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This document is a sample from the upcoming 5E
book Wanderer’s Guide to Enchanted Emporiums
by Eventyr Games. On the following pages, you’ll find
examples of some of the content you can expect from
the finished book:
Ready-to-Play Merchants. Allow the heroes to trade
magic items with ready-to-play merchants and magic
shops, complete with roleplaying advice, statblocks,
inventory tables, and quest hooks! The Eventyr Logo and Wanderer’s Guide to Enchanted
New Magic Items. Entice the characters with new Emporiums Logo are trademarks of Eventyr Games.
magic treasures featuring unique mechanics and ©Eventyr Games 2023
carefully balanced to fit into any 5E campaign!
Epic Marketplaces. Introduce your players and
their characters to the awesome wonders of magical
marketplaces filled with interesting lore, locations,
and events – exemplified with The Undermarket! Lead Designers: J. A. Valeur & S. K. Valeur
Layout: J. A. Valeur
It’s Just a Sample Editing: Kathleen Harrington
This document is only a sample. The layout isn’t final, Cartography: J. A. Valeur (with assets by Mike
some art pieces aren’t fully finished, and all content is Schley and Inkarnate Software)
subject to change – and most likely will change, based Illustrations: Bad Moon Art Studio, Baklaher,
on feedback from playtesting. Eugenio Frosali, Nana Landholt
Even so, we hope that you’ll find the content within
inspiring, useful, and as fun to use in your game as
it has been fun for us to create. We also hope that
you’ll support the Wanderer’s Guide to Enchanted
Emporiums on Kickstarter – click here to see more!

J. A. Valeur, S. K. Valeur
Eventyr Games
Twinhelm Emporium
The oversized, two-story house is adorned with vibrant
mosaic tiles and swirling arcane symbols that seem
to beckon you inside. The huge door creaks open by its
own accord as you approach, revealing a mesmerizing Twinhelm Emporium Overview
tapestry of wonders within: shelves overflowing with Merchant Varix, a serious and bookish enchanter,
dusty tomes, shimmering crystals, and other esoteric and Thadeus, a jovial merchant
objects. Behind an oak counter stands a hulking, two- Inventory All manner of magical items and
headed giant clad in fine vestments. One head spares you enchanting-to-order
only a quick glance above the rim of the book it is reading, Security Varix and Thadeus are a formidable
while the other, an oiled mustache glistening under its flat pair and the shop has magical wards
nose, smiles broadly: “Welcome to Twinhelm Emporium, Bargaining Thadeus enjoys bargaining and Varix
my friend! Don’t be shy, look around – whatever you’re hates it – both are bad at it
looking for, you’ll find it here. So, what are you looking
Biases + Wizards and bards
for, if you don’t mind me asking?” he rumbles as the giant
– None
approaches – much to the annoyance of the other head, as
the ettin’s lumbering gait seems to disturb his reading. Sell Prices Bargaining DC Buy Prices
Varix and Thadeus Twinhelm share not only a body 130% 13 40%
but also a passion for all things magical. Together – not
that they ever had a choice in the matter – they run The experiment was a partial success: while both
the Twinhelm Emporium, a shop that sells all kinds of Varix and Thadeus are more sociable than most of their
magical wares, many of which are crafted by Varix. kin, most of the intelligence went to Varix and the
Characters can find the Twinhelm Emporium in any winning personality was absorbed by Thadeus.
urban setting, its brightly colored facade making it Extraordinarily cunning and with an innate
almost impossible to miss. affinity for magic, Varix was the perfect apprentice to
Belshabbara. Thadeus, on the other hand, was much
Background more interested in brawling, drinking, and carousing
Varix and Thadeus have no recollection of clan or kin, – a dichotomy between the heads that has led to many
as they grew up in the care of an eccentric wizard, the frustrations and arguments.
late Belshabbara the Vexing – or “Mama Babbara,” When Belshabbara was winked out of existence
as the ettin fondly named her. Belshabbara was a during an ill-advised experiment involving a sphere of
kind and maternal soul, but also prone to engage in annihilation, the adolescent ettin grieved deeply for
dangerous and ethically dubious experiments. In a the loss of their “Mama Babbara.” Having to now fend
way, Varix and Thadeus are a result of one of these for themselves, they decided to open up a shop: the
experiments, as Belshabbara wanted to see if she could Twinhelm Emporium. Here, they sell magical objects
imbue the ettin – who are usually dim-witted and inherited from Belshabbara, crafted by Varix, or
aggressive – with a keen mind and amicable demeanor. bartered by Thadeus.

