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UNIT I: Introduction to DBMS

 Concept & Overview of DBMS:

 DBMS (Database Management System) is a software system that allows users to
define, create, maintain, and manipulate databases.
 It provides a consistent, secure, and efficient way to access and manage data.

 Three Schema Architecture of DBMS:

 Three schema architecture is a conceptual model for database systems that
separates the physical representation of data from the logical and view levels.
 The three schemas are:
1. Physical schema: Describes how data is stored in the database.
2. Logical schema: Describes what data is stored and the relationships b/w
data elements.
3. View schema: Describes how data is presented to different users.

 Database Approach v/s Traditional File Accessing Approach:

 The database approach is a method of data management that stores data in a
centralized repository, providing a single view of data to all users.
 The traditional file accessing approach stores data in separate files, making it difficult
to maintain data consistency and integrity.

 Advantages of Database Systems:

 Improved data sharing and access
 Data consistency and integrity
 Improved data security
 Reduced data redundancy
 Increased efficiency in data manipulation
 Data Models:
 A data model is a conceptual representation of data and the relationships between
data elements.
 Examples of data models include the relational model, object-oriented model, and
hierarchical model.
 Schema and Instances:
 A schema is the structure of a database, describing what data is stored and how it is
 An instance is a specific set of data that conforms to a schema.
 Data Independence:
 Data independence is the ability to change the physical or logical structure of a
database without affecting applications that use the database.
 Data Base Language and Interfaces:
 A database language is a programming language used to manipulate and query data
in a database.
 Interfaces provide a way for users to interact with a database, such as through a
graphical user interface (GUI).
 Functions of DBA and Designer:
 Database administration: Managing the database environment, including security,
performance, and backup and recovery.
 Database design: Creating the schema for a database, including defining data
elements, relationships, and constraints.
 Database Users:
 End users: Individuals who interact with the database through applications or
 Database administrators: Individuals who manage and maintain the database.
 Database designers: Individuals who create the schema for a database.

 Entity-Relationship Model:
 Basic concepts:
 Entities: Real-world objects that can be identified and described.
 Attributes: Characteristics or properties of entities.
 Relationships: Associations between entities.
 Design Issues:
 Determining entities, attributes, and relationships.
 Defining primary and foreign keys.
 Identifying constraints and dependencies.
 Mapping Constraints:
 Specifies rules for mapping entity relationships to tables and columns in a relational
 Keys:
 A primary key is a unique identifier for an entity.
 A foreign key is a reference to a primary key in another entity.

 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD):

 A visual representation of entities, attributes, and relationships.
 Weak Entity Sets and Extended E-R features:
 Weak entity sets have no primary key and depend on another entity for their
 Extended E-R features include generalization, specialization, and aggregation.

 ER Diagram to Relational Table conversion:

 Mapping ERDs to relational tables involves creating tables for each entity, with
columns for each attribute.
 Relationships are mapped using foreign keys.

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