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Selling to the public on the Internet is defined as _______ e-commerce.

Select one:
a. direct
b. supplier-to-consumer
c. business-to-consumer
d. target

A company which only has online stores is known as _______.

Select one:
a. e-businessman
b. e-marketing
c. e-commerce
d. e-retailer

_______ are sent by companies to shops to pretend to be real consumers to see how the
company’s products are displayed, how sales people behave, etc.
Select one:
a. Mystery researchers
b. Mystery shoppers
c. Shop researchers
d. Pretending shoppers

Web _______ allows companies to present visitors with unique experiences tailored to their
needs and desires.
Select one:
a. finder
b. prioritisation
c. personalisation
d. filter

_______ is a type of marketing which helps companies create new media campaigns using blogs
and social network sites to communicate with their customers.
Select one:
a. Social responsibility
b. E-commerce
c. Social media
d. E-tailer

E-marketing is the process of marketing a(n) _______ (company, product, or service) using the
Internet through computers and mobile devices mediums.
Select one:
a. brand
b. idea
c. promotion
d. concept

_______ is the process of gathering information about a market, analysing it, and interpreting
Select one:
a. Marketing strategy
b. Marketing research
c. Marketing campaign
d. Marketing mix

The marketing concept of _______ answers the question “How are you telling consumers in your
target group about your product?”
Select one:
a. place
b. people
c. price
d. promotions

_______ refers to printed or electronic information used to help encourage people to buy a
product, for example information sheets, websites, etc
Select one:
a. Marketing strategy
b. Marketing mix
c. Marketing campaign
d. Marketing collateral

_______ occurs when firms order from suppliers over the Internet, which is known as business-
to-business e-commerce.
Select one:
a. E-procurement
b. E-tailer
c. Digital procurement
d. Virtual supplying

A _______ has become an essential part of doing business with consumers on the Internet.
Select one:
a. store
b. viral marketing
c. cyberstore
d. website

______ is a system of buying and selling goods through the post.

Select one:
a. Mail order
b. Far order
c. Remote order
d. Social order

______ has radically changed marketing because it means you can have a much closer
relationship with the customer.
Select one:
a. Traditional marketing
b. Conventional marketing
c. Word of mouth
d. E-marketing

_______ is where you buy one product, and you are recommended to buy another product that
may go with it.
Select one:
a. Free gift promotion
b. Discount promotion
c. Free sample promotion
d. Cross – promotion

A group of buyers with special needs, which may be profitable to sell to, is defined as a
Select one:
a. focus group
b. specialised group
c. niche market
d. select group

_______ occurs when the customers get what they hoped for and their expectations are met.
Select one:
a. Customer agreement
b. Customer delight
c. Customer involvement
d. Customer satisfaction

For several years, many _______ companies didn’t make any money from their online activities.
Select one:
a. dotcom
b. cyber
c. mutual
d. viral

_______ is about how companies can best design their website by making it fast and easy to
navigate, a pleasant place to browse, and easy to find via search engines.
Select one:
a. Web search
b. Web connection
c. Web application
d. Web optimisation

_______ is a method of advertising which encourages web users to pass on a marketing message
to others, so that the message spreads like a virus to many users.
Select one:
a. Viral marketing
b. The 4Ps
c. Search marketing
d. Product placement

E-marketing would be defined as the use of electronic media for _______.

Select one:
a. advertising purposes
b. marketing decisions
c. marketing purposes
d. marketing plans

The advertisement makes a number of _______ for the products which have little basis in
Select one:
a. facts
b. truths
c. claims
d. profits

The promotion variable can be further broken down into advertising, sales promotion,
personal selling, publicity, direct marketing and _______.
Select one:
a. e-marketing
b. pricing
c. purchasing
d. discount

_______ is knowing about the people or organisations who buy or will buy a product or service
of a company.
Select one:
a. Market intelligence
b. Market clarity
c. Market segment
d. Market understanding

Some marketing theorists believe that the 4Ps model is able to _______ to the changing face of
marketing in the digital world.
Select one:
a. change
b. put
c. define
d. adapt

_______ refers to customer’s opinion of a business or a product and how they feel about a brand
including every direct or indirect experience.
Select one:
a. Customer’s behavior
b. Customer’s recognition
c. Customer’s consumption
d. Customer’s perception
_______ is one of the 4Cs which discusses how much the customer has to pay for the
Select one:
a. Customer payment
b. Consumer price
c. Consumer behavior
d. Customer cost

