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Neckpinch Dynamics for Asymmetric

Surfaces Evolving by Mean Curvature

Flow 1st Edition Zhou Gang
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Number 1210

Neckpinch Dynamics for Asymmetric

Surfaces Evolving by Mean
Curvature Flow
Zhou Gang
Dan Knopf
Israel Michael Sigal

May 2018 • Volume 253 • Number 1210 (fifth of 7 numbers)

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Number 1210

Neckpinch Dynamics for Asymmetric

Surfaces Evolving by Mean
Curvature Flow
Zhou Gang
Dan Knopf
Israel Michael Sigal

May 2018 • Volume 253 • Number 1210 (fifth of 7 numbers)

Purchased from American Mathematical Society for the exclusive use of Deb Izzi (
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Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. What we study 1
1.2. Basic evolution equations 3
1.3. Implied evolution equations 6
Chapter 2. The first bootstrap machine 8
2.1. Input 8
2.2. Output 9
2.3. Structure 10
Chapter 3. Estimates of first-order derivatives 13
Chapter 4. Decay estimates in the inner region 16
4.1. Differential inequalities 16
4.2. Lyapunov functionals of second and third order 21
4.3. Lyapunov functionals of fourth and fifth order 25
4.4. Estimates of second- and third-order derivatives 26
Chapter 5. Estimates in the outer region 28
5.1. Second-order decay estimates 28
5.2. Third-order decay estimates 29
5.3. Third-order smallness estimates 30
Chapter 6. The second bootstrap machine 34
6.1. Input 34
6.2. Output 35
6.3. Structure 35
Chapter 7. Evolution equations for the decomposition 37
Chapter 8. Estimates to control the parameters a and b 40
Chapter 9. Estimates to control the fluctuation φ 44
9.1. Proof of estimate (7.12) 49
9.2. Proof of estimate (7.13) 54
9.3. Proof of estimate (7.15) 57
9.4. Proof of estimate (7.14) 60
Chapter 10. Proof of the Main Theorem 62
Appendix A. Mean curvature flow of normal graphs 64
Appendix B. Interpolation estimates 66

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Appendix C. A parabolic maximum principle for noncompact domains 68

Appendix D. Estimates of higher-order derivatives 70
Bibliography 78

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We study noncompact surfaces evolving by mean curvature flow (mcf). For an

open set of initial data that are C 3 -close to round, but without assuming rotational
symmetry or positive mean curvature, we show that mcf solutions become singular
in finite time by forming neckpinches, and we obtain detailed asymptotics of that
singularity formation. Our results show in a precise way that mcf solutions become
asymptotically rotationally symmetric near a neckpinch singularity.

Received by the editor March 29, 2012 and, in revised form, October 4, 2013 and November 20,
Article electronically published on March 29, 2018.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C44, 35K93.
Key words and phrases. Mean Curvature Flow, Neckpinch, Asymptotics, Rotational
The first author thanks NSF for supports in DMS-1308985. The second author thanks NSF
for support in DMS-0545984. The third author thanks NSERC for support in NA7901.
The first author is affiliated with the California Institute of Technology. Email:
The second author is affiliated with the University of Texas at Austin. Email: dan-
The third author is affiliated with the University of Toronto. Email:

c American Mathematical Society

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1.1. What we study

This work is the first of two in which we study the motion of cylindrical surfaces
under mean curvature flow (mcf). Specifically, we investigate the asymptotics
of finite-time singularity formation for such surfaces, without assuming rotational
symmetry or positive mean curvature.
There is a rich literature on mcf singularity formation, one far too vast to
be fully acknowledged here. Neckpinch singularities for rotationally symmetric 2-
dimensional surfaces were first observed by Huisken [12]; this was generalized to
higher dimensions by Simon [16]. Asymptotic properties of a solution approaching a
singularity were studied by Angenent–Velázquez [3], who obtained rigorous asymp-
totics for nongeneric Type-II “degenerate neckpinches,” and derived formal matched
asymptotics for (conjecturally generic) Type-I singularities. Rigorous asymptotics
for the Type-I case were obtained by two of the authors [11]. The corresponding
result for Type-I Ricci flow neckpinches was obtained by Angenent and another of
the authors [2]. For the Type-II Ricci flow case, see [1].1 These asymptotic analyses
all use the hypothesis of rotational symmetry in essential ways.
A different approach is the surgery program of Huisken and Sinestrari [13],
which shows that singularities of 2-convex immersions Mn ⊂ Rn+1 with n ≥ 3 are
either close to round Sn components or close to “necklike” Sn−1 × I components;
this program does not involve asymptotics or require symmetry hypothesis. Yet
another approach studies weak solutions that extend past the singularity time. See
existence results of Brakke [4], Evans–Spruck [10], and Chen–Giga–Goto [5], as
well as recent classification results by Colding–Minicozzi [7].
In this paper, we consider the evolution of non-symmetric, noncompact surfaces
embedded in R3 . To analyze their singularity formation, we study rescaled solutions
defined with respect to adaptive blowup variables. We remove the hypothesis of
rotational symmetry and instead consider initial data in a Sobolev space H 5 (S1 ×
R; dθ σ dy) (where the weighted measure σ ∼ |y|− 5 as |y| → ∞) which are C 3 -

close to round necks and possess weaker discrete symmetries. (These symmetries
are retained to reduce technicalities but are not essential to our approach.) The
assumptions are made precise in Section 1.2 of this Chapter. Because we do not
allow fully asymmetric initial data, our results do not establish uniqueness of the
limiting cylinder for general mcf neckpinch singularities (an important conjecture
that we learned of from Klaus Ecker) — but see Remark 1.1 below. However,
our results do provide rigorous evidence in favor of the heuristic expectation that
rotational symmetry is stable in a suitable (quasi-isometric) sense. In light of the

1 Note that what we call the “inner region” in this paper is called the “intermediate region”

in [1] and [2].

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result [7] of Colding–Minicozzi that shrinking spheres and cylinders are the only
generic mcf singularity models, our work suggests that the rotationally-symmetric
neckpinch is in fact a “universal” singularity profile.
Our analysis consists of two largely independent parts, both of which are or-
ganized as bootstrap machines. The first machine takes as its input certain (weak)
estimates that follow from our assumptions on the initial data; by parabolic regu-
larization for quasilinear equations, we may assume that these hold for a sufficiently
short time interval. These estimates are detailed in Chapter 2. The output of the
machine consists of improved a priori estimates for the same time interval, which
may then be propagated forward in time. The machine is constructed in Chap-
ters 2–5. Its construction employs Lyapunov functionals and Sobolev embedding
arguments near the center of the neck, where the most critical analysis is needed,
together with maximum-principle arguments away from the developing singularity.
The second bootstrap machine takes for its input similar (weak) conditions
detailed in Chapters 6, along with the improved a priori estimates output by the
first machine. It further improves those estimates by showing that for correct
choices of adaptive scaling parameters, it is possible to decompose a solution into an
asymptotically dominant profile and a far smaller “remainder” term. The methods
employed here are close to those used in [11], and are collected in Chapters 6–9.
Connecting the two machines yields a (non-circular) sequence of arguments that
establishes finite-time extinction of the unrescaled solution, its singular collapse,
the nature of the singular set, and the solution’s asymptotic behavior in a space-
time neighborhood of the singularity. Thus when combined, these two bootstrap
arguments imply our main theorem. We prove this in Chapter 10.
As we recall in Section 1.2, mcf of a normal graph over a 2-dimensional cylinder
is determined up to tangential diffeomorphisms by a radius function u(x, θ, t) > 0.
The assumptions of the theorem are satisfied by any smooth reflection-symmetric
and π-periodic initial surface u0 (x, θ) = u(x, θ, 0) that is a sufficiently small per-
turbation of the surfaces studied in [11].
Main Theorem. Let u(x, θ, t) be a solution of mcf whose initial surface satis-
fies the Main Assumptions stated in Section 1.2 for sufficiently small 0 < b0 , c0  1.
Then there exists a time T < ∞ such that u(x, θ, t) develops a neckpinch singularity
at time T , with u(0, ·, T ) = 0. There exist functions λ(t), b(t), c(t), and φ(x, θ, t)
such that with y(x, t) := λ(t)−1 x, one has

u(x, θ, t) 2 + b(t)y 2
= + φ(y, θ, t),
λ(t) c(t)
where as t T,

λ(t) = [1 + o(1)]λ0 T − t,
b(t) = 1 + O((− log(T − t))− 2 ) (− log(T − t))−1 ,

c(t) = 1 + 1 + O((− log(T − t))−1 ) (− log(T − t))−1 .
The solution is asymptotically rotationally symmetric near the neckpinch singularity
in the precise sense that, with v(y, θ, τ ) := λ(t)−1 u(x, θ, t), the estimates

v −2 |∂θ φ| + v −1 |∂y ∂θ φ| + v −2 |∂θ2 φ| + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ φ| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 φ| + v −3 |∂θ3 φ| = O(b(t) 20 )


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|φ(y, θ, t)| 8 |φ(y, θ, t)| 13
3 = O(b(t) ) and = O(b(t) 20 )
(1 + y 2 ) 2 (1 + y 2 ) 20
all hold uniformly as t T.
Remark 1.1. Between submission and publication of this work, several note-
worthy mcf results appeared. Here we mention just a few of those most relevant to
the goals and context of this manuscript. For context, recall that combined work
of Huisken [12], Ilmanen [14], and White [19] proves that singularities of mcf re-
semble shrinking solitons, at least weakly. As important as these results are, their
applications generally rely upon subsequential convergence, hence leave open the
possibilities that different magnifications along different sequences of space-time
points might yield completely different singularity models (see, e.g., [18]). Ques-
tions about the uniqueness and classification of blow-up limits (tangent flows) are
fundamental for mcf and other geometric heat flows. Huisken’s work [12] proves
uniqueness (independence of subsequence) if one limit is an embedded Sn . Several
recent results extend this. Using the L  ojasiewicz –Simon inequality, Schulze [15]
proves uniqueness if one limit is a closed multiplicity-one embedded self-shrinker.
Work of Colding–Minicozzi mentioned above [7] proves that generalized cylinders
Rk × Sn−k are the only stable tangent flows; that paper shows in particular that
if a smooth complete embedded self-shrinker Mm with polynomial volume growth
is not a generalized cylinder, then there is a graph Nm over Mm with arbitrarily
small C r norm, for any fixed r ∈ Z+ , such that Mm cannot occur as a tangent
flow of a solution originating from Nm . Colding–Ilmanen–Minicozzi [6] prove that
generalized cylinders Rk × Sn−k are rigid in the sense that any two that are close on
large but compact sets are in fact isometric. A consequence is that if any blow-up
limit is a generalized cylinder Rk × Sn−k , then every limit is of this type. That
result left open the possibility that the direction of the Rk factor might depend on
the choice of subsequence. This was finally resolved by Colding–Minicozzi [8] us-
ing L ojasiewicz inequalities they derived for functionals evaluated on noncompact
hypersurfaces. In another direction, notable recent progress towards classifying
possible tangent cones was made by Wang [17], who proves that there is at most
one smooth complete properly embedded self-shrinker asymptotic at spatial infinity
to any regular cone.

1.2. Basic evolution equations

In this work, we study the evolution of graphs over a cylinder S1 × R embedded
R3 , we take as an initial datum a surface M0
in R3 . In coordinates (x, y, z) for 
around the x-axis, given by a map y 2 + z 2 = u0 (x, θ), where θ denotes the angle
from the ray y > 0 in the  (y, z)-plane. Then for as long as the flow remains a
graph, all Mt are given by y 2 + z 2 = u(x, θ, t). It follows from equations (A.3)
and (A.4), derived in Appendix A, that u evolves by
1+(∂x u)2 2 2
(∂θ u)2
[1 + ( ∂uθ u )2 ]∂x2 u + ∂θ u − 2 (∂x u)(∂ θ u)
∂x ∂θ u − 1
(1.1) ∂t u = u2 u3 u3

1 + (∂x u)2 + ( ∂uθ u )2 u
with initial condition u(x, θ, 0) = u0 (x, θ).
Analysis of rotationally symmetric neckpinch formation [11] leads one to expect
that solutions of (A.3) will become singular in finite time, resembling spatially

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homogeneous ode solutions 2(T − t) in an suitable space-time neighborhood of
the developing singularity.
Accordingly, we apply adaptive rescaling, transforming the original space-time
variables x and t into rescaled blowup variables

(1.2) y(x, t) := λ−1 (t)[x − x0 (t)]

(1.3) τ (t) := λ−2 (s) ds,

respectively, where x0 (t) marks the center of the neck. What distinguishes this
approach from standard parabolic rescaling (see, e.g., [3] or [2]) is that we do not fix
λ(t) but instead consider it as a free parameter to be determined
√ from the evolution
of u in equation (1.1).2 By [11], one expects that λ ≈ T − t and τ ≈ − log(T − t),
where T > 0 is the singularity time. (We confirm this in Chapter 10 below.)
Consider a solution u(x, θ, t) of (1.1) with initial condition u0 (x, θ). We define
a rescaled radius v(y, θ, τ ) by

(1.4) v(y(x, t), θ, τ (t)) := λ−1 (t) u(x, θ, t).

Then v initially satisfies v(y, θ, 0) = v0 (y, θ), where v0 (y, θ) := λ−1

0 u0 (λ0 y, θ), with
λ0 the initial value of the scaling parameter λ.
In commuting (y, θ, τ ) variables, the quantity v evolves by

(1.5) ∂τ v = Av v + av − v −1 ,

where Av is the quasilinear elliptic operator

(1.6) Av := F1 (p, q)∂y2 + v −2 F2 (p, q)∂θ2 + v −1 F3 (p, q)∂y ∂θ + v −2 F4 (p, q)∂θ − ay∂y

with v-dependent coefficients defined with respect to

(1.7) a := −λ∂t λ, p := ∂y v, and q := v −1 ∂θ v,

1 + q2 1 + p2
F1 (p, q) := , F2 (p, q) := ,
1 + p2 + q 2 1 + p2 + q 2
2pq q
F3 (p, q) := − , F4 (p, q) := .
1 + p2 + q 2 1 + p2 + q 2

In order to state our assumptions precisely, we introduce some further notation.

We denote the formal solution of the adiabatic approximation to equation (1.5) by

2 + sy 2
(1.9) Vr,s (y) := 1 ,
2 +r

2 For fully general neckpinches, one would also regard x (t) as a free parameter; below, we
impose reflection symmetry to fix x0 (t) ≡ 0.

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where r and s are positive parameters. We introduce a step function 3

⎧ 9√
⎨ 10 2 if sy 2 < 20,
(1.10) g(y, s) :=

4 if sy 2 ≥ 20.
We define a norm · m,n by

:= (1 + y 2 )− 2 ∂yn φ
φ m,n L∞

We also introduce a Hilbert space L2σ ≡ L2 (S1 × R; dθ σ dy) with norm · σ , whose
weighted measure is defined with respect to Σ  1 (to be fixed below) by

σ(y) := (Σ + y 2 )− 5 .
Here are our assumptions. We state them for v0 (y, θ) = v(y, θ, 0), but they
easily translate to u0 (x, θ) = u(x, θ, 0) using the relation u0 (x, θ) = λ0 v(λ−1
0 x, θ).