Roleplaying Varix & Thadeus Varix & Thadeus
Almost the only thing Varix and Thadeus have in Large Giant (Ettin), Neutral & Chaotic Good
common is their 10-foot tall, doughy body, which is Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
typically clad in brightly colored silk shirts and pants Hit Points 152 (16d10 + 64)
(Thadeus is firmly in control of the ettin’s wardrobe). Speed 40 ft.
In most other respects, the two heads couldn’t be STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
more different. Varix is calm, bookish, and surly – 21 (+5) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
always reading, tinkering, or thinking. Thadeus, on the
Saving Throws Str +9, Con +8, Int +8, Wis +6
other hand, has a personality as colorful as his attire; he Skills Arcana +8, Insight +6, Perception +10
is boisterous, jovial, and always on his feet, moving the Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 20
ettin’s huge body around with uncanny agility – much Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Orcish
to Varix’s annoyance (“Would you mind? I can’t read Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)  Proficiency Bonus +4
when you’re prancing about like an owlbear in heat!”) Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If Varix & Thadeus fail a
Due to their differences in demeanor, the ettin’s saving throw, they can choose to succeed instead.
heads constantly have to compromise to accommodate Two Heads. Varix & Thadeus have advantage on saving
each other. They have agreements about when Varix throws made to avoid or end the Blinded, Charmed,
Deafened, Frightened, Stunned, and Unconscious conditions
can sit down to craft and thinker (time Thadeus
on themselves.
usually spends slowly drinking himself – and Varix –
into a mindless stupor) and when Thadeus can leave Actions
their home to go shopping for fashionable clothes and Multiattack. Varix & Thadeus make two Scavenger’s Might
bright decor (while Varix futilely attempts to read attacks and use Spellcasting.
heavy tomes or ponder the intricacies of arcane magic). Scavenger’s Might. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) Bludgeoning damage plus 7
When engaging with customers, Thadeus usually (2d6) Force damage and, if the target is a creature, it suffers
does the talking (“Mama always said I had a knack for one of the following effects of Varix & Thadeus’ choice:
talking – mostly nonsense, she’d say, but any talk is • The target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw
better than no talk, as I see it”). Varix chimes in from or be thrown up to 20 feet horizontally in a direction of
time to time, either to correct Thadeus (“No, a hat of Varix & Thadeus’ choice, landing Prone and taking 3 (1d6)
disguise won’t actually turn you into an elf, as you well Bludgeoning damage for each 10 feet it was thrown. If it hits
another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 15
know, you oaf”) or to shush his rowdy twin (“By the
Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage.
Lady, Thadeus, would you quiet down – you shouldn’t • The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
be laughing at your own jokes, anyway!”) throw, or until the end of Varix & Thadeus’ next turn, the
Both heads share a love for their late mother, and creature has disadvantage on ability checks, saving throws,
often refer to her in wistful tones when they show off and attack rolls that use Strength, and Varix & Thadeus have
advantage on ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls
an item she was fond of (“Mama Babbara loved this that use Strength.
broom – not because it could fly, but because we’d
Spellcasting. Varix & Thadeus cast one of the following
usually behave much better when she had it in hand!”) spells, requiring no material components and using
Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16):
Bargaining At will: fire bolt, mage armor, mage hand, shocking grasp
Thadeus loves bargaining almost as much as Varix 2/day each: dispel magic, fly, hold person, invisibility, lightning
hates it – and neither are any good at it. A salesman bolt, web
at heart, Thadeus is quick to suggest purchases and 1/day each: cone of cold, dominate person, wall of fire
almost as quick to lower prices if a customer seems Bonus Actions
hesitant to make a purchase. Though Varix has no Misty Step (2nd-Level Spell; 2/Day). Varix & Thadeus
such inclinations, he will often go along with Thadeus’ magically teleport to an unoccupied space they can see
ridiculous discounts just to end the transaction and within 30 feet.
hopefully shut Thadeus up for a while. Rush. Varix & Thadeus move up to their speed in a straight
line. If they move at least 10 feet and end the move within
Biases reach of another creature, they have advantage on the next
Both Varix and Thadeus have a soft spot for wizards; melee attack roll they make against that creature this turn.
Varix enjoys engaging in professional discourse with
his fellow arcanists, while wizards simply remind
Counterspell (3rd-Level Spell; 2/Day). When another
Thadeus of his dear “Mama Babbara.” Thadeus also creature Varix & Thadeus can see within 60 feet casts a spell,
has a fondness for art and music, and appreciates Varix & Thadeus cast counterspell.
anyone who can produce either.

