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Sindh Board
Chapter Guide
Authored by

Reyan Shaikh

NTS Sindh MDCAT 2022

AKU Class of 2027

A little about the author

Looking back at my journey in 2022, the MDCAT and the AKU test
preparation was one of the most stressful times in my life. However, I am
glad that I was able to study effectively, utilise the resources I had to my
best ability, and practice as many questions as possible on I
am happy to share that I was able to not only pass the AKU test, but also
achieve first merit position in my district Nawabshah, with a score of
182/200. I hope that this guide will be a good help for you to orient yourself
as you do this chapter. Good luck!

This is the foremost chapter for MDCAT preparation. Students must thoroughly go
through this chapter, and understand the basic concepts to make their foundation
strong enough to ace the competitive exams. Most of the students prepare these
chapters in the last days as it's a lengthy and tough chapter but I would recommend
trying to cover this chapter as soon as possible because the earlier you begin, the
better. Also, in this Guide, I'll be highlighting important topics, tips and tricks to ace
your exam. Best of luck!

Topic 11.1 can be easily covered by going

How to approach the textbook / through the book, also I would suggest
Subtopic wise? combining a short video on ATP (AS ENERGY
CURRENCY) would be great for a better
This chapter involves full-on conceptual learning
understanding like Professor Dave Explains
and after understanding all those concepts and
and Neem Hakeem.
processes, you must remember these steps and
processes. First of all, go through videos, lectures,
Topic 11.2 must be covered by watching a short
and animated videos for a better understanding.
video on substances involved in photosystems.
Try to adapt to all those new terms you learn in
Also, some diagrams are present in the book
videos, then go through the book thoroughly.
for these topics. Try to understand the
Please don't skip book reading for any chapter of
photosystems, reaction centre, etc
biology (especially this one). After videos + book
diagrammatically for a better understanding.
reading, pen down all the important points in your
own words, it'll help you a lot! Moreover, Practice
Topic 11.3 and 11.4 should be covered from a
practice and practice and Insha'Allah after you've
video lecture first because these topics are
been practising a lot, you'll remember all the
extremely high yield so you must strengthen
principal key points.
your foundation/ basics by maybe going
Following are the list of sub-topics: through an animated video or informative
lecture. So while selecting which lecture to
11.1 Need for energy in living organisms
watch, you must choose wisely (like Professor
11.2 Photosynthesis Dave Explains or Physics in seconds) and then
11.3 Process of photosynthesis strengthen this by thoroughly going through
11.4 Cellular Respiration: As energy the book.

releasing process
Also, make a comparative table between
11.5 Energy flow through the ecosystem respiration and photosynthesis, the difference
between light/dark reaction and aerobic/
anaerobic respiration, make flowcharts for all
the steps and most importantly these topics
involve some of the very important

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values, highlight them all and write them on a Dark reaction
separate sticky note. Make sure to go through all
these, while revising this chapter.

Topic 11.5 can be covered solely from the book

and maybe by making a flowchart for ease.

Important Diagrams/ Flowcharts:

All diagrams in this chapter are a must to do.

Aerobic Respiration


Cyclic and Non-cyclic electron flow during light


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Anaerobic respiration:

Oxidation of pyruvate:

Kreb's Cycle:

Electron Transport Chain:

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In paper chromatography xanthophyll In Krebs-cycle, substrate level
will give ____ color phosphorylation accompanies the
formation of?

Orange Citrate

Gray Alpha Ketoglutarate

Yellow Succinate

Blue green Fumarate

Yellow green Oxaloacetate

Explanation: Xanthophylls are yellow pigments that
Explanation: During the Krebs cycle, succinyl CoA is
are one of the important divisions of the carotenoid
acted upon by the enzyme succinyl CoA synthetase
to form succinate ( a 4-carbon compound). The
reaction releases sufficient energy to form ATP (in
plants) and GTP (in animals) by substrate-level
phosphorylation. GTP can form ATP through
The end prodyuct of glycolysis is coupled reaction

Succinyl CoA + GDP/ADP + H3PO4 Succinate +
Glucose-6-phosphate CoA + GTP/ATP



3 phophoglycerate

Phosphoglycerate aldehyde

Explanation: The final product of glycolysis is

pyruvate in aerobic settings and lactate in
anaerobic conditions.

Aerobic Respiration results in how much




Explanation: Total ATP yield through aerobic

respiration is around 36.

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Some helpful resources:
YouTube videos: Error log/mistake notebook:
Physics in seconds (Bioenergetics) If you want to up your question-solving
Professor Dave Explains (ATP, game by 1000 per cent, I advise maintaining
photosynthesis, glycolysis, and the Krebs a record of all the questions you get wrong. It
cycle) could be a separate notebook or something
Ali Academy biology lectures (for quick as simple as a Google Doc. At the very least,
revision) -cover important points from all save it to your Saved Questions deck on the
textbooks PreMed.PK website.
Neem Hakeem

General words of wisdom:

Always go through those questions twice,
Guidebooks and Notes:
thrice which you attempted wrong while
KIPS prep book for biology
Anees Hussain's biology notes
Always help your fellow if one has a doubt,
Physics in seconds quizzes and MCQs
this way you'll be able to revise that topic
(covered during lecture)
and the chances to retain the concept would
be much greater.

Topical questions on

Studying the chapter is not enough- you
need to be able to keep that information Last-minute advice:
stored in your memory for a long time (at
least till the MDCAT). The best way to do Not having enough time for revision is a
this is by practising as many questions as common problem (we faced it too!). Here’s
possible. The PreMed.PK question bank what we recommend:
was of invaluable help to us during our Short animated videos for a quick revision.
preparation. Solve the topical sets, learn Skim the book for topics 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4
from the explanations provided, and save paying attention to the highlighted points.
the questions you find challenging. You Topical questions (a must to do).
must familiarize yourself with the types of
questions asked because the goal is to be
able to solve the MCQs on the MDCAT.

Important topics
Photosynthesis (Light and Dark reaction)
Respiration ( Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, ETC)

Tips and tricks:

For a topic like this, where you need to
remember a lot of factual details, you can
consider making flashcards. You can make
them on paper, or use an application like
Anki. Learning techniques such as spaced
repetition and active recall have been proven
to help students retain information for

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