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Quality Execution Plan

Century Real Estate Holdings


Name Pramod N Vinoth Kumar G Sandeep Hegde
Date 20-03-2024 21-03-2024 22-03-2024

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SI. No. Table of Contents Page No.
1.0 Scope 3
2.0 Quality Control Documents 4
2.1 Project Quality Plan 4

2.2 Method Statement 4

2.3 Inspection & Testing Plan (ITP) 5

3.0 Material Submission for Approval 5
3.1 Material Sample Room 5
4.0 Quality Meetings/ Quality walks 5
5.0 Training 5
6.0 Procedure for Quality Assurance (QA) Approved 6
7.0 Inspection 6
7.1 Mock-up Inspection 6
7.1.1 Activity Mock-up Inspection 6
7.1.2 Residential Unit Mock-up Inspection 6
7.2 Vendor/ Factory Inspection 6
7.3 Testing Witness 6
7.4 Work Inspection - Checklist 6
7.5 Concrete post pour inspection/ As built report 7
7.6 Material Inspection 7
8.0 Field Observations 7
8.1 Quality Site Observations 7
8.2 Nonconformance of Works 7
9.0 Material testing 8
9.1 On site Lab - Set-up and approval 8
10.0 Concrete Pour card 8
11.0 Production Control of Ready-mix Concrete 8
12.0 Material storage requirement 9
13.0 Calibration and maintenance of Instruments/Equipment's 9
14.0 Protection to completed works 9
15.0 Project Handover 9
16.0 Staff requirement (Quality Resource) 10
16.1 Quality Resource requirement 10
16.2 Compliance related to deployment of QAQC resource 10
17.0 Quality Engagement 10
Documents listed below shall be provided to the contractor 10
relevant to their scope of work during kick off meeting
19.0 Management Information System (MIS) 11
20.0 Summary of Related Quality Submittals 12
21.0 Annexures 1,2,3,4 13

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1. Scope:

1.1. Century Real Estate Holdings (henceforth mentioned as CREH) is committed to

achieving customer satisfaction through Quality, Timely delivery & Transparency in
effective execution of works and delivery of services while adhering to the principles
of sustainable development. This manual is an endeavor to supplement objectives
of the group which can demonstrate the requirements
1.2. Quality Assurance as per ISO is defined as "all the planned and systematic activities,
implemented within the organization for quality management, to provide
adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirements for
quality." Therefore, quality assurance is essentially a preventive activity and is
therefore to be systematically planned
1.3. It is a guideline to the integrated Quality Assurance & Quality Control procedures
across all CREH projects
Note: Related documents will be shared as required

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2. Quality Control Documents:

It is to be ensured that the following Quality Control Documents are in place prior
commencement of any work

2.1. Project Quality Plan - {PQP):

a. The Contractor shall submit the Project Quality Plan within 15 days from the
contract start date, specific to his area of work meeting the contractual
b. Approved Project Quality Plan shall be treated as a hold point to the
commencement of work
c. The Project Quality Plan should cover the below listed point, in addition to
project specific requirements
1. Contractors Quality policy
2. Roles and Responsibilities of the Quality team
3. Quality team mobilization plan
4. Escalation Matrix
5. Quality procedures and formats
i. Method statement and Inspection and Testing Plan submission
ii. Shop drawing submission
iii. Material submission for approval
iv. Material inspection procedure
v. Material testing procedure
vi. Inspection procedure ( Mockup inspections, onsite/offsite
Material inspections, Work inspection)
vii. Protection of completed works
viii. Site Observation Report, Non-Conformance Report, and Root cause
analysis corrective/preventive action
ix. Snagging and De snagging procedure
x. Testing & commissioning protocol
xi. Project close-out/ Handing over procedure
6. Weekly quality site walks and Meetings – Frequency
7. Training procedure for staff & workforce
8. Sample room, Quality Park proposal submission
9. Captive Ready mix concrete plant, Site laboratory operation and
maintenance control
10. Activity sequencing
2.2. Method Statement:
a. The method statement should cover the below listed points, in addition to
project specific requirements
1. Contract document references, Industry standards
2. Work sequencing and procedures
3. Materials and technical references
4. Tools and equipment deployed for the work
5. Risk assessment/Safety precautions related to the work
6. Quality control measures including testing requirements
7. Required shop drawings/sketches
b. The Contractor shall submit Method Statement at least 10 days prior to the
commencement date of any activity. Work should not proceed without an
approved method statement

