How To Be Classy - Anna Bey - 2018

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Title Page
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Being Classy
Chapter 2 - Develop a Classy Mindset
Chapter 3 - Refine Your Classy Behavior
Chapter 4 - Dress Like a Classy Woman
Chapter 5 - Groom Yourself to Look Classy
Chapter 6 - Get a Classy Body
Chapter 7 - Create a Classy Lifestyle
Chapter 8 - Develop a Classy Image
Chapter 9 - How to Be Classy on a Budget
Chapter 10 - Now Your Classy Journey Begins
Chapter 11 - Your Chapter
End credits
Classy Coaching Exercises
How To Be Classy


Anna Bey
© 2017 Anna Bey. All rights reserved.

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This book is designed to provide information and motivation to our readers.

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Cover Illustration Copyright © 2017 Anna Ismagilova

First Edition
Every day is a new beginning…
Chapter 1
Introduction to Being Classy

To women who want to become the best versions of yourselves. This book
is for you.

I've always had a belief that everything is possible in life. Over the years,
from my own experience, I've noticed that it's actually true, anything IS
possible if you put your mind to it. This led me to an immense interest in
self-transformation, regularly practicing on myself. I learned by studying
others that people can come from all kinds of background and walks of life,
but we all have the same ability to create change.

Change happens when there is a burning desire to attain a different

outcome, and if you’re reading this book, you might have selected it
because you want to understand better the topic of having “class" and how
to achieve it. Maybe you're a person who has no clue where to start, but you
know that you want to step up your game and become a better version of
yourself. Or perhaps you're already half-way, but you got stuck in your
progress, and now you need some fresh ideas to re-invent yourself. Others,
who may not have had a classy past, want to break free from something
that's holding them back and improve their overall image with the help of
this book.

Each of our stories will be different, but we all have something in common:
we are aware that there is a classy aspect to life. There are women with a
certain poise who stand out from the crowd and who live life in a way we
would like to identify with. These women are strong and confident. They
have self-respect and impeccable manners, which gives them significant
advantages in life.

Over the years, I’ve gathered valuable information, interviewed tons of

classy women, and decoded the blueprint of what sets them apart from the
crowd. I’ve observed hundreds of cases and examined what they are doing
and what makes them stand out. There are certain things they have in
common—some that are obvious and others that may come as a surprise.
My mission has been to gather this information and present them as tools
for you to use on your journey of self-transformation.

We all need to cultivate and reassess ourselves from time to time and see
where there is room for improvement. You might need to work on your self-
esteem, and the way you see yourself, or maybe you need to improve the
way you behave. Whatever desire for change you may have, becoming
classy is perhaps the ultimate goal for most modern women who feel they
deserve the very best. The good news is that anyone can reach this goal.
And this book will teach you how.

Being called “classy” may be one of the highest compliments a woman can
receive today. The term describes her overall presence, from how she looks
to how she acts and how she lives her life. We know that she keeps a high
standard and that she respects herself and her surrounding, and this creates
her signature trait. Becoming this woman reaps many benefits. She stands
out in the crowd. She earns respect and admiration while becoming a role
model for others.

Classiness has never been more sought after than today, thanks to a society
that has downgraded its standards and people who have lost their manners
and sophistication. If you go back fifty-plus years ago, elegance was the
norm. Today it has become a rarity. Instead, we feed our brains with trash
TV, vulgar role models, and ignorance. With this social education, it’s
challenging to nourish the growth of classiness. We adapt to impolite ways
of living and miss out on the positive benefits that you get from being
Good examples of this are those women who have potential, but their poor
tastes and lack of social educations sabotage their successes. It’s a shame
because they may be wonderful, but people judge them based on how they
present themselves, and most times people never get past the first

Benefits of becoming a classy woman:

1. Your elegant appearance will make you more attractive.

2. You will make more friends.
3. You will feel better about yourself.
4. Your manners will make you become a very likable person in your
5. You will earn more respect from people.
6. You will become more desirable on the “single’s market,” since
classy is an attribute men search for in women.
7. You will feel confident in any social situation, with any person.
8. Your career will benefit from your mature and professional image.
9. You will receive more opportunities.
10. You will receive better treatment from people.
11. You will have higher chances of success.
12. Your life might change for the better.

Some of these benefits may sound strange to you. Why would there be
more opportunities, and why would you suddenly have a higher chance of
The reason is simple human psychology. When we meet trustworthy people
who look representable and act accordingly, we tend to like them
instinctively. When we like them, we help them and treat them well.

Working on your classy presence is, therefore, an investment you can make
not only for yourself and your community but also for your future.

What is Classy?
The definition of having or showing class:

Being elegant, sophisticated, stylish.

Being graceful, refined, tasteful.

Having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior.

Someone with impeccable manners who always consider others.

The character of a refined person with proper etiquette and common


Being classy is a lifestyle. It’s an everyday choice. It’s not only the way a
person looks but also a mentality and a way of living.

This book will explain in detail everything you need to know about being a
classy woman, but before we start I will share with you my disclosure:

1. You don’t need to be of a specific social status class to be classy

Being classy has nothing to do with your background or class system in

society. While some may assume that the upper-class is the only “real
classy people,” this is not true and only a matter of misconception. Classy
behavior is often in line with the well-bred upper-class who have similar
philosophy in their social educations. But elegance and sophistication are
separate to bloodlines or economic or social statuses—it’s bound to
personal attributes and behavior, which anyone can achieve at any point in

2. There is no universal approach

Once you have finished reading this book, you will have come across a lot
of information that describes the persona of someone classy.
You might think some of it sounds rigid, stereotypical, or perhaps old-
fashioned, but the truth is that it’s only a generalization of the guidelines of
how a classy woman should be.
The information is to help you align yourself with this energy, not to copy it
and think that you must change your entire self to become some fictional
character in a book. Apply to yourself as much as you feel is You.
Self-transformation is an ongoing journey, and sometimes we need to take
things slow and in small but continuous doses. You don’t need to become
an entirely new person —but you can tweak to become a better version of
yourself, and this book teaches you how you can develop your image to
become classier.

3. Your classy barometer will vary

Depending on the social situation and who surrounds you, your classy
“barometer” will be in higher or lower modes. It’s normal behavior. We all
switch between our formal and informal side, depending on if we are with
family members or strangers, for example. How I am with person A, might
not be the same as when I am with person B. Same goes for the
surroundings, if it’s somewhere casual or formal, we naturally tweak our
vibration to adapt.
The classy barometer will therefore vary, and it’s completely normal.
Sometimes we just want to put our feet up for a second, and we may do so
when we feel it’s appropriate. Nobody is a robot acting formally 365 days a
week; we’re only humans after all!

What is Classy Coaching?

Anyone interested in self-improvement will probably be familiar with the

art of journaling: scribbling random thoughts, making lists, and setting
written goals.
Throughout this book, I will include exercises (“Classy Coaching”) for you
to complete and write down in your journal. If you don’t own one, I suggest
getting one, as it’s a well-known fact that when you write something down,
you increase your chance of success by 42 percent.

If journaling is not your thing, you can write on some paper or do the
exercises verbally or silently in your mind. I will gather all the tasks at the
end of this book for those who belong to the category of people who prefer
reading everything first and then going back to follow up with the exercise
parts. Do what suits you best. Classy Coaching is additional practice for
you to reach clarity and keep yourself aligned with the path you're taking.


Classy Coaching #1

Classy role models are great inspirations for anyone, regardless your current
level of classiness. You should study them carefully and reflect on what you
can use as inspiration for your transformational journey.

A) Write down who your classy role models are.

B) Analyze what these role models wear, how they look, how they behave,
how they carry themselves, how they speak, and so on, and try and pinpoint
exactly what makes them appear so classy?

It often resides in the details, and your mission is to discover these traits.

Write down everything you come up with in your journal, and reflect on
how you can incorporate this into yourself and your own life.

Examples of classy celebrities:

Nicole Kidman

Kate Middleton


Julia Roberts

Natalie Portman

Julianne Moore
Vanessa Paradis

Audrey Hepburn

Grace Kelly

Kate Winslet

Queen Rania of Jordan

Amal Clooney

Helen Mirren

Cate Blanchett

Naomi Watts

Helen Hunt

Diane Kruger

Ingrid Bergman

Diane Keaton

Audrey Tautou

Halle Berry

Coco Chanel

Katharine Hepburn

Sophia Loren
Jackie Onassis

Maya Angelou

Charlene, Princess of Monaco

Lauren Bacall

(It’s worth Googling the names you don’t recognize, as all of these stunning
women can add inspiration to your discovery.)
Chapter 2
Develop a Classy Mindset
It all starts in your mind! Whenever you need to improve yourself, you
always need to begin where all your thoughts and actions get born—it’s
inside your head.

No changes to your appearances or behavior will have any effect if your

mental self is totally off. I, therefore, want to start by looking into the
mindset of a classy woman, as that’s where her entire “self” gets created.
The power resides in the mind of a person, and you should take this to your
advantage if you are serious about making changes.

What you believe in is what will define you and shine through you and
transmit to others. If you sharpen your mind to a classy, sophisticated self,
it will become so much easier for the rest of your improvements to follow.

So let’s get to know the classy woman and her mentality.

In previous generations, a woman with class was a woman who was quiet
and adaptable with immense self-control who had to act “pulled together at
all times” to receive respect from the society. This stereotype is passé in our
modern world. Women today have more rights, more freedom, and more
confidence to be who they really are. Having class is not about being a
puppet in a man’s world or turning yourself into a doormat. A woman with
strong ability to compose herself and have immense self-control may come
across as classy, but she easily loses her “self” and instead becomes a
shadow to everyone else.
A classy woman would never go against herself to attain a specific image.
She wouldn’t put on a facade and act in a certain way unless that’s her
character. She is authentic, and her genuine actions put her in the light—
where she knows she belongs. As a result, she is always herself, and that
makes her attractive.

Classy is about being the best version of yourself. It’s about becoming
refined. The main principle of becoming classy is based on personal
growth, to fine tune your weaknesses and improving yourself. There is no
“one-size-fits-all” concept. A classy woman does not have a particular
personality, which everyone must mimic if they want to become

One classy woman can be very conservative and quiet, while another is
flamboyant and expressive. Or someone else might have an odd character
that is so charming it becomes her signature trait. People are different, and
these differences are to be embraced!
Being classy is more than portraying an image of being “Miss Perfect.” It’s
about being authentic and honest with who you are without holding back
and forcing yourself to be someone you are not.

But we all know that some personal traits are not to favor, instead, they
require a significant amount of work and self-realization. Nobody is perfect,
and we all have weaknesses we must acknowledge and continuously work
on improving. Sometimes these faults take over a person entirely and create
personalities that are flawed by poor behavior, bad manners, and
insecurities that can make the most elegant looking woman not to appear
very classy. In many cases, these women are polished to perfection with
their sophisticated looks but their personalities are totally off, and it ruins
Your inner self must reflect your outer self if you want to achieve true class.
An improper inside will never create a woman of a high standard. We all
have flaws, but it’s critical to examine yourself and see if your issues ruin
your overall personality. It can be things like having provocative behavior
and being an attention seeker or drama queen.
Most often women who behave in not-so-classy ways are usually not fully
aware of that themselves. They are trapped in some form of belief and
never manage to do any self-reflection. If they ever come across outer
feedback, they may brush it off by putting their defenses on, thinking
people are only jealous and that they are perfect as they are. Unfortunately,
these women will not have much success in their personal development.
Instead, they will get stuck and always remain the same. For change to
happen, a person must develop the ability to be truly honest and always
strive for improving—that means doing constant reality checks and
sometimes acknowledge some painful truths.

Examples of not-so-classy personality traits:


a mood swinger
a liar
an ice queen
a drama queen
an attention seeker
desperate to impress others (trying too hard)
addicted to self-validation
very insecure
a diva
the one who acts superior to everyone
the gossip girl

The list can go on . . .

Anyone who has these elements in their character sends out negative energy
that stains the positive image of a classy image. It’s like wearing a
beautiful, white dress with a large stain on it. Nobody will look at the dress
but only look at the horrible stain. The same goes for a woman’s behavior.
Nobody will care if she dresses immaculately and uses the correct fork at
the dinner table if her personality is terrible. They will only focus on her
sour nature.

As we progress through life, some women might not have had a very classy
past. Perhaps they acted trashy or had lousy behavior that negatively
labeled them. Sometimes these women begin to believe in this image to the
point, they let it define themselves and create an illusion that they can never
become classy (or be part of a high-class society). They continue their
negative paths for years and years as they don’t think society would ever
accept different versions of them.

Don’t believe this; a woman can change at any point in her life! Most of us
have done things that we have regretted, and we have acted in ways that
possibly would make us embarrassed today, but it’s part of life and our
discovery here, to grow and continuously evolve. A dirty past shall not
hinder your values and aspirations of today because everyone changes.
People change all the time. Who you are today is probably not who you will
be in five years. So holding onto an outdated image that is not for your
benefit is not only ridiculous but it’s blocking your future. It’s stopping the
natural course of your evolvement and letting you achieve what you truly

Becoming a classy lady is about becoming the best version of yourself.

Nobody is perfect, and nobody is born classy and sophisticated. It’s
something we learn over time by interacting with the world and
experiencing trial and error.
It’s never too late to develop a classy mindset because this mindset can take
you very far in life. If you have the mind, you’ll get the rest eventually, but
it all starts within yourself!
Without a classy mindset, you cannot be classy because everything else that
belongs to your overall image (fashion, beauty, behavior, etc.) will be
flawed if you transmit the wrong attitude. So priority one is working on
your inner self—get rid of the garbage that is holding you back, and make
room for new, classy attributes to flourish.


Classy Coaching #2

This exercise requires you to dismantle all defense mechanisms that you
may have and be completely honest with yourself, even if the truth may

A) With pure kindness, ask yourself: What are the flaws in your character
and personality?

Take inspiration from the list of suggestions of not-so-classy personalities

that I have provided above and ask your honest self if you have any of these
influences and why?

Write them down.

Ask yourself if you have any bad behavior that labels your personality and
why you behave the way you do.


“I forget to say thank you to people because I’m so absentminded, so my

personality comes across as rude”

“I act like I’m the best all the time because I feel so insecure and don’t
want people to see the truth. I know people think of me as an arrogant
person or a diva.”

B) Choose someone you feel comfortable opening up to and being

vulnerable with. Ask that person to be entirely honest with you and give
you their view on the things you have written down about yourself in
exercise A).

C) Ask this person if he/she has any additional feedback on your

personality/behavior that you might not have listed.

Be open to the feedback without being defensive, even if it may be difficult.

This is for your own gain.


Classy Attributes

There are some common traits of classy women and their personalities,
which is something you should take into your own account. Let’s look at
some admirable attributes that these graceful women possess that creates
the foundation for their high-levels of class.

Classy Women Are Positive

We have all met those people who shine brightly with charisma and who
have a charming vibe that makes you instantly like them. That person was
probably someone very positive who was vibrating genuine happiness. But
not everyone has reached that enlightened level or got the personality of
being “Little Miss Sunshine.” Working on your positive energy is vital to
your well-being if you want to become classy (as classy people don’t spread
negative energy).
You will be feeling amazing, and as a result, you will achieve better life
quality. Besides, your good vibrations will transmit to others, making you
more likable and people will automatically be drawn to you. Compare this
to someone who is often complaining, focusing on the negative and
bitching about others.
People find this behavior to be burdensome, so they stay away from these
types. The only people who can somewhat tolerate it, are those who indulge
in the same kind of behavior themselves, and these people are never classy.
It’s not elegant to spread negativity; the pinnacle of good manners is to
make people around you feel good, and that’s exactly what being positive
will help you achieve.

Classy Women Are Confident Women

There is a slight difference in meaning between having self-confidence and

having self-esteem, but I will group them this time as both are equally
valuable and fundamental for a woman who keeps a high standard. A classy
woman must have the confidence and be secure in herself, as she won’t
come across as mature and sophisticated if her insecurities come and
sabotage for her. It’s important to work on the self-esteem and to feel
worthy. Once you do this, you will be able to project yourself genuinely by
having a high sense of self-worth. Only then will you be able to transmit the
confidence required because you will honestly believe in your self-worth so
you will feel it to the core.

Reaching this stage often requires a lot of work, healing and sometimes
help from a therapist. We can be damaged from things that have happened
to us in our pasts that has left us scarred, creating our insecurities and little
self-worth—but it’s never too late to change that!

You can become fully secure in yourself, and change your life around so
that you can take part of the many advantages self-esteem has to offer.
Classy women who are secure in themselves, take pride in who they are and
it gives them this natural confidence that they give off to the public. A
woman who resolves her significant insecurity issues will automatically
become a woman of high-standard because she will respect herself and she
will know exactly what she deserves in life. If you feel worthy, you will
think that you only deserve the very best, and that’s what classy women do.
However, I don’t want you to confuse this message by turning into a diva or
start acting superior. It’s not classy to look down on people and think that
you are better than everyone else. That’s just bad manners and
inappropriate behavior that doesn’t belong to a person who is educated and
has class. Remember always to stay humble and love yourself in a healthy
and down to earth way.

Classy Women Respect Themselves and Others

If I could summarize this book in one sentence, it would be this:

“A classy woman is someone who respects herself and her surroundings.”


She knows that she is a woman of value, she puts efforts in caring for
herself, but she genuinely cares about others as well, so she treats everyone
always with respect. Her goodwill earns others respecting her as a result.
Nobility shines through when people have respectful behavior toward

Classy women don’t do it just because it’s an image thing. They are
genuinely caring and emphatic people who are educated to understand that
the world would not go around if people were not respecting one and
another. They do it because they see the bigger picture, they are smart
enough to look past their own issues and embrace a bigger and greater
cause. This signals their own self-respect because they treat others how they
wish to be treated themselves. There are times in life when drama occurs,
and someone might be acting insulting or disrespectful to you in any way.
How you handle this situation is a test of your real level of class.
Would you respond by giving back the same aggression you received or
would you compose yourself and act calm?

Classy women stay out of drama, they don’t fight in public, and they avoid
negativity to the most possible extent.
When someone steps on their toes they can put their foot down in a neutral
manner without ever losing their face. They don’t tell people off, and they
don’t bother getting involved. When someone tries to pick a fight with
them, they prefer taking a step back than start defending themselves as they
never see the point of any heated arguments.

If someone bothers them to the point they have to put their foot down, they
do it with a certain finesse. Shouting is déclassé, so they would never raise
their voice to get their point across. Instead, they react with confidence and
authority, saying something in an educated manner that will put that person
back in its place.
Sometimes it’s tempting to give in, but classy women know it’s better to
walk away from a bad situation because it will benefit them more than
indulging in a riot.

Classy Women Have Brains

A classy woman is a person with substance; she is a “beauty with brains” as

men love calling it. Perhaps an essential part of the personality of someone
who can earn the title classy is to be smart. You don’t need to be very
intellectual, but you need to somehow stay au jour with the world, but also
with your learning. A classy woman has a brain, and for that reason, she
wants always to feed her mind. Let it be what’s happening in the world,
academic studies, hobbies, taking courses, going to seminars, reading
articles, reading books—anything that gives you some new insights into

Have you ever met someone who seems nice and sweet, but who has
absolutely nothing to say?
Her most used phrase is “I don’t know,” and you quickly understand that
this conversation will probably not lead anywhere. It’s not only about how
much you know. Instead, it's important to have your own thoughts and
opinions. You may not want to stay au jour with the political debate in the
world, but you can at least create an opinion about what you think are the
current problems in our society.
People will find you empty and boring if you’re a woman with little
substance. You will not earn the respect a classy woman receives when she
shares her views and observations when engaging in conversation with
Strive to be not only beautiful but also to create an irresistible brain that
men will compliment you for as being “the ultimate ten.”

Classy Women Are Subtle

Discretion has always been the prime element for people of a high-class,
and classy women have mastered this trait to perfection. It’s the mystery
around them that makes them so intriguing and adds that elegance to their

Sophisticated women learn how to be subtle in all areas of life, this makes
them come across as more mature. They are always themselves, but they
never give away too much. You would for instance never hear classy
women brag about her achievements or namedrop which celebrities are part
of her friend's list. Discretion is what makes her shine because if it’s worth
talking about, people will say the words for you. Plus, nothing is more
frustrating than types who are too pushy and “in your face.” A classy
woman might carry a lot of self-confidence and power, but she is never a
pushover taking over the show. This is what makes her so successful in
social situations because her educated manners make her very likable.

Classy Women Are Selective

If a person respects herself on a deeper level, she naturally grows into

becoming someone who is selective. She values herself to the point she
would always listen to her inner voice and ask herself what she really
wants. Her well-being, her balance, her life is important to her, she would
never go against herself by making the wrong choices. She instead takes her
time and thinks carefully before getting into something she later will regret.
Similar to her time. She knows that time is precious and something we will
never get back. For that reason, she is selective with whom she meets and
how she invests her time. The same goes for the food she eats, clothes she
wears, men she dates, and so on. Being picky is being classy because it’s a
sign of self-respect. But being too picky is destructive, as I mentioned
earlier, no extremes are ever beneficial for having success.


Classy Coaching #3

Having listed some positive traits of classy women, now is a suitable time
to reflect on what you wish to incorporate into yourself.

A) What personality traits do you wish you could have?

Write them down.

B) What existing traits could appear stronger in your personality or that

require more work to enhance?
Write them down too.

C) Look over your list and reflect on which you think are the most
important to commit to at this stage.
Decide on one or two maximum and write them down as part of your


“I want to stop being so negative, and I will focus on positivity as often as I


“I want to stop saying yes to everything all the time, and I will focus on
taking my time and become more selective with my choices.”

Make sure to remind yourself every day of every given situation what
you’re working on. Correct yourself whenever you act according to your
old behavior.
Practice your new behavior as often as possible, as that’s how it will stick
eventually. Don’t give up if it feels difficult in the beginning!
Chapter 3
Refine Your Classy Behavior
“I’m not ghetto, but I definitely need to grow” is something I once heard
someone say. I think it’s a valid phrase expressing how many feel when
they reflect on their behavior. The mindset and personality of a classy
woman may be what breeds the sophistication in her, but ultimately it’s her
behavior that people will judge her upon. Manners and proper etiquette are
what first comes to mind when you think of an upscale person. But to take
yourself to the next level of having class, one has to fine-tune the smaller
details and reflect on how others perceive you.

You see, looks will only take you half the way. The rest is up to the way
you behave. A classy woman should walk the talk. If she dresses like a lady
but acts like a tramp, no clothes in this world will ever save the poor image
she is portraying. People might think she is classy from afar, but once she
opens her mouth, they quickly realize they were mistaken. But bad behavior
doesn’t need to be extreme—it can sometimes be subtle, something only a
“trained eye” could spot. And most of us are probably quite well-behaved,
but perhaps we have become a little bit too relaxed in specific areas in life,
having picked up some less classy habits that take our sophisticated selves
down a few notches.

All this can be improved with self-awareness and by having attention to

detail, but you need to properly put this into your daily practice if you want
to improve your manners and make it stick.

Why do we need to care so much about what other people think?

My answer is simple:
If you wouldn’t care, you would probably never be reading this book in the
first place. Something in you has an interest in how you come across to
people. There is nothing wrong with being conscious about how you
interact with others and if they get the right impression of you.
We are social creatures. We share this planet with billions of people, and
we have developed a highly complex society in which our behavior
becomes a method of communication to one and another.

I think it’s important to care that people have understood you correctly as
getting the right communication across is of benefit to you and the people
around. But caring too much about what people think from an insecure
point of view, is a different story and has nothing to do with what I’m
trying to say. Communication is a big part of us, and we communicate
through our image, with our actions and behavior. Of course, it’s become
important in a society in which everything is based on interactions and built
upon social rules. Withdraw yourself from that, and you might as well
move to a deserted island and live by yourself.

The Way You Communicate

Communication is more than just the words we tell someone. It also

includes our actions, how we portray ourselves, our speech, our vocabulary,
our body language, and so on. Learning how to express yourself correctly
will upgrade your elegance, as it’s being attentive to the small details that
make a lady appear so tasteful.


Classy Coaching #4

Let’s reflect on how you talk, take some time and analyze your speech. Be
truly honest with yourself if you want to have best results. Write down your
thoughts in your journal.
How is your pitch when you speak?

How loud are you?

Do you curse?

What about your grammar?

Do you speak with a heavy accent?

Do you over-abuse filler words like “um” or “like”?

Do you speak fast or slow?

How advanced is your vocabulary?

Do you use slang?

Do you mumble?

The easiest way to understand this would be by filming yourself when you
talk and review it.

You can also ask a friend for honest feedback as that can be quite beneficial
when a person has seen you in different types of situations.


How To Speak Classy

Keep a moderate volume, as it’s not classy being too loud.

Keep a medium pitch. You should have normal intonation, avoiding
talking monotonously.
Keep a reasonable tempo. Fast speakers come across as less serious
while very slow speakers lose attention.
There is no need to use fancy words and sound intellectual when you
can use standard, correct language that everyone will be able to
Always speak with good grammar and with proper articulation,
avoiding cursing or using slang.
Reduce filler words like “um,” “like,” etc. They shouldn’t be in all
your sentences!
Communicate with grace—express yourself in a confident and
uncrushed manner, make people feel at ease listening to you.
Have a variation of your pitch, so you keep people’s interest and

You’ll want to put an effort in perfecting your speech, as psychologically

people respect someone more if they have good articulation skills. It can be
challenging to change something that we do without really thinking of, but
if you become more and more aware of your communication, over time,
you’ll get used to a more refined way of talking. Think of it as continuous
work in progress. Improvements happen gradually, especially to something
like speech, but with patience, once practiced regularly, it will stick once
and for all, you just need to let it take some time.

Accents are one of the hardest and most popular things to “fix” for people
who have very heavy accents that don’t sound very sophisticated
(examples: a thick American southern drawl or the famous British
“cockney” accent). There are many voice coaches and elocution teachers
out there who can help someone who wishes to soften or change their
accent. That is to recommend if you happen to have an accent that is
frowned upon because it will be easier for people to build a fair impression
of you instead of not getting past your accent and judge you for that.

