Old Fashioned

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【The Unforgettables】 【O】【Old


编号 057

名称 古典 Old Fashioned

IBA 分类 难忘系列 The Unforgettables


原料 45 毫升波本威士忌或黑麦威士忌 45 ml Bourbon or Rye Whiskey

1 块方糖 1 Sugar Cube
几滴 安戈斯图拉苦酒 Few Dashes Angostura Bitters
几滴 白水 Few Dashes Plain Water

方法 将方糖放入老式玻璃杯中,加入苦味,加入少量白开 Place sugar cube in old fashioned glass and saturate with
水。搅拌直至溶解。将玻璃杯装满冰块,然后加入威 bitter, add few dashes of plain water. Muddle until
士忌。轻轻搅拌。 dissolved. Fill the glass with ice cubes and add whiskey.
Stir gently.

装饰 用橙片或橙皮和鸡尾酒樱桃装饰。 Garnish with an orange slice or zest, and a cocktail cherry.

历史/变体 古典鸡尾酒是一种更简单、更早期的鸡尾酒,出现在 An old fashioned was one of the simpler and earlier
19 世纪后期先进的调酒技术和配方发展之前。“鸡尾 versions of cocktails, before the development of advanced
酒”一词的第一个有记录的定义是对 1806 年 5 月 6 bartending techniques and recipes in the later part of the
日 纽 约 哈 德 逊 市 《 The Balance and Columbian 19th century. The first documented definition of the word
Repository》杂志上一位读者要求定义该词的来信的 "cocktail" was in response to a reader's letter asking to
回应。在 1806 年 5 月 13 日的期刊中,该报的编辑 define the word in the 6 May 1806, issue of The Balance
写道,这是一种由烈酒、苦精、水和糖混合而成的强 and Columbian Repository in Hudson, New York. By the
效混合物;当时它也被称为苦涩的吊索。到了 1860 1860s, it was common for orange curaçao, absinthe, and
年代,鸡尾酒中添加橙酒、苦艾酒和其他利口酒已经 other liqueurs to be added to the cocktail. As cocktails
很常见。随着鸡尾酒变得越来越复杂,习惯于简单鸡 became more complex, drinkers accustomed to simpler
尾酒的饮用者开始向调酒师索要类似于 1850 年代之 cocktails began to ask bartenders for something akin to
前的饮品。最初的混合物虽然比例不同,但又重新流 the pre-1850s drinks. The original concoction, albeit in
行起来,并被称为“古典”。 different proportions, came back into vogue, and was

【The Unforgettables】 【O】【Old

referred to as "old-fashioned".


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