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Launched in January 1998, Globus is a part oI the Rajan Raheja group. The company opened its Iirst store in 1999 at Indore
Iollowed by the launch oI its second store in Chennai (T-Nagar). Soon to Iollow was another in Chennai located in Adyar. The
Ilagship store in Mumbai was opened on 1st November 2001 Iollowed by a swanky new outlet in New Delhi in South Extension
Part-2. The sixth & seventh stores are in Bangalore in Koramangala & Richmond Road respectively. The Eighth store in
Ghaziabad at Shipra Mall Iollowed by the ninth, tenth and eleventh in Kalaghoda, Mumbai, Thane and Ghaziabad, twelIth store
at Kanpur and thirteenth store in Ahmedabad & Iourteenth store in Lucknow. As oI May 2008, Globus has opened its 24th Store in
Nagpur and the journey continues. The major competitors oI Globus include Pantaloons, Shoppers Stop and Fresh Fashions.


In the Globus store structure, at the top oI the hierarchy there is the Area Sales Manager. For South India there is one Area
Sales Manager, with 5-6 stores under management. Each store will have a Store Manager reporting to the A.S.M. Under the Store
Manager, there is the Dept. Managers Iollowed by Sales Supervisors and under them, the sales staII. The number oI sales staII is
determined by the sq. It. area oI the store, i.e. Ior every 450-500 sq.It. There will be one sales person. The number oI sales staII Ior
sq.It. Area will be more in case oI personalized store. In T.Nagar and Adyar Globus stores, there are one Store Manager and two
Dept Managers each. The number oI sales associates in the T.Nagar store is six. There are also support staIIs in the store who
provide support to the sales associates.

The Head OIIice Ior Globus India is situated in Mumbai, where there is a Marketing Head, Designers, 3 member VM team,
Merchandisers, Operating Manager and CEO. Marketing Head is in charge oI Customer Loyalty Program (CLP).

In the store, in addition to the sales staII, there will be brand staII who are recruited by the national brands to promote their own
brands by telling the customers oI the USP (Unique Selling Proposition). Usually there will be 12-18 sales staII & brand staIIs
present in the store. Overall there will be 40-50 staII in a Globus store.


In Globus, the Iree-Iorm layout is used where the arrangement oI Iixtures and aisles are in an asymmetric pattern. This Iorm oI
layout provides an intimate, relaxing environment that Iacilitates shopping and browsing. However, creating this pleasing
shopping environment is costly. Because there is no well-deIined traIIic pattern, like the racetrack and grid layouts, customers
aren`t naturally drawn around the store, and personal selling becomes more important Ior providing guidance. In addition, the
layout sacriIices some storage and display space to create the more spacious environment. The objective oI this layout is to
create a simple, clear space that draws customers into the area. Fixtures with the latest garments are placed along the perimeter
oI the store.

Men`s Section Layout:

omen`s Section Layout:

Kid`s Section Layout:


GLOBUS can be described rightly as a chain retail store; it has stores spread all across India. It is also identiIied as a departmental store.
The area oI the Adyar Globus is about 8000sq.It. The area oI the t.nagar Globus is around 15,000 sq.It.


O Apparels

O Accessories



O Ladies Western

O Casual Wear

OFormal Wear

OSalwar Kameez

ODupatta, Mix-N-Match


ONight wear


OFormal wear

OCasual wear

OParty wear



OSports Wear

OUnder Garments


O Hair accessories




OEye gear

OFoot wear

Men`s ear

Formal Wear



OClassic Polo



OPeter England


OJohn Players


OVan Heusen

OReid & Taylor


OIndian Terrain

Casual Wear

OSpykar Jeans

OF21 Jeans

OClassic Polo



OPepe jeans

OFlying Machine


Sports Wear

OBlack Panther

Under Garments


omen`s ear




OPepe Jeans



OThe Fruit oI the Loom


Kid`s ear



OGini & Jony


O Globus

OOther generic brands


The price range Ior various sections in Globus is as given below:

O Women`s Wear: Rs 199- Rs 6999

O Kids Wear: Rs 199- Rs 1999

O Mens Wear: Rs 199- Rs 12,999


S Upper middle class Upper class.
S Target group : 18yrs 35yrs.


Visual Merchandising is done Ior each section in Globus. Every week there will be change oI products in the store. Also each
week one product will be chosen as the 'Product oI the Week and will be showcased in the store. There is a 3 member Visual
Merchandising team in Head OIIice, Mumbai. The designers and Head oI Merchandisers together set up the VM oI
Globus stores. The other brands in Globus do their own VM, Ior example Classic Polo has its own VM based on Global

Lighting, Music Control and Air conditioning- All lights should be kept on throughout the running oI the store. In the evening the
Iocus lights and hording lights should be switched on. Music played should be pleasant and should be authorized by Superiors. It
shouldn`t be too loud as to interrupt with the normal store operations. Ideally temperature should be maintained at 22-24
degree C. The air conditioner will be switched on at the time oI opening oI the store and can be switched oII beIore the scheduled
closing time oI the store. Air conditioner must be kept running throughout the operation oI the store to maintain a uniIorm
temperature in the day. Store manager will be responsible Ior Music, air conditioning and lighting.

Fixtures used in Globus:

The primary purposes oI Iixtures are to eIIiciently hold and display the merchandise. The Iixtures elevate merchandise; they
hold up and/or give body Iorm to the merchandise. At the same time, they must help deIine areas oI a store and encourage
traIIic Ilow.

The Iixtures in Globus have been designed by a French designer primarily Ior the Noida and Bandra stores. But now the same
Iixtures are being used throughout all the stores in India. Mostly linear Iixtures and used including single browsers, 2-way
browsers, gondolas, side arms, Iront arms etc. DiIIerent types oI Iixture are used in Globus to attract the customer.

