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Republic of the Philippines fief VIRAC WATER DISTRICT San Isidro Village, Vir, Ctanduanes Mobile No, 0931-891-2854 E-mail Excerpts from the Minutes of the VIWAD Board of Directors’ 23 Regular Board Meeting held at the Virac Water District Board Room, San Isidro Village, Virac, Catanduanes on 03 December 2024 BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 53 SERIES OF 2024 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE PUBLIC SERVICE CONTINUITY PLAN AND RESPONSE MANUAL OF VIRAC WATER DISTRICT (VIWAD) WHEREAS, the nee of Directors has thoroughly reviewed and deliberated the Management's proposed Pubit ic Service Continuity Pian and Response Manual and hereby deciared its approval and adoption, which serves as an all-hazard plan to ensure and improve continuity capabilities of Virac Water District amidst any interruption; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion duly made by Dir. Aida A. Dianela and seconded by Dir. Ronald Oscar G. Lim, BE IT RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, to approve and adopt the Public Service Continuity Plan and Response Manual of Virac Water District (VIWAD). APPROVED and CONFIRMED, this 3“ day of December 2021, in Virac, Catanduanes. o ee Sad ce RONALD OSCAR G. LIM Dr. AIDA A, DIANELA Secretary Treasurer (Absent) ee “a / Rev. Fr. RENATO R. DELA ROSA NI ROOY Vice-Chairperson Chairperson/Presiding Officer Prepared by: DISASTER. UUCTION COMMITTEE si ‘AN ‘Actidg Admin. & General Service Division Manager EUGENE, TAYOBANA Project Pighning & Development Office B ROMANO. F.DELAROSA Laboratory Technician Member Ma. AMEDYN M. TABLIZO UtiltieCustomer Service Office B Secretary de Republic of the Philippines VIRAC WATER DISTRICT Virac, Catanduanes Mobile No. 09318912854 Email Address PUBLIC SERVICE CONTINUITY PLAN & RESPONSE MANUAL _ TABLE-OF Cl INTRODUCTION 1. BACKGROUND 1 J, VIRAC WATER DISTRICT. 2 II PURPOSE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN 2 IV. DEFINITION OF TERMS 3 CHAPTER 2 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND RESPONSE STRUCTURE L COMPOSITION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEAM 4 i. FUNCTIONS 6 I, THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM 6 IV. COMPOSITION OF EMERGENCY RESPOSE TEAM 6 V. DUTIES OFALL EMPLOYEES 8 Vi DESIGNATED EMERGENCY AREAS 9 CHAPTER 3 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND RESPONSE POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. I. POLICIES wo 1. GUIDELINES 10 CHAPTER 4 EMERGENCIES 1. TYPES OF EMERGENCIES u CHAPTER 5 EMERGENCY ALERT LEVELS 1. WATER SUPPLY SERVICE CRISIS 1s i. NON-WATER SUPPLY SERVICE CRISIS 16 CHAPTER 6 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND RESPONSE FRAMEWORK FLOWCHART 1. FRAMEWORK 7 IL, STANDARD RESPONSE FLOWCHART is CHAPTER 7 EMERGENCY SPECIFIC RESPONSE A. EARTHQUAKE wy B. TYPHOON/ HURRICANE/TORNADO 20 C. DROUGHT 20 D. FLASH FLOOD 2 E, BOMB THREAT 23 F, HOSTAGE-TAKING 27 G. TERRORIST ATTACK 29 H. ROBBERY aya 1 THEFT 33 J. PANDEMIC RESULTING FROM CONTAMINATED WATER 34 K. FIRE 35 L. VOLCANIC ERUPTION 36 M. SOFTWARE FAILURE 37 N, POWER FAILURE 37 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION PLAN 38 APPENDICES APPENDIX A MEDIA QUERY LOG APPENDIX B-1 TEMPLATE MEDIA STATEMENT AT THE ONSET OF ANEMERGNCY APPENDIX B-2 TEMPLATE MEDIA STATEMENT AT THE ONSET OF AN EMERGENCY (TAGALOG VERSION) APPENDIXC LIST OF POSSIBLE COMMUNICATION CHANNEL SDURINGAN EMERGENCYSITUATION APPENDIX D GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING A NEWS RELEASE APPENDIX E. WORKING WITH THE MEDIA IN AN EMERGENCY: SPOKESPERSON MEDIA TRAINING TIPS APPENDIX F - DIRECTORY PRINT AND BROADCAST MEDIA APPENDIX G - DIRECTORY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEAMMEMBERS/EMERGENCYRESPONSETEAMMEMBERS APPENDIX H - DIRECTORY HOSPITALSANDCLINICSWITHINTHEVICINITYOFGUIMBA WATER DISTRICT APPENDIX I - DIRECTORY LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICES APPENDIX J - DIRECTORY WATER SECTOR/NATIONALGOVERNMENT AGENCIES 44 & a a7 y 53 58 6 62 L BACKGROUND Climate change is posing a great risk globally and that includes the water service industry ~ basic human need. Itis crucial that in the times of disaster a water supply 's operational as soon es possible to minimize the increased threats to human health The recent deluge of disasters in many parts ofthe world has provoked governments around the world to put in place Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan. In the Philppines, we have Republic Act No. 10241 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 which institutionalizes risk reduction and management plans at the local level. Among others, the law mandales the creations oflocal risk reduction and mangement office in all provinces, cies, miunicipaliies anc barangays which shall be responsible for setting the direction, development, implementation and coordination of disaster risk management programs within their terior jurisdiction, Pursuant to Memorandum No. 33, s. 2018 of the National Disaster Risk Management Control all government member agencies of the Disaster Risk Reduction Management (ORRM) Councils at all level, all goverment departments, ofices, bureaus, services , units and instrumentaliies are enjoined to develop their own Public Service Continuity Plan (PSCP). Thus, Virac Water District is asked fo come up with a framework for PSCP to ensure the government to continuously function during an emergency or disasters. Virac Water District is expected to be at the frontine of emergency measures in the aftermaln of disasters to ensure the general welfare ofits concessionaires Though one must always remember thatit is not alvays possible to completely eliminate rsk, extensive experience and practice in the past have demonstrated that the damage caused by any disaster can be minimized largely by disaster preparedness, response, prevention and mitigation and rehabilitation and recovery, The Public Service Continuity Plan of the Virec Water Districts to be seen as an information guide to the relevant roe players. Itis a continuing process to be developed and it wll always be everybody's business The workflow and coorcination is supposed to ensure and facilitate quick response before, during and after disaster situations. Il. VIRAC WATER DISTRICT Brief Historical Background VIRAC WATER DISTRICT (VIWAD) started as a subsidiary office ofthe then National Water services Administration (NAWASA) under the Department of Public Works’ waterworks projects. On October 12, 1981, purusuant fo presidential Decree 198 othenwise known as the Provincial Water Ulities Act of 1973, as amended, the Sangguniang Bayan of Virec issued Municipal Resolution No. 26 s. 1981 creating Virac Water District. On February 4, 1982, the Local Water Uilites Administration (LWUA) issued Certficate of Conditional Conformance (CCC) No. 181 which granted authority to VIWAD to operate as a Government Owned and Controlled Corporation, an autonomous unit poltcally and economically independent from the local government, Coverage of Franchise Area ‘The franchise area of Vireo Weter Districts the munigpalty of Vireo a fist class municipalty and cepital town of the province of Calancanes. The municipality has a land area of 152.40 square kilometers of 58.84 square miles which constitutes 10.21% of Calanduanes's toll area. ts population as determined by the 2020 Census was 78,520. This represented 28.14% af the total population of Catanduanes province, or 1.28% the overal pgpulation ofthe Bicol Region. Based on these figures, the population density is computed at 802 inhabitants per square kilometer or 1,200 inhabitants per souaremile, As of December 31, 2020, Virac water Distict serves a tetal of 8,563 conoessionaitesin 29 ofthe 63 barangays of its entre ranchise area trenslated to an estimatedtoal population served of 42,830, based onthe PSA computed average family sze of Emergency Management Vira Water District has cteated Quick Response Team thats on cal for raping leaks that happen beyond office hours or during weekends and holidays. The QRT is composed of technical staff from the Construction and Production Division. IIL PURPOSE OF PUBLIC SERVICE CONTINUITY PLAN This Public Service Continuity Plan aims to ensure the least possible impact on water supply of Virac Water Districts during and after emergency and cisaster situations. Specifically, this plan amsto 1. Provide policies and procedures to maintain quantily anc qualty of service even during adverse concitions 2. Identify potential crisis situations and the methods for responding to these situations quickly and effectively; 3. Facilitate decision-making on critical