Sonic Warning Peer Review Arya 1

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Sania Vijayakumar


Professor Justice

Dear Arya,

I wanted to share my thoughts on your sonic warning about getting burnt. Overall, I think

it's a very effective and well-constructed audio warning that effectively conveys the danger of

burns. The sequence of sounds you chose, from the initial water boiling to the sound of the child

being brought to a sink, followed by the relief of water running and a sigh of relief, creates a

clear narrative that is easy to understand and impactful.

One aspect that particularly stood out to me was how cohesive the audio is. Each sound

flows into the next seamlessly, building a sense of urgency and danger. A lot of thought went

into selecting the sounds and arranging them to effectively communicate the message.

However, I did find a small portion of the audio a bit confusing. Specifically, the transition

between the footsteps and the water boiling again was a bit unclear to me. If this is intended to

represent a different scenario, perhaps adding a second or two of silence between the two

sequences could help differentiate them more clearly.

In terms of suggestions for improvement, first, clarify the transition. Adding a brief

moment of silence between the two scenarios could help clarify the transition and make it

clearer to the listener that they are distinct sequences. Second, experiment with sound effects.

You've done a great job selecting sounds that convey the danger of burns, but experimenting

with different sound effects or variations could add even more depth and impact to the warning.

Third, consider pacing. While the overall pacing of the warning is effective, playing with the
speed of certain sounds or sequences could enhance the dramatic effect and create a more

immersive experience for the listener.

Overall, though, I think your sonic warning is very effective and well-executed. It

effectively communicates the danger of burns and has a clear narrative that is easy to follow.

Best regards,


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