Test Ocho 8 Review

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The unforgettable background

I was not thrilled when my mom said that she bought for me and my family concert tickets for my
birthday. She was so pumped-up because she had seen videos from these performers. I though it will be
a regular boring concert which is only found interesting by adults and the old ones.

When we got to the theater, we drove past the main entrance and went to another much smaller but at
the same time much nicer entrance. It turned out that my mom bought VIP tickets. The valets were
dressed in suits so it did not look like an average concert.

Regardless of the fact that this one was one of the most expensive live concert in the country, it’s worth
every single penny. With all the decoration and the atmosphere, you felt special. It cannot be forgotten
that the valets showed where our sits are and guided us there.

On the other hand, even though on the atmosphere looked better than the music it actually was. We
found out that one of the member’s father financed all of this decoration but he cannot buy skill for the
band members.

To sum up, this concert is worth the money and the time until the band shows up on the stage. The
decoration was absolutely on point, but the band should practice more together because it seemed like
they play their music together for the first time.

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