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Refer Annexure 01 for list of activities requiring Method Statement submission in addition to
any special installations

2.3. Inspection & Testing Plan:

a. Inspection & Testing Plan should cover the below listed points, in addition to
project specific requirements
1. Contract document references, Industry standards
2. Test requirements as per industry standards, Manufacturer
3. Frequency of testing
4. Acceptance criteria
b. The Contractor shall submit an Inspection and Test Plan, for any project specific
item not covered under CREH Management System at least 10 days prior to the
commencement date of that activity. No work shall progress without an
approved Inspection & Testing Plan.
Refer Annexure 04 for the Inspection Testing Plan Required

3. Material submission for Approval

Contractor shall submit samples of materials to be used in his work in the Material
Approval request. All information in the Material Approval Request to be duly filled in.
Work cannot proceed without Material approval. Work done with an unapproved
material may be considered as rejected. All contractors supplied material not
specified in BOQ requires submission Refer Annexure 02 for list of Materials requiring
Material approval in addition to special material

3.1. Material Sample Room:

All approved material samples to be displayed in the Project Material Sample room.
Approved samples along with approved tag to be displayed. Sample room to be
constructed in a space available till the end of the project and should be able to
store approved sample material, activity sample as built

4. Quality Meetings/ Quality walks:

1. Quality meeting and Quality walk shall be conducted in the project on weekly
basis or as per agreed schedule.
2. All Quality walk observations to be recorded in Quality site walk report PPT.
3. Project Head, Quality Manager, Tower In charge/ Area In charge should join the
4. Quality meetings need to be conducted at agreed frequency and discussions to
be recorded

5. Training:

The Contractor shall establish onsite quality training/ awareness system for his project
staff to ensure that the project quality requirements, lessons learnt etc. are
communicated within the team. Training is required in the following cases:
1. When a new activity commences, the activity needs to be explained and
2. New joining Staff should be taken through the induction process to understand
the existing quality system
3. Contractors QA/QC Team shall prepare a Quality Alerts and circulate it his project
team. The Quality Alert shall cover lessons learned/ good practices

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4. Contractor shall prepare and update the Training schedule specific to the project
covering the training topics, trainings planned dates, training conducted dates,
number of participants, training duration, trainer name and need to measure the
effectiveness of the training. Attendance sheet for training attendance shall be
maintained by all parties relevant to training conducted from their end
5. CREH QA team will conduct training sessions as per the project requirements. The
workforce needs to be trained in a similar manner during induction, daily
toolbox talks etc.

6. Procedure for Quality Assurance (QA) Approved

All ongoing and completed works are inspected, snagged and certified prior to handover to
the customer.

7. Inspection

During the work process, the below listed inspection to be conducted and record maintained

7.1. Mock-up Inspection

7.1.1. Activity Mock-up Inspection

Every time a new activity is commenced Mock-up of that installation needs to be
done and inspected. This is done to verify whether correct
drawings/details/method statement used, expected workmanship achieved,
identify challenges if any
This is jointly inspected by all stakeholders.
A mock-up installation is to be done whenever there is a new material, methodology,
new workforce

7.1.2. Residential Unit Mock-up Inspection

Towards the commencement of the final finishing of the residential units, a control unit
needs to be made ready with QA verification. This is done to ensure that the required
quality standards are set and available for the stakeholders to verify whenever
This is jointly inspected by all stakeholders.

7.2. Vendor/ Factory Inspection

Vendor / Factory inspection of material, manufacturing, fabrication done as and when

7.3. Testing Witness

Witnessing product testing at the manufacturing facility, third party laboratory as
and when required

7.4. Work Inspection – Checklist

Contractor must submit Work Inspection -Check list for inspection & approval to the
CREH Engineer. Check list should identify the type of work, location etc.

The contractor shall provide 24 hours. prior notification to the CREH Engineer for inspection
by raising a Checklist checked and approved by his QA/QC engineer.
Relevant documents for the inspection to be attached.

