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Chap 1 - Thriving in a Digital, Social, and Mobile Workplace

1, Communication skills are ranked by recruiters at the top of qualities they most
desire in job seekers.
2, most accurate? Communication skills are critical to your job placement,
performance, career advancement, and organizational success
3, On the job you are more likely to be taken seriously and promoted if you look and
sound professional
4, accurate? Businesses today generate a wide range of messages in a variety of media.
5, Major trends in today's dynamic world of work include increased emphasis on self-
directed work groups and virtual teams, heightened global competition, innovative
communication technologies, new work environments, and focus on business ethics.
6, most accurate? Many employees today no longer need an office; they can work
anytime and anywhere.
7, correct? Ethics is a priority for many business
8, Communication is defined as "the transmission of information and meaning from one
individual or group to another." The crucial element of this definition is meaning
9, Converting ideas into words or gestures to convey meaning is called decoding
10, The communication process begins when the sender Has an idea
11, Translating the message from its symbol form into meaning involves decoding
12, most accurate? Feedback can include both nonverbal and verbal responses.
13, The medium over which the message is transmitted is the channel
14, Communication noise includes anything that disrupts the transmission of a message.
15, Many of us are poor listeners because All answer choices are correct.
16, According to research, what percentage of our work time is spent listening? 50%
17, most accurate? Most people are not very good listeners.
18, Approximately how many words per minute do most North Americans speak? 125
19, Peter must inform his employees that his company will need to let go of employees.
Which word would be best for Peter to use when conveying this idea to his employees?
20, You can improve your listening skills if you follow tips for active listening, including
keeping an open mind, establishing a receptive mind-set, and listening between the lines.
21, Your boss is giving instructions for a new method of keeping expense accounts.
However, you find it difficult to concentrate because you think the change is
unnecessary. What type of barrier to effective listening are you experiencing? Language
problem barrier
22, A listener who nods her head and maintains eye contact with a speaker is probably
listening actively to what the speaker is saying
23, Brian is attending a seminar on workplace efficiency and must make a presentation on
this topic when he returns to work. Brian can increase his comprehension by keeping an
open mind, listening for main points, taking selective notes, and judging ideas, not
24, Amelia has made a conscious effort to become an active listener. Therefore, she shuts
down her computer, turns off her cell phone, and asks her assistant to hold all incoming
calls when she conducts interviews. What technique is she using to improve listening?
Controlling her surroundings
25, According to Edward T. Hall, in which spatial zone do most people converse with
friends and family members? Intimate
26, According to Edward T. Hall, which spatial zone is the largest? Public
27, Which of the following tips should you follow to improve your nonverbal
communication skills? Proofread all correspondence you send.
28, Nonverbal communication includes all unwritten and unspoken messages, intended or
29, Most people think that the best predictor of a speaker's true feelings is his or her eyes
30, Suzanne wants to make a good impression during a job interview. What should she
do? Wear professional business attire.
31, The manager noticed that Stephen slammed his desk drawer right after he said that he
was happy to work late. The manager should politely seek additional information by
saying, I'm not sure that you really want to stay late. Do you have somewhere you need to
32, Every country has a unique culture or common heritage that teaches its members how
to behave and conditions their reactions.
32, Communicators in cultures (such as those in North America, Scandinavia, and
Germany) depend little on the context of a situation to convey their meaning. They tend
to be logical, analytical, and action oriented. low context
33,Which of the following countries represents a high-context culture? Japan
34, Which of the following is a common trait of a business communicator from a low-
context culture? Assuming listeners require little background information
35, North Americans value straightforwardness and are suspicious of evasiveness. These
traits identify the cultural dimension of communication style.
36, Which of the following countries would likely view a business contract as a binding
document? Germany
37, Learning about beliefs and practices different from our own and appreciating them
means displaying tolerance
38, An American businessperson who thinks that all Swiss are hardworking, efficient,
and neat is illustrating an example of stereotyping
39, Robert frequently comments that he likes working independently because that's the
American way⎯and the American way is the best way! Robert's belief in the superiority
of his own culture is an example of ethnocentrism.
40, Working with people from other cultures will require tolerance. One of the best ways
to become more tolerant is by practicing empathy
41, While conducting business with a customer from Italy, Zoe was careful to speak
slowly and clearly, using short sentences and familiar words. However, she noticed that
the customer had a glazed expression and did not understand her. Zoe should graciously
accept the blame for not making her meaning clear.
42, When speaking with someone for whom English is a second language, you should
talk slowly, enunciate clearly, check frequently for comprehension, observe eye
messages, listen without interrupting, and follow up important messages in writing
43, When writing for a multicultural audience, you are more likely to be understood if
you use short sentences and short paragraphs and if you include action-specific verbs,
such as e-mail me if you have any questions rather than contact me if you have any
44, Max is preparing a contract between his company and one in Mexico. What should he
do when citing numbers in the contract? Use the metric system
45, Which of the following is a benefit of a diverse work environment? All are benefits of
a diverse work environment.
46, Megahertz Technology Solutions, Inc., recently suffered a discrimination lawsuit.
Advice to improve its workforce diversity is likely to include understanding the value of
differences, providing diversity training for employees, building on similarities, and
making fewer assumptions
47, Workers who communicate successfully with diverse audiences must make few
assumptions, learn about their own and other cultures, and seek common ground.
48, In making hiring decisions, employers often rank communication skills among the
most-requested competencies. T
49, Because of today's communication technology, writing skills are less important than
in the past. F
50, Operating a computer is an example of a "soft" skill. F
51,As a frontline (dealt with customers) employee, you can expect to have more
managers in the workforce.F
52,Despite their popularity among teens, social networking sites such as Facebook and
Twitter are rarely used in today's business world.F
53, Theresa will be working with Alex on a virtual team to develop a new marketing
plan. Because they won't meet face to face, their work will be less dependent on good
communication skills.F
54, The central objective of communication is the transmission of meaning. T
55, Anything that disrupts the transmission of a message in the communication process is
called noise. T
56, Words have the same basic meanings for everyone; therefore, messages
communicated verbally are always understood. F
After explaining a new procedure to her employees, Amy asks, "Is there anything that
wasn't clear?" She is asking this question to encourage feedback. T
57, Successful communication takes place only when a receiver understands the intended
meaning of a message. T
58, Skilled communicators should always use complex words to communicate their ideas
and feelings. F
59, Most people listen with 50 percent or higher efficiency.F
60, Psychological barriers to listening include hearing disabilities, poor acoustics, and
noisy surroundings.F
61, Physical barriers to listening include only environmentally produced noises.F
62, If you want to become a better listener, your first step is to stop talking.T
63, Brooke is listening to a difficult presentation on nanotechnology development. As a
good listener, she should take complete notes of everything said.F
64, One of the best strategies to become a better listener is to question a speaker while he
or she is still talking to ensure your comprehension.F
65, When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, listeners tend to believe the verbal
66. Most communication is nonverbal. F
67, Understanding a message involves listening to only the spoken words.F
68, Most Americans communicate with business associates at approximately 1½ feet. F
69, Both your personal appearance and the physical appearance of your business
documents transmit immediate and important nonverbal messages.T
70, Zach's company does business globally. By associating with people from diverse
cultures, Zach can widen his knowledge of intercultural messages and can increase his
tolerance of differences.T
71, Greg will be the student speaker for graduation. To ensure that his nonverbal cues
support his verbal message, he should ask friends and family to monitor his conscious
and unconscious body movements and gestures.T
72, Joseph will be traveling to South America to increase sales for his company. Because
the meanings of nonverbal gestures are similar in all cultures, Joseph can indicate that
everything is OK with his South American customers by using his thumb and forefinger
to form a circle. F
73, The more you know about culture in general and your own culture, the better able you
will be to adopt an intercultural perspective
74, For Americans words are very important, especially in contracts and negotiations. T
75, The United States is an example of a low-context culture. T
76, Bijan and his family place great emphasis on tradition, ceremony, and social rules.
Bijan is most likely a member of a low-context culture.F
77, North Americans consider time a precious commodity and correlate it with
productivity, efficiency, and money.T
78, Cross-cultural communication can be improved by practicing tolerance and
79, Ethnocentrism can be found in all cultures. T
80, For international trade it is a good idea to learn and use the metric system. T
81, Developing a diverse staff that can work together cooperatively is one of the biggest
challenges facing business organizations today.T
82, Ryan has an upcoming business meeting with a person from Germany. Because Ryan
has never met this person, he is worried about traveling there to do business for his
company. Ryan could reduce his worry by assuming that his German associate is similar
to him.F
83, Businesses that want to capitalize on cultural diversity need to train workers to think
and act alike to reduce conflicts. F
84.When communicating face-to-face with a person from another culture, you can
always assume that the other person is understanding your ideas if he or she smiles. F
85, The diversity of the U.S. workforce is expected to remain relatively stable in the next
86, According to a model developed by cultural anthropologist Edward T. Hall,
refers to the stimuli, environment, or ambience surrounding an event and is arranged on a
continuum from low to high. Contect
87, The belief in the superiority of one's own cultureis
known as. ethnocentrism

88, An oversimplified perception of a behavior pattern or characteristic applied to entire

