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Language A: literature Internal Assessment

Student outline form

Your name:

● Kadin Cariaga-Sayegusa

Global issue:

● How competitiveness in capitalistic societies creates isolation among individuals.

Works chosen
Work in translation:
● The Lying Life of Adults
Work in language A (English):
● Glengarry Glen Ross

Notes for the oral (maximum of 10 bullet points) :

● In: explore human condition, in comp envrmnt, pursuit of wealth, lead to isolation. impact materialism & social
divisions. This comp inherent in capitalist societies, fosters in individuals, as they prioritize material wealth &
success ovr human connections.
● Auth choice, monologue, ambiguity, absurdism, illuminate glbl iss, thes:uses monologue for analysis of
speakers intrnl strggls, personal thgths & desires, exploration of universal themes such as absurdism in real
estate, resonates better, reflection, broader problems
● Ex: use of monologue, intimate discussion, Roma, internal turmoil, represents greedy aspect of human
condition, placed in comp envrmnt. Desires & fears, themes & setting display how hmns react, office is
exaggerated but seen in real world
● Tsis: portrays pursuit of material wealth, L2 wealth ≠ security, metaphor. L14 non-lasting, inability, money
can’t buy happiness, L8 self isolation, can’t trust in cap, no support systems, L1 rhetorical, internal
struggle, uncertain with trdtinl notns
● Auth choices, glbl iss, class disparity & social division in Naples, struggle for truth, influenced by parents
to upkeep image, appropriate in lens of wealth
● family dynamics, learn to get ahead, cyclical nature, gen pov & gen wealth, unlearn parents teaching,
struggle in setting of materialism & social pressures, generational conflict, class disparity, impacts of
societal values on relationships
● Claim: depiction of Giovanna’s perception of Naples, social division & parents attitudes, lens, L1 choice to
add detail, emphasize perspective, so far above, insignificant & isolating
● L2 repetition of down, geological representation of class, painting place as below them, L3 physical
description of distance but also class, father was from there, climb & break off with family, L5 ones
isolation in own world, cap is isolating
● Glbl iss, impacts well being, relationships, perception of success, unrealistic vals, GGR, monologues,
ambiguity w/material pursuits, TLLA, societal depictions, reflects on broader iss
● Dive to emotional & physiological aspects, in cap society, personal experience audience comprehend,
perspective rethink, important bcuz competitiveness impacts relationships, prompt reflection of values,
shapes societal values, relationships

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