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SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Parallel Accounting

Leading Ledger Non-Leading Ledger Extension Ledger

Reporting Period Jan To Dec Jan To Dec Same as Leading


Cocd.Curr-10 INR INR Same as leading

Group.Curr -30 Check SCC4 Tcode - Do -

Freely Definable

Ledger = A Set of Books of Accounts

Ledgers build the basis for reporting and financial statements in Accounting by storing related
transaction data and journal entries

Standard Ledger means A ledger that contains a full set of configuration settings and full
posting information is called a standard ledger.
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Leading Ledger: 0L
 Whenever we create a company code system automatically creates one Main Standard
Ledger i.e 0L – Leading Ledger . it is delivered by SAP
 Leading Ledger is fully integrates with all modules the company Code and it forms the
basis for other ledgers. Which may be Non-leading or Extension Ledger.
 It is the main ledger standard ledger . It is the basis for other ledgers that might be
created in addition for other purpose like GAAP, IFRS, IAS etc.

Non-Leading Ledger:
A company established and operating in India also have global presence in US and UK.
It has to prepares financial statement as per the Indian Requirement, as per US GAAP and as
per IFRS.

 It is purely optional and used for Reporting only.

 Apart from the leading ledger , based on our reporting requirement we can have non-
leading ledgers for meeting reporting purpose . Since Accounting Principle differs from
country to country / region to region . To comply with the global requirement, we can
create Non-leading Ledger.
 It can’t be activated in the middle of the year. To activate in productive system, we need
to follow migration process give by SAP.
 A copy of the entry posted for “0L-Leading Ledger” is also stored for Non- Leading
Ledger in ACDOCA Table .
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

 Non-Leading Ledger Can have it own

 Fiscal Year Variant
 Posting Period
 Different additional Currencies apart from 1 & 2.

Extension Ledger:
Examples: Tax Purpose Reporting

 Extension ledgers are delivered based on an underlying ledger.

 Since it requires underlying ledger. The postings to the underlying ledger also apply for
the extension ledger, without a need for redundant data storage.
 Since it does not require migration, it can be activated at any time.
 Reports for an extension ledger also access the data of the underlying ledger plus
entries posted manually to Extension Ledger.
 Since it is on top of underlying ledger, they inherit the configuration setting of
underlying ledger. that is the reason It can’t have different Currency or Fiscal Year

Restrictions for Posting Ledger Specific Documents

Non-Leading Extension Ledger
Customer Document Not Allowed Not Allowed
Vendor Document Not Allowed Not Allowed
Asset Document Not Allowed Not Allowed
GL – Adjustment Doc without
Allowed Allowed
Open Items
GL – With Open Item (Ordinary) Not Allowed Not Allowed

Only very few automatic processes work with extension ledger (GL allocations)
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Ledger: Different Different Different Different Different

currency fiscal year posting accounting company code
settings variant period principle assignment
possible? (FYV) variant possible? possible?
possible? possible?

Non-leading Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

(compared to
leading ledger)

Extension No No Yes Yes Yes

(compared to
leading ledger)

What is representative Ledger?

When we create a ledger group in sap , we need to assign one ledger as representative for that
ledger Group by selecting  Rep.Ledger check box.
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

1. Define Accounting Principles

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Financial Accounting Global Settings--

>Ledgers-->Parallel Accounting-->Define Accounting Principles
Tcode S_PL0_86000069

Click on “New Entries”

Accounting Name

Click on 

Must delete Transaction Data from OBR1 TCODE

before Starting below Configuration

2. Define Settings for Ledgers and Currency Types

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Financial Accounting Global Settings--

>Ledgers-->Ledger-->Define Settings for Ledgers and Currency Types
Tcode S_E91_86000160

‘------------------------------optional additional settings---------------------------

Click on “ Currency Types”

Currency / Valuation Type =

Description =

Short Description =

 Company Code Specific Conversion

Click on 

Double Click on “ Currency Conversion Settings for Company Codes”

Click on “New Entries”

Company Code =

Currency / Valuation Type =

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Currency =
Source Currency Type =

Exch.Rate Type =
Trans. Date Type =

Real Time Conversion 

Click on 
‘------------------------------End of additional Currency Settings---------------------------

Double Click on “ Ledger “

Click on “New Entries”

Ledger =

Ledger Name =

Leading =  don’t select this.

Ledger Type =
Accounting Principle = 

Click on Back Button

Select Ledger “Non Leading Ledger ______________” and

Double click on “ Company Code Settings for the Ledger”

Click on “New Entries”

Company Code = 
******Observe all setting from Company Code have been copied**********

Fiscal Year Variant =

Posting Period Variant =

Click on “ Currency”

Currency Type =

Click on 

Click on “back arrow”

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Double Click on “ Accounting Principles for Ledger and Company Code”

Click on “New Entries”

Accounting Principle = 

Double Click on “  Ledger “

Ledger =

Ledger Name =

Leading =  don’t select this.