There are many _______ of online marketing including better brand engagement, more cost and
time effectiveness, real-time results, etc.
Select one:
a. advantages
b. efficiency
c. gains
d. achievements

_______ refers to where the company is in relation to its competitors in terms of size, growth, etc.
Select one:
a. Competitive threat
b. Competitive strategy
c. Competitive edge
d. Competitive position

_______ is a form of direct marketing which uses information of customers to generate

personalised communication in order to promote a product or service for marketing purpose.
Select one:
a. Transactions link
b. Database marketing
c. Customer profile
d. Data bank

Product _______ are the attributes or characteristics of a product: quality, price, reliability, etc.
Select one:
a. authenticities
b. images
c. features
d. promotions

_______ is a form of Internet marketing where companies pay to increase the visibility of their
websites in search engine result pages.
Select one:
a. Scatter advertising
b. Search advertising
c. Mass advertising
d. Image advertising

Some programs allow Internet users to screen out _______ they don’t want to see.
Select one:
a. advertisements
b. operators
c. companies
d. browsers
_______ is a type of marketing which encourages people to buy a product or service in a way that
people are not aware of this marketing strategy.
Select one:
a. Paid marketing
b. Stealth marketing
c. Marketing mix
d. Viral marketing

The retailer generates _______ by selling their advertsing space on their website.
Select one:
a. services
b. advantages
c. revenues
d. products

The Internet service provider has introduced flat-race prices in an attempt to _______ customer
Select one:
a. delete
b. boost
c. increase
d. stop

As opposed to _______, traditional marketing is a distinctly low technology business.

Select one:
a. e-ballot
b. e-tailer
c. e-grocer
d. e-commerce

The Board of Directors are aware of the company’s challenge which is to _______ Internet
technologies into the company’s marketing processes.
Select one:
a. co-ordinate
b. combine
c. integrate
d. associate

Business-to-government occurs when businesses use the Internet to communicate with

government departments, apply for contracts, and _______.
Select one:
a. pay taxes
b. clear debts
c. sell goods
d. support finance
_______ marketing means promoting a business web page in order to bring in more visistors.
Select one:
a. Website
b. Technology
c. Computer
d. Oral

The clicks-and-bricks retailer has a(n) _______ store for consumer shopping and also conducts
Web-based retail operations through the Internet.
Select one:
a. outlet
b. physical
c. retail
d. chain

A(n) ______ refers to a company which has both online and high-street stores.
Select one:
a. bricks-and-clicks operator
b. e-marketing retailer
c. multi-channel marketing
d. pure play retailer

Customer Relationship _______ is a business process in which client relationships, customer

loyalty, and brand value are built through marketing strategies and activities.
Select one:
a. Purchasing
b. Department
c. Marketing
d. Management

The _______ retailer enables Internet users to participate in retailing activities previously
restricited to store – based retailers.
Select one:
a. virtual
b. abstract
c. real
d. physical

A lot of people are not happy to receive emails about _______ as they just clutter up the inbox.
Select one:
a. prices
b. products
c. informations
d. promotions

Retailing through the Internet requires more sophistication than setting up a website and offering
_______ for sale.
Select one:
a. consumption
b. merchandise
c. promotion
d. property

Online retailers try to lure customers away from their _______-and-mortar competitors.
Select one:
a. brick
b. physical
c. rock
d. traditional

The key factors that are involved in the marketing of a good or a service are Product,
_______, Place, and Promotion.

Select one:
a. Power
b. Plan
c. People
d. Price

The company’s plan involves choosing their target customers and designing a persuasive
_______ to get them to buy their products and services.
Select one:
a. marketing mix
b. marketing research
c. marketing channel
d. marketing concept

_______ is the process of advertising and selling products and services on the Internet, for
example, on a company website or by email.
Select one:
a. E-business
b. E-commerce
c. E-marketing
d. E-banking

_______ is the strategy for setting a low price to try sell a large volume and increase market
Select one:
a. Market opportunities
b. Market skimming
c. Market penetration
d. Market segmentation
Television advertising is the best way to ……… the image of the brand to our target audience.
Select one:
a. transmit
b. provide
c. transfer
d. invite