Main Assumptions. There exist small positive constants b0 , c0 such that:

[A1] The initial surface is a graph over S1 ×R determined by a smooth function
v0 (y, θ) > 0 with the symmetries v0 (y, θ) = v0 (−y, θ) = v0 (y, θ + π).
[A2] The initial surface satisfies v0 (y, ·) > g(y, b0 ).
[A3] The initial surface is a small deformation of a formal solution Va0 ,b0 in the
sense that for (m, n) ∈ {(3, 0), (11/10, 0), (2, 1), (1, 1)}, one has
m+n 1
2 + 10
v0 − Va0 ,b0 m,n < b0 .
[A4] The parameter a0 = a(0) obeys the bound |a0 − 1/2| < c0 .
[A5] The initial surface obeys the further derivative bounds:
−n m n
n=0, 2≤m+n≤3 v0 |∂y ∂θ v0 | < b20 ,
−1 1 3
b0 v0 2 |∂y v0 | + b02 |∂y2 v0 | + |∂y3 v0 | < b02 ,
|∂y ∂θ2 v0 | + v0−1 |∂θ3 v0 | < c0 .
b05 ∂y4 v0 2
σ + ∂y5 v0 2
σ + v0−n ∂ym ∂θn v0 2
σ < b40
n=0, 4≤m+n≤5

Our method works because mcf preserves the symmetries in Assumption [A1].
Lemma 1.2. If v0 has the symmetries v0 (y, θ) = v0 (−y, θ) = v0 (y, θ + π),
then the solution v of equation (1.5) shares the same symmetries, v(y, θ, τ ) =
v(−y, θ, τ ) = v(y, θ + π, τ ), for as long as it remains a graph.
Proof. If v(y, θ, τ ) solves equation (1.5), so do v(−y, θ, τ ) and v(y, θ + π, τ ).
Thus the result follows from local well-posedness of the equation. 

3 Onemotivation for this choice of g may be found in the results of [11], which prove that
v = 1 + o(1) 2 + b(τ )y 2 as τ → ∞ for the rotationally symmetric mcf neckpinch. For another
motivation, see Remark 1.4 below.

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1.3. Implied evolution equations

Recall from equation (1.5) in Section 1.2 that ∂τ v = Av v + av − v −1 , where Av
is the quasilinear operator defined in equation (1.6), with coefficients F introduced
in definitions (1.7)–(1.8). Our goal in this chapter is to derive evolution equations
for quantities of the form
(1.12) vm,n,k := v −k (∂ym ∂θn v),
defined with respect to integers m, n ≥ 0 and a real number k ≥ 0.
Lemma 1.3. The quantity vm,n,k evolves by
(1.13) ∂τ vm,n,k = Av + (k + 1)v −2 − (m + k − 1)a vm,n,k + Em,n,k ,
where the individual terms of the nonlinear quantity

(1.14) Em,n,k = Em,n,k,
are defined by
Em,n,k,0 := −kv −1 vm,n,k (Av v + ay∂y v),

Em,n,k,1 := v −k ∂ym ∂θn (F1 ∂y2 v) − F1 ∂y2 vm,n,k ,

Em,n,k,2 := v −k ∂ym ∂θn (v −2 F2 ∂θ2 v) − v −2 F2 ∂θ2 vm,n,k ,

Em,n,k,3 := v −k ∂ym ∂θn (v −1 F3 ∂y ∂θ v) − v −1 F3 ∂y ∂θ vm,n,k ,

Em,n,k,4 := v −k ∂ym ∂θn (v −2 F4 ∂θ v) − v −2 F4 ∂θ vm,n,k ,

Em,n,k,5 := −v −k ∂ym ∂θn (v −1 ) − v −2 vm,n,k .

Proof. We begin by using equations (1.5) and (1.6) to compute that
∂τ v −k ∂ym ∂θn v = −kvm,n,k v −1 ∂τ v + v −k ∂ym ∂θn (∂τ v)
= −kv −1 vm,n,k (Av v) − kavm,n,k + kv −2 vm,n,k
+ v −k ∂ym ∂θn F1 ∂y2 v + v −2 F2 ∂θ2 v + v −1 F3 ∂y ∂θ v + v −2 F4 ∂θ v
− av −k ∂ym ∂θn (y∂y v) + avm,n,k − v −k ∂ym ∂θn (v −1 ).
We then rewrite this in the form
∂τ vm,n,k = Av vm,n,k + (k + 1)v −2 + a(1 − k) vm,n,k
− kv −1 vm,n,k (Av v)
+ v −k ∂ym ∂θn (F1 ∂y2 v) − F1 ∂y2 vm,n,k
+ v −k ∂ym ∂θn (v −2 F2 ∂θ2 v) − v −2 F2 ∂θ2 vm,n,k
+ v −k ∂ym ∂θn (v −1 F3 ∂y ∂θ v) − v −1 F3 ∂y ∂θ vm,n,k
+ v −k ∂ym ∂θn (v −2 F4 ∂θ v) − v −2 F4 ∂θ vm,n,k
− v −k ∂ym ∂θn (v −1 ) − v −2 vm,n,k
+ a y∂y vm,n,k − v −k ∂ym ∂θn (y∂y v) .

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Comparing this to equations (1.13) and (1.15) shows that to complete the proof, it
suffices to observe that the final line above simplifies as follows:
a y∂y vm,n,k − v −k ∂ym ∂θn (y∂y v) = −mavm,n,k − kv −1 vm,n,k (ay∂y v).

Remark 1.4. An important feature of the calculation above is its linear reac-
tion term, which reveals how the evolution equation for vm,n,k “improves” as m and
k increase, provided that v is suitably bounded from below. This partly explains
our choice of step function g in equation (1.10).
Corollary 1.5. The quantity vm,n,k evolves by
∂τ vm,n,k 2
= Av (vm,n,k ) + 2 (k + 1)v −2 − (m + k − 1)a vm,n,k
−Bm,n,k + 2Em,n,k vm,n,k ,
where Bm,n,k := Av (vm,n,k ) − 2vm,n,k Av vm,n,k satisfies B ≥ 0 along with
2 2
vm+1,n,k + vm,n+1,k+1
(1.17) Bm,n,k ≥ − k2 (v1,0,1
2 2
+ v0,1,1 2
)vm,n,k .
1 + p + q2

Proof. Recall the useful fact that v∂y2 v = 12 ∂y2 (v 2 ) − (∂y v)2 . Using this idea,
the result follows by applying Cauchy–Schwarz to obtain first
Bm,n,k = 2[F1 (∂y vm,n,k )2 + v −2 F2 (∂θ vm,n,k )2 + v −1 F3 (∂y vm,n,k )(∂θ vm,n,k )]
(∂y vm,n,k )2 + (∂θ vm,n,k )2
≥2 ≥ 0,
1 + p2 + q 2
and then applying it in case k > 0 to the identities
(∂y vm,n,k )2 = vm+1,n,k
− 2vm+1,n,k kv1,0,1 vm,n,k + k2 v1,0,1
2 2
vm,n,k ,
(∂θ vm,n,k )2 = vm,n+1,k
− 2vm,n+1,k kv0,1,1 vm,n,k + k2 v0,1,1
2 2
vm,n,k .

Remark 1.6. Once one has suitable first-order estimates for v, one can bound
the quantity 1 + p2 + q 2 from above, whereupon Bm,n,k contributes valuable higher-
order terms of the form −ε(vm+1,n,k
2 2
+vm,n+1,k+1 ) to the evolution equation satisfied
by vm,n,k . The same first-order estimates let us easily control the potentially bad
terms in (1.17) by k2 (v1,0,1
2 2
+ v0,1,1 2
)vm,n,k ≤ εvm,n,k
In estimating the “commutators” Em,n,k, defined in (1.15), the following simple
observation will be used many times, often implicitly. We omit its easy proof.
Lemma 1.7. For any i, j ≥ 0 and = 1, . . . , 4, there exist constants Ci,j, such
|∂pi ∂qj F (p, q)| ≤ Ci,j,
for all p, q ∈ R.
We also freely use the following facts, usually without comment.
Remark 1.8. The quantity Em,n,k,0 vanishes if k = 0.
Remark 1.9. The quantity Em,n,k,5 vanishes if m + n = 1.

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The first bootstrap machine

2.1. Input
Here are the conditions that constitute the input to our first bootstrap machine,
whose structure we describe below. By standard regularity theory for quasilinear
parabolic equations, if the initial data satisfy the Main Assumptions in Section 1.2
for b0 and c0 sufficiently small, then the solution will satisfy the properties below
up to a short time τ1 > 0. (Note that to obtain some of the derivative bounds
below, one uses the general interpolation result, Lemma B.2.)
Some of these properties are global, while others are local in nature. In these
conditions, and in many of the arguments that follow, we separately treat the inner
region {βy 2 ≤ 20} and the outer region {βy 2 ≥ 20}, both defined with respect to
(2.1) β(τ ) := (κ + τ )−1 ,
where κ = κ(b0 , c0 )  1. Note that our Main Assumptions imply that slightly
stronger conditions hold for the inner region. This is unsurprising: it is natural
to expect that the solution of equation (1.5) is sufficiently close in that region to
the solution V 12 ,β of the equation 12 y∂y V − 12 V + V −1 = 0 that is an adiabatic
approximation of (1.5) there. (Compare [2] and [11].)
Here are the global conditions:1
[C0] For τ ∈ [0, τ1 ], the solution has the uniform lower bound v(·, ·, τ ) ≥ κ−1 .
[C1] For τ ∈ [0, τ1 ], the solution satisfies the first-order estimates
2 1 3
|∂y v|  β 5 v 2 , |∂θ v|  β 2 v 2 , and |∂θ v|  v.
[C2] For τ ∈ [0, τ1 ], the solution satisfies the second-order estimates
3 3 3
|∂y2 v|  β 5 , |∂y ∂θ v|  β 2 v, |∂y ∂θ v|  1, and |∂θ2 v|  β 2 v 2 .
[C3] For τ ∈ [0, τ1 ] the solution satisfies the third-order decay estimates
v −n |∂ym ∂θn v|  β 2
|∂y3 v|  β and
for m + n = 3 with n ≥ 1, as well as the “smallness estimate” that
β − 20 |∂y3 v| + |∂y2 ∂θ v| + |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −1 |∂θ3 v|  (β0 + ε0 ) 40

for some ε0 = ε0 (b0 , c0 )  1.2

[Ca] For τ ∈ [0, τ1 ], the parameter a satisfies 3
1 1
− κ−1 ≤ a ≤ + κ−1 .
2 2
1 Notation: In the remainder of this paper, we write ϕ  ψ if there exists a uniform constant

C > 0 such that ϕ ≤ Cψ, and we define x := 1 + |x|2 .
2 The smallness estimate will only be used in the proof of Theorem 2.7.
3 Proposition 6.3 will establish that a is a C 1 function of time.

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2.2. OUTPUT 9

To state the remaining global conditions, we decompose the solution into θ-

independent and θ-dependent parts v1 , v2 , respectively, defined by
(2.2) v1 (y, τ ) := v(y, θ, τ ) dθ and v2 (y, θ, τ ) := v(y, θ, τ ) − v1 (y, τ ).
2π 0
We denote the norm in the Hilbert space L2σ introduced in definition (1.11) by · σ,
and the inner product by
ϕ, ψσ := ϕψ dθ σ dy.
R S1
Our remaining inputs are:
[Cs] For τ ∈ [0, τ1 ], one has Sobolev bounds v −n ∂ym ∂θn v σ < ∞ whenever
4 ≤ m + n ≤ 7.
[Cr] There exists 0 < δ  1 such that the scale-invariant bound |v2 | ≤ δv1
holds everywhere for τ ∈ [0, τ1 ].
[Cg] For τ ∈ [0, τ1 ], one has y−1 |∂y v| ≤ Σ 4 β.

Remark 2.1. Note that our global  gradient Condition [Cg] posits the β1 decay
rate of the formal solution V (y, τ ) = 2 + βy 2 but with a large constant Σ 4  1.
The effect of our bootstrap argument will be to sharpen that constant.
Remark 6.1 (below) shows that Condition [Cb] in Chapter 6, which is directly
implied by our Main Assumptions, in turn implies that [Cg] holds, along with extra
properties that are local to the inner region:
[C0i] For τ ∈ [0, τ1 ] and βy 2 ≤ 20, the quantity v is uniformly bounded from
above and below, so that for βy 2 ≤ 20, one has bounds
2 ≡ g(y, β) ≤ v(y, ·, ·) ≤ C0 .
[C1i] For τ ∈ [0, τ1 ] and βy 2 ≤ 20, the solution satisfies the stronger first-order
|∂y v|  β 2 v 2 and |∂θ v|  κ− 2 v.
1 1 1

2.2. Output
The output of this machine consists of the following estimates, which collec-
tively improve Conditions [C0]–[C3], [Cs], [Cr], [Cg], and [C0i]–[C1i]:
v(y, θ, τ ) ≥ g(y, β), v = O(y) as |y| → ∞;

v − 2 |∂y v|  β 2 , v −2 |∂θ v|  β 20 , v −1 |∂θ v|  κ− 2 ;

1 1 33 1
|∂y v|  1,

β|∂y2 v| + v −1 |∂y ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂θ2 v|  β 20 ;


|∂y ∂θ v| + v −1 |∂θ2 v|  (β0 + ε0 ) 20 ;


β 2 |∂y3 v| + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −3 |∂θ3 v|  β 20 ;

1 33

β − 20 |∂y3 v| + |∂y2 ∂θ v| + |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −1 |∂θ3 v|  (β0 + ε0 ) 20 .

Here, β0 ≡ β(0) and ε0 are independent of τ1 . So these improvements will allow us

to propagate the assumptions above forward in time. (See Chapter 10 below.)

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2.3. Structure
Here is how we establish these stronger estimates.
We first derive improved estimates for v and its first derivatives in the outer
region, using our Main Assumptions and their implications [Ca] and [C0]–[C2] for v
and its first and second derivatives, and using the stronger estimates [C0i]–[C1i] that
hold on the boundary circles βy 2 = 20. The reason why second-order conditions are
needed to prove improved first-order estimates is that the nonlinear terms in the
evolution equation for DN v (a spatial derivative of total order N ) will in general
contain derivatives of order N + 1. This occurs because first derivatives of v appear
in the quasilinear operator Av that controls the evolution equations studied here.
Theorem 2.2. Suppose a solution v = v(y, θ, τ ) of equation (1.5) satisfies
Assumption [A1] at τ = 0, and Conditions [Ca] and [C0]–[C2] for βy 2 ≥ 20 and
τ ∈ [0, τ1 ]. If Conditions [C0i]–[C1i] hold on the boundary of this region for τ ∈
[0, τ1 ], then for the same time interval, the solution satisfies the following estimates
throughout the outer region {βy 2 ≥ 20}:
(2.3) v(y, ·, ·) ≥ 4,

1 1
(2.4) |∂y v|  β 2 v 2 ,

(2.5) |∂y v|  1,

|∂θ v| ≤ C0 κ− 2 v,
where C0 depends only on the initial data and not on τ1 .
Note that estimate (2.5) provides C such that |∂y v| ≤ C in the outer region for

τ ∈ [0, τ1 ]. By Condition [C0i], one has v(± 20β − 2 ) ≤ c2 for some c > 0. Hence

by quadrature, one obtains the immediate corollary that

(2.7) v = O(y) as |y| → ∞.
Theorem 2.2 is proved in Chapter 3.
In the second step, we derive estimates for second and third derivatives of v. It
is reasonable to expect that one could bound second derivatives without assump-
tions on third derivatives, thus allowing us to “close the loop” at two derivatives in
our bootstrap arguments. A reason for this expectation is that once one has suit-
able estimates on first derivatives, one can show that higher-order derivatives occur
in combinations φ · (DN +1 v) − ψ · (DN +1 v)2 , where |φ|  ψ. Indeed, Theorem 2.2
suffices to bound the quantity ψ > 0 from below. This expectation is correct in the
outer region, where one can obtain the needed second-derivative bounds using only
maximum-principle arguments. But in the inner region, more complicated machin-
ery is needed. To construct improved second-order estimates there, we introduce
and bound suitable Lyapunov functionals and then apply Sobolev embedding the-
orems. This method requires us to assume (and subsequently improve) pointwise
bounds on third-order derivatives and L2σ bounds on derivatives of orders four and
five. What makes this method more effective than the maximum principle in the
inner region is the fact that the Lyapunov functionals allow integration by parts.

