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Vocabulary Building

1. The ship was beached after the storm. What word means the same as
beached in this sentence?
a) repaired b) sunk c) stranded d) anchored

2. The teacher extolled the virtues of hard work. What synonym best
captures the meaning of extolled?
a) doubted b) criticized c) praised d) ignored

3. The comedian's jokes were tedious and unfunny. What word is a

synonym for tedious?
a) brief b) hilarious c) exciting d) boring

4. The detective scrutinized the crime scene for clues. What synonym is
closest in meaning to scrutinized?
a) ignored b) analyzed c) created d) hid

5. The child felt trepidation before her first day of school. What word is a
synonym for trepidation?
a) excitement b) confidence c) calmness d) nervousness

6. After the marathon, the runner felt invigorated. What synonym best
describes how the runner felt?
a) exhausted b) weakened c) energized d) confused

7. The argument between the neighbors was quite acrimonious. Which

word best describes the argument?
a) friendly b) bitter c) humorous d) polite

8. The scientist conducted a series of meticulous experiments. What

synonym describes the experiments?
a) careless b) messy c) detailed d) random

9. The king issued a royal decree. What is another word for decree in this
a) question b) suggestion c) law d) rumor

10.The house was filled with an eerie silence. What synonym captures the
feeling of the silence?
a) comforting b) peaceful c) strange d) joyful
11.The lost hiker felt a sense of desolation after being stranded for days.
What word has a similar meaning to desolation?
a) happiness b) companionship c) loneliness d) excitement

12.The teacher explained the concept in a very lucid manner. What synonym
best describes the way the concept was explained?
a) confusing b) clear c) detailed d) boring

13.The athlete possessed unwavering determination to win. What word is a

synonym for unwavering?
a) doubtful b) strong c) changing d) weak

14.The artist used vibrant colors to create her masterpiece. What word is a
synonym for vibrant in this context?
a) dull b) colorful c) dark d) hidden

15.The speaker's eloquent words captivated the audience. What synonym

best describes the speaker's words?
a) boring b) confusing c) unclear d) impressive

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