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Serial Slide name and heading in Prompts and execution Best GenAI Source/data Links

No. the given order process/instructions tool Mandatory

NA- Create a nice looking legible logo with
name of the venture. Update the WF
Platform with this final logo. Paste the
logo on the top right corner of every slide.
Go to "View-> Slide Master-> Go to the
1 Logo and Introduction main first slide and paste the logo on the NA
top right corner with perfect alignnment -
> close this by clicking cross "X". You can
see the logo pasted perfectly. Mention
Venture name, College name and venture
Refer to the slides in the samples to make
it. You can generate your correct data by
using the following prompts - " <first
present the scenario of your venture>
<Then type " create Why (Problem
statement), What (Solution) and How
(Execution) for this venture in not more
2 Who we are than 4-5 lines each." Hit Enter and you can ChatGPT
copy the text in the slide creatively. Also,
paste this information in the Description
page of the WF Platform. Log into your WF
account. Go to My venture and click edit
on the top against basic information. Edit
the description, add or replace the logo,
and save. Ignore if already done!
Prompt - "Thanks. Now create a detailed
Problem Statement Canvas under the
3 Problem Statement Canvas following heads: Context, Root cause of
the problem, Alternatives, Customer
segment, Emotional Impact
Scenario 1 - If you have already asked
specific questions and collected data in
Excel or video interviews, paste them with
links viewable and present the details
Scenario 2- You create the following -
Google form with a link. Google form must
have 6-7 relevant questions with options.
Prompt - "Create a set of 6-7 questions
with 2-3 options for each in a table to
validate the above Problem statement".
Problem Validation Survey and Paste the result in a table in the slide.
4 Bard Yes
Analysis create Google form and paste link. Prompt-
Create a set of responses by 50 customers
in an Excel sheet and present analysis. You
can use Bard for this but first input the
already generated Why, what, and how to
get the correct results. Plot the graphs
from an excel sheet and paste the graphs
into slides. Finish this part in 2-3 slides.
Upload the Excel sheet responses in
Google Drive and make it open and paste
its link into one of the relevant slides.
Use Bard for this. Prompt -> Create the
TAM, SAM, SOM of this venture. Present
data in terms of number of customers for
the three. Consider India as the market.
Present approximations if needed. Present
all numbers with source links that are
clickable. Present in a table.

5 Market Size Now, paste the information creatively in Bard Yes

your slide. Remember, TAM, SAM, SOM
will be presented in two ways - in terms of
money and in terms of customers. You
need to ultimately use the number of
customers. The numbers shown in the
SOM will be used in the Customer
Segment slide, Sales Funnel slide and
Financial planning further.
Prompt - Create in a table the Customer
segments and Niche for the above
6 Customer Segment and Niche ChatGPT
venture. Paste the details creatively into
your slide make it impressive
Prompt-"Create a detailed customer
persona for the venture based on the
following heads: Detailed Bio Sketch,
Demographics, Goals,
Challenges/Frustrations, Motivational
factors (adjectives), Personality Traits
(Adjectives), and Attributes (Adjectives).
Present an Indian Persona."
7 Customer Persona ChatGPT/Bard
Once received, use this creatively in your
slide and present all this information
clearly. Paste a nicely looking picture of
the Customer Segment. If the Customer
sEgement is a business, then present the
picture of the decision maker, CEO, and
Founder of the company. All these
pictures can be dummies.
Prompt - "Create a Value Proposition
Canvas for this venture under the
following heads: JTBD, pains, Gains,
Products and Services, Pain relievers and
Gain creators. Present these in 3-4 short
8 Value Proposition Canvas bullet points." ChatGPT
Now, creatively paste the information in
your slide. Make sure you dont change the
format of the VPC. It should be in only one
slide. On the left it is Value map and on
the right it is Customer Segment.
This is again a one slide.

Prompt - "Create a detailed solution and

benefits in a table for this venture".
9 Solution and Benefits ChatGPT
Copy the information and paste it
creatively into your slide and make it
Prompt - "Create a Lean Canvas for this
venture under the following heads:
Problem, Solution, Unique Value
Proposition, unfair advantage, Customer
Segment, Key metrics, Channels, High-
Level Concept, Cost structure, Revenue
10 Lean Canvas Streams, Alternatives, Early Adopters." ChatGPT