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Remark 2.3. The main reason that integration improves our estimates is the
fact that for any smooth function f which is orthogonal to constants in L2 ({y}×S1 ),
our assumption of π-periodicity implies that
(∂θ f ) dθ ≥ 4
f 2 dθ.
{y}×S1 {y}×S1

Remark 2.4. Here is one reason why we need the pointwise estimates on
third-order derivatives in [C3]. (Another reason will become clear in Chapter 6.)
In estimating nonlinear terms in the evolution of the Lyapunov functionals intro-
duced below, one encounters quantities of the sort DN (F ), (D2 v)(DN v)σ , where
the coefficients F are given in definition (1.8). After integration by parts, one
gets, schematically, DN −1 (F ), (D3 v)(DN v) + (D2 v)(DN +1 v)σ . Such terms are
comparable to DN (v), (D3 v)(DN v) + (D2 v)(DN +1 v)σ . So we need L∞ control
on third derivatives in order to impose only L2σ assumptions on higher derivatives.
In Section 4.4, we prove the following result.
Theorem 2.5. Suppose that a solution v = v(y, θ, τ ) of equation (1.5) satisfies
Assumption [A1] at τ = 0, and Conditions [Ca], [C0]–[C3], [Cs], [Cr], [Cg], and
[C0i]–[C1i] for τ ∈ [0, τ1 ]. Then for the same time interval, the solution satisfies
the following pointwise bounds throughout the inner region {βy 2 ≤ 20}:
β|∂y2 v| + v −1 |∂y ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂θ2 v|  β 20
β 2 |∂y3 v| + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −3 |∂θ3 v|  β 20 ,
1 33
The fact that we do not achieve the expected β 2 decay on the rhs of es-
timates (2.8)–(2.9) is due to our use of Sobolev embedding with respect to the
weighed measure introduced in equation (1.11).
Then using Theorem 2.5 to ensure that they hold on the boundary of the inner
region, we extend its estimates to the outer region.
Theorem 2.6. Suppose that a solution v = v(y, θ, τ ) of equation (1.5) satisfies
Assumption [A1] at τ = 0, and Conditions [Ca] and [C0]–[C3] for βy 2 ≥ 20 and
τ ∈ [0, τ1 ]. Then the estimates
β|∂y2 v| + v −1 |∂y ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂θ2 v|  β 20
β 2 |∂y3 v| + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −3 |∂θ3 v|  β 20
1 33
hold throughout the entire outer region {βy 2 ≥ 20} during the same time interval,
provided that they hold on the boundary βy 2 = 20.
As an easy corollary, we apply the interpolation result Lemma B.2 to get our
final first-order estimate claimed in Section 2.2, namely
|∂θ v| 1 |∂θ v2 | C1 |∂θ2 v2 |
≤ ≤ max
v2 (1 − δ)2 v12 (1 − δ)2 θ∈[0,2π] v12
(1 + δ)2 |∂θ2 v| 33
≤ C2 max ≤ C3 β 20 .
(1 − δ) θ∈[0,2π] v
2 2

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Theorem 2.6 is proved in Chapter 5.

Finally, we improve the “smallness estimates” in Condition [C3], producing
improved bounds for |∂y ∂θ2 v| and v −1 |∂θ3 v|; these serve as inputs to the second
bootstrap machine constructed in Section 6 below.
Theorem 2.7. Suppose that a solution v = v(y, θ, τ ) of equation (1.5) satisfies
Assumption [A1] at τ = 0, and Conditions [Ca], [C0]–[C3], [Cs], [Cr], [Cg], and
[C0i]–[C1i] for τ ∈ [0, τ1 ]. Then for the same time interval, the solution satisfies
β − 10 (∂y3 v)2 + (∂y2 ∂θ v)2 + (∂y ∂θ2 v)2 + v −2 (∂θ3 v)2  (β0 + ε0 ) 10 .

As an easy corollary, we apply Lemma B.2 to get our final second-order esti-
mates claimed in section 2.2, namely
|∂y ∂θ v| + v −1 |∂θ2 v|  (β0 + ε0 ) 20 .

Theorem 2.7 is proved in Section 5.3. Its proof completes our construction of
the first bootstrap machine.

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Estimates of first-order derivatives

In this chapter, we prove the estimates that constitute Theorem 2.2. Our
arguments use a version of the parabolic maximum principle adapted to noncompact
domains, which we state as Proposition C.1 and prove in Appendix C.
We start with a simple observation illustrating how one applies Proposition C.1
to control inf v for large |y|.
Lemma 3.1. If there exist constants ε > 0 and c ≥ sup0≤τ ≤τ1 a−1/2 , and
a continuous function b(τ ) ≥ 0 such that (a) v0 (y, ·) ≥ c for |y| ≥ b(0), (b)
v(±b(τ ), ·, τ ) ≥ c for 0 ≤ τ ≤ τ1 , and (c) v(·, ·, τ ) ≥ ε for |y| ≥ b(τ ) and 0 ≤ τ ≤ τ1 ,
v(y, θ, τ ) ≥ c
for |y| ≥ b(τ ), 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, and 0 ≤ τ ≤ τ1 .
Proof. Apply the maximum principle in the form of Proposition C.1 to c − v
in the region Ω := {|y| ≥ b(τ )}, with D := ∂τ − Av − B and B := a + (cv)−1 . By
(c), B is bounded from above. Computing D(c − v) = c−1 (1 − ac2 ) ≤ 0 establishes
property (i). Hypotheses (a) and (b) ensure that property (ii) is satisfied. Property
(iii) follows from Conditions [C0i] and [C1] by quadrature. Hence Proposition C.1
implies that v ≥ c. 

We now establish the estimates that constitute Theorem 2.2.

region βy ≥ 20.
Proof of estimate (2.3). We apply Lemma 3.1 in the outer
Let ε = κ , c = 4 (large enough by Condition [Ca]), and b(τ ) = 20β(τ )−1 . Then
Assumption [A2] implies property (a); Condition [C0i] gives (b); and [C0] yields (c).
Thus Lemma 3.1 implies the estimate. 
Proof of estimate (2.4). Set w := v1,0, 12 ≡ v − 2 ∂y v, using definition (1.12).

Then by equation (1.16) in Lemma 1.3, one has

∂τ w2 = Av (w2 ) + (3v −2 − a)w2 − B1,0, 12 + 2w E1,0, 12 , ,

where the nonlinear commutator terms E1,0, 12 , are defined in equation (1.14) and
display (1.15).
We now calculate and estimate the nonlinear terms above. Observe, for exam-
ple, that
E1,0, 12 ,1 := v − 2 ∂y (F1 ∂y2 v) − F1 ∂y2 (v − 2 ∂y v)
1 1

−2 3 −3 2 3 −5
= (∂y F1 ) v (∂y v) + F1 v (∂y v)(∂y v) − v (∂y v) ,
2 2 2 3
2 4


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where 1
∂y F = (∂p F )(∂y2 v) + (∂q F )[v −1 ∂y ∂θ v − v −2 (∂y v)(∂θ v)].
By Lemma 1.7, there are uniform bounds |∂pi ∂qj F (p, q)| ≤ Ci,j, . Applying this
fact (which we freely use below without comment) one establishes by similar direct
computations that
|E1,0, 12 ,0 |  v − 2 |∂y v| |∂y2 v| + v −2 |∂θ2 v| + v −1 |∂y ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂θ v|

 −1 2 
v 2 |∂y v| + v − 2 |∂y2 v||∂y v| + v − 2 |∂y v|3
3 5
|E1,0, 12 ,1 | 
 −5 2 
v 2 |∂θ v| + v − 2 (|∂y v||∂θ2 v| + |∂y ∂θ v||∂θ v|) + v − 2 |∂y v||∂θ v|2
7 9
|E1,0, 12 ,2 | 
 −3 2
v 2 |∂y v||∂y ∂θ v| + v − 2 (|∂y ∂θ v|2 + |∂y ∂θ v||∂y v| + |∂y2 v|| ∂θ v|)
|E1,0, 12 ,3 | 

+v − 2 (|∂y ∂θ v||∂y v| + |∂y v|2 |∂θ v|)

 −5 2 
v 2 |∂y v||∂θ v| + v − 2 (|∂y v||∂θ v| + |∂y ∂θ v||∂θ v|) + v − 2 |∂y v||∂θ v|2 .
7 9
|E1,0, 12 ,4 | 
1 2 3 3
By Conditions [C1]–[C2], one has |∂y v|  v 2 β 5 , |∂θ v|  v 2 β 2 , |∂y2 v|  β 5 ,
3 3
|∂y ∂θ v|  vβ 2 , |∂y ∂θ v|  1, and |∂θ2 v|  v 2 β 2 . Combining these inequalities
and using estimate (2.3), one readily obtains
2 w E1,0, 12 ,  ≤ Cβ 5 |w|.

By Condition [Ca] and estimate (2.3), one has

(3v −2 − a)w2 ≤ − w2
in the outer region, for κ large enough, whereupon completing the square shows
3 1 6
Cβ 5 |w| − w2 ≤ 2C 2 β 5 .
Now let Γ > 0 be a large constant to be chosen below. Using Corollary 1.5 to
see that B1,0, 12 ≥ 0, and applying the estimates above, one obtains
1 2C 2 1 1
∂τ (w2 − Γβ) ≤ Av (w2 − Γβ) − (w2 − Γβ) + β + β5 − Γβ.
8 Γ 8
We shall apply Proposition C.1. By taking κ and Γ large enough, we can ensure
∂τ (w2 − Γβ) ≤ Av (w2 − Γβ) − (w2 − Γβ),
which is property (i). Making Γ larger if necessary, we can by our Main Assumptions
ensure that w2 ≤ Γβ at τ = 0, whereupon property (ii) follows from Condition [C1i]
on the boundary. Property (iii) is a consequence of Condition [C0i] on the boundary
and Condition [C1] in the outer regon. Hence we have w2 ≤ Γβ in the outer region
for 0 ≤ τ ≤ τ1 by the maximum principle. 

1 Recall from definition (1.7) that p = ∂y v and q = v −1 ∂θ v.

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Proof of estimate (2.5). Arguing as in the proof of Corollary 1.5, one com-
putes from equation (1.16), equation (1.14), and definition (1.15), that

∂τ (∂y v)4 ≤ Av (∂y v)4 + 4v −2 (∂y v)4 + 4(∂y v)3 E1,0,0, .
By estimate (2.4) and the implications of Conditions [C1]–[C2] that |∂θ v|  v 2 β 2 ,
3 3 3
|∂θ v|  v, |∂y2 v|  β 5 , |∂y ∂θ v|  vβ 2 , |∂y ∂θ v|  1, and |∂θ2 v|  v 2 β 2 , one can
estimate that |E1,0,0,1 |  β 5 , with |E1,0,0, |  β 2 for = 2, 3, 4.
Define w := (∂y v)4 + 1. Then by estimate (2.4) and Young’s inequality, one
∂τ w ≤ Av (w) + C1 β 2 + C2 β 5 (∂y v)4 + 1
≤ Av (w) + Cβ 5 w.
Let ϕ(τ ) solve the ode ϕ = Cβ 5 ϕ with initial condition ϕ(0) = C0 , where C0 may

be chosen by our Main Assumptions so that w ≤ C0 at τ = 0. Then

∂τ (w − ϕ) ≤ Av (w − ϕ) + Cβ 5 (w − ϕ).
Properties (i)–(ii) of Proposition C.1 are clearly satisfied for this equation, while
property (iii) follows from estimate (2.4). Hence we have w ≤ ϕ by the maximum
principle. Because ϕ is uniformly bounded in time, the lemma follows. 
Proof of estimate (2.6). Let w := v0,1,1 ≡ v −1 ∂θ v. By Corollary 1.5, w2
satisfies the differential inequality
∂τ w2 ≤ Av (w2 ) + 4v −2 w2 + 2 w E0,1,1,  .
We proceed to bound the reaction terms. By Condition [C1], one has
v −2 w2  β 3 .
By Conditions [C1]–[C2], one has |E0,1,1,0 |  β 10 . By direct computation (compare
estimate (4.4) below), one has v −1 |∂θ F |  β 2 . Thus one gets |E0,1,1,1 |  β 2 and

|E0,1,1, |  β 3 for = 2, 3, 4. By Condition [C1], one has |w|  1, and thus

∂τ w2 ≤ Av (w2 ) + Cβ 2 for some C < ∞.
Now let ϕ(τ ) solve ϕ = Cβ 2 with ϕ(0) = C∗ κ−1 . By our Main Assumptions,
w ≤ ϕ at τ = 0 for C∗ > 0 sufficiently large and depending only on the initial data.
∂τ (w2 − ϕ) ≤ Av (w2 − ϕ),
the maximum principle implies that w2 ≤ ϕ for as long as the solution exists. 
The proof of Theorem 2.2 is now complete.

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Decay estimates in the inner region

In this chapter, we construct the machinery that will prove Theorem 2.5.
Given integers m, n ≥ 0, we define functionals Ωm,n = Ωm,n (τ ) by
 ∞  2π  ∞  2π
(4.1) Ωm,n := 2
vm,n,n dθ σ dy ≡ v −2n |∂ym ∂θn v|2 dθ σ dy,
−∞ 0 −∞ 0

where the notation vm,n,k appears in equation (1.12), and σ = σ(y) is defined in
equation (1.11). By Conditions [C2], [C3], and [Cs], these functionals and their
τ -derivatives are well defined if m + n ≤ 5.
Our strategy to prove Theorem 2.5 consists of three steps. (i) We bound
weighted sums of Ωm,n with 2 ≤ m + n ≤ 3. (ii) We bound weighted sums of
Ωm,n with 4 ≤ m + n ≤ 5. (iii) We apply Sobolev embedding, using the facts that
|y|  β − 2 in the inner region, and that σ ∼ |y|− 5 as |y| → ∞.
1 6

A consequence of this strategy is that we only need strong estimates for second-
order derivatives. It suffices to show that higher derivatives decay at the same
rates as those of second order, rather than at the faster rates one would expect
from parabolic smoothing. This somewhat reduces the work necessary to bound
derivatives of orders three through five.