Ledger Type =
ExtLedgerType =

Underlying Ledger =
Accounting Principle = 

Click on 

Click on Back Button

Select Ledger “Extension Ledger ______________” and

Double click on “ Company Code Settings for the Ledger”

Click on “New Entries”

Company Code = 

******Observe all setting from Company Code have been copied**********

Posting Period Variant = Using same PPV of Cocd

Click on 

Click on “back arrow”

Double Click on “ Accounting Principles for Ledger and Company Code”

Click on “New Entries”

Accounting Principle = 

Click on 
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

3. Define Number Ranges for Ledger

PATH IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Financial Accounting Global Settings-->Document--
>Document Number Ranges-->Define Document Number Ranges

Company Code =
Click on “Change Interval”
Click on “ Insert”

No Range Year From To

80 2023 800000 899999

Click on 

4. Define Document Types in a Ledger

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Financial Accounting Global Settings-->Document--
>Document Types-->Define Document Types in a Ledger
Tcode S_ELN_06000012

Ledger = 
Document Type =

Number Range = 

Click on 
Back to IMG

Ledger = ` 

Document Type =
Number Range = 

Click on 
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

End-User Activities:

Rent A/c Dr 10000

To Cash /Bank Cr 10000

1. Post Journal Voucher For Expense

Path SAP Easy Access-->Accounting--> Financial Accounting -->General Ledger --

> Document Entry --> F-02 - General Posting

Tcode FB01 / F-02

Document Date =

Document Type =
Company Code =

Posting Date =
Currency =

Line Item 1:
Posting Key =

GL Account =
Amount =

Cost Center = (Cost Object)

Text =

Line Item 2
Posting Key =

GL Account =
House Bank = Bank ID =

Amount =*
Text =+

Click On “Simulate”

Click on  To Post
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

2. Analyze Entry FB03

3. Check ACDOCA Table SE16N

Leading Ledger Non – Leading ledger Extension

Rent Dr 10000 Rent Dr 10000 No Entry

To Cash /bank Cr 10000 To Cash/bank Cr 10000

4. Check GL balance Report

Path SAP Easy Access-->Accounting--> Financial Accounting -->General Ledger -->
Account --> Display Balances
Tcode FAGLB03
6. Choose Ledger = 
7. Account =
8. Company Code =
9. Fiscal Year =
10. Click on “Execute or F8”

Ledger Specific Postings:

FB01L / FB50L

FAGLL03 – GL Line item Report

FAGLB03 – GL Balance Report

FB05L – Post with Clearing Open items

FB1SL – Manual Clearing Open Items
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

1. Post Journal Entry For Expense

Path SAP Easy Access-->Accounting--> Financial Accounting -->General Ledger --

> Document Entry --> Enter General Posting for Ledger Group

Tcode FB01L

Document Date =
Document Type =

Company Code =
Posting Date =

Currency = Ledger Group =

Line Item 1:

Posting Key =
GL Account =

Amount =

Cost Center = (Cost Object)

Text =
Line Item 2

Posting Key =
GL Account =

House Bank = Bank ID =

Amount =*

Text =+
Click On “Simulate”

Click on  To Post
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

2. Check GL balance Report

Path SAP Easy Access-->Accounting--> Financial Accounting -->General Ledger -->
Account --> Display Balances
Tcode FAGLB03

Choose Ledger = 
Account =
Company Code =
Fiscal Year =
Click on “Execute or F8”

Posting Vendor / Customer / Assset and Open Items to Ledger Groups


Posting Ledger Specific Provision as Open Items


Legal Charges Dr 10000 Legal Charges Dr 15000
To Provision for Expenses Cr 10000 To Provision for Expenses Cr 15000

1. Create Required GL Accounts – FS00

2. Post GL Document - FB01L
3. Check GL Balance Report / Line Item Report
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Post With Clearing Scenario Testing:


Provision for Expenses Dr 10000 Provision for Expenses Dr 15000
To Bank Cr 10000 To Bank Cr 15000

1. Create required GL Accounts

2. Post GL Document Ledger Specific
3. Post Outgoing Payment specific LEDGER
4. Check Open Items – Balance / Line Item Report
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

FI-AA New Asset Accounting


Structuring of Assets:

Sub-Asset Sub-Asset Sub-Asset Sub-Asset

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

What is Real-time Valuation in New Asset Accounting?

Classical Asset Accounting Vs New Asset Accounting Valuation

Date IND AS GAAP Delta

01.01.20XX Asset Acquition-F-90

Asset Dr 10000 Asset Dr 10000

To Vendor Cr 10000 To Vendor Cr 10000

31.12.20XX Deprecation Run- AFAB

Depreciation Dr 2000 Depreciation Dr 4000

To Acc.Deprec Cr 2000 To Acc.Deprec Cr 4000

01.01.20XX Asset Sold

Bank Dr 7000 Bank Dr 7000

Acc.Deprec Dr 2000 Acc.Deprec Dr 2000

Loss on Sale Dr 1000 Loss on Sale Dr 1000

To Asset Cr 10000 To Asset Cr 10000

New Asset Accounting Entries (REAL-TIME VALUATION)

01.01.20XX Bank Dr 7000 Bank Dr 7000

Acc.Deprec Dr 2000 Acc.Deprec Dr 4000

Loss on Sale Dr 1000 To Profit on Sale Cr 1000

To Asset Cr 10000 To Asset Cr 10000

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

1. Activate Asset Accounting (New)

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Migration: Asset

Accounting (New)-->Migration from Classic to New Asset Accounting--
>Activate Asset Accounting (New)
Tcode S_EEI_69000023

Set “ New Asset Accounting” = Active 

Click on 

2. Assign Accounting Principle to Ledger Groups

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Financial Accounting Global Settings--