I don’t make the rules of the society, but unfortunately, that’s how we
assess one and another, so it’s up to you if you think it’s something that
could benefit you in the long run if you just would have it fixed. Expanding
your vocabulary is also necessary as using only colloquial language is not
very sophisticated. That doesn’t mean you should speak with fancy words
and complicated language, as what’s important is to talk clearly, so people
understand you. The worst is when you meet a person who is being very
pretentious with words, trying too hard to sound intellectual and fails
miserably as it becomes obvious. Avoid that at all costs!
Expand your vocabulary comfortably and naturally by reading well-written
books and create a habit for yourself by googling the meaning of words.
Open a dictionary and browse through on a regular basis to learn new words
that you’ll memorize and include when you speak.

Having Manners in Conversation

Some people have a natural talent for conversation, making people feel at
ease while mastering the art of small-talking about all kinds of matters.
Others may be more introverted who never know what to say and how to
say it. A classy woman is well-spoken and finds a common language with
anyone she meets, regardless social status or background.

What gives a person good conversation skills is, surprisingly, the person’s
ability to listen. And when I say listen, I mean being completely present and
focused on whoever is in front of you. To have adequate, classy behavior
you must be fully concentrated and patient when you are in conversation
with someone. Poor manners like glancing at your watch, yawning,
interrupting or taking out your phone is not acceptable behavior.

Also, what seems to be popular is people doing the opposite of listening,

they rather talk about themselves. They can get carried away in their own
never-ending monologues, so a good conversationalist knows when she’s
spoken enough and passes on the microphone. It’s about reading the
situation and feeling people, as you can easily notice when people are
losing their engagement and that’s when it’s time to let someone else do the

Classy women use their confidence to carry out impersonal small talk with
anyone, and they’ve mastered it to the point they would never come across
as rude or arrogant. It’s important to smile and appear positive, engage in
conversation and express yourself with finesse without saying something
you would regret.
Keep this in mind if you’re a person who is very straight-forward, practice
thinking before speaking.
Ask yourself,
“is this really necessary to say? Will the person benefit in some way from
me telling this?”
If the answer is no, save any negative reactions or uncomfortable situations
and keep it for yourself.

Classy women indulge in their own mystery and choose to be silent instead
of sharing too much, and that’s what makes them so graceful.

When there is a need to say something of sensitive nature, words can have
too much of an effect when you say it inappropriately. If you use a positive
tone when putting your foot down, you will minimize your risk of getting
involved in arguments because fighting is not classy.
You don’t want to be the one who has got public feuds, not only because it
makes you look rough, but it’s terrible manners having conflicts at any
social events.
You must have the ability to compose yourself, swallow your anger and
dismiss a situation with grace if you want to stay true to the appearance of
an elegant woman.

The same goes for gossiping and talking badly about others. It’s an
indulging hobby for the less classy to discuss other people and their lives.
While most of us do it occasionally, it’s not an activity I would encourage,
even though I know it can be hard to resist at times of boredom.
Spreading negative energy is not only bad for others, but it’s bad for your
karma. It doesn’t look elegant when people satisfy themselves by digging
into the dirt of others. Classy women are not perfect, but they try to keep
these activities to a minimum, and if need be, only with the closest people
and never with an acquaintance gossiping parties. It’s déclassé to speak
anything but good about others, especially with people you don’t know very

Talking with Acquaintances

When you mingle at a party or meet people you don’t know very well, it’s
good to follow a few guidelines of what topics to stay away from in order
not to offend or cause yourself regrets:

1. Don’t gossip about other people.

2. Don’t be nosy about someone’s personal life by asking too many
3. Don’t talk about money, how much things cost, how much you or
someone else earns.
4. Never discuss disgusting or very graphic topics.
5. Avoid asking someone about their political opinion or religious view
unless they bring it up themselves.
6. Don’t brag about yourself or anything in your life.
7. Avoid all sexual references or topics.
8. Same goes for anything of your own that is very personal or private
that can make the other person feel awkward.
9. Inappropriate jokes may be funny for a split second, but it usually
leaves an aftertaste of someone’s opinion about you.

How to Carry Yourself

How people perceive a woman partly comes from her posture. Someone
who holds herself highly, moves gracefully and gentle, will always leave a
more pleasant impression than someone who slouches. Majority of the time
our inner confidence carries out in how we carry ourselves, but some
aspects are more related to the technical bit of your body movements.

What is a classy way of carrying yourself?

Sit up straight at the table.

When seated, keep your legs together in an elegant manner.
Walk in a moderate tempo. Don’t be rushing, running into people, or
clomping around.
Walk with good posture, have your chest up, and keep your shoulders
Make your neck look long and elegant. Learn from the ballerinas.
Be gentle with your arms and hand gestures. Don’t gesture to harsh
and never grab things forcefully.
Have contained but relaxed body movements at all times.
Have a feminine posture. Avoid putting on sexy movements when you
want male attention, instead focus on your elegance and femininity.

Take examples of the elegant women you see and how they carry
themselves with pride. They move gracefully and with confidence but never
with an act of superiority. Notice their poise, their demure way of holding
themselves. They would never be “too much” or “in your face” with their
spirit, and they wouldn’t shy away because of insecurities.
They are secure in themselves, so they take pride in who they are and show
that in a humble way. People appreciate that. They react to these women
positively, and for that reason classy women always become likable. Their
balanced energy allows that to happen.


Classy Coaching #5

Your body movements can be an important detail in your overall elegance.

A) Ask yourself these questions:

How is your posture?

How do you look when you walk?

How do you look when you sit down?

How are your body movements?

When you articulate, how are your gestures?

Do you come across as quick, slow, abrupt, stressed?

Do you have any bad habits like fidgeting or playing with your hair?

You might already have a vague idea of yourself, but in most cases, that
information would not be accurate to the reality as we seldom have the
correct awareness of how we look from the public’s eye.

You could start off by inspecting yourself in a mirror with your posture,
walk, etc.

The most efficient way to find out, is by asking a friend if she can film you
when you’re not aware. That’s the only time we can truly see our body
movements when we’re relaxed and not “acting” for a camera.

B) Go back to your list of classy role models who you have taken
inspiration from. Look them up on YouTube and watch clips of them in
interviews, movie clips, red carpet, etc.
Study their speech and body movements carefully.
Learn what they do that makes them so elegant.

Write down a few pointers that you can take inspiration from and start
practicing implementing these traits to yourself.



People often confuse manners with etiquette, thinking they are the same
thing. Manners are an overall way of behavior while etiquette is the
definition of the manner (etiquette being the way we apply the manner).
Manners simply reflect our personality led by our behavior.
For example: a person who is considerate and kind, always respecting
others is a person who has good manners. A person who brings the host a
gift to her house party, has good etiquette.

Let’s look into some of the fundamentals of good manners of a classy

person. This information may not be of any news to you because it’s the
basics that well already know. Unfortunately, many of us don’t carry them
out to the full, and act “half mannered” most of the time. The classy way is
to be at your best game and walk the extra mile for people, giving your 100

Showing Courtesy

True class is more than just the facade of your image. Some have the belief
that they’re entitled to behave arrogant and rude if they are of a certain
kind, that acting superior to someone is what sets them apart from the rest
(and makes them better). This myth should be completely debunked, as
courtesy and politeness are what makes a person classy. It’s how you treat
others, the caring for others and respecting everyone around. Being polite to
service people is an excellent example of classy behavior. Common
principles like always saying “please” and “thank you” with heartfelt
meaning, is another.

Being courteous is about always having people in consideration. It’s

something to be proud of if you care for the feelings of others. If everyone
in this society was more kind to each other, the world would be more in
harmony. Politeness doesn’t mean that you should become a push-over or a
doormat, but working with your courtesy on days when you have little
patience with people is what takes you to the upper level of class. Our
politeness gets mostly tested in situations when we have to face the world in
public places. It can sometimes be hard to stay calm when someone is rude
to you or barges in front when you’re queuing. You would do yourself a big
favor by not giving in for a rant of negativity but instead quietly brush it off
whenever possible.
Indeed, some situations require action, but this action should always be
operated with grace and finesse.
Practice classy conflict resolution and keep your heated emotions at bay.
When you let your emotional self take over, that’s usually when conflict

Smile Often

Who can honestly say that they have ever benefited anything in life by
being a pain to people, negative and difficult to please? You may see some
divas putting on this show, but their reputation is often terrible, and they
rarely get what they want in life. Classy women don’t behave in this way
because they choose to act with class. They respect other people and their
feelings. They would never be rude, and they would never get cocky with a
princess syndrome. Smart women should understand that it’s essential to be
a positive person who makes people around feel good. A smile should never
be a rare sight but rather something you show off regularly and
comfortably. People are automatically drawn to those with positive energy.
They will remember you, and they will always come to your assistance in
life if ever needed.

But it can be hard at times to remain positive and kind when you come
across difficult people who don’t respect you. It doesn’t give you a reason
to lose your classiness because someone is rude. If you have class, you
practice in keeping your etiquette at all times. You cannot lose your face, so
put your foot down when required, but do it with grace. A negative person
cannot have power on you so you boil over and lose your grip; you have to
be polite in the impoliteness and have the maturity take a step back.

You need to always work on your patience. You will need a lot of it when
facing difficult people or situations, and there will be times when you won’t
feel like your strongest self, but you can’t slip into rudeness. There are
times in our lives when we can't bring ourselves to be positive at all, but
this is when your true class is being tested. You can't act classy only when
you feel like. You must live this mentality as a part of who you are.

Acting negatively because you’re having a bad day is not an excuse. If your
classy self cannot be the usual positive self, try and stay as neutral as
possible instead of taking the risk to act below of your values.
Being Responsible

A woman who has a mature personality, lives an organized life and takes
responsibility—is a woman who is very attractive.
We all know at least one person who is chaotic and lives irresponsibly, who
always needs help. I’m hoping that person is not you, but if it is, think about

Having class is about having yourself together and ultimately having your
life in order.

Take full responsibility for your actions. Be a person people can trust, and
don’t put yourself in situations in which someone must come to the rescue.
It may sound like common sense, but consider how often we come across
people of this kind.
Being in balance with your life and not blaming your misfortunes on others
is the essence of taking full responsibility, and this should be the basis for
how you live your life every day.

Politeness, Your Winning Element

Be grateful and thank people often. Always be polite to people regardless of

their social status, including staff, waiters, chauffeurs and other service
people that are there to accommodate you.
Never take peoples kindness for granted and show them respect and
appreciation by acknowledging them and being friendly.
Something as simple as a “Hello—their name—, How are you today?” can
take you very far in life. It helps to spread good energy and makes yourself
feel good.

Acting friendly is not about pleasing others, but about being a kind person
and feel happily energized by your actions. It will make others happy as a
bonus. Your politeness will be tested when you’ll get stuck in boring
conversations with people you don’t share many interests with. It happens
to us all, and a regular part of our social life.
Not-so-classy people handle these situations with bluntness and total
revelation of their boredom. They are not shy to signal their frustration of
listening to the other person, and they might even push it to the extent of
stop listening altogether. It’s not nice and it’s important to think about how
it would feel if it was the other way around?

Not every information shared will be of everyone’s interest and people are
not mind-readers to know what makes you tick and what doesn’t. To handle
these situations, you must connect with your patience and politeness. Classy
women smile and add something to the story before quickly excusing
themselves without exiting too abrupt, which is a great example of what
good manners is all about.


One of the most disrespectful things people do is arriving late for scheduled
appointments. Five to ten minutes late can be considered as “fine, ” but
when we are talking about fifteen minutes and more, it's very bad manners.
The behavior is ignorant and signaling the person is not valuing the other
person’s time. Admittedly, we all have external circumstances that we have
little control over that can delay us. But there are disorganized people with
poor time management, who make it a habit of always being late. It’s
disrespectful, rude and ignorant; it signals that a person is uneducated and
who doesn’t have her life together.

To summarize manners, it’s all very straightforward and not something we

haven’t heard before. Focus on being a good citizen, a kind person and treat
others the way you wish to be treated yourself. It sounds simple, but out in
the harsh reality, it’s easy to get caught up in the everyday stress, not have
enough time or patience to bother going the extra mile for people with a
smile or a thank you. But to those who want to transform their lives and
become a respected woman of certain poise, manners are extremely
important. Be aware, that most of the benefits a classy woman reaps are
thanks to her impeccable manners. It’s the best return on investment a
person can receive because it was made from a good will, and good things
do come to good people, remember karma?

Etiquette is social rules created by society and are followed to show respect
to others but to also fit in social groups. It helps to create a common
practice between individuals, so that people who share similar behavior and
values can be more aligned when dining and interacting with each other, not
offending one and another.

Etiquettes are different depending on the culture or group of the society; it’s
important to be aware and adaptive to your circumstances. If you are a
classy woman who spends a lot of time in the upper circles, learning their
code of conduct can be beneficial for you. If you’re new to a group and
unsure of their etiquette, always behave the best you can, and you will adapt
as you go by. It might sometimes seem like snobbery to make so much
effort with etiquette, but if you think about sensitive social situations such
as eating together, blending with strangers, etc., it’s for no reason society
has created a code of social conduct. It’s to not step on each other toes and
put each other off that we need these basic guidelines. What's important to
keep in mind, that etiquette is only a definition of the actions of manners. A
classy lady always acts with excellent manners, and she employs certain
etiquette depending on the situation. Although her adequate behavior is
foremost based on manners, a person cannot escape the importance of
etiquette as it adds a touch of sophistication to a person.
My advice is, therefore: if ever unsure of any rules of etiquette, always act
with your best manners, and nobody will notice if you do something not
according to the rulebook.

I will now go over the essential parts of etiquette that will cover the
fundamentals of dining and being a guest. Because this book is only an
overall guidance for achieving class and not talking specifically about
etiquette (it being a vast, detailed topic), I will only cover the basics that
will be more than enough for most classy woman to get by with.
If you have an interest in studying etiquette on a deeper level with different
social situations in mind, my advice is to buy books specializing in this
topic. I will add some suggestions for books to read in the end credits to
those who want to go deeper on this topic.
Being a Guest

When you are invited somewhere, let it be a dinner party, a private event, a
wedding, etc., your behavior, as a guest, is extremely important.

The host, whether you know that person well or not, has put a lot of time,
energy and efforts (and perhaps also money) in organizing an event that is
for pleasure and entertainment of a group. To show this person respect and
your appreciation, you act with your best manners and etiquette, becoming
the perfect guest that the host is happy to be having around, and will be
inviting back in the future. It’s an act of kindness and having courtesy, just
what impeccable manners is all about.
You should, therefore, learn how to be the best guest possible by studying
following principles.

Make sure you RSVP

Nothing is ruder than “forgetting” to RSVP when you receive an invite.

You save the host a headache of chasing the people down about whether
they are coming or not. Good etiquette is to respond when you receive the
invite. If you are unsure if you can make it, let the organizer know when
you will have a response. Don’t be the one who takes her time to respond
because she first wants to see if anything better comes along on that day.
It’s insulting to the host.

The same goes for asking, “Who is invited” before deciding if you are
planning to come. If you must decline, do it neutrally without explaining
yourself. A simple “I’m afraid I can’t make it this time” is more than

Don’t cancel last minute

Don’t change your plans last minute unless it’s a life-or-death situation (or
you are ill). Dropping out because you don’t feel like it, you’re too tired, or
you have so much work to do, etc. is bad manners, and people with these
excuses should not expect to be invited back in the future.

Ask before bringing a guest

Depending on the party, some invites state that you can bring a plus one,
and you, therefore, don’t need to ask beforehand. You just indicate in your
RSVP that it will be you plus one.

Some events are too intimate for extra guests, and you would have to
evaluate if it’s appropriate to ask the host about adding a guest to your
invite. At some parties, the host doesn’t mind ("The more, the merrier”), but
you must always ask beforehand and get permission to bring a friend.

Don’t come empty-handed

Always bring something small that says, “Thank you for inviting me.”
It can be a bottle of wine, flowers, chocolates—anything that is simple but
thoughtful. If you are invited to a birthday, depending on how well you
know the person, you should always bring a gift, even if it’s something
small that doesn’t cost very much. At weddings, all guests bring gifts,
depending on what was requested by the bride and groom.

Dress accordingly

On most invites, there will be a dress code (see Chapter 4 for dress code
explanation). On other less formal invites, there might not be anything
written, and that’s when questions about what to wear, arise.
It’s often merely assessed by asking the host how dressy the event will be.
Other times you can figure it out yourself, depending what time and where
the party is hosted. If it’s organized in a restaurant or bar, you can look at
pictures on google on what guests usually are wearing and dress

What is important to bear in mind is that you must make some effort with
your clothes, as it shows the host respect and appreciation. If it’s a themed-
costume party and you are attending without a costume, it signals extreme
rudeness and pure ignorance from your end.

Be fifteen minute late

I am an advocate for being on time, as you noticed earlier in this chapter,

but when you receive an invite either to someone’s house or dinner party, a
good rule of thumb is to arrive fifteen minutes later than what’s stated on
the invite.

It’s like being on time, but instead, you are giving the host some room for
last-minute preparations by arriving just after the official time. If you are
more than twenty to thirty minutes late, however, that’s rude, so keep
yourself to the fifteen-minute mark as much as possible.
If you have poor time management skills in general, ignore this advice as it
won’t apply to you.

Thank the host

The first thing anyone should do upon arrival is to find the host and thank
them for inviting. If it’s a bigger party, it can be hard finding the host, but
you must see that person before participating in the event.
The same rule goes before leaving. You must always say goodbye, even if it
means making a significant effort finding someone. A simple “Tell X I left
and thank her for having me”, is not appropriate.
Put your phone on silent mode

Your phone should not be visible or disturb with its noises at any times.
You should also not be texting at the dinner table or taking phone calls
while others are present in the room. If it’s important, check your phone
discretely from time to time (bathroom breaks are made for this), and if you
need to take a call, make sure to go in a room where nobody needs to be
disturbed by your talking. Keep your smartphone activities as silent as
possible. This is to implement in any public and social situations.

Saying hello

Depending on country and culture, being introduced to someone new can

either include a handshake, kiss on the cheek, or a hug.
As a general rule, it’s a handshake in more formal introductions and kisses
on the cheek if introduced casually between friends. Your handshake should
always be solid, and your kisses on the cheek are often one to two
depending on the culture. When you are being introduced to someone, it’s
good to smile, send out a positive vibe, and try small talking about
something to make the person you meet to feel at ease. It removes the
awkward barrier between you and brings an opportunity for networking and
getting to know each other better. Keep in mind that you will always benefit
by being an open and inviting person as it will land great opportunities if
you are genuine and interested in making new connections.

Invite wallflowers

When you mingle at parties, you will notice there is always someone on
their own as the wallflower. It’s proper etiquette to include these
wallflowers in conversation whenever possible and be inviting so that
nobody feels left out and stays on their own for long.
Be interested in people

When you are talking to someone you know or a stranger, you must always
act with full focus and concentration. Be friendly and genuine. Don’t be
rude and look around the room while someone is telling you a story. You
should not be doing anything else at that moment except looking at your
counterpart and engage in the conversation.

Stay drama-free

If you’re depressed, stay home. Don’t bring negative energy into a social
setting, and if you can’t change your mood at least don’t go around and
talking about it.

Same goes for having a conflict, resolving one, or bad mouthing someone
(especially if they are attending the party). You show bad manners and
disrespect to the host if you use his/her occasion as an outlet for your
personal drama. You might say, “But she started . . .”
No, in this case there are no excuses. Classy women don’t misbehave in
public, and they never do it at someone’s party.

Don’t attend a dinner starving

If you’re invited to a dinner, you should never arrive feeling like you are
dying from hunger because you “haven’t eaten anything all day.”

It’s not classy when your stomach is making noise. You become impatient
because you need food, and once the food is in front of you, you devour it
in a rushed manner. Have a snack before the event so that you can keep
your blood sugar steady for the next coming hours. If you follow a diet or
are a picky eater, eat dinner at home beforehand as there might not be any
food suitable for you.
Check in with yourself

Throughout the event, check in with yourself from time to time to see if
you’re acting appropriately. Measure how sober you are (and if you feel
you’re getting tipsy, stop drinking immediately).
You don’t want to be the craziest party guest, as it’s not what defines how
much fun you are. Instead, you want to be the most positive, social, and
happy self you can be—your good energy transfers onto others and will
make you a memorable and honored guest to invite back in the future.

Know when to leave

Spare your host a dilemma of how to kick you (and the others) out by
reading the vibe of the party and know when is the right time to leave.
This is a very good sign of social etiquette. You don’t want to be the last
person leaving or leave offensively early. Find a middle ground and stick to
the principle of “leave the party at its best.”
And like I just mentioned, don’t forget to thank the host for inviting. Send
them a thank you note or email/message the next one to two days to
properly thank them for having you, and don’t forget to mention how much
fun you had, even if not entirely true.


Your behavior at the dinner table is a crucial part of etiquette. When people
share meals together, bad table habits can be off-putting for people around,
which is why there is so much emphasis on flawless behavior when you
dine. If you follow these necessary principles on this list and act with self-
awareness, you will be the ideal dinner companion. Classy women study
dinner etiquette and follow it at every meal, with no exceptions.

Basic Table Etiquette Rules All Classy Ladies Must Follow

Put the napkin on your lap as soon as you sit down (or when the host has
put his).

Your bread plate is on the left and water glass is on the right.

Always start by using the outer cutlery first. Small knife for bread and
butter, small cutlery for starters, and chunkier cutlery for the main course.

Hold the cutlery in a comfortable position with your fingertips and don’t
grab them with the entire hand.

Don’t put car keys, mobile phones, or small purses/clutches on the table.
Ask for a separate chair for your purse or consult with the waiter about
where you could put it so it is not in the way.

Don’t take bites straight off a bread roll. Instead, break smaller pieces with
your hands above your bread plate.

There is a designated knife for butter. Use that, and never the ones that are
meant for your starter and main course.

If you want butter, take a chunk and put on your bread plate first. Don’t put
butter straight from the butter holder and onto your bread.

Don’t put your elbows on the table. If you must, one is considered better
than putting both.

Guests should order their food first and the host last.

Guests should only start eating their food once the host has given the heads
up to go ahead.

You should only start a meal once everyone has received their food.

Never eat straight from serving platters or plates meant for sharing. Put
some food on your own plate and then eat.
Don’t add any salt to your food before trying it.

Don’t put too much food on your plate. Keep it in the middle of the plate,
so it doesn’t look messy when you eat.

Always use both knife and fork while eating. Eating with only your fork is
not considered classy.

Don’t chew with your mouth open.

Take a bite of your food and finish chewing before you cut your next piece.
At times, put your knife and fork to rest in between bites.

Eat slowly and don’t stress.

Don’t speak when you have food in your mouth.

Never take a sip of your drink when you have food in your mouth.

Wipe your mouth before taking a sip from a clear glass.

Don’t make any noises when you chew your food.

While eating, make sure your cutlery is free of food. There should be no
sauce or food visible.

Never reach across the table to get something, especially if you must lean
over people. Instead ask someone politely to pass it to you.

When you are done with a meal, always put the cutlery in a 10:20 position
(top parts pointing at ten o’clock, while bottom parts are pointing at twenty

If you must leave the table, put your napkin on the left-hand side.
If you need to wipe your mouth, use the napkin by pressing gently with the

Don’t pick your teeth after a meal.

Don’t blow a runny nose at the table.

Don’t discuss inappropriate or graphic topics at the dinner table.

Anyone who is late and joins the dinner late should begin eating the course
the guests are eating and not start with the first course (which they may
already have missed).

If you find hair in your food, never make a scene or talk loudly about it.
Tell the waiter discretely.

Don’t complain that your food is cold if you’re dining at someone’s house.

Don’t check your phone while having dinner. Put it on silent and leave it in
your purse.

Never do your makeup, powder your nose, add lipstick or brush your hair
while at the dinner table. Go to the bathroom if you need to freshen up.

If you need to cough or sneeze, always turn or step away from the table
while covering yourself.

Always thank the waiter when he or she has assisted you.

When you are asking for something, say “May I have . . .” instead of, “Can
I have . . .”

Never wave over a waiter or shout to be heard. Always say, “Excuse

me . . .” in a polite manner.

Never forget to thank the host for the dinner even if you didn’t enjoy the
food. Smile and be polite. Remember 100 percent honesty is not always
necessary if you didn’t have a good time.

Drink Etiquette

If you’re choosing the wine, you can ask the sommelier for
recommendations. You can point to the menu in your price range to show
your budget. You should never discuss pricing out loud.

The person choosing the wine is always the person receiving the honor of
trying it. The tasting of the wine is not to see whether you like it or not but a
procedure to see if the wine is up to standard. You can therefore not send it
back if your taste buds don’t agree.

When you go fine dining, the waiter usually pours the wine for you even if
the bottle is standing next to/on the table. You should never be assisting
yourself. The same rule applies for still water, especially if you dine in
Michelin-starred restaurants where it’s almost offensive to be helping

If you are at a nightclub and you happen to be the guest of someone’s table,
you never help yourself to the drinks unless they have told you to do so.
When possible, always ask a waiter to pour you a drink as it looks classier
than if you do it yourself.

Wine or champagne glasses should always be held by its “leg” and not on
the actual glass leaving fingerprints.

Always drink from the same spot of the glass, so you don’t leave lipstick
marks all over.

If you had a particularly good wine, it’s common to take a picture of the
label and save it for your own future record.

Getting the Bill

Never shout to the waiter that you wish to get the bill. You can make a
silent gesture in the air to catch his attention that you want to pay.

If someone to a meal invites you, the general rule is that the person inviting
pays the bill. This is not set in stone and may differ if you are out with close
friends or attending a more casual meeting.