4.1. Differential inequalities

We first derive differential inequalities satisfied by the squares of the second-
order quantities appearing in Theorem 2.5. To avoid later redundancy, these esti-
mates are designed to be useful in both the inner and outer regions. They could be
obtained using the more general techniques developed in Appendix D and employed
below to bound higher derivatives. We chose to derive them explicitly here, both
to obtain the sharpest results possible and to help the reader by introducing our
methods in as transparent a manner as we can.
Observe that Conditions [C0i] and [C1i] imply that inequalities (2.4)–(2.6) of
Theorem 2.2 hold in the inner region as well as the outer region. Thus we assume
in this section that those inequalities hold globally.
Lemma 4.1. There exist 0 < ε < C < ∞ such that the quantity |∂y2 v|2 satisfies
∂τ |∂y2 v|2 ≤ Av (|∂y2 v|2 ) + X|∂y2 v|2 − Y |∂y3 v|2 + v −2 |∂y2 ∂θ v|2
+ C β 5 + β|∂y2 v| + β 10 v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| ,

where in the inner region {βy 2 ≤ 20},

X = 2(v −2 − a) and Y ≥ ,

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while in the outer region,

1 3
X≤ − 2a ≤ − and Y ≥ ε.
8 4
Proof. Define w := v2,0,0 ≡ ∂y2 v. Then by equation (1.16) and Corollary 1.5,
one has
 3 2    
−2 2  
∂τ w ≤ Av (w ) + Xw − Y |∂y v| + v |∂y ∂θ v| + 2 w
2 2 2 2
E2,0,0,  ,
where X := 2(v − a) and Y := 2
1+p2 +q 2 .
The estimates for X in the outer region follow from estimate (2.3) for v there,
and Condition [Ca].
Although we discarded analogous quantities Bm,n,k in the proof of Theorem 2.2,
we retain them above to help us control third-order derivatives of v. By Corol-
lary 1.5, estimate (2.5) for p = ∂y v, and estimate (2.6) for q = v −1 ∂θ v, there exists
ε > 0 such that
B2,0,0 ≥ 2ε |∂y3 v|2 + v −2 |∂y2 ∂θ v|2
in the outer region. (Compare Remark 1.6.)
In the inner region, one can do better. Condition [C0i] gives uniform bounds
for v there, whence Condition [C1i] implies that |p| = |∂y v|  β 2 and similarly that
|q| = |v −1 ∂θ v|  β 2 in the inner region. Hence

B2,0,0 ≥ + ε |∂y3 v|2 + v −2 |∂y2 ∂θ v|2
in the inner region.
We next estimate the E2,0,0, terms above. By Conditions [C1]–[C2] and esti-
mate (2.5), one has
|∂y F | = (∂p F )(∂y2 v) + (∂q F )(v −1 ∂y ∂θ v − v −2 ∂y v∂θ v)  β 5 .
Next one calculates that
∂y2 F = (∂p2 F )(∂y2 v)2 + 2(∂p ∂q F )(∂y2 v)(v −1 ∂y ∂θ v − v −2 ∂y v∂θ v)
+ (∂q2 F )(v −1 ∂y ∂θ v − v −2 ∂y v∂θ v)2 + (∂p F )(∂y3 v)
+ (∂q F )[v −1 ∂y2 ∂θ v − 2v −2 ∂y ∂θ v∂y v − v −2 ∂y2 v∂θ v + 2v −3 (∂y v)2 ∂θ v]
and uses Conditions [C1]–[C2] with inequalities (2.4)–(2.5) from Theorem 2.2 to
|∂y2 F |  β 5 + |∂y3 v| + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v|.
Collecting the estimates above and using Condition [C2] again, one obtains
|E2,0,0,1 | = |(∂y2 F1 )(∂y2 v) + 2(∂y F1 )(∂y3 v)|  β 5 + β 5 (|dy 3 v| + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v|).
9 3

In similar fashion, one derives

|E2,0,0,2 |  β 2 + β 2 (|∂y3 v| + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v|) + β 2 v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v|
3 1

|E2,0,0,3 |  β 10 + β 2 |∂y3 v| + β 2 v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v|.
21 3 1

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Noting that
E2,0,0,4 = (∂y2 F4 )(v −2 ∂θ v) + (∂y F4 )(2v −2 ∂y ∂θ v − 4v −3 ∂y v∂θ v)
− F4 [4v −3 ∂y ∂θ v∂y v + 2v −3 ∂y2 v∂θ v − 6v −4 (∂y v)2 ∂θ v],
one applies Condition [C2] and estimate (2.4) to get
|E2,0,0,4 |  β 2 + β 2 (|∂y3 v| + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v|).

By estimate (2.4) again, one has

|E2,0,0,5 | = 2v −3 (∂y v)2  β.
Collecting the estimates above and using Condition [C2], we conclude that
w E2,0,0,   β|w| + β 10 |∂y3 v| + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| .

Using Remark 1.6 and completing squares to see that

11 1 11
β 10 |∂y3 v| − ε|∂y3 v|2 ≤ β 5

1 11
β 10 v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| − εv −2 |∂y2 ∂θ v|2 ≤

we combine the estimates above to obtain the lemma. 
Lemma 4.2. There exist 0 < ε < C < ∞ such that the quantity v −2 |∂y ∂θ v|2
∂τ (v −2 |∂y ∂θ v|2 ) ≤ Av (v −2 |∂y ∂θ v|2 ) + Xv −2 |∂y ∂θ v|2
− Y v −2 |∂y2 ∂θ v|2 + v −4 |∂y ∂θ2 v|2
+ C β 4 + β 2 v −1 |∂y ∂θ v| + β 3 |∂y3 v| + β 2 v −3 |∂θ3 v| ,
where in the inner region {βy 2 ≤ 20},
X = 2(2v −2 − a) + ε and Y ≥ ,
while in the outer region,
1 5
X≤ − 2a + ε ≤ − and Y ≥ ε.
4 8
Proof. Define w := v1,1,1 ≡ v −1 ∂y ∂θ v. Then by equation (1.16) and esti-
mate (1.17), one has
 −2 2    
∂τ w ≤ Av (w ) + Xw − Y v |∂y ∂θ v| + v |∂y ∂θ v| + 2 w
2 2 2 2 2 2
E1,1,1,  ,

X := 2(2v −2 − a) + ε and Y := .
1 + p2 + q 2
As explained in Remark 1.6, existence of 0 < ε  1 follows easily from (1.17) and
the estimates for |v1,0,1 | and |v0,1,1 | implied by Theorem 2.2. The estimates for X
in the outer region follow from estimate (2.3) for v there, and Condition [Ca]. The
estimates for Y are the same as those in Lemma 4.1 above.

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Using Condition [C2], it is easy to see that |E1,1,1,0 |  β 10 . We compute and
use Conditions [C1]–[C2] to estimate
v −1 |∂θ F | = v −1 (∂p F )(∂y ∂θ v) + (∂q F )[v −1 ∂θ2 v − v −2 (∂θ v)2 ]  β 2 .
As we did in the proof of Lemma 4.1, we next compute and estimate
(4.5) v −1 |∂y ∂θ F |  β 2 + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v|.
Here we used inequality (2.4) as well.
Using the inequalities above and estimate (4.2), one sees, for example, that
E1,1,1,3 = (v −1 ∂y ∂θ F3 )(v −1 ∂y ∂θ v)
+ (v −1 ∂θ F3 )(v −1 ∂y2 ∂θ v − v −2 ∂y ∂θ v∂y v)
+ (∂y F3 )(v −2 ∂y ∂θ2 v − v −3 ∂y ∂θ v∂θ v)
may be estimated by
|E1,1,1,3 |  β 2 + β 2 v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + β 5 v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v|.
7 3 3

In like fashion, we derive the estimates

|E1,1,1,1 |  β 10 + β 2 |∂y3 v| + β 2 (v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v|),
21 3 1

|E1,1,1,2 |  β 3 + β 2 (v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v|) + β 2 v −3 |∂θ3 v|,

3 1

|E1,1,1,4 |  β 2 + β 2 (v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v|).


We omit some details which are entirely analogous to those shown above. Finally,
Condition [C1] and estimate (2.4) give
|E1,1,1,5 | = 2v −3 |∂y v||∂θ v|  β 2 .
Collecting the estimates above and using Condition [C2], we conclude that
w E1,1,1,   β 2 |w| + β 3 |∂y3 v| + β 2 (v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −3 |∂θ3 v|).
Using Remark 1.6 and completing squares to get
1 4
β 2 v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| − εv −2 |∂y2 ∂θ v|2 ≤ β

1 4
β 2 v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| − εv −4 |∂y ∂θ2 v|2 ≤ β ,

we combine the estimates above to obtain the lemma. 
Lemma 4.3. There exist 0 < ε < C < ∞ such that the quantity v −4 |∂θ2 v|2
∂τ (v −4 |∂θ2 v|2 ) ≤ Av (v −4 |∂θ2 v|2 ) + Xv −4 |∂θ2 v|2 − Y v −4 |∂y ∂θ2 v|2 + v −6 |∂θ3 v|2
+ C β 4 + β 10 v −2 |∂θ2 v| + β 3 v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| ,

where in the inner region {βy 2 ≤ 20},

X = 2(3v −2 − a) + ε and Y ≥ ,

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while in the outer region,

3 1
X≤ − 2a + ε ≤ − and Y ≥ ε.
8 2
Proof. Define w := v0,2,2 ≡ v −2 ∂θ2 v. Then by equation (1.16) and esti-
mate (1.17), one has
−6 3 2  
∂τ w ≤ Av (w ) + Xw − Y v |∂y ∂θ v| + v |∂θ v| + 2 w
2 2 2 2 2
E0,2,2,  ,

X := 2(3v −2 − a) + ε and Y :=.
1 + p2 + q 2
The estimates for X in the outer region follow from estimate (2.3) for v there, and
Condition [Ca]. The estimates for Y are the same as those in Lemma 4.1.
To proceed, we compute
∂θ2 F = (∂p2 F )(∂y ∂θ v)2
+ 2(∂p ∂q F )(∂y ∂θ v)[v −1 ∂θ2 v − v −2 (∂θ v)2 ]
+ (∂q2 F )[v −1 ∂θ2 v − v −2 (∂θ v)2 ]2
+ (∂p F )(∂y ∂θ2 v) + (∂q F )∂θ [v −1 ∂θ2 v − v −2 (∂θ v)2 ],
which we estimate in the form
(4.6) v −2 |∂θ2 F |  β 3 + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −3 |∂θ3 v|.
By Conditions [C1]–[C2], it is easy to see that |E0,2,2,0 |  β 10 . Using [C1]–[C2],
estimate (4.4) for v −1 |∂θ F1 |, and estimate (4.6) for v −2 |∂θ2 F1 |, one can estimate
E0,2,2,1 = (v −2 ∂θ2 F1 )(∂y2 v) + 2(v −1 ∂θ F1 )(v −1 ∂y2 ∂θ v)
− F1 [2∂y (v −2 )(∂y ∂θ2 v) + ∂y2 (v −2 )∂θ2 v]
|E0,2,2,1 |  β 10 + β 2 v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + β 2 v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + β 5 v −3 |∂θ3 v|.
21 3 1 3

Continuing in this fashion, one proceeds to estimate the remaining terms,

|E0,2,2,2 |  β 2 + β 2 v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −3 |∂θ3 v| ,

|E0,2,2,3 |  β 3 + β 2 v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + β 2 v −3 |∂θ3 v|,

3 1

|E0,2,2,4 |  β 3 + β 2 v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −3 |∂θ3 v| ,

|E0,2,2,5 |  β 3 .
Collecting the estimates above and using Condition [C2], we conclude that
E0,2,2,   β 10 |w| + β 3 v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + β 2 v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −3 |∂θ3 v| .

The lemma again follows by recalling Remark 1.6 and completing the squares. 

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4.2. Lyapunov functionals of second and third order

In this section, we derive differential inequalities satisfied by the Ωm,n with
2 ≤ m + n ≤ 3. In the next section, we treat the cases 4 ≤ m + n ≤ 5. Our
arguments are slightly different for m + n = 2 than they are for 3 ≤ m + n ≤ 5.
But in all cases, we shall exploit the fact that as Σ → ∞, one has
σ −1 ∂y2 σ = O(Σ−1 ) and σ −1 ∂y σ = O(Σ− 2 ),
(4.7) ∞ ∞

where σ(y) := (Σ + y 2 )− 5 is defined in equation (1.11).


Remark 4.4. To derive good differential inequalities for the Ωm,n , we shall
need to use (4.7) by taking Σ sufficiently large. See in particular the estimates
derived in display (4.8) below. On the other hand, the fact that one can make
ρ arbitrarily small in Lemmata 4.5–4.9 and 4.11–4.12 by making Σ large is an
interesting feature of the proof but is not needed for the arguments elsewhere in
this work.
To estimate the evolution of the second-order functionals Ωm,n with m + n = 2,
we can recycle the estimates derived in Lemmata 4.1–4.3.
Lemma 4.5. There exist constants ε > 0 and ρ = ρ(Σ) > 0, with ρ(Σ)  0 as
Σ → ∞, such that
d  1 1 1 1 1

Ω1,1 ≤ −ε (Ω1,1 + Ω2,1 + Ω1,2 ) + ρβ 2 Ω1,1
+ βΩ3,0
+ Ω2,1
+ Ω1,2
+ Ω0,3

Proof. Let w := v1,1,1 ≡ v −1 ∂y ∂θ v. Condition [Cs] lets us apply dominated
convergence to compute dτ Ω1,1 , whence Lemma 1.3 gives
1 d
Ω1,1 = wAv (w) dθ σ dy
2 dτ R S1
+ (2v −2 − a)w2 dθ σ dy
R S1

+ E1,1,1, w dθ σ dy
R S1 =0
= : I1 + I2 + I3 .
By Lemma 4.2 and its proof, one has
−2 1
I2 ≤ (2v − a)w dθ σ dy +
−a w2 dθ σ dy
βy 2 ≤20 S1 8 βy 2 ≥20 S1
|I3 | ≤ Cβ 2 |w| + β|∂y3 v| + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −3 |∂θ3 v| dθ σ dy.
R S1
Using Cauchy–Schwarz, the latter estimate becomes
 1 1 1 1 1

|I3 | ≤ ρβ 2 Ω1,1
+ βΩ3,0
+ Ω2,1
+ Ω1,2
+ Ω0,3
To complete the proof, we will estimate I1 := I1,1 + I1,2 , where
I1,1 := w F1 ∂y2 w + v −2 F2 ∂θ2 w + v −1 F3 ∂y ∂θ w dθ σ dy,

I1,2 := w v −2 F4 ∂θ w − ay∂y w dθ σ dy.
R S1

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Because w and σ are even functions of y, one may integrate by parts in y as well as
θ, whereupon applying Cauchy–Schwarz pointwise (as in Corollary 1.5) shows that
I1,1 ≤ I1,3 + I1,4 , where
(∂y w)2 + v −2 (∂θ w)2
I1,3 := − dθ σ dy,
1 + p2 + q 2

I1,4 := w2 σ −1 ∂y2 (σF1 ) + ∂θ2 (v −2 F2 ) + σ −1 ∂y ∂θ (σv −1 F3 ) dθ σ dy.
2 R S1
One estimates that
(∂y w)2 ≥ v2,1,1
− Cβw2
v −2 (∂θ w)2 ≥ v1,2,2
− Cβ 3 w2
using Theorem 2.2 and Condition [C1i]. Using those facts and Condition [C0i], one
has p2 + q 2 ≤ C everywhere and p2 + q 2 ≤ ε in the inner region. Hence
I1,3 ≤ − ε (Ω2,1 + Ω1,2 ) + CβΩ1,1
− 4(1 − 2ε) v −2 w2 dθ σ dy.
1+δ βy 2 ≤20 S1

To get the final term, we applied Condition [Cr] to the decomposition v = v1 + v2

introduced in definition (2.2) and then exploited the key idea behind Remark 2.3.
Then combining Theorem 2.2 and Conditions [C1i] and [C2] with estimates (4.2)–
(4.5) and (4.7) lets us control the terms in I1,4 using
σ −1 |∂y2 (σF1 )| ≤ C |∂y3 v| + v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + β 5 + β 5 Σ− 2 + Σ−1 ,
6 3 1
|∂θ2 (v −2 F2 )| ≤ C v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + v −3 |∂θ3 v| + β 2 ,
σ −1 |∂y ∂θ (σv −1 F3 )| ≤ C v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| + v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| + β 2 + β 2 Σ− 2 .
3 3 1

Notice that here is where one needs Σ to be sufficiently large. To control I1,2 , one
integrates by parts in θ, combining Conditions [C1] and [C1i] with estimate (4.4)
to obtain   
 v F4 (w∂θ w) dθ σ dy  ≤ Cβ 2 Ω1,1 .
−2 3

R1 S
Finally, one uses the fact that y∂y σ ≤ 0 to get
−a yw∂y w dθ σ dy ≤ Ω1,1 .
R S1 2
The conclusion of the lemma follows by collecting the estimates above, using the
consequence of Condition [C2] that |w|  β 2 pointwise. By Condition [Ca], the
coefficient multiplying Ω1,1 can be chosen to be less than 18 − a2 ≤ − 18 + (2κ)−1 . 

