Social Studies JMUN Essay

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Education is a human right, which many people are being denied of, and a neccesary

thing towards a modern civilizations development. A proper education strengthens a

coutnries economy as there are more people qualified for higher paying jobs, and it also
helps advance and create many sciences such as medicine, aerodynamics, and physics.
Education is also essential for a democracy to run properly as educated people are better
critical thinkers, and are not as easily decieved. Education also leads to many discoveries
now essential to modern society. Although progress has been made with world problems,
such as accessible education, possible solutions such as inclusive education can help.
Accessible education is a problem that has been plaguing humanity for all of history, with
many people being denied of an education. In the middle ages, education was only available
for nobles and scholars and since the late 1900s woman were not allowed to have an
education in most countries. People with disabilities were also not shown any support, with
them being seen as cursed or unfit. The majority of the population in history was
uneducated, leading towards unecessary wars and death. This is because people which were
less educated, were less likely to negotiate and more easily tricked. The lack of education
also delayed the invesion of many neccesary medicines, such as pennycilin. This is due to
such a small population being able to research it, that much less people were working on
medicine. Even though education is so essential many people were still denied of it
throughout humanities history, although progress has been made.
Currently, accesible education is still a world problem, although it's situation greatly
improved throughout the years. In the present day nearly two-hundred and forty million
children with disabilities are being denied the basic right towards education. This is due to
policy makers not being aware of the needs of people with disabilities, and not seeing it as
worth their time to aid them. The world is also failing to provide one-hundred and thirty
million girls an education. This is due to sexism and many religious policies. Many
organization realized the importance of solving this world issue and are dedicated to solve it.
These organizations include the U.N. which created a sustainiblity goal for accesible and
equal education. Modern education has also led many discoveries such as planes and
spaceships, and it is showm that the amount of discoveries exponentialy inrieses with the
amount of educated people. The quality and accesibility of education has also improved,
with the founding of public schools, making it not only being available for men nobles and
scholars. As it is clear, modern day education is much greater than before, although there
are many improvments that can be made.
A possible solutions to solve this world problem would be inclusive education. Inclusive
education is a system of education practiced by Israel, the world's fith most educated
country. It functions by putting students with disabilities in the same classes as regular
students, in hopes to make them more proactive in modern society. This is due to Israel's
belief that segregating students with disabilities into seperate schools will isolate them from
society, and make them feel exiled from the other people. This would inturn make them
more hesitent to interact with modern society, making them less efficient members. This
approach has been shown to work as students with disabilities learn to adapt, while not
affecting their social skills. This solution has also been shown to be scalable, a problem that
many modern solutions face as it has been incorporated in the whole country of Israel. If this
solution were to be applied, the problem of accesible education towards children with
dissabilities would msot likely cease.
Inclusive education is a possible solution to progressing the world problem of accessible

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