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1. My uncle won’t/don’t give me a job if I don’t do well at school.

2. If you change /changed your diet, you would feel better.

3. He would get the job if he is/were younger.

4. If you go on holiday, I will/did take care of your cats.

5. If we hurry/will hurry, we will catch the last bus.

6. What would you do if you find/found a wallet on the street?

7. If she didn’t/doesn’t do her homework tonight, she will get a bad mark.

8. John would/will ask Sanah for an autograph if he met her.

Przetłumacz powyższe zdania na język polski.


Kiedy używamy trybu warunkowego 0, 1 a kiedy 2

Jak tworzymy tryb 0, 1 i 2

Określanie w jakim trybie warunkowym jest zdanie

Uzupelnij zdania w trybie 1 lub 2

1. My father will be amgry if I………………….(get) home late.

2. If you………………….(walk) faster, we will get to the cinema on time.
3. If you don’t finish your project on time, you……………..(get) a bad mark.
4. Helen would buy a bigger house, if she……………...(have) more money.
5. If I were you, I……………..(inform) the police.

Zamień na zdania z UNLESS

1. The plant will die if she doesn’t water it more often.

2. If you don’t phone to say sorry, she will never forgive you.

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