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EDUC 55 • The “PWEDE NA” mentality eludes us to

MODULE 2: TEACHING AS A • If we remain true to our calling and mission
as a professional teacher. We have no
choice but to take the endless and the “less
• Vocation comes from the Latin word “vocare”
travelled road” to excellence.
which mean ‘’to call’’.
• The quality of our professional service is
• If there is a call, there must be a caller and
determined greatly by our long and arduous
someone who is called. There must also be a
preparation, continuing professional
education, and our commitment to ethical
• For those who believe, it is God’s call for you to
and moral values.
• Teaching is also a mission. The following are the R’s that professional
• The word mission comes from the Latin word teachers need to do and learn as professionals
“misio” which means “to send”.
• The Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary • REMEMBER to perform your duties with a high
defines mission as “task assigned”. degree of professionalism. A teacher should not
• You are sent to accomplish an assigned task, allow his or her integrity to be destroyed due to
your mission is to teach, it is entrusted to you. personal greed and bad politics. Teachers should
• “Once a teacher, forever a student.” avoid cheating on their student’s grades and
practice favoritism in the classes.
• Teaching is a vocation, a calling.
• RESPOND to the needs of each student with the
utmost level of concern for the welfare and well-
Teaching: Mission and/or Job? being of each student.
• RECOGNIZE that as professionals, you must
If you are doing only because you are paid for it, it’s a continuously seek professional career
job; advancements through joining professional
If you are doing it not only for the pay but also for associations, attending continuing education
service, it’s a mission. activities for teachers, and doing graduate studies.
If you quit because your boss or colleague criticized you, • REAWAKEN your passion and sense of mission to
it’s a job; serve all types regardless of their religion, socio-
If you keep on teaching out of love, it’s a mission; economic status, gender, race, intellectual ability,
If you teach because it does not interfere with your other and learning modalities.
activities, it’s a job; • RENEW your commitment to help each learner to
learn to have a better future. A teacher must
If you are committed to teaching even if it is means
believe that each learner can have a good future if
letting go of other activities, it’s a mission;
he/she equips each learner with the right
If you quit because no one praises or thanks you for what knowledge and skills that each learner may use in
you do, it’s a job; the future.
If you remain teaching even though nobody recognizes • RE-EVALUATE your attitudes towards students and
your efforts, it’s a mission. your work ethics.
It’s hard getting excited about a teaching job; • RELEARN, LEARN, AND UNLEARN many things to
It’s almost impossible not to get excited about a mission. keep you updated with new knowledge and
If our concern is success, it’s a job; information. A teacher must be always active in the
If our concern is success plus faithfulness, it’s a mission. business of lifelong learning.
An average school is filled by teachers doing their job; a
great school is filled with teachers involved in a mission The Historical Development of Teaching as
of teaching. Profession in the Philippines
• A profession requires “long and arduous years
• PRESIDENTIAL DECREE 1006 issued by Ferdinand
of preparation” and “a striving for excellence” Marcos (1976)
because the end goal of a profession is ✓ first legal document that professionalized
service. teaching
• “DO MORE, HAVE MORE IN ORDER TO BE ✓ known as the decree Professionalizing
MORE! “- Pope Paul VI Teaching that teacher in the Philippines
• If you take teaching as your profession, this became professionalized
means that you must be willing to go through ✓ in recognition of the vital role of teachers in
a long period of preparation and a continuing nation-building and as an incentive to raise
professional development. the morale of teachers
• RA No.7836 of 1994 also known as • THE TARNISHED IDEALIST
PROFESSIONAL ACT of 1994 (Sec. 2) was passed
to promote quality education by proper
supervision and regulation of the licensure ABLE TO DO
examination and professionalization of the 1. TEACHERS ARE COMMITTED TO STUDENTS AND THEIR
practice of the teaching profession LEARNING
• Paz Ramos, once Dean of the College of 2. TEACHERS KNOW THE SUBJECTS THEY TEACH AND
Education of the University of the Philippines, HOW TO TEACH THOSE SUBJECTS TO STUDENTS
✓ foundation of teacher education in the MONITORING STUDENT LEARNING
Philippines were laid by the Spanish 4. TEACHERS THINK SYSTEMATICALLY ABOUT THEIR
government during the mid-eighteenth
✓ said to have begun on August 4, 1765, when
King Charles of Spain issued a Royal Decree CHARACTERISTICS AND DEMANDS OF
requiring each village to have a “maestro” TEACHING PROFESSION
on November 28, 1722