>Ledgers-->Parallel Accounting-->Assign Accounting Principle to Ledger
Tcode S_PL0_86000070

Click on “New Entries”

Accounting Principle Target Ledger Group

Click on 

Note : Mandatory Setting for getting Accounting Principle in Depreciation Areas

3. Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Organizational

Structures-->Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas
Tcode EC08

Double click on “Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation”

Click on “Copy Org.Object”

From Chart of Dep =

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

To Char of Dep =  

Do you really want to transport number ranges? Click on “Yes”

Check “Completed Activities”

Click on “Bank Arrow”

Double Click on “Specify Description of Chart of Depreciation”

Change the Description to = 

Click on 

Click on “Bank Arrow”

“-----------Delete Un-necessary Depreciation Areas-----------------------

Double Click on “Copy/Delete Depreciation Areas”

Chart of Dep = 

Except Depreciation Area “1” & “15” delete all Depreciation Areas
Create Depreciation Areas like below.

Dep Trgt
Description Real Acc.Princ G/L
Area Group
1 0L- Book Dep Curr-10  OL IND AS / IFRS Area Post in Real Time

2 0L-Book Dep Curr-30  OL IND AS / IFRS Area Does Not Post

10 X1- Book Dep Curr-10  X1 GAAP Area Post in Real Time

11 X1-Book Dep Curr-30  X1 GAAP Area Does Not Post

15 Tax Depreciation  OL IND AS / IFRS Area Does Not Post

Click on 
Ignore Warning Messages & 

Note : Refer Note 2363040 - AC671 Area YY: Currency type XX is not defined in Financial
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

4. Specify Transfer of APC Values

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->General Valuation--

>Depreciation Areas-->Specify Transfer of APC Values
Tcode OABC

Dep.Area Dep.Area Name ValAd Identical

1 0L- Book Dep Curr-10

2 0L-Book Dep Curr-30

10 X1- Book Dep Curr-10

11 X1-Book Dep Curr-30

15 Tax Depreciation

Click on 

5. Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->General Valuation--

>Depreciation Areas-->Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms
Tcode OABD

Dep.Area Dep.Area Name TTR Identical

1 0L- Book Dep Curr-10

2 0L-Book Dep Curr-30

10 X1- Book Dep Curr-10

11 X1-Book Dep Curr-30

15 Tax Depreciation

Click on 

Note :The terms can be transferred only from a depreciation area to which the same
accounting principle is assigned
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

6. Specify the Use of Parallel Currencies

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->General Valuation--

>Currencies-->Specify the Use of Parallel Currencies
Tcode S_EEI_69000068

Dep.Area Dep.Area Name
2 0L-Book Dep Curr-30

11 X1-Book Dep Curr-30

15 Tax Depreciation

Click on 

7. Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Organizational Structures-

-> Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code
Tcode OAOB

Click on “Position” Button

Company Code = 

Chart of Depreciation =

Click on 
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Asset Classes Configuration

Account Determination

Create Screen Layout Rules Asset Class

Number Ranges for Asset

Number Ranges
Screen Layout
Asset class A/c Determination
To From

Land Y0001 Y001 100000 199999

Buildings Y0002 Y002 200000 299999

Vehicles Y0003 Y003 300000 399999

Low Value Assets Y0004 Y004 400000 499999

Asset Under Construction

Y0005 Y005 500000 599999
w/o IO
Asset Under Construction
Y0006 Y006 600000 699999

8. Specify Account Determination

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Organizational Structures-

->Asset Classes-->Specify Account Determination
Tcode S_ALR_87009195

Click on “New Entries”

Acc.Determination Name of Account Determination

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Click on 

9. Create Screen Layout Rules

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Organizational Structures-

->Asset Classes-->Create Screen Layout Rules
Tcode S_ALR_87009209

Select any _______ Layouts

Click on “Copy” Button
Change “Screen layout Rule “ and “Name”

Acc.Determination Name of Account Determination

Click on 

10. Define Number Range Interval

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Organizational Structures-

->Asset Classes-->Define Number Range Interval
Tcode AS08

Company Code =
Click on “Change Interval”

No Range From To

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid






Click on 

11. Define Asset Classes

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Organizational Structures-

->Asset Classes-->Define Asset Classes
Tcode OAOA

Click on “New Entries”

Asset Class =

Short Text =

Account Determination =

Screen Layout =

Number Range =

 Include Asset

 No AUC or Summary Management of AuC

Click on “Next Entry”

Asset Class =

Short Text =

Account Determination =

Screen Layout =
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Number Range =

 Include Asset

 No AUC or Summary Management of AuC

Click on “Next Entry”

Asset Class =

Short Text =

Account Determination =

Screen Layout =

Number Range =

 Include Asset

 No AUC or Summary Management of AuC

Click on “Next Entry”

Asset Class =

Short Text =

Account Determination =

Screen Layout =

Number Range =

 Include Asset

 No AUC or Summary Management of AuC

Click on “Next Entry”---------------Capital Work In Progress-------

Asset Class =

Short Text =

Account Determination =
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Screen Layout =

Number Range =

 Include Asset

 Line Item Settlement

Click on 

Capital Work In Progress – Investment Measure

Asset Class =

Short Text =

Account Determination =

Screen Layout =

Number Range =

 Include Asset

 Investment Measure

Click on 

12. GLs To be Created:

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->General Ledger Accounting-->Master Data-->G/L