Taxas Instruments was able to cut its customer waiting time, which improved customer ……… of
poor service.
Select one:
a. perception
b. thought
c. belief
d. vision

Online marketing had led to McMahon increasing its gross ……… by 3 percent over the last six
Select one:
a. payments
b. profit
c. income
d. revenues

Our latest marketing ……….. aims to go beyond the basic features and emphasize the real
lifestyle benefits of the product.
Select one:
a. fight
b. campaign
c. struggle
d. strike

One of the biggest assets is the ……….. a company has built up through marketing campaigns.
Select one:
a. customer base
b. customer inspiration
c. customer thought
d. customer behavior

The brand’s ……… can be attributed to the traditional values and luxury lifestyle that it presents.
Select one:
a. strength
b. contribution
c. weakness
d. dividend

We see our brands as ……… of our new range of products – they represent our company in the
Select one:
a. delivery
b. spread
c. expansion
d. extension

The new group has made brands available exclusively for the Chinese market, which should
…….. sales.
Select one:
a. start up
b. stretch
c. boost
d. take off

When a company decides how a product is marketed in relation to its other products, and to
competitors’ products, they are ………. their brand.
Select one:
a. engaging
b. locating
c. placing
d. positioning
In the late 90s, Nike faced criticism about poor working conditions in its supplier factories in
Asia which severely ………. its brand.
Select one:
a. damaged
b. identified
c. released
d. broke

The company decided that the objective was to develop positive attitudes and build ……….
among the consumers in order to induce them to purchase.
Select one:
a. brand awareness
b. brand promise
c. brand consumption
d. brand extension

One of the biggest challenges that pharmaceutical brands face is the competition from ………
Select one:
a. generic
b. unreal
c. fake
d. dishonest

Brands are a mark of quality, and it is the brand name that distinguishes a product from other
similar products and give it a brand ………..
Select one:
a. identity
b. recognition
c. position
d. authenticity

……… brands have the ability to cross both geographical and cultural boundaries, building
international reputations of quality.
Select one:
a. Worldwide
b. Local
c. Global
d. Internationalized

In the case of luxury brands, compamies have to be careful to avoid overexposure, which could
damage the exclusive aspect of the brand ……….
Select one:
a. stretching
b. image
c. picture
d. extension

We can consider a brand as the ………. people have in mind when thinking about specific
products, services and activities of a company.
Select one:
a. solution
b. suggestion
c. reference
d. idea or image

Google has ……… to brand itself as the search engine of choice for the Internet.
Select one:
a. managed
b. used
c. diluted
d. recognised

Strong ……… helps consumers make sense of the vast number of product choices and messages
to find solutions that best their needs.
Select one:
a. extending
b. co-branding
c. stretching
d. branding

It’s important to develop a deep understanding of consumer ……….. for each intended foreign
Select one:
a. action
b. intention
c. behavior
d. activity

Brand value is the ………. worth of your brand, if you have to sell it.
Select one:
a. beneficial
b. revenue
c. cash
d. monetary

Fun, style and simplicity are some of Apple’s brand ………

Select one:
a. attitudes
b. behaviors
c. activities
d. reactions

The best way to develop and sustain brand commitment among consumers is to ………. your
brand from others through quality and reliability.
Select one:
a. distract
b. inherit
c. clarify
d. distinguish

We managed to ……… the product on the market within six months of identifying consumer
Select one:
a. provide
b. supply
c. launch
d. put

Such ……… brands as Levi and Harley-Davidson have a timeless and mythical status.
Select one:
a. enhanced
b. iconic
c. private
d. own-label

Many companies may ……… or even completely destroy a brand by overusing its logo on
unsuitable products.
Select one:
a. disappear
b. manage
c. dilute
d. boost

A company should be ……… to build its brand and image among its clients.
Select one:
a. commited
b. encouraged
c. promised
d. managed

The study of consumer behavior is a social science discipline that attempts to model and
understand the behavior of humans in the ………..
Select one:
a. marketplace
b. platform
c. markethouse
d. place

Although our handling of complaints has improved greatly, it continues to be a significant

problem in terms of public ........
Select one:
a. perception
b. vision
c. decision
d. views
Once the brand ………. has been established, the makers sometimes engage themselves in brand
Select one:
a. image
b. recognition
c. loyalty
d. name

The successful branding and marketing of the new product has already ……… sales and
increased profits.
Select one:
a. boosted
b. speeded
c. managed
d. diluted