✓ not until 1863 that there was a specific 1. Professional Knowledge
attempt to systematize and update the 2. Instructional Effectiveness
education of Filipino teachers 3. Good Communicator
• Act No. 74 of 1901 also provided for the 4. Critical Chinking
establishment of the Philippine Normal School 5. Interpersonal Skills
(PNS) in Manila 6. Integration of Discipline
✓ The PNS formally opened in September 7. Technology Integration
1901, as an institution training for 8. Organization and Classroom Management
9. True Compassion for Students
✓ For more than two decades, PNS offered a
two-year general secondary education
The teaching skills and life-long learning
✓ In 1928, it became a junior college competencies of professional teachers
offering a two-year program to graduates comprise
of secondary schools the following:
✓ In 1949, PNS, renamed Philippine Normal
College, offered the four-year Bachelor of 1. to perform complex pedagogical duties
Science in Elementary Education. Other 2. to be well-spoken, in good mental and physical
four-year teacher education courses health, stable and tolerant
followed after. 3. to have a propensity to work with the younger
✓ SUMMARY: This means that the present generation, good communicative and
four-year preparation for the professional 4. observational skills, tact, a vivid imagination, and
leadership (Shmelev, 2002)
teacher began as a two-year program
only. Teacher preparation became four
years only in 1949 and thereafter.


THE TEACHER AS A PROFESSIONAL AND ✓ The discipline that deals with the theory and
AS A PERSON practice of teaching.
✓ The teachers inform teaching strategies,
methods, and teacher actions toward the
A TEACHING CAREER theories of learning.
• Professionalism
✓ In general context, professional is related to a
• I AM PROUD TO BE A TEACHER profession or any person who deals with their
• TO TOUCH A LIFE, TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE job or profession.
✓ Professional also describes the standards of
THE BAD NEWS... education and training that prepare the
teacher to really understand their
• I DON’T GET NO RESPECT professionalism as the knowledge and skills
necessary to perform their specific role TEACHERS ARE PUBLIC SERVANTS
within that profession. ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PEOPLE
• Personality
✓ Can be defined as the way to interact with 1. Society has high expectations of teachers. Today's
the circumstance and other individuals.
teachers are expected to have advanced knowledge
✓ Teachers must be good interactive people in
and skills and high academic and ethical standards.
their work field.
2. Teachers are expected to promote students' academic
• Social
✓ This competency builds a capacity how to progress as well as further students' social, emotional,
deal with social things, teachers must be and moral development and to safeguard students'
sensitive to the problems around them. health and well-being.
✓ Reflects the capacity of teacher to take 3. Teachers and schools are expected to address social
another's perspective or idea concerning a problems and risk factors that affect student success.

The Characteristics of a Good Teacher WHY TEACHERS ARE IMPORTANT

Pedagogical Knowledge and Competency

• Knowledge of key concepts. 1. Teachers can shape leaders of the future in the best
• Knowledge of governing curriculum. way for society to build positive and inspired future
• The teaching of relevant and engaging content. generations and therefore design society, both on a
• Knowledge of available resources and technologies. local and global scale.
• Awareness of different learning styles. 2. Teachers can act as a support system that is lacking
• Awareness of different pedagogical strategies. elsewhere in students’ lives. They can be a role model
and an inspiration to go further and dream bigger.
• Encouragement of self-directed learning.
3. Teachers of all walks of life and subjects can shape
• Flexible and diverse teaching practice.
opinions and help form ideas about society, life, and
• Building student security and confidence.
personal goals.
• Challenge student abilities.
4. Teaching is a tough job, but it is one where you can
• Clear communication of tasks, goals, and expectations. make the most impact in another person’s life. If you’re
• Application of effective classroom management thinking of becoming a teacher, here are even more
strategies. reasons why you should invest in a teaching career.
• Encouragement of self-directed learning 5. Teachers are the ultimate role models for students.
• Flexible and diverse teaching practice. The fact that students meet many different types of
• Building student security and confidence. teachers in their academic career means that more
• Challenge student abilities. likely than not, there will be a teacher that speaks to
• Clear communication of tasks, goals, and expectations. them.
• Application of effective classroom management 6. The teacher-student connection is invaluable for some
strategies. students, who may otherwise not have that stability.
