Research Methodlogy Questions

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Code No: M0109/R19

M. Tech. I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, July/August-2021

Common to all Specializations
(Except Highway Engineering (23), Transportation Engineering (22)
and Petroleum Engineering (08))
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions One Question From Each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

1. a Elaborate the procedure involved in identifying and defining problem for research (7M)
b “A Research Scholar has to work as a judge and derive the truth and not as a pleader (8M)
who is only eager to prove his case in favour of his plaintiff” Discuss the statement
pointing out the objectives of research.
2. a “Processing of data implies editing, coding, classification and tabulation” Describe (7M)
in brief these four operations pointing out the significance of each in context of
research study.
b Write a brief note on different types of analysis of data pointing out the significance (8M)
of each?
3. a “Report writing is more an art that hinges upon practice and experience”. Discuss (7M)
b Discuss the duties and role of Research review committee in assessment of research (8M)
4. a Discuss in brief, “Format of research proposal” and “Research Ethics”? (7M)
b Write a short note on “Review of literature studies” and its importance in context of (8M)
research report?
5. a Why does intellectual property need to be promoted and protected? (7M)
b An invention may satisfy the condition of novelty, inventiveness and usefulness but (8M)
it may not quality for patent. Discuss
6. a How does World Intellectual Property Organization promote the protection of (7M)
Intellectual Property?
b Who may apply for trade mark? Briefly explain the provisions relating to (8M)
registration process of a trade mark?
7. a Briefly explain the typical parts of a patent application? (7M)
b What is a Laboratory Notebook? How is it significant in patent litigation? (8M)
8. a Enumerate the salient features of Geographical Inductions of patent rights? (7M)
b Discuss the criteria of Patentability of databases in India and other jurisdictions? (8M)
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Code No: M0109/R19

9. a Who are responsible for administration of IPR as per Changing developments in the (7M)
b Write a short note on “IPR of Biological systems” (8M)
10. a Explain the functions of the Patent information system (PIS) and National Institute (7M)
for Intellectual property Management (NIIPM)?
b Are micro- organisms and micro-biological processes patentable in India? Discuss (8M)

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