issues in a potentially stressful environment and define responsiolities androles during an emergency situation; 4, Establsh guidelines in addressing public relations and communications issues that may potentally arise from an emergency, dealing with the meda and communiceting with the concessionaires, 5. Protect employees and concessionaires, both minimizing injury and maintaining their security and integrity; Protect the properties of Virac Water Distro 7. The plan integrates existing operational crisis response plans managed by the three (3) Divisions of Virac Water District. Further, the plan is intended to facilitate organized decision-making in times of crisis and is designed to be used in conjunction with the normal decision-making hierarchy of Virac Water District Definition of Terms Unless ctherutse specified, the following words shall mean: Crisis —any unexpected event or series of events that asthe potental to, or Goes presertly, significantly impact andlor challenge the public's perception ofthe safety of product. and the integity of service of Virac Water District Crisis Communication - the flow of informetion duringa crisis among an organization, itsemployees, the mada, the government, aw enforcement and the general pubic Controversial issues - siuations of growing controversy or negative cimate that threaten the reputation crgarizatonal, legal, of financial stability of Virac WD. Itrray indude poloe investigations, protests andsimilar situations. Emergency - an abnormal stuation requring prompt action beyond normal procedures as it threatens human life, safely, health, property or the environment Response - actions taken during @ crisis to minimize the impact of an emergency, protect the water supply, andreturn thewaler system tonnomal operating condtions Service ~ shall mean water supply service unless othenwise specified Triage — the process of sorting victims, as of a batlle or disaster, lo determine medical priority in order to increase ‘the number ofsurvivars. Iv. ACRONYMS EMP - Emergency Management Plan EMT - Emergency Management Team ERT - Emergency Response Team DILG - Department ofthe Interior and Local Government DOH - Department of Health FOD - Field Operations Division HOA Homeowners’ Association LGU = Local Government Unit NGA National Government Agenoy PNP Philippine National Police SOP - Standard Operating Procecure —— —>=AND-RESPONS'! There shall be an Emergency Management Team which shall immediately c crisis for the declaration of alert levels and such other instructions to cope with the crisis. The EMT is divided into three (3) teams: 1" Team: Early Warning Team (Prevention, Mitigation and Preparedness); 2"! Team: Rescue & Evacuation Team (Recovery and Rehabilitation) 3 Team: Assessment & Needs Analysis Team (Recovery and Rehabilitation), EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEAM (emn) nvene in the event of a Emergency Response Team 4 Emergency Response Team 2 Emergency Response Team 3 (Early Warning) (Rescue and Evacuation) (Assessment & Needs Analysis) L COMPOSITION OF THE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEAM The Emergency Management Team is the functional organ in charge of planning, organizing and guiding the use cof human, material and nancial resources, and implementation of any mitigation, prevention, preparedness, responce, rehabilitation orreconstuction activities regarding emergencies or disasters The Team is composed of the following REGULAR TEAM COMPOSITION * Direct and coordinate al aspects ofthe organtaton's General Manager , fesignat response during acrisis situation (Team Leader) h Direcis end monitors the emergency aciviies Assignspetsonnelas needed Division Manager- 0 10 fe ‘Oversees repair of damaged fadilies and equipment and Construction & ve pe fakes actions fo prevent further deterioration Production NNotfies and updates the EMT on the status of water quel production and dstibution immediately before, during and immediately after the crisis Assists in determining when the resumption ofnormal operation can begin Assesses the conditions of structural, electrcal,and ‘mechanical components ofall facilties of Vac Water including but not limited to the Water Treatment Plant, pumping stations and reservoirs Division Manager Finance & Commercial Division Wanager — Administrative & General services Senior Industrial Relations Management Officer Ensures avalebiily of personnd and maleials and] maintains a current lst of personne! location In the event of evacuation, account forall personne ang} immediately inform CMT of any missing personnel Facilitates flow of information to employees Coordinates the administration of First Aid including the identification and disposition of people} receiving such care. Ensures thet avaliatle funds are mobiized quickly ano eect for the procurement of supplies and peyment| for services Ensures avaiabllly of in-house and rental vetides ancl machinery for quick mobiization Neintains an updated list of supplies and contracts of agreements specicaly designed for emergency response Deterrines the safest route out of an emergency areal and ensures security of people and property Provides fhe CMT with information regarding custome feedback and complaints andfaditates flow of information to concessionaires Ensures that offca statements regarding the crisis is] communicated to all concessionaires Establishes and manages a Pubic Relations area ana| Media Room curing an emergency situation Serves 2s liaison to the media, and issue official statements during endin the immediate wake of2crists Coordinates the flow of information Briefs the media regarding the situaton Maintains a list of people who are authorized to speak io the media, and consultforiet these| spokespersons before and aftr they speak with the media II. FUNCTIONS OF THE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEAM ‘The chief role of the EMT is to make the decisions needed to ensure that water supply and services are restored at the shortesttime possibie afer a disaster. Specifically, the EMT shall ‘© Declereasstateofalertlbased onthe relevant protocols established by this Plan © Set upthe emergency and dsasterctfice or unit ‘© Monitor the review andimplementation of tis Plan ‘© Coordinate the planned actions withthe Emergency Response Teams © Monitor the staf training on emergency procedures, which should include both theory and practice ‘© Assign prarties, coordnata, and oversee {he appropiate use of resources during an emergency ‘© Forge and maintain communications and coordination with the public instilutions responsible for errergency and disaster risk managerrent, both atthe local and national level ‘© Maintain contact with private companies such as suppliers of equioment, chemical products and pipes, professional associations, andsubcontractors ‘= Cocrdinateemergency anddisasterresponse etfor's with the ERT ‘© Support the actions of the ERT whenever thereis a need for intervention athigher level ‘* Oversee the implementation of communication and information dissemination procedures, both within and outside of the company ‘© Approve and secure the necessary financing for prevention and mitigation programs TI. COMPOSITION OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAMS The Emergency Response Teams are the first line of defense in emergencies. The ERT confronts an emergency situation end carry aut the rehabilitation of the services according to the Emergency Management Plan, and cooperates in the execution of the vulnerability analyses and the prevention end mitigation programs Specifically, the ERT coordinates and guides emergency preparedness, response end rehabiliaton effots in their respacive areas ofresponstiy as wal as other functions designatedby the EMT + Paridpates in postdsester reconstruction to ensurethattherehabltated systems vunerabiiyis reduoed + Designs or carias out he vulnerabilty assessment and water supply mitigation programs; ‘+ Participates in the irporavement of the company's Emergency Management Ranandensures thatit is up lo date. EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM COMPOSITION ERT1 Early Warning + Division Manager - Construction & Production (Prevention, Mitigation and Preparedness) |* Administrative & General Services Officer ‘Team Leader: Division Manager: Constucton & Production + Water Resource Facilities Operators 10 Provide warning in close coordination with warning] agencies and through all available means (othe service areas, concessionaites and employees and providing a clear understanding of what to expect and advises on] appropriate precautionary measures to be undertaken; Alett the VIWAD EMT and closely monitor the conduct of disaster