Personal Attributes 7. Knowledge and education are the basis for all things
that can be accomplished in life. Teachers provide the
• Modeling student respect. power of education to today’s youth, thereby giving
• Empathic understanding. them the possibility for a better future.
• Nurturing. 8. Teachers simplify the complex and make abstract
• Passionate about learning. concepts accessible to students.
• Personally committed to teaching as a vocation. 9. Teachers do not accept failure, and therefore, students
• Personal authenticity. Empathic understanding. are more likely to succeed. Teachers know when to
push students when to give a gentle nudge in the right
• Effective interpersonal skills.
direction, and when to let students figure it out on
• Advanced communication skills.
their own. But they won’t let a student give up.
• Confident teacher presence. 10. Teachers provide guidance to students of all types.
• Self-insight and self-control. 11. They will help to reveal student’s best skills and teach
• Professional Attributes valuable life skills as well, such as communication,
• Participation and collaboration with the school and compassion, presentation, organization, following
wider community. directions, and more.
• Effective stress management. 12. They are also a source of inspiration and motivation.
• Appropriate modeling. 13. One of the most important parts of teaching is
having dedication.
• Responsible behavior (legal, ethical etc.).
14. Teachers do what they do because they want to help
• Appropriate personal presentation. others.
15. Finally, teachers’ dedication is shown by their ‘round- • She/ He adheres to, observes, and practices a set of
the-clock work habits. Teachers do not stop working ethical and moral principles, standard and values.
when the school bell rings. They are grading papers, (Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, 1997)
making lessons, and communicating with parents
after school and on weekends. Most teachers arrive Resolution No. 435 Series of 1997
earlier than school starts to set up their day and
provide extra assistance to struggling students. Pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph (e), Article II,
R.A. No. 7836 otherwise known as the “Philippines
The following attributes make the difference Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994” and
between a good teacher and a truly great Paragraph (a), Section 6. P.D No. 223, as amended, the
teacher who becomes an inspiration to their Board for Professional Teachers hereby adopts and
students. promulgates the following “Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers”.
• Compassion: Compassion is important not only when
dealing with the students but also with other teachers, PREAMBLE
other school staff, and parents.
• Passion for Learning and Children: Teaching can be Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess
incredibly stressful, so great teachers must have a deep dignity and reputation with high moral values as well
passion to keep them going every day. as technical and professional competence. In the
• Understanding: Teachers need a deep practice of their noble profession, they strictly adhere
understanding of where their students are coming to and practice this set of ethical and moral principles,
from — their backgrounds, their struggles, and standards, and values.
their abilities.
• Patience: Patience is key. This is very true of teaching, ARTICLE I (SCOPE AND LIMITATION)
and not just patience with the students! Teachers also
need patience in dealing with the school system, • Section 1: the Philippines Constitution provides
bureaucracy, and parents as well. that all educational institutions shall offer quality
• Ability to Be a Role Model: Teachers must come to work education for all Filipino citizens, a vision that
every day knowing their students will soak up their requires professionally competent teachers
actions like sponges. They must show how to be a good committed to is full realization. The provisions of
person not just by telling, but also by being. this Code shall, therefore to all teachers in all
• Communication Across Generations and Cultures:
Teachers need to be able to effectively communicate
with students from multiple cultures and generations,
• Section 2: This Code covers all public and private
as well as teaching staff and superiors with various school teachers in all educational institutions at
backgrounds and from other generations. the preschool, primary, elementary, and
• Willingness to Put in the Effort: If a teacher does not secondary levels whether academic, vocational,
care or doesn’t make the effort, their students won’t special, technical, or non-formal. The term
either. If a teacher shows students that they do truly “teacher” shall include industrial art or vocational
care, they will do the same. teachers and all other persons performing
supervisory and/or administrative functions in all
MODULE 4: THE CODE OF ETHICS FOR school at the aforesaid levels, whether on full-
PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS time or part-time basis.
