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Pete Whitaker Lawrence

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When the parsley has been prepared as for crisping, and is quite
dry, throw it into plenty of lard or butter, which is on the point of
boiling; take it up with a skimmer the instant it is crisp, and drain it on
a cloth spread upon a sieve reversed, and placed before the fire.

Mustard for instant use should be mixed with milk, to which a

spoonful or two of very thin cream may be added.

The great art of mixing mustard is to have it perfectly smooth, and

of a proper consistency. The liquid with which it is moistened should
be added to it in small quantities, and the mustard should be well
rubbed, and beaten with a spoon. Mix half a teaspoonful of salt with
two ounces of the flour of mustard, and stir to them by degrees
sufficient boiling water to reduce it to the appearance of a thick
batter: do not put it into the mustard-glass until it is cold. Some
persons like a half-teaspoonful of sugar in the finest powder mixed
with it. It ought to be sufficiently diluted always to drop easily from
the spoon; and to bring it to this state more than a quarter of a pint,
and less than half a pint of liquid will be needed for four ounces of
the best Durham mustard.
For Tartar mustard see Chapter VII.

(For frying vegetables, and for apple, peach, or orange fritters.)

Cut a couple of ounces of good butter into small bits, pour on it
less than a quarter of a pint of boiling water, and when it is dissolved
add three quarters of a pint of cold water, so that the whole shall not
be quite milk warm; mix it then by degrees and very smoothly with
twelve ounces of fine dry flour and a small pinch of salt if the batter
be for fruit fritters, but with more if for meat or vegetables. Just
before it is used, stir into it the whites of two eggs beaten to a solid
froth; but previously to this, add a little water should it appear too
thick, as some flour requires more liquid than other to bring it to the
proper consistence; this is an exceedingly light crisp batter, excellent
for the purposes for which it is named.
Butter, 2 oz.; water, from 3/4 to nearly 1 pint; little salt; flour, 3/4 lb.;
whites of 2 eggs, beaten to snow.

Cut thick slices from the middle of a loaf of light stale bread, pare
the crust entirely from them, and dry them gradually in a cool oven
until they are crisp quite through; let them become cold, then roll or
beat them into fine crumbs, and keep them in a dry place for use. To
strew over hams or cheeks of bacon, the bread should be left all
night in the oven, which should be sufficiently heated to brown, as
well as to harden it: it ought indeed to be entirely converted into
equally-coloured crust. It may be sifted through a dredging-box on to
the hams after it has been reduced almost to powder.

Spread it on a tin or dish and colour it, without burning, in a gentle

oven or before the fire in a Dutch or American oven: turn it often, or
the edges will be too much browned before the middle is enough so.
This, blended with butter, makes a convenient thickening for soups
or gravies of which it is desirable to deepen the colour; and it
requires less time and attention than the French roux of page 10.

Grate lightly into very fine crumbs four ounces of stale bread, and
shake them through a cullender;[59] without rubbing or touching
them with the hands. Dissolve two ounces of fresh butter in a frying-
pan, throw in the crumbs, and stir them constantly over a moderate
fire, until they are all of a clear golden colour; lift them out with a
skimmer, spread them on a soft cloth, or upon white blotting paper,
laid upon a sieve reversed, and dry them before the fire. They may
be more delicately prepared by browning them in a gentle oven
without the addition of butter.
59. This is not necessary when they are lightly and finely grated of uniform size.
Bread, 4 oz.; butter, 2 oz.

Cut the crumb of a stale loaf in slices a quarter of an inch thick;

form them into diamonds or half diamonds, or shape them with a
paste-cutter in any another way; fry them in fresh butter, some of a
very pale brown and others a deeper colour; dry them well, and
place them alternately round the dish that is to be garnished. They
may be made to adhere to the edge of the dish when they are
required for ornament only, by means of a little flour and white of egg
brushed over the side which is placed on it: this must be allowed to
dry before they are served.
For Sweet-pudding Sauces, see Chapter XX.

Cold Sauces, Salads, etc.


(To serve with lamb.)