Lemma 4.6. There exist constants ε > 0 and ρ = ρ(Σ) > 0, with ρ(Σ)  0 as
Σ → ∞, such that
d  1 1 1 1 1

Ω0,2 ≤ −ε (Ω0,2 + Ω1,2 + Ω0,3 ) + ρβ 2 β 10 Ω0,2
2 2
+ βΩ2,1 2
+ Ω1,2 2
+ Ω0,3 .

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Proof. Because Remark 2.3 applies to v0,2,2 ≡ v −2 ∂θ2 v, the proof is virtually
identical, mutatis mutandis to that of Lemma 4.5, when one takes as input the
estimates in Lemma 4.3. The final observation is that the coefficient multiplying
Ω0,2 can be chosen less than 16 − a2 ≤ − 16
+ (2κ)−1 . We omit further details. 
Lemma 4.7. There exist constants ε > 0 and ρ = ρ(Σ) > 0, with ρ(Σ)  0 as
Σ → ∞, such that
d  1 1 1 11
 1 1

Ω2,0 ≤ −ε (Ω2,0 + Ω3,0 + Ω2,1 ) + ρ βΩ2,0
+ β 2 Ω3,0
+ β 10 Ω2,1
+ Ω1,2

Proof. The argument here contains two key differences from that used above.
The estimate for I2 in Lemma 4.5 is replaced by
I2 ≤ − a Ω2,0 + 2I2,2 ,
I2,2 := v −2 w2 dθ σ dy
R S1
= (∂y v) 2v −3 (∂y2 v)(∂y v) − v −2 (∂y2 v)σ −1 ∂y σ − v −2 ∂y3 v dθ σ dy.
R S1

Note that σ −1 |∂y σ| = O(y−1 ) as |y| → ∞. Hence one may apply Condition [Cg]
and estimate (4.7) to see that
 1 1 1

I2,2 ≤ ρ βΩ2,0
+ β 2 Ω3,0

Remark 2.3 does not apply to the function ∂y2 v, so one gets only a weaker
estimate for I1,3 , namely
 1 1

I1,3 ≤ −ε (Ω3,0 + Ω2,1 ) + ρ β 2 Ω3,0
+ β 3 Ω2,1
The remainder of the proof goes through as in Lemma 4.5, using the pointwise
estimates derived in Lemma 4.1. Here the coefficient multiplying Ω2,0 can be chosen
less than 16 − a2 ≤ − 16
+ (2κ)−1 . 

We use a modified technique to derive differential inequalities for Ωm,n with

3 ≤ m + n ≤ 5. This technique applies integration by parts to the nonlinear
commutators, using important but tedious estimates derived in Appendix D. In
the remainder of this section, we bound the functionals of order m + n = 3. We
treat the cases 4 ≤ m + n ≤ 5 in Section 4.3 below.
Lemma 4.8. There exist constants 0 < ε < C < ∞ and ρ = ρ(Σ) > 0, with
ρ(Σ)  0 as Σ → ∞, such that for all m + n = 3 with n ≥ 1, one has
d 3
Ωm,n ≤ − ε (Ωm,n + Ωm+1,n + Ωm,n+1 ) + Cβ 5 (Ω2,1 + Ω1,2 + Ω0,3 )
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ ρβ 2 Ωm,n
+ βΩ4,0
+ Ω3,1
+ Ω2,2
+ Ω1,3
+ Ω0,4

Proof. Let w := vm,n,n ≡ v −n ∂ym ∂θn v. Then using dominated convergence

and Lemma 1.3, one obtains
1 d
Ωm,n = I1 + I2 + I3 ,
2 dτ

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with terms Ij defined below. We closely follow Lemma 4.5 in estimating the first
two terms, indicating why the method used there applies here. We use a somewhat
different method to estimate the final term I3 . For the first term, integration by
parts yields
I1 := w F1 ∂y2 w + v −2 F2 ∂θ2 w + v −1 F3 ∂y ∂θ w + v −2 F4 ∂θ w − ay∂y w dθ σ dy
R S1
≤ −ε (Ωm+1,n + Ωm,n+1 ) + + ε Ωm,n − (4 − ε) v −2 w2 dθ σ dy.
2 βy 2 ≤20 S1

Here we followed Lemma 4.5, estimating

(∂y w)2 + (∂θ w)2 ≥ vm+1,n,n
2 2
+ vm,n+1,n+1 − Cβw2 ,
using Condition [C3] to bound the third-order derivatives in display (4.8) by Cβ,
and again exploiting the idea behind Remark 2.3 to get the useful integral over the
inner region. By Lemma 1.3 and estimate (2.3), one has
I2 := [(n + 1)v −2 − 2a]w2 dθ σ dy
R S1
1 3a a
≤ − Ωm,n + 4 − v −2 w2 dθ σ dy.
4 2 2 βy2 ≤20 S1
In Appendix D, we estimate

I3 := Em,n,n, w dθ σ dy
R S1 =0

using integration by parts. By Lemma D.1 there, one has

 1 1 1 1 1 1
|I3 | ≤ ρβ 2 Ωm,n
+ βΩ4,0
+ Ω3,1
+ Ω2,2
+ Ω1,3
+ Ω0,4
+ Cβ 5 (Ω2,1 + Ω1,2 + Ω0,3 ) .

Collecting these estimates while recalling Condition [Ca] completes the proof. 

Lemma 4.9. There exist constants 0 < ε < C < ∞ and ρ = ρ(Σ) > 0, with
ρ(Σ)  0 as Σ → ∞, such that
d 3
 1 1 1 1 1

Ω3,0 ≤ − ε (Ω3,0 + Ω4,0 + Ω3,1 ) + ρβ 2 Ω3,02 2
+ β 10 Ω4,0 2
+ Ω3,1 2
+ Ω2,2
dτ ⎛ ⎞
 1 1
+ Cβ ⎝ Ωi,j ⎠ + Cβ 2 Ω3,0

Proof. We again write

1 d
Ω3,0 = I1 + I2 + I3
2 dτ
as in the proof of Lemma 4.8. The only differences from the proof there are (i)
we use Lemma D.2 to estimate I3 ≡ E3,0 , and (ii) we cannot apply Remark 2.3 to
extract a useful integral over the inner region from I1 . However, that integral is
not needed. Indeed, by Conditions [C0i] and [Ca], one has
4a 50 2
v −2 − ≤ − + ε < 0.
3 81 3

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(Compare Remark 1.4.) Therefore,

I2 := (v −2 − 2a)(v3,0,0 )2 dθ σ dy ≤ − Ω3,0 .
R S1 3
The remainder of the proof exactly follows that of Lemma 4.8. (Note that we deal
1 1 1
with the term Cβ 2 Ω3,0
in the proof of Proposition 4.10 below). 

We are now ready to bound the Lyapunov functionals Ωm,n with 2 ≤ m+n ≤ 3.

Proposition 4.10. Suppose that a solution v = v(y, θ, τ ) of equation (1.5)

satisfies Assumption [A1] at τ = 0, as well as [Ca], [C0]–[C3], [C0i]–[C1i], [Cg],
[Cr], and [Cs] for τ ∈ [0, τ1 ]. Then for the same time interval, one has

(4.9) β 2 Ω2,0 + Ω1,1 + Ω0,2 + βΩ3,0 + Ω2,1 + Ω1,2 + Ω0,3  β 4 .

Proof. For R > 0 to be chosen, define

Υ := R β 2 Ω2,0 + Ω1,1 + Ω0,2 + βΩ3,0 + Ω2,1 + Ω1,2 + Ω0,3 ,
noting the β-weights on the first and fourth terms. Observe that dτ β < 0. Thus
by Lemmas 4.7 and 4.9, respectively, there exist ε2 , ε3 > 0 such that
d 2  1 1 1 1

(β Ω2,0 ) ≤ −ε2 (β 2 Ω2,0 ) + ρβ 2 (β 2 Ω2,0 ) 2 + (βΩ3,0 ) 2 + Ω2,1
+ Ω1,2

d  1 3 1 1 1

(βΩ3,0 ) ≤ − ε3 (βΩ3,0 ) + ρβ 2 (βΩ3,0 ) 2 + β 5 Ω4,0
+ Ω3,1
+ Ω2,2

+ Cβ [(βΩ3,0 ) + β(Ω2,1 + Ω1,2 + Ω0,3 )]
ε3 C2 2
+ (βΩ3,0 ) + (β Ω2,0 ) ,
2 2ε3
1 1
where one applies weighted Cauchy–Schwarz to C(β 2 Ω2,0 ) 2 (βΩ3,0 ) 2 to obtain the
terms in braces.2
Set R = εC2 ε3 . Then collecting the remaining estimates in Lemmata 4.5–4.8 and
applying Cauchy–Schwarz yet again proves that there exist ε0 > 0 and C0 < ∞,
both independent of R, such that
d  1

Υ ≤ −ε0 Υ + C0 Rρβ 2 Υ 2 + ρ2 β 4 ,

whence it follows easily that Υ  β 4 . 

4.3. Lyapunov functionals of fourth and fifth order

In this section, we derive differential inequalities satisfied by the Ωm,n with
4 ≤ m + n ≤ 5. As noted above, our estimates for them do not need to be
sharp, which somewhat reduces the technical work needed to bound the relevant
nonlinear terms. This work, which is done in Lemmata D.3–D.7 of Appendix D, is
also substantially reduced by the availability of Proposition 4.10.

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Lemma 4.11. There exist 0 < ε < C < ∞ such that whenever m + n = 4,
⎛ ⎞
Ωm,n ≤ − ε (Ωm,n + Ωm+1,n + Ωm,n+1 ) + Cβ 2 ⎝ Ωi,j ⎠

⎛ ⎞
+ Cβ r ⎝ 2 ⎠
Ωi,j ,
where r = 5 if n = 0 and r = 2 otherwise.
Proof. Following the proof of Lemma 4.8, the result follows easily when one
observes that
[(n + 1)v −2 − (m + n − 1)a]vm,n,n
dθ σ dy
R S1
3 5a a
≤ − Ωm,n + 4 − v −2 w2 dθ σ dy
8 2 2 βy2 ≤20 S1
and applies the conclusion of Lemma D.6 from Appendix D. 
Lemma 4.12. There exist 0 < ε < C < ∞ such that whenever m + n = 5,
⎛ ⎞
Ωm,n ≤ − ε (Ωm,n + Ωm+1,n + Ωm,n+1 ) + Cβ 2 ⎝ Ωi,j ⎠

⎛ ⎞
+ Cβ 10 ⎝ 2 ⎠
Ωi,j .

Proof. The proof exactly parallels that of Lemma 4.8 when one observes that
[v −2 − (m − 1)a]vm,0,0
dθ σ dy ≤ − Ωm,0
R S 1 3
and applies Lemma D.7 from Appendix D. 

4.4. Estimates of second- and third-order derivatives

Proof of Theorem 2.5. As indicated above, the proof is in three steps.
(Step i) This was accomplished in Proposition 4.10, where we proved that
β 2 Ω2,0 + Ω1,1 + Ω0,2 + βΩ3,0 + Ω2,1 + Ω1,2 + Ω0,3  β 4 .
(Step ii) Define

Υ := β 5 Ω4,0 + Ω3,1 + Ω2,2 + Ω1,3 + Ω0,4 + Ωm,n ,

noting the β-weight imposed on the first term. By Lemmas 4.11–4.12 and Cauchy–
Schwarz, there exist 0 < ε < C < ∞ such that
d  1

Υ ≤ −εΥ + C β 2 Υ 2 + β 4 .

Assumption [A6] bounds Υ at τ = 0. It follows that Υ  β 4 , namely that

β 5 Ω4,0 + Ω3,1 + Ω2,2 + Ω1,3 + Ω0,4 + Ωm,n  β 4 .

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(Step iii) Now that we have L2σ bounds on derivatives of orders two through
five, Sobolev embedding gives pointwise bounds on derivatives of orders two through
three. Because of the weighted norm · σ these pointwise bounds are not uniform
in y. Using the facts that σ ∼ y− 5 as |y| → ∞ and that |y|  β − 2 in the inner
6 1

region, one obtains

β 2 (∂y2 v)2 + v −2 (∂y ∂θ v)2 + v −4 (∂θ2 v)2  β 4− 20 − 5
1 3

β(∂y3 v)2 + v −2 (∂y2 ∂θ v)2 + v −4 (∂y ∂θ2 v)2 + v −6 (∂θ3 v)2  β 4− 20 − 5
1 3

in the inner region. These inequalities are equivalent to estimates (2.8)–(2.9). 

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Estimates in the outer region

5.1. Second-order decay estimates

As noted above, it is easy in the outer region to “close the loop” by estimating
second-order derivatives without needing assumptions on higher derivatives.
Proof of estimate (2.10). By Lemmata 4.1–4.3 and Cauchy–Schwarz, there
exist constants C1 , C2 , C3 such that in the outer region, one has
∂τ |∂y2 v|2 ≤ Av (|∂y2 v|2 ) − |∂y2 v|2 − ε |∂y3 v|2 + v −2 |∂y2 ∂θ v|2
+ C1 β 2 + β 10 v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| ,

∂τ (v −2 |∂y ∂θ v|2 ) ≤ Av (v −2 |∂y ∂θ v|2 ) − v −2 |∂y ∂θ v|2
− ε v −2 |∂y2 ∂θ v|2 + v −4 |∂y ∂θ2 v|2
+ C2 β 4 + β 3 |∂y3 v| + β 2 v −3 |∂θ3 v| ,
∂τ (v −4 |∂θ2 v|2 ) ≤ Av (v −4 |∂θ2 v|2 ) − v −4 |∂θ2 v|2 − ε v −4 |∂y ∂θ2 v|2 + v −6 |∂θ3 v|2
+ C3 β 4 + β 3 v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| .
Υ := β 2 |∂y2 v|2 + v −2 |∂y ∂θ v|2 + v −4 |∂θ2 v|2 ,
noting the β-weight imposed on the first term. Then because dτ β < 0, there exists
C0 < ∞ such that
∂τ Υ ≤ Av (Υ) − Υ + C0 β 4 + E,
E := C2 β 3 |∂y3 v| − εβ|∂y3 v|2 + C3 β 3 v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v| − εv −2 |∂y2 ∂θ v|2
+ C1 β 10 v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| − εv −4 |∂y ∂θ2 v|2 + C2 β 2 v −3 |∂θ3 v| − εv −6 |∂θ3 v|2 .

