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Degree Name: B.A.LL.B.(Hons.)

Semester 6th / Year 3rd
Subject: Public International Law
Topic: Development of International Treaties and Sources of International Law

Submitted By Submitted To
Anshika Gupta Ms. Aakansha Derashree
2117BALLB0008719 (Assistant Professor)
Development of International Treaties and Sources of International Law


The development of international treaties and the sources of international law have played a significant role
in shaping the modern framework of global governance. This assignment explores the evolution of treaties
and the various sources of international law, highlighting their importance in regulating state behavior and
promoting cooperation on the international stage.

Historical Evolution of International Treaties:

• Ancient Treaties: Explore early examples of treaties, such as the Peace of Westphalia (1648), which
marked the beginning of modern diplomacy and the recognition of sovereign states.
• 19th and Early 20th Century: Discuss the expansion of treaty-making during this period, including
bilateral agreements and multilateral treaties addressing issues like trade, territorial boundaries, and
diplomatic relations.
• Post-World War II Era: Examine the proliferation of international organizations and the negotiation of
landmark treaties such as the United Nations Charter (1945) and the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (1948).

Types and Functions of International Treaties:

• Bilateral vs. Multilateral Treaties: Compare and contrast the characteristics of bilateral and
multilateral treaties, highlighting their respective advantages and limitations.
• Functions of Treaties: Analyze the various functions served by international treaties, including
creating legal obligations, establishing norms, resolving disputes, and fostering cooperation among

Sources of International Law:

• Treaties: Explore the role of treaties as primary sources of international law, emphasizing their binding
nature and the principles of treaty interpretation outlined in the Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties (1969).
• Customary International Law: Discuss the development of customary international law through
state practice and opinio juris, with examples illustrating customary norms in areas such as diplomatic
immunity and the prohibition of genocide.
• General Principles of Law: Examine the application of general principles of law recognized by
civilized nations as a supplementary source of international law, providing coherence and consistency
to legal reasoning.
• Judicial Decisions and Scholarly Writings: Investigate the contributions of international courts and
tribunals, as well as eminent legal scholars, in shaping the interpretation and development of
international law.


In conclusion, the development of international treaties and sources of international law reflects the evolving
dynamics of state relations and the quest for global governance. By understanding the historical evolution of
treaties and the diverse sources of international law, states can navigate complex geopolitical challenges and
promote peace, security, and cooperation in the international community.


1. Brownlie, Ian. Principles of Public International Law. Oxford University Press, 2019.
2. Shaw, Malcolm N. International Law. Cambridge University Press, 2017.
3. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, United Nations, 1969.
4. Statute of the International Court of Justice, United Nations, 1945.
5. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations, 1948.

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