Shop Security Quest Hooks
Varix and Thadeus employ their unique combination Because they can only rarely agree what to do,
of brains and brawn to keep their wares secure. Thadeus and Varix have a lot of errands and tasks that
go undone. Characters willing to pick up the slack may
The Quiet Observer
earn a sizable discount or a cash reward from the ettin.
Aside from being a powerful and well-prepared
arcanist, Varix is also much more perceptive than A Nice Surprise
he appears. Always watching for deceit and threats, Thadeus may try to acquire the characters’ aid in a
almost nothing escapes Varix’s attention. minor, but important task: hosting a surprise birthday
party for Varix! Thadeus believes Varix would
The Boisterous Brawler
appreciate a surprise party (he is woefully wrong
Though he is jovial and good-natured, Thadeus
about that), but it’s hard to orchestrate when Varix is
has trained extensively in martial combat (much to
always – literally – looking over his shoulder. Using
the displeasure of Varix). With impressive strength
sign language, thieves’ cant, or through notes scribbled
and agility, Thadeus is quick to deal with would-be
in secret, Thadeus informs the characters that he’ll give
robbers, either crushing them with his magical flail or
them up to 25% off any item in the shop if they’ll buy
throwing them headfirst through the shop’s doors.
decorations, a cake, and a gift (Thadeus has picked out
Alarms & Wards a gold stylus that he knows Varix will love) while he
Varix has crafted various magical protections to keep distracts Varix with a visit to the local bookstore.
the shop’s wares safe. Alarm spells will alert the ettin
if anyone touches a magic item while they aren’t
A Study of Annihilation
A copy of the famed wizard Albrexen’s book A Study
within 30 feet of it, and glyphs of warding holding
of Annihilation has come up for sale at an auction.
confusion spells (DC 17) have been inscribed into the
Incredibly rare (most of the stock was destroyed in
most valuable items (Varix carefully removes the ward
an extra-planar accident), Varix simply has to own
before the item is sold). The shop is enchanted to be
this book – he hopes it may hold information that
impervious to damage and spells such as passwall, and
could lead to the restoration of the ettin’s mother,
is protected with a permanent private sanctum spell.
Belshabbara – but he hasn’t been able to get his hands
Twinhelm Emporium’s Services on a copy. If the characters can retrieve it, he’ll pay
The Twinhelm Emporium sells magic items, scrolls, their expenses plus 100 gp – to a maximum of 500 gp.
potions, and spell components. In addition, Varix To run this quest, you can use the auction house on
can upgrade existing magic items with new magical page 88 of Wanderer’s Guide to Merchants & Magic, or
properties using the rules from Chapter 4: Enchanting. you can create an auction experience of your own.

Twinhelm Emporium’s Inventory

Item Name Type Rarity Description Value
Potion of Expertise Potion Rare A vial of greenish liquid 200 gp
Potion of Flying Potion Very Rare A thin vial with white liquid floating in it 200 gp
Ring of Jumping Ring Uncommon A heavy but unadorned steel ring 300 gp
Wand of Secrets Wand Uncommon A wooden wand lined with silver 300 gp
Figurine of Wondrous Wondrous Item Rare An onyx figurine of a mastiff 500 gp
Power (Onyx Dog)
Eyepeeler’s Bola Weapon (Bola) Uncommon A rope with eyeballs in bronze spheres 600 gp
Candle of the Delver Wondrous Item Uncommon A candle adorned with small talismans 800 gp
Wand of Wonder Wand Rare A bronze wand set with gemstones 1,500 gp
Ring of Free Action Ring Rare A gold ring with a red stone 2,500 gp
Mantle of Spell Wondrous Item Rare A stylishly cut mantle embroidered with 5,000 gp
Resistance arcane symbols
Wand of Binding Wand Rare A long ebony wand wrapped in chains 5,000 gp
Ring of Telekinesis Ring Very Rare A silver ring with a yellow gemstone 6,000 gp
Rod of Absorption Rod Very Rare A rod inlaid with silver and iron 8,000 gp
Staff of Frost Staff Very Rare A staff of pale-bluish wood 10,000 gp