groups is a(n) . stereotype
89, means learning about beliefs and practices different from our own and
appreciating them. One of the best ways to develop this trait is to practice empathy.
Chap 2 - Planning Business Messages
1. Which of the following represents a goal for business writers? You should get your
audience to believe and accept your ideas.
2. When preparing a business message, you should make your writing audience oriented.
3. Audience oriented means you should concentrate on looking at the problem from the
receiver's perspective.
4. Business writing should be purposeful. In this context purposeful can best be defined as
solving problems and conveying information.
5. Business writing should be economical. In this context economical can best be defined as
presenting ideas clearly and concisely.
6. The first phase of the writing process involves analyzing the audience and your purpose for
writing, anticipating your audience' reaction to your message, and adapting your message to
the audience.
7. During the second phase of the writing process, you conduct research, organize ideas, and
compose the message.
8. In the final phase of the writing process, check the message for clarity and readability,
proofread for errors, and evaluate for effectiveness
9. According to writing experts, approximately what percentage of time should you spend on
the prewriting phase of a business message? 25%
10. The primary purpose of business writing is typically to inform or persuade; a common
secondary purpose is to promote goodwill.
11. Before Melissa organizes and composes her message, she should ask two questions:
12. Why am I sending this message? and (2) What do I hope to achieve with this message
13. You are selecting a channel for sending your message. Which of the following is not
14. a factor to consider when making this decision? Your competitors' channel use
15. Which of the following communication channels is considered the richest medium?
16. Face-to-face conversation
17. Human Resources Manager Claire Siu must inform Anthony that company job changes will
require him to seek retraining or lose his position. The best channel for Ms. Siu to deliver
this message is face-to-face communication
18. Michael usually holds team meetings on Tuesday mornings, but he needs to reschedule next
week's meeting to Wednesday morning. To tell team members of the date change for the
next meeting, Michael should send an e-mail
19. What communication channel would be most appropriate to deliver data to a customer?
Report, proposal
20. What communication channel would be most appropriate when you must share digital
information with other members of your work team? Wiki
21. What communication channel would be most appropriate when a written record or
formality is required? Letter
22. What is the preferred channel choice for today's corporate communicators? Email
23. Lindsay is writing a property description for a new real estate brochure. To make her
brochure more effective, Lindsay should anticipate her audience. This means she considers
what the readers are like and how they will react to the message
24. Profiling the audience for a business message helps the writer identify the appropriate tone,
language, and channel.
25. What question should you ask to visualize your audience? All answer choices are questions
you should ask to visualize your audience
26. What is the primary way tone is conveyed through a business message? Language choice
27. One technique that improves business writing is the use of empathy. Empathy refers to
putting yourself in the receiver's shoes to adapt the message to the receiver's needs.
28. Which of the following sentences best focuses on the audience? Register now to lock in
your preferred travel dates.
29. Jorge must inform Samantha that she is not eligible to have an August vacation for which
she recently applied. Which of the following sentences best demonstrates the "you" view
Jorge should use in denying Samantha's application? Although the August vacation
schedule is full, you may qualify for a vacation in September if you apply now.
30. Business messages should be conversational, professional, positive, and couteous
31. Create a conversational but professional tone in letters, e-mail messages, instant messages,
and memos by using familiar words, occasional contractions, and pronouns such as you and
32. Marketing Director Kiprova will inform the board of directors that customers are not
responding positively to the company's Paris Hilton ads. Which of the following is the most
appropriate announcement? At the meeting you will receive reports on recent customer
criticism of the new Paris Hilton ads.
33. Which of the following sentences demonstrates effective business writing? Your proposal
demonstrates how our call center can better meet the needs of our customers.
34. Which of the following sentences demonstrates effective business writing? Enclosed is our
latest catalog
35. Which of the following sentences demonstrates conversational business writing? am upset
about your return policy.
36. As employees use instant messaging to conduct more business, they should send messages
that are informal, conversational, and professional
37. Which of the following represents the best business writing? You can return all resalable
merchandise for a store credit.
38. Business messages should use positive language rather than negative language. Positive
language tells what is and what can be done.
39. Courteous business messages All answer choices are correct.
40. Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing? Will you please credit my
account for $125 due to the computer error on May 1
41. Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing? The office personnel will
assist you with your forms.
42. Which of the following is most acceptable for business writing? All physicians must carry
their own malpractice insurance
43. Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing? record number of Japanese
investors are purchasing real estate in the United States.
44. Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing? The new tax rule applied
to individuals over 62.
45. Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing? Victoria uses a wheelchair
46. Business writers are encouraged to use plain English, which means using active-voice
verbs, personal pronouns, short sentences, and familiar words.
47. Francisco is writing an article for the company's intranet to encourage managers to use plain
English. Which of these sentences uses an appropriate business style to express Francisco's
point? Employees will respond better if you write e-mail messages with familiar
language and a friendly, conversational style.
48. Business writers who use words such as interrogate, remuneration, and terminate
49. are using language many readers would consider unfamiliar
50. Which of the following is most acceptable for business writing? Please check with your
supervisor for information about salary increases.
51. When writing a business message, you should always write it from your perspective.F
52. The goal of persuasive writing is to make your audience believe and accept your message.T
53. Following a systematic plan when preparing any document or presentation will make your
job easier.T
54. An important aspect of the first phase of writing a business message is anticipating the
audience's reaction to the message.T
55. Shannon is writing a proposal to the board of directors to upgrade the company's computer
equipment. After completing the prewriting phase, Shannon should immediately start
composing the report.F
56. The final task in the third phase of the writing process is evaluating your message to decide
whether it accomplishes your goal.T
57. Proofreading and revising are the same.F ANSWER: FALSE
58. To be effective, the three phases of the writing process must be performed in sequence,
moving from Phase 1 to Phase 2 to Phase 3 in order.F
59. You should plan to spend equal amounts of time on each phase of the writing process.F
60. The most important phase of the writing process is the revising phase. T
61. Most writers spend equal amounts of time on each of the three phases of the writing
process: prewriting, writing, and revising.F
62. As you become a more skilled and experienced business writer, you will be more likely to
alter, compress, and rearrange the writing process steps to suit your needs.T
63. The primary purposes of most business documents are to inform and to promote goodwill.
A common secondary purpose is sales growth.F
64. One of the most important questions you can ask yourself as you begin to compose a
message is What do I hope to achieve?T
65. Alonso needs to get feedback from sales representatives located across the US and Europe.
Because he needs to have the most interactivity and feedback possible, the best channel of
communication for Alonso is videoconferencing or teleconferencing.T
66. Face-to-face conversation is a richer medium than a written report. T
67. One factor affecting channel choice is the importance of the messageT
68. Today's businesses increasingly use e-mail and instant messaging for conducting business,
but hard-copy memos are still written for messages that require persuasion, permanence,
and formality.T
69. Don't send a message unless you know exactly who your audience is.F
70. You are more likely to achieve your communication goals if you profile your audience and
shape the message to that profile. T
71. Profiling your audience helps you tailor your words to your readers or listeners T.
72. Although messages may have a primary and a secondary audience, the writer needs to
profile only the primary audience to determine the best presentation of the message.F
73. Ben Franklin stated this opinion about business messages: To be good, it ought to have a
tendency to benefit the reader. His opinion reflects the importance of analyzing the purpose
of the message.F
74. Empathy, which increases the likelihood of a successful message, occurs when writers put
themselves in the audience's shoes when creating the message.T
75. The following sentence represents an audience focus: Our product guarantee becomes
effective after we receive full payment.F
76. To emphasize the "you" view in e-mail messages, you must avoid any phrases that include
the "I/we" view such as I'm happy or We're delighted.F
77. Whether your goal is to inform, persuade, or promote goodwill, the catchiest words you can
use in your business writing are "you" and "your."T
78. The active voice is generally preferred in business writing. T
79. Monica is writing her first safety-inspection report. To sound businesslike and professional,
Monica should include expressions such as the affected party, the undersigned, and the
80. Business messages are most effective if they convey an informal, conversational tone. T
81. Positive language generally conveys more information than negative language does.
82. The sentence You must submit your application by Friday is a more effective business
message than Please submit your application by Friday.F
83. Every mechanic has ten minutes for his morning break is an effectively written sentence.F
84. Never specify the age of a person in business messages. F
85. Some business, legal, and government documents are written in an inflated and confusing
style that obscures meaning. This style of writing is often referred to as legalese or
86. Whenever possible in business writing, substitute longer, less familiar words for shorter,
simpler words.F
87. A message that is shorter and more conversational is less likely to achieve its goal than a
message that is longer and more formal.F
88. Business messages should contain strong verbs and concrete nouns. T
89. During the phase of the writing process, the writer analyzes the audience and the purpose
for writing. prewriting
90. Sam is collecting and organizing information for a marketing report he is writing. Sam is
involved in the second phase of the writing process, which is the
91. phase. writing
92. Catherine is proofreading her cover letter and résumé for accuracy before e-mailing them to
a prospective employer. She is in the third phase of the writing process, which is the
phase. revising
93. An interesting theory called richness describes the
extent to which a channel or medium recreates or represents all the information available in
the original message. Media
94. is the process of creating a message that suits your audience. One important aspect of this
process is tone. Conveyed largely by the words in a message, tone affects how a receiver
feels after reading or hearing a message. Adaptation
95. Conveyed largely by the words in a message, affects how
a receiver feels after reading or hearing a message. tone
96. Putting yourself in the receiver's shoes to better adapt your message to that person's needs is
called . empathy
97. Theresa has emphasized second-person pronouns (you, your) instead of first-person
pronouns (I/we, us, our) in a letter to a customer. She is using the
view. You
98. describes technical or specialized terms within a field. Jargon
Chap 3 - Organizing and Drafting Business Messages
1. Matthew must develop a proposal for his supervisor that will describe the cost savings for
an automated call center. Where should he begin? Researching the proposal
2. Before composing a business document, you should gather information that will answer
which of these questions? What is the receiver to do?
3. Formal research methods are generally required for what type(s) of business
document(s)? Long reports and complex business problems
4. Which of the following is a formal research method? Organizing a focus group
5. Which formal research source is best to obtain firsthand information? Interviews
6. Stephanie is preparing a market analysis for her business plan. For firsthand information
she should conduct interviews and surveys or organize a focus group.
7. As interns in human resource management, Brad and his team are administering a
professionally developed employee questionnaire to collect information on workplace
violence. This type of research produces data that is considered firsthand information
8. Ahna is sending a persuasive memo to her staff asking them to participate in the new
wellness program. Which of the following sources of information would be most
appropriate to help Ahna shape an effective persuasive message for her staff?
Questionnaires and surveys of employees
9. Many routine writing tasks such as composing e-mail messages or informational reports
require that you collect information informally by looking in the files.
10. When brainstorming to generate ideas, you should record ideas without judging them
11. You will create clear, readable messages if you group similar items together and emphasize
important ideas
12. Organizing data includes two processes. These processes are grouping and strategizing
13. According to communication experts, what is the greatest failing of business writers? Poor
14. Organizing your ideas into an outline is especially important when you are developing a
complex project.
15. The direct strategy would be most appropriate when expecting the audience to be pleased,
mildly interested, or neutral.
16. Which of the following business messages would use the direct strategy? An e-mail to your
staff reminding them of the upcoming all-staff meeting
17. Which of the following is an advantage of the direct strategy? Saves the reader time
18. Which of the following message openings is the most direct opening for an e-mail message
announcing a new telecommuting plan? Our new telecommuting program will begin on
19. Yosevin began his memo with background information and explanations before
announcing a reduction in health insurance coverage. The strategy Yosevin used is called