If you’re out with friends, then try and settle the bill beforehand to avoid
lengthy calculations or conversations of who is going to pay what.
If a man invites you out, 99.9 percent of the times he will pay the bill
without the need for you to pull out your wallet and have a debate about
splitting the bill. If you wish to offer to split the bill with him out of
politeness, you can do so, but most often it’s not necessary. Just make sure
to thank him for inviting you for dinner as there is nothing worse than when
a woman take these things for granted (this coming as feedback from the
many men I’ve spoken to).

Depending on the country, a tip may or may not be included in the bill. If
it’s not included, adding 10–20 percent is of practice if service were up to
Not leaving a tip may signal that you were unhappy with the service and it
can feel awkward if you’re planning to come back to this restaurant.
My advice is to tip as often as you can and not be too stingy as you will
receive better service and staff will remember you and give you special
treatment in the future.


Classy Coaching #6

Having good manners and correct social etiquette are the mere basics for a
woman who wants to take herself to the next level. You should, therefore,
have a good think about your current level of mannerism and if you come
across as a woman with good manners and etiquette.
A) How are your manners?

How much effort do you put into your manners on a scale from 1–10 (1
being the lowest effort, 10 highest effort)?

Where do you see that you could improve your manners?

Give examples and actions points to how you will improve your manners.
Write everything down in your journal and remind yourself daily about
what you wish to improve.

B) Have a think about your etiquette, mainly when you are out dining,
invited as a guest and in other social situations.
After reading my list, is there something you catch yourself doing that is
not considered to be according to etiquette, that you know you shouldn’t?

Write down what it is and try to remember to correct it next time you are


Being Classy Online

If you care about your manners and how you interact with the world, you
should consider the online world as much as the offline one.

Social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter among others has
exploded since it became our second form of communicating and
socializing. While some people keep themselves off all these channels,
nothing says that a classy woman cannot have a presence online. It’s the
twenty-first century, and we live in a modern world. What’s important to
think about is not IF you are on social media, but rather HOW you use these
channels. Having balance is what makes things classy, so a woman who is
online too much and always on her phone checking Facebook, is rarely seen
as classy. But in moderation, a browse here, an update there can be classy if
you don’t become too hooked.
Another thing to keep in mind is the content you are posting and if it’s a fair
representation of yourself. What content do you upload, is it for self-
validation purposes and does it happen that you put up embarrassing things
you later regret? Perhaps, with some content, you don’t even realize that
you put yourself in a less classy light, so here it’s important to ask some of
those honest friends you have in your life for their feedback.

Classy Presence Online

It’s not difficult to stay classy online. All that requires from you is some
self-awareness and a level of maturity; the rest is straightforward.

A classy woman would remind herself that whatever she posts online, she
can never take it back, even if technically she could delete an embarrassing
photo. Because that photo would never become fully deleted, as once we
upload something to the internet, it stays there forever. Anyone who comes
across your material can save it with one click, which should remind people
to think twice before posting.

A classy woman is therefore conscious of each post she uploads. The text
and the comments she writes, she must always make sure it’s written with
correct grammar and carry some value to the receiving end. If she must
form an opinion, she makes sure she expresses herself correctly without
being misunderstood, and always handle things maturely if someone
doesn’t agree with her.

The pictures she takes if, of herself, she makes sure they all genuinely
represent her. She doesn’t like to stage the photos and pretend that life is
picture perfect, instead, she focuses on capturing a classy moment that is
aligned with her classy image.

She would never upload anything half naked or provocative pictures with
sexy poses, not because she is prude, but because she feels it will not send
out the correct message of who she is.
Using the internet for self-validation is not considered classy, and she has
learned to live without these quick fixes. Her life is not about showcasing
wealth or portraying herself in a better status than of what she is. While
many people find social media stimulating for that purpose, showing off
their luxurious lifestyles, designer purchases, fast cars, and so on, the classy
crowd chooses to use it modestly.

Guidelines for being classy online

Always think twice before posting

“Could I show this to my parents or grandparents?”

“Will I be proud of this in five to ten years?”
“Is this really interesting information for people to know?”
“Am I showing a true side of myself?”

Post content that you feel is aligned with who you are and make sure it puts
you in a representable light. Imagine internet to be your business card.
Everything that you post should be something a future employer or a
mother in law could see without you feeling embarrassed.

Don’t post when you drink

Avoid using social media or posting under the influence of alcohol. It’s
easy to get carried away and think that something is valid to post when you
are tipsy. But most of the times when we wake up the next morning, the
material we posted no longer holds the same water, and we quickly regret
our drunken posts. Be smart and stay away from your phone when you have
had a drink!

Have a strict classy attitude to your imagery

Photos look classier when you are not half naked in them, when you put on
a smile, when you are appropriately dressed, when you remove any
cigarettes or alcohol from the picture and so on.
Keep party pictures only between you and your close friends to see, share
them on WhatsApp instead of uploading to Facebook/Instagram.

And when you decide to put photos online, make sure they are in good
quality, and everyone looks representable. You don’t want to be that person
who uploads a group photo in which the only one who looks good is
yourself, and the rest of your friends look terrible. Show some courtesy!

Look natural in photos

Try to come across as being warm and friendly instead of provocative with
a dramatic duck face pout. Learn your good angles and how to have a good
posture for photography. It’s easily done if you practice it a few times and if
you want to learn more, there are many great tutorials on YouTube that
could guide you.

Don’t be a spammer!

The appropriate frequency to share content in social media is as follows—

Facebook: once a day;
Instagram: one or two times;
Twitter: up to five.

Don’t post too often, it’s not classy, and people will end up unfollowing
you! Always take time to answer anyone who leaves you a comment, it’s
classy to be spreading love and respect.

Don’t troll
While it can be tempting to share your dose of opinions to someone who
annoys the life out of you, but think twice before acting.
Just because you can be anonymous, doesn’t give you the right to act in a
rude way. Would you behave this way in the real world when you have to
face someone?
Everyone behind a screen is a real person with real feelings, and if you
don’t like someone, unfollow them instead of being a hater.

Stalk discreetly

Cyberstalking is normal in small doses but only if done discreetly.

Don’t be the obvious one who goes liking someone’s old pictures or
befriends all the person’s friends. People will be put off if you’re socially
aggressive, even if it’s only online.

Use your real name

If you must choose a nickname that will be in the public (email addresses,
Facebook urls, etc.), choose one that will not be embarrassing to you.
Twerkgirl4ever does not feel very modern, and you should have a name that
is neutral, perhaps your first and last name as that always sounds classier
than some made up name.

Be selective with your feuds

The internet is a great medium for the freedom of speech, and while I
encourage everyone to raise their voice occasionally, to speak out about the
thing that matters—choose your battles wisely!
Be outspoken, not for the sake of indulging in some exciting drama online,
but to support something of important that you believe in. And do it with
style, act classy even if you’re in a heated discussion with the opportunity
to hide behind a screen.

Be well-spoken

Always write with correct grammar as that’s how you spread your classy
image across. Use emojis when needed, but don't go crazy either!

Don’t show off

Social media has become the new outlet for bragging. If you feel proud of
meeting someone or being somewhere, show it with genuine humbleness
instead of a pretentious show off. Staged pictures of luxury items are also a
trend that has become incredibly passé. Think of more interesting content to
share instead of sharing only to making people envy your life.

Respect the privacy of others

Just because you have a social media presence, doesn’t mean everyone does
too. Be cautious of who you tag, mention online, and where you take your
photos. Not everyone wants to be mentioned! If you’re at a private
residence, you should always check if the owner is okay with you taking
pictures. Some people are very private, and you should not take for granted
that everyone and everything is on social media these days.


Classy Coaching #7

It’s time to inspect and re-evaluate your online presence.

A) Google yourself. What comes up?
Is there anything embarrassing or not in tune with your current persona that
you wish to remove?

Find a way to delete this; it’s easily done if you have access to this material,
but slightly trickier if someone else does. However, it might still be
possible, as the only thing necessary is to try to get in contact with that
person over email and ask them if they can remove it for you.

B) Log into all your social media accounts, and look at your pictures and
Does the material on your feed represent your true self?
Is some outdated material a misrepresentation of who you are today?

Clean up and delete everything that you feel you cannot associate with and
make a new rule for yourself to think twice from now on before uploading
anything online.

C) After your clean up your Google results, websites, blogs, social media
sites should all have a good representation of your classy self.

You must feel that you will be proud of this content in five to ten years,
even if your parents/grandparents/future employer or mother in law would
see it. Nothing should make you feel embarrassed, and you must feel that
you can stand for everything that is posted under your name.
Chapter 4
Dress Like a Classy Woman
Clothes are what can make it or break on a woman when scanning her,
which is why one of the most significant parts of this transformation is to
re-evaluate how aligned your fashion is with your classy image. I know that
most of us are not wealthy. It takes time for us to build a solid wardrobe we
feel happy about, and most of the times we cannot afford the finest
garments that the classy upper-class are wearing. But I have some good
news for you—you don’t have to!

Classy is not about the amounts you spend on your clothes, it’s about your
taste and wearing what works for you. Of course, classy fashion must
include certain elegant traits, but these are easily found in all brands, from
high street to designer, if you train your eye in learning how to spot them.

But why is dressing well of such high importance if you want to be classy?
Having class is all about how you conduct yourself and the image that you
portray; you become your personal brand that tells the world how you think
of yourself. If you don’t value your appearance and ignore taking care of
yourself, it signals that you’re most probably not appreciating yourself
enough and have low self-worth. As much as we dress for others, we dress
for ourselves, and we do it mainly to feel good about ourselves.
Clothing has the power of creating a feeling and influence what emotions a
person is feeling. This is why fashion always been so powerful and why
many have a strong interest in looking good because when we wear
something we love, it changes our mood and makes us feel amazing.
Classy women take advantage of this phenomenon, and they are always
committed to looking elegant because it improves their well-being and
boosts their confidence. It does require some efforts and work behind to
continuously look smart on any given occasion, but classy women don’t
mind making that effort to always look their best because they see it as a
return on investment. This is what makes them appear so at ease with
themselves and confident to blend in at any given situations. Their classy
garments are constantly appreciated by others that makes them look
professional and elegant. People treat them better and the benefits they reap
due to their efforts, are more than you would imagine.
Think about how important a first impression is?
Think about how much we judge each other in our society and that it
usually takes us a few seconds to form an opinion about a person. When
you are well-dressed people often create a better belief about you as a
person. They will take you more seriously, respect you and give you more

As a result, more people will be drawn to you, which will benefit you in
your life if you are looking to network, make new friends or meet a new
partner. Endless possibilities are opening for you when you invest in your
appearance! It might all sound very fake and superficial, but that’s how our
subconscious is wired. What is appealing to our eye and what
characteristics we are brought up to think are trustworthy, that’s how we
will form our judgments. I understand some may think it’s ridiculous and
disagree, but it’s worth considering human psychology and study it if you
want to learn how to be on top of your game.

Classy women are exactly that, on top of their game at all times. They are
fully committed to looking their best, and they do it because of they respect
themselves, but also because they know it’s a good trick to use when you
want to get what you want out of life.

Vulgar Appearance

Vulgarity in apparel has become a growing occurrence in our modern world

where formality is something outdated. People have become too casual and
careless with what they wear, and many trends focus on being provocative
and attention seeking.
I don’t wish to sound like someone’s grandparent, but consider how much
more elegant fashion was up to the years of the 60s and prior. There was a
focus on having manners and always being well dressed, resulting in men
and women looking classy and appropriate for any occasion.

I think it’s important to look back at those times and find inspiration for
style because the values back then were very much in line with what having
class stands for.
Unfortunately, our modern society evolved dramatically and lost a lot of the
old-school mentality that was incorporated in fashion.

I do however believe, which is partly why I decided to write this book, is

that there is a significant need for a reminder of classy and all that comes
with it. Because in the end of the day, dressing appropriate and acting in a
certain way is a way of showing respect to yourself but also to others. And
that’s a philosophy that will never get dated.

While I’m a feminist and all for women rights, it makes me saddened to
write these next coming paragraphs, but I will be honest about the reality.
Women do hit the hardest in the society of all the unwritten rules of what is
acceptable and what is not. They fall victims for the attention-seeking
fashion, in which sexuality is being promoted like the norm for how
beautiful a woman is. That results in many (especially younger women)
making the wrong choices, becoming blind to what’s considered classy and
instead sabotage for themselves. I’m referring to the old cliché of showing
too much skin and wearing vulgar unflattering clothing, which makes a
woman look cheap—and men end up not respecting.

In a perfect world, this would not exist. In an ideal world, a woman could
wear whatever she wants, show off her body and nobody will judge her and
think she is “slutty.”
But it’s not how it works in our current world.
Take the world of business as an example, regardless if you are a man or a
woman. You’re not able to dress however you wish if you have a serious
corporate job. Think about all the bankers, lawyers, doctors, etc. who all
have a dress code in their profession. There is a requirement of looking
smart so that people find you trustworthy and so you easily gain respect.

But a woman always has a choice. She can wear whatever she wants and
take the consequences of it. Or she can wear something more covered, yet
beautiful clothing that leaves more to the fantasy and makes men take her

I respect both choices, but I will promote the latter as this book is about
how to improve yourself and make most out of life and reap the benefits
that come as a result.

So why do so many women want to dress provocatively? Like with

everything else in life, there can be different psychological reasons behind,
some of the most common:

They want attention from men, they use sexy clothing to influence
someone’s decision, they want admiration, they want to get all eyes on them
and so on.

While it can work in your favor some of the times if your cards are played
correctly, but most often, if you’re not a game player, just an ordinary girl,
many people can build the wrong impression of you. And if you want to be
classy, unfortunately, skimpy clothing will never make you appear
sophisticated. It’s a harsh reality we live in, but with a mature look at it,
you’ll understand the sacrifice is not really that much. In the end of the day,
it works for your own benefit to have a timeless, neutral look. Because with
age, you won’t look back on photos and regret all the embarrassing things
you wore when you were in your attention seeking phase. So don’t think
that being a little bit more conservative is something negative.

The pros of wearing sexy apparel:

1. You’ll receive attention.

2. You can use it as a method to influence the opposite sex.
3. You’ll feel sexy.
4. You’ll save money on clothes as cheap looking dresses are often low-
priced in high-street shops.

The cons of wearing sexy apparel:

1. People will not take you seriously.

2. Men will give you only sexual attention and want you for the wrong
3. People will talk about your looks behind your back.
4. Your image will say trashy.
5. All focus will be on what you wear, not who you are.
6. You run the risk of nip-slips and other wardrobe malfunctions.
7. You might get mistaken for being an escort or work in the adult
8. You’ll look cheap.
9. You will never come across as classy.
10. As a result, all your networking in the classy world and valuable
connections will be of little use, as women who are too provocative
miss out on a lot of opportunities due to people’s harsh judgment and
labeling. If you want to get ahead, a more serious look will make way
for you.

What is vulgar clothing?

Very short mini-dresses

Clothing that is sized too small

Dresses that are very tight and sexy, showing off both legs and cleavage

A lot of cleavage in general

Stilettos with platform, stripper-inspired heels

See-through apparel through which you can see the underwear

Wearing no underwear

Wearing no bra so that people can see your nipples

Clothing that scream “sex”

Toning down your sex appeal can give you dramatic results. Many women
are not even aware of how they are self-sabotaging and why they are not
reaching specific goals in life. Sometimes it’s so obvious it’s because of
their less classy way of presenting themselves, and it really does harm their
image. They are misunderstood and labeled as something they might be not.
Their professionalism is gone, and so is the elegance and quality you feel
you could trust with serious matters.

No matter how old you are, having an elegant and mature look is what you
should incorporate into your wardrobe if you have big dreams and plans for
yourself. There cannot be anything vulgar in your closet, so do a big scan
and let go of those pieces that hinder your way to success, there are better
and far more serious opportunities waiting for you if you do a small fashion

Classy Way of Dressing

Fashion is made for creating change, and your transformation starts here!
Let's do a little makeover with ourselves, where we shed our less classy
skin, and grow a new, elegant one. The ultimate goal is to blend the rules of
how to dress classy together with your unique style, to create the New You.
Depending on what type of clothes you currently have in your wardrobe,
you might need a little or a lot of help. Start by studying these principles
and incorporate them into your mindset, to create a new, more sophisticated
fashion style.
Classy Women Dress with Self-Respect

They leave a bit of mystery behind, and their approach to fashion is all
about sophistication. They would never want to present themselves in the
light of a provocative, sexy, vampy or bombshell girl as they believe it
wouldn’t be the fair definition of who they are. If going entirely
conservative is too stale for their personality, they manage to find a middle
ground on which elegance is included, and they feel attractive without
becoming too dull.

Classy Women Never Show Their Legs and Cleavage At the Same

A little bit of cleavage can look classy if the woman is somewhat covered in
other parts of her body. But if her breasts are large, the general rule is
always to tone them down and never put on display. Wearing more
conservative styled clothes is ideal if the person’s body is curvy and carry a
natural sex appeal.

A bit of advice is to avoid short body-con dresses altogether. Exceptions

can be made for certain types of short dresses that signal chicness rather
than sex; often these dresses are more lose in the fitting and have a tasteful
modern design.

Classy Women Dress Feminine Instead of Sexy

A classy woman has the right to feel sexy in her clothes, but instead of
being vampy, she chooses femininity. This can be expressed through
various ways without looking like a sex object. Her curves can be shown,
but without looking raunchy. She can choose a pencil-shaped dress or skirt,
instead of opting for the tiny body-con dress. Or she can wear figure
flattering dresses that have sensuality but are longer and less fitted than the
sexy bodycon dresses.
Classy Women Always Dress Appropriately

While classy women may differ in their personal styles, what they have all
in common is that they are never seen underdressed.
If invited to an event, they take the dress code seriously as it’s very
disrespectful and rude to the host if not dressed according to what’s written
on the invitation. A classy woman does her research about where she’s
going and how people will be dressed there. If unsure, she never takes any
risks and rather overdresses than underdresses, however in a neutral and
sophisticated manner that makes her blend in and work well in any given

Classy Women Always Make an Effort with Their Outfits

It’s easy to fall into the “ponytail and juicy couture set” when you’re
running a quick errand around the block, but classy women never leave
their house looking like Britney Spears.

We all know reality does not look like a perfect photoshopped picture on
Instagram. We don’t always have the time to look our best, neither are we
groomed to perfection 24/7.
But a classy woman has a level of commitment to how she presents herself
to the outside world. She puts importance to look somewhat representable,
even if only taking the dog out for a quick walk.

From experience, most women are aware that you never know who you
might run into, and you never know who might be watching you.
Sometimes I can be driving and see someone I know taking out the garbage
in her pajamas, looking kind of shabby, probably not even being aware that
someone is watching right now.

You’d be surprised how small the universe is and how timing is everything!
It’s not sustainable to be dressed to perfection at all times, but you can have
casual clothes and outfits that keep a certain standard. Comfortable doesn’t
need to look ugly, and juicy couture sets are not attractive!

Same goes for wearing your gym clothes when you run your errands, when
you go shopping and so on. What happened with this level of comfort?
How far is the modern society taking the term “casual”?
What’s most important is to try and keep a certain standard as much as you
possibly can. Make it a rule not to own anything that makes you look
scruffy, and clear out anything old that looks like rags.

Classy women value and prioritize their appearance, they make an effort,
and that’s how they always stay on top of their game.
Their secret is to dress casual but with style.
Forget sweatpants and UGGs. A classy woman who wears a more relaxed
look will often dress down with high-quality items without any signs of
wear and tear. Her casual clothes might have a pleasant soft fabric, which
looks cozy, but comfortable and smart. Heels are taken off, and instead, she
wears a pair of ballerinas or clean white tennis shoes. She might be wearing
jeans or trousers of a loose fit. Her top is a simple fitted T-shirt in a neutral
color like black or white.

But the secret to looking top notch when you’re dressed down, is to be
perfectly groomed as an addition.
Hair is perfectly combed; perhaps it’s in a ponytail on this casual day. Nails
are in order and so is your makeup. If no makeup used, like it’s common on
casual days, a little bit of blusher can be added to remove the paleness and
sculpt the face.
Don’t forget that a touch of lipstick, changes everything sometimes, so
make it a rule to always dab a little bit on your lips before leaving your

Classy Women Don’t Flaunt Wealth

A common misbelief is that being classy is equivalent to wearing expensive

outfits and looking like you are rich. Your materialistic possessions become
the measure of your social status, and as a result, class is added to your
overall image - All this is pure nonsense!

Money and class have nothing to do with each other. While there is a
particular look to a person who is classy, this look is never about labels or
the amount of wealth that is put on display. You can wear simple clothes
but still, come across as classy if you dress with exquisite taste and have
quality garments.

I want to take the nouveau riche as an example. They seldom carry elegant
taste, or proper education in class, but they are entirely focused on telling
the world “Hey, I’m rich, look at me!” which is what has created their bad
reputation. On the contrary, the people of true high-class never flaunt their
wealth, which applies even to the fashion they wear. They come from well-
bred backgrounds in which manners have been part of their upbringing, and
they would be mortified if anyone from their families would act in a flashy
way. It’s considered to be incredibly tacky to wear anything with logos or
attributes that boasts how much money a person has or has invested in his
or her appearance. Designer handbags, diamonds, furs, expensive clothing,
luxurious watches and everything that feels like something a person would
wear to show off, is not classy at all.
For the upper-class, discretion is key, and so is the mentality for anyone
who is classy.

While the middle-class are all into their Chanel bags, Rolexes, and fancy
cars, the upper-class know they have nothing to prove and therefore keep
their presentation to a tasteful minimum.

The glorification of money is vulgar, and only the well-educated people

tend to be aware of this. Discretion is what the ultimate trait of high class is.
Nothing else.

So for a woman who is reading this book and perhaps has been thinking
about acquiring status symbols to raise herself to a certain level, my advice
to you—don’t waste your time or your money.
Keep buying quality items, but stop comparing yourself with “the Joneses.”
If you want to ooze classiness, invest in manners and refine your taste. You
don’t need anything that you see promoted by commercials, celebrities,
media, Instagram accounts, or other glorifying status symbols.

What you need is working on yourself and grow yourself to the next level.
You don’t need any of these “toys of illusion” that I happily call them.
And mind you, I’m not against extravagance what so ever, but I don’t
support when it’s the entire focus of a person because it removes the focus
from what is more important: being classy. Extravagant luxury and classy
will never be the same thing. And it will never be that because classiness is
about being subtle, being discreet but having impeccable taste. Do you see
the difference?

So feel free to appreciate the finer things in life, but never let it define you
because that’s when you’re missing the point. Get inspired by the upper-
class; they have understood this because they have the privilege to think
about these things. And as a result, this is what makes them of a high
standard, is that they don’t follow the masses of competing with who has
the most money, and they aim for their values of consideration to others and
actions of subtlety.

Classy Women Choose Quality Over Quantity

One of the great features of the upper-class is that they’re not interested in
consumption. They don’t consume what they don’t need and they stay
aware of their shopping behaviors as being a shopaholic is not something a
person should ever be proud of. They keep their shopping to what’s
necessary, and they don’t have much need of constantly updating their
wardrobe as they shop quality over quantity. They rather receive one item
that is extremely well made of the most delicate material, than three of the
same but in different colors and half the quality.
Classy women have adopted this approach and live with fewer items that
instead are of the best quality and make them look “wow.”

Classy Women Carry Themselves with Elegance

Clothing will never look attractive if the person wearing it hunches with her
back or walks like a stick of wood. You may be pretty, or you might wear
an extravagant outfit, but how you carry it off, is truly what makes it work.

High-level women carry themselves with grace. They move naturally

elegantly. They sit with their backs straight, and when reaching for
something, their movements are careful rather than careless.

When they walk, they walk with pride without looking arrogant. They
always keep a good posture, and whenever wearing heels, they have trained
themselves to walk like a lady.

Carrying yourself with poise comes from practice, but it also comes from a
mental attitude. You must feel at ease with yourself and generate the level
of confidence needed for you to be a natural at your elegant game. Don’t
feel intimidated by this practice, in the beginning, it all starts in your mind,
if you believe it, you can do it.


Classy Coaching #8

A) Research your role models and analyze their fashion. Study what they
wear and what it is that makes it work for them.

B) Use this information as inspiration for your fashion strategy and write
down all the key elements that you want to incorporate into your wardrobe.

If you don’t want to focus on your role models, create an account on

Pinterest and do a mood board with classy outfits.

Pin down every elegant and sophisticated outfit you find that you think
could potentially work for you. Keep these images in mind when you plan
your next purchases and create your fashion strategy.

Getting a Classy Closet

Now let’s focus on taking your closet to the next level and let go of
everything that no longer serves you.

Depending on where you are in your life, a makeover can be necessary if

you haven’t updated your style in a while. Ladies, really think of the power
that lays in clothing and how crucial it is to get it right. All of you should
create a fashion strategy based on your classy aspirations and keep in mind
what would work on you and what would take you to the next classy level.
It’s important to understand that everyone who keeps a certain standard will
not be equally dressed. Women have different styles, and it’s vital to stay
true to your taste. What works for one person, might not work for the other
because our body shapes and skin tones are different and we must always
dress according to that. Understand what’s your problem areas and how to
minimize them and instead focus on enhancing your best areas (with best
areas, I’m not referring to the sexy parts of the body).

Not all women like the same type of clothes, and in order not to for
everyone to look identical to each other, God created taste buds that let
people create their own uniqueness and add their personality to the mix.
When you decide to dress classier, you don’t need to adapt yourself to a
uniform. You only need to see if you’re aligned with the fundamental
principles of classy attributes and then make sure your clothes elevate you
to the level you want to position yourself at.

It’s a must to do a wardrobe intervention at least once a year. Let’s do one

together in which I will guide you on the steps of achieving a classy

Step 1: Wardrobe Intervention

All clothes that don't make you look classy must be immediately rejected
from your wardrobe. It’s a serious business, and it applies especially to the
hoarders out there who hang on to clothes they think they’ll wear one day
although they haven’t touched that garment in months or years!