• The term professional has become a global ARTICLE II (THE TEACHER AND THE
nomenclature for people who excel in their respective
• By semantics, and profession is a type of job that
• Section 1: The schools are the nurseries of the citizens
requires special training and gives status and prestige
of the state. Each teacher is trustee of the cultural and
to the individual.
educational heritage of the nation and is under
• A professional is one who has competent skills, obligation to transmit to learners such heritage as well
observes high standards of the job, and abides by the as to elevate national morality, promote national
code of ethics. pride, cultivate love of country, instill allegiance to the
Constitution and respect for all duly constituted
WHO IS THE PROFESSIONAL TEACHER? authorities and promote obedience to the laws of the
• He/ She is the licensed professional who possesses Section 2: Every teacher or school official shall actively
dignity and reputation, with high moral Values as well help carry out the declared policies of the state and
as technical and professional competence. shall take an oath to this effect.
• Section 3: In the interest of the State of the Filipino ARTICLE IX (THE TEACHER AND
people as much as of his own, every teacher shall be PARENTS)
physically, mentally, and morally fit.
• Section 4: Every teacher shall possess and actualize • Section 1: A teacher shall establish and maintain
full commitment and devotion of duty. cordial relations with parents and shall conduct himself
• Section 5: A teacher shall not engage in the promotion to merit their confidence and respect
of any political, religious, or other partisan interest • Section 2: A teacher shall inform parents, through
and shall not directly or indirectly, solicit, require, proper authorities, of the progress or deficiencies of
collect, or receive any money, or other valuable learners under him, exercising utmost candor and tact
material from any person or entity for such purposes.
in pointing out learners’ deficiencies and in seeking
• Section 6: Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise
parent’s cooperation for the proper guidance and
all other constitutional rights and responsibilities.
improvement of learners.
• Section 7: A teacher shall not use his position or
official authority of influence to coerce any other • Section 3: A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with
person to follow any political course of action. sympathy and understanding and shall discourage
• Section 8: Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom unfair criticism.
and shall have the privilege of sharing the product of
his research and investigations, provided that, if the
results are inimical to the declared policies of the
state, they shall be drawn to the proper authorities for
appropriate remedial action.
• Section 1: A teacher has the right and duly determine
• Section 1: A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the academic marks and the promotion of learners in
the development of the youth; he shall therefore the subject they handle. Such determination shall be in
render the best services by providing an environment accordance with generally accepted procedures of
conducive to such learning and growth.
evaluation and measurement. In case of any complaint,
• Section 2: Every teacher shall provide leadership and
teachers concerned shall immediately take appropriate
initiative to actively participate in
action, observing the process.
community movements for moral, social, educational,
economic, and civic betterment. • Section 2: A teacher shall recognize that the interest
• Section 3: Every teacher shall merit reasonable social and welfare of the learners are his first and foremost
recognition for which purpose he shall always behave concern and shall handle each learner justly and
with honor and dignity and refrain from such activities impartially.
as gambling, smoking, drunkenness and other • Section 3: Under no circumstance shall a teacher be
excesses, much less illicit relations. prejudiced not discriminatory against any learner.
• Section 4: Every teacher shall help the school keep the • Section 4: A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from
people in the community and shall therefore, study learners, their parents, or others behalf in exchange for
and understand local customs and traditions to have a requested concessions, especially if underserved.
sympathetic attitude, therefore, refrain from
• Section 5: A teacher shall not accept, directly or
disparaging the community.
indirectly any remuneration from tutorials other than
• Section 5: Every teacher shall help the school keep the
what is authorized for such service.
people in the community informed the school’s work
and accomplishments as well as its needs and • Section 6: A teacher shall base the evaluation of the
problems. learner’s work on merit and quality of academic
• Section 6: Every teacher in the intellectual leader in performance.
the community, especially in the barangay, and shall • Section 7: In a situation where mutual attraction and
welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership subsequent love develop between teacher and learner,
when needed, to extend counseling service as the teacher will exercise utmost professional discretion
appropriate and to actively be involved in matters to avoid scandal, gossip, and preferential treatment of
affecting the welfare of the people. the learner.
• Section 7: Every teacher shall maintain harmonious • Section 8: A teacher shall not inflict corporal
and pleasant personal and official relations with other punishment on offending learners nor make deductions
professionals, with government officials and with the
from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts
people individually and collectively.
which are clearly not manifestations of poor
• Section 8: A teacher possesses freedom to attend
church and worship, as appropriate, but shall not use scholarship.
his positions and influence to proselyte others. • Section 9: A teacher shall ensure that conditions
contributive to the maximum development of learners are • Section 3: A teacher shall transact all official
adequate and shall extend needed learners are adequate and business through channels except when special
shall extend needed assistance in preventing or solving conditions warrant a different procedure, such as
learner’s problems and difficulties. when reforms are advocated but are opposed by
the immediate superior in which case the teachers
shall appeal directly to the appropriate higher
authority has a right to seek redress against injustice
ARTICLE V (THE TEACHER AND THE and discrimination and to the extent possible shall
TEACHING COMMUNITY) raise his grievances within democratic processes. In
doing so.