20. Which of the following is an advantage of the indirect strategy? Respects the feelings of the
21. When you expect a reader of your message to be uninterested, unwilling, displeased, or
hostile, you should explain all background information first.
22. Which of the following kinds of business messages typically use the indirect strategy?
Sensitive messages
23. What kind of sentence contains only one independent clause? Simple sentence
24. What kind of sentence contains two independent clauses? Compound sentence
25. What kind of sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent clause? Compound
26. What kind of sentence contains at least two independent clauses and a dependent clause?
Compound-complex sentence
27. Which of the following is a simple sentence? HMO PPO
28. What is the recommended maximum number of words for a sentence?20
29. What is a sentence fragment? A broken-off part of a complex sentence
30. What is a comma splice? Two independent clauses joined by a comma without a
31. What is a run-on sentence? Two independent clauses run together without punctuation or a
32. Which of the following contains no sentence faults? HealthNet's coverage is extensive, and
the rates are fair
33. How should the following be classified? ReliaCare increased insurance premiums by 28
percent for our next fiscal year, that is why we are seeking new insurance bids. Comma
34. How should the following be classified? Liana called ReliaCare she also requested a new
bid for health insurance premiums. Fused or run-on sentence
35. To emphasize an idea through mechanics, place it in Any of these techniques would
emphasize the idea
36. To emphasize an idea through style, place it simple sentence
37. Which of the following sentences is most effective in de-emphasizing the bad news?
38. Although cash refunds are not offered, you can exchange resalable merchandise.
39. Active-voice sentences place the subject of the sentence as the doer of the action.
40. Which of the following uses only active voice in a complete sentence? few unhappy
customers criticized the company's rigid return policy
41. When should passive voice be used in business writing? When you want to de-emphasize
negative news
42. Which of the following uses parallel structure? business demands superior forecasting,
reporting, and analyzing
43. Which of the following sentences uses modifiers correctly? take advantage of the
discounted pricing, place your order immediately.
44. Effective paragraphs All answer choices are correct
45. What do most writers use as the first sentence in a paragraph? topic
46. Paragraphs are coherent when idea link
47. Transitional expressions such as next, first, and finally are useful to show time assicotion
48. Paragraphs should contain eight or fewer printed lines
49. Writer's block can best be defined as an inability to produce
50. Most writers can compose their business messages more effectively if they have a quiet
51. You can expect to write more messages on the job than ever.T
52. Being able to write effectively is critical to promotionsT
53. Research is necessary only when composing formal documents.F
54. When you fail to collect all needed research before beginning to organize and write your
business document, you may end up starting over and reorganizing.T
55. One question you should ask yourself when you collect research is What does the receiver
need to know about this topic?T
56. Jonathan is researching the financial impact of a job-sharing benefit for employees. Talking
with his boss about the possible effects of offering this benefit to employees is an effective
method of formal research. F
57. Conducting scientific experiments is a method to gather formal research. T
58. Most routine business writing tasks allow you to use informal research techniques to gather
sufficient information.T
Chap 5 - Short Workplace Messages and Digital Media
1. Which of the following statements about communication in the workplace is most accurate?
Although today's workplaces are still far from paperless, increasingly information is
exchanged electronically and on the go
2. Business are storing and accessing ever more data along with software in remote
network clusters. This process of remote storage is called cloud computing
3. Web 2.0 allows users to create content, review products, and edit and share information
4. How are businesses using VPNs (virtual private networks) today? VPNs offer businesses
secure access to company information from any worldwide location that provides an
Internet connectio
5. The technological revolution of the last 25 years has resulted in amazing productivity
6. You must communicate up-to-date information immediately to customers who are digitally
connected. Which of these is the best communication channel to offer you this always-on
connectedness for your business message? twitter
7. You are delivering your salary and benefits proposals for employees in your department to
your supervisor. What is the best communication channel to deliver this confidential
information? nteroffice
8. Which of the following messages is appropriate to send via e-mail? announcement of a
change in a meeting
9. Jackson is sending an e-mail message about an important upcoming meeting. Which of the
following represents the most effective subject line? Please Attend Staff Meeting August
10. Most e-mail messages and memos have non-sensitive topics and begin directly
11. Bennett is sending an e-mail message about a change in procedure for submitting work
hours. Which of the following represents the most direct opening? A new procedure
12. Which of the following is the best advice for writing the body of an e-mail message? To
help the receiver
13. Your e-mail messages and memos should have high skim value, which meANSWER
information presented is easy to read and comprehend.
14. An e-mail message or memo usually ends with action information, needed dates, a
summary of the message, or a closing though
15. Which of the following is the most appropriate closing for an e-mail message or memo?
Please submit your report by August 1 so that the information can be presented at the
16. Which of the following is not a guide word used in e-mail messages and memos?
17. What is the current advice on the use of a greeting on business e-mail? Begin wwith
18. If a coworker is using company computers to communicate with family members, what is
the best advice? Don’t use conquery
19. If you have to send a long message via e-mail, what is the best advice? Attach a document
20. The final element of an e-mail message should be your name
21. To correctly format a hard-copy interoffice memorandum, which of the following is
22. not a guideline you should follow? justify
23. Business e-mail users must learn that e-mail can be dangerous because messages travel
long distances, are difficult to erase, and may become evidence in court
24. E-mail is the No. 1 communication channel in business today. To make your messages
effective, you should consider the receiver
25. Samantha must use e-mail frequently to communicate with others in her new job. What is
the best advice to give her? Consider composing important messages offline
26. Which of the following situations is most appropriate for sending an e-mail message? Chris
must send the monthly sales data to his department
27. Which of these is the best recommendation for business communicators using e- mail?
28. Care about tone, correctness, and conciseness to create messages with the reader in mind
29. PDF documents guarantee that the reader receives a message that looks exactly as the writer
30. Use e-mail for internal messages requiring a permanent record or formality; use hard- copy
memos for external messages requiring a permanent record or formality.F
31. Informational e-mail and memos generally follow the same writing plan: informative
subject line, direct opening, explanatory body, and appropriate closing.T
32. Including a subject line in your e-mail message or memo is optional because the message
is usually short.F
33. Open most e-mails and memos indirectly to show respect for readersF
34. Effective e-mail messages and memos generally discuss only one topic.T
35. Readers look for deadlines and action language in the body of an e-mail message or
36. Please let me know if I may provide additional information or be of further assistance
37. is an example of an effective, professional closing for an e-mail message or memo.F
38. You need not close messages to coworkers with goodwill statements such as those found in
letters to customers or clients.T
39. Because the recipient's e-mail address is located in the e-mail heading, including a greeting
in the message body is not necessary.F
40. The Accounting Department wants to document the information it presented at the weekly
divisional meeting. The best internal channel to create a permanent, formal record of this
information is a hard-copy memo.T
41. One of the risks in using e-mail is "self-destructing," which refers to accidentally sending
an e-mail message without first carefully editing it or verifying the recipients' names.F
42. Typing your name at the bottom of an e-mail message is unnecessaryF
43. In addition to the basic elements of Date, To, From, and Subject, large organizations may
include other identifying headings, such as File Number, Floor, Extension, Location, and
Distribution on memos.T
44. One risk of e-mail is that even though you erase an e-mail message, it can remain on
multiple servers that are backed up by companies or Internet service providers.T
45. E-mail is an appropriate channel for communicating schedule changes, breaking bad news,
and resolving arguments.F
46. E-mail messages have benefits and risks; some risks occur because e-mail messages travel,
intentionally or unintentionally, long distances.T
47. Travis deleted an e-mail message, but now he needs that message. Unfortunately, once
deleted, e-mail can never be retrieved.F
48. Because employers have the legal right to monitor e-mail use, assume that your employer
monitors all workplace e-mail.T
49. When preparing your script for a podcast, include some redundancy: tell the listeners what
you will tell them, then tell them, and, finally, tell them what you have told them.T
50. Although teenagers use instant messaging (IM) frequently, corporations do not use this
communication tool.F
51. The major attraction of instant messaging (IM) in business is real-time communication with
colleagues anywhere in the world⎯so long as a cell phone signal or a Wi-Fi connection is
52. Podcasting has experienced large growth and has spread among various user groups
53. RSS feeds are online journals used by companies to communicate internally with
employees and externally with customers.F
54. Millie needs to research customer reactions. She should consider a blog because blogs can
produce unbiased consumer feedback more quickly and cheaply than familiar techniques
like focus groups and surveys.T
55. Twitter is very popular for personal use with employees under age 35, but businesses have
not yet found positive business applications for this digital communication tool.F
56. One of the prominent business uses of blogs is to provide up-to-date company information
to the press and the public.T
i. messages tend to carry more weight, are more formal, and are taken more seriously in
certain situations. hard
57. In the of an e-mail message, you should cover just one topic. body
58. Sending unsolicited advertisements, also called , either by
fax or e-mail is illegal in the United States. spam
59. A(n) is a digital audio or video file that can be downloaded to a computer or
watched on a smartphone. podcard
60. An e-mail message should include a descriptive to help
ensure that the message will be read. Subject line
61. To, From, Date, and Subject in an e-mail message or a memo are called
62. words. guides

63. Unless your company specifically allows it, never use your employer's computers for
64. messages or entertainment. personal
65. Although e-mail is still a relatively new business communication tool, a set of rules for
polite online interaction called has emerged. netiquette
i. messaging enables you to use the Internet to communicate in real time in a private chat
room with one or more individuals. It is like live e-mail or a text telephone call.instant
66. Teams or departments use to collect and
disseminate information to large audiences creating a database for knowledge
Chap 9 - Informal Reports
1. Which of the following statements about reports is accurate? infomal
2. Reports convey information, answer questions, and solve problem
3. Reports that present data without analysis or recommendations are infomation
4. Which of the following is most likely to be written as an informative report? Summary
5. Reports that provide data or findings, analyses, and conclusions are analytical
6. Which of the following reports is an example of an analytical report? Report
7. The direct pattern of organization is appropriate for a business report when readers arre
8. When you organize a report directly, what is the correct order of ideas to follow?intro, fact
9. The indirect pattern of organization is appropriate for a business report when readers
10. When you organize a report indirectly, in which order should you present your ideas?
11. Which is the most accurate statement about business report organizational patterns? The
12. Connor has studied the effect of on-site daycare on employee work attendance. He must
present his findings to his supervisor, who is opposed to this service. How should Connor
present his information? Usse persuade
13. The format of a report depends primarily on its length
14. You are writing a short, informal report that will stay inside your organization. Which
format would be most appropriate? Memo, email
15. You are writing a short, informal report that you will send to one of your customers. Which
format would be most appropriate? Letter fomat
16. You work for a development firm and must explain to a customer the results of a year-long
study of potential sites for new stores. In what format should you develop this report? Manu
17. You are an inventory specialist for a retail store. Your boss has asked you to compile a
year-end report listing the merchandise sold each month through the company's Web site. In
what format should you present this data? Preprinted fomat
18. Which statement regarding digital report formats and delivery is accurate? New technolotry
19. When you receive an assignment to write a report, you should begin the report-writing
process by determining
20. Many business writers begin their report research by visiting company
21. What type of research source provides the richest and most accurate first-hand
information? interview
22. Typical sources for factual information in an informal report include company record
23. Which of the following statements is accurate? 2th data arre cheaper
24. A report that monitors the headway of a nonroutine or unusual activity is called progress
25. A report that attempts to solve problems by presenting data, drawing conclusions, and
offering solutions is called a(n) justify report
26. Reports that describe routine activities without analysis are called information report
27. A record of the proceedings of a meeting is called the miutes
28. What kind of report condenses the primary ideas, conclusions, and recommendations of a
longer report or publication? summary
29. Business reports are always presented in writing or orally, but they are not presented
30. The most common type of report in the workplace is the formal report.F
31. You will write reports for only one reason: to convey information. F
32. Based on their function, business reports typically fall into one of two categories:
instructional or persuasive.F
33. The direct strategy is appropriate when your readers are informed or supportive of your
34. Use the indirect strategy for all analytic reports. F
35. The format for an informal report relies solely on the intended audience. F
36. Preprinted forms are useful for reporting repetitive data.T
37. If you are preparing a report in manuscript format for an outside organization, print the
report on your company letterhead. F
38. The memo or e-mail format is appropriate for short informal reports that stay within
39. All reports are printed on either paper or preprinted forms. F
40. You can attach reports in any format to an e-mail message. T
41. The first step in preparing a report is to sit down and begin writing immediately; this
technique allows you to capture your best ideas quickly.F
42. Identifying your primary and secondary audiences can help you determine your writing
43. Many report writers begin with an analysis of company records and files. T
44. Surveys provide the richest, most accurate first-hand information.F
45. Business researchers often use such electronic resources such as mailing lists, discussion
boards, social networking sites, and blogs to conduct research for business reports. T
46. Informal business reports generally fall into one of six categories. However, in many
instances the category boundaries overlap and distinctions are not always clear-cut.T
47. Informational reports may be personalized or standardized.T
48. You should organize all informational reports topically. F
49. Progress reports are written for only internal readers. F
50. Feasibility reports analyze a problem, discuss options, and present a recommendation,
solution, or action to be taken. F
51. When your reader may oppose your recommendation, you should begin the report by
announcing the recommendation directly. F
52. Feasibility reports answer such questions as Will this plan or proposal work? T
53. Feasibility reports are typically written for internal audiences.T
54. Formal meeting minutes provide a record of old business, new business,
announcements, and reports, as well as the precise wording of motions.T
55. Informal minutes tend to be longer and less well organized than formal minutes, making
the informal minutes more difficult to read. F
56. Summary reports are typical in academic settings but rarely used in business settings. F
57. The primary purpose of an executive summary is to concentrate on what management needs
to know from a longer report. T
58. A formal writing style includes first-person pronouns, contractions, active-voice verbs,
shorter sentences, and familiar words. F
59. The audience, purpose, and setting of a message usually determine the use of a formal or
informal writing style, but only a formal writing style will enhance the authority and
credibility of a report.F
60. Reports are convincing only when the facts are believable and the writer is credible. T
61. Although citing sources in a formal report is essential, you do not need to cite sources in an
informal report. F
62. Discussion of Findings is an example of a functional heading. T
63. Functional headings should be used instead of talking headings in a report when the report
discusses a sensitive or controversial topic. T
64. Headings are advantageous only to the reader of the report, not to the writer.F
65. You should include at least one heading per report page. T
66. Business are systematic attempts to convey information, answer questions, and solve
problems. reports
67. In a report using the organizational pattern, the
problem, discussion, and findings are presented before the conclusions and
recommendations. indirect
68. Use format for short (usually eight or fewer pages) informal reports addressed
outside an organization. letter
69. Use Empowered Team Decision-Making Without Losing Control is an example of a(n)
heading. taking
70. A distinct type of information report is the report. In this
type of report, business travelers identify the event they attended or the company they
visited; summarize three to five main points objectively; and, if requested, itemize their
expenses on a separate sheet. trip
71. The purpose of a(n) report is used to tell management
whether a nonroutine project is on schedule. Progress or recommendation reports attempt to
solve problems by evaluating options and offering recommendations. justifications
72. A(n) summary condenses the primary ideas, conclusions, and recommendations of a longer
report or publication.
73. When a company must decide whether to proceed with a plan of action, it may require a(n)
feasibility report.
74. Minutes are a record of the proceedings of a meeting.

