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Jennylyn L. Bodota
Employees at DOE facilities mostly operate in real-number basic mathematics, thus they
must be conversant with the fundamental algebraic rules that govern their application.
Algebraic Law
Real numbers operations are based on commutative, associative, and distributive laws.
Commutative laws allow addition or multiplication in any order, while associative laws allow
grouped numbers in any order. Distributive laws involve addition and multiplication, stating a(b
+ c) = ab + ac. Effective use of these laws is crucial.
The real number system, represented by a, b, and c, is governed by certain axioms. These
include closure properties (a + b, ab = a), identity properties (a +0=a, a(l) = a), and reverse
properties (a + (-a)=0, l/a=1).
An equation is an equality statement, often with unknowns. The root is the number 2. Algebra
solves linear, quadratic, or simultaneous equations, with operators typically involved in linear,
quadratic, or simultaneous equations.
The summary discusses algebraic laws such as commutative, associative, and distributive laws,
highlighting their applications in various fields.


Solution to Algebraic Equations
An equation is a statement of equality between two equal quantities, involving two expressions,
being equal, and indicating equality. Algebraic operations alone are of little practical value, but
when coupled with algebraic equations, algebra can be applied to solve practical problems. The
equal sign (=) is used to indicate equality in an equation, defining one expression in terms of
another and defining the unknown quantity in terms of known quantities.
Algebraic Equations
Two types of equations are identities and conditional equations. An identity is true for all
unknown values, while a conditional equation is true only for specific values of the literal
number. Examples include x2 ≡ (x)(x), 3y + 5y ≡ 8y, and yx + yz ≡ y(x + z).
The root(s) of an equation is the literal number(s) that make the equation true. Solving an
algebraic equation involves finding the root(s). Algebraic equations are practical for solving
many physical problems, such as pressure. For example, the relationship between pressure,
force, and area can be written as an algebraic equation. This approach is used to solve almost all
physical problems, illustrating the general approach used in solving equations.
Types of Algebraic Equations
In algebraic equations, the letters are called unknowns. Consequently, the unknown in the
formula 3x + 5 equals 8. Any number of unknowns can be present in algebraic equations. The
Unknown is caused when unknown numerical numbers in a formula are replaced with letters.
The number of equations required to solve a problem depends on how many unknowns there
the unknowns' numerical values. One can use one unknown to answer problems involving one.
equation, two independent equations are needed for issues with two unknowns, and so on.
The degree of an equation is determined by the power of the unknowns, with algebraic terms
being equivalent to the exponent of the unknown. Linear equations have no terms higher than
first degree, while quadratic and cubic equations contain up to second and third degree terms
respectively. The degree of an equation determines the number of roots, with linear equations
having one root and quadratic equations having two.
Equations with the unknown located in the exponent are called exponential equations. As an
The equation e-2.7x = 290 is exponential. Equations with exponential terms can have any
The fundamental idea behind any algebraic equation solution is that every operation carried out
on one
For an equation to stay true, the operations on one side must also be carried out on the other.
All kinds of equations can be solved using just one approach.
The fundamental principle in solving algebraic equations is that any operation performed on
one side must be performed on the other side for the equation to remain true. Four axioms are
used: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These axioms can be visualized as the
balancing of a scale, which remains balanced if the same weight is added, removed, increased,
or decreased. This principle applies to all types of equations.
Four axioms are used in solving equations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
These axioms can be visualized by the balancing of a scale. The addition axiom states that if the
same quantity is added to both sides, subtracted, multiplied, or divided, the equation remains
true. The subtraction axiom states that if the same quantity is removed, increased, or
decreased, the equation remains true.
Linear Equations
The four axioms are used to solve linear equations in three steps: 1) using addition and
subtraction axioms to eliminate all terms with unknowns from the left-hand side and right-hand
side, 2) using multiplication and division axioms to eliminate coefficients from unknowns on the
left-hand side, and 3) checking the root by substituting it for the original equation. For example,
to solve the equation 3x + 7 = 13, subtract 7 from both sides, divide both sides by 3, and check
the root.
The steps to solve equations with multiple unknowns are crucial in solving practical problems.
These steps involve adding b to both sides of the equation, dividing both sides by a, checking
the root, and performing the necessary calculations. For example, to solve the equation relating
pressure to force and area, the steps are:

