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Drilling TBI Unair Day 2

Coach Dika
CEO & Founder | Head of TBI
Mahasiswa S2 Linguistik Unair 2024

1. Each of the students …… obey the rules in Edu Academy

a. Have to
b. Has to
c. Had to
d. Having to
e. To have

2. My friends and all of the guests ……… when dr. Agustina arrived in my party
a. Was leaving
b. Were leaving
c. Had left
d. Have left
e. Were left

3. The visitors, along with all of the children, ………. under the trees when it came to rain
a. Was standing
b. Are standing
c. Standing
d. Were standing
e. Were stood

4. Every one of the teachers ……… in London for two weeks

a. Has been
b. Had been
c. Have been
d. Having been
e. Were

5. Either dr. Andi or dr. Tina ……. in the pool since at 9 o’clock
a. Had come
b. Have come
c. Has came
d. Has come
e. Have came

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6. Indonesia’s electoral commission …….. Prabowo Subianto president-elect in a
ceremony, after the country’s highest court rejected challenges to his win by rival
a. Has formally declared
b. Have formally declared
c. Had formally declared
d. Was formally declared
e. Formally declares

7. Jobs ……. the iPhone on January 9, 2007, on stage at the Macworld conference. He
spent nearly an hour explaining the device, extolling the virtues of everything.
a. Announce
b. Announces
c. Announced
d. Was announced
e. Were announced

8. The iPhone …… just make Apple a metric crap-ton of money. It reoriented the entire
tech landscape
a. Don’t
b. Doesn’t
c. Isn’t
d. Wasn’t
e. Didn’t

9. The correct sentence is _____ (Soal Bank Unair Nov 2023)

a. It was surprising not only that the house sold but also it sold well over the asking price
b. It was surprising not only that the house sold but also that it sold well over the asking
c. It was surprising not only that the house sold but also that it has been sold well over
the asking price
d. It was surprising not only that the house sold but also that it had been sold well over
the asking price
e. It was surprising not only that the house sold but also that it has sold well over the
asking price

10. Radiation therapy is _____ in treating patients with prostate cancer (Soal Bank Unair
Nov 2023)
a. Commonly usage
b. Common use
c. Commonly used
d. Commonly usage
e. Common using

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11. While spiral galaxies like the Milky Way have many young stars that glow blue, giant
______ only contain very old stars hat glow red (Soal Bank Unair Nov 2023)
a. Ellipticals
b. Ellipsis
c. Ellipse
d. Elliptic
e. Elliptical

12. World Soil Day and its campaign _____ the current challenges in soil that could
threaten our ecosystems and human well-being (Soal Bank Unair Nov 2023)
a. Seek in emphasize
b. Seek in emphasizing
c. Seek to emphasize
d. Seek emphasize
e. Seek emphasizing

13. As _____, the United Nations has become the foremost forum to address issues that
transcend national boundaries (Soal Bank Unair Nov 2023)
a. The world’s only truly universally globally organization
b. The world’s only truly universally global organization
c. The world’s only truly universal globally organization
d. The world’s only truly universal global organization
e. World’s only truly universal globally organization

14. Israel and Hamas …… likely reach a cease-fire agreement within the next two days,
according to a senior Israeli official familiar with the negotiations and two others who
corroborated the account
a. Would
b. Will
c. Should
d. Can
e. Could

15. Apple has to figure out how the iPhone ……. improve a user's life instead of consuming
a. Should
b. Must
c. Must
d. Can
e. Could

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16. All of the homework ……. by the students and Professor Miguel will check it as soon
as possible
a. Must done
b. Must be did
c. Ought to done
d. Should do
e. Must be done

17. This team …… win the game because I doubt it

a. Might
b. Can
c. Could
d. Will
e. Should

18. I think you …… buy the blue one. It looks so awesome

a. Should
b. Shall
c. Will
d. Would
e. Must

19. It costs a lot ……. a car

a. To be Owned
b. Owning
c. To owning
d. To own
e. Being owned

20. Drivers should consider ……. down

a. Slow
b. To slow
c. Slowing
d. Being slowed
e. To be slowed

21. Collecting stamps …… my favorite activity on the weekend

a. Is
b. Are
c. Has
d. Have
e. Having

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22. ………………. one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save
150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year
a. Replace
b. To replace
c. Replacing
d. To replacing
e. Replaced

23. I remember …… PlayStation 2 with my friends when I was a kid

a. Play
b. To play
c. Played
d. Playing
e. Being played

24. Mindu [Admin LBB EDU] tried …… Academic Potential Test in Chinese language
last year
a. To do
b. Doing
c. Did
d. Being done
e. To be done

25. One of my sisters ...... going on a trip to France

a. Is
b. Are
c. Were
d. Has
e. Have

26. The teacher or the student ……. the meeting tomorrow morning at Vila Edu Sidoarjo
a. Attending
b. To Attend
c. Is attending
d. Are attending
e. Will attends