Accounts-->Preparations-->Define Account Group
Tcode OBD4

Click on “New Entries”

Chart of Accounts =
Acct Group =
Name =
From =106000
To =
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Click on 

Category Posting Field
GL Act Tax
GL A/C A/c Grp Description w/o Reco Act Sort Key Status
Type Category
Tax Grp
210000 B/S
Land -  Assets 018 G007
210010 B/S
Buildings -  Assets 018 G007
210020 B/S
Vehicles -  Assets 018 G007
210030 B/S
Low Value Assets -  Assets 018 G007
210040 B/S
Capital WIP- W/O IO -  Assets 018 G007
210050 B/S
Capital WIP- W/ IO -  Assets 018 G007

102010 B/S Acc.Dep Acc Dep on Buildings Assets 018 G007

102020 B/S Acc.Dep Acc Dep on Vehicles Assets 018 G007

102030 B/S Acc.Dep Acc Dep on LVA Assets 018 G007

Reserve & Asset Revaluation Off.Set
101010 B/S 018 G001
Surplus A/c
Revenue frm Post
300100 Non-Ope Income
Capitalization +  001 G001

300200 Non-Ope Income Sale of Asset Clg Act 001 G052

300300 Non-Ope Income Profit on Sale of FA 001 G029

400200 Non-Ope Expenses Loss on Asset Scrapping 001 G004

400201 Non-Ope Expenses Loss on Sales of FA 001 G004

400210 P/Cost Expenses Dep on Buildings 001 G004
400220 P/Cost Expenses Dep on Vehicles 001 G004
400230 P/Cost Expenses Dep on LVA 001 G004
400240 P/Cost Expenses Unplanned Dep Act 001 G004

106000 B/S Asset Clg Asset Acq Clg A/c -  001 G008

13. Classify G/L Accounts for Document Splitting

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->General Ledger Accounting-->Business

Transactions-->Document Splitting-->Classify G/L Accounts for Document
Tcode S_ALR_87008943

Chart of Accounts = 
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Click on “New Entries”

Acct From =
Acct To =
Category = 

Click on 

Note : Since we already did the configuration for other GL Accounts , no need to change
their classification.

14. Assign G/L Accounts

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Assign G/L Accounts
Tcode AO90

Click on Position
Chart of Accounts = 

Select “Chart of Accounts “ Line and

Double Click on “ Account Determination”

Select __LAND__ Acc.Determination Line and

Double click on “Balance Sheet Accounts“  on left side

Double click on “01” Book Depreciation

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

Loss from Asset Sale

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Click on “Next Entry”

Do the configuration for “Non-Leading Ledger Depreciation Area”

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

Loss from Asset Sale

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Note: Since there is no depreciation for Land. No Depreciation GL Assignment

---------------------successfully complete for LAND Asset Class--------

Double Click on “ Account Determination”

Select __BUILDINGS__ Acc.Determination Line and

Double click on “Balance Sheet Accounts“  on left side

Double click on “01” Book Depreciation

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

Loss from Asset Sale

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Click on “Next Entry”

Do the configuration for “Non-Leading Ledger Depreciation Area”

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

Loss from Asset Sale

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Double click on “Depreciation “ 

Double Click on “01” Book Depreciation Area

Ordinary Depreciation Account Assignment

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Acc.dep. accnt.for ordinary

Expense account for ordinary

Unplanned Depreciation Account Assignment

Accumulated dep. account unplanned

Expense account for unplanned

Click on “Nex Entry”

Do the integration for “Non-Leading Ledger Depreciation Area”

Ordinary Depreciation Account Assignment

Acc.dep. accnt.for ordinary

Expense account for ordinary

Unplanned Depreciation Account Assignment

Accumulated dep. account unplanned

Expense account for unplanned

Click on 

---------------------successfully complete for BUILDINGS Asset Class--------

Double Click on “ Account Determination”

Select __VEHICLES__ Acc.Determination Line and

Double click on “Balance Sheet Accounts“  on left side

Double click on “01” Book Depreciation

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

Loss from Asset Sale

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Click on “Next Entry”

Do the configuration for “Non-Leading Ledger Depreciation Area”

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

Loss from Asset Sale

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Double click on “Depreciation “ 

Double Click on “01” Book Depreciation Area

Ordinary Depreciation Account Assignment

Acc.dep. accnt.for ordinary

Expense account for ordinary

Unplanned Depreciation Account Assignment
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Accumulated dep. account unplanned

Expense account for unplanned

Click on “Nex Entry”

Do the integration for “Non-Leading Ledger Depreciation Area”

Ordinary Depreciation Account Assignment

Acc.dep. accnt.for ordinary

Expense account for ordinary

Unplanned Depreciation Account Assignment

Accumulated dep. account unplanned

Expense account for unplanned

Click on 

---------------------Successfully complete for VEHICLES Asset Class--------

Double Click on “ Account Determination”

Select __LVA__ Acc.Determination Line and

Double click on “Balance Sheet Accounts“  on left side

Double click on “01” Book Depreciation

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Loss from Asset Sale

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Click on “Next Entry”

Do the configuration for “Non-Leading Ledger Depreciation Area”

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

Loss from Asset Sale

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Double click on “Depreciation “ 