Cauchy–Schwarz proves that E  β 4 . Hence there exists C < ∞ such that

33 33 3 33 33 C 7 3 33
∂τ (Υ − Γβ ) ≤ Av (Υ − Γβ ) − (Υ − Γβ ) +
10 10 10 β+ β −10 Γβ 10 .
8 10 Γ 8
Choosing κ and Γ sufficiently large ensures both that the quantity in brackets above
33 33
is negative, and that Υ ≤ Γβ 10 at τ = 0. By Theorem 2.5, one has Υ ≤ Γβ 10 on
the rest of the parabolic boundary. Hence the result follows from the maximum
principle in the form of Proposition C.1. 

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5.2. Third-order decay estimates

In this section, we complete the proof of Theorem 2.6 by establishing esti-
mate (2.11) in the outer region.
As we did in the previous chapter, we begin by deriving differential inequalities
satisfied by the squares of the quantities that appear in (2.11). These estimates do
not have to be sharp, because we only need relatively weak third-order estimates for
our application in Section 6. To keep the notation from becoming too cumbersome,
we consistently write (vm,n,k ) for (v −k ∂ym ∂θn v) in the remainder of this chapter.
Lemma 5.1. There exist 0 < ε < C < ∞ such that in the outer region,
∂τ (v3,0,0 )2 ≤ Av ((v3,0,0 )2 ) − (v3,0,0 )2 − ε (v4,0,0 )2 + (v3,1,1 )2
6 3

+ C β + β 5 |(v3,0,0 )| + β 2 |(v2,2,2 )| + β
3 2
vm,n,n .

Proof. Following the proof of Lemma 4.1, one applies Condition [Ca] and
estimates (2.3), (2.4), and (2.6) to equations (1.16)–(1.17) to bound the linear
terms above. So it suffices to derive a pointwise bound for
(v3,0,0 ) E3,0,0,  .

For this, we can use some but not all of the estimates derived in Lemma D.2.
Four terms there were estimated using integration by parts. Here, we instead
combine the pointwise bounds derived in Lemma D.4 with estimates (4.1)–(4.3) to
obtain the bounds
|(v3,0,0 )(∂y3 F1 )(v2,0,0 )|  β 10 |(v3,0,0 )| β 5 + |(v4,0,0 )| + |(v3,1,1 )|

and  8 
|(v3,0,0 )(∂y3 F2 )(v0,2,2 )|  β 2 |(v3,0,0 )| β 5 + |(v4,0,0 )| + |(v3,1,1 )| ,
with similar estimates holding for the contributions from F3 and F4 . Again using
estimates (4.1)–(4.3) instead of the method used in Lemma D.2, we obtain the
critical bound
|(v3,0,0 )E3,0,0,5 |  |(v3,0,0 )| |(v2,0,0 )(v1,0,1 ) + (v1,0,1 )3 |  β 5 |(v3,0,0 )|.
The result follows using Cauchy–Schwarz and our assumption |(v3,0,0 )|  β. 

Lemma 5.2. There exist 0 < ε < C < ∞ such that for m + n = 3 with n ≥ 1,
one estimates in the outer region that
∂τ (vm,n,n )2 ≤ Av ((vm,n,n )2 ) − (vm,n,n )2 − ε (vm+1,n,n )2 + (vm,n+1,n+1 )2
+ Cβ 2 (|vm,n,n | + β|v4,0,0 | + |v3,1,1 | + |v2,2,2 | + |v1,3,3 | + |v0,4,4 |)
+ Cβ 5 [(v2,1,1 )2 + (v1,2,2 )2 + (v0,3,3 )2 ].
Proof. As in the proof of Lemma 5.1, we may apply Condition [Ca] and
estimates (2.3), (2.4), and (2.6) to equations (1.16)–(1.17) in order to bound the
linear terms above.

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To derive a pointwise bound for

(vm,n,n ) Em,n,n,  ,

we use some but not all of the estimates derived in Lemma D.1. To replace the
estimates that were obtained there using integration by parts, we again combine
the pointwise bounds derived in Lemma D.4 with estimates (4.1)–(4.3), obtaining,
for example,
|(vm,n,n )(v −n ∂ym ∂θn F1 )(v2,0,0 )|  β 10 |(vm,n,n )| β 2 + |(vm+1,n,n )| + |(vm,n+1,n+1 )| ,

with stronger estimates holding for the contributions from F , = 2, 3, 4. Here,

the term |(vm,n,n )Em,n,n,5 | is easy to estimate. Thus the result again follows from
Cauchy–Schwarz and our assumption that |(vm,n,n )|  β 2 . 

Now we are ready to prove our third-order decay estimates in the outer region.

Proof of estimate (2.11). Define

Υ := β(v3,0,0 )2 + (v2,1,1 )2 + (v1,2,2 )2 + (v0,3,3 )2 .

Then, just as in the proof of estimate (2.10), it follows from Lemmas 5.1–5.2 and
Cauchy–Schwarz that
 17 1 
∂τ Υ ≤ Av (Υ) − Υ + C0 β 10 Υ 2 + β 4
7 34
≤ Av (Υ) − Υ + Cβ 10 .
By hypothesis, one has Υ  β 10 on the parabolic boundary of the outer region.
Thus applying the parabolic maximum principle in the form of Proposition C.1,
exactly as in the proof of estimate (2.10), shows that Υ  β 10 throughout the
outer region for τ ∈ [0, τ1 ]. 

This completes our proof of Theorem 2.6.

5.3. Third-order smallness estimates

Now we prove Theorem 2.7, whose purpose is to bound |∂y ∂θ2 v| and v −1 |∂θ3 v|
for use in Chapter 6 below.1
(5.1) Υ := (v −1 ∂θ3 v)2 + (∂y ∂θ2 v)2 + β − 10 (∂y2 ∂θ v)2 + (∂y3 v)2 .

The factor β − 10 will be used in estimate (5.3) below. In this section, we prove:

Proposition 5.3. There exists a constant C such that in the outer region
βy 2 ≥ 20,
∂τ Υ ≤ Av Υ + Cβ 10 .

1 Note that Lemma B.2 lets us control |∂ ∂ v| and v −1 |∂ k v| for k = 1, 2 by bounding |∂ ∂ 2 v|

y θ θ y θ
and v −1 |∂θ3 v|, respectively.

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We claim that Theorem 2.7 is an easy corollary of this result. Indeed, by our
Main Assumptions, one has
Υ(·, ·, 0) ≤ ε0
for some ε0  1. In the inner region βy 2 ≤ 20, one combines the consequence
v ≤ C0 of Condition [C0i] with the results of Theorem 2.5 to see that
Υ|βy2 ≤20  β 2 .
Together, these estimates control Υ on the parabolic boundary of the outer region.
Thus by Proposition 5.3 and the parabolic maximum principle, one has
1 11
Υ(·, ·, τ ) ≤ ε0 + β 2 (τ ) + C β 10 (τ ) dτ
 (ε0 + β0 ) , 10

which proves Theorem 2.7.

Proof of Proposition 5.3. We start by studying
Υ2 := (∂y ∂θ2 v)2 ,
since it forces us to define Υ as in (5.1). Apply Corollary 1.5 to obtain
∂τ Υ2 = Av Υ2 + 2v −2 Υ2 − B1,2,0 + 2E1,2,0 (∂y ∂θ2 v).
For the term 2v −2 Υ2 , we write
v −1 |∂y ∂θ2 v| ≤ (v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v|) 2 |∂y ∂θ2 v| 2
1 1

and employ Theorem 2.6 and the smallness estimate in Condition [C3] to estimate
2v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v|2 ≤ β 2 .

In this way, we derive the differential inequality

(5.2) ∂τ Υ2 ≤ Av Υ2 − B1,2,0 + 2E1,2,0 (∂y ∂θ2 v) + β 2 .
Next we consider the term E1,2,0 (∂y ∂θ2 v). In the present situation, the difficul-
ties encountered are similar to those surmounted in the proof of Theorem 2.6; we
handle these in a similar manner.
We treat the highest-order terms first. Among the many terms that make
up E1,2,0 , some contain a factor (at most one) of ∂ym ∂θn v with m + n = 4. If
(m, n) = (2, 2), (1, 3), this factor is controlled by the favorable term −B1,2,0 in
inequality (5.2). The difficult cases are (m, n) = (0, 4), (3, 1). There are only two
such terms in E1,2,0 (∂y ∂θ2 v), namely
D1 := (∂y ∂θ2 v)(∂θ F1 )(∂y3 ∂θ v)
= (∂y ∂θ2 v)[(∂p F1 )(∂y ∂θ v) + (∂q F1 )(∂θ q)](∂y3 ∂θ v)
D2 := (∂y ∂θ2 v)(∂y F2 )(v −2 ∂θ4 v)
= (∂y ∂θ2 v)[(∂p F2 )(∂y2 v) + (∂q F2 )(∂y q)](v −2 ∂θ4 v).
For D1 , combining Lemma B.2 with the smallness estimate in Condition [C3]
shows that the terms in brackets admit the estimate
(β0 + ε0 ) 20
|(∂p F1 )(∂y ∂θ v) + (∂q F1 )(∂θ q)| ≤ .
1 + p2 + q 2

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Using Cauchy–Schwarz and the smallness assumption again, one thus obtains
" #
β − 10 (∂y3 ∂θ v)2
1 11
|D1 | ≤ (β0 + ε0 ) 20 β 10 |∂y ∂θ v| +
2 2
1 + p2 + q 2
≤ (β0 + ε0 ) 10 β 10 + (β0 + ε0 ) 20 β − 10 B2,1,0 ,
1 11 1 11

where β − 10 B2,1,0 appears in the evolution equation for β − 10 (∂y2 ∂θ v)2 below.
11 11

For D2 , we proceed differently. Here, the decay estimate comes from the terms
in brackets. By the estimates in Theorem 2.6 and the interpolation Lemma B.2,
one has
|∂y2 v| + |∂y q|
β 20
|(∂p F2 )(∂y2 v) + (∂q F2 )(∂y q)|  2 2
1+p +q 1 + p2 + q 2
1 11 (β0 + ε0 ) 20
(5.4) |D2 | ≤ (β0 + ε0 ) 10 β 10 + B0,3,1 ,
1 + p2 + q 2
where B0,3,1 appears in the evolution equation for v −2 (∂θ3 v)2 below.
The remaining terms in inequality (5.2) are estimated by techniques very similar
to those employed in the proof of Theorem 2.6. Those methods may be used
because we have available the smallness estimates from Condition [C3]. Together
with estimate (5.3) and estimate (5.4), we apply these techniques here (omitting
further details) to obtain

B0,3,0 + β − 10 B2,1,0
1 11
(5.5) ∂τ Υ2 ≤ Av Υ2 − B1,2,0 + + β 10 .
2 1 + p2 + q 2

Now we turn to Υ3 := β − 10 (∂y2 ∂θ v)2 . We use Corollary 1.5 to write


∂τ Υ3 = Av Υ3 + 2 v −2 − a + β 10 (∂τ β − 10 ) Υ3 − β − 10 B2,1,0 + 2β − 10 E2,1,0 (∂y2 ∂θ v).
11 11 11 11

From this, we use the implication of Theorem 2.6 that v −2 (∂y2 ∂θ v)2  β 10 and the

fact that β 10 (∂τ β − 10 ) = 11

11 11
10 β  10 to derive the differential inequality

∂τ Υ3 ≤ Av Υ3 − Υ3 − β − 10 B2,1,0 + 2β − 10 E2,1,0 (∂y2 ∂θ v + β 2 ).
11 11
This differs from the corresponding inequality (5.2) for ∂τ Υ2 in by the term − 12 Υ3 .
As in the derivation of inequality (5.5), there are two critical terms,

W1 := β − 10 (∂y2 ∂θ v)(∂θ F1 )(∂y4 v)


W2 := β − 10 (∂y2 ∂θ v)(v −1 ∂y F2 )(v −1 ∂y ∂θ3 v),

which appear in β − 10 E2,1,0 (∂y2 ∂θ v).


For W1 , a suitable estimate for ∂θ F1 , namely

(β0 + ε0 ) 20
|∂θ F1 |  |∂p F1 ||∂y ∂θ v| + |∂q F1 ||∂θ q|  ,
1 + p2 + q 2

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follows from the smallness component of Condition [C3]. Applying Cauchy–Schwarz

then yields
2 2 4 2
11 (∂y ∂θ v) + (∂y v)
|W1 | ≤ (β0 + ε0 ) 20 β − 10

1 + p2 + q 2
≤ (β0 + ε0 ) 20 Υ3 + β − 10 B3,0,0 ,
1 11

where β − 10 B3,0,0 appears in the evolution equation for β − 10 (∂y3 v)2 .

11 11

For W2 , we get good decay from the term v −1 ∂y F2 . By Theorem 2.6, one has
−1 β5
|v ∂y F2 | ≤ ,
1 + p2 + q 2
and hence
|∂y2 ∂θ v| |v −1 ∂y ∂θ3 v|
|W2 | ≤ β − 2
1 1
(5.8) 2 2
≤ β 20 [Υ3 + B1,2,0 ] ,
1+p +q
where B1,2,0 appears in inequality (5.5).
The remaining terms in inequality (5.6) are estimated by the same methods
we employed many times in previous chapters. Combining these estimates with
inequalities (5.7)–(5.8) yields
1 11
(5.9) ∂τ Υ3 ≤ Av Υ3 − β − 10 B2,1,0 + β 20 B1,2,0 + (β0 + ε0 ) 20 β − 10 B3,0,0 + β 10 ,
1 1 11 11

where − 12 Υ3 was used to control various terms in W1 and W2 .
By similar techniques, we estimate that
Υ1 := (v −1 ∂θ3 v)2 Υ4 := β − 10 (∂y3 v)2
satisfy the differential inequalities
1 1 11
(5.10) ∂τ Υ1 ≤ Av Υ1 − B0,3,1 + (β0 + ε0 ) 20 B1,2,0 + β 10
1 11
∂τ Υ4 ≤ Av Υ4 − β − 10 B3,0,0 + (β0 + ε0 ) 20 β − 10 B2,1,0 + β 10 ,
1 11 11
respectively. Adding equations (5.10), (5.5), (5.9), and (5.11) completes the proof.

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The second bootstrap machine

In this chapter and those that follow, we describe the asymptotic behavior
of solutions. Specifically, we show that a solution v to equation (1.5), which is
a rescaling of a solution u to equation (1.1), may be decomposed into a slowly-
changing main component and a rapidly-decaying small component,
v = vslow + vfast .
We accomplish this by building a second bootstrap machine, following [11].