27. Every one of those books ……. non-fiction

a. Is
b. Are
c. Were
d. Has
e. Have

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28. A flock of birds …… south for the winter
a. Fly
b. Are flying
c. Have flown
d. Will flies
e. Flies

29. Most of the pie ………

a. Is going
b. Gone
c. Are gone
d. Is gone
e. Were gone

30. When I was ready to leave the mall, I couldn’t really find the spot …... I had parked my
a. Who
b. Whose
c. Whom
d. Which
e. Where

31. Antonio, …….. two greyhounds seem to enjoy football as much as he does, watches
the games on TV with his pets
a. Who
b. Whose
c. Whom
d. Which
e. Where

32. She decided to ………………….

a. Forget her ex-boyfriend, to start a new relationship, and work hard on her project
b. Forget her ex-boyfriend, start a new relationship, and to work hard on her project
c. To Forget her ex-boyfriend, to start a new relationship, and work hard on her project
d. Forget her ex-boyfriend, to start a new relationship, and to work hard on her project
e. Forget about her ex-boyfriend, start a new relationship, and work hard on her project

33. I consider your behavior ……….

a. Rude, Irresponsibility, and offensive
b. Rudeness, irresponsible, and offensive
c. Rudely, irresponsible, and offensive
d. Rude, irresponsible, and offensive
e. Rudely, irresponsible, and offensively

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34. I still go to school ……… the rainy weather
a. Although
b. Even though
c. In spite of
d. Despite of
e. On account of

35. The professor explains ……

a. How the electoral college works
b. What the electoral college work
c. To work the electoral college
d. That works the electoral college
e. Working the electoral college

36. Some 829.000 people in low- and middle- income countries …… as a result of
inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene each year (Bank Unair Juni 2023 : Sesi 3)
a. Die
b. Died
c. Dies
d. Is dying
e. To die

37. The first cell phone …… 2.4 pounds (Bank Unair Juni 2023 : Sesi 3)
a. To weigh
b. Weighed
c. Weighs
d. Weighing
e. Weigh

38. The increase in population and rapid economic growth …… a large accentuation on the
water resources and environment in the big city (Bank Unair Juni 2023 : Sesi 3)
a. Set
b. Have set
c. Are to set
d. Has set
e. Will have set

39. In the 1990s Tiger Airways, operating as Tigerair, …… a budget airline headquartered
in Singapore (Bank Unair Juni 2023 : Sesi 3)
a. Were
b. Is
c. Be
d. Are
e. Was

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40. Komodo island ………… a surface area of 390 square kilometers and a human
population of over two thousand. (Bank Unair Juni 2023 : Sesi 3)
a. Had
b. Having
c. Have
d. Has
e. To have

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41. Dangdut is a genre of Indonesian folk music partly derived and fused from Hindustani,
Arabic music, and to a lesser extent, Malay and local folk music. Dangdut is a very
popular genre in Indonesia and Malaysia because of its musical instrumentation and
vocals. Indonesians dance somewhat similarly to the groomer while listening to
dangdut music but in a much slower version. Dangdut features a tabla and gendang
beat. Dangdut is famous throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and other
Malay-speaking regions.

A dangdut band typically consists of a lead singer, male or female, backed by four to
eight musicians. Instruments usually include a tabla, gendang, flute, mandolin, guitars,
sitar, drum machines, and synthesizers. The term has been expanded from desert-style
music to embrace other musical styles. Modern dangdut incorporates influences from
Middle Eastern pop music, Western rock, house music, hip hop music, disco music,
contemporary R&B, and reggae.

The popularity of dangdut peaked in the 1990s. By 2012, it was still broadly popular in
the western parts of Indonesia, but the genre was becoming less popular in the eastern
parts, apart from Maluku. Meanwhile, more regional and faster-paced forms of dangdut
(as opposed to slower, Bollywood- influenced dangdut) have risen in popularity.

What do we learn from the first paragraph? (Soal Bank Unair Nov 2023)
a. Indonesians dance is very popular
b. Dangdut is purely Indonesian genre of music
c. Dangdut is influenced by Asian folk music
d. South East Asian people love dangdut
e. The melodious instrumentation of dangdut is similar

42. What do we NOT learn from the second and third paragraph?
a. Modern dangdut incorporates influences from Middle Eastern pop music, Western
rock, house music, hip hop music, disco music, contemporary R&B, and reggae
b. The popularity of dangdut peaked in the 1990s
c. A dangdut band typically consists of a lead singer, male or female, backed by nine
d. more regional and faster-paced forms of dangdut (as opposed to slower, Bollywood-
influenced dangdut) have risen in popularity
e. By 2012, it was still broadly popular in the western parts of Indonesia, but the genre
was becoming less popular in the eastern parts, apart from Maluku

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43. Social workers are often the first people met by a person needing human services. Social
workers spend part of their day in an office setting or group residence, and the rest go
to people's homes.

Child welfare workers help children and teens in abusive situations. They investigate
and report instances of neglect or abuse and take action, if necessary, to place children
in foster homes. Medical social workers help patients and their families when diseases
such as AIDS or Alzheimer's cause suffering. They help a patient and his family adjust
to the new situation. School social workers work within school systems to help children
with emotional problems. These students are often put into special education
classrooms simply because they cannot control their behaviors. A school social worker
works with the family of such a student to try to integrate him or her back into the
general school population.