response operations, mobilizing additional resources available as may be needed in the field; Maintain an updated database of relevant baseline information (Pump Stations); Document all past disaster situations to include af review of the pre-post disaster activities undertaken] ‘and maintain a database of these documents; Determine courses of actions to be taken based on the recommendation of the Team Leader; Coordinates with the Rescue and Evacuation Team of the operations being undertaken and those to be implemented ERT2 Rescue & Evacuation (Disaster Response) Team Leader Division Manager- Administrative & General Services Division Manager- Administrative & General Services Sr. Industrial Relations Management Officer Storekeeper Foreman Inspector Technical Stafi/Field Workers/Plumbers Ensure availabilty of personnel end materials and maintain @ current list of personnel location; In the event of evacuation, account all personnel and immediately inform the VIWADEMT of any missing personnel; © Facillate flow of information to all employees; © Coordinate the administration of First Aid including the identifcation ane d'sposiion of people receiving such cate: Ensure that available funds are mobilized quickly and effectively for he procurement of supplies and payment of services; Ensure the availablity of in-house and rental vehicles and machinery for quick mobikzatton Determine the safest route of an emergency area and ensure seounty of people and property; Assist the Police in determining the disasters and situations; In case of fire, assigns a sub-group to the fire scene and coordinate with the BFP to prevent looting and looters, Systematically store properties brought fo the evacuation area and safeguard their release to their respective owners; Maintains a guarding system for personnel, materials and other installations Make an inventory of the retumed documents, equioment, and supplies and submit a report of losses/dameges to the Team Leader and who shall submit the same to the GM; Maintain an adequate sanitation and hygienic standards and deal with matters related to emergency services; Monitor the storage of medicines, goods, food, drinking water, equipment, machineries and other supplies; Organize and supervise the evacuation, search and rescue, fre suppression and rehebiltaion Sysiematicaly evaluate personnel, properties and records during emergency situations; Upon receiat of information from the Early Warming Team, the team shall mmedately establish an evacuation area and take charge of evacuation in the following order of priorty: cccupents of the bu ding, especially the injured; cash; valuable documents and records; personal belongings of personnel; office equipment and other movable facilites; ‘© Locate/remove injured or trapped persons in the area; © Coordinate with MDRRMC and other response agencies on matters relative to search and rescue operations ERT 3 * Division Managers © Evaluate crisis situations and determine courses of Damage Assessment | Construction & Production; actions to be followed, formulate guidelines in Jand Needs Analysis Finance & Commercial assessing the situations; Assess information and advise the Team Leader of the} (Disaster and + Customer Service VIWAD EMT on possible measures to be undertaken it Recovery order to lessen the impact of the crisis; Rehabilitation) + Water Maintenance Man Submit recommendation for allocation of needed resource ‘Team Leader: Division + Supply and Propety Officer IManeger, Construction & Production Division and IV. DUTIES OF ALL EMPLOYEES ‘© Know the crisis plan and follow them when initiated ‘® Know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher in all areas they may enter eA cconcessionaires and guests who are within the premises during emergencies © If anevacuation alarm sounds, evacuate immediately to designated assembly area V. DESIGNATED EMERGENCY AREAS THE COMMAND POST In order to respond in a coordinated fashion to an emergency or disaster, the Conference Room at the Office of the General Manager is designated as Command Post. It shall be the meeting place of the EMT and all other key personnel as may be called upon by the Team Leader during an emergency situation. The EMT command post shall be at the control and disposal of the EMT Team Leader, or the EMT Assistant Team Leader, in case of theTeam Leader's unavailability. 2 ASSEMBLY AREA In disasters where there is a need to evacuate employees and concessionaires outside the Premises of ‘Virac Water District, the assembly area shall be OPEN PARKING AREA MAIN OFFICE Umali Gym San Isidro Village MEDIA ROOM Briefing for media will be held at the Board Room at the Main Office. TRIAGE AREA ‘The triage area for the injured shall be the same as the assembly areas. ~~ AND GUIDELINE al POLICIES Virac Water District recognizes that emergency management starts before the onset a crisis and requires comprehensive preparation during routine operations. Virac Water District recognizes the need to maintain quantity of safe water and quality of service during emergency situations. Thus, it will implement measures designed to immediately restore water service and appropriate the necessary funds for this purpose. Water District recognizes that each operating unit has an important role to play during acrisis and that their roles and responsibilities have to be properly defined and delineated to ensure that the primary duty of VWAD of delivering safe and potable water is not disrupted Virac Water District recognizes the need to inform all stakeholders of any situation that will affect public health and safety, damage the environment, or disrupt domestic activities. Thus, it will ensure that correct information will cascade to them at the soonest possible time during emergency situations, Virac Water District recognizes the importance of media relations and its role in building public trust and bolstering public confidence in the quality of the product and integrity of service of VIWAD. In times of crises, VIWAD will coordinate with the media, provide them with correct and timely information, and continuously update them about the status of servicerestoration, and entertain their questions. Virac Water District recognizes that employees share in the responsibility of disseminating correct information — to take in information that is communicated, to share information as appropriate, and to contribute to dialogue restrictions and confidentiality. Virac Water District recognizes the need to continuously improve the Emergency Management Plan and shall exert time and resources towards this end. GUIDELINES All emergencies, potential or actual, should be reported to the supervisor and the General Manager immediately. Unless otherwise designated by the EMT, only the Emergency Management Team Leader and the Sr. Industrial Relations Development Officer are authorized to release information to the media and to the public. All other officers and staff should be helpful to the media by connecting them with the authorized spokesperson. ‘The Emergency Management Team Leader is the lead person in directing and coordinating all aspects of the organization’s response. All instructions shall come from him and all reports shall be directed to him. All statements shall be guided by professionalism and transparency, and serve to mitigate the crisis. As much as possible, responses shall be proactive, responsive, objective, and action- oriented. Personnel matters as well as personal information of management staff are to remain confidential. Not every emergency is covered by this preset plans. In these cases, use one’s best judgment, and coordinate with the authorities and subordinates. 