Disaster Report Indramayu & Bandung

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Pertamina Oil Refinery in Balongan, Indramayu, Burned

Pertamina's oil refinery complex in Balongan, Indramayu Regency exploded and caught fire in
the early hours of Monday (29/3). Reported by Antaranews, the location of the burning oil
refinery is the sixth of the seven refineries at the Refinery Directorate of PT Pertamina (Persero).
At the time of the incident, the conditions around the location were under heavy rain
accompanied by lightning. According to a report from the BPBD Indramayu Rapid Response
Team (TCR), the fire that occurred in three units of the premium 42 T 301 A / B / C tank had an
impact on five villages. The five villages are Balongan, Rawadalem, Sukareja, Sukaurip,
Tegalurung. As for the temporary victim data, until Monday morning there were 5 seriously
injured, 15 minor injured, 3 people were still in search and caused 912 people to be evacuated.
The cause of the fire itself is still being investigated, but the provisional suspicion is that there
was a leak in the fuel line around the location. PT Pertamina also conducted a shutdown or
temporary suspension of oil processing operations.

A tornado occurred in Cimenyan, Bandung

The big tornado hit Mekarsaluyu Village, Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency on Sunday
(28/3) afternoon. The incident occurred around 16.00, which was accompanied by heavy rain and
hail. According to Budi Budiman Wahyu, manager of Pusdalops PB BPBD Bandung, the
incident occurred due to the high intensity of rainfall and the direction of the wind from the
wetlands to the top. As a result, the wind speed was so high that it knocked down several trees
and cut off road access. This incident alone resulted in damage to at least 298 housing units, 2
educational facilities, 1 village office and 1 mosque. Reported by CNN Indonesia, the Chief
Executive of the Bandung BPBD Daily, Akhmad Johara, also stated that two people were
seriously injured and three were slightly injured, and two trees fell on a car.

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