• Section 1: Teachers shall always, be imbued with the
• Section 4: A teacher individually or as part of a group
spirit of professional loyalty, mutual confidence and faith
he shall avoid jeopardizing the interest and welfare
in one another, self-sacrifice for the common good, and of learners whose right to learn must be respected.
full cooperation with colleagues. When the best interest • Section 5: A teacher has a right to invoke the
of the learners, the school, or the profession is at stake principle that appointments, promotions and
in any controversy, teachers shall support one another. transfer of teachers are made only based on merit
• Section 2: A teacher is not entitled to claim for work not and need in the interest of the service.
his own and shall give due credit for the work of • Section 6: A teacher who accepts a position assumes
others which he may use. a contractual obligation to live up to his contract,
• Section 3: Before leaving his position, a teacher shall assuming full knowledge of the employment terms
organize and leave to his successor such records and and conditions.
other data as are necessary to carry on the work.
• Section 4: A teacher shall hold inviolate all confidential ARTICLE IV (THE TEACHER AND THE
information concerning associates and the school and PROFESSION)
shall not divulge to anyone documents that have not yet •Section 1: Every teacher shall actively help ensure
been officially released or remove records from the files that teaching is the noblest profession and shall
without official permission. manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching
• Section 5: It shall be the responsibility of every teacher as a noble calling.
to seek correctives for what may appear to be an • Section 2: Every teacher shall uphold the highest
unprofessional and unethical conduct of any associate. possible standards of quality education, shall make
This may be done only if incontrovertible evidence for the best preparation for the career of teaching, and
such conduct. shall be at his best at all times in the practice of his
• Section 6: A teacher may submit to the proper profession.
authorities any justifiable criticism against an associate, • Section 3: Every teacher shall practice in the
preferably in writing without violating any right of the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program of
individual concerned. the Professional Regulations Commission and shall
• Section 7: A teacher may apply for a vacant position for pursue such other studies as well as improve his
which he is qualified, provided that he respects the efficiency, enhance the prestige of the profession, and
system of selection on the basis of merit and strengthen his competence, virtues, and productivity in
competence, provided, further, that all qualified order to be nationally and internationally competitive.
candidates are given the opportunity to be considered. • Section 4: Every teacher shall help, if duly authorized to
seek support for the school but shall not make
ARTICLE VI (THE TEACHER AND improper misinterpretations through personal
HIGHER AUTHORITIES IN THE advertisements and other questionable means.
PHILIPPINES) • Section 5: Every teacher shall use the teaching
profession in a manner that makes it a dignified means
• Section 1: A teacher shall make it his duty to make an for earning a decent living.
honest effort to understand and support the legitimate
policies of the school and the administration regardless ARTICLE XI (THE TEACHER AS A
of professional feeling or private opinion and shall PERSON)
faithfully carry them out. • Section 1: A teacher shall live with dignity in all places
• Section 2: A teacher shall not make any false accusation at all times.
or charges against superiors, especially under anonymity. • Section 2: A teacher shall place a premium upon self-
However, if there are valid charges, he should present respect and self-discipline as the principle of personal
such under oath to the competent authority. behavior in all relationships with others and in all
. situations.
• Section 3: A teacher shall always maintain a dignified
personality that could serve as a model worthy of
emulation by learners, peers, and others.
• Section 4: A teacher shall always recognize the
Almighty God or Being as a guide of his own destiny
and of the destinies of men and nations.


• Section 1: A teacher has a right to engage, directly or
indirectly, in legitimate income generation, provide that
it does not relate to or adversely his work.
• Section 2: A teacher shall maintain a good reputation
with respect to financial matters such as in the
settlement of his just debts, loans and other financial
• Section 3: No teacher shall act directly or indirectly, as
agent of, or be financially interested in, any commercial
venture which furnishes textbooks and other school
commodities in the purchase and disposal of which he
can exercise official influence, except only when his
assignment is inherently related to such purchase and
disposal, provided that such shall be in accordance
with existing regulations.


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