Magic Items Weapon (Any Sword), Rare (Requires Attunement)
This magic sword was forged in the depths of the
Below are descriptions of magic items featured in
Abyss. When you hit a Celestial or Fey with an attack
Wanderer’s Guide to Enchanted Emporiums.
roll using the sword, the creature takes an additional
Candle of the Delver 1d8 Necrotic damage.
Wondrous Item, Uncommon The sword has 3 charges for the following properties
As an action, you can speak this candle’s command and regains all expended charges daily at dawn:
word to make it hover in the air 5 feet in front of you. Amplify (1 Charge). When a creature within 30 feet
The candle remains floating for 1 hour, following you of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to
wherever you go. Once used, this property can’t be have it take an additional 2d8 Necrotic damage.
used again until the next dawn. Dark Bringer (1 Charge). When you hit a creature
While the candle is floating, you can use a bonus with an attack roll using the sword, you can force
action to cause its wick to light up with a magical light, it to make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a
which sheds dim light in a 30-foot radius, or cause the failure, the target is cursed until the end of its next
wick to extinguish. The candle is invisible to anyone turn. While cursed in this way, the target can’t regain
but you while unlit. hit points and has disadvantage on the next saving
Illumination. While the candle’s wick is lit, you throw it makes.
and other friendly creatures within its light have
advantage on Investigation and Perception checks. Fell Pauldron
Concealment. While the candle’s wick is unlit, you Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
and other friendly creatures within 30 feet of it have This magic pauldron is crafted from sturdy leather and
advantage on Stealth checks, can’t be targeted by inset with bestial spikes. While wearing the pauldron,
divination magic, and magical scrying sensors can’t you have resistance to Acid and Poison damage.
perceive you. Abyssal Transformation. As an action, you can
invoke the pauldron’s magic to magically transform
yourself, taking on demonic features. For 1 minute,
you gain the following benefits:
• Your Strength score increases by 4.
Candle of the
• You gain temporary hit points equal to the number of
Delver Hit Dice you have.
• You have advantage on saving throws against spells
and other magical effects.
• When a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a
melee attack, it takes 2d6 Acid damage.
Once used, this property can’t be used again until the
next dawn.

Damnation Pauldron

Th e U n d e r m a r ke t

T The undermarket Overview

he Undermarket is a sprawling bazaar filled
with a multitude of merchants of all
Description The Undermarket is a subterranean
backgrounds, races, and species whose bazaar that is eerily quiet and filled
exoticness is rivaled only by their enchanted wares. with exotic sights, scents, and services
From magical items and conscious-altering substances Background The Undermarket originated as a
to devious poisons and dangerous monstrosities, caravan stop and is now loosely
the Undermarket caters to every need and desire governed by a Merchant’s Council
because, as the saying goes: “if you can’t buy it at the Rules & Disruption of trade is the only true
Undermarket, it’s not worth buying!” Security crime – and is punished by the Dark
Cloaks, a band of private guards
Description Wares & One can find virtually anything at
Visitors to the Undermarket find their senses of smell Services the Undermarket, as there are no
and sight assailed with a multitude of new impressions. restrictions on what can be sold
Sweet perfumes and thick incense mix with the acrid
smells of lizard dung and goblins’ sweat, filling the Safety Prices Assortment

1,000-foot-wide cave. Stalagmites large enough to

serve as homes or storefronts are lit with magical lights
and several hundred feet above the cavern floor, the More curious even than the cave’s otherworldly
ceiling is dotted with stalactites that glitter like stars. features are its inhabitants: a towering minotaur stomps
by, its scowl offering a challenge to anyone foolish
enough to bar its passage; a dark elf on a floating litter
cracks a multi-headed whip on the back of an ogre
Thousands of tons of earth and stone above you, porter; a bulbous-headed humanoid with writhing
sinister shapes and grotesque creatures all around you, tentacles where its mouth should have been glides
and a pervasive sense of danger in the air. Yeah, the soundlessly along, its glowing eyes perceiving all.
Undermarket certainly isn’t for the faint-hearted – but Almost as if by unspoken agreement, most
for those with deep purses, it’s a buyer’s paradise! conversations – even heated bargaining – is performed
in low, discrete tones, as if everyone is involved in
– the Wanderer enviously guarding a secret. Rarely do shoppers crowd
close together and the wide avenues between the shops
allow for everyone to keep several feet of distance
between themselves and strangers – and their long
fingers or hidden blades!