There has to be a clear ………. because we don’t want this product to look too similar to the
others on the market.
Select one:
a. clarification
b. diffrence
c. classification
d. differentiation

Consumers usually expect to pay less for products that are ……..
Select one:
a. mapped
b. positioned
c. unbranded
d. levereged

A brand name is valuable not only for the main products that are represented by the name, but
also for the range of ……. that accompany that name.
Select one:
a. intangible profits
b. intangible assets
c. tangible benefits
d. tangible advantages

As brands are regarded differently in different markets, market positioning ………. can influence
consumer perception of the brand.
Select one:
a. strategies
b. techniques
c. policies
d. inventions

______ occurs when a company uses an existing brand name for new types of products.
Select one:
a. Brand introduction
b. Brand spreading
c. Brand extension
d. Brand launch

A _______ is the name given to a product or group of products so that they can be easily
Select one:
a. reputation
b. logo
c. brand
d. prestige

Brand _______ refers to how the consumers see a brand; i.e. the values associated with the brand.
Select one:
a. image
b. extension
c. location
d. diversification

A trade mark is the legal _______ for the brand, its logo, and its brand name.
Select one:
a. engagement
b. negotiation
c. protection
d. contract

_______ is an intangible concept which defines the brand or refers to the core identity of the
Select one:
a. Brand vital
b. Brand essence
c. Brand basis
d. Brand core

When a company guarantees the quality and the use of their brand, they are making a _______.
Select one:
a. brand promise
b. brand affluence
c. brand affiliation
d. brand words

A brand for which a business is best known and which represents its image most appropriately is
known as the _______.
Select one:
a. pioneer brand
b. recognised brand
c. generic brand
d. flagship brand

_______ shows how consistent customers are in buying a company’s brand, how long they have
been buying, and how long they may buy.
Select one:
a. Brand loyalty
b. Brand vision
c. Brand contribution
d. Brand assuarance

_______ happens when a company emphasizes its characteristics and benefits in relation to other
Select one:
a. Brand positioning
b. Brand situating
c. Brand locating
d. Brand placement

The best-selling brand in a product category is the brand _______.

Select one:
a. leader
b. header
c. volunteer
d. pioneer

Brand _______ includes brand vision, brand mission, brand values, brand personality and brand
tone of voice.
Select one:
a. portfolio
b. platform
c. group
d. diversification

The value of a brand to its owner which is presumed to be a leading indicator of a business’s
future success is defined as the _______.
Select one:
a. brand equity
b. brand dividend
c. brand inheritance
d. brand profit

_______ refers to all the companies or individuals who involve in moving goods or services from
producers to consumers.
Select one:
a. E-tailer
b. Product differentiate
c. Wholesaler
d. Distribution channel
Brand _______ is when consumers automatically associate a product name with a certain slogan
or attribute.
Select one:
a. connection
b. understanding
c. positioning
d. recognition

Brand _______ is the sum of the words, images and ideas that a consumer associates with a
Select one:
a. authenticity
b. awareness
c. loyalty
d. identity


Unit 10
- Brand awareness: a measure of the number of people who know the brand
- Brand image (hình ảnh thương hiệu): the public perception of the brand
- Brand equity (vốn thương hiệu): the value investors put on a brand
- Brand extension (mở rộn thương hiệu): the use of an established brand name with a
different product. For example, a company known for producing soft drinks
might introduce a line of snacks or bottled water under the same brand
- Manufacturer’s brand (thương hiệu sản xuất): a brand is used by the company that
developed and produced the product
- Own brand (thương hiệu riêng): a brand that is used by the distributor or shop
selling the product, not the manufacturer
- Licensed brand (thương hiệu được cấp phép): a brand leased to a manufacturer,
who then makes the product under that name
- Brand positioning (vị trí thương hiệu): the location of a particular brand in relation to
the competition
- Repositioning brand (định vị lại thương hiệu): changing the image of a brand to
attract new segment
- Differentiating brand: thương hiệu phân biệt

Listening 3
- Advantages of customers: 1) allow brand recognize 2) assurance of quality and
performance 3) bulid trust 4) emotional benefits
- Advantages of companies: 1) increase profitability and substain 2) build high marketshare
3) provides loyal customers 4) avenues future growth 5) allow the segmenting markets 6)
legal protection