Do yourself a favor and eliminate everything that can flaw your classy
image. You must be 100 percent honest with yourself, and you must have
the courage to stay critical. Let’s do a wardrobe intervention and make
room for a new classier you!

What to get rid of:

Clothes that look washed out or look old or are so old their colors and fits
are not the same anymore

Clothes with holes or stains

Clothes that don’t have a proper fit

Clothes that belong to an outdated trend

Clothes in poor quality and cheap-looking material

Clothes with unflattering patterns or colors

Clothes that have a permanent smell

Glitter and embellished clothes (looks cheap)

Vulgar and raunchy clothing

Take a big bag and throw it away!

Don’t overthink it and don’t let your separation anxiety pick the garment up
again and put it back in the wardrobe.

Classy women are not hoarders, they don’t collect low quality clothing, and
they would never hang on to something that doesn’t serve them anymore.
Don’t be too attached to materialistic things, especially if they are not doing
you any favors. Give it away to charity, support a good cause by recycling
clothes you’ll probably never wear anyway and make someone else happy
with your stuff. And if you have things that are old and malfunctioned,
throw those away as they are not in any usable condition.

You might have beautiful pieces in your wardrobe that supports your classy
image and look great on you, but they may be faulty in some way.
Whatever is fixable, keep it only if you’re going to repair it!
Take it to the tailor to make a poorly fitted item look tailor-made, let the
tailor also mend any holes that can be fixed.

Stained, smelly or dirty clothes should be discussed with the dry clean if
they can clean it up for you, so it looks brand new again. Clothes with
washed out colors can easily be recolored at home if you buy a home dye
kit (if you don’t know where to buy it, look on eBay/Amazon).

Step 2: Plan Your Closet

Once you’ve done an excellent job of cleaning out everything that is

holding your classy image back, it’s time to look ahead and into the future.

What items are remaining in your closet?

All the remaining items are in colors and patterns that suit you.

All clothes have a proper fit and look great on your body.

All clothes look fresh, clean, and almost new.

All clothes are made of a quality material that will last.

All clothes keep a certain standard and look classy.

Most of the clothes enhance your best physical attributes and disguise the
parts you like less.
You have a right amount of versatile clothes that you can mix and match for
many possible combinations.

You have a sufficient base of classic pieces that will never run out of

You should now only have clothes that will make you look nothing but your
best sophisticated self.

Classy clothing is, therefore, your new base to work with and you are now
re-structuring your wardrobe but also your overall style.

Don’t worry if what’s remaining in the wardrobe looks very little to the eye.
Classy women are not shy to wear their clothes repeatedly, so you don’t
need to worry if you’ll be wearing specific items too frequently. Plus, with
time, you will expand your wardrobe, and new, classy pieces will enter, just
have a little bit of patience in the beginning, good things come to those who

The focus now is to develop a fashion strategy for you as we are working
on upgrading your look. You will need to become very selective from now
on with all your purchases and what you decide to wear. Your closet must
keep a certain standard, and you will have to refrain yourself from any form
of impulse shopping. Take some time to get to know your new closet and
understand what you need and don’t need.

A good advice is to try and create as many different looks as possible with
the items that you already have. You will become surprised how many new
outfits you will get out of your fitting! Now when you start shopping, you
will be mentally prepared for not making any mistakes, of not buying stuff
that won’t serve you and you will only buy things you need.

Step 3: Shopping Time

The most important rule in your fashion strategy is: No more shopping on
impulse or coming home with clothes you’re not 100 percent sure about!
It’s time for you to train your selective eye and take your time in deciding
whether you are going to buy something or not. You must be thoughtful as
your shopping is about buying items you’re investing in, regardless if they
cost $10 or $1,000.

Quality, fine materials, and a good fit is the mindset behind your classy
strategy. Consume less, but consume wisely.

Have you noticed that sometimes when you go and buy something, you feel
content but not overly excited about it? But other times we find something
in a shop, we try it on, and it looks so great on us, we feel like we have just
hit the lottery! You immediately know you’re buying this item regardless of
the price and you go home like an excited child, looking forward to the day
when you’re finally going to wear it.
That’s how you should be shopping from now; your new philosophy is only
to buy clothes you genuinely fall in love with. Everything else; don’t bother
(unless it’s a necessary basic item and basics don’t always makes us jump
head over heels).

What to shop for:

Clothes that make you feel “wow”

Clothes that you feel 100 percent sure about

High-quality materials

Basic items in neutral colors (black, white, gray, beige, pastels)

Classic, timeless pieces that will never go out of style

Tops and bottoms as you will be able to mix and match and create more
outfits than if you focused your shopping only on dresses

Clothes that enhance your body shape and hide the less favorable parts

Clothes you know you look good in and make you look better, not worse
Clothes with a proper fit

Clothes that give you a signature look

Clothes with colors that suit you and go well with your skin tone

Clothes with great construction and attention to detail

Must-have items in a classy wardrobe:

The little black dress

Well-made basic items lite plain T-shirts, tops, etc.

Black trousers, formal/casual


Jeans with a good fit and color (blue or darker, no strange “wash out

Summer dresses in light colors and material

Shirts, formal/casual, oversized/fitted

Blouses, formal/casual

Tops of all kinds

Evening attire like dresses, trousers, tops, jumpsuits that can be worn for
more formal occasions

Pumps and strappy heels in black and in your skin color

Long dress, day/evening

Beachwear like tunics, cover-ups, swimsuits, hats, sunglasses, beach bags

Pure fabrics like 100 percent Silk, 100 percent cashmere, 100 percent
cotton, 100 percent linen items

Trench coat

Black evening coat

Leisure jacket

Active wear

Accessories like scarves, hats, sunglasses, belts, gloves, etc. is my community in which I gather the best fashion

inspirations from classy women to showcase their sense of style and inspire
others on what to wear. Have a look if you want to gain more insight on
how sophisticated women look under this category:

In the planning of your fashion strategy, you should keep in mind your
unique taste and wear things you love. An old trick in the classy book is
also to develop a signature look for something that makes you look your
best. Karl Lagerfeld has his black suits and black sunglasses, Coco Chanel
was rocking her famous timeless tweed suits. What makes you look your
best that could become your trademark?
It can be a type of garment, fabric, a color, a style, anything really! When
you find your signature look, you can wear it every day as that’s what
signature styles are about. It’s affordable because you are always recycling
it, but it also adds plenty of class and style to your overall look.
But do bear in mind that whatever works for someone else, might not work
for you. We are all different, with different looks and shapes so style is
something that becomes so personal, which is why there isn’t one classy
style that everyone should wear. Instead, everyone should develop a
sophisticated look that works for them.
Classy Fashion Etiquette

To be of high-standard, a classy woman must apply certain manners to her

fashion. While being appropriately dressed is mainly for your benefit, we
always must acknowledge others when getting dressed if you care about not
offending or embarrassing yourself.

1. You should never wear white to a wedding.

2. You should only wear black or navy to a funeral.
3. Evening gowns should only be worn in the evenings and never during
the day regardless if it’s a festive occasion. For such daytime events, a
cocktail dress is more appropriate.
4. It’s terrible etiquette to ignore the dress code of a party.
5. The same goes if it’s a themed party and guests are expected to wear a
costume (and you decide not to).
6. Your clothes must always be well-ironed and never wrinkled as you
will otherwise look shabby.
7. Your underwear, bra straps, or body parts should never be exposed.
8. Always wear nude-colored underwear under light, sheer clothing.
9. Wearing attention-seeking clothes is poor etiquette.
10. Same goes for being covered in logos and letting the world know how
much you spend on clothing.
11. See-through materials should all be avoided; the same goes for
creative constructions on dresses that show off too much skin.
12. Hats are only accepted for daytime outfits and should be stowed away
after 6 p.m. They are never worn in the evening.

Dress According to Dress Code

Being invited to a wedding, party, or any type of social event, there may
sometimes be written a dress code that is of importance to follow.
Here are the most common dress codes:

“White tie” or “full evening dress”

The most formal of all dress codes in which women wear their most
extravagant gowns. Think very formal events, conservative weddings, etc.
Shoes must have a closed toe, like a pump and you cannot wear sandals.

“Black tie,” “formal,” or “evening dress”

The second most formal. You can wear a cocktail dress if it’s very
luxurious, although a majority would wear a full-length dress. Black tie is
the most common dress code for charity fundraisers, movie premieres, and

“Cocktail” or “semi-formal”

A dressed up occasion without being formal enough to require wearing a

gown. A classy cocktail dress, elegant trousers, or a skirt would be
appropriate for this occasion.

“Smart casual”

Slightly more formal than “casual.” Wearing trousers (not jeans) or dress in
a relaxed and dressed-down manner.

This usually means no need to wear anything fancy. You should still dress
up, but keep it to light materials, or nothing formal-looking or pompous.
Jeans or trousers are typical wear for a lady when the invitation says


Handbags for women are what watches are for men. A delightful item that
showcases the status of the person, all defined by its value and appearance.
We obsess about them, and when we wear them, we can feel like a million
dollars. For this reason, you will most probably not agree with what I’m
about to say about your best friend. You might not like it, but I think it’s
important to pinpoint the reality of how far this extremely expensive
obsession has gone just so that we can feel a sense of belonging in the
wealthy western world. Let’s talk about:

The Designer Handbag

I’ve touched already on the topic of how showcasing logos is tacky and
how discretion is what is the ultimate trait of “class” is. Most of us
“common western people” don’t understand this, as we’ve got used to a
society in where every other middle-class woman has a Louis Vuitton or
Chanel bag. Or even Birkin!

Getting a bag like Chanel or Hermés feels to the average woman like
something extraordinary because of the value of the bags. Ranging from
3,000–7,000 £$ and up, walking down the street with a classic Chanel flap
bag or Birkin feels like a major statement:

The honest thoughts and feelings of the bag holder can be:

“My bag is expensive.”

“I belong to a certain group of people who afford bags like this.”

“I’m rich.”
“I have money.”

“I’m a high-standard girl who affords this lifestyle.”

“My bag is so classy because it’s expensive.”

“I am classy because I own this bag.”

Yes, I know it all sounds ridiculous when you lay it out like that because
these thoughts are usually hiding in our subconscious and we tell ourselves
we like the bag for other reasons than the obvious ones.

Nobody would ever buy Chanel or Birkin bags if it weren't for the
reputation or branding behind. If they would cost only 100 £$€, we
wouldn’t see so much of them around.
Let’s be honest, the quality of the bags and design has nothing to do with
their popularity. There are many bags out there with quality just as good,
with amazing designs, but are not as popular because they don’t carry the
same price tag or branding behind.

Classy women would never buy a handbag because it’s of a brand. They
purchase high-quality bags, from the finest leather and most delicate
making process, bags that will last them a lifetime and neutral enough not
to make any financial statements.
They instead invest their money in discretion and sophistication because it
goes well with their values of not being in peoples face with how much they
spend on their bags.
Women who obsess about owning a designer handbag to feel that she “fits
in” a particular group of people, should think again about what’s important.
This will never define your class or make you that classy woman that is so
sought after.
You’d be wiser to invest your hard-earned money in something that is
elegant yet simple and of the highest quality possible. Something that you
will wear for years and years and be an educated and elegant woman with
taste. If it has a famous designer behind it, that’s fine, but it’s not portrayed
in an obvious way, and you’re not wearing the bag to impress other people.
A true classy woman does not try to impress anyone. She lives for herself
and her values and doesn’t need to brag or seek attention from others.

There is a reason why I’m advocating the issue of our societies obsession
with designer handbags. It’s going too far. They are priced in such high
numbers that the average people need savings to buy them. It goes to the
extremes that women who don’t afford these bags themselves, would take
on desperate actions to acquire one! I've heard stories how sometimes girls
sleep with men that promise to gift them a bag, how some buy fake bags
and others who steal them from parties and nightclubs! Do you see how
crazy our reality is?! This is how far our fixation with "keeping up with the
Joneses's" has taken us, and it's not healthy!

The obsession of having a status symbol to define your value, is everywhere

today in the western society. It’s like the famous saying:

“We buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t own, to impress people
we don’t like.”

It’s the perfect definition of this generation and our modern world. Look at
Instagram as a great example, in which everything is staged to look so
perfect and successful, and every second person appears to live a lifestyle of
a millionaire. It’s not classy! No "in-your-face" behavior is to admire.
Focus on looking classy instead of looking rich, that will take you further
than you think.

Classy Handbag Checklist

1. She doesn’t let the world know the value of her handbag.
2. She doesn’t shop handbags because she needs to have a particular
3. She doesn’t buy fake bags.
4. She doesn’t buy bags as an investment. She invests her money in other
things like art, stocks, gold, and jewelry.
5. She doesn’t buy bags from cheap-looking material and poorly made
6. She buys bags because she will be using them, not to collect them for
show in her wardrobe.

Ladylike Footwear

Women love their bags, but they also love their shoes. We have an array of
outfits to match, heel sizes to consider and different models for different
occasions. It’s normal for women to have a wide selection of footwear,
although it’s never classy being a hoarder of items. Classy women wear
shoes of a sturdy quality, that will last them many walks without breaking.
They seek out shoemakers that do their shoes by hand and design in a
classical way, leaving an essence of chicness behind.
They often choose models like pumps, slingbacks on a medium heel,
ballerina flats, strappy sandals, and wedges.
Classy women keep themselves to what’s traditional, as they know fashion
fades and classic, timeless footwear is what’s truly elegant. They wear
shoes in neutral colors like black and nude, with the occasional white or

Shoes they avoid:

1. Very high stiletto heels

2. Thick platform heels
3. Footwear “made-in-China” style that is made from cheap materials and
poor construction
4. Temporary trends and “it shoes” that will soon be yesterday’s news
5. Shoes that drag too much attention with colors, prints, embellishment,
6. Heels in casual settings, and casual shoes in formal settings
Taking Care of Your Items is Classy

I would like to point out the importance of taking care of the things that you
own because an elegant woman must always look neat - and to look neat,
your clothes have to look almost like new! You need to handle all of your
items with care, regardless if they are expensive or not, because it will show
on the item if you are careless. It will make you look scruffy and
downgrade your overall appearance.

Classy women are careful with their things because they want them to last
them a lifetime. They invest in quality and quality can be ruined if the
person is not attentive. The more delicate the materials, the more
specialized care is required to maintain the look of these items. Shoes and
bags are such things that need delicate handling, as once they start looking
worn out, they will not be going to look classy anymore. Same goes for
clothing, as ratty clothes with holes or stains is a no-no for anyone who
wants to come across as a sophisticated lady.

Rules for classy women:

1. Their wardrobes are not stuffed or overcrowded with items, as that

damages and wrinkles the clothes.
2. When bags are not in use, they are inside their dust bags, preferably
with something inside (like newspapers, towels, etc.) to hold their
3. Footwear goes in their boxes or dust bags, and boots need something
that will hold them up.
4. All jewelry and watches are in special-made boxes with velvet interior
to protect them from damage.
5. Everything that has been worn and does not require washing goes back
in their places in the wardrobe, never laying around the room.
6. Clothes that are not in use (due to season or similar) are stored in
separate storage bags that protect them.
7. Storage bags that you put on hanged clothing are great investments and
should also be used for delicate garments.
8. Shoes should be immediately cleaned after you’ve been out. Remove
any smudge marks that you may have picked up.
9. Keep up with regular maintenance of your items, like taking shoes to
the shoe repair, clothes to the tailor, etc., whenever something has
broken is vital to keep your things long lasting.

Details: Jewelry and Watches

Classy women follow a subtle approach to life and use good taste when
wearing jewelry. You would rarely see them wearing diamonds in daylight
and oversized watches, as the look with “in your face” type of jewelry is

Tasteful watches, pearls, and elegant-looking jewelry are what classy

women prefer when adding that extra detail to their outfit.

The common misconception of appearing of a high standard is that you

must look very expensive. You will often see a middle-class woman with a
Rolex watch on her wrist, one or several “Love” Cartier bracelets,
diamonds (maybe a massive engagement ring and a bracelet) and if there is
space something from the brand “Van cleef and arpels.”

This doesn’t make her classy, as true class is not a definition from the
materialistic possessions, but instead a modest mannerism in which the
person doesn’t need to showcase a wealthy image. Women with class do
end up looking “expensive” or of a high standard, but never because they
cover themselves in diamonds. Instead, their high-end image comes from
their classic style and neatly put together fashion, in combination with
proper behavior and the way they carry themselves. A Rolex watch and
Cartier bracelet cannot give a woman what true elegance can. For that
reason, classy women are mindful of how they accessorize themselves.

Remember the famous saying by Audrey Hepburn:

“It’s tacky to wear diamonds before you are forty.”

It's worth thinking about it. Perhaps to be most proud of your diamonds is
when you are married and know that the diamonds you are wearing are
either gifts from your family or your husband. Wearing jewelry that you got
gifted in previous relationships feels tacky. A woman, who is single and
wear diamonds of previous lovers, boyfriends and so on, sends out the
wrong impression and it's not classy!
Always be subtle even when it’s tempting to wear the most extravagant
pieces you own. Discretion is the door to elegance; flaunting is rarely the


A married woman often wears a wedding band, and the actual engagement
ring might only be worn on special occasions if it’s very expensive or bulky
(all depends on the size of the diamonds).

In daylight, classy women are often seen wearing pearls and discreet
jewelry, never wearing diamonds as it’s considered to be left for the

After dark, they can go bolder with jewelry and diamonds, but never too
much or to the point that they get confused with someone of the nouveau

Women who wear watches often go for the smaller and thinner versions, as
anything bulky and masculine takes their elegance away. Those watches
encrusted with diamonds and bling are always avoided, instead, they settle
for something more classic like a Cartier or Patek Philippe. A rule of
etiquette at formal evening events, is never to wear a watch, as it’s not
considered to be appropriate and seldom goes together with formal wear.


Classy Coaching #9
Develop a fashion strategy after you have done your wardrobe intervention.

A) Make a list of items that are lacking in your wardrobe.

B) Make a mood board that describes your new, signature look. If you don’t
want to make a mood board, make a list in your journal defining the traits
of your style.

C) Decide on rules to follow when you go shopping.

What colors will you be shopping now?

What style in garments?
What items will you need to stop buying or stop wearing to be aligned with
your strategy?

Follow these rules at all times whenever you make any purchases. Take
your time to decide before buying.
Chapter 5
Groom Yourself to Look Classy
Have you ever met these women who look so picture perfect in reality that
when you stand next to them, you feel like the ugliest, dullest person on the
planet (even if you had made an effort to look cute)? You feel like these
women belong on the cover of Vogue while you wouldn’t even qualify for
Plain Jane Magazine. All these feelings have nothing to do with low self-
esteem, but rather you have a harsh reality check when you compare your
looks to someone of exceptionally high standard.

If this has ever happened to you, you have probably just come across a very
classy woman, the top-level standard that I’m referring to in this book.
These women are so on top of their game that they make any average
women feel intimidated by them. But I’m not saying that these classy
women are better in any way, they just have better grooming and better
taste, and that’s their secret to looking so extremely polished.

But anyone can achieve this with the right methods and practice, which is
why this chapter will focus on how to elevate your beauty regime so that
you can take your looks to their level.

Now some may think it’s not the actual grooming, but that some people are
lucky with their genetics, scoring good-looking features, which is why they
appear to be so attractive. Having a beautiful face will give any person a
great advantage in life, but it’s not the entire truth to why many of these
women look so striking to the rest of us.
They have made themselves to look of a high standard because they have
invested a lot in their appearance! They take their maintenance extremely
serious, they don’t cheat on their beauty regime, they live healthy, they
have impeccable taste, and together they apply it all with optimal styling.
Simply they know how to polish themselves to look like perfection, and
they don’t mind putting in the work and effort that is required.

With today’s technology and advanced beauty sector, anything is now

possible. As seen on TV shows, the ugly duckling can turn into a bombshell
with just the right methods and the right amount of work. But with the
dedication, knowledge and a bit of money, anyone who wasn’t born with
the best-looking features can transform herself into becoming an absolute
stunner. And I’m not only making references to severe methods like plastic
Fitness, diet, beauty treatments, stylists, makeup and all that jazz that we
are so familiar with, can play a big part in our makeover but we don’t
always use it to our advantage. Anyone can look classy regardless of how
pretty their face is because all that is required is an adequate taste and time
investing in yourself. You can spend a lot of money on your transformation,
but if you have bad taste or go to the wrong professionals, nothing will ever
make you look high standard, no matter how hard you try!


Be very careful with the professionals who you let near your looks. Be very
selective, and ask yourself some questions before you book an

Are they qualified for their job?

Do they have a proven track record of happy customers?
Can you see examples of their work?

Sometimes it’s better to spend a little bit more money on someone with a
high reputation because you know that you run a lower risk of being
disappointed. Go to clinics and salons on referral as much as possible
because recommendations from friends (with good taste) is something that
will often result in finding the right professional.
Train your eye to understand what is good taste and what is bad taste, what
works for you and what doesn’t. Most women who fail miserably with their
beauty choices are the ones who “get blind” and can’t see the mistakes they
are making due to their lack of taste. If you have no clue in this department,
at least have some self-awareness and consult with the professionals
because they often know their labor better than you and what would work
for your looks.

Experimenting too much with your looks can become a dangerous and
expensive story, same goes for following every beauty trend that comes out.
While I encourage people to try different looks, it’s important to stick to
something that you discover works well on you. That look, let it be a
hairstyle, makeup, etc. can become your signature trait and always make
you look your best.

Beauty is expensive, and for most of us, we will have to cut some corners
and “do it ourselves.” In a later chapter I will go over beauty on a budget in
detail, but be aware that some treatments should never be done at home and
always best left to the hands of professionals. It’s not worth saving that
extra money if the result is flawed so always keep a smart mind over

Lastly, believe that you can achieve that high-standard look if you are
serious about your efforts and put in the required work. Sometimes it
requires a little bit of practice and trials and errors before you get it right,
but if you don’t give up and study the secrets behind the trade, you will
have success! Read beauty blogs, watch YouTube tutorials and don’t be shy
about asking polished people their beauty secrets because you will never
know what you can learn from them.


Have you noticed how classy people tend to have good skin (including the
men!), sometimes so flawless it makes them look nearly photoshopped in
real life?
Classy women spend many efforts on their skin making sure it’s acne free,
hydrated and treated for anti-aging. They know that what they do today,
will have an effect tomorrow and for that reason, they never go to sleep
with makeup or ignore they daily skin treatment. But they are also educated
to know that perfect skin origin from their diet and lifestyle choices.

A stressed person with poor eating habits will never have glowing skin no
matter how much money she puts into her skin products. Nutritious food,
getting enough sleep and avoiding damaging elements like drugs, cigarettes,
alcohol, sugar, etc. are the basics for anyone who wants to take care of their
beauty canvas.

Skin is the foundation of a person’s overall appearance. Men look at the

skin a lot when they decide whether they find a woman attractive or not
because it’s a sign of the health of a person. If you look healthy, you have a
great base to work with when it comes to the rest of your appearance, but If
the basics are off, no styling will help you achieve that picture-perfect


Most of us have or had some form of issues with acne. Let it be an

occasional pimple when you receive your period or full-blown outbreaks
because of hormones. You must treat your acne if it’s persistent and creates
a problem for you. You don’t need to look like a teenager who’ve hit
puberty to seek out help, in fact, don’t ever let your acne go that far! If you
do, you might risk your skin of getting scars from all your breakouts, which
will ruin your face forever!

Acne was a big problem for me up to my late twenties. I always had

breakouts, but it got worse the older I got. It was powerful enough to ruin
my appearance, no matter how well I dressed or took care of myself—the
acne was always there and could be seen in all my attempts to cover it up. I
felt intimidated being out in daylight because only at night could I get away
with my bad skin as people noticed it much less thanks to reduced lighting.
Most of the acne was on my cheeks, so when I started getting scars I told
myself I’ve had enough! I wasn’t going to let this acne ruin my entire face,
and I was tired of not being relaxed about my skin anymore. I went to see
my doctor so that I could receive a referral to a specialist in acne. There was
a bit of a waiting list, but eventually, I got my appointment and got
prescribed an acne treatment widely known as Accutane or Rocatane. It’s a
very powerful medication that causes heavy effects.

The first month was difficult because the medication dries your body out so
you get weak nails, itchy scalp, and dry mouth. After a month, the side
effects lessen and you get used to it all. But you’re not allowed to drink any
alcohol during this six-month treatment as it’s very heavy on the liver. Each
month I had to see my doctor for a checkup and test my blood to see that
everything was okay.

Six months later, I can say this was the best investment I’ve ever done in
my life! I was entirely acne free, and my acne never returned. My skin was
finally perfect, with zero breakouts! I could stop putting so much makeup
on and stay worrying about my imperfections, it felt so liberating!

The procedure might seem extreme for some, and I don’t recommend doing
this treatment if your acne is minimal. But if it doesn’t seem to go away,
and you did like me, tried everything out there without any results, consult
with a doctor about taking medication. This medicine is extreme, and if it
doesn’t feel right for you, another option can be to seek out a naturopath
who can help you with alternative medicine. It’s often hormone or diet
related, so it can be of value to understand your outbreaks on a deeper level
and where they originated.
Seeking out the right professional help is a must if you suffer from acne
because becoming acne-free is like winning the lottery—your life quality
improves dramatically!

Skincare Routine

Your skin regime is fundamental and should consist of daily cleansing

(morning and night), regular masks, and mini facials at home. This should
be combined with quality skin products selected to your skin type by a
professional dermatologist who has made a bespoke analysis of your skin.
No treatments in the world will fix your skin if you don't bother to take care
of it daily. Your skin is the base to your face. Without a good base, you
cannot make the rest work in your favor!