14 I. TYPES OF EMERGENCIES Depending on their origin emergencies may be classified into two: a) Those caused by natural phenomena b) Those caused by human activity Those emergencies may further be categorized into two: a) Water Supply Service Emergency ~ those which may potentially and directly affect the water system, and consequently, the continuous provision of water supply. and b) Non-Water Supply Service Emergency - those that will not affect provision of water supplybut willpotentially harm or distort the public image of VIWAD and the goodwill that it has established, or put to risk the health and lifeofits employees or its concessionaire. WATER SUPPLY SERVICE EMERG CY SITUATIONS The following are Water Supply Service Emergency Situations: SITUATION DESCRIPTION, EFFECTS ON WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS Earthquake Volcanic eruptions “Movement in the earth's erust, the main cause of earthquakes, deform the rocks below the earth's surface and build up} energy that is suddenly released in the form| of seismic waves that shake the surface, Earthquakes are one of the most serious hazards, given their enormous destructive potential, the ext and the impossi occurrence. ‘Volcanic eruptions result from the re- Tease of energy caused by the movement of magma near the earth’s surface, The volume and| magnitude of the eruption varies} depending on the quantity of gases, the| viscosity of the magma and the| permeability of the ducts and chimneys of the voleano. Tol or partial destruction of intake, trans-| jon, treatment, storage, and distribution systems Rupture of transmission and distributio pipes Interruption of clectrie power ‘communication lines, and access routes Deterioration of the water quality at the| source due to landslides and other} phenomena Loss or reduction in yields from groundwate sources and surface water sources Total destruction of the infrastructure in the areas directly affected by pyroclastic flows and surges Obstruction caused by ash infiltrating surface water intakes, intake screens, transmission pipes, flocculators, clarifiers, and filters Deterioration of the water quality at surface intakes and open reservoirs due to ash falls Contamination of rivers, streams and springs in lahar depositionareas Landslides Hurricanes! Severe storms/ typhoons ‘Massive power failure Landslides are the result of sudden o1 gradual changes in the composition structure, hydrology or vegetation o sloping terrain. They are often closely] linked to primary hazards such a earthquakes or water saturation caused by hurricanes or intense rainfall Floods are the result of excessivel rainfall, unusually high sea levels, or the rupture of dams and dikes. Increasingly floods result fiom human activit causing environmental — degradation, deforestation, and inappropriate land use, On the other hand, some floods are the result of the changes in geomorphology and climatology o ‘water catchment areas Droughts are prolonged dry periods during natural climatic cycles, caused by a complex set of hydro meteorological} elements that affect the soil and the atmosphere Depending on wind speeds. these| natural phenomena are called tropical depressions (winds up to 63 knvh| accompanied by changes in atmospheric} pressure), tropical storms (winds between 64 and 119 km/h accompanied by| intense rainfall), or hurricanes (wind| speedsof120knvhor higher, accompanied] by heavy rainfall and significant changes in atmospheric pressure) Ttisa short- or long-term loss of the electric power covering avery wide area, 16 Changes in the physical or chemical| characteristics of intake water, which will] affect treatment ‘Total or partial destruction of the facilities, particularly intake and transmission] components in the path of active] landslides: Contamination of the water at surface intakes located in mountainous areas Damage fo pumping stations close to flooding waterways Rupture of exposed pipes across and alongrivers and streams Contamination in water catchment areas Power cuts, road blockages, and disruption of communications Intrusion of salt water into continental] aquifers, contaminating or reducing the availability of groundwater Loss or reduction of surface and groundwater sources and deterioration of water quality A decline in water levels at intake points and in storage facilities Compulsory rationing of water supply Partial or total damage to facilities, command posts and buildings, including] broken windows, damaged roofs, and flooding Rupture of main sand pipes in exposed areas, suchas overriversand streams Rupture or disjointing of pipes in mountainous areas due to landslides and] water torrents Rupture and damage to tanks and reservoirs: Damage to electrical transmission lines and] distribution systems, Total or partial disruption of water supply NON-WATER SUPPLY SERVICE The following are Non-Water Supply Service Emergencies: SITUATION ‘DESCRIPTION Potential Rffects Robbery ‘Bomb Threat/ Explosion Terrorist Allack/ Sabotage Robbery is the crime of taking o1 attempting to take something of value by force or threat of force or by putting the} victim in fear. Among the types ol robbery are armed robbery involving use of a weapon, Theft is the taking of another person's} property without that person’s permission or knowledge with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it ‘A bomb threat is generally defined as a threat, usually verbal or written, to detonate an explosive or incendiar device to cause property damage, death, 0 injuries, whether or not such a device] actually exists. Explosion is a violent release of energy that ‘may cause injury and/or damage to property A situation involving actual or threatened violence, which can be sudden and] random in nature. In a workplace setting} sabotage is the conscious withdrawal of efficiency generally directed at causing some change in work place conditions. TERGENCY SITUATIONS Panic among employees and concessionaires within the premises o! Virac Water District Affect cash flow Injury, or possibly death, if not properly managed impact on public image(erosion of public trust and confidence on capability to deliver service) Negative impact on employee's morale and performance May affect cash flow Panic among employees and concessionaires within the premises of Virac Water District Affect cash flow Injury, or possibly death, if not properly managed Damage to fi ‘Water service interruption Panic among employees and concessionaires with in the premises of Virae Water District Water service interruption Injury, or possibly death, if not properly managed ‘The destructive burning of a building and other Water District facilities. 7 ‘Negative impact on public image(erosion of public trust and confidence on capability o deliver service) Panic among employees and concessionaires within the premises of Virac Water District Possible water service interruption Injury, or possibly death, if not properly managed Work Stoppage Suicide/ Death within the premises| ‘Misinformation (Chemical Spills Mass refusal of employees to work, usually] twking place as a result of unresolved| employee grievances. ‘Suicide isthe act of intentionallyending one’s own life. Death is the end of life resulting from various factors. The act of disseminating false/malicious information among the concessionaires, the employees or other stakeholders of the agency either by somebody within the agency or a third person with the intent of destroying the public image ofthe agency (Chemical spillage/leak that may pose a threat to the environment, and human lifeand health. Refers to the behaviour or widely publicized allegation or set of allegations that damages (or ties to damage) the reputation of an institution, individual or creed. These maybe based on true or false allegations or a mixture of both. 18 Negative impact on public image(erosion cof public's trust and confidence on} capability to deliver service) Sales Drop Slower productivity ‘Negative impact on public image(erosion| cof public’s trust and confidence on] capabilityto deliver service) Panic employees and cconcessionaites within. the premises. of Virac Water District Possible water service interruption Injury, or possibly death, if not properly managed Death in the premises will require specific handling of the corpse ‘Negative impact on public image(erosion cof public’s trust and confidence —on| capability to deliver service) Conflict among the employees which] may affect productivity among Cause of death or injury if inhaled by| humans Degrade the environment Pollute the atmosphere, groundwater, soil wetlands and waterways causing danger to human health and even deaths ‘Negative impact on public image(eroston| of publie’s trust and confidence on| capability (o deliver service) Negative impact on employee’s morale and| productivity For purposes of the declaration of crisis level, crises shall be categorized whether itis water supply service crisis or non-water supply service crisis. I. ALERTLEVELS WATER SUPPLY SERVICE CRISIS A water service crisis that would necessitate the activation and execution of this Emergency Management Plan will be based on THE SEVERITY OF DAMAGE TO ITS CAPABILITY TO SUPPLY its service area, suchdamage to be measured based on DURATION of non-delivery of service and the EXTENT of affected area, Level4 Level 3 Long duration Long duration Small Largeservicearea servicearea affected affected Level2 Level Short duration Short duration Largeservicearea ‘Smallservicearea Se affected Wher Level 1— Classified as short duration of crisis situation(less than one day) and with less than25%of the service area affected, or that which may result to easily-managed and controlled damage or effect. Level 