Double Click on “01” Book Depreciation Area

Ordinary Depreciation Account Assignment

Acc.dep. accnt.for ordinary

Expense account for ordinary

Unplanned Depreciation Account Assignment

Accumulated dep. account unplanned

Expense account for unplanned

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Click on “Nex Entry”

Do the integration for “Non-Leading Ledger Depreciation Area”

Ordinary Depreciation Account Assignment

Acc.dep. accnt.for ordinary

Expense account for ordinary

Unplanned Depreciation Account Assignment

Accumulated dep. account unplanned

Expense account for unplanned

Click on 

---------------------Successfully complete for LVA Asset Class--------

Capital Work in Progress- W/O IO

Double Click on “ Account Determination”

Select __CWIP__ Acc.Determination Line and

Double click on “Balance Sheet Accounts“  on left side

Double click on “01” Book Depreciation

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

Loss from Asset Sale

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Click on “Next Entry”

Do the configuration for “Non-Leading Ledger Depreciation Area”

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

Loss from Asset Sale

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Click on 

---------------------successfully complete for CWIP W/O IO Asset Class--------

Double Click on “ Account Determination”

Select __CWIP__ Acc.Determination Line and

Double click on “Balance Sheet Accounts“  on left side

Double click on “01” Book Depreciation

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

Loss from Asset Sale

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Click on “Next Entry”

Do the configuration for “Non-Leading Ledger Depreciation Area”

Acquisition Account Assignment

Balance Sheet Acct. APC

Contra Account : Acquisition Value

Revenue From Post Capitalization

Retirement Account Assignment

Clearing Acct. Revenue from Asset Sale

Gain from Asset Sale

Loss from Asset Sale

Revaluation Account Assignment

Revaluation APC

Offsetting Account : Revaluation APC

Click on 

---------------------successfully complete for CWIP WITH IO Asset Class--------

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

15. Technical Clearing Account

Create GL Account- FS00

Click on “Create” Button

GL A/c = 210999
Company Code = 
GL Account Type = Balance Sheet
Account Group =
Short text/long text =
Click on “Control Data” Tab
Recon Account for A/c Type = Asset
Sort key = 018
Click on “Create/bank/interest” Tab
Field Status Group = G007 Click on 

16. Define Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset
Acquisition--> Define Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset
Tcode S_EEI_69000156

Click on “New Entries”

Chart of Account =
Account = 
Click on 

17. Define Document Number Ranges for Accounting Documents

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Post Depreciation to General Ledger Accounting--
>Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation
Tcode OAB7
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Document Type Number Range


Go to FBN1 (Tcode) and Define Number Ranges

Company Code = 

Click on “Change Interval”

Click on “Insert Lines” twice
Doc.Type Number Year From To
AA Leading
AA 80 Non Leading-
AF 81 X1

Click on 

18. Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Post Depreciation to General Ledger Accounting--
>Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation
Tcode OAB3

Double Click on “Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation”

Doc. Type = 

Click on 

19. Defining Document Types in a Ledger- Non-Leading

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Financial Accounting Global Settings--

>Document-->Document Types-->Define Document Types in a Ledger
Tcode S_ELN_06000012
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Ledger = 

Click on “New Entries”

Document Type No Range

Click on 

20. Specify Alternative Document Type for Acctg-Principle-Specific Documents

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Integrated Transactions: Alternative Doc. Type for Acctg-
Princpl-Spec. Docs-->Specify Alternative Document Type for Acctg-Principle-
Specific Documents
Tcode S_EEI_11000012

Click on “New Entries”

Operational Valuation Document

Document Type Type

Click on 

21. Specify Posting Key for Asset Posting

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Specify Posting Key for Asset Posting
Tcode OBYD

Double Click on “ANL” Transaction key

Observe the Settings

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Debit = 70
Credit = 75

22. Assign Input Tax Indicator for Non-Taxable Acquisitions

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Assign Input Tax Indicator for Non-Taxable Acquisitions
Tcode OBCL

Click on “Position”
Company Code = 

Input Tax Code =

Output Tax Code = 

Click on 

23. Specify Intervals and Posting Rules

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Post Depreciation to General Ledger Accounting--
>Specify Intervals and Posting Rules
Tcode OAYR

Click on Position Button

Company Code = 

Select “Company Code Line “

Double Click on “ Posting Rules”

Double Click on Depreciation Area _____________ Book Depreciation

 Monthly Posting

 Post Revaluation
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Click on 
Click on “Next Entry”

Repeat the same step for “Non-Leading Ledger -Depreciation Area”

 Monthly Posting

 Post Revaluation

Click on 

24. Specify Max. Amount for Low-Value Assets + Asset Classes

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->General Valuation--
>Amount Specifications (Company Code/Depreciation Area)-->Specify Max.
Amount for Low-Value Assets + Asset Classes
Tcode OAY2 / OAYK

25. Specify Rounding of Net Book Value and/or Depreciation

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->General Valuation--

>Amount Specifications (Company Code/Depreciation Area)-->Specify
Rounding of Net Book Value and/or Depreciation
Tcode OAYO

Ignore Warning Message and Press Enter

Click on “Position Button “

Company Code = 

Select your Company Code line,

Double click “rounding specifications”

Double Click on “Book Depreciation Area-01”

 Automatically Calculated Depreciation

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

 Arithmetic Rounding

Click on “Next Entry”

Repeat the same for all depreciation areas.