1. Always remove your makeup before bedtime (make sure everything is

gone, do double cleansing if necessary).
2. Do not wear makeup unless you must. Let your skin breath as much
possible. This will strengthen the quality of your skin surface and aid
the cells in regeneration. The more often you go makeup free, the less
makeup you will need to cover up any skin defects.
3. Make it a habit to regularly do mini facials at home, so it becomes part
of your routine. Once a week is usually enough.
4. Water intake is key for hydrated skin and cleansing out your toxins.
5. Eat a plant-based diet and as much raw food as possible. People who
eat uncooked and pesticide-free fruits and vegetables reverse the
raging and appearance of their skin dramatically. Diet is
underestimated these days when we have an overload of products, but
think about where all these rejuvenating cells in your skin get their
material from. Is it from the products you apply to your skin or the
food you eat?

Facial Treatments

Depending on your skin type and problem area, your need for treatments
will vary. Some women must go more frequently while others only need to
go when necessary. If you are struggling with specific complexion issues,
then professional treatments are to recommend as doing facials at home
might not be enough for you. It is difficult to advise what treatments you
should do as it is very individual. This is why I advise anyone who wants to
improve the quality of their skin to consult with a dermatologist who can
offer you a valid opinion after doing a consultation with you.

Some of the many treatments to consider:

Classic facial with steam, extraction, and exfoliation
Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion
Chemical peeling (TCA being the strongest one)
Laser skin resurfacing (Fraxel laser being a popular method to treat
Bespoke facial treatments with in-depth analysis of your skin
Facial massage treatments
Hydrating treatments
Acid treatments (glycolic, fruit acid)
Caci firming and lifting treatments
Revitalizing treatments
Ultrasound therapy
Oxygen therapy

Products that should be included in your regime:

1. Cleanser
2. Toner
3. Makeup remover
4. Day moisturizer
5. Night moisturizer
6. Serum
7. Eye cream
8. Hydrating mask
9. Deep cleansing mask
10. Other products that might be essential for your problem areas

It might sound overwhelming, but it’s worth the investment. If you revert
your skin to look like back in the days when it had its prime, you will
receive the ultimate glow and radiance that you have been missing out on
all this time. Flawless skin is possible to achieve if you follow the correct
diet and apply the right methods. But it’s all up to your dedication and if
you’re serious about polishing yourself to perfection because it does require
work! Classy women are very serious about their skin, which is why their
looks appear better and above everyone else.

Tanning and Self-tan

To tan or to fake tan? Or to not tan at all? That’s the question.

What’s best?

It depends on your preference and skin tone. Classy women can be pale or
have a tan, it’s up to personal taste and how much they want to damage the
skin. It’s beautiful to be bronzed, but too much tan is not considered very
classy. When the skin has turned so dark, making it look like leather skin—
that’s when the classiness is gone.

It’s important always to be aware of the damaging aspects of sunlight, and

therefore it’s a must to wear SPF every day.
The sun heavily ages the skin, so wearing SPF 30 on sunny days is advised.
Sunbathing is okay if done in small doses, never exposing the skin for too
much intense sunlight and taking the risk of getting burned. A beautiful
bronzed color is just enough in summer, while in winter, occasional
applications of fake tan might do the trick if you are feeling pale. The fake
tan color shall however always be discreet, with a good scrub before and
only one layer of color, so you never take the risk of turning orange.

But if you belong to those ladies who prefer a pale, natural color, you will
save your skin from stress for many years ahead. For some women, color to
their skin does not work in their favor, so they stay away from any tans
whatsoever. For this reason, it’s an individual decision whether to tan, fake
tan, or not tan at all, but if everything is kept in moderation, it is considered


Believe it or not, the secret behind the looks of these high-standard women
is not only their great skin but also their eyebrows!
There is an art in making perfectly groomed brows, those who master it end
up looking ultra clean. Good eyebrows sculpt a person’s face, make the
eyes look more intense and add a character. When they are groomed with
such attention to detail, they look flawless on a person, making the rest of
the face appear equally perfect. If your eyebrows don’t hold this standard,
there will always be something in your appearance that doesn’t feel 100
percent right, people might not be able to pinpoint what it is, but your
overall look will suffer when brows are not perfect.

Perfect Eyebrows

The shape should be perfectly suited to your facial structure.

They are threaded once a week.

Hair length of the brows should be trimmed.

They are tinted if necessary.

If you have gaps, use a little brow pencil or powder to fill them in.

No strong pencil drawing on your brows.

The result should look natural and perfectly groomed.

Sometimes women add some highlighter and concealer on areas around the
brows to enhance their structure and make them look more polished.

We can sometimes get lazy and ignore the importance of eyebrow

maintenance because we think it’s such a small detail in our face, that it
doesn’t carry much value and therefore needs as much of attention. This is
where most go wrong because eyebrows are more important than you think,
and they do require your weekly care, either with the help of a professional
or if you prefer doing it yourself. If your eyebrows are problematic, it can
be worth getting a Microblading tattoo (3-D, 6-D) done, which is something
I recommended, but only if you go to someone who will create a natural
looking result.

Eyelash Extensions

Professional eyelash extensions become a lifesaver for women who want to

keep their appearance easy to maintain while always looking flawless. The
hassle-free life of never using mascara and waking up with perfect lashes, is
a dream come true. You receive a different depth to your eyes, and with
correct application, lashes can be very sculpting for the eye, enhance or
improve the natural eye shape in a woman.

Some women have their own lashes in good quality, and unless they need
extensions for a specific reason, I would not advise since they already have
a functioning base to work with. But if your own lashes are short, thin or
not give you the desired shape to your eye, discovering the world of eyelash
extensions can be worth it.

The secret is finding a qualified lash technician because this is something

you cannot do DIY! It’s a monthly commitment and can come pricey as you
will have to go every three to four weeks for a touch-up.

There are different ways of applying eyelash extensions, the most common
ones are the natural set (one on one) or volume/Russian volume (several
lashes on one). What you choose depends on what result you want. My
favorite method is using volume lashes that are 2-D (two lashes on one)
because they last longer than the natural one on one method, but will also
give you a natural looking result. Find a technician that has a good track
record of happy customers and a portfolio with pictures you can see before
you book your appointment.

Teeth and Smile

A healthy and beautiful smile signals a sense of class while bad teeth says
the opposite. One of the most essential things to do is to invest in the
appearance and hygiene of your mouth.

If you have crooked or yellow teeth, bad breath or other issues, you must
put it on your priority list to resolve. It might cost you, as dental care is
expensive, but it’s worth it. It’s an investment in yourself and your future. If
you’re in the dating scene, you might be putting potential partners off, as
bad teeth are something challenging to get past for anyone. Some people
have genetically beautiful white teeth, and to those, I want to say,
“Congratulations, you may want to skip this chapter!” For the rest, keep on
reading . . .

Regular Visits to the Dentist

I’m not a dentist, but I do want to advise everyone to take their dental
health seriously. It’s an investment for your older days as much as your
current days. Go regularly for checkups and cleaning. Depending on how
your dentist advises you, a cleaning shall be done every three to six months,
while checkup is okay once a year. The cleaning is very important to
remember. It’s more important than your regular facials and body
treatments. A proper clean of your teeth is essential for the hygiene of the
mouth and fresh breath! If you are beautiful but your breath stink, your
beauty holds no power if people want to take a step away from you.

Teeth Whitening

White teeth run in genetics. I’m always amazed by those who have teeth
that are in a perfectly white shade, not too much just crisp and clean. It
turns out, these people always had teeth of this color, no whitening methods

Fortunately, with today’s technology, even people with less advantage in

the genetic lottery, can have a beautiful Colgate smile. But it will cost you,
and it might be painful. There are two options available for you—do it at
home or do it at the dentist.

If you choose to whiten your teeth at home, it’s often a seven- to fourteen-
day process in which you gradually whiten your teeth, making this a less
painful experience. During this time, you are advised not to eat or drink
anything that can stain your teeth, like tea, coffee, turmeric, tomato sauce,
Coca-Cola, etc. The whitening gel can be bought at your dentist or in
regular shops, just look out for a peroxide level that is effective and suitable
for you. Some claim that the product you buy at the dentist is more
efficient, while others say it’s not true, you can find equally good—if not
better—in drugstores.

One thing that is good to have, which is what the dentist creates for you, is
the rubber shield that is specially adapted to your teeth. If you use it
together with your whitening gel, it’s the most efficient way to bleach your
teeth at home as it properly covers them. Whitening your teeth at the dentist
is a painful but sometimes a more efficient way of achieving that
Hollywood smile. The most popular methods are Zoom and laser
whitening. Depending on the peroxide levels, it will whiten your teeth with
a few shades. In some countries like the United States, the most effective
whitening solution of high peroxide is legal, while in countries like the
United Kingdom it’s not. It is damaging for the teeth, but you’ll be able to
get that white result in one visit. It will hurt, often for several days after, but
if your teeth are quite stained, this could be the only way to get the result
you want.

Problematic Teeth

If your teeth are crooked or not perfectly aligned, you should take into
consideration of sorting that out first. Solutions are usually braces (metal or
Invisalign) or veneers/porcelain crowns depending on your problem area.
This must be consulted with a dentist, and you should get advice from more
than one as different dentist have different expertise. All solutions will cost
you, but it’s something you should prioritize. If you are ready to invest in
your classy image, then teeth should be on top of everything.

If your teeth are healthy and not damaged, ruining them with veneers or
crowns is a bad idea. You should opt for braces to correct a misalignment
even if that requires a long wait to see results. However, if your orthodontist
thinks that braces will not be a suitable option, go for the veneers/crowns.
Just be aware that they are not made for a lifetime, and you’ll have to
change them after x amount of years. Consult your dentist for more details.


Manicures are standard procedures in the beauty regime of a woman.

People pay more attention to hands and nails than you think. While it seems
like our fingers are barely noticeable, as we gesticulate with our hands our
keep them in front of us, people always notice the status of your nails.
Especially men.

Most men have a habit of automatically inspecting the woman hands. I’ve
heard many of my male friends slagging women off because they didn’t
take care of their nails. You cannot be a woman on a top-notch level who
doesn’t take care of such important details like regular manicures and
pedicures. Some people think natural, polish-free nails to be the best, as it’s
clean-cut and conservative. Unless you work in a restaurant, I wouldn’t
advise going au natural. I know that I’m the advocate for natural beauty, but
when we’re talking nails, going completely bare is not very elegant.

Worse is of course to have flaky nail polish, bitten nails or long acrylics
with nail art. The general rule for classy fingers is to go for manicures every
week, and pedicure every second week. You might get away with it longer
if you’re using gel, but keep that as a rule of thumb. It’s optional whether
you want your nails short or long, but they cannot be too long as that’s
when they’re starting to look tacky.

Short nails are very chic, and today many glamorous women decide to wear
them short with a bright red or French manicure and look extremely

A Classy Manicure and Pedicure

1. Classy women don’t wear all kinds of colors in their nail polish. They
stick to neutral shades like beige, pink, French manicure style, bright
red and burgundy red.
2. The tip of the French manicure must be a very thin line. Avoid
anything thick, as it would make your hands look like of a porn star.
3. Avoid decorating nails with embellishments, drawings, or patterns. It
only looks tacky.
4. Match the color of your feet to your hands.
5. If your nails are strong and healthy, keep it simple by only applying
nail polish. If your nails often break, consider making them stronger
with Shellac/gel.
6. Classy women on a budget can do their nails at home if practiced
properly and you have the correct knowledge of how to do a perfect
manicure. Equipment for Shellac nails can easily be bought and used
at home for a fraction of the price of what it would cost to go to the
salon repeatedly.


The face of an elegant woman is rarely plastered with heavy makeup and
different colors. Instead, it’s subtle, concealed to the eye even though you
know that it’s there. Women who apply makeup in a less classy way do it
because they think it will make them look better the more they apply.
Covering up their flaws with loads of product is a great example! It never
changes for the better, instead, it makes them look older and vulgar.
Classy women are cautious with the amounts they apply; less is always
more when we discuss makeup. The classy makeup look is to look like you
have no makeup, that’s how natural it should be.

The countering trends with loads of highlighters, popping colors, glitter,

and shine is not part of the “Grace Kelly” and “Audrey Hepburn” looks that
sophisticated women strive for. If you want to look high-end, you should
have a mature look, and mature ladies never go over the top.

Enough should be smoothen your complexion with a light foundation,

concealer or powder. You could gently define your eyebrows and put some
mascara on the lashes (unless you do lash extensions). To add some color to
your face, you can apply a blusher/bronzer and dab a little bit of lipstick
onto your lips.

Voila! Makeup should not be more than what’s needed! The trick is to
master all blending and application techniques to the point you do your
makeup like a pro, so it doesn’t look like you are wearing anything.

For evening wear, eyeshadows and lipsticks are fine if they are tasteful and
not too much.

Makeup Dos and Don’ts

We can all agree that bad makeup will make any woman look less
attractive. Poor technique, too many applications, and uneven tones will
sabotage the woman’s appearance regardless of her efforts in perfecting her
look. A common mistake is to apply makeup in a room with poor lighting,
and later step out in daylight only to see that your makeup looks like a

Makeup must look discreet even in the brightest sunshine in which the very
fine details of your face will get exposed. For this reason, classy women
wear subtle makeup in daylight and in the evenings, it’s okay to add a bit
more glamour to the look.

Not everyone has a talent for applying makeup like a professional. Your
skills are what can sometimes the determine how polished your face looks
like, as women who are clueless with their tools can destroy the art on a
beautiful canvas. It’s vital to learn some basic techniques of correct
application if you’re someone who incorporates makeup into your daily
routine. Surely, it’s normal that by practice you learn, but getting
professional advice will often accelerate your results.

In department stores, you can often go to the makeup counters and get an
hour with their makeup artist who will explain how you should apply your
makeup. Some purchases will have to be made to get this one on one
consultation, but it’s well worth it. If you want to properly master makeup
and make it work to your absolute advantage, consider taking a course or a
workshop in the city that you live in.

There is also much information online, like on YouTube and various beauty
blogs, if you have the patience to sit and learn by yourself. The significant
bits to learn are the different techniques of application and how to choose
your correct colors for your skin tone.

On special events or big nights out, perhaps if you’re going to be

photographed a lot, it can be worth to hire a professional makeup artist who
will come to your home and do your makeup.

Common makeup mistakes:

Applying too much bronzer or blusher or not blending correctly, leaving

you streaks on the face

Choosing foundation in the wrong color; going too dark or too light or
sometimes selecting the wrong shade so that you look pink or yellow in

Creating obvious highlights; when highlights don’t appear natural and

instead looks like streaks of gold color

Shaky or too thick eyeliner that doesn’t look good; sometimes black can
look very harsh around the eyes, but going lighter like trying a dark brown
can be a better option

Having colorful eyeshadows and glitter; makeup can be fun and

experimental, but it rarely looks elegant when done in a funky way

Having over-refined eyebrows; the color of the eyebrows should not be

much different from your own, and going too dark and filling them with a
pencil can make them look too harsh and unnatural

Having lumpy lashes after too many applications of mascara

Forgetting the neck; applying foundation and powders only on your face
and forgetting the neck and behind the ears will be noticed from another
angle than the one you’re used to seeing yourself.

As a rule, having a “no makeup” look is the key to looking classy. But I’m
aware that people express their unique styles in different forms with
makeup being one of the ways. If you have a style with makeup of a more
flamboyant style, it doesn’t mean that you by default are looking less
elegant. Each case can be different, and perhaps a funky style works well on
you because you have made it to become your signature look. In cases like
that, I’m not against wearing something more bolder and colorful, but I
believe it needs the correct style and good application for it to work.


A good blow dry is the secret behind a woman who has taken her looks to
the next level. Her hair is always in prime condition whenever she leaves
her house even though it’s a big investment that requires both time, money
and effort. Healthy hair signals attractiveness, but it also seals the deal for
your overall appearance. If your hair is a mess, it will be one of the first
things people will notice about you, since hair takes a big amount of space
on a person.

If you don’t have the time to make your hair look neat, you should consult
with a hairdresser of creating a look that is easy to care for, and you can
receive beautiful hair with minimum efforts—if you have a hair type that
allows you to do that . . .

Bad Hair

Not everyone is born with thick, luscious hair that grows long and shiny
with minimal efforts. Most of us have some form of issues with our hair,
whether it’s too thin or too thick, very damaged, dry, frizzy—you name it!

Regular visits to the hairdresser are therefore essential to keep up with the
problem areas of your hair. The worst is women with bad taste that ruin
their hair with colors or styles that don’t look good on them. Bad hair can
be fixed, but bad taste will kill everything you have going for you!

Getting the Hairstyle Right

A woman’s femininity lays in her hair, and having a long mane is what
most women desire, and men get attracted to. But which hairstyle is
considered the classiest?

Most women opt for long hair, whether it’s their own or done with quality
extensions. It can look classy if it’s always kept in in prime condition and
not being too long. Longer than your bust and it’s not as elegant anymore.

Shorter hairstyles, on the other hand, can look very chic and conservative,
but it makes a woman look older than she is. If cut very short, men often
don’t find it as attractive as with longer hair. But the benefit is that it’s
usually easier to style and maintain.

The decision is therefore bound to your preference and choice. If unsure, a

safe bet is to keep your hair somewhere in the middle, think just below
shoulder length, that always looks classy on anyone.

What’s important is to choose a style that will be right for your face shape.
If for example, you have a round face then you know that bangs never will
suit you but make you look rounder in your face. Have a word with your
hairdresser who can help you determinate your face shape and consult
which hairstyle would make you look more elegant that you can commit to
maintaining. Once you have chosen a style that suits you perfectly, a good
idea is to stick to it for years to come, as it will look like you have never
aged. But for that to work, the hairstyle should be of a classic trim and look
timeless like it’s never going out of style.

Getting the Hair Color Right

Classy hair color is always natural looking and never experimental. A

classy woman has a classic beauty in which artificial colors don’t belong.
The same goes for ombre coloring or obvious highlights. You must go to a
professional colorist if you’re planning to change your hair color, but even
professionals can’t always be trusted. I’ve had many friends who go to
salons and get their hair ruined, so it’s crucial you do careful research about
where to go before you let somebody do anything to your hair. The
hairdresser must be familiar with your type of hair and what coloring
method is best to use on you.

When it comes to the right color, professionals always say the same thing—
never color more than three shades darker or lighter your own natural color.
In my opinion, if you want to have lighter hair, doing highlights in various
lighter shades is what will give you the most natural look, instead of
coloring your head in one tone.

You must decide your hair color based on the tone of your skin. My theory
is that your natural hair color is what works best because nature makes it
always a point to match your skin tone.

Hair Extensions

If your hair is short, thin or too damaged to grow longer than a length,
getting long hair with hair extensions might be your only solution. While
“extensions” cling wrongly in most people’s ears, they can rescue your bad
hair if the extensions are of a high standard. Extensions get a bad reputation
only when women buy of cheaper quality and don’t do a good job with the

How to make your extensions look natural:

Go to a hairdresser who is an expert and can make sure you don’t damage
your own hair with the extensions that you put in.

Choose the best hair quality and hair thickness that is like your own.

Choose the correct hair color, so it matches your own and looks identical to
Choose a method for putting the extensions in. Your hairdresser can advise
you on your hair type and what would work best. I use keratin, while my
friend has weft hair and another one swears by micro rings and tape
configuration. It all depends on what’s your preferred choice.

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your extensions fresh looking:

gentle washes, treatments, blow-dries, and changing the hair every
recommended X number of months depending on the hair you’re getting. I
remove my extensions every three months and put in new, fresh hair, and I
never wait longer than that even if I could wait another month as it damages
my own hair and can create problems.

Hair Treatments

Depending on what hair problem one may have, some women need to go
more frequently than others to do treatments. If a woman wants to keep a
high standard and look perfectly groomed, the hair should be in excellent
condition—shiny, bouncy, silky and smooth.

How to keep it this way?

Maintenance and regular hair care.

It can become an expensive story, but you can do as much as possible

yourself, like applying hair masks at home once or twice a week.

Two of my favorite hair treatments to do at the salon are Olaplaex and

Keratin treatment. Your focus should be on removing any form of frizz and
to always have shiny, healthy-looking hair. Doing anti-frizz treatments can
help anyone who doesn’t always have time for regular blow-dries at the

If you’re a savvy woman, who loves mastering new skills, learning how to
do perfect blow-dry should be put on your to-do list. It may be tricky to
reach, especially with long hair, but it will save you a lot of money than
running to the salon each time. You must have some patience, as blow-
drying is a time-consuming process if you want to get it right.
But the secret to classy hair is for it to be perfectly blow-dried, the entire
classy population rely on their hair stylists to achieve it, so you would do
yourself a big favor if you study some tutorials on YouTube and practice
doing blow-dries like a pro.

Hair Variations

Even classy girls have bad hair days, and that’s when they use hats or
put their hair up.
Dry shampoo will forever be your best friend when you don’t have the
time to wash it.
Head scarfs can look very classy if tied correctly and the color goes
well with your skin tone.
Are you blessed with a beautiful long neck? Tie your hair up like a
ballerina and show it off.
There are many affordable hair accessories in your local drugstore that
can be bought to put your hair up in many ways. Go exploring, as you
might discover something that creates a new hairstyle that only
requires a few minutes of labor.

Cosmetic Procedures

One of the things that have become so extremely common today is plastic
surgery and injections. It would be ignorant to say that no classy women are
getting some form of help along the way to tweak something in her look.
Many do, even if it’s something small or subtle like applying Botox. Today
it’s not a big deal, and for that reason, I will speak very relaxed and openly
about it, as before it used to be a very taboo topic. The reputation of surgery
and injections is due to bad practice and women who become blind and
overdo it.

Tweaking your looks artificially is fine only if you:

1. Go to a respected surgeon or dermatologist.

2. Create only subtle changes.
3. Don’t become “blind” to your appearance and get carried away with
the procedures.

The classy look is all about resembling a natural beauty. You should look
fresh, polished, groomed, beautiful and clean cut. This image does not hold
enormous lips that are so enlarged they can barely drink from a straw. Or a
nose that belongs to Michael Jackson. Or a face so stiff it has lost all its

There are many things to be aware of when you’re in the game of plastic
surgery. The common mistake is to become blind to your looks and think
that you need to have breasts in a double D cup size, when your natural is
only an A cup.

You need to have good taste and be careful with your decisions, especially
when you select the professionals that will do the work on you. Avoid any
surgeons or dermatologists who want to push you into doing more and more
tweaks of your appearance; often they are just trying to make more money
from you. Find somebody you can trust, who is 100 percent honest with you
and tells you what will work for you and what won’t.

Today it’s so common to tweak one thing and another, but don’t go and do
a procedure just because “everyone else is doing it.” You might not need
anything, as natural, untouched beauty is still (and will probably be forever)
the ultimate statement to a classy lady. Being a woman in the classy world
without procedures is nowadays a rarity. I know many men who strongly
dislike surgeries or fillers and cannot date women who have had something
obvious done to themselves.

For this reason, don’t do anything to your face or body unless you have
been wanting to change it for a very long time and know that, that small
adjusting will elevate your overall look. If there is something that bothers
you, try first to change it with diet, a new hairstyle, some makeup or
anything else that can help enhance or conceal your less desired area. Then
try fillers or Botox if that doesn’t work. Lastly turn to surgery if there is
really no way out.

If you’re going to proceed, don’t be the one who does procedures on a

shoestring. If it’s one department you should never be stingy, it’s the
department of cosmetic surgery. Often, the more someone charges, the
more of a proven track record he/she’s got. Professionals with the right
education and reputation and experience, will charge extra.

I have a good example of two girls I know who both did their nose jobs at
the same time. One paid 5,000 euro and got a nose that is “okay looking”
while the one who paid the double got a nose everyone is praising her for. It
doesn’t mean spending the highest will always guarantee you a great result,
but it will elevate your chances and minimize the risk of someone ruining
your appearance. Skip therefore all those tempting Groupon deals and
bargain clinics abroad. Do your research, ask people for recommendations
and see before and after pictures of the doctor’s clients. Be cautious with
who you let near yourself with tools that will forever change your look.

Classy checklist to cosmetic procedures:

If you’re applying Botox, you still need to be able to have some level of
facial expressions.

If enhancing your breasts, make them look natural and in an adequate size
that suits you and blends with your body.

If enhancing your lips, a subtle added volume so that your lips can still
articulate in a normal relaxed manner.

If adding fillers to your face, there is a fine line that is easy to cross when it
becomes too much. Often the face starts looking too plump (almost
swollen), cheekbones that points out too much or chins that are over-

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common procedures, and the desired result
should be a refined version of your natural nose, instead of opting for a nose
that looks like it had surgery done. (A nose looking so perfectly artificial, a
doll nose).

Butt implants are not classy whatsoever, and no Kim Kardashian trend will
ever be seen with the sophisticated high-end women.

Whatever that has been done to your face must look so natural that nobody
would notice it’s due to cosmetic surgery.


There is more to the body than just great appearance. Have you ever heard
the science behind how we choose our partners?

Biologically speaking we mate with the ones that appeal to us most by this
person’s scent. Many times, we don’t even notice how another person’s
natural body odor is attracting us, but scientifically it’s not by chance.
Every one of us has some form pheromones that we get drawn to, and this
is the reason behind the massive perfume industry. The importance of a
fragrance should not get neglected because it does hold an important power
over people. If you want to make your presence more memorable, spend
some time into finding a fragrance that will become your signature smell. A
classy woman should smell of sophistication, so try to move away from the
mass-market perfumes when you are choosing your scent.

I realized the power of perfumes after being young and introduced to many
classy people, and their scent always intrigued me. They looked like million
dollars, but they also smelled alike.
They smell of extravagance, leaving a sense of luxury behind that is far
away from any mainstream eau the toilette. Wealthy people choose quality
perfumes over mainstream ones, and explore niche fragrances. Someone
classy would use a 100 percent perfume, from a respected brand that is well
known to the perfume enthusiasts rather than the general masses.
The advantage of wearing 100 percent perfumes is that they are longer
lasting and more intense. You don’t need to spray a lot on you to have
people sense it. Once people start asking about the smell and where it’s
from, it’s usually a good sign that you’re on the right track. It’s all about
leaving a statement and making people mesmerized. Your fragrance will
play a big role in your classy branding so pick your smell with care.