Chap 10 - Proposals and Formal Reports

1. Which of the following statements is accurate? Proposal arre persuaasive
2. A company might prepare a proposal for which of the following reasons? To bid for a
3. An RFP (request for proposal) can best be defined as docu soicits competitive
4. A business would be most likely to write a request for proposals to renovate offices
5. In addition to an introduction, the background information, and the proposal itself,
informal or letter proposals often contain staffing requirements
6. You can make the introduction of a proposal more persuasive if you provide a hook
7. Which of the following is the best tip to fight writer's block when writing proposals?
Making bulleted
8. In which part of a solicited proposal would you most likely convince your reader that you
understand the problem completely? Background
9. In which section of an informal proposal would you most likely include a timetable for a
project to be completed? proposal
10. The budget in a proposal should reflect careful
11. Jeremy has decided to include a deadline for acceptance in his proposal to install energy-
efficient workstations for a local manufacturer. In which section should Jeremy place the
deadline? Authorization request
12. Although formal reports are similar to formal proposals, a primary difference is that fomal
report reprent the end product
13. What is the first step in preparing to write a formal report? Define the project and limit its
14. What is the best advice when writing a statement of purpose for a formal report? Action
15. Primary research data can be defined as in4 gain firsthand
16. Your boss asks you to write a formal report on the impact of smoking on employee
healthcare costs. Like nearly every writer of a research project, you should begin your
research by review 2nd data
17. What type of print resource provides excellent historical data? brochure
18. Many researchers today begin by looking in electronic databases because electionic data
convinced to use
19. Which statement about the World Wide Web is accurate? Collection off hepertext
20. Which statement about search tools is accurate? Search tool service that index
21. What is the best advice for conducting an Internet search? Read FAQs
22. Which of the following is a primary data source? experimentation
23. Surveys, which are used to collect firsthand data, have many advantages. One
advantage is that data gathered and efficiently
24. Brittany is writing a business report about protecting workplace data and will be conducting
an interview with a data security expert. What is the best advice you can give her? Complete
all these step
25. Plagiarism is the act of using others' ideas or by paraphrasing poorly
26. Which of the following statements about documenting data is not accurate? Documenting
data is not necessary if you put the information in your own words.
27. Which of the following statements would need to be documented in a report? The Fujita-
Pearson tornado
28. Which of the following is not a purpose for a direct quotation? To add length
29. Which of the following is the best advice about the use of direct quotations in a report?
Beware of overusing quotations
30. What is the correct order of ideas for a report using the indirect strategy? Find,
31. Chronological organization arranges ideas by time
32. Tanika must prepare a formal report detailing the findings of a year-long study of her
company's new wellness program. In this report she must discuss employee absenteeism
before and after the program's implementation. What type of organizational pattern will she
likely use? compare
33. Tyler is writing a report that analyzes the GlobalCom, Inc., market share of cell phone
subscriptions worldwide by region. He will probably organize his report geographically
34. Logan is creating an outline to help him write a report on e-waste generated by his
company. What advice should he follow? Avoid placing
35. Yolanda must include a long table in a report she is preparing on employee Internet use.
What advice should she follow when creating the table? Place the table as close
36. The major advantage of line charts is that they demonstrate trend
37. What type of graphic illustrates changes in data over time? Bar chart
38. In her letter to policyholders, Min Yi needs a graphic depicting the procedure a
policyholder follows when filing a claim. Which of these would be most appropriate? Flow
39. Which statement about pie charts is accurate? Pie chart appropriate percentage
40. Which of the following is the best advice when using graphics in reports? Don’t overuse
41. What is the purpose of a letter or memo of transmittal? Present overview
42. Proposals are informative documents used to educate readers. F
43. Proposals may be internal or external, but most proposals are external.T
44. External proposals may be solicited or unsolicited, but most proposals are unsolicited.
45. RFP stands for "Required Formal Procedures."F
46. Informal proposals are often presented in short (two- to four-page) letters.T
47. Most proposals begin by explaining briefly the reasons for the proposal and by
highlighting the writer's qualifications.T
48. To make the introduction of your proposal persuasive, include a "hook" that focuses on the
audience's specific needs and benefits.T
49. In a solicited proposal, your goal is to convince the reader that a problem exists. F
50. If you are responding to a request for proposal (RFP), avoid using the same language of the
RFP as doing so will show a lack of creativity.F
51. Don't include a deadline for acceptance in the budget section of a proposal because doing so
puts too much pressure on the reader.F
52. A proposal represents a legal contract. T
53. Companies today prefer online proposals. T
54. The main differences between formal and informal proposals are tone and language use.F
55. Like proposals and informal reports, formal reports begin with a definition of the project.T
56. The first step in preparing a report is to conduct research. F
57. Secondary data come from reading what others have experienced and observed. T
58. An advantage of secondary data over primary data is that secondary data are easier and
cheaper to develop.T
59. Books provide historical, in-depth data; however, periodicals provide limited but current
60. If you find information on the Web, you can be assured that it is reliable. F
61. To efficiently locate information using the Internet, use two or three search tools and
combine keywords into phrases.T
62. Businesses should avoid using social networking sites to generate research because these
sites serve entertainment and leisure purposes only.F
63. Both observation and experimentation produce firsthand data to clarify cause and effect.F
64. When you conduct an interview, prepare closed-ended questions to make the
interviewee feel relaxed and at ease.F
65. Informal proposals are sometimes called proposals.letter
66. In the section, your aim is to discuss your plan for solving the problem. proposal
67. The section promotes the credentials and expertise of project leaders and
support staff. staffing
68. The planning of ever report begins with a statement of that
describes the goal, significance, and limitations of a formal report. purpose
69. A(n) is a collection of information stored electronically so that it is accessible by
computer and digitally searchable. database
70. A(n) tool is a service such as Google that indexes, organizes, and often rates
and reviews Web pages. search
71. An online diary or journal that allows visitors to leave public comments is called a weblog
or . blog
72. is giving credit to your information sources.:documentation
73. Business reports often rely on data from firsthand
experience such as surveys, interviews, observations, and experimentations. primary

CHAP 11 - Professionalism at Work: Business Etiquette, Teamwork, and Meetings

Which statement about professionalism is accurate? Professionalism describes desirable
workplace behavior
A synonym for professionalism is business etiquette
Professional behavior is comprised of six dimensions, including courtesy and respect,
appearance and appeal, tolerance and tact, honesty and ethics, reliability and responsibility,
and deligence and colegiaity
Which of the following statements about professionalism in the workplace is accurate?
Morre orrganization
Stephen is starting a new job and wants to demonstrate that he is a professional employee.
What advice should he follow? Show up a few minutes to late
Richard wants to prove that he is diligent and collegial. What is the best advice you can
give him? Show a willingness
How do recruiters and employers view the importance of professional behavior in the
workplace? Employers will often promote
Jue understands that soft skills and professional polish will ensure her long-term success on
the job. Which of the following is not a soft skill?use computer
Which of the following statements about face-to-face communication is accurate? Face face
most effecient
Saying words correctly and clearly with the accepted sounds and syllables reflects proper
Alec, hoping for a promotion, wants to improve his pronunciation skills so that he's able to
say words correctly and clearly with accepted sounds and accented syllables. Which of the
following is the best advice for Alec? Practice sounding enthusiastic
Which of the following statements is accurate? You can learn to change your voice to make
it more powerful
The best definition of uptalk is a rising inflection at the end of a sentence
To use your voice effectively, speak in a moderately low-pitched voice
LaTarsha's coworker has told her that LaTarsha is more likely to be promoted if she speaks
effectively in conversations. Which of the following is a good tip for LaTarsha? Give
sincere and specific praise to managers, colleagues, and workers
Which of the following is the best advice regarding small talk in the workplace?
Many businesses have established protocol procedures or policies to encourage civility. T
Hard skills refer to a whole cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes (for example,
optimism and friendliness), communication skills, and social graces.F
Technical fields such as accounting and finance don't emphasize soft skills F
You are unable to change your voice.F
Your vocal quality sends only verbal messages F
Speakers should avoid "uptalk" in the workplace because it makes them appear weak and
tentative. T
Rate refers to the pace of your speech T
When conversing with others, always address them by their first names T
Attending work-related social functions can harm your career if you dress inappropriately
or choose controversial conversation topics; therefore, it is best to avoid these functions. F
If you receive constructive criticism on the job, you should focus on your feelings as much
as possible.F
If another person has criticized you unfairly, you should disagree respectfully and

constructively. T

When you deliver constructive criticism, you should use the word "we" instead of "you" to

avoid sounding accusatory.T

You should deliver most constructive criticism in writing rather than in person. F

E-mail has made telephone use obsolete in the corporate world. ANSWER: FALSE

When placing a business telephone call, immediately name the person you are calling,

identify yourself and your affiliation, and give a brief explanation of your reason for