Click on 

Example: 3.49 is rounded to 3

3.50 is rounded to 4

26. Activate Segment Reporting

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Segment Reporting-->Activate Segment Reporting
Tcode S_EB5_05000120

 Segment Reporting Active ( Read documentation before activating)

Click on 


Activation is required for getting Profit Center & Segment Fields in Asset Master Record
under Time Dependent Data Tab

Once you have activated segment reporting for Asset Accounting, you cannot deactivate it.

27. Activate Account Assignment Objects (Cost Center) for Asset Master Record

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Additional Account Assignment Objects-->Activate
Account Assignment Objects

Click on “Position” Button

AcctAssgnObject = KOSTL 

Select the Active  against KOSTL

Click on 
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Note: by selecting Cost Center object here, system enables Cost Center Field under “Time
Dependent “ Tab in Asset Master Record.

Note: For Expenses GL Accounts ,we must use Field Status Group – G004 or if you are using
other group , make cost center field as optional.

28. Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Additional Account Assignment Objects-->Specify
Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects

Select Your Company Code and

Double Click on “ Depreciation Areas”

Select “ 01” Depreciation Area and

Double Click on “ Account Assignment Objects”

Click on “New Entries”

AcctAsgnObj Transaction Type Account Assignment Type AcctAsgnt

01-APC Values Posting 

02-Depreciation Run 

Click on 

29. Field Status Variant for GL & Posting Key

Path Asset Accounting - FAA_CONFIG_REDESIGN_1-->Integration with General

Ledger Accounting-->Change the Field Status Variant of the Asset G/L
Tcode S_ALR_87009121

Double Click on “Define Field Status Variants”

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Select Field Status Variant “_______________________” and

Double click on “ Field status groups”

Double click on Field Status Group “G007”

Double Click on “Additional account assignments”

Make “Cost Center “ Field as Optional Entry 

Make “Profit Center “ Field as Optional Entry 

Click on 

Click “Back Arrow” Twice

Double Click on “Change Field Status for Posting Keys”

Double click on Posting Key”70”

Double click on “Maintain Field Status “

Double Click on “Additional account assignments”

Make Cost Center Field as Optional Entry 

Click on 

Click “back button” 3 times and Save

Double click on Posting Key”75”

Double click on “Maintain Field Status “

Double Click on “Additional account assignments”

Make Cost Center Field as Optional Entry 

Click on 

Change other GL Account Field Status Group in line with AA Requirement
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

For Testing Sale with Customer Scenario:

Field Status Group of Revenue GL Should be enabled for below Fields:

1. Asset retirement
2. Asset number / sub number

Double Click on “Define Field Status Variants”

Select Field Status Variant “_______________________” and

Double click on “ Field status groups”

Double click on Field Status Group “G001” ( if your are using other, pls select that here)

Double Click on “Asset Accounting”

Make “Asset Retirement” Field as Optional 

Make “Asset number / sub number” Field as Optional 

Click on 

Making Profit Center Field as Optional For Vendor Reconciliation – Field Status

Click on Position Button

Field Status Group = G067 

Double click on “ G067” Field Group

Double Click on “Additional account assignments”

Make “Profit Center “ Field as Optional 

Click on 
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Depreciation Keys Configuration

Depreciation Methods:
There are So many Depreciation methods recognized by SAP. But in general, we use either
1. Straight Line Method ( SLM)
2. Written Down Value ( WDV)
3. Useful Life Method
4. Depreciation Keys: Depreciation Keys are nothing but Rate+ Method Example 5% SLM
or 5%WDV

Create Below Depreciation Keys

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Depreciation Keys BASE Remarks

Y001 SLM 10%
Y002 SLM 20 %
Y003 WDV 10%
Y004 WDV 20%
Y005 Useful Life % will be take from useful life

Depreciation Key Configuration:

In Creation of Depreciation Keys, we have 5 steps.

Step 1. Define Base Methods

Step 2. Define Declining Balance Method All the 4 steps will be assigned in Step 5
Step 3. Define Multilevel Methods Maintain Depreciation Key
Step 4. Maintain Period Control Methods

5th Step will be assigned in Asset Master

1. Define Base Methods

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Depreciation-->Valuation
Methods-->Depreciation Key-->Calculation Methods-->Define Base Methods
Tcode S_ALR_87015147

Base method primarily specifies:

 The Type of depreciation (Ordinary/ Special Depreciation)

 Depreciation Method used (Straight Line/ Written Down value Method)

 Treatment of the depreciation at the end of Planned useful life of asset or when the Net

Book value of asset is zero

No Special Configuration is required. Check below Base Method

0011-Ordinary: percentage from useful life
0014 Ordinary: explicit Percentage (after end of life)

2. Define Declining Balance Method

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Depreciation-->Valuation
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Methods-->Depreciation Key-->Calculation Methods-->Define Declining-

Balance Methods

Chart of Depreciation = Press Enter

Note Down the Number '001 (in this Step Nothing to save).