When you choose a scent, you’ll have to choose it because of your liking
but also because the way it would represent you. Go for something that
feels elegant and sophisticated - and don’t be shy spending three-zeros on a
bottle as it will last you up to a year! A high-quality perfume should never
be sprayed more than three times, so if you spray one to two times per use
(once a day), a bottle should last you longer than several eau de toilettes.

Brand Suggestions

Creed, Roja Dove Haute, Clive Christian, Boadicea, Frederic Malle, Kilian,
The Merchant of Vénice, Floris, Henry Jacques, Xerjoff, Montale, Lady
Caron, Bouquet Ideale, Penhaligon, Les senteurs, Osmonde Jayne, Le Labo,
Serge Lutens, etc.

Tattoos and Piercings

The world has progressed since the modest era of our grandparents, and
putting ink on your skin has become the ultimate trend of our generation.
Unfortunately, it does not apply to the image of high class, as tattoos and
piercings are still considered to be more tacky than elegant.

So can a girl truly be classy if she has tattoos? It depends on several things.

How many tattoos does she have?

Are they big or small?
Where are they placed?
Are they very visible?

If it’s one small tattoo, hidden, and very discreet, you can get away with it.
Any tattoos that are bigger and bolder, however, will ruin the appearance of
a classy woman.
The same goes for piercings. It’s only acceptable to have your ears pierced.
Everything else is considered tacky, including the belly button.

Remove your tattoos with laser or never get one in the first place! A lot of
people, including celebrities, are turning to dermatologists for tattoo
removal as the inking trend starts to fade. More and more people are
understanding the tacky aspect of body ink, while in smaller cities and
suburbs, tattoos are still popular. The classy crowd, however, keeps their
body clean from clutter.


Classy Coaching #10

The people in your life who you can trust and whos’ opinions you value,
ask them for feedback about your overall beauty.

A) From a scale of 1–10 (10 being top notch, 1 being not at all) ask how
polished your overall presence appears to them?

B) Ask, “If there were something you would advise me to improve on in

my appearance, what would that be?”

Trustworthy people can be great judges if they give you an objective truth.

We don’t always know ourselves of what works on us because we never see

ourselves three-dimensionally like an outsider does.

This exercise, however, requires your defenses be down so that you can get
the most out of the feedback and perhaps get some ideas of areas in which
there is room for improvement.
Chapter 6
Get a Classy Body
I want to dedicate this chapter to those who know that they need to work on
their bodies and create a healthier lifestyle for themselves. You might be
struggling with weight loss, or seeing results from your training, whether
you are at the first stage of your journey of transformation or you have had
many years but with little results. Some of you might feel so overwhelmed
by all the information in this book, that you feel ready to throw in the towel
and give up on all your classy aspirations. You might think this change is
impossible to achieve because the road seems too far and your
circumstances making it too challenging.

The works of transformation are tough. But they are never impossible. If
they were impossible, there would never be so many success stories in the
world, just look at all the “before/after” pictures of real people online.
Those pictures could not happen if there weren't any dedication behind.
Something in these people “clicked,” which made them consistently change
their lifestyle for the better and never give up on reaching their goals.

Losing weight or toning your body is a full-time commitment that doesn’t

happen overnight. It’s hard. Perhaps one of the hardest things to transform
in this entire book. It’s especially difficult because it requires a serious
lifestyle change. And changing habits has never been easy for humans as
we are constructed in the complete opposite way.

But this is when you should start thinking about what will a beautiful, and
healthy body do for you and how badly do you want it? Change seems to
happen only when people want something badly enough. If they crave it to
the point they would do anything for it, this is when magic start to happen,
and a person will be guaranteed success.

“Do I really need to have a perfect body to be classy? “

No of course you don’t. Not all classy women have bodies of a


But there must be some form of attractiveness in your overall shape,

regardless if you are slim, athletic or curvy. You care about your image, so
you should also care for your body. Nothing says trashier than a person who
neglects herself, her physique and lives a life of a slacker. It’s not elegant,
and it doesn’t send out the right vibe of you as a person. Classy women
respect themselves, and they treat themselves with ultimate care. This is
why you see all these women being so extremely health conscious,
prioritizing having a diet and exercise regime in their daily life. It’s not so
much a quick fix to lose weight, but more focus on achieving a sustainable,
balanced lifestyle.
When you train and eat right, you nurture yourself and your well-being.
Bad habits are not only obstacles for weight loss, but it’s also what brings
us sickness and decreases our productivity levels. When your goal is to live
a harmonious life in balance, having a healthy lifestyle is essential because
it sets the environment for everything else.

If you want to stay on top of your game and achieving your life goals,
balance is what will fuel your way forward. It’s hard having your life
together, when you thrive off pizza and alcohol and never exercise your
body. Your mental self becomes sluggish and lazy and sabotages your path
for success.

"I’m stuck! I’ve tried so many times to get in shape, but I’ve never

You must want it badly enough, and you must be ready to handle the
consequences. You must be fully committed and dedicated to the point you
are willing to make sacrifices in your life. You must be consistent and ready
to make a lifestyle change. You must feel inspired to live with this decision
every day and healthy living must become a part of your philosophy. On
days when you feel like giving up, you must force yourself to hang in there
no matter how hard it feels.

The formula for success is as simple: You can never give up. As soon as
you give up, it’s game over and all your efforts were for nothing. But if you
manage to hang in there, hold on even in times when it feels unbearable,
that’s when change is happening. After a while, your healthy lifestyle will
feel easier because you will get used to it. And once you get used to it,
that’s when you will start seeing the first positive results, and healthy living
will start feeling like something normal. But it takes time, and sometimes it
can take months before you see any change. The question is, can you
withstand that long? If the answer is yes, your chance of success is already
halfway there.

Classy Training

Training is part of a healthy lifestyle, but you don’t need to be a slave in the
gym and go 7 days a week. As a general practice, two-three times a week is
good for maintenance of the body, while four-five times are for creating
more significant changes in your physique.

If you are planning to lose weight, you should be careful with any form of
exercise that triggers your appetite, cardio being a common one. Many do
the mistake of focusing on cardio when they want to burn fat, but instead,
they end up seeing little results due to them becoming hungrier, and they
eat more in a day. While cardio is healthy and pleasant for the mind of
having a rush of endorphins in the body, classy women focus more on low-
intensity training. It helps them keep their diet in balance, crave less food
and not taking the risk of putting on weight.

Some ideas on how you can train:

Power walks on an empty stomach

Light jogging
Pilates reform
Barre classes
Moderate intensity of weight lifting
Functional training

Those who don’t enjoy group training or gym facilities, participating in a

sport as your form of exercise could be an idea. Classy sports are usually
tennis, skiing, horseback riding, polo, ballet or golf, but anything else that
triggers your mind is worth exploring. Being part of a sport have extra
advantages as it’s a great way to meet people and expanding your social
circle. Plus, it can turn into a passion or hobby of yours, making you feel
incredibly motivated with low risk of dropping out.

The point of training is that it must feel sustainable for you. It cannot feel
like a chore because you will only withstand it an X amount of time and
later give up. Punishing yourself daily is not what will give your life
quality, but neither will ignoring training completely. Choose therefore
something that energizes you, that makes you feel happy and inspired. You
train for your inner balance and to keep your body active, so be gentle with
yourself and choose something that you know will be fulfilling to you.

Classy Eating Habits

The reality is that exercise will never be the reason for your weight loss
because diet is the real secret to body transformation. If you are not in your
desired shape, it’s as simple as: You are eating too much and not of the
right type of foods. Our modern society has created us to become
overeaters, which promotes us to eat three to six times a day! That’s crazy!
Humans are not supposed to eat this much, and with our sedentary
lifestyles, the excess energy gets stored as fat on our bodies. Going on the
treadmill once a day will most probably not do much to your slim down, but
eating less and having portion control, will, on the other hand, create

I do understand that diet is a very sensitive topic as we have people who get
eating disorders as a result. I must, therefore, file a disclaimer as I’m not a
doctor and I am not telling you what you should do. That is up to you and
the doctor you consult, and you are responsible for how far you push your

As provocative as this may sound, humans are not made for eating this
much. It’s something that we have created in recent history for cultural
reasons rather than for survival reasons. Before the industrial era, when
food wasn’t easily accessible to everyone, humans never used to eat the
amounts we eat today. Sometimes we ate once a day, sometimes none. It all
depended on the accessibility and what we could gather. This is where the
famous fasting and intermitted fasting concept originated. It’s an important
study to learn if you want to improve your health, but also if you want to
improve your physique.

I won’t go into too much detail, but I would strongly recommend reading
more about it as it can transform your life and yourself to a level you never
thought would be possible. It not only makes you feel great, but it will also
make you look great, and I’m a big advocate for anything that helps people
heal their health problems without any pharmaceutical treatments. The idea
of “eating whatever you want” has become an outdated concept. We are
moving ahead in our research for disease and studies are showing that the
reason why humans get problems with their health, is due the stuff we eat.
The clear majority don’t acknowledge this fact and instead keep poisoning
ourselves with food that the society has decided is the norm to consume.
Everywhere we go, we are brainwashed with propaganda, like commercials
for junk food. The supermarkets are containing mostly processed food, and
if you want to buy something to eat on the go, you’ll rarely find anything
Classy people are very food conscious, but they are also well educated.
They know that instead of complaining about something like global
warming, they can stop contributing to it by not eating meat (animal
agriculture is the number one reason to the global warming issue).

They would never go to a fast food place like McDonalds or KFC because
they take responsibility for their health and they know that there is zero
nutritional value in the food you get from these places.
They know that they must choose organic, high-quality produce as often as
possible, so they rather spend a little bit more on the quality but eat less of it
than going for something that can potentially harm them.

Adapting to a healthy lifestyle is not difficult if you understand why you

must do it. Most people struggle with keeping themselves to a diet because
their mind is mostly focused on weight loss or other reasons that will not be
motivating enough in the long run. Instead of looking at it temporarily, one
must come to a deeper understanding of nutrition. What you feed your
organs should become the primary motivation as that as a result feeds your
overall health and well-being. People who neglect their food habits end up
shortening their lives.

But classy women also think about the impact food does on their looks, as
diet has a direct link to the skin of a person. You must nurture yourself with
the correct nutrition if you want your skin to clear up, remove those dark
circles and get this vibrant, healthy glow on your face. If you eat a plant-
based diet, preferably a raw vegan, you will achieve these benefits.

I recommend watching a non-profit documentary called “What the health”

that explains everything in detail that you must know about health and
nutrition. It will make you understand why animal products should be
banned from your diet and how much harm it’s causing to your health and

What classy people avoid:

Processed foods
Saturated Fats

What classy people eat:

Organic and pesticide-free fruits

Organic and pesticide-free vegetables
Grains, nuts, and seeds
Raw food
Raw vegetable juices

If you start educating yourself on health and nutrition, the lifestyle change
will become so much easier for you to achieve and sustain. It will become
the driving force behind quitting all the bad habits, and you will be selective
with what you feed yourself. Ultimately, it will be the inspiration for you to
leave your bad habits behind and live a healthier and happier life, and a
beautiful body will result automatically as a nice bonus!


Classy Coaching #11

A) Analyze your healthy lifestyle. Answer following questions and write

the answer in your journal.

How healthy is your overall lifestyle?

Where could you improve? Is it training, diet, or both?

What are realistic lifestyle changes that feel inspiring and motivating for
B) Keep a food diary for two weeks and analyze how much food you are

How much of this food is processed?

How often do you eat something “bad”?

How much is plant-based food part of your intake?

Do your eating habits look healthy?

How are your portion sizes?

Reflect on your answers and let them guide you toward a healthier lifestyle.
Write down some action steps that you commit to in your everyday life.
Chapter 7
Create a Classy Lifestyle
Anyone can live a classy lifestyle if they decide to. Your background or
financial status has no impact whether you can refine your life to become
more elegant or not. You always start in small, manageable steps, and work
your way up until you have reached a level that you desire. Life is
structured in a way that some might get a head start, but the possibilities are
always open for anyone to create a life they want to live. This means if you
want to live a luxurious, comfortable and classy life, you need to take a
decision and simply go for it. But a decision alone will never be enough as
actions must also be made.

Change happens when there is a burning desire for achieving a different

outcome, but most people never get that far. Instead, they let blockages
hinder their journey, with “fear” being the most common one. They talk
themselves out of taking actions, by coming up with excuses or blaming on
others. It’s a fact that humans are wired psychologically to be afraid of
things, to protect ourselves from being in unsafe territories. An ancient
survival mechanism that unfortunately gets carried over to the not so
dangerous modern way of living.

Taking the first realistic action steps is what anyone who wants to live a
classier must do. Perhaps, you are already living it classy and want to take it
one step further, or you are a novice who is clueless about anything that has
to do with an elegant form of living. This chapter will go over the necessary
basics and maybe give some ideas on how to progress to a different form of
life. Not everyone should live under these parameters, but I will guide you
for inspiration about where you can make changes if you want to make your
everyday classier.


Education will always be important, and it’s classy to finish your tuition
and get some form of degree. If you study to a profession, you will feel
secure in life knowing that you will always be able to take care of yourself.
Not having an education will make you take the risk of getting stuck at low
paying jobs, while an education guarantees higher paid salaries depending
on your profession.

Some manage to advance to well-paid positions without the need of

university and degrees, but that often involves years of climbing the
corporate ladder, starting from the bottom and working their way up. To be
classy, you don’t need to have boarding schools or Ivy league education in
your past, but you must have some form of ambitions. Whatever path in life
you decide to take, it’s good to be aware of what consequences some
choices may bring.


People are different, and so is their view on career. Some are high achievers
while others have a more laid-back approach to life.

There is no right and wrong, but it’s important to do something that gives
you meaning in life. If running a business or becoming a CEO gives you
meaning, go for it. If you prefer the reality of a stay at home mother, do
that. Or do both!

Whatever you feel is your mission in life, acknowledge that. Don’t be afraid
of dreaming big or going against the norm, what you do in life is nobody
else business but yours. And everything is possible and achievable if you
put your mind to it. A career or path in life should feel fulfilling and
rewarding. It should stimulate your personal growth and hopefully
contribute somehow to the society. Whether it’s, you are raising kids,
working for a company or creating a business that will help people in some
way. The possibilities are endless and classy women are never afraid of
thinking big.

Social Education/ Being Street Smart

Learn about life. Go exploring! Step outside your comfort zone and see the
world! Life can sometimes become a monotonous path, in a protective
bubble that never bursts. Getting socially educated is one of the greatest
schools in life, same goes for traveling and discovering new cultures.

When you discover the world, you learn so much about life, about the
planet and about ourselves. Classy women have an extensive knowledge of
life, they know what's going on in the world because they read the news and
engage in interesting conversations that teach them things.

Always stay au jour with politics, culture and recent events. You will need
this information for interactions with other classy people, and your richness
in social education will, therefore, come handy.


If you ever feel uninspired and ask yourself, “What am I doing with my
life?” then look at your everyday activities.

Life feels empty when we don’t incorporate things that genuinely nurtures
our soul. Hobbies are so important, it’s the elixir to the meaning in life. It
gets you going and keeps you growing, besides being a form of

Some people have plenty of hobbies, while others have none and find it
difficult to find anything that catches their interest. I believe it’s important
to try all kinds of things that trigger your attention so that you are always
discovering because when you least expect it, you’ll fall in love with
something and your new hobby is born.

Some ideas for hobbies to try:

For the mind: reading books, studying, crosswords, languages, chess,

computing, marketing, meditation, music, poker, astrology, New age
spirituality, blogging

For creativity: photography, arts, theater, acting, film, dancing, writing,

scrapbooking, playing an instrument, singing, acrobatics, drawing, painting,
sewing, interior design, gardening, fashion, pottery, sculpting, making your
own jewelry, do it yourself (DIY), music production

For movement: sports of any kind, team sports, water sports, winter sports,
extreme sports, ballet, salsa, hiking, nature walks, marathon running,
fitness, yoga, horseback riding, polo, swimming, cycling, surfing, travel,
urban exploration, gymnastics, cheerleading, martial arts, climbing, golf,
lacrosse, tennis, volleyball, bowling, billiards, dart, table tennis

Other: collecting, volunteering, spirituality, cooking, baking, recipe

creation, gaming, pets, wine tasting, dining, shopping

The list can go on. If you feel you need more inspiration, google “List of
hobbies and interests” and you might come across something for you to
explore further.

Benefits of having a hobby:

1. You stimulate yourself and your learning.

2. You have something to turn to when you are bored.
3. You get a break from “everyday life.”
4. Your hobby might introduce you to new people and enrich your social
5. Your hobby might introduce you to potential partners.
6. You might be able to make a living off your hobby and leave your day
7. Your hobby fills you with purpose and genuine happiness.

Social Life

Depending on the character of a person, social life may or may not be

necessary to you. Some people are very introverted and have small social
circles, while others know everyone and everything in town. Whatever you
feel is right for you, it’s important to reflect on how happy your social circle
makes you.

Ask yourself some questions:

Do the people you have in your life give or take energy from you?
Do you genuinely like them?
Do you spend time with them for the right reasons?
Do you have enough time for all your friends?
Do you feel you don’t have enough friends?
Do you want to update your social circle?

We all grow older; we change, our life takes different paths, and so on. It’s
part of life to have different people for separate chapters of your life.

A classy way of living is to embrace change and always evolve. With time,
you also understand what truly matters to you and quality becomes more
worth over quantity. Family and close relationships become the most
precious things in your social life, and the rest will only be secondary.


Many have the belief that a classy woman is a well-connected one, who
knows everyone worth knowing and is a popular person with an endless
friends list. While some women are truly like that, nothing says that this
type of social approach is a must for a person if she wants to live a classy

You can live an upscale life even as an introvert, so I would like to debunk
the myth of networking as being a must. If your personality is all about
making new friends and you love talking to people, networking can be a
useful tool for you to use if you want to take your lifestyle a step further.
What we all know, is that the more people you know, the more
opportunities tend to come your way.

You never know where the right connections can take you—they can invite
you to events, introduce you to other interesting people, they can help you
when you need something, they can open doors that otherwise would have
been closed for you.

The benefits are many, but it’s also hard work to keep up and maintain all
connections. Just because you know a lot of people, doesn’t mean that
relationships will nurture itself. You always must put in time and effort in
staying in contact and seeing people from time to time. Some people find it
to be too time and energy consuming, which is why they prefer having a
smaller circle of friends that they can make time for.


Some people think that good girls are the ones who always stay at home
and never go out, I believe that’s a total myth that doesn’t belong in our
modern world.

All women have the right to have fun, to let their hair down from time to
time and just enjoy themselves. The key is always to stay classy when you
do it and never go overboard with too many nights out in a week.

You want to make room for other important things in your life, like career,
social life, healthy living, and so on. Going on benders half the week is not
very classy, and should be avoided if you want to have balance in your life.
Focus on being social and mix up your evening activities, they don’t need
to always be about getting drunk as there are other things you can do at
night that is equally as stimulating. If you find that the nightlife becomes a
disruption in your everyday life, for instance, you find it hard not to go out
too often, and you end up drinking too much, consider taking a break.

Sometimes taking some time out from groups of people that often
negatively influences our choices, or try other forms of entertainment can
re-balance and bring you valuable insights. Never become that woman who
can’t get enough of partying and who is always out, she is not living a
classy lifestyle, unless the partying is what pays her bills.

Drinking Habits

Classy women may indulge in some evening fun, but they keep it stylish
with a moderate alcoholic intake. If possible, they don’t drink at all, as
alcohol has many negative side effects, affecting the health and productivity
levels for instance.

It’s never elegant seeing a wasted woman who can barely stand on her legs
and make an embarrassment out of herself in front of other people. A classy
woman keeps this in the back of her mind whenever she drinks. A person
who wants to be taken seriously cannot behave in whatever way possible,
and blaming it on alcohol will never be a valid excuse. People don’t forget,
especially those who kept themselves sober at the occasion. If you surround
yourselves in upscale venues where it’s less appropriate to misbehave, they
will remember you even more. Think about how it ruins your image and
perhaps even your reputation if you turn out to be that person that gets
plastered to a maximum whenever she’s out. Every time you go out,
particularly in high-end places, you should think about how you represent
yourself. The circle is small, people often know each other, and you cannot
be classy five days a week and the rest of the times let loose and act trashy.

Friends might find it embarrassing to be seen with you, and they might get
tired of being your caretaker. Even if you’re a responsible drinker, you
might have the occasional slip that makes you wake up with regrets and
anxiety the following day. We’ve all been there, and to most of us, sadly it
will happen again.

The way to avoid this is to stop drinking altogether, which is what many are
starting to do. Women who don’t drink are incredibly classy in my opinion,
as it requires a strong mind for that. Knowing when you’re out with your
friends, that you’ll wake up headache free the next day and that you won’t
do anything embarrassing tonight, is a pleasant re-assurance worth gold to
those who cannot trust themselves under the influence of alcohol.

Drink with Care

If you’re a social drinker, who is not ready to take the step of cutting
alcohol entirely out of your life, start drinking with care. Make sure you
count your drinks whenever you’re out, and don’t overindulge to the point
you lose track of how many spirits you’ve had. Have a rule to drink one or
two drinks only, and drink them very slowly. Usually around drink two or
three is when people start to feel the alcohol and become tipsy, the point is
to avoid reaching that stage. You want to be in control as once you start
getting under the influence, it’s easy to become impulsive and drink more
than what you have planned from the start.

If the night is long and you know, two drinks won’t get you far, drink
alcohol-free cocktails (mocktails) in between and bottles of water. As a
rule, whenever you drink one alcoholic drink, have one glass of water
before moving on to round two. Make sure you stay hydrated and that you
never drink on an empty stomach as the risk of getting drunk is much
higher when you don’t have food in your system that “dilutes” the alcohol.

Sometimes there are special events like weddings, birthdays, and so on in

which we are in celebration mode, and the party goes on all night. It’s okay
to drink more than two drinks occasionally and hit the level of being tipsy,
but the key is never to get wasted, even if you drink more than usual. Being
drunk is never classy regardless of the celebration.

What is classy to drink?

Preferably nothing, but if you’re going to have something then here are
some ideas for classy drinks.
Number one is, of course, Champagne, an alternative to it is Prosecco being
the Italian version and more affordable.

Wine can become a culture on its own, as many have wine tasting as their
hobby and enjoy discovering the various domains where wine is created. I
would recommend anyone who has an interest or just would like to get a
better understanding of wine to take a beginner’s course where a sommelier
would explain the basics. You’ll get an opportunity to taste and understand
various wines and learn how they are different to each other. Most affluent
people have necessary wine tasting skills, and wine often becomes a
conversational topic among the wealthy. My advice is to learn which types
of wines are your favorites, perhaps taking a photo of each wine bottle you
enjoyed so you memorize this way.

Cocktails can be classy options, but if you’re watching your diet and sugar
intake, it’s a no-go (unless you only drink one as a treat). An alternative is
vodka with soda water or gin with slim tonic, these drinks have the least
calories. Regardless of what spirits you like, try not to drink beer, as it’s not
very classy neither for men or women.

Nightlife can carry great opportunities for social interactions for anyone
who wants to be part of the classy social scene. Some people don’t like
being out late, and it’s fine not to go out so much if that’s not your thing.
It’s common after a certain age to “calm down” and go out less, but if
you’re still in your prime years with loads of energy to be out and about at
night, I think you should go for it—if you keep a certain level of
sophistication to it!

It’s very easy for women to fall under the label of being “unserious girls
who only parties all the time” because in our society it’s socially more
acceptable for men to be out most days of the week than it is for women.
But if you are a social butterfly who simply cannot stay home more than a
few days a week, diversify your evening activities, so they don’t only
revolve around nightclubs and bars. Try and focus on dinners with a casual
drink after. If your social circle gives you access to upscale events and
private members’ clubs, these are great alternatives that rarely turn out into
any hardcore nights.

When it comes to bar hopping, club hopping and ending up at after parties;
you’re starting to think of a less classy soiree. I would say after parties are
the worst, keep them to a minimum, if none! Nothing exciting ever happens
there, as it’s usually a load of drunk or high people doing nothing but
talking, drinking and smoking. Some may do the occasional dancing. And
stumbling home in daylight in the morning, with your clothes of last night,
is the trashiest thing ever. The looks you get from regular people doing their
morning duties is the ultimate walk of shame. Classy women have a curfew,
and they never do the walk of shame.

Why You Should Be Selective With Your Late Nights Out:

1. It’s easy to end up drinking more than your allowance of one to two
2. You’re messing up your sleeping cycle the longer you stay up at night.
Classy women don’t spend the next day half of it asleep!
3. While bars can be acceptable depending on its reputation, most clubs
and after parties attract people who might not have serious intentions
of becoming “true friends” with you neither start a relationship. Going
to these places is often a waste of time if done regularly because you
will not end up networking with high-quality contacts or find your
future husband or best friends.
4. Drinking and staying out late will make you less productive the next
day. Some even get extremely lazy, getting nothing done, ending up
with a wasted day on the couch.
5. Being labeled as “the party girl” is of negative aspect if you want to be
seen classy. Your reputation takes a hit, and you might lose some of
the benefits that having a good reputation would otherwise have given

Having said this, focus your energy on a wide range of activities. If being
out at night is your thing, keep it as classy as possible. The people you hang
out with, the places you visit and the frequency of them all play an
important role in the way people see you. Play your cards right, classy
women are classy because they have a brain and understand what’s
appropriate and what’s not.


Since we’re on the topic of bad habits at night, cigarettes should be

mentioned. I’m an ex-smoker, so I have plenty to say on this topic: do not
smoke. It’s trashy to smoke! You ruin your entire image of being a classy
woman when you stand outside a bar, inhaling toxic fumes. During my
smoking days, I remember once being at a restaurant dining outdoors. A
beautiful woman was sitting a few tables away, and I couldn’t help but
watching her. In the beginning, when she arrived, I was stunned by her
looks. She looked so classy, with a fantastic outfit and looked groomed to
perfection. She was truly elegant, and I was amazed by her fashion. When
she sat down, she immediately brought a packet of cigarettes to the table. It
looked out of place, and I was surprised by how a classy woman like her
could be a smoker. It just didn’t feel right with her overall image.