Paste the information in the Lean Canvas

Template in your slide. Please do not
change the format of the 9 boxes. Refer to
the for more details.
Present Lean Canvas in only one slide.
Prompt - " Now, present how this venture
will make money. Present numbers and
percentages wherever needed. Present in
short texts."
11 Business Model Bard
Please ensure you have provided Lean
Canvas information in ChatGPT/Bard
before giving this prompt. Once received,
copy the information an use creatively in
your slide.
Prompt - "Create a Competition Analysis
for this venture. Compare this venture
with at least 4-5 direct and indirect
competitors that are in similar products
and services. Compare with real startups
and companies and not dummy ones.
Compare under the following heads:
Product, UVP, Price in (INR), market
review, Acceptance, rating, website etc.
Use your data and information. Present
12 Competition Analysis Bard
the source of information. Present all
these in a table pls." Also present in
points, why this venture can be a better
one compared to its competitors in some
parameters. Please note that Bard gives
you the option to export the information
generated in a table to an Excel sheet. You
can use this feature effectively. Use not
more than 2 slides to present this data
Prompt - "Create the final MVP with
13 MVP description essential features in a table. ". Use this ChatGPT
information to create your MVP slide
Your MVP should have at least a working
website and app. This is possible in 10 min
using the no code website buillder
"". To make a webiste in Wix, you
need to have an email ID. Follow the

Step 1: Create an email ID using This does not require phone
number etc. Your email Id should be in the
name of your actual venture. For example,
if your venture name is Softronics, then
you can create email IDs as,
MVP (Wixite Website and mobile
view) etc. etc.
Step 2: Now open Wix website and click
sign up or get started. Enter your email ID
and password on the left side.
Step 3: Now follow the instructions using
their AI chat and create your website.
Step 4: Edit the dashboard. Add logo,
email ID, Address (your college address,
phone number) and then keep only 3
pages at max - About us, products or
sevices, Contact us. Edit About us with
your Who we are slide information. Edit
Products or services with your actual
offering and its price description and edit
Prompt: "Create a set of 10 parameters to
validate the MVP. Create an Excel sheet
15 MVP Validation and present the graph and analysis." Bard Yes
Ideally, you need to reach out to
customers and do the survey.
Create the funnel as an inverted pyramid.
It must have 4 sections starting with
16 Sales Funnel Target market (SOM), Leads, Prospects, Self, ChatGPT/Bard
Customers. Give explanation of your
assumptions and percentages
Using the Sales funnel, explain in a table
category wise, how you will acquire
customers. Prompt: " Create a detailed
17 Customer Acquisition Plan Custoemr Acquisition Plan from Target Bard
market (Your target market number) in a
table". Paste this information creatively in
your slide
Use the Financial Planning Excel Sheet
provided by WF. You need to fill in and
select the filled in borders and paste in the
relevant slide. Then give an explanation
for important costs and assumptions
18 Financial Planning - Startup Costs WF Platform Yes
taken. Also, paste the link of the excel
sheet in this slide so that the viewer can
see the calculations. You need to paste the
Open Google Drive link of the Excel sheet
for your venture
Select the complete filled-in sheet for
profit and loss and paste into one slide
only. This statement explains - Revenue
(Sales), COGS, Gross Profit, Operating
19 Forecast Profit and Loss Statement Expenses, and Net Profit/Loss for the WF Platform Yes
entire year. Please give an explanation if
there are more than one products or
service with different prices and costs. Use
the same Excel Sheet.
Paste the Cash flow statement in another
slide and present the explanation of the
20 Forecast Cash Flow cash closign balance, any loan paid, any WF Platform
inventory or equipment or asset
Paste side by side the Balance Sheet and
Forecast Balance Sheet & Breakeven Analysis. Ensure that the
21 WF Platform
Breakeven Analysis Balance sheet Assets and Liablities
numbers are same.
Present a 5-year projection of the P & L
starting from year 1. Explain the
22 Funding Plan and Projections assumptions for growth in terms of WF Platform
percentage and if funding is required with
Paste the Unit Economics section from the
23 Unit Economics Excel sheet in this slide with formalae WF Platform
Prompt - " Create a GTM strategy for this
24 GTM Strategy startup in a table". Paste this information ChatGPT/Bard
creatively in the slide
Prompt -" Create a positioning Statement
for this startup". Now paste the brand
25 Branding, Positioning and Channels ChatGPT
logo, positioning statement and channels
creatively in the slide
Prompt - "Create a brand Framework for
26 Brand Framework this venture in a table". Use this ChatGPT
information creatively in the slide
Paste the pictures of all team members
with their names and designations as CEO,
CFO, CTO etc. Present their skills and
achievements that make them relevant for ChatGPT for
27 Team Composition
their designations. Also, present in one articulation
paragraph why this is the best team. If the
team comprises only a single member
then highlight about that Founder only.

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