The mint for this sauce should be fresh and young, for when old it is
tough and indigestible. Strip the leaves from the stems, wash them
with great nicety, and drain them on a sieve, or dry them in a cloth;
chop them very fine, put them into a sauce-tureen, and to three
heaped tablespoonsful of the mint add two of pounded sugar; let
them remain a short time well mixed together, then pour to them
gradually six tablespoonsful of good vinegar. The sauce thus made
is excellent, and far more wholesome than when a larger proportion
of vinegar and a smaller one of sugar is used for it; but, after the first
trial, the proportions can easily be adapted to the taste of the eaters.

Two tablespoonsful of mint, one large tablespoonful of pale brown

sugar, well mixed together, and a quarter of a pint of vinegar, stirred
until the sugar is entirely dissolved.

Persons with whom the mint in substance disagrees can have the
flavour of the herb without it, by mixing the ingredients of either of
the preceding receipts, and straining the sauce after it has stood for
two or three hours; the mint should be well pressed when this is
done. The flavour will be the more readily extracted if the mint and
sugar are well mixed, and left for a time before the vinegar is added.

(To serve with cold, roast, stewed, or boiled beef.)

The root for this excellent sauce should be young and tender, and
grated down on a very fine bright grater, quite to a pulp, after it has
been washed, wiped, and scraped free from the outer skin. We have
given the proportions for it in the preceding chapter, but repeat them
Horseradish, 2 heaped tablespoonsful; salt, 1 moderate
teaspoonful; rich cream, 4 tablespoonsful; good vinegar, 3
dessertspoonsful (of which one may be chili vinegar when the root is
mild.) When the other ingredients are smoothly mingled, the vinegar
must be stirred briskly to them in very small portions. A few drops of
garlic or shalot vinegar can be added to them when it is liked.

Work well together until they are perfectly blended, two or three
ounces of good butter, some pepper, salt, minced parsley, and the
strained juice of a sound lemon of moderate size. The sauce thus
prepared is often put into broiled fish; and laid in the dish under
broiled kidneys, beef-steaks, and other meat.
For 2 oz. butter, 1 heaped teaspoonful young minced parsley; juice
of 1 lemon; 1 small saltspoonful salt; seasoning of white pepper.
Obs.—The proportion of parsley may be doubled when a larger
quantity is liked: a little fine cayenne would often be preferred to the

Put into a saucepan three ounces of good butter very smoothly

blended with a quite small teaspoonful of flour, and add to them a
large wineglassful of cold water, half as much sharp vinegar (or very
fresh, strained, lemon-juice) a saltspoonful of salt, and half as much
cayenne in fine powder. Keep these shaken briskly round, or stirred
over a clear fire, until they form a smooth sauce and boil rapidly;
then stir them very quickly to the beaten yolks of four fresh eggs,
which will immediately give the sauce the consistence of custard;
pour it hot over the salad, and place it on ice, or in a very cool larder
until it is quite cold: if properly made, it will be very thick and smooth,
and slightly set, as if it contained a small portion of isinglass. A
dessertspoonful of parsley,—or of tarragon,—can be mingled with it
at pleasure, or any flavour given to it with store-sauces which is
liked. It converts flakes of salt-fish, sliced potatoes (new or old), and
hard eggs, into excellent salads.

