Unit 6 Short Test Vocab A&B-1

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Vocabulary Short Test 6A Imię i nazwisko Klasa

1 W każdej kategorii zaznacz wyraz, który NIE pasuje do pozostałych.

FISH AND SEAFOOD: tuna pork salmon SNACKS: nuts grapes crisps
VEGETABLES: sausage cabbage lettuce PREPARING FOOD: fry bowl peel ____ / 4
Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty cz. 1 © Macmillan Polska 2020 Photocopiable

2 Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Niektóre litery brakujących wyrazów zostały podane.

1 Tommy, your dinner’s in the fridge. You just need to _ _ a _ it up in the oven.
2 I like my coffee black and _ _ tt _ _, so I don’t take any milk or sugar in it.
3 I’m on a diet. I’m trying to lose _ e _ _ h _.
4 You can _ p _ _ _ d some butter or jam on the toast. It’s really good.

5 We stopped at a baker’s to get some fresh bread and r _ _ _ s.
6 When we go to a restaurant, my dad always pays the _ i _ _. ____ / 6

3 Uzupełnij luki w tekście brakującymi wyrazami. Wybierz opcję: A, B lub C.

In my family we all like cooking, so we don’t eat (1) ____ very often. Besides, the good restaurants are always busy
3m9 and you need to (2) ____ a table well in advance before you go there. My parents like dinner parties in our home and
we often (3) ____ guests for a meal. My mum is a strict vegetarian, so she doesn’t eat any (4) ____ or fish. She makes
delicious vegetable soups and salads. My dad’s speciality is a Mexican dish called tacos. He likes to use quite a lot of
chilli pepper, so his tacos are always very (5) ____ and makes you feel as if your mouth’s on fire!

1 A outside B up C out
2 A order B book C enter
3 A entertain B please C add

4 A sandwiches B meat C meal
5 A sour B savoury C spicy ____ / 5


Vocabulary Short Test 6B Imię i nazwisko Klasa

1 W każdej kategorii zaznacz wyraz, który NIE pasuje do pozostałych.

MEAT: ham lettuce sausage PREPARING FOOD: fry slice sour
FRUIT: spinach strawberry grapes KITCHEN EQUIPMENT: pot roll bowl ____ / 4
Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty cz. 1 © Macmillan Polska 2020 Photocopiable

2 Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Niektóre litery brakujących wyrazów zostały podane.

1 Could you _ e _ _ the potatoes, please? They’re in the bag next to the fridge.
2 This dish is too _ p _ _ y! How much chilli pepper have you put in it?

3 I often eat some _ n _ _ k _ between meals, like nuts or crisps.

4 Hm, this soup needs more salt. You should _ _ d some.
5 My favourite type of meat is _ _ _ f because I love a good steak!
6 Don’t cut the vegetables on the table! Use a chopping _ o _ r _. ____ / 6

3 Uzupełnij luki w tekście brakującymi wyrazami. Wybierz opcję: A, B lub C.

My family like good food and there are some nice restaurants in the city, so we often (1) ____ out. When we go to
a restaurant, me and my mum like to (2) ____ a new dish, something we’ve never tried before. These are sometimes
expensive, so my dad doesn’t look very pleased when it’s time to pay the (3) ____. At home we often cook together,
which is really great fun. I especially like baking cakes and cookies with my mum because I love (4) ____ things.
Unlike my older sister, who is always trying to (5) ____ weight!

1 A cook B eat C take

2 A order B book C entertain
3 A menu B special C bill
4 A salty B sweet C sour
5 A miss B leave C lose ____ / 5

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