Lesson Plan

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Subject: The Different Level's of Inquiry in the Classroom

Grade Level: Grade 10

Objective: Define the different levels of inquiry., Appreciate the importance of

inquiry-based learning., Demonstrate the different levels of inquiry through
classroom activities.

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) Scientific Inquiry

2) Historical Inquiry

3) Mathematical Inquiry

- Across:

1) Literary Inquiry

2) Sociological Inquiry

3) Geographical Inquiry

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming]

[Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers]

Engaging Activity 1 - Storytelling

Engaging Activity 2 - Role-Playing

Engaging Activity 3 - Picture Analysis

Activity 1: Understanding Scientific Inquiry

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Materials - Scientific articles, lab equipment

Significance - To understand the scientific method

Instructions -

1) Read the scientific article

2) Formulate a hypothesis

3) Conduct experiments based on the hypothesis


- Clarity of hypothesis - 10 pts.

- Accuracy of experiments - 10 pts.

- Conclusion - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the first step in the scientific method?

2) How is a hypothesis different from a theory?

3) Why is peer review important in scientific inquiry?

Activity 2: Exploring Historical Inquiry

[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]

Materials - Primary sources, historical documents

Significance - To analyze different perspectives of historical events

Instructions -

1) Analyze primary sources

2) Compare and contrast different historical accounts

3) Present findings in a discussion


- Analysis of sources - 10 pts.

- Comparison of accounts - 10 pts.

- Contribution to discussion - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) Why is it important to analyze primary sources in historical inquiry?

2) How do different perspectives impact historical narratives?

3) What role does bias play in historical research?

Inclusive Activity 3: Geography Inquiry

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - None

Significance - To understand how physical and human geography interact

Instructions -

1) Discuss geographical concepts with your group

2) Create a visual representation of a geographical phenomenon

3) Present your project to the class


- Creativity of representation - 10 pts.

- Accuracy of information - 10 pts.

- Presentation skills - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How does physical geography influence human settlements?

2) Why is it important to study both physical and human geography?

3) What are the main components of a geographical inquiry?


Activity 1 - Students demonstrated a strong understanding of the scientific method

through their experiments and conclusions.

Activity 2 - Students effectively analyzed historical sources and contributed valuable

insights to the discussion.

Activity 3 - Students showcased creativity and collaboration in their geography


The main point of the lesson is to understand and appreciate the different levels of
inquiry, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and analysis in various

Supporting Material 1 - "The Art of Scientific Investigation" by W.I.B. Beverly

Supporting Material 2 - "Historical Thinking Skills" by Sam Wineburg


[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Create a research project that applies the scientific method to a real-world

Task 2 - Analyze a historical event from different perspectives and present your
findings in a written report


[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

[Instructional Materials: Assessment rubric]

Question 1 - How does inquiry-based learning enhance students' critical thinking


Question 2 - Why is it important to consider multiple perspectives in historical


Question 3 - How can inquiry-based methods be applied in different subject areas?


Question 1 - What are the limitations of the scientific method in certain fields of

Answer 1 - The scientific method may not be applicable in areas such as history or
literature where phenomena are not easily measurable or repeatable.

Question 2 - How can bias influence the outcome of a historical inquiry?

Answer 2 - Bias can lead to selective interpretation of historical evidence, shaping

the narrative in favor of a particular perspective.

Question 3 - Why is geographical inquiry important for understanding global issues?

Answer 3 - Geography provides context for social, political, and environmental

challenges, offering insights into complex interrelations.


1) Research and write a reflection on how inquiry-based learning can be applied in

your daily life

2) Interview a professional in a field of inquiry and report on how they use inquiry
methods in their work


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