2~ Classified as short duration of crisis situation (less than one day) and with a 25% - 69% of the service area allected, or that which may result (o significant but manageable damage or effect. Level 3 ~ Classified as long duration of crisis situation (more than one day) and with 25% - 69% service area alfected,orthat which may result(o significant and more complicated management of the damage ore Level 4 — Classified as long duration of crisis situation (more than one day) and with 70% - 100% of the service areaaffected, orthat which may resul(o substantial and catastrophic damage oreffeet tothe facilities, In the case of gradual onset emergencies as in typhoons and slow-rising floods, alert levels may be declared By the Emergency Management Team in order to take appropriate measures and address potential effects of the phenomenon in question, Ina Level 1 Emergency, information dissemination shall be confined within the affected area, including thebarangay covering the area. 19 Tn a Level 2 Emergency, information dissemination shall be confined within the affected area but the Emergency Response Team for Public Information and Media Relations (ERT2) shall immediately monitor news, blogs and other websites for inaccuracies. The Emergency Response Team for Service and Facilities (ERT!) shall provide updated information to ERT2 on the progress of service restoration and delivery. InaLevel3Emergency, information dissemination shall be confined within the affected area but the Emergency Response Team for Public Information and Media Relations (ERT2) shall immediately monitor news, blogs. and other websites for inaccuracies. It shall also be prepared to set up the media station any time. The Emergency Response Team for Service and Facilities (ERTI) shall provide updated information to ERT2 on the progress of service restorationand delivery. Ina Level4Emergeney, information dissemination shall be confined within the affected area but the Emergency Response Team for Public Information and Media Relations (ERT2) shall immediately monitor news, blogs and other websites for inaccuracies. It shall at once develop, in coordination with the EMT, the official statement that will be relayed to the employees and the concessionaires. The Emergency Response Team for Service and Facilities (ERT1) shall likewise provide updated information to ERT2 on the progress of service restoration and delivery. Il. ALERT LEVEL NON-WATER SUPPLY SERVICE CRISIS All non-water Supply Service erisis shall be given the following codes: a) Code Blue - where the crisis situation is confined to a limited area. It indicates the need to stay put and “lock down” behind closed or locked doors. b) Code Red-where the crisis situation disrupts all or a large part of the functions of Virac Water District or endangers and the health and safety of its employees or its concessionaires. Code Red indicates the need for evacuation, 20 L FRAMEWORK ‘This Emergency Management Plan shall operate based on the following framework: GENERAL FRAMEWORK OF THE CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN — = —_E The Emergency Phase begins with the eee ee nee renee reeset one) EMERGENCY [ff velltischaracterizedty high level of . net) ERE roe Penne omers cared ie coer Crrrerr ry The Post Emergency Phase is the a tranr sre complete changeavertramtheENTto crea POST normal management, including. the Peet EMERGENCY — normal delivery of water supply PHASE, Activities under this Phase includes the operationalrecavery ofthe facities ‘and includes the monitoring and review of actions to be taken by the management 23 4 result of ev emergency, 2 I TANDARD RESPONSE FLOWCHART Virae Water District shall execute the crisis management plan corresponding to the situation and level based on the following flow chart: EMERGENCY ERT 1 ERT2 Service Facilities Publie and Equipment Information and Media Relations Assess cent of Water Productio Capacity information to Coneessionaires equip: Ee ae Employees Documentation Distribu ‘supplies itl and Disposition tion and dis- NGAs ‘of Casualties (quality patch of and ‘ranspor- quantity) tation; also for pee First Aid ERTS Administration Counselling and Assistance CHT e Ten P No} + Ensure integrity of structure during construction + Regularly check for signs that will compromise the integrity of structure + Conduct regular earthquake drills among employees Normal operating procedures — Cons, & Pro Dis., Admin. & Gen, Services Div., and Financ & Commercial Div. IF INSIDE, stay inside, Remain undercover for 1Sminutes. + Move away from windows, shelters, and heavy objects including furniture and bookshelves. + Takecover under a desk, table, or counter, + If shelter is not available, move to an inside wall or corner, ‘turn away from windows, kneel beside a wall, bend head down and put hands behind neck. ‘+ Ifmotebooks or jackets are handy, hold the se over your head for protection from fying glass and exiting debris. + Stay clear of hazardous chemicals, IW OUTSIDE, stay outside, Remain in safe area for 1S mins + Move to an open space, away from buildings and over-head powerlines. + Lie down or crouch low to the ground to prevent falling Employees concerned IN CASAE DAMAGE TO FACILITIES INTERRUPT SERVICE DELIVERY but WITHOUT INJURY to any person, EMT to convene and declare alert level and activateERT 1 and ERT2. EMT, ERT 1, ERT 2 Should there be injured employees or concessionaires within the EMT, ERT 1, ERT premises of Virac Water District WITHOUT SERVICE| 2 INTERRUPTION, CHT to activate CRT3 Ifthe building sustains MINOR damage WITHOUT SERVICE Mr INTERRUPTION, EMT decides regarding ts immediate use. i 1 the building or fais sustain signiteant damage resulting © L_[ Covey Cue 4, MT toactivate all service interruption and serious injuries. ERTs. CMT 2, CMT 3 Declare cessation of emergency and resume normal operations EMT ‘Assess damage to facilities and equipment, repalr facilites and equipment,purchasereplacementofirreparableequipment NOP-Engg,Prod., AS&EDepartments Incaseserviceinterruptionoecurred,informeoncessionaires of NOP-Engg,Prod., A&EDepartments B. TYPHOON/ HURRICANE/TORNADO + Ensure availability of chemicals for water treatment | | op. + Establish Communication Channel with NEECOIL Gon, Pied, for possible interruption of normal power Dn. supply a Admin&Gen. + Ensure readiness of power generating sets including Services Div.& procurement of additional generator to supplement the Tae: Pewee reguttentext Comm. Div. + Monitor turbidity of water Advise concessionaires to collect water in clean containers in NOP—Admin. & ase of possible service interruption (especially when Gen. Services predicted by PAG-ASA) Di Finance. & Coram. Div. ‘Take preventive measures to safe keep documents and electra Alll divisions PAY Cae files in ease flood occurs due to the typhoon/stormisee TEEN: preparation or Flood) In case storm increases level of turbidity or results to damage EMT, ERT 1, of facilities that INTERRUPTS THE DELIVERY OF ERT2 WATER SUPPLY SERVICE, EMT to convene and declare alert level and activate ERT Land ERT 2, ‘Should there be INJURED EMPLOYEES OR CONCESSION} EMT, ERT 3 AIRES within the premises of Virae Water District but WITHOUT SERVICE INTERRUPTION, EMT to activate ERT3 Declare cessation of crisis and resume normal EMT operations NOP-Cont._—& Assess damage to facilities and equipment, repair facilities, Prod, Divs and equipment, purchase replacement of irreparable gan © Sent equipment DivFinance 6 In case service interruption occurred, inform concessionaires of normalcy of situation 24 . DROUGHT eel Tanto + Ensure availability of chemicals for water toate treatment - 7 procedures: + Keep water tankers in good condition Const.