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Centre of Mass

1. Define COM?
2. Write down the formula for the position of COM?
3. Find out the position of COM of an equilateral triangle having 5kg masses at each of the
4. Three particles of masses 1 kg, 2 kg and 3 kg are placed at the vertices A, B, C respectively of an
equilateral triangle ABC of edge 1 m as shown in the figure. Find the position of the centre of mass
of the system. (If A is assumed to be the origin).
5. Show that COM of a rod lies at the middle of the rod(x=L/2)?
7. Find the position of the COM?

8. Find the position of the Centre of mass of a system consisting of masses 1kg at (2,3,6) , 5kg at
(2,3,7) and 8 kg at (-2,-3,0).

Rigid Body

1. Write down the Parallel axes’ theorem and the perpendicular axes theorem?
2. Proof Parallel axes theorem and perpendicular axes theorem?
3. Proof that Angular Momentum L=I𝑤
4. Proof that Rotational kinetic energy RKE= 𝐼𝑤 2
5. Proof that τ = Iα
6. Write down the law of conservation of the Angular momentum?
7. What is the moment of inertia of a rod of mass M, length l about an axis perpendicular to it
through one end if the Moment of inertia passing through COM is .

8. If the radius of the earth contracts to half of its present value without change in its mass what will
be the new duration of the day in hours

9. Define Moment of Inertia? And Radius of gyration?

Questions by Debarshi Sir
Centre of Mass and Rigid Body

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