, also known as business etiquette, civility, social intelligence, or

soft skills, refers to a whole range of desirable workplace behaviors.Professionalism

intelligence is defined as "the ability to get along well with others and to get them
to cooperate with you."Social
The of your voice is the degree of loudness or the intensity of sound.volume
criticism involves planning what you will say, focusing on improvement,
offering to help, being specific, and avoiding anger.Constructive
enable you to conduct business from virtually anywhere at any time and have
become an essential part of communication in today's workplace.Smartphones
mail links a telephone system to a computer that digitizes and stores incoming
To connect with distant team members across borders and time zones, many organizations
are creating teams. These teams work interdependently with a
shared purpose across space, time, and organization boundaries using technology.virtual
consist of three or more people who gather to pool information, solicit feedback,
clarify policy, seek consensus, and solve problems.Meetings
The list of topics to be discussed at a meeting is called a(n) agenda .
The are a record of points of discussion, decisions made, and tasks assigned at a
meeting. minutes
Chap 12 – Business Presentations
Choose the most accurate statement about business presentations. If you are like most
people, you may be apprehensive about making informational or persuasive oral
Which of the following statements about business presentations and speaking skills is
most accurate? Effective speaking skills
According to a major study on public speaking, the No. 1 predictor of success and upward
mobility is how much you enjoy public speaking and how effective you are at it
Which of the following statements about preparing for an oral presentation is not
accurate? The key element in successful preparation for an oral presentation is assessing
your knowledge and related technical skills
The most important part of preparing for an oral presentation is determining the purpose
After determining your purpose for the presentation, what is your next important step?
Analyzing the audience
Your task in audience analysis is to anticipate the audience's reactions and adjust to its
needs, if necessary.
Audience analysis issues you should consider when preparing your presentation include
size, age, gender, and which of the following? Experience, attitude, and expectations
Presentations are given to many types of audiences. According to your text, what are the
four categories of audiences? Hostile, friendly, neutral, and uninterested
Your audience analysis reveals that audience members will be friendly and interested in
your topic. You should be warm, pleasant, and open; and you should use a lot of eye
contact and smiles
If you have agreed to speak to an audience with which you are unfamiliar, you should
obtain the names of several audience members
After you determine your purpose and analyze your audience, your next step is to collect
Some repetition in oral presentations helpful because it increases audience comprehension
and retention
Follow all of these guidelines to deliver your presentation effectively except begin speaking
immediately; that is, speak as soon as you are behind the lectern.
Effective speaking skills and career success go hand in hand at every stage of a career.
Business studies indicate that the best predictor of career success is not only whether
employees were effective at public speaking but also if they enjoyed public speaking.
For any presentation you can reduce your fears and lay the foundation for a professional
performance by focusing on five items: your knowledge, your background/experience, your
self-confidence, your breathing, and your inner peace or Zen.
The most important part of preparation for an oral presentation is deciding the purpose.
To effectively adapt a presentation for an unfamiliar audience, you should contact five or
six audience members to interview before the presentation to determine typical audience
attributes. You should then thank these people in the opening of your presentation.
No matter what kind of audience you will have, you must plan your presentation to focus it
on audience benefits.
Good organization and conscious repetition are the two most powerful keys to audience
comprehension and retention.
It may be appropriate to begin a speech with a promise, a question, an anecdote, and even a
Prepare extra material for your speech because most speakers go about 25 percent under the
allotted time as opposed to their practice runs at home.
You can avoid one of the biggest problems with most oral presentations if you focus your
speech on a few key ideas.
Natalia is presenting statistics about the diversity of college students in different parts of the
country. She will most likely organize by chronology.
Reserve the use of anecdotes and quotations to grab attention in introductions in business
presentations because using these devices in the conclusion will weaken their impact.

One of the goals of an effective conclusion in a presentation is to allow the speaker to leave
the podium gracefully.

Once you have announced your conclusion, you should proceed to the conclusion

Build the best connection with your audience members by providing them the hard, dry
facts and by avoiding personalized statistics or personal anecdotes that make you appear
amateurish and unpolished.

To enliven your presentation and enhance comprehension, try using some exaggeration or
distortion in your imagery.

You have just made the statement This financial bailout is a missed field goal as the clock
runs out. This is an example of a metaphor.

Next, therefore, on the contrary, moreover, and in conclusion are examples of transitional

You can create a stronger organization in your presentation through the use of verbal
signposts that will help your audience recognize your previews, summaries, or changes of
If your audience will be dressed casually, experts recommend that you dress casually for
your presentation.

Lindsay plans to give her audience a handout with images of her PowerPoint slides.
Lindsay should distribute this handout after her presentation to maintain audience control.

Creating speaker's notes from your PowerPoint slides is helpful because these notes allow
you to read your presentation word for word.

Although Microsoft PowerPoint is the business standard for presenting, defending, and
selling ideas, overused and abused multimedia presentations have become a common
complaint in business.

The most effective multimedia presentations rely heavily on text, use frequent bullet-
pointed lists, and employ few graphics or images.

Poorly designed PowerPoint presentations are the fault of the creator and not the software

By preparing a visually appealing multimedia presentation and ensuring that each slide is
great looking, you can compensate for thin content.

Roberto is preparing a PowerPoint multimedia presentation for a multicultural audience. He

must choose his background colors carefully.

It is acceptable for a speaker to break the 6 x 6 rule for multimedia slides when the users
will be reviewing the presentation on their own with no speaker assistance.
analysis issues include size, age, gender, experience, and professional
ANSWER: Audience

You should capture listeners' attention, introduce yourself, establish your credibility, and
preview your topic in the of your presentation.
ANSWER: introduction

Develop each of your main points in the of your

ANSWER: body

In the of your presentation, you should summarize your main themes and leave the
audience with something memorable.
ANSWER: conclusion

A comparison of similar traits between dissimilar items, such as Turning the course of this
economic downturn has been like stopping an avalanche; it's possible, but very, very
difficult, is a(n) .
ANSWER: simile

Help your audience recognize the organization and main points in an oral message with
signposts that keep listeners on track.
ANSWER: verbal

points in a PowerPoint presentation consist of concise and parallel key

ANSWER: Bullet
To ensure professional results for your multimedia presentation, choose a professionally
designed that will combine harmonious colors, borders, bullet styles, and fonts for
pleasing visual effects.
ANSWER: template

After delivering their presentations, businesspeople often post their multimedia shows
online because attendees appreciate these handouts.
ANSWER: electronic

delivery means speaking freely, generally without notes, after preparation and
rehearsing. This delivery method allows you to freely discuss the ideas you have prepared
and rehearsed several times.
ANSWER: Extemporaneous
Chap 13 - The Job Search, Résumés, and Cover Messages
Begin the job search by studying the job market and

a. identifying your interests, goals, and qualifications.

b. specifying your target job, ideal supervisor, and perfect working
c. developing a short-range career plan to present at interviews.
d. searching Web sites for job openings.

Your first step in finding a satisfying career should be

a. researching salary, benefits, and job stability in a chosen field.

b. developing an effective résumé to send to prospective employers.
c. locating job openings at desirable companies.
d. learning about yourself, the job market, and the employment

Which of the following is an effective question you should ask to determine your best
career path?

a. Do I speak, write, or understand another language?

b. Do I want to retrain frequently, and will my employer pay for this
c. How well will I stand out from other candidates applying for jobs in this
career field, and how likely will I be to get an interview and land a job?
d. Would I like to work for someone else or be my own boss?

Which of the following statements about the changing nature of jobs in today's
workplace is most accurate?

a. In many companies teams complete special projects and then

b. The primary employers in today's economy are large businesses.
c. Employers prefer hiring people for jobs with narrow descriptions.
d. Jobs are becoming less flexible and more permanent.

As you prepare for a successful job search, you must understand the role of the Web in the
process. Which of the following is most accurate?

a. The Web has made the process both easier and more challenging.
b. The Web has made it easy for job candidates to get noticed; standing out
among candidates is now simple.
c. The Web should be the only research tool in the job-search arsenal for
savvy hunters and recruiters.
d. The Web now provides one-stop employment services for job seekers and
for employers seeking employees.

Given the changing nature of the job market today, which of these is the best advice for job

a. Seek a lifelong career with a single company.

b. Upgrade your skills regularly and plan to retrain yourself frequently.
c. Start with a career that relies on existing technology skills to remain secure
over the long haul.
d. Remember that you will still have pay raises, promotions, and, finally, a
comfortable retirement over the course of your career, despite the changing
job market.

The best advice for college students who need to learn about careers and establish a
professional network is to

a. enroll in classes in many programs to sample every career

b. write your own blog to attract potential employers.
c. volunteer with a nonprofit organization.
d. purchase a good interview suit.

Which of the following statements is most accurate?

a. You can expect to have two or three employers over the course of your
b. Because you are likely to change jobs often, do not train now for a specific
c. You make better career decisions if you match your interests to specific
career requirements.
d. The Web provides all the career data you need to gather.

Kendra is searching for a job and wants to use electronic sources. Which of the
following will probably be her best source of online job listings?

a. Big job boards such as and Yahoo

b. Specific company Web sites
c. Her college Web site job board
d. Social networking sites such as MySpace and

Experts report a new online information source for successful job seekers. What is this
recently emerged online job source?

a. Big online job boards

b. Online newspapers
c. Public service Web sites
d. Social media sites

Which of the following is a traditional job-search technique?

a. Developing a network
b. Searching CareerBuilder and HotJobs
c. Visiting a company Web site to search for job
d. Checking LinkedIn or Facebook
Which of the following tips will best help you conduct a safe, effective Web job search?

a. Respond only to "blind" job postings.

b. Renew your résumé posting about every 45 days.
c. Post your résumé only at reputable sites that charge a fee for this
d. Consider omitting your home address and home phone number.

The most successful job seekers are those who

a. avoid career fairs and other "cattle calls" where the job seeker can become
lost in a crowd of applicants.
b. launch aggressive, proactive campaigns, which includes sending
unsolicited application letters with résumés to target companies.
c. focus their job searches on nontraditional methods such as Twitter and
Facebook and use traditional methods only as a last resort.
d. study the job market and companies in college and don't worry about their
grades because employers no longer place importance on GPAs.

Because job competition is stiff, you must have a customized résumé. Having a
customized résumé means that you

a. prepare a special résumé for every position you want.

b. create résumés for each of the job categories to which you plan to apply.
c. hire a professional résumé preparation company to review and refine your
basic résumé and then "dress it up."
d. include your photo, add color, or place other graphics on the résumé.

The primary way to make a résumé persuasive is to

a. limit it to one page.

b. customize it to fit each company and position.
c. use a good laser printer to print it on high-quality bond
d. put a copy of it on the Web.

Because it quickly reveals a candidate's education and experience record, most recruiters
favor a(n)

a. scannable résumé.
b. functional résumé.
c. chronological résumé.
d. online résumé.

You are just graduating from college and have little employment experience, yet you want
to put together a persuasive résumé. What would be the best résumé style to use?

a. Chronological résumé
b. Scannable résumé
c. Functional résumé
d. Online résumé

Which of the following is the best advice about résumé length?

a. Because recruiters are busy, keep it to one page.

b. Because recruiters and hiring managers want to know your skills, make it as
long as needed to sell yourself.
c. Because recruiters interview applicants with two-page résumés, make it
two pages.
d. Because experts are divided between one- or two-page résumé length, make
your résumé a page and a half.
Which of these is the best tip for arranging the parts of a persuasive résumé?

a. Always include a Career Objective to show your commitment.

b. Use as many headings as needed to cover your background

c. List Education before Work Experience.

d. Always begin your résumé with your name and contact

Opinions on the use of a Career Objective on the résumé are mixed. Which of the following
the best reason for candidates to add a Career Objective to their résumés?

a. An Objective shows flexibility and indicates that a candidate is adaptable

and willing to change to suit the employer's needs.
b. The primary goal of an Objective is to make the recruiter's life easier by
quickly classifying the résumé, which means the applicant is more likely to
be hired.
c. An Objective can rapidly disqualify a candidate if the stated Objective does
not match a company's job description.
d. An Objective can tell the prospective employer that this candidate is sure
about what he or she wants to do.

Which of the following is the best Career Objective for a résumé?

a. An entry-level position in the marketing area with a possibility of promotion

b. A challenging job at an organization that raises the bar in data security
c. Serving as a team player in a company where independent thinking is Job #1
d. An accounting position in which 10 years' experience and a license as a
CPA will allow me to assist the company with payroll, employee benefits,
and governmental tax and records reporting

What statement best describes the Summary of Qualifications portion of a résumé?

a. Recruiters and hiring managers dislike the Summary of Qualifications
section because it adds reading time.
b. The Summary of Qualifications usually appears at the end of a résumé to
provide a strong closing.
c. Smart job seekers add a summary of their most impressive qualifications to
their résumés to save the time of recruiters and hiring managers.

d. The Summary of Qualifications section is typically one or two


In the Education section of your résumé, you should

a. list all college courses you have taken to give the employer a complete
b. include relevant seminars attended and workshops completed.
c. list only colleges where you have completed a degree or certificate
d. specify your high school and college GPAs.