The first essential for a smooth, well-made English salad dressing

is to have the yolks of the eggs used for it sufficiently hard to be
reduced easily to a perfect paste. They should be boiled at least
fifteen minutes, and should have become quite cold before they are
taken from the shells; they should also be well covered with water
when they are cooked, or some parts of them will be tough, and will
spoil the appearance of the sauce by rendering it lumpy, unless they
be worked through a sieve, a process which is always better avoided
if possible. To a couple of yolks broken up and mashed to a paste
with the back of a wooden spoon, add a small saltspoonful of salt, a
large one of pounded sugar, a few grains of fine cayenne, and a
teaspoonful of cold water; mix these well, and stir to them by
degrees a quarter of a pint of sweet cream; throw in next, stirring the
sauce briskly, a tablespoonful of strong chili vinegar, and add as
much common or French vinegar as will acidulate the mixture
agreeably. A tablespoonful of either will be sufficient for many tastes,
but it is easy to increase the proportion when more is liked. Six
tablespoonsful of olive oil, of the purest quality, may be substituted
for the cream: it should be added in very small portions to the other
ingredients, and stirred briskly as each is added until the sauce
resembles custard. When this is used, the water should be omitted.
The piquancy of this preparation—which is very delicate, made by
the directions just given—may be heightened by the addition of a
little eschalot vinegar, Harvey’s sauce, essence of anchovies, French
mustard, or tarragon vinegar; or by bruising with the eggs a morsel
of garlic, half the size of a hazel-nut: it should always, however, be
rendered as appropriate as may be to the dish with which it is to be
Obs. 1.—As we have before had occasion to remark, garlic, when
very sparingly and judiciously used, imparts a remarkably fine savour
to a sauce or gravy, and neither a strong nor a coarse one, as it does
when used in larger quantities. The veriest morsel (or, as the French
call it, a mere soupçon) of the root, is sufficient to give this agreeable
piquancy, but unless the proportion be extremely small, the effect will
be quite different. The Italians dress their salads upon a round of
delicately toasted bread, which is rubbed with garlic, saturated with
oil, and sprinkled with cayenne, before it is laid into the bowl: they
also eat the bread thus prepared, but with less of oil, and untoasted
often, before their meals, as a digester.
Obs. 2.—French vinegar is so infinitely superior to English in
strength, purity, and flavour, that we cannot forbear to recommend it
in preference for the use of the table. We have for a long time past
been supplied with some of most excellent quality (labelled Vinaigre
de Bordeaux) imported by the Messrs. Kent & Sons, of Upton-on-
Severn, who supply it largely, we believe, both to wholesale and
retail venders in town and country.
60. Note.—This receipt, though long privately circulated amongst the friends and
acquaintance of its distinguished and regretted author, now (with permission)
appears for the first time in print. We could not venture to deviate by a word
from the original, but we would suggest, that the mixture forms almost a
substitute for salad, instead of a mere dressing. It is, however, an admirable
compound for those to whom the slight flavouring of onion is not an

“Two large potatoes, passed through kitchen sieve

Unwonted softness to the salad give;
Of mordent mustard, add a single spoon,
Distrust the condiment which bites so soon;
But deem it not, thou man of herbs, a fault,
To add a double quantity of salt;
Three times the spoon with oil of Lucca crown,
And once with vinegar, procured from town;
True flavour needs it, and your poet begs
The pounded yellow of two well-boiled eggs;
Let onion atoms lurk within the bowl,
And, scarce suspected, animate the whole;
And lastly, in the flavoured compound toss
A magic teaspoon of anchovy sauce:
Then, though green turtle fail, though venison’s tough,
And ham and turkey are not boiled enough,
Serenely full, the epicure may say—
Fate cannot harm me,—I have dined to-day.”

Two well-boiled potatoes, passed through a sieve; a teaspoonful of

mustard; two teaspoonsful of salt; one of essence of anchovy; about
a quarter of a teaspoonful of very finely-chopped onions, well bruised
into the mixture; three tablespoonsful of oil; one of vinegar; the yolks
of two eggs, hard boiled. Stir up the salad immediately before dinner,
and stir it up thoroughly.
N.B.—As this salad is the result of great experience and reflection,
it is hoped young salad makers will not attempt to make any
improvements upon it.

(For salads, cold meat, poultry, fish, or vegetables.)

This is a very fine sauce when all the ingredients used for it are
good; but it will prove an uneatable compound to a delicate taste
unless it be made with oil of the purest quality.
Put into a large basin the yolks only of two very fresh eggs,
carefully freed from specks, with a little salt and cayenne; stir these
well together, then add about a teaspoonful of the purest salad oil,
and work the mixture round with a wooden spoon until it appears like
cream. Pour in by slow degrees nearly half a pint of oil, continuing at
each interval to work the sauce as at first until it resumes the
smoothness of cream, and not a particle of the oil remains visible;
then add a couple of tablespoonsful of plain French or of tarragon
vinegar, and one of cold water to whiten the sauce. A bit of clear veal
jelly the size of an egg will improve it greatly. The reader who may
have a prejudice against the unboiled eggs which enter into the
composition of the Mayonnaise, will find that the most fastidious
taste would not detect their being raw, if the sauce be well made;
and persons who dislike oil may partake of it in this form, without
being aware of its presence, provided always that it be perfectly
fresh, and pure in flavour, for otherwise it will be easily perceptible.
Yolks of fresh unboiled eggs, 2; salt, 1/2 saltspoonful, or rather
more; cayenne; oil, full third of pint; French or tarragon vinegar, 2
tablespoonsful; cold water, 1 tablespoonful; meat jelly (if at hand),
size of an egg.

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