Microfinance organisations often _______ difficulties when lending larger sums as they have to
conduct due diligence more thoroughly than the major banks.
Select one:
a. study
b. integrate
c. encounter
d. negotiate

The Mondex system offers _______ because the wallet and reader are easy to use.
Select one:
a. transfer
b. security
c. convenience
d. service

______ is a kind of a short-term bank loan offering money for household appliances.
Select one:
a. Consumer credit
b. Short-term loan
c. Long-term loan
d. Consuming credit

Our local branch managers are encouraged to help local businesses and are authorized to
_______loans and overdraft.
Select one:
a. make
b. cater
c. grant
d. decide

The conventional banks are based on one basic principle: the more you have, _______ you can
Select one:
a. the much
b. the little
c. the more
d. the less

The report claims that more than 20 percents of typical “British” brands are owned by foreign
Select one:
a. guarantors
b. concepts
c. entries
d. entities
Microfinance organisations who want to meet the growing demand for credit sometimes find
it difficult because of _______ on the amount they can lend.
Select one:
a. sustainability
b. association
c. finance
d. limit

Banks always need liquidity, so they can’t lend all their money in loans with long _______.
Select one:
a. maturities
b. days
c. conditions
d. times

The original strategy of microfinance was _______ oriented and anticipated eliminating poverty.
Select one:
a. non-profit
b. unbeneficial
c. unprofitable
d. non-revenue

A long-term bank loan has a _______ of more than 5 years and it is a(n) secured loan.
Select one:
a. profile
b. mature
c. portfolio
d. maturity

We offer standardized loans: you can be sure you won’t get less favourable terms and _______
than our other personal customers.
Select one:
a. requirements
b. limits
c. regulations
d. conditions

It is a big responsibility to act as a(n) _______ for a loan; i.e., you are responsible if the loan is
not paid back.
Select one:
a. guarantor
b. provider
c. depositor
d. entity

These days many loans are made with _______ or variable interest rates that change
according to the supply and demand for money.
Select one:
a. drowning
b. sinking
c. swimming
d. floating

A current bank account pays little or no interest to the holders. It allows the customer to _____
their money at any time
Select one:
a. open
b. manage
c. access
d. attract

The reasons why low- income people lack access to traditional banks mainly because they do not
have the assets served as _____.
Select one:
a. security
b. asset
c. liability
d. property

With internet banking, it is possible to _______ online from one account to another.
Select one:
a. deposit money
b. offer money
c. transfer funds
d. offer interest

It is increasingly common for companies to look at alternative ways to _______ because banks
are refusing credits.
Select one:
a. raise finance
b. earn finance
c. support finance
d. collect credit

A person is a 'known risk' when he/she has a _____ of previous borrowings, and so will be
categorised as a low risk compared to people with no assets or credit history.
Select one:
a. credit limit
b. historical credit
c. credit loan
d. credit history

Age restrictions, identification requirements, and relatively low profitability of small _______
accounts or loans can make it difficult for providers to meet the needs of young people.
Select one:
a. steak
b. deposit
c. budget
d. share

The majority of customers prefer to do their _______ banking at the bank.

Select one:
a. free
b. current
c. single
d. personal

Microfinance is hoped to help low-income people out of _______.

Select one:
a. poverty
b. prosperity
c. control
d. management

Banks would start taking too many _______ if they could always be sure of rescue by the central
Select one:
a. difficulties
b. risks
c. dangers
d. disadvantages

It seems that most bank customers’ use of overdraft _______ is unintentional in nature.
Select one:
a. funds
b. loans
c. facilities
d. tasks

Default means the borrower become _______ and cannot repay the debt.
Select one:
a. discretion
b. insolvent
c. insolvency
d. unsolvent

Banks generally know from experience how much cash to keep in their _______ for customers
who want to withdraw it.
Select one:
a. savings
b. accounts
c. reserves
d. funds
The micro finance institution’s principle is _______ you have, the more attractive you are.
Select one:
a. the less
b. the more
c. the little
d. the much

The interest rate on a loan depends on how _______ it is for the bank to lend the money.
Select one:
a. dangerous
b. available
c. risky
d. private

Mondex is used to transfer money between personal cardholders as well as from consumers to
Select one:
a. POS device
b. depositors
c. retailers
d. the wallet

In terms of return, as a provider of debt _______, the return for us is merely the interest that we
are paid on the loan.
Select one:
a. funding
b. supporting
c. services
d. giving