Which of the following statements describing employment achievements would be

most effective on a résumé?

a. Directed work flow and scheduling for emergency room personnel

b. Performed preventative maintenance on production equipment
c. Achieved 125 percent of production goal for three consecutive quarters
d. Knowledgeable in a variety of production processes and Just-in-Time

Which of the following statements uses an action verb to highlight an aptitude?

a. Competent in creation of multimedia presentations

b. Mastered QuickBooks Pro accounting software in 20 hours with
minimal instruction
c. Ability to develop innovative and interactive Web pages
d. Able to adapt quickly to changing work environments

Which of these résumé tips is most accurate?

a. Don't list awards and honors on a résumé; if you list them, you will appear
to be bragging.
b. Omit school and community activities from your résumé because they
are unrelated to your work experience.

c. Include your personal information (height, weight, and marital status) to

give a potential employer a complete picture.
d. Improve the visual impact of your résumé by placing your
employment achievements and relevant job duties in an easy-to-read
bulleted list.

Which statement represents the best advice on the use of references?

a. Include a list of references directly on the résumé.

b. Do not include personal or character references.
c. Remember that companies generally check references before a job interview
to learn about a candidate in advance.
d. Be sure to add the statement References furnished upon request at the
bottom of your résumé.

Experts argue about the best length for a résumé, but they agree that you shouldn't waste
space on unnecessary information. Which of the following should you omit on your

a. Awards, honors, and certificates

b. Description of internship experiences as part of your college
c. Complete listing of all courses taken during schooling
d. Skills and responsibilities learned at part-time jobs while in college

Employers today will probably ask you to submit your résumé in any of following formats
except as a

a. PDF document.
b. professionally typeset document.
c. Word document.
d. plain-text document.
Employers often use scanners to sort and evaluate résumés. Which of these steps will
maximize the "hits" your résumé receives from scanners?

a. Describe your experience, education, and qualifications in general terms.

b. Spell out all abbreviations and acronyms, especially those related to your
c. Eliminate descriptions of interpersonal skills or aptitudes.
d. Use accurate, specific names of schools, degrees, products, job titles,
and companies.

What is the most accurate statement about plain-text résumés?

a. Plain-text résumés are in high demand for electronic applications because

recruiters and employers no longer ask candidates to send application
materials by postal mail.
b. A plain-text format is widely used for posting to online job boards and
for applying by e-mail.
c. Plain-text résumés will look exactly like the original and cannot be
altered without Adobe Acrobat and other conversion software.
d. A plain-text résumé enables employers to plug your data into their formats
for rapid searching.

Another name for a print-based résumé is

a. presentation résumé.
b. plain-text résumé.
c. employability résumé.
d. e-portfolio résumé.

An e-portfolio is

a. an electronic copy of your résumé recorded on a CD or flash drive.

b. the addition of work samples and personal information as an attachment to
your embedded résumé.
c. a collection of digitized materials that give a snapshot of the
candidate's qualifications.
d. the name given to résumés posted on job-search Web sites such as

Generally, job seekers offer their e-portfolios on Web sites where potential employers can
access the information round the clock, but e-portfolios are also

a. burned onto CDs and DVDs to be mailed to prospective

b. shared via YouTube and Tweets.
c. printed into hard-copy and arranged into three-ring binders.
d. posted on the big job boards.

Omar has asked you for a tip to improve his résumé. Which of these is your best

a. Switch your incomplete college education from a total number of credits

to a completed degree because a small inflation is normal.
b. For the employers who didn't assign actual job titles to your positions, create
more impressive job titles, for instance, replacing data entry technician with
information technology administrator.
c. Study model résumés to get ideas to improve your own; and if your skills
don't measure up, begin working now to improve them.
d. Improve your employment record by claiming a couple group projects as a
solo effort that you completed.

Which of the following statements about résumés is inaccurate?

a. A résumé is expected to showcase your strengths and minimize your

b. An ethical résumé may include half-truths but not outright lies.
c. Even after you have been hired, a misrepresentation on the résumé can be
cause for firing.
d. Although they can't verify everything, most recruiters will verify your
previous employment and education before hiring.

Which of the following is considered unethical on a résumé?

a. Misrepresenting a job title to make it sound more important

b. Extending employment dates to avoid showing periods of unemployment
c. Making your job duties sound more impressive and responsible than they
really were
d. All of these choices are unethical.

Because your résumé is probably the most important document you will ever write, you

a. enhance your job titles to make your résumé more impressive.

b. include ample use of the personal pronoun I to make it more
c. consider having a knowledgeable friend or relative proofread it.
d. use a professional résumé service to prepare your résumé.

When writing your job application letter, avoid the biggest error most applicants make,
which is

a. misspelling the receiver's name or the company's

b. forgetting to enclose their résumé.
c. making the letter too generic.
d. not asking for the interview.

The purposes of a cover letter include all of the following except

a. securing a job offer.

b. introducing the résumé.
c. relating the sender's strengths to reader
d. gaining an interview.

A job opening has been announced. Which of these answer choices will be the best opening
sentence in an application letter?

a. You seek a master Web engineer, and I need a job; we are perfect for each
b. Dr. Matthew Skalski, IT director at Northwestern University, told me that
you have an opening for a Web engineer with experience in networking,
data management, and innovations.
c. Please consider this letter my application for your opening in the IT
d. Do you need a Web engineer with over three years of experience?

Openings in a cover letter for a solicited job should refer to

a. the source of the information, the job title, and qualifications for the
b. the reader's business, position, and name.
c. the applicant's education, the target position, and the desired hire date.
d. the desired position, the applicant's qualifications, and the desire for an

Which of the following statements is inaccurate regarding the opening in a cover letter for
an unsolicited job?

a. If you are unsure whether a position exists, use a more persuasive opening.
b. Demonstrate knowledge of the reader's business that may convince the
person to continue reading.
c. Show how your special talents will benefit the company and convince the
reader that your skill is exactly what this position demands.
d. Be vague about the type of position you're seeking so that you might
be considered for a variety of jobs.
Which of these statements about the body of a cover letter is most accurate?

a. Discuss the company's qualifications as your potential employer in the

b. Explain what courses you took in college and what duties you
performed in previous jobs to give hiring officers a complete picture of your
c. Stress writer benefits because hiring officers want to know what appeals to
you about this particular company.
d. Share your experiences demonstrating your initiative and ability to learn
easily because employers seek employees with these qualities.

Which of these is the best statement to present a job candidate's information in the body of a
cover letter?

a. I am a qualified and fully licensed pediatric nurse.

b. Your posting description closely matches my experiences assisting
dysfunctional families in crisis, and recently I've taken seminars in family
dynamics to develop the additional skills that your ad indicates are essential.
c. You need a licensed, registered nurse, and I meet those qualifications.
d. Having graduated summa cum laude from Southwest College, I am well-
prepared and eager to apply my knowledge in nursing.

Choose the best closing sentence for a cover letter.

a. You should schedule my interview on Tuesday, September 7, at 10 a.m.

b. Please feel free to call me at your earliest convenience.
c. I hope you contact me soon to set up an interview for the systems analyst
d. To add to your team an experienced systems analyst with proven analytical
and troubleshooting skills, call me at (555) 555-4321 to arrange an
Which of the following is the best advice for a cover letter to accompany a résumé sent by
e-mail or fax?

a. Take the time to prepare a professional cover letter to accompany your

résumé sent electronically.
b. Send your cover letter separately from a faxed or e-mailed résumé.

c. Shorten your e-mail or fax cover letter to a brief statement such as

Please consider the attached résumé for your opening.
d. Skip the cover letter; you don't need to introduce yourself because the fax or
e- mail includes your name.

Which of the following is the best tip for creating a successful cover letter?

a. Use different paper colors and paper types for your résumé and cover letter
to create a strong visual impact.
b. Make activities and outcomes, not yourself, the subject of sentences to
reduce overuse of "I."
c. Use a creative letter style to surprise the reader and make a big impact.
d. Keep the focus on your skills and traits through frequent use of "I"

To ensure your cover letter will look professional and suggest high quality, you should

a. revise it yourself and then pay a professional to read it for content and
b. format the document traditionally using a business memorandum heading.
c. create a quality, professional look by (1) printing your letter on a brightly
colored paper; (2) choosing a fun, appealing font; and (3) signing your letter
in a complementary ink color.
d. polish the letter repeatedly because just like your résumé, your cover letter
must be perfect.

Choose the best sentence to present an applicant's skills in an application letter.

a. I took classes in business at the local college, and I learned the skills needed
to perform well in any business setting.
b. I really enjoy and excel at teamwork, but I work well independently too.
c. Helping customers has been a pleasure in previous jobs, and serving
your customers would be equally rewarding.

d. If I didn't know better, I would swear this job had been written precisely for
because the description exactly matches my skills and experiences.

The employment process begins long before you are ready to prepare your résumé because
you must invest time and effort in self-evaluation.

You can analyze your qualifications by asking such questions as Do I enjoy working with
people, data, or things? and Would I rather work for a large company or a small company?

People who learn quickly and adapt to change will always be in demand in today's new

Because you will probably be frequently changing jobs throughout your career, you should
not train for a specific career now.

You can decide what qualifications you possess and how you can prove them by asking
yourself What evidence can I offer that I am a self-starter or a leader?

Students who are serious about the job search should include an internship in their
education because polls indicate that nearly 90 percent of employers offer full-time positions
to their interns.
Smart job hunters know they need to search only the job boards because nearly one half of
external hires come from responses to online postings.

Many job seekers today use social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn to network
and to find positions.
Landing a job today depends largely on your technical expertise and ability to navigate the
big job boards.

To conduct a safe job search online, you should post your information privately and limit
your personal information by omitting your home address and phone number.

The most successful job seekers launch smart, reactive campaigns. ANSWER:

Your primary purpose in preparing a persuasive résumé is to obtain an interview.


The résumé format most popular with recruiters and hiring managers is the functional
résumé because it focuses on the job applicant's skills and abilities related to the position

Résumés usually fall into four categories: chronological, functional, customizable, and

Recruiters may say they prefer one-page résumés, but many choose to interview those with
longer résumés.

The parts of résumés should be arranged in the order expected by hiring managers, and that
places the education section before the employment history.

To clearly label the purpose of your résumé for potential employers, always place the word
Résumé above the main heading.
The Summary of Qualifications section will replace the Education and Experience sections.

The purpose of a Summary of Qualifications is to present your most impressive

qualifications and to motivate the recruiter to read further.

Including a Career Objective on your résumé is appropriate for a specific, targeted position,
but it may limit a broader job search.

It is unethical to present your grade point average (GPA) as a calculation based on the
grades in your major courses only.

In the Education section of your résumé, list your degrees and your GPA (grade point
average), but do not list all the courses you have taken.

Experts recommend not listing foreign languages skills on your résumé because recruiters
often assume your nationality or ethnicity based on your language skills.

You can include your hobbies or interests on your résumé because these may grab the
recruiter's attention or serve as conversation starters.

In the Work Experience section of your résumé, you should include only those jobs that you
think will help you win the targeted position.

Your résumé should include school, community, volunteer, and professional activities to
demonstrate leadership and interpersonal skills in descriptions like Secretary for Lions
The closing section of a résumé should include personal data (birth date, health, height and
weight, and sometimes a photograph) to help the recruiter finalize his or her decision.

The first reader of your résumé may be a computer. ANSWER: TRUE

Because résumés are increasingly becoming part of a searchable database, most job seekers
now create only one résumé format: the scannable résumé.

You can maximize recognition of your résumé by a scanner if you use targeted keywords
and incorporate words from the advertisement or job description.