6.1. Input
Our first input to this bootstrap machine is that u(x, t) is a solution of equa-
tion (1.1) satisfying the following conditions:
[Cd] There exists t# > 0 such that for 0 ≤ t ≤ t# , there exist C 1 functions
a(t) and b(t) such that u(x, θ, t) admits the decomposition
" 1 #
2 + b(t)y 2 2
(6.1) u(x, θ, t) = λ(t)v(y, θ, τ ) = λ(t) + φ(y, θ, τ )
a(t) + 12
with the L2 orthogonality properties
a(t) 2   a(t) 2
φ(·, ·, τ ) ⊥ e− 2 y , 1 − a(t)y 2 e− 2 y ,
a(t) := −λ(t)∂t λ(t), y := λ−1 (t)x, and τ (t) := λ−2 (s) ds.
Proposition 6.3 will show that Condition [Cd] follows from our Main Assumptions.

To state the second set of inputs, we define estimating functions to control the
quantities φ(y, θ, τ ), a(t(τ )), and b(t(τ )) appearing in equation (6.1), namely:
Mm,n (T ) := max β − 2 − 10
m+n 1
(6.2) (τ ) φ(·, ·, τ ) m,n ,
τ ≤T
(6.3) A(T ) := max β −2
(τ ) a(t(τ )) − + b(t(τ )) ,

τ ≤T 2

B(T ) := max β − 2 (τ )|b(t(τ )) − β(τ )|.

τ ≤T

where (m, n) ∈ {(3, 0), (11/10, 0), (2, 1), (1, 1)}. Here we used the definitions
φ m,n := y−m ∂yn φ L∞ and β(τ ) := 1 .
b(0) + τ


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By standard regularity theory for quasilinear parabolic equations, if the initial

data satisfy the Main Assumptions in Section 1.2 for b0 and c0 sufficiently small,
then (making t# > 0 smaller if necessary) the solution will satisfy the second set
of inputs for this bootstrap argument, namely:
[Cb] For any τ ≤ τ (t# ), one has
A(τ ) + B(τ ) + |M (τ )|  β − 20 (τ ),
where M denotes the vector
(6.6) M := (Mi,j ), (i, j) ∈ {(3, 0), (11/10, 0), (2, 1), (1, 1)} .
Remark 6.1. Condition [Cb] implies estimates on v and v − 2 ∂y v in the inner

1 1
region βy 2 ≤ 20, which in turn imply Condition [C0i], the estimate |∂y v|  β 2 v 2
of Condition [C1i], and the estimate y |∂y v|  β of Condition [Cg].

The final inputs to this bootstrap machine are the following estimates. They
follow from the outputs of the first bootstrap machine, as summarized in Section 2.2.
For any τ ∈ [0, τ (t# )], the estimates proved in Sections 2–5 show that v satisfies
(6.7) v(y, θ, τ ) ≥ 1;
and that there exist constants 0  1 and C, independent of τ (t# ), such that
(6.8) |∂y v| ≤C;
(6.9) |v −1 ∂θ2 v|, |∂y ∂θ2 v| ≤0  1;
v −1 |∂y v| ≤ Cβ 2 , |∂y2 v| ≤ Cβ 20 , |∂y3 v| ≤ Cβ 20 ;
1 13 23
v −2 |∂y ∂θ2 v|, v −1 |∂y ∂θ v|, v −1 |∂y2 ∂θ v|, v −2 |∂θ2 v| ≤ Cβ 20 .

6.2. Output
The main result of this chapter is:
Theorem 6.2. Suppose that Conditions [Cd] and [Cb] and estimates (6.7)–
(6.11) hold in an interval τ ∈ [0, τ1 ]. Then there exists C independent of τ1 such
that for the same time interval, the parameters a and b and the function φ are such
(6.12) A(τ ) + B(τ ) + |M (τ )| ≤ C.
This theorem will be reformulated into Propositions 7.1 and 7.2, and then
proved in Section 7.1.

6.3. Structure
Before giving the details of the second bootstrap argument, we discuss the
general strategy of its proof. The first observation is that our Main Assumptions
imply that there exist λ(t) and b(t) such that the solution v(·, ·, τ ) remains close to
the adiabatic approximation Va(t(τ )),b(t(τ )) defined in equation (1.9) for at least a
short time. Moreover, we can choose those parameters so that the solution admits
the decomposition in equation (6.1), subject to the orthogonality stipulations of
Condition [Cd].
It is shown in [11] that λ(t) and b(t) can be chosen so that Condition [Cd]
is satisfied. To state this precisely, we need some definitions. Given any time t0

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and δ > 0, we define It0 ,δ := [t0 , t0 + δ]. We say that λ(t) is admissible on It0 ,δ if
λ ∈ C 2 (It0 ,δ , R+ ) and a(t) := −λ∂t λ ∈ [1/4, 1]. Proposition 5.3 and Lemma 5.4 of
[11] imply the following result.
Proposition 6.3. Given t∗ > 0, fix t0 ∈ [0, t∗ ) and λ0 > 0. Then there exist
δ, ε > 0 and a function  λ(t), admissible on  It0 ,δ , such that if
(i) x−3 u ∈ C 1 [0, t∗ ), L∞ (S1 × R) ,
(ii) inf u > 0, and
(iii) v(·, ·, t0 ) − Va0 ,b0 3,0  b0 for some a0 ∈ [1/4, 1] and b0 ∈ (0, ε],
where v(y, θ, τ ) = λ(t)−1 u(λ(t)x, θ, t), then there exist
a(τ (t)) ∈ C 1 (It0 ,δ , [1/4, 1]) and b(τ (t)) ∈ C 1 (It0 ,δ , (0, ε])
such that the rescaled solution v(y, θ, τ ) admits the decomposition and orthogonality
relations of Condition [Cd], with λ(0) = λ0 and a(τ (t)) = −λ(t)∂t λ(t).
The second bootstrap machine will establish that Va(t(τ )),b(t(τ )) is the large,
slowly-changing part of the solution, while φ is the small, rapidly-decaying part.
The utility of the stipulated orthogonality will become clear in Section 9, when we
compute the linearization of an equation closely related to (1.5).
In what follows, we will usually convert from the time scale t to τ . To study the
asymptotics of the solution, we derive equations for aτ , bτ , and φ in equations (7.3),
(7.8) and (7.9), respectively. Then we analyze those equations to show that
1 1
y−m ∂yn φ ∞  β 2 + 10
m+n 1
a(τ ) → , b(τ ) ≈ 1 =: β(τ ), and
2 b0 + τ
for (m, n) = (3, 0), (11/10, 0), (2, 1) and (1, 2).
The first two estimates above are proved in Chapter 8. Their proofs are straight-
forward generalizations of those in [11]. The third estimate, which establishes the
fast decay of φ, is the most critical. It is proved in Chapter 9. For all three results,
the crucial new ingredients from [11] are the θ-derivative bounds appearing in es-
timates (6.8)–(6.11), which follow from the first bootstrap machine constructed in
Chapters 2–5.

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Evolution equations for the decomposition

Equation (1.5) is not self-adjoint with respect to its linearization, but it can be
made so by a suitable gauge transformation. By Condition [Cd] in Section 6, there
exists a (t-scale) time 0 < t# ≤ ∞ such that the gauge-fixed quantity

w(y, θ, τ ) := v(y, θ, τ )e− 4 y

a 2

can be decomposed as
(7.1) w = wab (y) + ξ(y, θ, τ ), with ξ ⊥ φ0,a , φ2a .
 a  14 ay 2
 a  14 ay 2
(7.2) φ0,a := e− 4 and φ2,a := (1 − ay 2 )e− 4 ,
2π 8π
and the orthogonality is with respect to the L2 (S1 × R) inner product. The param-
eters a and b are C 1 functions of t; the (almost stationary) part is
wab := 2 + by 2 /a + e− 4 y ;
a 2

and the (rapidly-decaying) fluctuation is
ay 2
ξ := e− 4 φ.

To simplify notation, we will write a(τ ) and b(τ ) for a(t(τ )) and b(t(τ )), respectively.
(This will not cause confusion, as the original functions a(t) and b(t) are not needed
until Chapter 10.) In this chapter, we derive evolution equations for the parameters
a(τ ) and b(τ ), and the fluctuation ξ(y, θ, τ ).
We substitute equation (7.1) into equation (1.5) to obtain the following equation
for ξ,
(7.3) ∂τ ξ = −L(a, b)ξ + F (a, b) + N1 (a, b, ξ) + N2 (a, b, ξ) + N3 (a, b, ξ),
where L(a, b) is the linear operator given by
a2 + ∂τ a 2 3a +a 1
L(a, b) := −∂y2 + y − − 2 2
− ∂θ2 ,
4 2 2 + by 2
and the functions F (a, b) and Ni (a, b, ξ), (i = 1, 2, 3), are given below. We define
1 ay2 2 + by 2 y2 b3 y 4
(7.4) F (a, b) := e− 4 Γ1 + Γ2 − ,
2 a + 12 2 + by 2 (2 + by 2 )2

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∂τ a 1
Γ1 := + a − + b,
a + 12 2
Γ2 := − ∂τ b − b a − + b − b2 ,
1 a + 12 ay2 2
(7.5) N1 (a, b, ξ) := − e 4 ξ ,
v 2 + by 2
ay 2 p2
(7.6) N2 (a, b, ξ) := − e− 4 ∂ 2 v.
1 + p2 + q 2 y
The final term, N3 , did not appear in [11]; it is
−2 1 + p2 1 2 − ay2
N3 (a, b, ξ) := v − ∂ ve 4
1 + q 2 + p2 2 θ
ay 2 2pq
(7.7) +e− 4 v −1 ∂θ ∂y v
1 + p2 + q 2
ay 2 q
+e− 4 v −2 ∂θ v.
1 + p2 + q 2

Now we derive differential equations for the parameters a and b. Taking in-
ner products on equation (7.3) with the functions φk,a , (k = 0, 2), and using the
orthogonality conditions ξ ⊥ φ0,a , φ2,a in (7.1), one obtains two equations:
% 1 1  &
2 +a 2 +a
F (a, b), φ0,a  = − ξ, ∂τ φ0,a  − − ξ, φ 0,a
2 + by 2 2
aτ ' 2 (
− Nk , φ0,a  + ξ, y φ0,a ,

% 1 1  &
+a +a
F (a, b), φ2,a  = − ξ, ∂τ φ2,a  − 2
− 2
ξ, φ2,a
2 + by 2 2

aτ ' 2 (
− Nk , φ2,a  + ξ, y φ2,a .

Note that the terms on the right-hand sides of equations (7.8)–(7.9) depend on ξ,
while F (a, b) depends on aτ , bτ , a, b and y.
We now show that Theorem 6.2 is a consequence of the following two results.
Proposition 7.1. Suppose Conditions [Cd] and [Cb] and estimates (6.8)–
(6.11) hold. Then there exists a nondecreasing polynomial P (M, A) of A and the
components of M such that
(7.10) B(τ )  1 + P (M (τ ), A(τ ))
(7.11) A(τ )  A(0) + β 10 (0)P (M (τ ), A(τ )) .
This will be proved in Chapter 8.

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Another random document with
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de su casa, e asi de las cosas
que en ella vio en todos sus
criados e seruidores e aun en
todo el exercicio suyo tantas
cosas notó, que pudo claro juzgar
segun lo que veya lo que sin ver
en su pensamiento juzgaua. E
assi la letra recebida e de
Vasquiran despidido, con algunos
de sus criados se salio razonando
hasta vn patio donde ya vn criado
suyo la caualgadura aparejada le
tenia con las otras cosas que al
abito del camino se requerian.
E despues de hauer caualgado se
despidio de aquellos que le
acompañauan hablandoles assi:
Señores, plega á Dios que ponga
en el señor Vasquiran tanto
consuelo y en vosotros tanta
alegria quanto sus males e
vuestra tristeza han menester; e
quanto su dolor a mi me da pesar
e vuestro enojo me duele, porque
pueda gozar de la parte que dello
me cabrá quando aca tornare,
que será mucha segun lo que del
daño me cabe, porque de lo que
agora peno entonces descanse;
que en verdad os digo que con lo
que me ha afligido ver vuestra
fatiga y con la pena que los
muchos sospiros e tristeza de mi
señor Flamiano me han dado, yo
la haure bien menester. Porque
os certifico que no menos
atribulados él a nosotros con su
tormento nos tiene, que el señor
Vasquiran a vosotros con su
lastima. Acabadas las palabras
dió comienço a su camino, el qual
con varios pensamientos de las
cosas que auia visto prosiguio
hasta llegar donde su señor
estaua, el qual salio aparejandose
para justar en vnas justas que
despues que él de alli era partido
se eran concertadas.
Pues como Flamiano le vio,
despues de hauerle saludado con
mucho amor le dixo:
Felisel, tu seas bien llegado; ya
vees a que tiempo vienes e cómo
me hallas, por mi amor que por
agora no me cuentes ninguna
cosa hasta que esta jornada sea
passada, porque ni te podria bien
oyr ni entender; pero ven conmigo
e mostrarte he lo que para este
dia tengo aparejado e dezirme
has lo que dello te parecera,
aunque tu ausencia me ha hecho


Tomando Flamiano a Felisel su
criado por la mano, le metio en
vna quadra donde todos sus
atauíos tenia aparejados, e antes
de nada mostralle le dixo: Sabras,
Felisel, que despues que de aquí
partiste nunca mis ojos más de
vna vez, para lastimarme muchas,
han podido ver a mi señora
Belisena, la qual salio a los
desposorios del conde de la
Marca, de que yo dos días antes
fuy auisado, e por no dexar el luto
de Violina como no era razon, no
quise aquel dia mas vestirme de
vna loba frisada forrada de
damasco negro acuchillada toda
por encima, de manera que por
ella mesma se mostrasse la
forradura con las cuchilladas
todas atadas con vnas madexas
de seda negra con vna letra que

Claro descubre mi pena

mi tristeza y el agena.

E assi sali quando supe que

caualgaua, y llegado que fuy en
su presencia conoci en su rostro
que de mi vista le pesó, e para
mas lastimarme no quiso
consentir que la rienda le
llevasse, de que sentí lo que
puedes juzgar. Llegados a la
fiesta, el dançar duro gran parte
de la noche, donde concertamos
vna partida de justa quatro a
quatro a ocho carreras. Va de
precio de la vna partida a la otra,
vna gotera de plata de ocho
marcos la qual se dara a quien
mejor justare; al que más galan
saliere a la tela con dos cauallos
atauiados vno con paramentos e
cimera, otro con un paje e
guarnicion e a la noche con ropa
de estado de brocado forrada de
raso o damasco; se dan ocho
cannas de raso carmesí.
Somos de la vna parte el marques
de Persiana, el conde de la
Marca, Camilo de Leonis e yo. De
la otra son el señor marques
Carliano y el prior d'Albano y el
marques de Villatonda y el prior
de Mariana.
Esta fiesta concertada para la
noche en casa de la señora
duquesa de Meliano, en la qual
estamos concertados todos ocho
de salir en momería con las ropas
que te he dicho, e para esto tengo
hecho esto que agora verás. E
assi le mostró vnos paramentos e
vna guarnicion de raso encarnado
chapados todos de vnos braseros
de plata llenos de brasas, e la
cimera de lo mismo con vna letra
que dezia:

Es imposible saltar
de las brasas donde muero
pues que m'abrasa el brasero.
E mostróle para la noche vna
ropa de brocado blanco forrada
de raso encarnado con vnas
faxas de raso por de fuera llenas
de vnas villetas de oro de martillo
con vna letra que dezia:

Encontraronme en los ojos

e hizieron la herida
en el alma y en la vida.