1. Add b to both sides of the equation.

2. Divide both sides by A.
3. Check the root.

In summary, these steps help solve equations with multiple unknowns, ensuring that the
unknown quantity is isolated on the left-hand side.
Transposing is a method of adding or subtracting a quantity from both sides of an equation. It
involves changing the sign of the term. For example, in the equation 5x + 4 = 7, the 4 can be
transposed to the other side, resulting in 5x = 7 - 4 or 5x = 3. This applies the subtraction axiom,
Axiom 2, subtracting 4 from both sides.
Solving Fractions and Equation
A fractional equation is an equation containing a fraction, either a common fraction or a
decimal fraction. The unknowns can be in the numerator or denominator. To solve a fractional
equation, first determine the lowest common denominator (LCD) for all the fractions in the
equation. Then, multiply both sides of the equation by this common denominator to clear the
equation of fractions. For example, to solve a fractional equation like an ordinary linear
equation, transpose the +1 from the left-hand side to the right-hand side, divide both sides by 2,
and multiply both sides by the LCD. The root checks and the equation is solved. This approach is
similar to solving other algebraic equations.
Ratio and Proportion
Fractional equations are crucial for ratio and proportion comparison. Ratios compare two
like quantities by division, separated by a colon or written as fractions. They cannot be
compared with unlike quantities. Proportions state equality between two ratios, such as 40
miles:80 miles and 1 hour:2 hours. For example, a car travels 40 miles in 1 hour and 80 miles in
2 hours, with the ratio of distance traveled being 40 miles:80 miles and time being 1 hour:2
hours. Multiplying both sides by bd results in ad = cb.
Ratio and proportion are concepts used in many everyday situations, such as determining
the amount of flour needed for a recipe or calculating the cost of onions. These problems are
solved by setting the product of the extremes equal to the product of the means. For example,
if a recipe calls for 1½ cups of flour to make a serving for 6 people, the cook can determine how
many cups of flour to use for 8 people. Similarly, if a recipe calls for 1 1^2 cups of flour to make
servings for 4 people, the product of the extremes and means can be calculated. These
concepts are often used without knowing the specific steps used, making them useful in various
Types of Quadratic Equations
A quadratic equation is an equation with two roots satisfying the equation, such as x2 - 5x +
6 = 0. It has two roots, x = 2 and x = 3. The equation's general form is ax2 - bx + c = 0, where a
represents the numerical coefficient of x2, b represents the numerical coefficient of x, and c
represents the constant numerical term. Complete quadratic equations contain both an x and
x2 term.
Solving Quadratic Equations
The four axioms for linear equations are also applied to quadratic equations. Three techniques
are used: taking the square root, factoring, and the Quadratic Formula. The Quadratic Formula
solves all quadratic equations, while the other two can only be used in specific cases. The
equation can be solved by either method.
Taking Square Root
A pure quadratic equation can be solved by taking the square root of both sides of the
equation. To do this, the equation must be arranged with the x2 term isolated on the left-hand
side and its coefficient reduced to 1. The four steps in solving a pure quadratic equation are: 1)
Isolate the x2 term using the addition and subtraction axioms, 2) Eliminate the coefficient from
the x2 term using the multiplication and division axioms, 3) Take the square root of both sides
of the equation, and 4) Check the roots. The square roots of a pure quadratic equation are the
same except for their sign. In some cases, the result is the square root of a negative number,
known as imaginary numbers. For example, a general form of a pure quadratic equation can be
written as ax2 + c = 0 (2-2), where the roots are x = + and x =-.
Factoring Quadratic Equations
Factoring is a method used to solve complete quadratic equations by setting one or both of
the factors to zero. For example, the equation x2 + x - 6 = 0 can be factored into (x + 3)(x - 2) = 0.
The roots of these equations can be found by setting each factor equal to zero and solving the
resulting linear equations. Factoring estimates can be made by comparing two expressions, such
as (dx + c) (fx + g) = 0.
The equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 can be solved using quadratic factoring. The symbol a
represents the product of two numbers (df) and c represents the product of two numbers (eg, -
2 and 2 or -1 and 4). Four steps are used to solve quadratic equations by factoring:
1. Arrange the equation in the general quadratic form using the addition and subtraction
2. Factor the left-hand side of the equation.
3. Set each factor equal to zero and solve the resulting linear equations.
4. Check the roots.

In the example given, the roots are x = 2 and x = 2. The roots check are x = 2 and x = 2.

In conclusion, quadratic equations can be solved using factoring, which involves arranging
the equation in the general quadratic form, factoring the left-hand side, setting each factor
equal to zero, and checking the roots.
Quadratic equations with zero numerical constant c can be solved by factoring, resulting in one
of the two roots being zero. For example, the equation 2x2 + 3x = 0 can be factored into x(ax +
b) = 0 (2-5). The roots of this equation are x = 0 and x =-. For example, the roots of the equation
3x2 + 7x = 0 can be determined by solving for x using equations 2-6 and 2-7.
The quadratic Formula
Quadratic equations cannot be solved using square roots or factoring, as they are not pure
quadratics. The Quadratic Formula is a third technique for solving quadratic equations, which
states that the two roots of a quadratic equation written in general form are equal to x = and b b
2 4ac2a. It should be committed to memory as it is a useful tool for solving quadratic equations.

To solve a quadratic equation using the Quadratic Formula, write the equation in general form,
substitute the values for a, b, and c into the formula, solve for x, and check the roots in the
original equation. For example, to solve the quadratic equation 4x2 +2= x2 - 7x, write the
equation in general form, substitute the values for a, b, and c into the formula, solve for x, and
check the roots.

In summary, the Quadratic Formula is a useful tool for solving quadratic equations, as it allows
for the identification of roots and simplifies the process of solving equations.
Algebraic equations are used to solve practical problems involving multiple unknown
quantities. These problems require solving simultaneous equations, which are the group of
equations used to determine the value of any unknown. The number of equations required to
solve a problem usually equals the number of unknown quantities. If a problem has only one
unknown, it can be solved with a single equation. If a problem has two unknowns, two
equations are required. A solution to a system of two linear equations satisfies both equations,
such as x = 4, y = 1.
Systems of equations are solved using the same four axioms as single algebraic equations,
but with extensions. These axioms deal with adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing both
sides of an equation by the same quantity. The left-hand and right-hand sides of an equation are
equal but expressed differently. Adding or subtracting two equations will still result in the same
equation being true. The basic approach is to eliminate unknowns one at a time until one
equation with one unknown is solved. Three techniques are used to eliminate unknowns in
systems of equations.
Solving Simultaneous Problems
Ratio and proportion are concepts used in many everyday situations, such as determining
the amount of flour needed for a recipe or calculating the cost of onions. These problems are
solved by setting the product of the extremes equal to the product of the means. For example,
if a recipe calls for 1½ cups of flour to make a serving for 6 people, the cook can determine how
many cups of flour to use for 8 people. Similarly, if a recipe calls for 1 1^2 cups of flour to make
servings for 4 people, the product of the extremes and means can be calculated. These
concepts are often used without knowing the specific steps used.

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