Many applicants prepare a plain-text résumé because it can be pasted directly into the body
of an e-mail message.

The most important reason to prepare an e-portfolio is that it shows off your talents and
qualifications more thoroughly than a print résumé.

To fool scanning programs into ranking your résumé higher, you should insert hidden
keywords into your scannable résumé.

Because they expect you to showcase your strengths and hide your weaknesses, employers
say it is acceptable to self-promote and distort facts on your résumé.

A cover letter doesn't always need to accompany your résumé; for instance, if you send
your résumé by fax or e-mail, a cover letter is not necessary.

The maximum length for a cover letter is always one page.


The biggest mistake job seekers make when writing cover letters is making them sound too

You can make your application letter more appealing by addressing it specifically to the
Human Resources Department or Hiring Manager.

If an employment position has been announced and applicants are being solicited, you can
write your cover letter using a direct approach.

Although a résumé must be perfect, a few errors or typos in a cover letter are acceptable.

accounts for most of the jobs found by candidates. ANSWER:


A résumé that focuses on a candidate's skills rather than on past employment has been
prepared using the style.
ANSWER: functional

A résumé that lists work history job by job, starting with the most recent position, has been
prepared using the style.
ANSWER: chronological

Seeking a position in criminalistics in a professional crime laboratory where my skills in

operating lab and field equipment, knowledge of the procedures to protect evidence, and six
years' experience analyzing physical evidence will help the organization prevent crime and
convict criminals is an example of a career .
ANSWER: objective
A(n) of qualifications, which presents three to eight bulleted statements identifying
your most impressive accomplishments to prove you are the ideal candidate for the position,
appears near the top of your résumé.
ANSWER: summary

A(n) résumé should be sent to companies that use automated applicant-tracking

software to screen incoming résumés.
ANSWER: scannable

An e- offers links to examples of a job candidate's performance, talents, and

accomplishments in digitized form.
ANSWER: portfolio

When an employer has advertised a job opening, you will write a(n)
application letter.
ANSWER: solicited

In the of your application letter, you should promote your qualifications for the
ANSWER: body

Motivate action by requesting an interview in the of your

application letter.
ANSWER: closing
Chap 14 - Interviewing and Following Up
During your interview you will

a. convince the employer of your potential.

b. research the company.
c. create success stories and match them to common interview
d. organize yourself and your materials into a persuasive package.

The job interview provides the opportunity for you to

a. expand on information in your résumé.

b. find out more about the job and whether it suits your career goals.
c. learn more about the company to decide whether you would fit into the
company culture.
d. do all of these.

Which of the following statements about hiring/placement interviews is most accurate?

a. During sequential interviews sell your qualifications to each interviewer.

b. A hiring manager in the department with the job opening will probably ask
more general questions than will a human resources representative.
c. Panel interviews occur when a company interviews several candidates for
the same position at the same time.
d. The most common type of interview is the stress interview.

Panel interviews are typically conducted by people who will be your supervisors and
colleagues. An important advantage of the panel interview is

a. allowing the company to measure the candidate's leadership and

communication skills.
b. saving company money on repeated interviews and related costs.
c. determining the best candidate through multiple interviews.
d. testing the reactions of a candidate during nerve-racking

One common form of hiring interview is the sequential interview. Which of the following
statements most accurately describes a sequential interview?

a. In a sequential interview, you should outshine your competition at Sequence

1 when all candidates are screened in the group interview.
b. You can assume that later interviewers know what was said in a
previous interview because sequential interviews are designed to save time.
c. As sequential interviews progress, interviews become more in-depth,
which meANSWER that you need to know even more about the company.
d. You must be totally committed to the job and the company to participate in
a sequential interview, which often takes weeks or even months to

Global Connections Inc. is interviewing several candidates for a leadership position

requiring strong communication skills. What form of interview will most likely be used for
this interview?

a. A one-on-one interview conducted by the human resources director

b. A stress interview conducted by the head of the programming
c. A computer screening interview to test applicants' programming
d. A group interview of several candidates at one time

When interviewing for high-pressure positions, companies may use stress interview
techniques, which include being

a. greeted immediately by the interviewer.

b. asked rapid-fire questions by members of a team.
c. given a test with no time limit.
d. offered challenging food, beverages, or tobacco
Alejandro is an active job seeker now that he has submitted several job applications. Which
of the following is the best advice for Alejandro?

a. If you put your cell phone number on your application, answer the cell
phone only if your location is appropriate.
b. Tell your children or roommates that they must answer the phone promptly
to avoid missing any job calls.
c. Stop using voice mail to screen calls because employers are likely to find
voice mail unprofessional.
d. If you use voice mail, have someone with a clear, professional speaking
voice record your outgoing message.

Which of the following is the best advice to make a positive first impression in a phone
conversation with an employer?

a. Don't refer to your résumé or references during the first phone call because
these are appropriate only in the placement interview.
b. Take notes about the conversation immediately after hanging up to
avoid forgetting details.
c. In the first phone call, be polite and enthusiastic; but don't be pushy by
discussing your qualifications.
d. If caught off guard by the call, ask whether you can call back in a few

Which of the following is recommended for job seekers to complete as "homework" when
preparing for an interview?

a. Google the interviewer.

b. Allow a "cooling-off period"; stop thinking about the interview for 12
c. Select an interesting and appealing fragrance (aftershave or perfume).
d. Develop a thick skin because rejections are likely.

Rebecca has an interview with a large company in a nearby city. What information should
she learn about the company before her interview?

a. The company's mission and

b. The company's customers and competitors
c. The management structure and names of leaders
d. Rebecca should find out all this information about the prospective

The best source of inside information about a company would probably result from

a. investigating its record at the Better Business

b. calling the local Chamber of Commerce.
c. searching Wikipedia.
d. talking with company employees.

Effective interview-preparation techniques include practicing answers to possible questions,

preparing to explain problem areas on your résumé, deciding on professional attire, and

a. informing your current employer of your

b. preparing success stories.
c. writing a resignation letter.
d. purchasing a gift for the interviewer.

Experts recommend you prepare success stories for your interview, but what should you
emphasize in these stories?

a. Highlight something humorous from your past to make the interviewer

b. Discuss a prior success of the company and the ways your skills will make
the company even better.
c. Share a story that showcases a strategic skill or key accomplishment.
d. Identify a weakness and share how you have turned it into a strength.
Braden is preparing several success stories prior to his job interview for a sales
representative position. Which of the following scenarios would result in the best success
story for this position?

a. A story about a lemonade stand that Braden ran when he was a child
b. A story about working as part of a team in college to prepare a
classroom presentation about a company's history
c. A story about volunteering for a local food bank over the holidays
d. A story about developing a new sales technique that increased his customer
sales by 30 percent over a six-month period

You are trying to decide what to wear to a job interview. Which of these provides the
best tip for you to follow?

a. Buy the most expensive suit you can afford to make a good impression.
b. Call the company to find out how its employees dress and dress the same to
match the look of the company culture.
c. Dress professionally, regardless of how company employees dress.
d. Don't worry about what you wear; it's what you say during the interview
that counts.

Social networking has impacted the job hunt for more than posting and searching jobs.
Which of the following best describes another important impact of social networking on the
job hunt?

a. Cleaning up digital dirt is essential because 70 percent of recruiters

report eliminating candidates based on information found on social
networking sites.
b. Employers in large employment markets are most likely to eliminate
candidates based on information found online.
c. Social networking is so common that employers expect to find a few
party pictures or off-color comments; a little digital dirt is no longer
d. You can't control what others post about you online; thus employers no
longer check social networking sites.
Which of the following is the best advice when traveling to and arriving at your

a. Limit grooming time because the more time you have, the more nervous
you will get.
b. If something unexpected happens causing you to be late, immediately call
the interviewer to explain what is happening.
c. If you smoke on the way to the interview, brush your teeth or chew some
gum when you arrive and liberally apply perfume or cologne.
d. Arrive at the interview 15 to 20 minutes early, and greet the receptionist
promptly on arrival.

Which of the following statements about fear related to interviewing is most accurate?

a. Expect to be nervous before the interview and then to feel calm once the
interview begins; that is the natural fear cycle.
b. Other than public speaking, employment interviews are the most dreaded
events in people's lives.
c. One of the best ways to overcome fear is to be surprised by the structure of
the interview; anticipation is the biggest generator of fear.
d. Most job applicants cut their fear in half simply be dressing casually;
professional dress heightens stress, and stress increases interview fears.

Which of the following will not help you reduce your fears during an interview?

a. Let the interviewer have complete charge of the entire interview.

b. Practice interviewing as much as you can, especially with real
c. Practice how you will answer the most frequently asked interview
d. Take deep breaths while waiting for the interview to begin.

When you enter the office for an interview,

a. greet the interviewer confidently, and wait for him or her to initiate a
b. avoid small talk and obvious flattery such as "You have beautiful facilities
c. introduce yourself to the receptionist, and wait to be invited to sit.
d. immediately open your briefcase to sort through your contents to locate
copies of your résumé and references.

You can send positive nonverbal messages during your interview by dressing
professionally, controlling your body movements, making eye contact, and

a. arriving on time.
b. using gender-neutral language.
c. presenting success stories to respond to behavioral
d. preparing thoroughly.

Which of the following statements about nonverbal messages during an interview is

most accurate?

a. Sit erect, leaning forward slightly to show interest and confidence.

b. Change positions often and gesture as frequently as possible to convey
high energy.
c. Lean forward, resting your arms on the desk or table before you, to
indicate control.
d. Relax back into your chair, slouching slightly, to demonstrate self-

Which of the following is the best advice when answering interview questions?

a. Focus your answers on your strengths, but reveal a weakness or two to show
your humanity and humble nature.
b. Use the interviewer's name and title each time you answer a question to
show respect.
c. To be concise, answer questions with a simple yes or no whenever possible.
d. Aim answers at the key characteristics needed, such as expertise,
motivation, and a pleasant personality.
To find people who will fit into their organizations, some interviewers use the airport test,
which is

a. an informal personality measure asking what it would be like to spend 12

hours stuck in an airport with this person.
b. an ethics questionnaire administered originally by the U.S. government to
airline employees.
c. a personality examination used to identify phobias related to heights.
d. a test containing ten questions asked of the candidate during the interview.

Although you can't expect to be perfect in an employment interview, you can do your best

a. showing some passion by bringing up a controversial topic and taking a

clear stand.
b. speaking forcefully but using some slang such as "like" and "ya know" to
sound relaxed and friendly.
c. elaborating on your answers and criticizing the person or object causing
the problems at a previous job.
d. occasionally refocusing and clarifying vague questions by asking "Do
you mean...?"

Employment interviews are all about questions. Which of the following statements about
interview questions is accurate?

a. Your interviewer may use questions to become acquainted with you.

b. Some interview questions are meant to showcase the business to the
c. None of the questions you will be asked are new.
d. You can anticipate and prepare for every question.

If an interviewer says Tell me about yourself, what is the best way to respond?
a. Present your brief biography as a chronology, beginning with when and
you were born.
b. Briefly discuss educational, professional, or business-related strengths.
c. To start the interview positively, provide a few humorous personal
d. Tell several success stories, making sure to fill at least ten minutes of
interview time.

