Eee202 Test

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Nigeria Society of Chemical Engineers

OAU Chapter
NSChE_OAU Library
2018/2019 EEE 202 Mid-Semester Exam.

NOTE: The questions hereby provided in this document are not

exactly the same with the questions asked in the test. However,
these questions are closely related to the ones asked in the test,
mostly differing in values and arrangements. Furthermore, the test
was a Multiple-Choice Test, however, options are not provided in
this caricature version of the test.


2018/2019 Session.
1. Calculate from first principles the r.m.s. value and form factor of an alternating voltage having the

following values over half a cycle, both half-cycles being symmetrical about the zero axis:

Time (ms) 0 1 2 3 4

Voltag(V) 0 100 100 100 0

2. Find graphically or otherwise the resultant of the following

four voltages:

e1 = 25 sinωt;

e2 = 30 sin(ωt + π/6);

e3 = 30 cosωt;

e4 = 20 sin(ωt − π/4).

Express the answer in a similar form

3. A coil of 0.5 H inductance and negligible resistance and a 200 Ω resistor are connected in series to a
50 Hz supply. Calculate the circuit impedance.

4. A two-wire cable, 8 km long, has a capacitance of 0.3 μF/km. If the cable is connected to a 11 kV, 60
Hz supply, calculate the value of the charging current. The resistance and inductance of the conductors
may be neglected.

5. Three branches, possessing a resistance of 50 Ω, an inductance of 0.15 H and a capacitance of 100 μF

respectively, are connected in parallel across a 100 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate:

(a) the current in each branch;

(b) the supply current;

6. A coil having a resistance of 20 Ω and an inductance of 0.15 is connected in series with a 100 μF
capacitor across a 230 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate the active and reactive components of the current;

7. A coil having a resistance of 6 Ω and an inductance of 0.03 H is connected across a 50 V, 60 Hz supply.

Calculate the current.

8. A single-phase motor operating off a 400 V, 50 Hz supply is developing 10 kW with an efficiency of 84

per cent and a power factor (p.f.) of 0.7 lagging. Calculate:

(a) the input apparent power;

(b) the active and reactive components of the current;

(c) the reactive power (in kilovars).

9. The p.d. across and the current in a circuit are represented by (100 + j200) V and (10 + j5) A
respectively. Calculate the active power and the reactive power.
10. A resistance of 10 Ω is connected in series with an inductive reactance of 5 Ω across a 100 V, 50 Hz
power supply. Determine:

(a) the impedance of the load circuit;

(b) the current drawn from the supply;

11. The p.d. across and the current in a given circuit are represented by (200 + j30) V and (5 − j2) A
respectively. Calculate the active power and the reactive power.

12. A coil of resistance 5.0 Ω and inductance 1.0 mH is connected in series with a 0.20 μ F capacitor. The
circuit is connected to a 2.0 V, variable frequency supply (Fig. 14.11). Calculate the frequency at which
resonance occurs, the voltages across the coil and the capacitor at this frequency and the Q factor of the

13. Calculate the admittances of the following impedance. (5+j12) and (12+j32)

***A circuit, having a resistance of 4.0 Ω and inductance of 0.50 H and a variable capacitance of 20.3
μF in series, is connected across a 100 V, 50 Hz supply.

14. What is the resonance frequency?

15. Calculate the Q factor?

16. Which of the following is an example of resonance?

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