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LESSON 5: /i/ & /ɪ/ SOUND


Cùng với bạn, điền chi tiết mô tả khẩu hình của âm này. Trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
•Môi trông như thế nào?
•Lưỡi di chuyển như thế nào?
•Cằm di chuyển như thế nào?
•Âm này đọc kéo dài hay đọc ngắn lại?
•Chất lượng âm như thế nào? (trầm, cao, chắc âm, lỏng âm?)

Listen and repeat the words.

Sheep Leak
/ʃip/ /lik/

Cheeks Peel
/ʧiks/ /pil/

Bean Leave
/bin/ /liv/

1. Listen to the sentences
2. Notice that the most important words for the meaning of a sentence are pronounced
more LOUDLY and S L O W L Y . The less important words are said more quietly
and quickly. Listen to the sentences again and this time look at the underlined
syllables below. Notice that they are louder and slower.

For internal use only

LESSON 5: /i/ & /ɪ/ SOUND
3. Listen and repeat

Sheep Leak
/ʃip/ /lik/
Look out for that sheep. Stop it leaking!
/lʊk/ /aʊt/ /f r/ /ð t/ /ʃip/. /stɑp/ /ɪt/ /ˈlikɪŋ/!

Cheeks Peel
/ʧiks/ /pil/
What lovely cheeks! This peel's got vitamin C in it.
/wɑt/ /ˈlʌvli/ /ʧiks/! /ðɪs/ /pilz/ /ɡɑt/ /ˈvaɪt m n/ /si/ /ɪn/ /ɪt/.

Bean Leave
/bin/ /liv/
Throw out that bean. He's going to leave.
/θroʊ/ /aʊt/ /ð t/ /bin/. /hiz/ /ˈɡoʊɪŋ/ /t / /liv/.


Cùng với bạn, điền chi tiết mô tả khẩu hình của âm này. Trả lời các câu hỏi sau:
•Môi trông như thế nào?
•Lưỡi di chuyển như thế nào?
•Cằm di chuyển như thế nào?
•Âm này đọc kéo dài hay đọc ngắn lại?
•Chất lượng âm như thế nào? (trầm, cao, chắc âm, lỏng âm?)

For internal use only

LESSON 5: /i/ & /ɪ/ SOUND
1. Listen to the minimal pairs.
2. Listen again and repeat.
/i/ /ɪ/
sheep ship

leak lick

cheeks chicks

peel pill

bean bin

leave live

Listen to the sentences and notice the stress words (LOUDER and S L O W E R)

ship pill
Look out for that ship. This pill got vitamin C in it.
/lʊk/ /aʊt/ /f r/ /ð t/ /ʃɪp/. /ðɪs/ /pɪl/ /ɡɑt/ /ˈvaɪt m n/ /si/ /ɪn/ /ɪt/.

lick bin
Stop it licking! Throw out that bin.
/stɑp/ /ɪt/ /ˈlɪkɪŋ/! /θroʊ/ /aʊt/ /ð t/ /bɪn/.

chicks live
What lovely chicks. He’s going to live.
/wɑt/ /ˈlʌvli/ /ʧɪks/. /hiz/ /ˈɡoʊɪŋ/ /t / /lɪv/.

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LESSON 5: /i/ & /ɪ/ SOUND
Listen to your teacher. Circle the words you hear
/i/ /ɪ/ /i/ /ɪ/
1. leave live 7. beat bit
2. feel fill 8. steal still
3. least list 9. each itch
4. he’s his 10. seek sick
5. sleep slip 11. feet fit
6. cheap chip 12. sheep ship

Note on word stress: bold is used here to show you which part of the word is strongly
stressed, i.e.which syllable is pronounced more LOUDLY and S L O W L Y than the
Read the words aloud
One-syllable words with /i/:
cheese beef tea eat meal three cheap please me
/ʧiz/ /bif/ /ti/ /it/ /mil/ /θri/ /ʧip/ /pliz/ /mi/
One-syllable words with /ɪ/ :
thing with crispy think drink rich bring
/θɪŋ/ /wɪθ/ /ˈkrɪspi/ /θɪŋk/ /drɪŋk/ /rɪʧ/ brɪŋ/
Two-syllable words:
something chicken anything
/ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ /ˈʧɪk n/ /ˈɛniˌθɪŋ/

What is the main content of the dialog?
What is the purpose of the conversation between the customer and the waiter?
A) To discuss the customer's dietary restrictions.
B) To complain about the service at the restaurant.
C) To order food and drinks.
D) To question about the restaurant's closing time.