Industrial or occupational social workers work within a personnel department of a

business to help employees cope with job pressures or personal problems that affect the
quality of their work.

Gerontology social workers run support groups for the elderly. They also advise the
elderly and their family members on the subjects of long-term housing and health care.

A bachelor's degree, and often a master's degree, is the minimum requirement for a
professional position in social work. However, small agencies may accept some
community college courses in psychology or sociology. In such places, you may find a
position available as Gerontology social workers run support groups for the elderly.
They also advise the elderly and their family members on the subjects of long-term
housing and health care.

The word “integrate” is closest meaning to the following EXCEPT……

a. Join
b. Mix
c. Combine
d. Unify
e. Separate

44. Who is likely to visit patients and their families when diseases such as AIDS or
a. A medical social worker
b. A gerontology social worker
c. A children welfare worker
d. An industrial social worker
e. A school social worker

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45. To date, Canada has produced only one classic children's tale to rank with Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland and the works of Mark Twain; this was Lucy Maud
Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables. Lucy Maud Montgomery was born in Clinton,
Prince Edward Island. Her mother died soon after her birth, and when her father went
to Saskatchewan to assume a business position, she moved in with her grandparents in
Cavendish, Prince Edward Island. There she went to school, and later qualified to be a

Montgomery wrote the Anne books while living in Cavendish and helping her
grandmother at the post office. The first of the books, Anne of Green Gables, was
published in 1908, and in the next three years she wrote two sequels. Like Montgomery,
the heroine of the book is taken in by an elderly couple who live in the fictional town
of Avonlea, and Montgomery incorporated many events from her life in Cavendish into
the Anne books.

In 1911, Montgomery married Ewan MacDonald, and the couple soon moved to
Ontario, where she wrote many other books. However, it was her first efforts that
secured her prominence, and the Anne books are still read all around the world. Her
novels have helped create a warm picture of Prince Edward Island's special character.
Several movies, entertainment shows, a television series, and a musical drama have
been based on her tales, and today visitors scour the island for locations described in
the book.

The word "this" in line 2 refers to

(A) Canada
(B) The work of Mark Twain
(C) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
(D) A Canadian children's classic
(E) Anne books

46. All of the following have been based on the Anne books EXCEPT
(A) A television series
(B) Movies
(C) A play
(D) A ballet
(E) Entertainment shows

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Humans have struggled against weeds since the beginnings of agriculture. Marring our
gardens is one of the milder effects of weeds-any plants that thrive where they are
unwanted. They clog (line) waterways, destroy wildlife habitats, and impede farming.
Their spread eliminates grazing areas and accounts for one-third of all crop loss. They
compete for sunlight, nutrients, and water with useful plants.

The global need for weed control has been answered mainly by the chemical industry.
Its herbicides are effective and sometimes necessary, but some pose serious problems,
particularly if misused. Toxic compounds threaten animal and public health when they
accumulate in food plants, ground water, and drinking water. They also harm workers
who apply them.

In recent years, the chemical industry has introduced several herbicides that are more
ecologically sound. Yet new chemicals alone cannot solve the world's weed problems.
Hence, scientists are exploring the innate weed-killing powers of living organisms,
primarily insects and microorganisms.

The biological agents now in use are harmless to humans and are environmentally
benign. They can be chosen for their ability to attack selected targets and leave crops
and other plants untouched. In contrast, some of the most effective chemicals kill
virtually all the plants they come in contact with, sparing only those that are naturally
resistant or have been genetically modified for resistance. Furthermore, a number of
biological agents can be administered only once, after which no added applications are
needed. Chemicals typically must be used several times per growing season.

With what topic does this passage primarily deal?

(A) The importance of the chemical industry
(B) The dangers of toxic chemicals
(C) Advantages of biological agents over chemical ones
(D) A proposal to ban the use of all herbicides
(E) Chemicals typically must be used several times per growing season

47. The word "innate" in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) Natural
(B) Effective
(C) Organic
(D) Active
(E) Alter

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48. Like mammals, birds claim their own territories. A bird's territory may be small or large.
Some birds claim only their nest and the area right around it, while others claim far
larger territories that include their feeding areas. Gulls, penguins, and other waterfowl
nest in huge colonies, but even in the biggest colonies, each male and his mate have
small territories of their own immediately around their nests.

Male birds defend their territory chiefly against other males of the same species. In
some cases, a warning call or threatening pose may be all the defense needed, but in
other cases, intruders may refuse to leave peacefully

What is the main topic of this passage?

(A) Birds that live in colonies
(B) Birds’ mating habits
(C) The behavior of birds
(D) Territoriality in birds
(E) Male birds’ defense

49. According to the passage, male birds defend their territory primarily against
(A) female birds
(B) birds of other species
(C) males of their own species
(D) mammals
(E) females of their own species

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