As the night progressed, I discovered that she was a chain smoker. She
would light a new cigarette every fifteen minutes, and after a while, I
changed my opinion about her. The initial image I had of her in my head, of
this extravagant, perfect woman, was long gone. She was no longer classy
in my opinion, and it was all thanks to those cigarettes! They ruined
everything about her, and it was at that point I began to think about myself
and how I presented myself to the world when I smoked.

I conducted a good self-evaluation and discovered I was not classy from a

spectator's point of view, and it motivated me to quit for good. Since then, I
have never lit a cigarette and am not planning to, as I’m forever put off. If I
ever start craving again, I will think of that woman and my not-so-classy
smoking days and say no to myself. Classy women don’t smoke! Period.

The world is filled with beautiful and exciting destinations to explore, and
of course, we all love traveling. When you get involved in the jet-set world,
travel becomes somehow more accessible as it’s part of the social culture.
Classy women travel as often as her life allows her to. If she is in a
relationship, her man might take her to beautiful places around the world,
while the single woman often goes on vacation with her friends. The high-
end world is filled with jet-setters that are always traveling and seeking out
trendy hot spots.
Classy women are more laid-back in their approach of being where the “it
people” are. She will avoid the crowded gatherings like Cannes film festival
or Formula 1 Grand Prix as her preference is something more culturally
enriched or relaxing with less of a party crowd. Occasionally she makes a
trip to places like Mykonos and St Tropez, but she keeps the visits short and
balanced. An outing here and there is fun when you’re on holiday, but
partying non-stop for weeks is not her thing. Instead, she likes to mix things
up on her vacation, like going to museums, doing hikes, exploring, doing
excursions and indulge in late night dinners.

Popular destinations for the jet-setters:

All year

Europe: London, Paris, Milan, Rome, Barcelona, Madrid, Zurich, Geneva,


Rest of the world: Moscow, Las Vegas, New York, Miami LA


France: Cannes, St Tropez, Antibes, Cap Ferrat, Eze, Corsica, Biarritz,

Burgundy, Bordeaux, Aix au province

Italy: Porto Cervo, Capri, Amalfi coast, Sicily, Tuscany, San Remo, Lake
como, Venice, Portofino, Puglia, Forte dei marmi

Spain: Ibiza, Marbella

Greece: Mykonos, Santorini

Rest of Europe: Montenegro, Croatia, Portugal


Skiing destinations: Gstaad, Courchevel, St Moritz, Aspen, Chamonix,

Verbier, Cortina, Megève, Zermatt,

Sunny destinations: Tulum (new years and beginning of January is usually

a trendy time to go), Bahamas, Bora Bora, Seychelles, Hawaii, Bali,
Maldives, Dubai, St Barths, Cape Town, Phuket

Classy women enjoy the jet-set hotspots, but they also visit less-developed
countries and places that are more exotic to the westerners. That’s where
they get their broad understanding of people and how the real-world
functions. My advice is to people to mix their travel destinations up as
much as possible, five star holidays are great, but being protected in a
bubble of luxury resorts is not how one is exploring different cultures.
Going from time to time on simpler trips on which you live more rustic and
see the world from a more authentic point of view can be incredibly
enriching and enjoyable.

Living in Balance

There is no point working on yourself and your self-transformation if you

ignore the essential parts of living a life in balance and harmony. Having
that peace within yourself is what will make you a functioning person who
will succeed at anything you put your mind to. If you follow a destructive
path on which you’re overworked, always stressed, eat unhealthy, and never
sleep enough, I don’t see where you will get the strength to work on
yourself. It all starts with the fundamental parts like sleep, food, exercise,
and so on.

While I know that life cannot always be 100 percent balanced, you should
at least strive for a minimum of 75 percent balance in which the basics are
being met. How you feel inside is how people will see you from the outside,
when you are calm and grounded that’s when you feel like you are in
control of your life.

Create a list for yourself with valuable points that create balance for you.
Make a rule to follow this list daily:

1. Getting enough sleep

2. Exercising regularly
3. Having a healthy diet
4. Having enough amount of purpose-filled activity in life in which she
feels productive
5. Having quality time with loved ones (family, friends, partner)
6. Having fun and excitement in life (hobbies, activities that makes you
7. Living a clutter-free and organized life (in which everything is running
8. Practice spirituality (religion, meditation, yoga—this is only optional
but recommended)
9. Your personalized solutions for feeling at peace; examples include
being in nature, going for walks, meditating, listening to music,
expressing creativity, helping others, being around animals (anything
that makes you grounded and feel balance), etc.


Classy Coaching #12

Think about your current lifestyle. Ask yourself some questions that you
answer in your journal.

A) What does your current lifestyle say about you? How content are you
with it?
B) How balanced do you feel in your everyday life? Make a list of
necessary points for you to include, so you feel in harmony with yourself.
Use my list as inspiration if you want and add whatever you think is vital to

C) Create some action points of how you can practice those things that
bring balance to your life. Create new rules if necessary, remember to
follow up on your action points.


Dating and Relationships

The advantage of being a high standard single woman, is that you will not
last long on the single’s market because men have a thing for classy
women! They adore them, and the word “classy” is on top of their mind
when they are looking for a girlfriend. Men fear trashy girls as the woman
often becomes a representation of the man. If his lifestyle is at a high-end
level, having an extraordinary career and his social circle is within the
wealthy crowd, it’s a no-go for him to be dating a woman who is below the
standards of his surroundings.

You would be surprised how many pet peeves men have with regards to
female attributes and behavior. They may think us women are picky when
we choose our boyfriends, but in my experience, men are far more. Don’t
get fooled by their genetics of being simple creatures, when it comes to
women they have a list of requirements and that list is all about being
classy! If you are single and looking to meet somebody, I will assure you
that your popularity will rise if you take your classy image a step further.

For reproductive purposes, men are biologically wired to be more visual

than women. This is why there is such pressure on women with regards to
beauty and always looking good. But it’s not always about how beautiful a
woman can be, but more about how well she looks after herself. Have you
ever noticed that men don’t always pick the “prettiest face” as their
girlfriend? Being so visual, you assume that’s the only thing they would be
looking for in a woman—her looks. For men, there are more important
visual attributes to a woman than just her face. An important visual
component that some women who try very hard with their appearance
forget, is quality over quantity. Instead of doing “more is more” of
everything they have the power of changing (surgery, injections,
extensions, nails, clothing, etc.) the classier approach that men love is a
woman who looks exceptionally well-groomed and well-dressed.

But to be well-groomed and well-dressed, you need to have the correct

taste, and you need to be classy!

Men love when women look flawless yet natural. They don't like women
who ruined their looks by using too many fillers or by having bad taste.
They might meet her for a short period, have some fun together but
eventually ditch her and move on in their search. They want a woman they
can be proud of, a woman who is of a high standard. If you have a well-
groomed facade, it will take you far, so see this as one of your biggest
investments in yourself.
Those days when cash is tight because beauty costs a lot of money and
you’re thinking of cutting corners, don’t cut the corners that are most
visible. Tell yourself that it’s an investment in yourself and perhaps even
your future. Stay true to your beauty regime and put the efforts in your
appearance because like this you will reap many benefits in your dating life.

But your looks mean nothing if your behavior is wrong. In my experience,

more often do I hear from men how they end up rejecting beautiful women
due to her having bad manners and poor attitude. I have seen these women
with my own eyes.
Imagine having a gorgeous model look-alike in front of you. Everything
about her screams perfection—until she opens her mouth and talks like a
truck driver. It’s about your manners, etiquette, and personality. It’s
essential that you study this carefully, as it’s just as important as your

Your presentation may take you far, but what’s inside of you as a person is
what hits the nail in its place. If you’re a single girl who is looking for love,
make yourself the best version of yourself, inward and outward. Inner soul-
searching is a major investment you can do for your future.
Think of it this way. For you to have a happy relationship with another
man, all your inner garbage needs to be under some form of control—if not
entirely figured out.
Your issues and insecurities act as destructive obstacles for any man that
you will meet. Work on your inner self as much as on your looks. Fix those
insecurities, strengthen your self-esteem and heal those painful memories
from the past. If you can do this, you won’t be running any risks of
sabotaging your next relationships and perhaps this way you will get that
“happily ever after.”

Dating mindset

Classy women don’t chase men. They also don’t sit on their thrones and
wait for Prince Charming to come along. They live a balanced life, in which
attention is evenly spread between work, family, friends, and hobbies.
Somewhere between all that, they stay open to the opportunity of meeting
someone special—preferably a natural encounter through friends or
hobbies, something that at first can build a foundation for friendship and
trust. They stay open by having a warm and friendly attitude to life, and
their essence is being outgoing and approachable—men love that. Men are
drawn to women of this kind.

It’s easier to meet someone when you make people feel good around you
rather than intimidated. The impression you leave on people becomes your
business card to the world. This is how people will remember you and how
they will speak of you when you’re not around. Make sure they say good
things because rumors tend to spread fast. If you’re classy and admirable,
you don’t need much self-promotion in the dating world. You’ll become a
magnet attracting men to you because of your positive reputation and
energy. Nurture that, and you’ll nurture your way to a happy relationship.

Desperate actions such as hunting for men in bars and clubs often leads to
disappointment. Surely, you have the rare lucky cases of couples meeting in
these circumstances, but after the years of research, I can say not many
people are scoring luck this way. Most people seem to be complaining how
the clear majority is not being serious and the troubles of finding something
sustainable. It’s not a myth, it’s because nightlife tends to attract a more
playground mentality than an opportunity to settle down. A classy woman
will therefore not waste her time. She will go out and have fun with her
friends, but she will not be looking for anything. In fact, she won’t be
looking at all. Instead, she’ll take the opportunity to network, make new
friends and connections for any purposes. Expanding your social network is
hugely beneficial for all fields of life. You never know who may be your
next best friend, your asset in business or introducing you to your future
husband. Classy women know that a fruitful network is worth gold, so they
nurture it best they can. Dating is, therefore, a very spontaneous matter. It
comes in a natural format, never forced.


The code for classy texts is simple—be your classy self and don’t play any
games. It might work on some men but if you want to attract a good man
into your life, this cliché behavior is extremely easy to see through, and
men respect you more if you don’t take half a day to answer his message.

You should of course not go to another extreme of being too available. But
if you become a high-standard woman, you will have a life and things to do,
so you won’t need to play any games because naturally, you will be busy
with living your life! Be genuine and authentic, men don’t find that as often
these days, and they will respect you this way.

Also, text using correct language. Proper grammar with correctly spelled
words will gain you respect in today’s “luv,” “cya,” “lofl” world. Emojis
can be used just don’t overdo it, one here and there won’t hurt, but if you
want to keep it safe then use none. And as a general “I will annoy nobody”-
rule, don’t send more than three messages after each other. Try to keep it to
one maximum two if possible. Have you ever heard your phone chime ten
times because someone is writing you a message in ten separate messages?
Don’t be that person. It’s annoying for everyone!

Classy First Dates

The classy woman will often get approached and invited out for dates. She
is a desirable catch on the single’s market because of her vibe and positive
spirit. So how to proceed? Should the classy woman explore everyone who
invites her out to be fair and not miss out on a hidden gem, or should she be
cautious and hard to date? The answer is neither!

A classy woman is aware of her time. It’s precious and limited. It cannot be
wasted on whoever. Some women constantly go out on dates, just for the
sake of not being alone or because they want to dine in restaurants free of
charge—that’s not a very classy approach.
Classy women are selective; they have a life, and limited time, they cannot
spend it, however. They let their intuition guide them on who seems to be a
potential candidate. It’s also important not to slag people off immediately
just because the attraction has not yet sparked. Sometimes these things
evolve with time and not discovered at first sight.

The classy woman’s approach to dating is to keep it balanced. Go regularly

on dates, but don’t overdo it. Learn to listen to your instinct of who might
be worth exploring further, and who’s not. You’ll get the hang of it after a

And what about online dating?

In today’s digital world it would be unfair to reject something so common

as online dating. Of course, it’s not a forum that is highly desirable to meet
someone from because there are many disadvantages to it. But one of the
great advantages of online dating is that it expands your circle of
connections. You will, however, come across as the usual time wasters, but
with a correct analysis of their profile and messages, you will learn the trick
of weeding them out. With some patience, you can come across great
catches online, so don’t slag online dating off before giving it an honest

On the day of your date, a few things to keep in mind:

Dress appropriately and classy, but don’t overdo it by appearing too formal
and conservative. You still want to look like a woman, so wear something
feminine yet stylish. A black, fitted dress that finishes below the knees can
be a good option with some chic heels (avoid stilettos as they come across
as vampy).

Men all complain about the same thing: women who arrive late to the date.
Five-ten minutes is acceptable, but you would be surprised how many
women come thirty to forty minutes late like it’s a normal thing to do. It’s
very disrespectful to the other person, and frankly, it puts the woman in a
very negative light. Time management is key for any classy person. You
must know how long you need to get ready and should learn to calculate it
correctly without causing delay.

We’ve already spoken about how rude it is to be on your phone during

social situations, but it’s even worse if you are on a date! Switch off your
phone and leave picture-taking for another occasion.

Don’t get drunk on your first date, because you don’t want to say or do
something you will regret the next day. Keep yourself below “tipsy mode.”
Once you start feeling the alcohol lifting your spirits, that’s when you know
you need to drink water.

Order food wisely—something that is easy to eat and digest. Avoid eating
raw onion or garlic that will make you smell.

Don’t forget to thank your date for dinner. It puts men off when women
take dinner for granted.

Go home alone—a no-brainer advice to anyone who wants to keep things


After the date, who should message first? I would say it’s the man to do so
if he is a gentleman. But if there is a situation in which you feel you want to
message first (for example, you forgot to thank him for dinner), I think it’s
fine to do so if you have something else to say besides, “Hi, how are you?”

Being classy is essential if you’re in the dating scene and want to find a
good man to settle down with. Men will respect you, and they will treat you
better when you are elegant. You won’t be needing to play games with
them because it will be enough to be yourself, that will open more doors for
you and this way you will build more meaningful relationships. But you
must work on yourself to be ready for that step, take care of everything
that’s holding you back and become your absolute best self. The universe
will reward you as a result.


Classy Coaching #13

Regardless if you are single or in a relationship, think about why it has

never worked out with previous partners.

A) Look at those times when you can admit that the fault was yours.

What was it with your behavior that sabotaged the relationship?

Write everything down that comes to your mind.

B) Do you see a link between these issues to something more profound in

you? Are there any unresolved wounds that you know need healing?

C) For you to not sabotage any future or current relationships, think about
how you can resolve this issue.

Do you need the help of a therapist? Could other solutions help you move
on? Take actions.
Chapter 8
Develop a Classy Image
Throughout this book, I have been touching on the topic of being aware of
your image and reputation. Some think it’s ridiculous to care about what
people think of them, others have understood the value of playing the game
right. If you present yourself well, you will end up reaping much more
benefits than if you ignore your image and let people make all kinds of
assumptions about you. Unfortunately, some of these assumptions may
sabotage your success, which is why you should consider your image if you
want to act smart. You become your own brand. You are the walking advert
for yourself. Wherever you go, whatever you do, that will leave an
impression on people, and they will judge you upon everything you do.
It’s part of human nature and how we assess one and another! If you want
to come across as classy, you must act like your classy self and let people
see that side of you as often as possible. Thinking you are something may
not always transmit, as it’s your actions that play out the loudest.

I’m not saying that you need to become self-conscious and paranoid about
every action you take. Always be relaxed, but remind yourself from time to
time if you are behaving according to your values. If you do, there isn’t any
effort you must take to maintain an image, it comes for free as a bonus.

Just practice your classiness, and people will always get the right judgment
of you if you remember that you are not playing a role, you are just being
yourself, but your classy self.
Achieve a Good Reputation

Having a good reputation is not very difficult or require much effort if you
always appear with good manners and behave well around others. Being
genuine and kind is what will make people see the best in you, so if you
want a good reputation, all you need to do is to live up to your standards!

Sometimes that’s not enough, and there will be people who might spread
negativity about you. What is important to always keep in mind is that you
will never be able to please everyone and have a spotless reputation, as
there will still be haters in this world. You can only do your part, and the
rest is out of your control.

To achieve a good reputation, you must always stay true to your core
values. It will be authentic and will give people an honest picture of who
you are. If you want to influence your reputation somehow, you should
consider doing the following:

1. Follow the fundamental rules of having class (have manners, be kind,

2. Surround yourself with others who have class and a good reputation.
3. Dress appropriately and look well-groomed when you are in social
4. Never fight, make a scene, get wasted, act embarrassingly in public,
5. Never give people anything to gossip about.
6. If you have skeletons in your closet, make sure nobody finds them.
7. Be cautious of who you share intimate or sensitive information.
8. Be cautious of how you portray yourself online.
9. Always treat others with respect and kindness.
10. Always be genuine.

The key is to remind yourself how you wish to be remembered. Be nice to

people. Help when you can. Always be friendly and polite. Take a positive
approach and smile often. Make sure always to act classy and never leave
anything for people to gossip about. Respect yourself.

It’s not very difficult for a woman who is genuinely classy to achieve a
good reputation. In fact, it will come naturally because of her adequate
behavior. Sure, there will always be people who will project their
insecurities and jealousy of you no matter how well you behave, and find
faults, but those people are not of importance and should be ignored. What
you care about is that you're truly a good person and a majority will
acknowledge that.

You don’t need to become Little Miss Perfect who portrays herself as being
a saint, No, I’m talking about sending out good karma and have appropriate
behavior. Treat your surroundings with respect and positivity and your good
deeds will get rewarded. What goes around comes around, that’s the rule of


Classy Coaching #14

Work on developing your image to ensure you communicate the right


A) Answer these questions:

“What should be the first thing people think about you when they meet

“How do you want to make them feel in your presence when you meet?”


“I want them to think that I’m nice and make them feel comfortable around

“I want to appear professional and make them feel that they can trust me.”
Write down in your journal and reflect on what attributes of yourself you
should tune into when meeting new people.

B) What do you want people to say of you when you are not around?

What overall impression do you want to leave? How do you want to be


Write down your thoughts and think if there is anything in your current
behavior that’s blocking you from achieving these things.

What could you improve? Act on it.

Chapter 9
How to Be Classy on a Budget
You might be ready and motivated to begin your transformational journey
to becoming classy, but you have one small problem: finances.

Like with anything in life, doing a makeover and upgrading your lifestyle
comes with a price tag, but it doesn’t necessarily need to break the bank if
you are smart about it. Living classy can be done on a budget if you learn
how to use your resources wisely even when cash is tight. You need to learn
what is worth investing in and where you should cut corners but also
discover everything that is free!
Many parts of being classy don't cost a penny. Developing your classy
mindset and having a classy behavior is all free of charge! So is the work
you can do on your inner self to become the best version of yourself. This
practice doesn’t require any financial investments, only your discipline.

If money doesn’t allow you to do a dramatic makeover tomorrow,

progressing slowly toward this goal can be your solution. If you have
patience, you can divide your transformation into several parts, spreading
them out over a longer period. You can, therefore, take your time and save
up for each part that requires funding, without the stress of having to do it
all in one go. In fact, that’s how most people go about it as it’s a more
realistic solution.
What you will need money for might be individual. Most of the times it’s
related to beauty and fashion, in which we cannot get away with doing it
ourselves. But all of this is doable if you have some form of income. You
don’t need to have a well-paid job, but you need to have a regular
paycheck. This chapter is written with those in mind who come from
simpler backgrounds but who want to elevate their self and live a classier
life. Anything is possible for anyone out there, if you put your mind to it
and act smart!


Classy women always look incredibly immaculate and well put together,
which is why they transmit this high level of standard that we find
inspiring. We have learned in previous chapters that being classy is not
about wearing flashy, trendy clothing with logos. Instead, the classy
woman’s focus is more on simple, timeless pieces of high quality.

This tells you two things:

1. You don’t need to take your money and spend them all on brands.
2. You don’t need to save up a fortune to buy a designer handbag or
statement jewelry and watches.

For many, they will save a fortune if they apply this attitude! Most women,
even with a lower income background, rather save up for months to achieve
one statement piece that they think will elevate their look to become classy.
Don’t waste your hard-earned money on this illusion, be wise and invest
them on other things that will give you more return on investment.

Which is why you should be doing this:

1. You train your eye to understand what materials are of good quality,
even when you find them in affordable high-street shops.
2. You practice your good taste. Your eye starts recognizing what looks
cheap and what looks classy.
3. You shop only timeless pieces as they are reusable for many years
ahead, instead of buying trendy items that will only last you one
4. Your shopping attitude is to shop less often, but to invest in quality,
and slowly build a solid wardrobe that will last you forever.
5. Applying this practice and you will see how you will upgrade your
look to the next level, without the need of wearing famous designer
brands and spend a fortune.

Fashion Budget Tips

Classic and Timeless Chic

You want to own clothes that will never run out of style and instead will
serve you many years ahead. You will feel good about spending a little bit
extra on these pieces because you know you will get your money’s worth.
Examples of clothes worth investing in: a simple, classic black coat, pumps
(without a platform), the little black dress, leather handbags, black trousers,
Items like trousers, skirts, tops, blouses, shirts are always worth investing in
as you get more usage of them because you can mix and match to create
more outfits from them.

Neutral Fashion

Anything that is of neutral fashion or has a neutral color is worth your

spending. These items will often become very reusable as people would
seldom notice if you wear them frequently. Whatever drag too much
attention, let’s say a pattern or a design, should be bought with care and
only if you really fall in love with the garment. When finances are tight you
must be strategic and buy things, you can wear many times in a month
instead of something you can only wear once every few months because it
strikes too much attention. Having a minimalistic approach to fashion will
not make you look plain, if you make sure the garments that you wear look
expensive on you with high-quality and good fit.

Learn the Materials

Regardless of where you shop, budget or not, you must always learn to spot
the materials and read the labels on each garment. When you go high street,
there will be a lot of polyester around, which is a material to be skeptical to,
unless it’s made in a way that doesn’t look cheap to the eye.

100 percent Silk or 100 percent cashmere will be impossible to find in

budget shops, but you can find knock-off mixes that resemble these if you
go shopping in stores like Zara. Sometimes you find combinations of
materials like rayon, viscose, spandex, and polyamide in both the cheaper
and more expensive stores, which look durable that will last you many
washes ahead.
Learn what fabrics will last and what looks high-quality to the eye. Practice
this when you go shopping and always read the labels!

High-Street Shopping

I would recommend anyone to include pieces from the high street into your
shopping routine because there are many great things you can find there
that doesn’t cost a lot! With the right taste and attention for detail, you can
dress entirely in high-street brands and look like an upscale woman.

At times, you can find garments of the same material as in the more
expensive shops and get away buying something almost identical for a
fraction of the cost. The benefits are many, and you should always make it a
rule to do regular visits to your favorite shops as they change stock more
frequently than designer shops. What is available today might be gone
tomorrow, so it’s important to be alert and never miss out on a good
However, avoid getting carried away even though the price is tempting. Just
because it’s affordable, doesn’t mean you should make exceptions to your
fashion strategy and buy things that you are not 100 percent about.
Remember what we spoke about in the chapter of doing a wardrobe

When you shop cheaper items, you will only make it worth your shopping
if you treat them with the same care as your more expensive pieces. High-
street clothing often has less quality in its construction or material, which is
why you might get less usage from your items if you don’t take good care
of them. Use hand wash as much as possible, and in machine always in low
temperatures using a wash bag. Dry clean can be worth if it’s a garment you

Mid-Range Shopping

High-street shopping may be a great budget alternative, but when you want
to buy something of quality, your best option would be the mid-range
boutiques. Many great brands are made in France or Italy, that produce
beautiful clothes without going so steep as the luxury design prices. This is
where you should aim to spend most of your money because it will be the
best investment regarding price, quality, and usage.

Second-Hand Shopping

You would be surprised how many great bargain items you can find if you
go shopping in second-hand shops with some patience and dedication to
look. If you don’t like wearing something pre-owned, you can also find
garments that are brand new with tags, which got donated from shops or
people who never ended up wearing it. But if you are okay with recycling
someone’s treasures, you can find pieces that nobody else has!

Depending on the city where you live, the quality of second-hand shops
may vary. Big cities often have many charity and vintage shops worth
exploring, while if you’re in a small town, it can be more challenging.
That’s when you should get online to websites like eBay or Vestiarie
collective, where you can make great bargains of pre-owned items. Make it
a habit to check your stores in person or online, regularly, as everything that
is good, tends to sell fast, so never miss out on your future favorite item!


If you know how to sew and alter clothes, your skills can come handy when
you buy cheaper items that don’t have the correct fit on you. The secret to
looking classy is the fit of your clothes. Your garments should be correctly
altered to your body, making what you wear look of highest quality.

If you don’t have these skills, finding an affordable tailor can be worth the
investment. You can make a $30 shirt look like $300 with only an
investment of let’s say $40—that’s $70 in total versus $300. Well worth the
investment if it’s something you will be using forever.

If you shop second hand, altering your clothes can come very handy, as
most of the times you miss out on bargains just because it’s not in your size.
But not with the help from your tailor who can make clothes that are too
big, fit perfectly on you.

Selling Unused Clothes

Always try and sell on eBay as much as possible the things you don’t wear
in your wardrobe. This will give you the funds you need to invest in your
classy appearance, but also a budget to work with to buy things you will

When you buy clothes from mid-range brands (or higher), you always have
a better chance of re-selling without losing much in price. This is why many
women do something called “dress recycling.” They buy a dress, wear it a
few times, once they have been photographed in it, they sell the dress and
for the money buy a new dress. It becomes like a recycling program in
which little money get lost if the practice is applied correctly and you keep
your garments looking brand new.