&Prod, Div. lease reminders to concessionaires regarding potential effect] f drought to water supply and advice them to collect ‘ater in clean containers in case of possible service interruption NOP-Admin. Diy. Commercial Div. Ta case drought increases level of manganese or substantially reduces water supply that INTERRUPTS ‘THE DELIVERY OF WATER SUPPLY SERVICE, EMT Incase drought increases level of manganese or substantially reduces water supply that INTERRUPTS THE DELIVERY OF WATER SUPPLY SERVICE, EMT to convene and declare! alert level and activate ERT land ERT 2. EMT, ERT 1, ERT2 Declare cessation of crisis and resume normal EMT operations Declare cessation of erisis Assess extent of the drought (duration, effect on water NOP- supply and quality) Engineering, Production, Admin&Finanee Departments, In case service interruption occurred, inform NOP- concessionaires of normalcy of situation Corp. Affairs Di Comm.Dept. D. FLASH FLOOD TAYE COTO TEEN + Mark documents and movable properties according to priority of evacuation + Elevate important documents and back up files or place in safety vaults + Scan important paper documents andstore in digital files NOP - All Departments + Evacuate documents to safer and higher grounds Employee on site + Immediately evacuate the premises and go to higher grounds of emergency Incase flood results to damage of facilities that E INTERRUPTS THE DELIVERY OF WATER ma eRe 4 SUPPLY SERVICE, CMT to conyene and declare alert level and activateCRT1 and CRT2. Should there be injured employees or concessionaires within the |_| EMT, ERT 3 premises of Virac Water District but WITHOUT SERVICE IN- ‘TERRUPTION, CMT toactivate CRT3 Declare cessation of crisis, aT ‘Assess damage to facilities and equipment, repair facilities NOP- and equipment, purchase replacement of irreparable Engineering, equipment Production, Admin& Finance Departments. In case service interruption occurred, inform NoP - concessionaires of normalcy of situation Corp. Affairs Diy., Comm, Dept. 26 E. BOMB THREAT This plan only addresses sit suspicious package in the v ion where there is a bomb threat made through telephone call or ity,and NO ACTUAL VIOLENCE is taking place. + Install caller IDsinall landlines. + Install high resolution CCTV in critical areas + Install alert systems connected to the local NOP- Aamin and PNP, supervisor, and EMT leader Finance Dept. + Hire adequately trained security guards + Limit access to facilities. + Provide all offices with BombThreat Checklist Form and Physical Description Form + Be alert for suspicious persons loitering in or near the work- place. + Bealert for unfamiliar or suspicious vehicles near NOP - All the work- place. Departments + Report all suspicious activities to supervisor. + Report the threat to the EMT Leader, or if not possible, to any EMT member + Document the call as outlined in the Bomb Threat Checklist for Phoned Threats later in this procedure. + Record the time and the exact words of the message with | | Employee on site of particular emphasis on the description and the crisis Dae possible location of the device, TES + Be familiar with Letter and Parcel Recognition Points out- lined later in this procedure. + DO NOT HANG UP THE PHONE, The call may be traceable EMT to decide whether to not to evacuate the building or call the PNP for assistance. If evacuation is_ | required, EMT to activate ERT3. EMT, ERT 3 Conduct another thorough inspection of the = EMT premises Declare cessation of crisis and resume normal EMT operations Incase service interruption occurred, inform NOP-Corp. concessionaires of normalcy of situation Affairs Div. 27 SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS ON BOMB THREAT REPORTING A BOMB THREAT © Immediately inform the General Manager about the threat, © The General Manager will decide whether or not to evacuate the building and call the local PNP for assistance. © Iris ikely that a staf will be asked t0 conduct a quick search of the areas, the exterior of the building, and all evacuation routes. The assigned staff mustreport anything suspicious or out of place to the General Manager and to the police. RECEIVING A BOMB THREAT © Ifyou receive a call, document the call as outlined in the Bomb Threat Checklist for Phoned Threats later in this procedure © Record the time and the exact words of the message with particular emphasis on the description and the possible location of the device. © Be familiar with Letter and Parcel Recognition Points outlined later in this procedure, ¢ DO NOT HANG UP THE PHONE. The call may be traceable. WHAT TO DO WHILE SPEAKING TO THE CALLER «Basic instructions are to be calm, be courteous, Listen, do not interrupt the caller. « Pretend difficulty with hearing the caller’s conversation. Keep the caller talking. ‘Did the caller appear familiar with the facility or building when he or she described the location of the bomb(s) or device(s)? If the caller seems agreeable to further conversation, ask questions like the following, jotting down his or her responses: © What kind of bomb or device is it? # What doesit look like? ‘© How many devices did you place? ‘Did youplace the bomb? Why? © When willivthey go off? Ata certain hour? How much time remains until it goes off? # Will the bomb cause a fire? © What will cause itto explode? © Whyare you doing this? ¢ Fromwhere are you calling? ‘© What is youraddress? © What is your name? © Where is it located? # Inwhich building? In which area? 28 EVAC TION If there is to be an evacuation of the building, CELL PHONES AND 2-WAY RADIOS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR NOTIFICATION, AS RADIO TRANSMISSIONS CAN SET OFF A BOMB WITH AN ELECTRICAL DETONATOR. THESE ITEMS ARE TURNED OFF IMMEDIATELY. Personal items such as purses, briefeases, backpacks, and outerwear are taken when evac considered “suspicious packages” when the building is more thoroughly searched. POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN DECIDING WHETHER OR NOT TO EVACUATE THE BUILDIN ting so that they won't be ‘© Whatis the time factor-how long will itbe before the bomb is timed to explode? © How long will ittaketo advise employees, customers and others? ‘© Most bomb threats (approximately 95%) are hoaxes. Do enough factors in the threat allow you to consider this possibility? © What has a cursory search of the building and the grounds (cars, trashcans, etc.) revealed? ‘© What about exposing people to the risk of an outside bomb or shooter? LETTER AND PARCEL BOMB RECOGNITION POINTS The following are letter and parcel bomb recognition points, ivery Foreign mail air mail, and/orspecial d Restrictive markings, such as “confidential” or “personal” © Excessive postage Handwritten or poorly typed addresses # Incorrecttitles © Titles but no na ‘© Misspellings of common words © Qilystains or discolorations No return address # Excessive weight * Rigid envelope * Lopsided or uneven envelope © Protruding wires or tinfoil # Excessive sccuring matcrial, such asmasking tape orstring © Visual distractions 29 WHAT TO DO AFTER RECEIVING A SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE * Do not handle package. EMPLOYEES MUST NOT TOUCH OR ATTEMPT TO MOVE ANY SUSPICIOUS OBJECT OR PACKAGE + Evacuate area package isin, + Immediately call the PNP for assistance or defer to EMT for further instructions. BOMB THREAT CHECKLIST FOR PHONED THREAT Exact message received: TO BE COMPLETED AFTER CONTACTING YOUR EMERGENCY COORDINATOR. Name of person receiving Time: Date: Caller’s identity: Male. Female. Adult, Juvenile. Approximate age: Caller ID Number as it appeared on landline monitor Origin of call (if you can tell or ask): Local. Long Distance Booth Internal (from within building) Vocal Speech characteristies __Loud __ Soft ___ Fast __Distorted __High Pitch __Deep Distinct —_Nasal —_Raspy Pleasant ___‘Stutter Lisp __Intoxicated —__Other ___Slurred _Other __ Slow Language Accent __Excellent __ Good ___Local __Regional _Fair __Poor __Foreign __Other _Fout _Other ___Not local Manner Background noises __Calm __Angry __Machinery __Trains “Rational “Irrational Bedlam Animals — Coherent “Incoherent = Music — Quiet __Emotional “laughing _OfficeMachine. __Voices —_ Righteous ‘Street __Atmosphere. ___Other 31 F, HOSTAGE-TAKING This plan addresses a situation involving ACTUAL VIOLENCE, which may be sudden and random in nature. A situation involving hostage taking or terrorism is a highly fluid situation, Dissemination of Alert level shall be done through the paging system if possible, through telephone call, text messaging system, or any other means available. ‘The witnesses to the incident must fill up the Physical Description Form as soon as the incident is over. + Install high resolution CCTV in critical areas NOP-A&F + Install alert systems connected to the local Dept PNP, supervisor, and EMTleader + Hire adequately trained security guards + Limit access to facilities. + Provide all offices with Physical Deseription Form + Report all suspicions persons Toitering in or near the \work- place and all unfamiliar or suspicious vehicles near the work: place. +__Reportall suspicious activities to supervisor. NOP - All Departments, ‘The employee who witnesses the situation and has access to any Employee on site communication facility will inform the EMT Leader, ort J of crisis if not possible. any EMT Member. The EMT Leader will declare Code Blue(All EMT Leader employees shall stay put) under the following circumstances: + The police instructs that all employees stay put and remain in their stations. + The crisis is occurring outside of the building, but close to the work premises. + Perpetrators are believed to be outside, (surrounding the building, or on the