If an interviewer says Why do you want to work for us?, you should

a. briefly summarize problems at your current job that require you to

change employers.
b. show what you know about the interviewer's company and how your goals
match the company and its culture.
c. explain that as a recent graduate you want to work for any company needing
a person with your skills and background.
d. tell the truth about your reasons for seeking this job; for example, you
are unemployed, you need more pay or better benefits, or you just

When the interviewer asks you questions about the future, you should provide answers

a. show ambition and interest in succeeding with this company.

b. enable you to work in your practiced success stories.
c. demonstrate you have the skills required for the target position.
d. illustrate your interest in their organization and in the open

How should you respond if an interviewer asks, Why should we hire you when other
applicants have better credentials?
a. Admit that you are less qualified, but stress you can be paid less than
more experienced applicants.
b. Describe how you are correcting one of your most significant
weaknesses to display your strong work ethic and determination.
c. Confidently explain your strengths such as your openness to new ideas
and knowledge of the latest methods and equipment.

d. Since it is clear that you will not get this job offer, do not answer this

Which of these responses is the best answer to the question, Where do you see yourself in
your career five years from now?

a. I see myself in your job.

b. I see myself as the president of this company.
c. I hope to be running my own business.
d. As a member of your team, I will have grown and learned enough to
advance to a position in management.

Which of these is the most effective response to the question, What do you think is your
greatest weakness?

a. Some people complain that I'm a workaholic with nearly too much passion
for this field.
b. To tell the truth, I become frustrated with lazy coworkers who don't pull
their own weight.
c. My typing speed isn't as fast as I would like, but this position doesn't require
me to use the computer.
d. I've worked hard to eliminate every weakness, and I am confident you will
find me the perfect employee for this position.

When an interviewer asks you a challenging question about a weakness, what is the
best way to respond?
a. To prove you have only strengths, reply that you have no weaknesses at all.
b. To be completely honest with the interviewer, talk about the
employment weakness that concerns you most.
c. Mention a previous weakness and the way you have corrected it.
d. Demonstrate your honesty by bringing up every weakness you can identify.
Which of the following is an example of a situational question?

a. If you were aware that a coworker submitted false data, what would you
b. What is your ideal work environment?
c. What do you predict for the future of our industry?
d. Tell me about a time when you dealt with confidential information.

Which of the following is an example of a behavioral interview question?

a. Who in your life has most inspired you and why?

b. An irate customer is demanding her money back. How would you handle
the situation?
c. Tell me about a time when you solved a difficult problem.
d. What is your greatest strength?

When the interviewer says Describe a time when you worked successfully as a member
of a team, your best response will be to

a. reply that you have been a member of so many successful teams that no
particular instance stands out.
b. say that you not only enjoy teamwork, especially problem-solving groups,
but also work well independently.
c. tell a success story about a specific group project, your contributions, and
the results.
d. list the names of all work teams on which you participated and stress that all
were successful.

If the interviewer begins a question with Tell me about a time when..., you should

a. recognize that this is a trick question and tactfully refuse to

b. politely explain that you have never experienced such a
c. make up any answer and wish that you had been better prepared.
d. describe a situation or task, tell what action you took, and emphasize a

What is the most effective way to handle an illegal or inappropriate question during an

a. If you find the question harmless and you want the job, go ahead and
answer it.
b. Confront the interviewer about the illegal nature of the question.
c. Storm out of the room in anger; after all, you wouldn't work for a company
with such low ethics.
d. Refuse to answer the question because it is your legal right to do so.

If an interviewer asks if you have any questions at the end of an interview, which of the
following is an inappropriate response?

a. May I have a tour of the facilities?

b. When do you expect to make a decision?
c. No, I have no questions right now; you have shared all the information I
d. What are the major challenges for a person in this position?

How should you close an interview?

a. Briefly review your strengths, thank the interviewer, and ask what action
will follow.
b. Be confident and say, "This job sounds great! When do I start work?"
c. Ask about salary and benefits.
d. Invite the interviewer to lunch.

What should you do after the interview?

a. Write a thank-you letter

b. Wait a few days to see if you hear from the employer; if not, write a thank-
you letter.
c. Call the interviewer to thank him or her.
d. Send the interviewer(s) flowers.

After writing a follow-up letter to thank your interviewer, your next step should be

a. alerting your references that they may be contacted by the employer.

b. sending a small gift to the receptionist to show your sincere appreciation.
c. calling the organization's human resources department to learn more about
your competitors for the open position.
d. waiting at least one month for a call of acceptance or rejection.

The purposes of sending a follow-up e-mail or letter to the employer include jogging the
memory of the hiring officer, showing your serious interest in the position, and

a. emphasizing your qualifications or adding new information.

b. sending a personal note to the receptionist, who often helps make the
final decision.
c. sharing your photograph to match your qualifications to your face.
d. setting a deadline for the employer to offer you the position.

Kalinda made a follow-up call to her interviewer five days after the interview. Several
weeks later, Kalinda has still not heard from the employer. What action should Kalinda take

a. Assume that no decision has been made and that a call could come soon.
b. Send the interviewer a rejection follow-up letter.
c. Show her frustration and determination by calling the employer at least once
or twice a day for the next two weeks.
d. Assume that she didn't get the job and continue her job search.
Recommended guidelines for completing application forms include which of the following?

a. Disregard questions that do not apply to you by leaving them blank.

b. Read the entire form before beginning to complete it.
c. Ignore misspellings because you are not expected to carry a dictionary.
d. Leave any questions about salary blank since they might limit what you will
be paid.

When you apply for a position but are rejected, employment experts recommend that you

a. send a rejection letter saying you believe the employer has made a hiring
decision error in not choosing you.
b. phone the employer's personnel office and have your application materials
placed in the inactive file in case the person hired "doesn't work out."
c. send a rejection e-message indicating you are disappointed but will contact
the company again in a month in case a job opens up.
d. do not apply at that company again for at least 12 months.

When writing a resignation letter to your employer, you should

a. allow more than the standard two-week notice if you have a high or
responsible position within the company.
b. offer thanks and end with a forward-looking statement.
c. remind the employer of your contributions.
d. All answer choices are correct.

In a job acceptance letter, your tasks are

a. accepting the position, asking for clarification as needed, and

b. thanking the interviewer for the interview and job offer and accepting
the position.
c. confirming your acceptance, reviewing salary and benefits, and affirming
the start date.
d. noting the job offer date, specifying the job acceptance date, and agreeing to
the job start date.

If you must turn down a job offer, employment experts suggest you should send the
employer a letter

a. declining the offer, providing a thorough explanation of the reasons for

declining, and expanding on your qualifications for a new position.
b. thanking the employer for the offer and briefly declining the position.
c. specifying personal reasons for your decision.
d. declining the position and offering assistance finding your replacement.

Many screening interviews occur on the telephone. ANSWER: TRUE

The most common format for hiring/placement interviews is the sequential interview.

If the company is conducting a panel interview, a candidate should direct an answer only to
the person who asked the question.

In sequential interviewing follow-up interviews tend to be more relaxed than earlier


You will feel more comfortable and better prepared in any type of interview if you know
what to do before, during, and after the interview.
Companies today use technologies like Skype to conduct online interviews that are informal
and allow candidates to take a less serious, more relaxed approach to the entire interview

Once you have sent out one résumé or completed one job application form, you must
consider yourself an active job seeker.

Most employers contact job applicants by e-mail to set up interviews. ANSWER:


During your job search, you should treat any call from an employer just like an interview.

Because employee blogs are inaccurate and biased sources of information about a company,
job seekers should ignore employee blogs.

Don't worry about what information is available about you online because this information
is irrelevant to the job search.

To prevent future problems with online material or digital dirt, you should use a nickname
or pseudonym when starting a new profile on a social network.

Before your interview you should study the job opening, identify key needs, and then
develop matching success stories emphasizing your most strategic skills, areas of
knowledge, strongest personality traits, and key accomplishments.

If something unexpected forces you to be late to your interview, call the interviewer right
away to explain what is happening.
When greeting the interviewer, you should smile, maintain direct eye contact, and wait for
the interviewer to initiate a handshake.

Remember that you will be judged not only by the interview but also by the receptionist and
anyone else who sees you before and after the interview.

One of the best ways to overcome fear is to know what happens in a typical interview.

If uncertain what to wear for your interview, call the company and ask about the dress code.

When answering interview questions, interject many verbal pauses to give yourself time to
formulate appropriate answers.

After opening introductions, recruiters generally try to start the interview with a series of
stress-inducing questions to see immediately how the job applicant will hold up under fire.

Even if you have less experience and fewer accomplishments than other candidates, you
may be hired if you can demonstrate the skills required.

When explaining how you would handle a negative hypothetical situation described in a
situational question, you should respond positively even though the situation sounds

To respond effectively to behavioral questions, use the storytelling technique to relate a

success story about a recent educational or work situation or task.
A job applicant should never answer an illegal or inappropriate interview question.

If you don't hear from the interviewer within five days, the best follow up is a phone call to
the interviewer to inquire about the decision and to indicate your extreme desire for the job.

Sending a follow-up message or thank-you note after an interview is a social nicety that
distinguishes you from other candidates, but thank-you messages carry little weight in the
hiring process.

If you've been interviewed by more than one person, send one thank-you note to the person
who appeared to be in charge.

Always ask permission before submitting someone's name as a reference. ANSWER:


When asking a previous supervisor to write a letter of recommendation, you would be smart
to provide the supervisor with a detailed description of your target job, the recommendation
deadline, and copies of your résumé and college transcript.

After an interview you should always wait for the interviewer to contact you first.

Fill out a job application form using a No. 2 pencil to allow easy erasure of mistakes, clear
handwriting, and dark lettering.

If you have submitted a résumé and cover letter, you will not be required to fill out a job
application form.
If your résumé or application generates no response within a reasonable time, you should
send a short follow-up e-mail or letter to emphasize your qualifications or to add new

When you are rejected for a job that you considered perfect, you should give up on this
company and move rapidly to identify similar positions in other organizations.

It would be appropriate to include a sentence such as the following in your job acceptance
letter: As we agreed, my compensation package includes a salary of $44,000, a benefits
package including health and life insurance, a retirement plan, and two weeks of vacation
per year.

Even though you will likely receive and accept your job offer via telephone, you should
send the employer a letter or e-mail to document your acceptance of the job.

Writing a follow-up letter after being turned down for a job is unprofessional and

Although your job application form or letter and hiring materials will be placed in your
personnel file, you need not worry about the quality of a resignation letter because these are
never placed in a personnel file.

Once you have resigned in a meeting with your supervisor, you do not need to document
your resignation in a letter or e-mail.

A resignation letter typically includes a two-week notice. However, if your position is

higher and your responsibility is greater, you should provide your employer a longer notice.
Many companies now use interviews to save time and
money by eliminating less-qualified candidates before scheduling face-to-face interviews.
ANSWER: screening

A(n) interview is meant to test a candidate's reactions during nerve-racking

ANSWER: stress

interviews are typically conducted by a group of people who will be your

supervisors and colleagues. Usually seated around a table, interviewers may take turns
asking questions.

To feel confident and to sell your qualifications, you should prepare and practice
stories that provide specific examples of your educational and work-related experience to
showcase your qualifications and achievements.
ANSWER: success

Examples of positive messages for the interview

process include arriving on time, dressing professionally, controlling your body
movements, exhibiting good posture, using appropriate eye contact, smiling appropriately,
and listening attentively.
ANSWER: nonverbal

To test your thought processes and ability to think logically, interviewers describe a
hypothetical scenario and ask you how you would handle it using
ANSWER: situational

Your interviewer says to you Describe a time when... or Tell me about a time when... These
phrases are openings for a(n) question.
ANSWER: behavioral

To provide the best possible recommendation of you to a potential employer, your

need information about the company and position.
ANSWER: references
Some job candidates who are declining a job offer choose to write a(n)
letter to thank the employer for the job offer and to formally refuse the position.
ANSWER: rejection

You should write a formal letter to confirm the exact

date you will terminate your employment when it is a position you have held for an
extended period.
ANSWER: resignation

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