For internal use only

LESSON 5: /i/ & /ɪ/ SOUND
Listen again ad answer the following questions
1. What does the customer order as their 3. What does the customer say to express
main course? gratitude at the end of the conversation?
A. Chicken noodle soup. A. "I'm full, thank you."
B. Crispy French fries. B. "I changed my mind, cancel my order."
C. Iced tea. C. "Thank you very much."
D. Rich chocolate cake. D. "The service was terrible."

2. What does the waiter say after the cus- 4. What can be inferred about the
tomer orders a slice of rich chocolate cake? customer's preferences?
A. "I'm sorry, we're out of chocolate cake." A. They prefer savory dishes over sweet
B. "Great! I'll bring that right out for you." dishes.
C. "Are you sure you want chocolate B. They don't like chicken noodle soup.
cake?" C. They enjoy indulging in rich desserts.
D. "Would you like any ice cream with that?" D. They are on a strict diet.


Practice reading with your partner. Words in red are with /i/, and words in blue are
with /ɪ/ sound.

· Practice the conversation several times to become familiar with the roles and lines.
· Pay attention to pronunciation, intonation, and fluency.
· Try to convey the appropriate emotions and tone for each line.

Customer: Excuse me, I'd like to order something to eat.

Waiter: Of course, I'm here to help. What would you like?
Customer: I'll start with a bowl of chicken noodle soup, please.
Waiter: Excellent choice! And would you like anything else to accompany your soup?
Customer: Yes, I'd also like a side of crispy French fries.
Waiter: Very well. Anything to drink?
Customer: Yes, I'll have a glass of iced tea, please.
Waiter: Perfect. And for dessert?
Customer: Hmm, I think I'll go with a slice of rich chocolate cake.
Waiter: Great! I'll bring that right out for you. Enjoy your meal!
Customer: Thank you very much.

For internal use only

LESSON 5: /i/ & /ɪ/ SOUND
The sound /i/ is usually spelled with the letter /e/.
ee three, see
ea tea, eat
e me, we
e...e complete, evening
Other spellings:
y very, only
ie believe, piece
ei receive, either
e key, money
i police, taxi
Unusuall spelling: people


The sound /i/ is usually spelled with the letter i.
i sit, did, will, begin, beginning
Other spellings:
y syllable, gym
ui building, guilty
Unusuall spelling: English, pretty, been, busy, business, women

Scenario: A customer is seated at a restaurant table, and the waiter/waitress
approaches to take the order with the menu on the right.
Student A: You will play the role of the customer.
Student B: You will play the role of the waiter/waitress.
Feel free to add gestures and body language to make the role-play more realistic.
Switch roles and repeat the exercise for further practice.
You have 2 minutes to read the recommended structure and vocabulary in the next
slide. Try your best to apply these structures as much as possible in your speaking.

For internal use only

LESSON 5: /i/ & /ɪ/ SOUND
Suggested vocabulary and structures:

Greetings: "Hello," "Good evening."
Requesting a menu: "Excuse me, I‘d like to
order something to eat?"
Ordering a drink: "I'll have a glass of [name of
drink], please."
Asking for recommendations: "What do you
recommend as a main course?"
Ordering the main course: "I'd like to order
[name of dish], please."
Inquiring about side dishes: "Could I have
[name of side dish] with that, please?"
Asking about allergies or dietary restrictions:
"Does this dish contain [ingredient]?"
Expressing gratitude: "Thank you," "Thanks a lot."

Greetings: "Good evening, welcome to [restaurant name]."
Offering assistance: "Of course, I‘m here to help. // How can I assist you today?"
Recommending dishes: "Our specialty is [name of dish], it's delicious."
Confirming the order: "So, you would like [name of dish] with [name of side dish],
Inquiring about drinks: "What would you like to drink?"
Suggesting desserts: "We have a lovely selection of desserts, including [name of

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