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7.5. Concrete post pour inspection/ As built report
The contractor shall submit a post pour survey report for every concrete pour
and maintain a record for verification.
Any element found to be beyond the required tolerances needs to be repaired as
per approved concrete repair methodology.
Contractors should inspect the area using Post pour Check List and should repair
the identified deviations with approved methodologies. Should the deviation be
more that the allowable limits the issue needs to be escalated for consultants'
Upon successful completion of the repair work the Post pout Check List to be
submitted to CREH engineer for inspection and approval.

Note: Concrete rectification if any to be completed within 14 days from de

shuttering an element. Approval for subsequent finishing work {Block work,
plaster, putty, tiling) cannot be given unless repairs are complete. This needs to be
treated as a hold point. In case of a major honeycomb a specialist vendor needs
to be deployed to rectify the defect.

7.6. Material Inspection

The contractor shall ensure that all incoming materials are inspected by CREH
engineer and approved.
Contractor needs to ensure that all materials are stored in safe, secured storage
areas as per product requirement.
All material including material supplied as free Issue, service agreement to be

8. Field Observations:

8.1. Quality Site Observations

Site observations are issued by CREH engineers regularly whenever quality issues
are observed during the progress of works in a Quality Site Observations Report
{QSOR) format, E-Mail communication and in meetings. These issues may be minor
in nature but may lead to Non-Conformance of work if not addressed.

QSOR needs to be responded to and closed by the contractors within Max 10 days
from the date of issue & categorized at Annexure 3. Failure by the contractor to
take effective and timely action may result in the QSOR being converted to a
Non-Conformance Report, as found appropriate by the CREH engineer.

8.2. Nonconformance of Works

Any deviation in the implementation of contract requirements such as deviation

from approved material, drawing, approved construction methodology,
testing procedures, construction defects etc. will be recorded in a
nonconformance report. Based on the severity of the issue the non-conformities
are categorized into Major, Moderate & Minor with closure timeline.

Contractor shall identify the proposed corrective action and planned date
for implementation of such action, after conducting the Root Cause Analysis.

The timeline for the closure of each category of nonconformance.

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Major - 14 days (based on the amount of rework, the days may be agreed upon)
Moderate - 10 days
Minor- 07 days

During the bill certification, work areas pertaining to the issuance of

nonconformance will be scrutinized. Repetitive nonconformance will be
considered as major.
Refer Annexure 03 for categorization of NC severity.

9. Material testing:

The contractor shall follow the material testing requirement as stipulated in the approved ITP.
ITP for regular material to be available within the stipulated timeline. When specialized
materials (finishes in particular) are used, the material test date sheet from the
manufacturer to be available. Required test to be done as per the priority. The test
reports to be submitted for approval within 6 days from the date of completion of test
for test conducted. Results of test completed at site lab test shall be submitted within
48 hrs. Any failure in the test results must be notified and corrective action planned.

9.1. On site Laboratory- Set-up and approval:

The contractor must acquire initial approval for the onsite lab from the CREH
engineer prior to start preparing his onsite lab.
a. Lab must be equipped with testing equipment/ measuring devices to cater
for day-to-day testing
b. Valid calibration certificates for all testing equipment and measuring
devices to be available in the laboratory
c. Lab staff/ technicians should have prior approval to work. Formats & record
books to be maintained up to date.
Site lab shall have proper curing tank for storing the concrete cubes, water inside the
curing tank shall be replaced on regular basis.

10. Concrete Pour card:

Concrete Pour record shall be maintained to capture all the details related to
concrete pour slump, concrete temperature, atmospheric temperature, truck no,
batching time, start time of pour, finish time, Qty of concrete in the truck, structure
member reference in which concrete from the specific truck is poured, no of cubes
taken, cube reference number, signature of the person who prepared it and who
witnessed it during the pour etc.

