with its functionality. K2-Understand CO3
47 What is DOM? Explain its usage with HTML with an example. K2-Understand CO3
48 Compare JSP with servlets. K2-Understand CO3
Discuss the traditional methods of session tracking techniques
49 K2-Understand CO3
in servlet explain with example.
IT8501 – Web Technology Unit wise possible questions

S.No Possible Questions K-Level CO

Explain the servlet life cycle model and explain javax.servlet
50 K2-Understand CO3
51 Explain the various Java Script objects & Host objects K2-Understand CO3
What is DOM? Draw the detailed DOM objects structure.
52 K2-Understand CO3
Explain with its usage
PART C (15 Marks)
Write a servlet to illustrate the principles of Cookies and
1 K3-Apply CO3
Explain. (May/June 2013)
With a simple example illustrate how the elements of the
2 HTML document tree structure can be accessed using K3-Apply CO3
javascript. (Nov/Dec 2012)
Explain in detail DOM event handling. Also explain with an
example of creating a context menu. [Note: A context menu is
3 K3-Apply CO3
one that that is shown when the user right-clicks anywhere in
the document]. (Nov/Dec 2011)
Create an ASP/JSP application that allows the user to customize
a Web page. Store the user’s name and preferences in a text file.
The application should consist of three ASP/JSP files: one that
asks the user to login and reads from the text file to determine if
the user is known. If the user is not known, a second ASP/JSP
4 file is loaded asking the user to choose their preference for K3-Apply CO3
foreground color, background color and image. Write the new
user’s name and preferences to the text file. Next, display the
page customized to this user using the user’s preferences that
are stored in the text file. If the user is known at login, the
normal page should be displayed? (Nov/Dec 2010)
Write a servlet program to implement session tracking using
5 K3-Apply CO3
HTTP session object.
Develop an HTML document to generate ballot form for an
election. The votes submitted are recorded on the server by a
6 K3-Apply CO3
servlet handling the form. Cookies must be used to prevent
multiple votes by the same client.
Explain DOM. Write a Javascript Program to validate Radio
7 K3-Apply CO3
Button,CHECKBOX and OPTION fields.
Write a HTTP servlet program to authenticate a user and
8 retrieve all information from a HTML registration Form and K3-Apply CO3
store in a given data base.

Course In-charge Module Coordinator HoD/IT

(Ms.R.Nancy Deborah,AP-III/IT) (Mrs.D.Anandavalli,AP-II/IT) (Dr.R.Perumalraja)

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