The bank will _______ the customer for cutting short their loan.
Select one:
a. penalize
b. support
c. manage
d. finance

Organisations use the money markets as a(n) _______ to borrowing from banks.
Select one:
a. alternative
b. change
c. replacement
d. shift

A _______ helps the customers to increase their income when they get retired.
Select one:
a. switch plan
b. maturity plan
c. pension plan
d. retirement plan

Banks usually carefully study the financial situation of a company to _______ the risk involved in
lending it money.
Select one:
a. review
b. understand
c. assess
d. decide

In developing countries, particularly in rural areas, low-income people tend to fulfil their
everyday needs by _______ things that are surplus such as agricultural products, jewellery and
handmade crafts.
Select one:
a. applying
b. earning
c. bartering
d. paying

If you have poor _______, it’s often difficult to get a loan unless you have a personal guarantor.
Select one:
a. credit belief
b. debit trustworthiness
c. credit rating
d. credit limit

The goal of microfinance is to ultimately give impoverished people an opportunity to become

Select one:
a. self-confidence
b. self-discipline
c. self-esteem
d. self-sufficient

Central banks implement the _______ policies of government and fix interest rates for other
Select one:
a. fiscal
b. cash
c. monetary
d. currency

With standardized products, all cutomers are _______ the same interest rate.
Select one:
a. taken
b. fined
c. required
d. charged

Microfinance is the provision of financial services to _______ people.

Select one:
a. low-income
b. wealthy
c. poverty
d. rich

Our products for _______ customers include business overdrafts, loan repayments that reflect
your cash flow, and commercial mortgages.
Select one:
a. individual
b. only
c. single
d. corporate

Despite sitting on a large number of orders, companies may still have _______ problems if they
have been unable to produce due to a period of downtime.
Select one:
a. support
b. cash-flow
c. savings
d. reserve

Electronic money provides more _______ than cash because the lock function makes it difficult
to steal.
Select one:
a. flexibility
b. security
c. convenience
d. service

Borrowers can usually get a _______ interest rate if the loan is guaranteed by securities or other
Select one:
a. riskier
b. higher
c. long-term
d. lower

Grameen Bank is different from conventional banks because it does not charge a _______ if you
do not pay the loan back on time.
Select one:
a. collateral
b. penalty
c. deposit
d. guarantor

The _______ on who was eligible for a mortgage made it impossible for many low-income
families to borrow money.
Select one:
a. restrictions
b. rules
c. prohibitions
d. obligations

Customers don’t have to worry about security; the bank uses sophisticated encryption technology
to _______ their assets.
Select one:
a. open
b. protect
c. submit
d. accept

The small loans that are given under microfinance schemes often have a very high _______ rate –
most the borrowers pay the money back in full.
Select one:
a. charge
b. repayment
c. requirement
d. transmision

As a rule, microcredit loans are not backed by collateral leaving no means of financial _______
for the lenders if they are not repaid.
Select one:
a. overcome
b. recovery
c. achievement
d. gain

With the growth of Internet shopping, customers can ________ and choose far more than in the
Select one:
a. take
b. point
c. pick
d. catch

Fines are being introduced to penalize people who do not _______ their earnings from
Select one:
a. disclose
b. offer
c. open
d. expose
- Solvency: khả năng chi trả
- Repayment capacity: for individial: khả năng chi trả
- Term:
- Credit squeeze: not easy for the customer to borrow the money
- Liquidity: tính thanh khoản
- Go to liquidation:
- Collateral = security
- Economy slump: bad situation of economy
- Emergency loan:
- Rescue: giải cứu các ngân hàng khác
- Bail out
- Cash card: thẻ ATM, limited function, only allows to withdraw cash from ATM,
directly accesses the funds loaded onto the card or in the bank account
- Debit card: can be a cash card and use for payment
- POS: point of sale
- COD: cash of delivery
- Low income: income lower 1 dllar a day
- Undependable: untrustworthy, cannot rely on that business
- Creditor: chủ nợ
- Debitor: con nợ, phụ thuộc vô creditor
- The conventional bank required colletaral or security
- Door – to – door salepeople: credit officer
- Penalise: when the customer don’t repay the loan
- When the customers don’t repay the loan, the bank penalise by repossess
- Repossess: tịch thu, thu hồi

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