11. Production Control of Ready-Mix Concrete:

Productions control of ready-mix concrete (RMC) covering minimum the following

• Material storage and handling.
• Batching and mixing control equipment.
• Delivery system.
• Laboratory requirements.
• Control on process control equipment and measurements.
• List of minimum testing equipment for laboratory attached to RMC facility.
• Verification and testing frequency of cement, SCMs, water and chemical
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• Verification and testing frequency for aggregates.
• Production and control of final product.
• Control on process control equipment and frequency of inspection and
• Tolerances in measurement of different constituent materials.
12. Material storage requirement:

Contractormust ensure that the construction materials are preserved as

per the guidelines/general practices, to avoid the deterioration of quality
Stored in an elevated surface from the existing floor level to avoid damage to material
due to water or due to dampness from the floor.
The expiry date for all the materials shall be monitored on a regular basis and prior to
taking the materials for site use. First come first out procedure to be followed.
Maintain the required temperature as per the product requirement. Stored in a
ventilated space as per Material Safety Data Sheet.
The contractor shall be responsible for handling, storing, and preserving material from
the time of receipt to the time of initial acceptance by the Employer.
Contractors should maintain an attic stock of all finishing material as per the
contract, especially finishing material where a track on the manufacture batches
needs to be monitored

13. Calibration and maintenance of Instruments/Equipment's:

Contractor shall use only duly calibrated measuring equipment's/ devices. Calibration or
verification to be carried out at the defined frequencies.
The Contractor shall prepare the calibration and maintenance log for instruments, testing
equipment and measuring devices in line with the manufacturer's recommendation and
in practice guidelines. Calibration log shall be maintained and updated on regular basis
whenever there is an addition or removal of instrument/ testing Equipment's from site.

14. Protection to completed works:

It is the responsibility of the contractor to handover installed products to CREH in a

pristine manner. Necessary precautions need to be taken to avoid deterioration of the
quality of the materials and completed works. The following precautions need to be taken
to ensure this. During the progress of work as multiple tasks/agencies execute work at a
particular location, unless the installed products are protected it is prone to damage. It is
the responsibility of the contractor to rectify/ replace materials prior to the handing over.
Contractors shall follow the approved sequence of activities to avoid damage to other
contractor's works. The installations may be covered with Foam sheet, polythene sheet,
bubble wrap, cardboard etc. Areas to be ventilated to avoid damage to the installed
finishes from temperature variations.

15. Project Handover:

The contractor is responsible for handing over the below list of documents as part of project
handover. The below list of documents shall be submitted by contractor to the Employer prior
to initial handing over to client. Handover will not be accepted without the below listed
documents relevant to their scope of work.

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• Operation & maintenance (O & M) manual.
• Warranty/Guaranty Certificates.
• Trainings schedule & attendance sheet to confirm required training for operating &
maintaining the equipment and facilities are provided.
• Testing & Commissioning reports.
• List of Spare materials/ Attic stock materials.
• List of supplier details with name, address & contact number.

16. Staff requirement (Quality Resource):

16.1. Quality Resource requirement

The contractor should ensure that, adequate number of staff, as per the contract, are
deployed at the project site.
Quality Assurance & Quality Control staff should possess enough experience to handle
quality in their contract scope. Should be able to prepare project level Quality
templates, Quality plan, method statements, ITP, checklist, material submittal, work etc.

16.2. Compliance related to deployment of QAQC resource.

CVs of Key QA/QC resources shall be submitted from all project parties for approval to
the CREH Project head for interview and approval within 10 days from the contract
commencement date.

No Quality resource shall be mobilized to project without securing approval from the
CREH Quality team/Project head.

Once any quality team resource is approved and mobilized to project, they shall not
be removed from site unless approval is received from the CREH Project head and
subject to mobilization of the approved replacement.

In the event of a quality resource being absent from work, the contractor should
depute a temporary staff to coordinate works.

17. Quality engagements:

The following engagements to be initiated:
 Quality Park at the entrance of the project.
 Display of Quality posters at work areas.
 Rewards & recognition of staffs & Workers.
 Conduct training program to staff and Workers.
 Actively participate in quality initiatives like Quality week celebration, Vendor trainings
18. Documents listed below shall be provided to the contractor relevant to their scope of work
during kick off meeting:
Sl. No. Description
l. CREH- Quality Forms/templates
2. List of Mock-up activity as agreed upon
3. CREH- Standard Inspection & Test Plan
4. CREH- Standard Checklist for Civil & Finishing, M EP activities
5. Standard requirement of PQP, Method Statement

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19. Management Information System {MIS):

A comprehensive management information system is essential for an organization

which needs to be established by the contractor on Quality Assurance. This will
enable smooth flow of information and data reaches from ground to apex level and
work as review mechanism on the Quality issues at project.

