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Link audio:
You will hear someone talking on the radio about a hotel in Ireland. Listen and complete
questions 1-5. You will hear the information twice.

Hotel in Ireland
Best time to visit: June
Name: The (1) Hotel
Where: (2) Island
Hotel first built in the year: (3)
Number of bedrooms: (4)
Restaurant famous for: (5)
Task 1:

List an advantage and a disadvantage of each hotel. (Ghi 1 ưu điểm và 1 nhược điểm của
từng khách sạn.)

Not all rooms have their own bathrooms

Task 2:
Choose the correct answers. (Chọn câu trả lời đúng.)
My Bedroom
Robert likes his room to be tidy, but it's difficult as it's his brother's bedroom too. When
Robert is alone in the room he does his homework or listens to music. On the walls there are a
few small posters. Robert wants to have more, and to paint the walls yellow, but his mother
doesn't agree. There are photographs of family holidays and of his sister's children. 'I like my
room best when they're here. It gets untidy, but I don't mind.'
James's bedroom is painted in his favourite colour, yellow. He loves rugby, and there are
several photos of him playing in the school team. 'After school I like to come up here to play
computer games. My room's like my safe place. I can relax here.' James keeps his room tidy. His
school work is on one shelf, and on another he has all his books.
'After school I come up here and chat to everyone I know on the computer,' says Harry.
'I never work in here - I study in the kitchen.' He has a big desk with a laptop in the middle, a
PC on one side and a lamp on the other. On the walls there are two posters of his favourite
tennis stars. 'I don't do much sport but I like watching tennis.'

1. Who has more than one computer in his room.

A. Robert B. James C. Harry
2. Who would like more pictures on the walls?
A. Robert B. James C. Harry
3. Who has pictures of himself doing sport?
A. Robert B. James C. Harry
4. Who shares his room with someone else?
A. Robert B. James C. Harry
5. Who talks to friends when he’s in his room?
A. Robert B. James C. Harry
6. Who sometimes has visitors to his room?
A. Robert B. James C. Harry
7. Who studies in his bedroom?
A. Robert B. James C. Harry
Pdf cho các tasks ở đây:
Task 1: Listen to the phone conversations in a hotel. Then listen again and complete each
statement, using words from the box.

Task 2:

Task 3: Write real conditional statements and questions. Use the correct forms of the verbs and
correct punctuation.

Task 1: Read and listen. Then, listen again and repeat. Record yourself and upload your
recordings. (Nghe và ghi âm phần tự đọc lại các từ này và nộp)
Audio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tqZgs4xWgEOVxFUHE4XWmDTjd6MR_EeG/view?
Task 2: Listen and circle the kind of product each ad describes. (Nghe và chọn loại sản phẩm
mỗi phần quảng cáo miêu tả)
Audio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aMpItn78E5ZwMKXg2KuM7gkGQ1iFMaHf/view?

Task 1:
a. Read and
listen. Audio:
b. Answer the following questions.
1. Have you ever had salon services? Do you think these services are important in life?
 I haven't been to the beauty salon yet. I think it's also quite important
2. Have you ever been to a spa? If yes, did you enjoy the service there? If not, do you
plan to go in the future? Why?
 I haven't been to the spa yet. I would go to a spa if I had a lot of money
3. Do you participate in exercise classes or go to the gym? Why?
 No, I don’t. Because there aren't many opportunities yet
Task 2: Read and listen to a conversation in a spa salon. Answer the questions, using
language from the Photo Story.

1 How does the client ask for a massage?

 While I’m at it, di you think I could get a haircut, too?
2 How does the receptionist indicate that the client can have a massage without
an appointment?
 You’re in luck. Our eleven o’clock just called to cancel
his appointment.
3 How does the client ask about the price of a massage and a haircut?
 It will be 110 euros in all
4 What phrase does the receptionist use to tell the client the total cost of the salon services?
 Let’s see… it will be…
5 How does the client say "That's OK"?
 Not a problem
6 What expression does the receptionist use to tell the client that the amount to tip is
his decision?
 But most clients give the stylist and the masseuse a euro or two each.

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