Dress for Hire

Depending on your lifestyle and social circle, there can be times in your life
when you should wear a gown for a special occasion, for example, a
wedding or black tie event. The dress code is always long dress, but it’s not
worth going buying one brand new, as you rarely would use this garment
more than once.

This is when services of dress hire come handy because, for a fraction of
the price, you can hire a fantastic designer gown for the occasion, looking
fabulous while not spending much.

Solution for Statement Pieces

As previously mentioned, being classy doesn’t require you to have any

status symbols like designer handbags or jewelry and watches. If you still
want to own a beautiful watch or a beautiful piece of jewelry, an affordable
solution is buying this pre-owned. But don't make this a priority as wearing
nothing on your wrists is equally fine.

Well-made handbags of most exceptional quality should always be on your

shopping list, but get them from leather makers instead of the big designer
houses. You will spend $300–500 on a well-made, high-quality bag instead
of $2,000 because of a designer hype and branding behind.

Do some research in finding retailers who sell handmade bags from Italy,
France and other places well known for their luxury leather craftsmanship.
On your next holiday in Europe, make it a point to seek out these stores as
it’s easier to buy a bag when you can see it in person and touch the quality
of it.
Where to Spend

When funds are limited, and you need many different items to your
wardrobe, you need to be strategic in where you spend a little extra, and
where you can afford to cut corners.

Items like coats, jackets, handbags, footwear, suits are areas in which you
should have a bigger budget for as it’s harder to come across these items
being more affordable that keep the quality of being high standard. It’s also
worth spending on all essential items, like tops and bottoms that are made
from 100 percent quality material. A cashmere cardigan will, for example,
last you forever, and buying one in a neutral color will be a well worth
investment as you will get many wearings out of it.

Beauty Budget Tips

Fashion requires a financial investment, but beauty can be easier to cut

corners if you do things yourself.

Before the existence of any modern technologies that we have today,

women have been DIY-ing for hundreds of years when it comes to their
beauty. Your grandma can surely share a lot of tricks with you that she used
in the old days, as there are many homemade natural remedies out there,
which can work in your favor.
What they are, is not something I will discover, as I want to share with you
the important understanding of what to spend money on in beauty, and
where to cut corners. If you are interested in homemade beauty tricks, there
is plenty of information online, do a google or YouTube search for those


Good skin comes from genetics, a diet mainly of fruits and vegetables, and
personal maintenance. While skincare brands claim you must own
everything in their line to achieve a result, I don’t believe that. I’ve spoken
to dermatologists who say that the most important thing to invest money in
is a high-quality moisturizer. The rest are only extras.
I personally only use face wash and one moisturizer for day and night. It
works for me and my skin. I’ve tried the whole lot with day cream, eye
cream, toner, face wash, serum, night cream, face mask, etc. and never felt
that my skin looked any better because I used more products.
This may not work for everyone because some people with problem areas
require products that do help them. But if you need to be on a budget and
cut corners, have a look in your beauty cabinet if there is anything in there
that you could live without.

Re-evaluate the brands you’re using and if you’re using expensive brands.
Be aware that most of the times you pay for the marketing behind a name,
look at La Prairie and La Mer. Very expensive brands, I’ve tried both and
can’t say they’re better than some of the cheaper brands. If you’re open to
natural skincare, opting for unknown brands can often be more affordable
as there is less marketing behind, but they still do great work on your skin.

A meticulous skincare routine is vital for anyone on a budget as it will

reduce the need for doing additional skin treatments if you don’t cheat with
your daily maintenance.

Facials and masks are very popular to do at salons, but you can do them at
home if you learn the following:

1. Face steam
2. Exfoliation
3. Face mask

When it comes to skin, you can cut corners if you don’t have big problem
areas. If you have something that requires special care (like removing acne
scars with Fraxel laser), then you have no choice of not spending that
money. But be creative of what you can do at home and what makes sense
to cut out from your routine. Put on priority what is most important for you
to spend your finances at this current stage.

Anyone can do their eyebrows at home. You might not be able to thread
them, but you could do waxing or tweezing to shape them. All you need is a
good portable mirror and different types of lightning. The trick is to sit in at
least two to three different lights (maybe one in your bathroom, one by a
window, another outside on a balcony). Like that you spot every single hair
that should go and with the right amount of patience, you can eliminate
them all, just like they do at the salon.

You must also cut the length of the brows if the hairs have grown too long.
Do it sparingly as you don’t want to cut too much and get bare patches. If
you’re clueless about the shaping of the eyebrows, look at some tutorials
online or get those eyebrow-shaping molds that you will find in most
beauty stores.

Those women who need to tint their brows, can do it themselves at home
every two weeks, with a popular brand like Refectocil.


With lashes, you don’t need to spend much money if you keep them natural.
For times when you want to have a more dramatic look, buying reusable
fake lashes can be a solution, if you make sure they look subtle, and you
learn how to apply them correctly. It doesn’t look classy when it’s obvious
a woman has used fake lashes so do it with good taste.


Teeth whitening is something anyone can achieve at home. There are many
kits out there with gels that you apply on your teeth and keep for an hour or
so. My dentist told me that you could only really achieve white results if
you sleep with this gel on your teeth, for fourteen days nonstop. However,
she pointed out that this fourteen-day treatment should only be done one to
two times a year and not more often as it’s harsh on the tooth if you’re
using a peroxide gel.
Other methods like using soda or charcoal do not work from my review.


Nails are a great area to save a lot of money if you learn how to do it
yourself. Frankly, it’s so easy that anyone can learn! All you need to do is
to buy all the equipment and polish for your disposal, which is easily done
on Amazon or eBay. If you like Shellac/gel nails, this equipment is also
available for purchase and doesn’t cost more than $200 in total, but you will
get your money’s worth!
Watch YouTube tutorials or google step by step manuals on how to do
manicures, pedicures, and methods for correct applications. If you do gel
nails, it can be worth studying in detail the right process, so that you also
can achieve salon quality but from your own home.
The beauty of doing your nails yourself, is that it saves you so much money
and time, when you don’t need always to be dependent on booking


Makeup products don’t need to be pricey, and you won’t require large
quantities if you apply the natural makeup look. You can find loads of great
makeup with cheaper brands: bronzers, blushers, mascaras, pencils,
eyeshadows, lipsticks are items that you can get away by purchasing from
the more affordable lines.

Anything for your complexion, like foundation, concealer, powder, primer

could be worth spending a little bit more on, as the more expensive ranges
often have a better formula that gives you a natural looking result without
going “cakey” on your skin. But there are exceptions to this rule so try you
must use trial and error for this discovery.


Depending on your hair type, you may or may not be in strong need of
regular professional hair care. I’m talking about those women who must go
on regular blow dry’s otherwise their looks like a mess. It can be worth
learning blow dry yourself, but it will require time and patience. Hair is
something that can sometimes be done DIY if you have the right knowledge
and products. All of it can be bought and practiced, but the question is
more, “What route is more convenient for you to take?”

If you don’t afford hairdressers and treatments, you must do the learning
curve and do it yourself. Sometimes women help each other with cut, color,
and styling—but don’t do that unless you trust what your friend is doing.
Hair masks and moisturizing treatments are something everyone should do
at home, as it’s a quick an inexpensive way to nurture your hair and add
some shine to it.

Cosmetic Procedures

This should always get your top dollars, as cutting corners with cosmetic
procedures can sometimes ruin your face for the rest of your life. Never
purchase any offers on discount sites lite Groupon for surgeries or
filler/Botox treatments. You take a massive risk that is not worth taking, as
these risks sometimes are irreversible. If you want to use discount offers,
use them for other beauty treatments that are safer, than on something that
is permanent.


If your budget is tight, then don’t prioritize spending a lot of money on your
fragrance at this stage. You can find scents that smell elegant within the
mass market perfumes and still come across as classy.

Lifestyle Budget Tips

Depending on where you live, what you do and how you socialize, your
lifestyle may vary in price. Most of us who enjoy the finer things in life,
understand that living a classy, high-end life does come with a hefty price
tag. As this book is a guide on how to live a classier life, you can find ways
on how to take part in the good life without being wealthy yourself.
Being a woman has its advantages. Anyone can enter the jet-set life and
discover that to gain access to the luxury lifestyle, we can be part of it if we
use our looks, charm and networking skills right. Some may frown upon
this, while others use it to their advantage. Classy women don’t indulge in
free-loading, but they would potentially accept an invitation for any travel
or events, if it’s from someone they know well. It’s common for women to
get gifts, trips, nights out, financial assistance, and so on covered by male
admirers, but classy women keep this to a minimum.

Where to cut corners

Exercising can cost a lot of money if you visit the most expensive facilities
or have a personal trainer. Exercise can cost nothing if you decide to make
your own training schedule, train outdoors or at home. What requires
though is strong discipline and dedication! Power walking, jogging, yoga,
Pilates on a mat, body weight training—all can be done free of charge by

Quality food products cost money, and it’s hard to be on a budget if you
want to feed yourself wholesome and organic food. I wouldn’t cut corners
in the diet department as it has a direct effect on your health and appearance
making it harm you as a result. However, if you start controlling your
portion sizes and eat less frequently, you will even it out as you will buy
less quantities of your food.

Classy women are educated and thanks to the internet, anyone can get
education for free these days, all thanks to Google and YouTube. Many
websites offer free courses, Coursera being one of them, where you can
study university-level courses online. Today, the possibilities have become
endless for us, and learning something new opens immense power for us to
advance in our lives and careers. Don’t underestimate this opportunity!

Your hobbies and interest can be expensive if you participate in many

activities. Choose one that you fully commit to and allow yourself to spend
on it with good conscious, as hobbies are something that is vital to a
person’s well-being.
Being a social butterfly can sometimes break the bank as your meeting with
your girlfriends not always come cheap! You can change this by keeping
your expensive lunches and dinners for special occasions Instead meet your
friends in more low-cost environments, like taking a power walk together or
meeting at a park or someone’s house for coffee.

Nightlife cost money, especially if you must buy your own drinks. An
excellent way to spend less is to go out less, or only go out in male

Travelling is expensive, especially if you want to do it the luxury way.

Unless traveling with a boyfriend or someone who is fine to pay for your
expenses, a classy woman on a shoestring will have to take cheaper forms
of travel. Economy class and budget airlines together with an Airbnb are
great options if you want to see the world at a smaller cost. Classy women
are not obsessive when it comes what facilities they visit. They often prefer
anything luxurious as the service would be better, but they also enjoy more
low key places that are not very fancy. If you are on a budget, you might
not afford always going to expensive places, which is why mixing it up
with more affordable alternatives can be worth thinking about.


Classy Coaching #15

Take control of your finances and set a goal to be more selective with your

A) Open your internet bank and study your bank statements on how you
spend your money.

Check the last six months and what the total is for each month.

B) Create an excel sheet and put categories like rent, bills, transport, food,
clothing, beauty, lifestyle, etc. in separate tabs and calculate how much you
spend on each.
C) Think about if you can minimize your spending somewhere. Think
where you could cut corners.

Can you do your own nails?

Do you need always to buy designer clothing?
Have your nights out become too expensive?

Create some action points or guidelines for yourself to follow so that you
limit your spending.
Chapter 10
Now Your Classy Journey Begins
Working on yourself and your goals in life can be difficult. But when you
finally start reaping the benefits, you’ll understand it was worth all that hard
work. Life feels great when we realize that we are evolving for the better—
when we close one chapter and start on a fresh, clean one, knowing that we
have every possibility ahead of us.

This is what the journey to a classy transformation is all about—shedding

an old skin and growing a new one, classier one. You can become the new
you, perhaps one that you never thought possible.

It’s a milestone. It’s an accomplishment. It’s evidence that tells you

anything in life is achievable if you set your mind to it.

Becoming classy teaches you something more than just fashion and
It opens the door to a life in which you are in control of your destiny, in
which you set your standards, and in which you get closer to your dreams.

You are no longer stuck in a rut because you are doing something to
progress. You are not standing still, but you are moving toward upgrading
your life. Becoming the best version of yourself is what makes all this
happen. It’s what creates your dream life.

This is why I wanted to write this book, to inspire you to take some action,
even if it’s something small. It’s not a practice to become “Miss Perfect,” to
put on a facade, only to impress people. I promote self-transformation not
so that you can please others but so that you can clear out anything that’s
holding you back from getting what you want from life.
I want you to adopt whichever classy parts you feel is right for you, which
ones are true to your values, what ones you feel you are ready to change.

You might not agree with everything in this book, and the point is not for
you to become a puppet in a show. Like I always say, stay true to yourself.
Focus on being your best, classy self because only then will you discover
how life will bring you great advantages—advantages that will help you
achieve your goals and take you to the next level.

However, remember to be patient.

Changes do not happen overnight. The lasting changes are the ones that
develop gradually. So focus on improving what you feel is doable right
now. Do one thing every day that you know will benefit you tomorrow.
Take it step by step, little by little.

With time, you will get close enough to your goals, knowing that you have
made it. Always keep this day in your mind and let it be your drive. Let it
fuel your transformation and be the engine behind your efforts. When we
want something badly enough, we achieve it. Put your focus on that day
when you will celebrate your success, and do me one favor:
Write to me, and send me a picture of your happy self.
I want to know that you did it, and I want to share the happiness with you.

Until then, put everything into practice and start your journey of
transitioning into becoming classier. If you need more motivation along the
way, join the community and my YouTube channel in which I discuss all the topics around classy
lifestyle and self-improvement.

I want to thank you for coming this far in this book, and I hope you will
take away inspiration to your new, classier self. I will be waiting for your
message post transformation, so don’t forget to stay in touch! Until then,
much love, and enjoy your new, classier life!
Chapter 11
Your Chapter
Classy Coaching #16

This chapter is all yours, and it’s unwritten.

The last exercise of my “Classy Coaching” is for you to be the writer of this

What will happen for you next?

What are your action steps toward achieving the life you want to live?

What will you do today that will benefit you tomorrow?

What one thing will you commit to creating change?

This chapter is yours:

End Credits
I may be preaching about transformation, but I’m also on a never-ending
journey of self-improvement myself.
This book has been one important milestone for me, as I never thought I
would be able to write it. I decided to challenge myself and put what I teach
into practice, which is why I never gave up even during the toughest days.
It was tempting to throw in the towel many times, but my hunger for
accomplishing my goals didn’t let me give in, and this experience has
taught me so much.

I want to, therefore, thank the group of people in my life who has been by
my side during this project and supported when I needed it the most. My
close circle of friends, and of course my family.
Special thanks to J, my big love. Without your support and belief in me, I
would have never finished this book. Thank you for everything you do for

To those who want to read more on this topic of classy living, the following
are book recommendations you might find useful for your transformational

Blaikie’s Guide to Modern Manners by Thomas Blaikie

Very Classy by Derek Blasberg

Lessons from Madame Chic by Jennifer L. Scott

Refinement of Manner by Melanie Jarrell

How to Meet the Rich for Business, Friendship, or Romance by Ginie


Emily Post’s Etiquette

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway by Susan Jeffers

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

This book was written on request from my many readers in the JetsetBabe
community. I will be posting a lot of information and real-life examples of
classy women to take inspiration from, so if you are not already a reader -
make sure to check out my work and keep fueling your classy journey!

Daily updates:

Inspiration on how to look classy:





My personal facebook:

I look forwarding to connecting with you. You can also write to me directly
on and share with me your thoughts or feedback.
All Classy Coaching Exercises

As promised, here are all the Classy Coaching exercises that I created for
you in the book, in one compilation.

Classy Coaching #1

Classy role models are great inspirations for anyone, regardless your current
level of classiness.
You should study them carefully and reflect on what you can use as
inspiration for your transformational journey.

1) Write down who your classy role models are.

2) Analyze what these role models wear, how they look, how they behave,
how they carry themselves, how they speak, and so on, and try and pinpoint
exactly what makes them appear so classy?

It often resides in the details, and your mission is to discover these traits.

Write down everything you come up with in your journal, and reflect on
how you can incorporate this into your own life.

Examples of classy celebrities:

Nicole Kidman
Kate Middleton
Julia Roberts
Natalie Portman
Julianne Moore
Vanessa Paradis
Audrey Hepburn
Grace Kelly
Kate Winslet
Queen Rania of Jordan
Amal Clooney
Helen Mirren
Cate Blanchett
Naomi Watts
Helen Hunt
Diane Kruger
Ingrid Bergman
Diane Keaton
Audrey Tautou
Halle Berry
Coco Chanel
Katharine Hepburn
Sophia Loren
Jackie Onassis
Maya Angelou
Charlene, Princess of Monaco
Lauren Bacall

(It’s worth Googling the names you don’t recognize, as these stunning
women can add inspiration to your discovery.)


Classy Coaching #2

This exercise requires you to dismantle all defense mechanisms that you
may have and be completely honest with yourself, even if the truth may

A) What are the flaws in your character and personality?

Take inspiration from the list of suggestions of not-so-classy personalities

that I have provided above and ask your honest self if you have any of these
influences and why?
Write them down.
Ask yourself if you have any bad behavior that labels your personality and
why you behave the way you do.


“I forget to say thank you to people because I’m so absentminded, so my

personality comes across as rude”

“I act like I’m the best all the time because I feel so insecure and don’t
want people to see the truth. I know people think of me as an arrogant
person or a diva.”

B) Accept help from someone you feel comfortable opening up to and

being vulnerable with.
Ask that person to be entirely honest with you and give you their view on
the things you have written down about yourself.

C) Ask this person if he/she has any additional feedback on your

personality/behavior that you might not have listed.
Be open to the feedback without being defensive, even if it may be difficult.
This is for your own gain.


Classy Coaching #3

Having listed some positive traits of classy women, now is a suitable time
to reflect on what you wish to incorporate into yourself.

A) What personality traits do you wish you could have?

Write them down.

B) What existing traits could appear stronger in your personality or that

require more work to enhance?
Write them down too.
C) Look over your list and reflect on which you think are the most
important to commit to at this stage.
Decide on one or two maximum and write them down as part of your


“I want to stop being so negative, and I will focus on positivity as often as I


“I want to stop saying yes to everything all the time, and I will focus on
taking my time and become more selective with my choices.”

Make sure to remind yourself every day of every given situation what you
are working on. Correct yourself whenever you act according to your old
Practice your new behavior as often as possible, as that’s how it will stick
eventually. Don’t give up if it feels difficult in the beginning!


Classy Coaching #4

Let’s reflect on how you talk, take some time and analyze your speech. Be
truly honest with yourself if you want to have best results. Write down your
thoughts in your journal.

How is your pitch when you speak?

How loud are you?

Do you curse?

What about your grammar?

Do you speak with a heavy accent?

Do you over-abuse filler words like “um” or “like”?

Do you speak fast or slow?

How advanced is your vocabulary?

Do you use slang?

Do you mumble?

The easiest way to understand this would be by filming yourself when you
talk and review it.

You can also ask a friend for honest feedback as that can be quite beneficial
when a person has seen you in different types of situations.


Classy Coaching #5

Your body movements can be an important detail in your overall elegance.

A) Ask yourself these questions:

How is your posture?

How do you look when you walk?

How do you look when you sit down?

How are your body movements?

When you articulate, how are your gestures?

Do you come across as quick, slow, abrupt, stressed?

Do you have any bad habits like fidgeting or playing with your hair?
You might already have a vague idea of yourself, but in most cases, that
information would not be accurate to the reality as we seldom have the
correct awareness of how we look from the public’s eye.

You could start off by inspecting yourself in a mirror with your posture,
walk, etc.

The most efficient way to find out, is by asking a friend if she can film you
when you’re not aware. That’s the only time we can truly see our body
movements when we’re relaxed and not “acting” for a camera.

B) Go back to your list of classy role models who you have taken
inspiration from. Look them up on YouTube and watch clips of them in
interviews, movie clips, red carpet, etc.
Study their speech and body movements carefully.
Learn what they do that makes them so elegant.

Write down a few pointers that you can take inspiration from and start
practicing implementing these traits to yourself.


Classy Coaching #6

Having good manners and correct social etiquette are the mere basics for a
woman who wants to take herself to the next level. You should, therefore,
have a good think about your current level of mannerism and if you come
across as a woman with good manners and etiquette.

A) How are your manners?

How much effort do you put into your manners on a scale from 1–10 (1
being the lowest effort, 10 highest effort)?

Where do you see that you could improve your manners?

Give examples and actions points to how you will improve your manners.
Write everything down in your journal and remind yourself daily about
what you wish to improve.

B) Have a think about your etiquette, mainly when you are out dining,
invited as a guest and in other social situations.
After reading my list, is there something you catch yourself doing that is
not considered to be according to etiquette, that you know you shouldn’t?

Write down what it is and try to remember to correct it next time you are


Classy Coaching #7

It’s time to inspect and re-evaluate your online presence.

A) Google yourself. What comes up?

Is there anything embarrassing or not in tune with your current persona that
you wish to remove?

Find a way to delete this; it’s easily done if you have access to this material,
but slightly trickier if someone else does. However, it might still be
possible, as the only thing necessary is to try to get in contact with that
person over email and ask them if they can remove it for you.

B) Log into all your social media accounts, and look at your pictures and
Does the material on your feed represent your true self?
Is some outdated material a misrepresentation of who you are today?

Clean up and delete everything that you feel you cannot associate with and
make a new rule for yourself to think twice from now on before uploading
anything online.
C) After your clean up your Google results, websites, blogs, social media
sites should all have a good representation of your classy self.

You must feel that you will be proud of this content in five to ten years,
even if your parents/grandparents/future employer or mother in law would
see it. Nothing should make you feel embarrassed, and you must feel that
you can stand for everything that is posted under your name.


Classy Coaching #8

A) Research your role models and analyze their fashion. Study what they
wear and what it is that makes it work for them.

B) Use this information as inspiration to your fashion strategy and write

down all the key elements that you want to incorporate into your wardrobe.

If you don’t want to focus on your role models, create an account on

Pinterest and do a mood board with classy outfits.

Pin down every elegant and sophisticated outfit you find that you think
could potentially work for you. Keep these images in mind when you plan
your next purchases and create your fashion strategy.


Classy Coaching #9

Develop a fashion strategy after you have done your wardrobe intervention.

A) Make a list of items that are lacking in your wardrobe.

B) Make a mood board that describes your new, signature look. If you don’t
want to make a mood board, make a list in your journal defining the traits
of your style.
C) Decide on rules to follow when you go shopping.

What colors will you be shopping now?

What style in garments?
What items will you need to stop buying or stop wearing to be aligned with
your strategy?

Follow these rules at all times whenever you make any purchases. Take
your time to decide before buying.


Classy Coaching #10

The people in your life who you can trust and whos’ opinions you value,
ask them for feedback about your overall beauty.

A) From a scale of 1–10 (10 being top notch, 1 being not at all) ask how
polished your overall presence appears to them?

B) Ask, “If there were something you would advise me to improve on in

my appearance, what would that be?”

Trustworthy people can be great judges if they give you an objective truth.

We don’t always know ourselves of what works for us because we never

see ourselves three-dimensionally like an outsider does.

This exercise, however, requires your defenses be down so that you can get
the most out of the feedback and perhaps get some ideas of areas in which
there is room for improvement.


Classy Coaching #11

A) Analyze your healthy lifestyle. Answer following questions and write
the answer in your journal.

How healthy is your overall lifestyle?

Where could you improve? Is it training, diet, or both?

What are realistic lifestyle changes that feel inspiring and motivating for

B) Keep a food diary for two weeks and analyze how much food you are

How much of this food is processed?

How often do you eat something “bad”?

How much is plant-based food part of your intake?

Do your eating habits look healthy?

How are your portion sizes?

Reflect on your answers and let them guide you toward a healthier lifestyle.
Write down some action steps that you commit to in your everyday life.


Classy Coaching #12

Think about your current lifestyle. Ask yourself some questions that you
answer in your journal.

A) What does your current lifestyle say about you? How content are you
with it?
B) How balanced do you feel in your everyday life? Make a list of
necessary points for you to include, so you feel in harmony with yourself.
Use my list as inspiration if you want and add whatever you think is vital to

C) Create some action points of how you can practice those things that
bring balance to your life. Create new rules if necessary, remember to
follow up on your action points.


Classy Coaching #13

Regardless if you are single or in a relationship, think about why it has

never worked out with previous partners.

A) Look at those times when you can admit that the fault was yours.

What was it with your behavior that sabotaged the relationship?

Write everything down that comes to your mind.

B) Do you see a link between these issues to something more profound in

you? Are there any unresolved wounds that you know need healing?

C) For you to not sabotage any future or current relationships, think about
how you can resolve this issue.

Do you need the help of a therapist? Could other solutions help you move
on? Take actions.


Classy Coaching #14

Work on developing your image to ensure you communicate the right

A) Answer these questions:

“What should be the first thing people think of you when they meet you?”

“How do you want to make them feel in your presence when you meet?”


“I want them to think that I’m nice and make them feel comfortable around

“I want to appear professional and make them feel that they can trust me.”

Write down in your journal and reflect on what attributes of yourself you
should tune into when meeting new people.

B) What do you want people to say about you when you are not around?

What overall impression do you want to leave? How do you want to be


Write down your thoughts and think if there is anything in your current
behavior that’s blocking you from achieving these things.

What could you improve? Act on it.


Classy Coaching #15

Take control of your finances and set a goal to be more selective with your

A) Open your internet bank and study your bank statements on how you
spend your money.
Check the last six months and what the total is for each month.

B) Create an excel sheet and put categories like rent, bills, transport, food,
clothing, beauty, lifestyle, etc. in separate tabs and calculate how much you
spend on each.

C) Think about if you can minimize your spending somewhere. Think

where you could cut corners.

Can you do your own nails?

Do you need always to buy designer clothing?
Have your nights out become too expensive?

Create some action points or guidelines for yourself to follow so that you
limit your spending.


Classy Coaching #16

This chapter is all yours, and it’s unwritten.

The last exercise of my “Classy Coaching” is for you to be the writer of this

What will happen for you next?

What are your action steps toward achieving the life you want to live?

What will you do today that will benefit you tomorrow?

What one thing will you commit to creating change?

This chapter is yours:

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