roof) even though the crisis is occurring in building. + The crisis is inside the building and attempting to escape provesrisky. PATTI e seh Tate Af the group is moved to a room, close the door and move EMT people as far from windows and doors as possible Tn case attack results to damage of facilities that INTERRUPTS THE DELIVERY OF WATER EMT, ERT 1, SUPPLY SERVICE, EMT to Convene and declare alert level and activate ERT land ERT2 ERT 2 Should there be injured employees or concessionaires within the premises of Virac Water District, but WITHOUT SERVICE INTER- RUPTION, CMT t activate CRT 3 EMT, ERT 3 The EMT Leader will declare Code Red (All employees evacuate) under the following circumstances: + Under police instructios + Thecrisis is occurring safe to get out + The crisis is occurring outside but in a different location, and the EMT Leader believes that the risk in moving to safety isa reasonable one ide of the building, and is EMT Leader Deelare cessation of crisis and resume normal operations EMT In case service interruption occurred, inform concessionaires of normalcy of situation NOP-Cor} Affairs Evaluate response to erisis for improvement EMT G. TERRORIST ATTACK This plan addresses a situation involving ACTUAL VIOLENCE in the form of actual bomb detonation in any facility, or hostage taking of officials, employees, or concessionaires within the premises of Virac Water District, or any similar acts which maybe sudden and random in nature. Dissemination of Alert level shall be done through the paging system if possible, through telephone call, text messaging system, or any other means available. The witnesses to the incident must fill up the Physical Description Form as soon as the incident is over. + Install high resolution CCTV in critical areas, NOP-A&F + Install alert systems connected to the local Dept. PNP, supervisor, and EMTleader + Hire adequately trained security guards + Limit access to facilities. + Provide all offices with Physical Description Form + Report all suspicious persons loitering in or near the Op Al work- place. + Report all unfamiliar or suspicions vehicles near the ‘Departments: work- place. + _Reportall suspicious activities to supervisor. ‘The employee who witnesses the situation and has access to any Employee on site communication facility will inform the EMT Leader, orif |_| of crisis not possible, any EMT Member The EMT Leader will declare Code Blue(All EMT Leader employees shall stay put) under the following circumstances: + The police instructs that all employees stay put EMERGENCY and remain in their stations. BoD) + The crisis is occurring outside of the building, but close to the work premises. + Peipetrators are believed to be outside, (surrounding the building, or on the roof) even though the crisis, is occurring inside of the building. + The crisis is inside the building and attempting to escape proves risky. If the group is moved to a room, close the door and move EMT people as far away from windows and doorsas possible PAST CNL PHAS The EMT Leader will declare Code Red(All employees evacuate) under the following. circumstance: + Under police instructions. +The crisis is occurring inside of the building, and itis, safe to get out + The crisis is occurring outside but in a different location, and the EMT Leader believes that the risk in moving to safetyisareasonable one EMT Leader Incase attack results to damage of facilities that INTERRUPTS THE DELIVERY OF WATER SUPPLY SERVICE, EMT to convene and declarealert level and activate ERTL and ERT2 EMT, ERT 1, ERT 2 Shonld there be injured employees ar concessionaires within the premises of Virac Water — District, but WITHOUT SERVICE INTER- RUPTION, EMT to activate ERT3 EMT, ERT 3 Declare cessation of crisis EMT ‘In case service interruption eccuted, inform concessionaires of normalcy of situation NOP-Corp. Affairs Div. Evaluate response to crisis for improvement EMT H. ROBBERY + Install high resolution CCTV incritical areas + Install alert systems connected to the local PNP. supervisor, and EMT leader + Keep cash regularly collected by/deposited to banks. + Do not discuss cash levels and security procedures outside of work. + Hire adequately trained security guards * Limit access to facilities and records. + Provide all offices with Physical Description Form NOP - A & F Dept. * Be alert for suspicious persons loitering in or near the workplace. + Be alert for unfamiliar or suspicious vehicles near the workplace. + Reportall suspicious activities to supervisor. NOP - All Departments + Remain calm and avoid any action that might Employee on site measures incite the robber to act violently. of emergency + Discreetly press alert system, IF POSSIBLE, to inform supervisor, EMT Leader, any EMT member and the PNP about the occurrence of robbery + Follow instructions of the robber. Do not argue with them. + As much as possible, stay calm and alert throughout the ordeal. + Employees who see the perpetrator!s must take note of their physical characteristies and immediately fill up the Physical Characteristics Form after the incident * — Close and secure the office until the police arrive to preserve the scene of the crime for fingerprints and other physical evidence. + Preserve any notes that the robber may have written, such as a request for money/ valuables. Inspect all premises for other missing items EMT ordocuments Declare cessation of crisis and resume normal EMT operations {eview security measures in place and institute corrective |_[ EMT PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS DESCRIPTIONFORM (For Terrorist Attacks, Robbery, Theft, Hostage Taking and Similar Incidents) Perpetrator 1 Perpetrator 2 Male/Female: Race/Nationality: Height: Weight: Build: Hair Color/Length: Glasses: Eye Color: Scars or Marks: Weapon Type: (revolver, automatic rifle, shotgun, bladed weapons etc.) Jewelry: Clothing: Jacket: Shirt: Pants: Hat: Shoes: Vehicle: Type: Model/Year: Color: License Plate: Additional Information on Perpetrator 1: Additional Information on Perpetrator 2: Do not discuss any details of the event until the police are through taking statements from you and your co-workers. Thank you for your cooperation. I. THEFT eae Tata + Install high resolution CCTY ineritical areas + Install alert systems connected to the local PNP, supervisor, and EMTleader NOP - Admin and + Keep cash regularly collected by/deposited to banks. + Do not discuss cash levels and security proceduresoutside of work. + Hire adequately trained security guards + Limit aceessto facilities and records + Provide all offices with Physical Description Form Finance Dept. * Be alert for suspicious persons loitering in or near the workplace. + Be alert for unfamiliar or suspicious vehicles near the workplace. + Report all suspicious activities to supervisor. NOP - All Departments + Inform the EMT Leader of the occurrence of theft. + Conduct inventory of properties and equipment. + Employees who saw the perpetrator/s must take note oftheir physical characteristics and immediately fill up the Physical Characteristics Form after the incident + Close and secure the area until the police arrive to preserve Employee on site of the scene of the crime for fingerprints and other physical crisis evidence. Declare cessation of crisis and resume normal EMT operations Review security measures in place and institute OP - Admin corrective measures |x Finance [Department J. ANDEMIC RESULTING FROM CONTAMINATED WATER EMERGENCY tn ‘Continuous water quality monitoring of water from NOP - tap and from source Production + Surpass the local standards of conducting Department bacteriological testing and physical/chemical analysis, of water. + Seek accreditation of DOH and other regulating agencies for WTPs? water testing laboratory. + Purchase and update laboratory equipment for water testing + Develop Water Safety Plan(WSP) and regularly assess WTP and distribution networks compliance to set standard, + Determine the coverage of affected areas and isolate the Production Dept. atea. + Advise concessionaies in area not to use water 1 for drinking for the meantime. + Investigate source/cause of contamination. Should pandemic be confirmed to be caused by contaminated |[ EMT, ERT |, ‘water supply from Virac Water District, EMT to convene and [] ERT 2, ERT 3 declare alert level. All ERT s tobe activated. Should pandemic be found not due to contaminated water -] EMT, ERT 2 supply from Virac Water District, concessionaires to be advised of results of investigation and of the safety of water Declare cessation of crisis || ew Review water safety measures in place and institute corrective | _{ NOP Admin & measures Fin Department Inform affected oncessionaires