Background Lore & Rumors
Initially, the Undermarket was nothing more than Characters who visit the Undermarket may learn the
a large cave that served as a caravan stop, as it lay following as they roll History or Investigation checks:
conveniently at the center of a tunnel network that • The Spider Queen’s Servants (DC 10). As is true for
connected several major cities of the Dark Below. most of the Dark Below, drow priestesses of the Spider
Over the centuries, the Undermarket has grown into Queen are treated with respect and best avoided.
something that resembles a town – albeit a town • Inhabitants and Visitors (DC 13). All races and
entirely focused on mercantilism. About 500 dark creatures are welcome at the Undermarket, but dark
elves, deep gnomes, duergar, goblinoids, and more elves, duergar, deep gnomes, goblinoids, and orcs
exotic creatures live permanently in the Undermarket, make up most of the inhabitants and visitors.
and at least twice as many visitors mill about its streets. • The Merchant’s Council (DC 13). A council composed
of a handful of the most influential merchants are the
As the Undermarket, and everyone who plies their Undermarket’s unofficial government.
trade there, survives and thrives off the merchants, • The Dark Cloaks (DC 15). The Dark Cloaks keep
travelers, and tourists who pass through, measures order in the Undermarket; they are typically ogres,
have been taken to ensure that at least a semblance minotaurs, bugbears, and other brawny humanoids.
of civility and order is upheld. The richest and most They are privately hired and are susceptible to bribes,
powerful merchants have formed a Merchant’s Council if they are large enough (10 gp or more).
and collectively hire guards – dubbed Dark Cloaks – • The Lazuline Reach (DC 17). The Lazuline Reach, a
to not only protect their own shops, but crack down sinister group of aberrations and other denizens of the
swiftly on any conduct that threatens to disrupt trade. Dark Below, has a presence in the Undermarket. They
That is, however, about as far as any sense of are involved in many illicit activities, including slave-
trade, dangerous substances, and fell magic.
community stretches. In general, each merchant is
• Kûr-Ilz (DC 19). The Delirium Den’s owner, the
responsible for their own safety and security. Likewise,
aberrational humanoid Kûr-Ilz, sits on the Merchant’s
there are no decrees about what can be sold or to Council and represents the Lazuline Reach’s interests in
whom, which means that anything and everything can the Undermarket. It is the single most powerful entity
be bought at the Undermarket: from illegal substances in the whole Undermarket.
and slaves to dark artifacts and sinister services.