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20. Summary of Related Quality Submittals:

The following table summarizes major quality related submittals, their frequency/ due
dates, review party and approval party:
Submittal Submittal Submittal Submittal
SN Submittal Title
Frequency Due Date Reviewer Approver
1 Project Quality Once during within 15 days CREH – Project CREH
Plan contract from contract Team & Quality Project
commenceme start date Manager Head
nt and revision
if additional
2 Method Once per major 10 days before CREH – CREH
Statements construction starting of the Quality/Project Project
activity (as construction Team / MEP Head
listed) activity Manager.
3 Inspection For every 10 days before CREH – Quality/ CREH
& Testing work in the starting of the Project Team / Project
Plans absence activity MEP Manager. Head
of standard ITP
4 Site Material Once during 21 days from CREH – Quality/ CREH
Testing Lab contract the contract Project Team / Project
set- up commenceme commencem MEP Manager. Head
nt, Shell & Core ent date

5 Onsite / Off Testing to be 06 days from CREH – Quality/ CREH

site Material done as per ITP testing at Project Team / Project
Testing report Offsite Lab. MEP Manager. Head
submission 48 hrs. from
testing at
7 Quality Site One for Max 10 days Person issued CREH
Observation each from the QSOR Project
Closure Report Quality receiving Head
Inspection Quality
Report Inspection
8 NCR Closure One for each Major-14 days Person issued CREH
Report NCR Moderate -10 the NCR Project
days, Head
Minor -07 days

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21. Annexures:

Annexure 01: List of activities requiring Method Statement submission.

1. Conventional Formwork
2. Concrete Pouring
3. Structural steel work
4. Tiling, marble, stone fixing work
5. Wooden flooring
6. Timber/steel door
7. Aluminum/UPVC work
8. AC/UPVC window work
9. False ceiling work
10. Water proofing work

11. Soft/Hard Landscaping works

12. Road works (Concrete/Bituminous)

13. Floor coating

14. Sports flooring/Fencing

15. Glass/Tensile/PEB roof structure

16. Car park marking/Wheel stopper/Column guard fixing

17. Interior fit outs

18. Electrical works

19. Plumbing works

20. Firefighting works

21. HVAC works

22. STP/WTP works

23. All special installations

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Annexure 02: List of Materials requiring Material approval.

1. Concrete admixture
2. Concrete repair material/Curing compound
3. Structural steel work
4. Tiling, marble, stone fixing work
5. Wooden flooring
6. Timber/steel door
7. Aluminum/UPVC Window
8. False ceiling work
9. Water proofing work
10. Soft/Hard Landscaping work
11. Floor coating
12. Sprats flooring/Fencing
13. Glass/Tensile/PEB roof structure
14. Car park marking/Wheel stopper/Column guard fixing
15. Interior fit outs
16. Electrical fixtures/machinery/equipment
17. Plumbing fixtures/machinery/equipment
18. Firefighting fixtures/machinery/equipment
19. HVAC fixtures/machinery/equipment
20. STP/WTP machinery/equipment
21. All special installations

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Annexure 03: Non-Conformance Report & Observations Categorization

Major Moderate Minor

Major deviation in Deviation in finishing works, Deviation from

concrete element not as per Method approved Method
(Plumb/line/level) statement Statement
requiring demolition
Major honeycomb requiring Commencement of Work done without
demolition/retrofitting concrete approval
prior approval
Short reinforcement bars in Poor concrete finish Unapproved material used
curtailments for repair works
Wrong PT tendon profile Deviation from drawing Finished installations not
Faulty electrical wiring Tests not conducted as per Improper material
approved ITP protection
Waterproofing work not as Improper line, level Working in poor lighting
approved Method statement
Mechanical/Chemical Shrinkage cracks in concrete Delay in concrete post pour
anchors installation not as per survey and repair works
Expired material used
Damaged material used
More than 3 repetitive NCRs
Water leakage in the structure
Cube failure

Timeline for NC and Observation closure:

Minor - NC to be closed within 07 days. Observation to be closed within 10days.

Moderate – NC to be closed within 10days. Observation to be closed within 10days.

Major – NC to be closed within 14days. Observation to be closed within 7days.

Note: It is the discretion of the Project head in consultation with the Quality team to
withhold an adequate amount from the running bill against delay in closing NC.