We will mention this number in 5th Step

3. Define Multi-Level Methods

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Depreciation-->Valuation
Methods-->Depreciation Key-->Calculation Methods-->Define Maximum
Amount Methods

Click on “New Entries”

Multilevel method = Y01
Method Description = SLM 10%
Validity start = From Ordinary Depreciation Start Date

Double click on “ Levels”

Click on “New Entries”
Acquisition year = 9999
Years = 999
No of periods = 12
Base value = 01 (acquisition value)
Percentage = 10%

Click on 
Click 3 times “Back Button”

Click on “New Entries”

Multilevel method = Y02

Method Description = SLM 20%
Validity start = From Ordinary Depreciation Start Date
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Double click on “ Levels”,

Click on “New Entries”

Acquisition year = 9999

Years = 999
No of periods = 12

Base value = 24 ( (net book value)

Percentage =

Click on 

Click 3 times “Back Button”

Click on “New Entries”

Multilevel method = Y03

Method Description = WDV 10%
Validity start = From Ordinary Depreciation Start Date

Double click on “ Levels”,

Click on “New Entries”

Acquisition year = 9999

Years = 999
No of periods = 12

Base value = 24 ( (net book value)

Percentage =

Click on 

Click 3 times “Back Button”

Click on “New Entries”

Multilevel method = Y04
Method Description = WDV 20%
Validity start = From Ordinary Depreciation Start Date
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Click on 

Double click on “ Levels”,

Click on “New Entries”

Acquisition year =9999

Years =999

No of periods =12
Base value =24 ( (net book value)

Percentage =

Click on 
Click 3 times “Back Button”

Click on “New Entries”

Multilevel method = Y04

Method Description = WDV 20%
Validity start = From Ordinary Depreciation Start Date

Click on 

Double click on “ Levels”,

Click on “New Entries”

Acquisition year =9999

Years =999

No of periods =12
Base value =24 ( (net book value)

Percentage =

Click on 

Click 3 times “Back Button”

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Ordinary Depreciation Date: means the date form which system should calculate Depreciation.
Generally, It will be capitalization date.

Acquisition year : 9999

If We give 2023 year- This rate is applicable for the assets purchased in the year 2023 only –
Next year also we are purchasing an asset having 5% rate then we have to create acquisition
year once again in the next year.
To avoid that we will give 9999 (valid up to year 9999)

Years: 999 – maximum life of the asset is 999 years


4. Maintain Period Control Methods

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Depreciation-->Valuation

Methods-->Depreciation Key-->Calculation Methods-->Maintain Period Control

Click on “New Entries”

Period control method =

Description =
Acquisition =

Additions =
Retirement =

Transfer =

Click on 

Period Period Control Key Short Explanation

Control Description
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Period Period Control Key Short Explanation

Control Description

01 Pro rata at period start date The depreciation start or end date is always on the first day of the period in
which the transaction, such as an acquisition or retirement, takes place.

02 Pro rata up to mid period at For transaction postings made up to the middle of a period, the first day of the
period start period is the date relevant for depreciation calculation.

For postings made after the middle of a period, the date relevant for depreciation
calculation is the first day of the next period.

This key is mainly used for retirement transactions.

03 Pro rata at mid period The date relevant for depreciation calculation is always in the middle of the
period in which the transaction takes place.

This is used for depreciation calculation based on half periods and a 24 period
half-month fiscal year variant.

This key is based on US legislation and is therefore relevant mainly in the US,
however, it is still possible to use in other countries if required.

04 First year convention at half For transactions posted in first half of a year, the full year is included in
year start depreciation calculation and the date relevant for depreciation calculation is the
first day of the year.

For transactions posted after the middle of the year, only 6 months is included in
depreciation calculation and the date relevant for depreciation calculation is the
first day of the second half of the year.

05 Year start date/Mid For transactions posted on the first day of a fiscal year, the date relevant for
year/Year end depreciation calculation is the first day of the fiscal year.

For transactions posted up to the middle of the year, the date relevant for
depreciation calculation is the first day of the second half of the fiscal year.

For transactions posted after the middle of the year, the date relevant for
depreciation calculation is the first day of the next fiscal year.

This key is based on Austrian legislation and is therefore relevant mainly in
Austria, however, it is still possible to use in other countries if required.

06 At the start of the year The date relevant for depreciation calculation is the first day of a fiscal year.

07 Pro rata at mid year The date relevant for depreciation calculation is always in the middle of the year.

This key is based on US legislation and is therefore relevant mainly in the US,
however, it is still possible to use in other countries if required.

08 In the following fiscal year The date relevant for depreciation calculation is the first day of the following
fiscal year.

09 Pro rata at mid quarter The date relevant for depreciation calculation is always in the middle of the
quarter and is based on a 24 period half-month fiscal year variant.

This key is based on US legislation and is therefore relevant mainly in the US,
however, it is still possible to use in other countries if required.
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Period Period Control Key Short Explanation

Control Description

11 In the following period The date relevant for depreciation calculation is the first day of the following

5. Maintain Depreciation Key

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Depreciation-->Valuation
Methods-->Depreciation Key-->Maintain Depreciation Key

Click on “New Entries”

Depreciation key = Y001
Description = SLM 10%
 depreciation to the day
Double click “ Assignment Of Calculation Methods”
Click on “New Entries”
Depreciation type = ordinary depreciation
Phase = from the start of depreciation
Base method =
Period control method =
Multilevel method =
Class = straight line depreciation
Click on 

Click “back arrow” 4 times

Select “____________ “, (depreciation key)
Click on “activate” and
Click on 

Note: When we select “Depreciation To The Day “ it will ignores Period Control
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Click on “New Entries”

Depreciation key = Y002
Description = SLM 20%

 depreciation to the day

Double click “ Assignment Of Calculation Methods”