Y despues le mostró doze

vestidos para doze moços e vn
paje de damasco blanco y raso
encarnado, con todo su
Y despues que todo se lo houo
mostrado, Felisel le dixo que le
parecia que todo estaua muy
bueno. Pues llegado el día de la
fiesta despues de las damas ya
salidas, los caualleros salieron a
la tela todos a vn tiempo, por dos
partes como es costumbre
hazerse, e hecha su buelta y
mesuras y cerimonias como en tal
fiesta se acostumbra, el justar se
Salio Flamiano con los atauios
que hauemos dicho, al qual se dió
el precio de gentil hombre. Sacó
el marques de Persiana vnos
paramentos de terciopelo
leonados con vnas puentes de
plata rompidas, sembrados todos
los paramentos, con vna cimera
de lo mesmo. Dezia la letra:

No pueden pasar mis males

pues que en medio[285]
les ha faltado remedio.

Sacó a la noche vna ropa de

brocado blanco forrada de raso
leonado con vnas faxas del
mismo raso chapadas de vnas
plumas de escreuir de oro, con
vna letra que dezia:

No se puede mi passion
pues no se puede suffrir.

Sacó los moços e pajes vestidos

de los mismos colores de blanco
y leonado.
Sacó el conde de la Marca vnos
paramentos e guarnicion de
terciopelo negro con vnas puertas
de jubileo cerradas, sembrados
todos los paramentos dellas
hechas de plata con vna letra que

Aunque haya en todos los

no se espera en mi passion.
Sacó a la noche vna ropa de
brocado morado, forrada de raso
blanco con faxas del mismo raso
sembradas de vnas faxas de oro,
con vna letra que dezia:

Yo solte tras mi esperança

mi plazer,
y jamas le vi boluer.

Sacó los moços e pajes vestidos

de raso morado y terciopelo negro
con guarniciones de damasco
Sacó el señor Camilo de Leonis
vnos paramentos de raso morado
con vnos castillos de cartas
sembradas por encima de plata e
la cimera de lo mismo, con vna
letra que dezia:

Tiene puesta mi esperança

el pensamiento
donde la derriba el viento.

Sacó a la noche vna ropa de

brocado morado forrada de raso
leonado con las faxas del mismo,
con vnos clauos de oro
sembrados por ellas con vna letra
que dezia:

La poca firmeza haze

á mi cuydado
que esté en el alma clauado.
Sacó los moços e pajes vestidos
de terciopelo leonado e damasco
Sacó el señor marques Carliano
vnos paramentos quarteados de
pardillo y morado, chapados de
vnas serpientes, llamadas ydrias,
de plata, con vna por cimera, con
vna letra que dezia:

Si vn inconueniente quito
á mi pesar
me nacen siete a la par.

Sacó a la noche vna ropa de

brocado pardillo forrada de raso
morado con las faxas del mismo
raso sembradas de vnos
improperios bordados de oro con
vna letra que dezia:

Muy mayor fuera no veros

que sofrillos por quereros.

Sacó los moços vestidos de

terciopelo pardillo e damasco
Sacó el señor prior de Mariana
vnos paramentos e guarnicion de
raso encarnado chapados de
vnos manojos de plata con vna
letra que dezia:

De quantas muertes
mis querellas
ponen las señales dellas.

Sacó a la noche vna ropa de

brocado morado forrada de raso
encarnado con las faxas del
mismo raso sembradas de
medallas de oro con vna letra que

No hay treslado vuestro

sino en mi cuydado.

Sacó los moços e paje vestidos

de raso encarnado e terciopelo
El marques de Villatonda sacó
vnos paramentos y guarnicion de
raso carmesi con vnos mallos de
plata, e la cimera con los mismos
mallos y las palas, con vna letra
que dezia:

Quando mas vn
llega cerca de mi quexa
tanto vn otro mas lo alexa.

Sacó a la noche vna ropa de

brocado carmesi forrada de raso
amarillo e las guarniciones con
vnos manojos de maluas
bordadas por ellas con vna letra
que dezia:
Si quiés ver de tu porfia
la esperança que hay en ella
mira al mismo nombre della.

Sacó los moços e paje vestidos

de brocado carmesi.
Sacó el prior Dalbano vnos
paramentos de terciopelo
encarnado e vnos ramos de laurel
e vna corona de lo mismo por
cimera con vna guarnicion desta
manera, e vna letra que dezia:

Corónese mi desseo
pues que ha sabido emplearse
do no sabe remediarse.

A la noche sacó vna ropa de

brocado azul forrada de raso
encarnado con las faxas llenas de
vnas lanternas de oro, con vna
letra que dezia:

El fuego que el alma abrasa

aunque se encubre
con la pena se descubre.

Sacó vestidos los moços de raso

azul e damasco encarnado. E
desta suerte salieron los
La fiesta duró quasi toda la
noche. Y despues de todos
tornados a sus posadas e
Flamiano a la suya, hauiendo
reposado de la passada fatiga,
tornando al trabajo de la congoxa
presente mandó llamar a Felisel,
el qual en su presencia venido le
dixo: Agora di lo que con
Basquiran pasaste y lo que á mi
embaxada te respondio y qué tal
le has dexado.
Al qual Felisel respondio:
Pluguiera a Dios, señor, que de
tal trabajo me houieras escusado
porque lo que tus enojos de
contino me tienen atormentado
me bastaua para que de otros
nueuos me escusaras. Lo que
con el señor Vasquiran he pasado
e lo que en él he visto e juzgado
es tanto que dudo que della te
pueda hazer tan conplida relacion
como seria menester. Empero lo
mejor que podré te dare dello en
suma alguna cuenta. E assi
comenzó a dezir:

Despues, señor, que de aqui parti,
en poco tiempo aunque con
mucha fatiga por la dificultad del
largo camino e fatigoso tienpo, yo
llegué a Felernisa donde como
yua informado, pense hallar a
Vasquiran, pero como en su
posada fuy apeado, supe de vn
mayordomo suyo que en ella hallé
como pocos dias despues de la
muerte de Violina se era partido a
vna heredad suya que cuatro
millas de la ciudad estaua, lo qual
segun aquel me informó hauia
hecho por dos respectos. El vno
por desviarse dela importunidad
de las muchas vistas; el otro por
mejor poder en medio de su dolor
dar lugar a que sus lagrimas más
honestamente compañia le
hiziessen. Pues esto sabido, la
hora era ya tal que me fue
forçado apearme y reposar alli
aquella noche. E assi aquel su
mayordomo con mucho amor e
cortesia sabiendo que era tuyo,
despues de hauer mandado que a
mi moço e caualgadura complido
recaudo diessen, por la mano me
tomó e razonando en muchas e
diuersas cosas assi de ti como del
desastre de su señor, todos o los
mas principales aposentos de
aquella casa me mostró, en los
quales vi muchas estrañezas que
sobre la muerte de Violina
Vasquiran hauia hecho hazer, y el
primero que vi fue en vna puerta
principal vna muerte pintada en
ella con vna letra que dezia:

Esté en la puerta primera

do se vea
que mi vida la dessea.
Entrando en la sala vi que toda
estaua cubierta de vnas sargas
negras con vnos escudos
bordados en medio de cada vna
en que estauan las armas de
Vasquiran quarteadas con las de
Violina, con vnas flechas
sembradas que la muerte las
tiraua de la puerta con vna letra
que dezia:

Con mis tiros he apartado

las vidas, por ser mortales,
mas no dellas las señales.

Vi andando por todas las otras

partes de la casa que todas las
puertas estauan teñidas de negro
de dentro y de fuera, y la letra

La muerte dexó el dolor

e tristeça de manera
que se muestre dentro y fuera.

Vi mas en cada vna de las

camaras e retraymientos vna
cama sin cortinaje con vnas
sargas pardillas que las cubrian
con vnas faxas amarillas en torno,
con vna letra en cada vna por las
faxas que dezia:

La vida desesperada
con el trabajo reposa.
Vi mas, que todos los suelos
estauan cubiertos de reposteros
de grana, con vnas almaras
bordadas en ellos, con vna letra
en cada repostero que dezia:

Todas van mis alegrias

por el suelo,
pues no hay en mi mal

E assi discurriendo por las otras

partes del aposento llegamos a vn
hermoso jardin, del qual estaua la
principal puerta cerrada de cal y
canto con vna letra encima que

La puerta de mi esperança
no se puede más abrir
hasta que torne el morir.

Entramos por vna puerta pequeña

que de vn estudio baxaua en la
huerta, en la qual entre muchas e
grandes gentileças que vi hauia
vna muy rica fuente la qual estaua
seca que no corria, con vna letra
en torno que dezia:

Secaronla mis enojos

para passarla en mis ojos.
De esta manera, señor,
andouimos mirando toda la casa,
donde vi tantas cosas lastimeras
de notar que casi atonito me
tenian. Pues hauiendo ya la
mayor parte visto nos tornamos a
cenar e gran parte de la noche
passamos razonando de diuersas
cosas, hasta que el camarero me
traxo a vna camara donde
Vasquiran e Violina solian dormir,
en la qual hauia vna rica cama de
campo parada e alli me aposentó,
e despues de quedar a solas miré
muchas cosas que en la camara
hauia, en que vi vn mote escripto
de la mano de Vasquiran que

Sin ventura ni remedio.

Vi mas en vn aparador donde

hauia muchas cosas assi de
ropas de vestir menudas de
Vasquiran como de Violina, entre
las quales vi un rico espejo e
segun yo noté creo, segun deuia
ser, con que Violina se tocaua,
segun juzgué de vna letra que en
él hauia que dezia desta manera:

Yo te miro por mirar

si veré en ti el bien que viste
y tú muestrasteme triste.

Pues al fin, señor, ya del sueño

vencido y del trabajo fatigado yo
me dormi. La mañana venida,
despues de leuantado, sin oyr
missa, con vna guia que el
mayordomo me dio yo me parti
para donde Vasquiran estaua, y
en poco espacio llegué a vna muy
hermosa heredad con vna gentil
morada, donde hallé todos los
criados de Vasquiran
passeandose por vna plaça que
delante la puerta de la casa
estaua, al costado de la qual
hauia vn gentil passeador cubierto
de cipres, e al cabo vna gentil
yglesia aunque pequeña. Pues
como me conocieron, ante que
me apeasse todos me rodearon
con mucho amor, aunque con
poco plazer, e como en medio
dellos me vi, vilos vestidos todos
de amarillo con unos retulos en
las mangas izquierdas que

Vistenos el esperança
del que espera
el remedio quando muera.

Acordandome lo que el dia e la

noche antes hauia visto e lo que
en ellos començaua a ver,
marauilleme e supe despues de
apeado, cómo no estaua alli su
señor, pero tomóme su camarero
por la mano y lleuóme por debaxo
de vnos arboles hasta la marina
cerca de alli á vnas grutas que la
mar la batia, donde hallamos a
Vasquiran a solas sobre vna
pequeña roca assentado, con vn
laud en la mano, cantando este

No dexeys, lagrimas mias,

de dar descanso a mis ojos
pues lo days a mis enojos.
Pues salis del coraçon
donde está mi pensamiento,
con vosotras solas siento
gran descanso en mi passion,
sientolo porque es razon
que repose en mis enojos
con vosotras en mis ojos.

Estaua vestido todo de pardillo y

con vnos torçales de seda
leonada torcida por toda la ropa,
con vna letra que dezia ansi:

Mi trabajosa congoxa
nunca en mis males afloxa.

Algo estuve escuchandole sin que

me viesse, pero como me vido,
dexado el laud, con los brazos
abiertos a mi se vino. E despues
de muchas vezes con mucho
amor hauerme abraçado,
començo a dar los mayores y mas
doloridos gemidos e solloços que
nunca vi, e despues de algo
hauer dado espacio con su llanto
a su dolor me començo a dezir.
¡O mi buen amigo Felisel! ¿quién
te ha traydo a verme pues que a
ninguna cosa mi triste suerte da
lugar que me vea sino a pesares
y desuenturas que me lastimen?
¿Como consintio mi ventura que
me viesses? No creo que lo haya
por otra cosa hecho sino por
lastimar con el plazer de tu vista
la memoria de mis males. ¿Qué
te parece de tu amigo Vasquiran
quán sin alegria la muerte le ha
dexado? ¿Cómo en medio de sus
plazeres son nacidas tan crudas
tristezas? ¿Cómo te dexo mi
soledad llegar aqui para que me
viesses, pues que las puertas
tiene cerradas a todas las cosas
que consolarme puedan? Qué te
parece quan solo de plazer tu
buena amiga Violina me ha
dexado e quan aconpañado de
tristezas? Las quales palabras me
dezia con tan graue dolor que
pense que con cada palabra se le
arrancauan las entrañas. Assi
estouimos vna pieça hasta que
algo reposado me tomó por la
mano e demandandome de ti e
dandome razon de sus males me
truxo hasta la posada suya que te
dixe, e ante de entrar en ella me
llevó a la yglesia que delante della
estaua, en medio de la qual
estaua la sepultura de Violina con
vna tumba grande cubierta de vn
paño de brocado rico, con vna
cortapisa de raso negro ancha en
torno, con vnas letras bordadas
en ella que dezian:

Dentro en esta sepultura

está el bien de mi ventura.

Llegados cerca de la sepultura

me dexó de la mano e echóse de
pechos encima, donde más
doloridos gemidos y más tristes
palabras que a mi me hauia
dicho, tornó de nueuo a dar. En
tanta manera, señor, le vi
atribulado, que nunca me acuerdo
en parte verme que tanta tristeza
sintiera como mi alma alli sentio
de verle tal. E despues que algun
espacio assi estuvo me tornó a
tomar por la mano e dixome:
Perdoname, Felisel, que no tengo
en mi mas alegre recibimiento con
que alegrarte pueda, que este
que vees. E assi nos venimos
hasta la casa, la qual toda vi con
los mismos misterios que la otra
hauia visto, e despues de hauer
comido e gran parte del dia
pasada en diuersas cosas que de
su mal me contó y de tu congoxa
le dixe, lo qual oyó con tanto amor
como si tristeza en el no houiera.
E tanto de tus pesares sintio
pesar que con los suyos los
juzgué yguales. Al fin tu
embaxada le hize notoria de la
manera que me mandaste. A la
qual con assaz enojo me
respondio, aunque con muy
corteses razones, pero pareciole
que en las cosas que le embiauas
a dezir haziendole entender que
tu mal juzgauas mayor que el
suyo, e le hazias no solo gran
enojo mas aun casi por injuria lo
recibia. E despues de hauerme a
muchas cosas satisfecho con
razonables palabras y muchas
razones, passado aquel dia e
otros quatro que alli me tuvo,
siempre de tus cosas
demandandome e de las suyas
contandome, le pedi licencia, la
qual con mucha dificultad del
alcancé, porque quisiera
detenerme alli algun dia más si
Al fin viendo que mi porfia forçaua
su voluntad, al tiempo que dél me
despedi, con muchos sospiros me
dió esta carta que te traygo.

Si como has pensado, Flamiano,
consolarme, pudiesses darme
remedio, bien conozco de ti que lo
desseas lo harias, mas como mis
males remedio no tienen, ni tú me
le puedes dar, ni yo de nadie le

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