Notable Locations The Delirium Den
House of Pleasure
The Undermarket features a multitude of different
Free from most of the pesky laws of the Surface World,
shops, establishments, monuments, and attractions.
the Undermarket houses several establishments that
You can see an overview of each location on the
allow patrons to partake in intoxicating pleasures. The
Undermarket Locations table, as well as a more
most prominent of these is the Delirium Den, a small
elaborate description of the most noteworthy locations
cave-network built into a wide, flat stalagmite. Within,
on the following pages.
grottoes of varying sizes provide access to everything
The Crystalline Springs from the ingestion of mind-altering substances to more
Spa and Hot Springs sinister pleasures (such as Zombie Therapy, which
The duergar Valdrik runs this luxurious spa, which allows a patron to commit whatever foul deeds or
lies in a secluded area of the Undermarket. Tucked experiments they wish upon a reanimated corpse).
away between stalagmites, a dozen hot springs The Delirium Den is run by the Lazuline Reach, a
allow for complete relaxation. Valdrik, while often notorious collective of black-hearted scoundrels that
gruff and standoffish, runs a well-oiled operation spreads its tentacles across much of the Dark Below.
and makes sure that all patrons are as pampered and In the Undermarket, the powerful psionic aberration
relaxed as possible. A visit to the Crystalline Springs, Kûr-Ilz is the Lazuline Reach’s primary representative.
which includes massages from deep gnome, duergar, Alabaster-skinned and with writhing tentacles instead
and drow massage therapists, as well as snacks and of a mouth, the finely-dressed Kûr-Ilz oversees
beverages, costs 5 gp per hour. everything that goes on in the Delirium Den.
The Delirium Den’s Wares & Services
Suggested Magic Shops
Service Value
You can place any magic shop (including those of your
own making) in the Undermarket, but a handful are Illicit Substances, 1 Use
especially suitable for the subterranean bazaar: Goldenleaf 5 gp
• Eggard’s Blades (Weapons) Darkroot 25 gp
• Quill & Cipher’s Scribery (Arcane, Scrolls) Mindrip 50 gp
• The Serpent (Poisons, Potions)
Brightcap 100 gp
• The Nocturnal Nook (General)
• Twinhelm Emporium (Arcane, General) Other
Courtesan, 1 Hour 25 gp
Zombie Therapy, 1 Hour 100 gp
Undermarket Locations
d10 Name Description
1 Crystalline Springs Luxurious hot springs managed by a duergar named Valdrik who, despite his
gruff exterior, is meticulous about ensuring his patrons’ complete relaxation.
2 Delirium Den An establishment where patrons can indulge in any pleasure imaginable, no
matter how extravagant or sinister, run by the dangerous Lazuline Reach.
3 Echo Chasm A rowdy tavern at the edge of a large chasm, famed for its echoing acoustics.
Managed by Yzzrit, a jovial half-orc bard who has countless stories to tell.
4 Fang & Talon A three-floor tavern in a huge stalagmite with private rooms and alcoves,
managed by the serpentfolk Fang and the harpy Talon.
5 Fungal Feast Snorg, a portly deep gnome, runs this food stall offering edible fungi and other
unique delicacies from the Dark Below, aided by his goblin apprentice Torsk.
6 Obsidian Flagon A high-end dining and wine-tasting establishment with an exquisite selection
of wines curated by the dark elf proprietor Almizz T’len-Athiel
7 Queen’s Silk A boutique overseen by Lithielle, a strict and overbearing dark elf weaver, that
provides clothing and armor woven from the finest spider silk.
8 Reizhil’s Roost This bustling stable, run by the friendly and excited goblin Reizhil, houses a
wide variety of exotic (and dangerous) beasts for sale.
9 Shroomlight Retreat This quiet, cozy inn, lit by bio-luminescent mushrooms, is run by Balabar, a
friendly ogre who knows how to make any guest feel at home.
10 Stone’s Glitter This gem and crystal emporium is manned by Oskine, a deep gnome with a
glint in her eye – and an appetite for all things that glitter.

M arket Events When to use events
A visit to the Undermarket usually includes at least a The events described here – and those of your own
few unforeseen and exciting events. You can choose making – can be used to shake things up and ensure
any events you like or roll on the Undermarket Events that the party’s shopping trek is never boring. If you see
table to determine a market event at random. players losing focus, yawning, or complaining that it’s
taking too long, it’s a good clue that it might be time to
Chimera Calamity run an event. Even a simple social encounter with minor
A chimera escapes its magical confines in Reizhil’s stakes is often enough to shake things up and renew
Roost and causes havoc in the Undermarket. Read or your players’ attention and focus!
paraphrase the following:
The quiet bustle of the bazaar is suddenly drowned If the characters don’t intervene, the chimera will
out by loud crashing, roaring, and bleating. As slay two more Dark Cloaks before being slain itself. If
you turn your attention to the noise, you see a the characters do step in, the Dark Cloaks happily step
hobgoblin clad in a black cloak flying through the back, while Reizhil urges the heroes to bring the beast
air, trailing a torrent of blood from a gushing wound down gently. The characters can do so with non-lethal
in its chest. Further down the avenue you see two damage, with mundane or magical restraints, or by
more dark-cloaked figures scramble back from a succeeding on two DC 15 Wisdom (Animal Handling)
monstrous, three-headed creature that is snorting checks that each take an action to perform, and
steam and smoke. A wide-eyed goblin standing
between which the chimera must take no damage.
a few feet away is frantically trying to calm the
monstrosity down.
If the chimera is successfully subdued but not slain,
Reizhil rewards the characters with a discount of up to
The chimera, whose wings are bound tight to its torso, 100 gp on any of her beasts or wares. If the characters
flew into a rage when a careless duergar accidentally slay the chimera, Reizhil demands compensation,
stepped on its tail. The duergar is now a smoking husk insisting that they owe her 5,000 gold pieces. Though
on the ground, but the involvement of the Dark Cloaks she can’t force the issue, failure to pay the goblin what
has made things worse. Disregarding Reizhil’s attempts she demands may earn the characters a bitter enemy
to calm it, the enraged chimera is attacking any other with a stable of dangerous beasts at her disposal.
creature that gets close to it.