with the status of corrective NOPCore. actions being undertaken by the agency. t— Affairs Div., Comm. Dept K. FIRE TATION TOY PteNS + Continuously dispose of fire hazards + Regularly check electrical wirings and ensure working + contitions of fire hydrants and extinguishers + Install smoke detectors + Label emergency exits and ensure that employees are aware ‘where the exit nearest their station is located + Conduct fire emergency drills among employees + Maintain lists of employees who have special needs, and employees who are pre-assigned to assist these people during an| emergency. + Scan important documents and store in digital format, + Label all cocurents and movable assets according to priority of evacuation NOP- All Departments + When afire alarm sounds, immediately evacuate the building. + Inleaving, close, but do not lock doors. + Do not take the elevator nor find cover in any enclosed room. Safety officer, all employees CCheckif the fire arm is false. If false, silence it and re-enter the building, Otherwise call the Bureau of Fire immediately. Safety officer, all employees A fire extinguisher should be used only if the fire is small and you are trained in its use. The extinguisher is used only after a fire alarm has been activated Employees with access tofire extinguisher In case fire results © damage of _ facilities that INTERRUPTS THE DELIVERY OF WATER SUPPLY |_| EMT ERTL SERVICE, EMT to convene and declare alert level and activate CRT | and CRT2, Should there be injured employees or concessionaire within | | EMT, ERT 3 the premises of Virae Water but WITHOUT SERVICE IN- TERRUPTION, CMT to activate CRT3 Declare cessation oferisis and resume normal EMT operations + Review fire safety messures i place and institute NOP - Admin & cottective measures + Document reports for fing of insurance claims from GsIS + Repair damaged equipment and used fire extinguishers Reconstitute damaged documents 40 NOP—All Departments L. VOLCANIC ERUPTION Provide cover to all water bearing structures to protect NOP- All supply from ash fall Departments In case voleanie eruption results to damage of facilities EMT, ERT 1, that ERT? INTERRUPTS THE DELIVERY OF WATER POTENCY SUPPLY SERVICE, EMT to convene and declare alertlevel] UENO) and activate ERT | and ERT 2. [Should there be injured employees or concessionaires within the premises of Virac Water but WITHOUT SERVICE INTERRUPTION, EMT to activate ERT3 EMT, ERT 3 Declare cessation of crisis and resume normal EMT operations Assess and repair damage to facilities NOP-Engg. Dept. Production Dept. M. SCANDAL RESPONSE PLAN Regularly conduct reorientation seminars regarding the Code NOP — Admin & of Ethics for government employees Finance Dept. EMERGENCY TIED EMT to assess extent of damage to WD image and EMT, ERT? activate ERT 2 if circumstances warrant Declare cessation of crisis and resume normal EMT operations Imposition of administrative sanctions to erring NOP — Admin & employee Finance Dept. Repair of public image NOP - Corp. Affairs Division 41 N. SOFTWARE FAILURE EMERGENCY PHASE O. POWER FAILURE PASTS eNO Pent Regularly back-up electronic files in two copiesevery NOP-Comm.Dept, week Tssue receipts manually to paying customers in Comm. Dept... duplicates + Assess capacity ofcomputers and upgrade if NOP - Comm. necessary Department + Check integrity of files and records > Regularly test and ensure readiness of power generating, NOP - Prod. Dept. sets + Regularly monitor advisories from NEECOTT regarding power outages + Ensure adequate stock of fuel In ease power failure results to damage of facilities EMT, ERTI, that interrupts the delivery of water supply service, EMT to ERT 2 convene and declare alert level and activate ERT | and ERT2. Declare cessation of crisis and resume normal EMT operations In case service interruption occurs, inform NOP-Corp. concessionaires about the normalcy of the situation Affairs Div. Comm.Dept. 42 —-EMERGENCY CE Anemergency will generate media interest, and how it is handled ean have a tremendous impact, either positive or negative, to Virac Water District. Managing media coverage is a crucial element of crisis management. During acrisis situation, we are defined by what we project. And, more often than not, in acrisis situation whats projected is often unrelated, or at the very least, not an accurate or complete image of what we are due tothe high level of emotion attached to an incident. This plan enables the public perception to be, as much as possible, an honest portrayal of who we are: competent, concerned, and willing to devote all of our resources to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The following plan is intended to serve as an emergency communications guide for Virac Water District. Its purpow is to help manage communications flow during a crisis, and is designed to work in tandem with and in support oftheagency’s Emergency Management Plan, ‘The specific objectives of this crisis communications plan are as follows: + Prepare Virac Water District to effectively and nimbly manage emergency communications; + Help assigned personnel to respond in a unified, professional manner that reinforces sector leadership and creates loyalty; + Strategically enhance our brand/role, and the public understanding of the value provided by Vira Water District + Manage the distribution of critical, often sensitive, information to the media, members, and public; The goal is to balance the desire to give the public - media, concessionaires, local government officials, employees, and other stakeholders - timely, accurate information, and with the need to protect the privacy and safety of employees and individuals involved in the erisis. THESTAKEHOLDE! |. Internal Audiences: + Employees + Managers + Members of the Board of Directors II. External Audiences + Concessionaires + Homeowner Associations + Local Government Officials(City and barangay) + Media + National Government Agencies(DILG, DOH, DPWH, PAG-ASA, LWUA,MWSS) * Local Businesses + Civic Organizations + Water Sector Organizations + Funding Agencies 43 NOTIFYING KEY STAKEHOLDERS ‘The Emergency Response Team for Communications and Information Dissemination (ERT 2 in the Emergency Management Plan), in consultation with the Emergency Management Team, will determine which groups need to be informed first. It is important to keep in mind that people will seek~ and believe ~ other sources of information (e.g... news reports, rumors, word of mouth) inthe absence of official communication, Effective communication will help ‘quellrumors, maintain morale and ensure public safety. All key messages will have to be approved by the EMT Leader before dissemination RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION AND MEDIA RELATIONS ‘TheERT2 shall have the following responsibilities: A. MEDIA RELATIONS 1. Maintain an updated directory of print and broadcast media personnel who are to be contacted in the event of a crisis. 2, Determine if'a media station shall be set up during and after a crisis, including a space for photographers and camera equipment. In case the media station shall be set up, it shall be located away from danger and away from the victims, 3. Coordinate and manage one or more news conferences to “feed the media’. In such news conferences, he/she ‘must be preparedto answer questions from at least 2 perspectives: what happened and how people are feeling. 4, Monitor media coverage for inaccuracies and related developments 5. News writing and dissemination of news releases to update the media of the progress in handling the crisis andposting these on the agency website 6. Identify witnesses, victims, and/or relatives who would be willing and appropriate to be interviewed by the media. 7. Document media calls for ongoing, future, and follow up communications on crisis developments. B. CONTROLOFRELEASEOFINFORMATION 1. Obtain clearance from the EMT Leader of all communication and information materials before releasing the same 2, Issue internal “Briefing Notes” to ensure accuracy and to provide uniformity of information for dissemination by officers and employees. The notes shall provide major communications points agreed upon byEmergency ManagementTeam, and when required by the situation, by the Corporate Legal Counsel 3. Coordinate the release of approved information to police and fire departments who sent their respective public information officers to the scene of the crisis 4, Coordinate the release of information to all stakeholders 5. Manage the mechanisms to respond to the public who request information directly from the organization by telephone, text messaging, in writing. or by e-mail. 44

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