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Annexure 04: Inspection and Testing Plan

i) Total Deleterious material
IS 2386 part II Twice per source Approved Lab
To be done every day
before started of work for
ii) Slit and clay content IS 2386 part II Project Site Lab
first 7 days Later one test in
every 100 m3 of sand
One test daily for first 7 days
Fine Later 1 every 100 m3 of
Aggregate iii) Particle size distribution IS 2386 part I/IS 383 Project Site Lab
sand/change of source if

IS 2386 Part III One per 100 m3 except

iv) Moisture content during monsoon when this Project Site Lab
IS 456/IS383 has to be done every day
before start of work
One test daily for first 7 days
Later 1 every 100 m3 of
i) Particle Size Distribution IS 2386 I/IS 383 Project Site Lab
sand/aggregate/ change
of source if any
ii) Percentage of soft
IS 2386 part II Twice per source Project Site Lab
Coarse deleterious material
IS 2386 Part III/ One per 100 m3 except

during monsoon when this

iii) Moisture content Project Site Lab
IS 456/IS 383 has to be done every day
before start of work

16 | P a g e
Once initially and then with
iv) Flakiness Index is 2386 Part II
change of source

Water from each source

i) Chemical & Physical
IS 3025 before start of work and Approved Lab
thereafter every six months
Once initially thereafter
ii) pH Value IS 456 Project Site Lab
every month
iii) Chloride and sulphate Once initially thereafter
IS 456 Project Site Lab
content every 6 months

Every 3000 bags and at

i) Initial and final setting time IS 4031/Part V Project Site Lab
least once monthly

Every 3000 bags and at

ii) Compressive strength IS 4031/Part V Project Site Lab
least once monthly
a) Manufacture test
IS 4032 IS 4031 a) Each lot
iii)Chemical analysis
b) Once for every type of
Part-II b) Test in Approved lab
a) Manufacture test
iv) Fineness and Soundness IS 4031/Part V c) Each lot
Every 30m3 or part there of
i) Slump test IS 456/IS 1199 as decide by the Engineer Project Site Lab
in charge
Compressive strength (each Qty. Of conc.
IS 516, IS 1199, IS
Concrete sample to No. of
in works (M3)
Project Site Lab
comprise 6 cubes of 15 cm Sample in a day
IS 456
size) 1-5 – 1 Sample
6-16- 2 Sample

17 | P a g e
16-30 – 3 Sample
31.50 - 4 Sample
51 and above 1 addl.
sample for each addl.
50 m3 concrete
or part thereof
a) Lot wise Mfg. Certificate
Admixture All tests as / IS 9103 IS 9103
b) Once per source Approved Lab
Cube testing
Calibrating pressure gauge Relevant specs Once in 6 months Approved Lab
Batching Plant Calibration IS 4925 Monthly Project Site Lab

Reinforcemen a) for each lot a) Manufacture test cer.

Physical and chemical test IS 1786
b) Once for each dia b)Approved Lab

Uniform Shape and size and

plane rectangular surfaces
Length should not be more
Dimensional Test IS 2185 than +-5mm per unit Project Site Lab
Height and Width should not
be more than +-3mm per
Solid Block unit

For Hollow blocks not less

than 1500kg/m^3
Density IS 2185 Project Site Lab
For Solid blocks not less than
Compressive strength
Physical Requirements IS 2185 Project Site Lab
should less than 5N/mm^2

18 | P a g e
Water absorption, being the
avaerage of three units,
IS 2185 Project Site Lab
shall not be more than 10%
by mass
IS: 1124
i) For every 500 M2 for each
i) Moisture absorption Project Site Lab
Marble/Granit Relevant specs type or as specified.
e/Kota Stone
ii) In the beginning once for
ii) Mhos Scale Hardness test Approved Lab
each type
Unless specified otherwise
i) Transverse strength one test per 10,000 Nos. or
thereof for each
Terrazzo tiles IS 1237 type and size from a single Approved Laboratory
ii) Water absorption
(No test required if for any
type no is less than 5000)

Project Site Lab

i) Water absorption
Approved Laboratory for
Glazed One test per 10,000 Nos. or
Tiles/Vitreous ii) Crazing Test IS 777 part thread of for each type test (ii), (iii) & (iv)
Tiles iii) Impact strength unless Specified otherwise.
iv) chemical / Acid

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