Cloaked Chaos A character that joins the procession and succeeds on
A cloaker descends from the cave’s ceiling to grab a DC 13 Charisma (Performance) check as they either
a server who’s clearing tables outside the Obsidian dance or play music alongside the gnomes is gifted a
Flagon restaurant. Read or paraphrase the following: pinkish crystal by the carnival’s leader, priestess Ukêlu.
If kissed within 24 hours, the crystal crumbles to fine
You hear a faint rustling of air and look up to see dust that, if sprinkled over a creature’s head, grants
a large, shadowy creature glide down toward the beauty and confidence; the creature gains advantage
market’s street, seemingly aimed directly for a
on Charisma checks and saving throws for 1 hour.
young dark elf who’s clearing tables outside a fancy-
looking restaurant about 60 feet ahead of you. Fungal Mishap
An apprentice chef accidentally mixes two exotic fungi
The cloaker will grab onto the dark elf commoner
at the Fungal Feast food stall, causing a poisonous gas
on its next turn and then fly back up to the ceiling
to form. Read or paraphrase the following:
with her in its grasp. If the characters intervene,
roll initiative. A character that is swift enough can A loud hiss followed by a gasp of surprise draws
reach the server before she is snatched and divert the your attention to a small food stall at the side of the
cloaker’s attention or attempt to bring it down before it road. Dumbfounded, a diminutive goblin wearing
escapes into the gloom. The cloaker is not interested in a white chef’s hat looks in horror at a cloud of
a fight and will flee rather than die needlessly. greenish gas that is pouring from a bowl in front of
him. In a few seconds, the entire stall is enveloped in
If the characters save the server Mizrilla, the
gas, sending frantic patrons and passersby running,
Obsidian Flagon’s flamboyant dark elf owner Almizz eyes watering and with hands covering their mouths.
T’len-Athiel gratefully offers them a free wine-tasting
or a luxurious meal on the house. The heavily obscuring gas quickly envelops a 20-foot-
radius area. It lasts for 1 minute or until dispersed by
Deep Carnival strong wind. A creature that enters the area or starts
The party is caught in a deep gnome tradition: the its turn there must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
Deep Carnival. Read or paraphrase the following: saving throw or take 1d6 poison damage. If the save
Eerie but oddly joyous music can be heard as fails by 5 or more, the creature falls Unconscious until
a crowd of colorfully clad deep gnomes comes another creature uses an action to wake it.
dancing down the street. Wearing bright masks that While everyone else fled, the goblin chef, Torsk, was
resemble various subterranean monstrosities and too surprised by his mishap to react. If the characters
playing instruments made from hollowed crystal, the don’t intervene, the gas will kill him in three rounds.
deep gnomes’ festive mood is contagious and small Retrieving the goblin requires that a character uses an
hands beckon onlookers to join in the revelry.
action and succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
As anyone who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence check (with disadvantage, if the character is Blinded)
(History) check knows, the carnival is a celebration and another action to make a successful DC 10
of the deep gnome paragon Oddric the Delver, who, Strength (Athletics) check to carry the goblin out.
legend has it, slew countless evils and overcame many The Fungal Feast’s deep gnome proprietor, Snorg,
challenges to procure the sacred Everstone many arrives back from his bathroom break shortly after.
millennia ago. Appalled at the disruption of business and unhappy
with his apprentice, the surly gnome offers only a
Undermarket Events muttered “thanks” and a Zirithian truffle sandwich.

d6 Name Description
1 Chimera Calamity A chimera escapes Reizhil’s Roost and attacks a patrol of Dark Cloaks near the
characters. Reizhil begs for anyone to stop the chimera without killing it!
2 Cloaked Chaos A cloaker descends from the ceiling to grab a server outside the Obsidian Flagon.
The characters can earn themselves a free wine-tasting or lunch if they save her.
3 Deep Carnival A procession of deep gnomes clad in colorful masks and garments dance down
the street while playing joyous tunes on hollowed crystal instruments.
4 Fungal Mishap An apprentice chef accidentally mixes Yirtree Cap and Faefungi at the Fungal
Feast food stall, causing a poisonous gas cloud to form around the food stall.
5 In the Spider’s Path A drow priestess and her guards are about to trample a pair of deep gnomes. If
they intervene, the characters can earn a candle of the delver as reward.
6 Surly Soothsayer A duergar soothsayer stops the characters and offers an ominous account of their
futures. Failure to provide a suitable payment may result in a temporary curse.


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