Hanging fixtures:

Bars, stands, and racks are implements oI retail salesmanship designed to provide wearing apparel with a pseudo-realistic
vertical hang. When properly arranged, the merchandise itselI provides a colorIul display within a department that has been
delineated on three sides by the back and sidewalls. Prospective customers arriving in the department may look at, try on, and buy
the merchandise because the atmosphere is conducive to shopping. When well arranged on bars, stands, and racks, items can be
easily seen and touched.

T-Stand (or) 2-way:

The T-stand is an accent piece used to Ieature a Iashion story or advertised merchandise. T-stands are placed on aisles to
indicate to the potential customer the types oI merchandise Iound in the area.

The T -stand, like other Iixtures at the Iront oI the selling area, should be at a lower height than the rest oI the Iixtures and placed so
that the lead garment is at least 12 inches Irom the aisle, with the merchandise Iace out. In this position, open space around
the T-stand helps emphasize the merchandise, keeps the area uncluttered, and draws shoppers into the department. It is
eIIective when located next to a mannequin where shoppers can see merchandise in three dimensions.

"uad racks (or) 4 ways:

Quad-racks rank next to T-stands in appropriateness Ior telling a Iashion story. Like the T-stand, quad-racks should be arranged
near the Iront oI a department. For greater interest, their heights should be varied. Fixtures with lowest height should be nearest the
Iront oI the department. Structurally, the quad-rack is a Iour-armed Iixture with arms extending Irom the middle. Arms can be
either straight or slanted to create a waterIall impression. In this Iour-way conIiguration, tops should be placed on the waterIall.
Coordinate skirts and pants are best shown on the side arms. The waterIall should Iace the aisle, with the Iirst garment
completely accessorized. This arrangement allows shoppers to see a simultaneous Iront and shoulder view oI the merchandise
on display. The quad-rack holds twice as much as merchandise as the Tstand. In addition, it provides Iour Iace-out views oI the
latest Iashion statement. For this reason, it is an excellent choice Ior the display oI coordinate groups.

Straight racks:

Straight racks are a good choice when it is desirable to present many similar garments. Long straight racks are placed
towards the back oI the department. Items should be colorized in the same manner as with the round racks-Iirst by color, then by
styles with in a color, and Iinally by size.
Multi feature (or) Slat wall towers:

Slat wall towers are basically a series oI Ireestanding Towers with Inbuilt channels to hold Pegs or hook on to which the
Merchandise are hung. These kinds oI Iixtures can be used all types oI accessories which requires to be hung like Bags,
Jewelries, watches, Goggles, Mobiles Etc.

Non Hanging types:

OI all the described elements oI departmental decoration and display, non-hanging Iixtures are probably the most traditional. A
display counter is good Ior the actual exchange oI money Ior product. Other shoppers use the counter to touch, Ieel, inspect, and, in
most cases, 'try on the item they are considering purchasing.


Tables are a good presentation Iixture when the merchandise has little-hanger appeal and does not Iold or stack neatly, as is
oIten the case with intimate apparel or accessories. Tables are oIten placed in aisle, to Ieature advertised items.


Gondolas are basically a series oI Ireestanding shelves and are used primarily Ior Iolded and packaged merchandise such as
shirts, sweaters, and tights. This merchandise should be colorized vertically and then sized, with small to large arranged
Irom top to bottom.


The customer care executive should welcome the customer in the reception area, lead them to the section oI interest, assist in
selection, should be hospitable and convince the customer to buy products. Managing the 360 degree operations oI customer care
help in regaining the customers. Good public relations made them come back Ior good products sold with attention to their

The store may oIIer promotion in Iorm membership cards or privilege cards. These may be issued to every customer who makes
purchase above a certain amount which is brand or company speciIic. The customers holding these cards may get discounts on
purchases Irom the store or earn points as speciIied by the store.

Customer Service Counter

In Globus, there is a customer service counter available exclusively to take care oI any customer issues. Customers can provide
their Ieedback about the products and service oIIered in the store and any complaints will be dealt by the Store Manager or Dept.

Globus Privilege Club

The Globus Privilege club is a token oI appreciation to valued customers and a gateway to exclusive privileges

Privilege Card

A one-time purchase oI Rs. 500 gives you access to the Globus Privilege Club through the Globus Temporary card.
Accumulate purchases worth Rs. 2,000 in three months and get the most sought-aIter Globus Silver Card.
For those in a hurry, the Globus Silver Card can also be obtained by paying a nominal Iee oI Rs. 150

Gold Card

Make a distinctive statement with The Globus Gold Card. You can upgrade to Globus Gold Card by accumulating shopping
worth Rs. 15,000 in a year and get truly exclusive beneIits and privileges.

S Ahmedebad
S Aurangabad
S Chennai
S Delhi
S Hyderabad
S Indore
S Jalgoan
S Kolkotta
S Lucknow
S Moradabad
S Mumbai
S Nagpur
S Navi Mumbai
S Pune
S Rajpur
S Rajkot
S Vadodara
S Varanasi


GLOBUS Retail believes that one oI its sustainable competitive advantages will continue to be the people who are part oI the
organization. Being in service industry, the Company places a lot oI Iocus is placed on attracting, training, incentivising and retaining

The employees are provided with a saIe and secure environmental condition to work in. They have leave and medical policies
available to all the employees. The employees are given certain discount Ior shopping in the store. This is built on 5 pillars oI people
based growth, namely - Culture Building, PerIormance Management through Balanced Scorecard, People Processes, Management
Processes and Leadership Brilliance. Training a competent Learning & Development Team is responsible Ior training employees at
all the levels across the country, Iocusing on primary and secondary research into various aspects oI retail and assessment oI training
needs across Knowledge, Skills & Attitude areas.

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