Click on “new entries”
Depreciation type = ordinary depreciation
Phase = from the start of depreciation
Base method =
Period control method =
Multilevel method =
Class = declining balances method
Click on 

Click “Back Arrow” 4 times,

Select “ “, (depreciation key)
Click on “Activate” and
Click on 
Click on “New Entries”
Depreciation key = Y003
Description = WDV 10%
 depreciation to the day
Double click “Assignment Of Calculation Methods”
Click on “New Entries”
Depreciation type = ordinary depreciation
Phase = from the start of depreciation
Base method =
Period control method =
Multilevel method =
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Class = straight line depreciation

Click on 
Click “back arrow” 4 times
Select “____________ “, (depreciation key)
Click on “activate” and
Click on 

Click on “New Entries”

Depreciation key = Y004
Description = WDV 20%

 depreciation to the day

Double click “Assignment Of Calculation Methods”
Click on “New Entries”
Depreciation type = ordinary depreciation
Phase = from the start of depreciation
Base method =
Period control method =
Multilevel method =
Class = straight line depreciation
Click on 
Click “back arrow” 4 times
Select “____________ “, (depreciation key)
Click on “activate” and
Click on 
Click on “New Entries”
Depreciation key = Y005
Description = % From Useful Life
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

 depreciation to the day

Double click “Assignment Of Calculation Methods”
Click on “New Entries”
Depreciation type = ordinary depreciation
Phase = from the start of depreciation
Base method =
Period control method =
Multilevel method =
Class = straight line depreciation
Click on 
Click “back arrow” 4 times
Select “____________ “, (depreciation key)
Click on “activate” and
Click on 

Activate ‘0000’ Depreciation Key

Click on Position
Depreciation Key = 0000
Select “0000” Depreciation key Line and
Click on Activate and Save

Activate ‘CWG’ Depreciation Key

Click on Position
Depreciation Key = CWG
Select “CWG” Depreciation key Line and
Click on Activate and Save

Note: ‘0000 Depreciation Key will be used for Land & Capital WIP Asset Masters.
CWG – will be used for Low-Value Asset. 100% depreciation

-------------------------END-OF-DEPRECITION KEYS-------------------------------------
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

30. Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Master Data-->Screen

Layout-->Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas
Tcode AO21

No configuration , just observe

31. Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->General Valuation--

>Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class
Tcode OAYZ

Asset Class Leading Ledger Non Leading Screen Layout

Land 0000 0000 1000

Building Y001 Y002 1000
Vehicles Y003 Y005 2000
AUC 0000 0000 1000
AUC -IO 0000 0000 1000

Select “_____________________” Asset Class

Double Click on “ Depreciation Areas”

Update Layout = for all Depreciation Areas

Deselect  for depreciation areas which you want to use in this asset class

Let us deselect for all

Enter Depreciation Key :

01-Depreciation Area =
Non-Leading Area = 

Click on 

Note : Repeat the same steps for all ASSET CLASSES.

SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

32. Assign Form for Asset History Sheet

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Information System--

>Define or Assign Forms
Tcode OAAY

Double Click on “Assign asset class/history sheet”

Asset Class Form


Click on 

33. Define Transfer Date and Additional Parameters

Path IMG-->Financial Accounting-->Asset Accounting-->Asset Data Transfer--

>Parameters for Data Transfer-->Define Transfer Date and Additional

Click on “Change “Button

Click on “0L” Leading Ledger
Highest Fiscal Year = ( Enter Current FY)

Double Click on “X1” Ledger

Highest Fiscal Year = ( Enter Current FY)

Double click on “Company Code”

Click on “General Settings” TAB

Check the Status of Company Code

Click on “Legacy Data Transfer” TAB

Click on “ Lagacy Segment “
Transfer Date = (set Previous FY last Date)
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

Document Type = 

Click on 

34. Balance Carry Forward (mandatory)

Path Easy Assess--> Accounting--> Financial Accounting --> Periodic Processing --

> Closing --> Carrying Forward -->Balance Carryforward

Ledger = To =
Company Code =
Carry Forward to Fiscal Year =

 Test Run

Click on “Execute”

Check the log for errors , if you no errors click on back button and remove
 Test Run

Click on “Execute”
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

End-User Testing:

Create AS01
Change AS02
Display AS03
Change History AS04
Block AS05
Deleted AS06

Create Asset Master

Land 1
Building 1
Vehicle 1

1. Create Asset Master Record

Path Easy Assess--> Accounting--> Financial Accounting --> Fixed Assets --> Asset
--> Create --> Create
Tcode AS01

Asset Class =
Company Code =
Number of Similar Asset = 

Description =

Click on “Time-Dependent “ Tab

Coset Center = 

Click on “Depreciation Tab”

Useful Life =

Click on 
SAP S/4HANA Simplified for Beginners Video©Mohammed Rashid

2. Change Asset Master , Change History, Create Similar Asset


3. Delete Asset Master

Path Easy Assess--> Accounting--> Financial Accounting --> Fixed Assets --> Asset
--> Create -->
Tcode AS06

Asset Number =
Sub-Number =

Company Code = 

 Physically Delete Asset

Click on 
Do you want to Physically delete asset ?
Click on “Yes”

Note: We can delete only , no transaction asset masters . It transaction posted to Asset,
deletion not possible.

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