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Software and Systems Modeling (2020) 19:371–398


Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support

sustainable and dynamic business ecosystems
Jānis Kampars1 · Jelena Zdravkovic2 · Janis Stirna2 · Jānis Grabis1

Received: 5 October 2018 / Revised: 1 August 2019 / Accepted: 8 September 2019 / Published online: 18 September 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

Open Data (OD) is data available in a machine-readable format and without restrictions on the permissions for using or
distributing it. OD may include textual artifacts, images, maps, video content, and other. The data can be published and
maintained by different entities, both public and private. Despite its power to distribute knowledge freely and availability
of a large number of datasets, OD initiatives face important challenges related to its widespread take up. More specifically,
OD provisioning is based on a unidirectional linking from OD providers to OD users without considering requirements and
preferences of the users. The OD users also lack metadata, and they need to develop specific technical solutions for provid-
ing a continuous OD flow and processing, which is particularly difficult when real-time OD are to be used. In this paper, we
propose solving these challenges by envisioning a business ecosystem for OD. It is network-based, federated, and supports
interplay between OD provisioning and knowledge management. As a methodological solution, we have applied the capa-
bility-driven development approach, which allows modeling of OD processing ecosystems, facilitates knowledge exchange
about OD usage among members of the ecosystem, and supports configuring information systems for OD processing. The
proposal is explicated with a theoretical study of its usability for the service of road maintenance in varying conditions.

Keywords Open Data · Capability · Context · Requirements · CDD

1 Introduction contextual situation in which enterprises function is defined

by internal private data (e.g., the data originating from
Enterprises operating in highly competitive and dynamically Online Transaction Processing Systems) and external data
changing environments need to have a continuous access (the data originating from third parties). Usually, enterprises
to relevant, accurate, and usable data. This also requires are well-aware of their own data and are already benefiting
improving their business functions in order to be able to from mature technologies such as business intelligence and
benefit from new, often changed and updated data [1]. The big data suites. Usage of the external data is more cumber-
some because of data discoverability issues, unclear quality
of data, and the need to establish continuous data delivery
Communicated by Iris Reinhartz-Berger and Sérgio Guerreiro.
and processing pipelines, which are mandatory when low
* Jānis Kampars latency data are considered. The principle of Open Data (OD) offers the potential for
Jelena Zdravkovic the external data sources to be used for making organizations information systems (IS) more efficient as well as designing
Janis Stirna new ones potentially creating business solutions that would not be feasible if based only on organization’s own data. To
Jānis Grabis facilitate sharing and reuse of large and potentially valuable datasets the concept of OD was established. Open Data is
defined as data available in a machine-readable format and
Information Technology Institute, Riga Technical University, without restrictions on permissions for using or distributing
Kalku iela 1, Riga, Latvia
the information that it contains [2]. The driving forces of the
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm OD movement are government transparency, development
University, Postbox 7003, 164 07, Kista, Sweden

372 J. Kampars et al.

of services by third parties for the benefit of citizens and • Potential OD users are uncertain about which data they
companies, as well as the development of new services that need for fulfilling their business goals, as well as how
stimulate the economy [3]. to develop business applications that use OD to meet
There are a number of studies confirming the great poten- their goals. This is especially cumbersome when multiple
tial of OD. For instance, the value of improved use of data OD providers exist and offer custom APIs, which signifi-
across Europe’s public sector is estimated to be around 250 cantly complicate the data integration task. Moreover,
billion EUR annually [4]. A study by [5] predicts that by APIs tend to change over time.
2020 the EU28+ direct market of OD will reach 75.7 bil- • From a technical point of view, traditional APIs of OD
lion EUR, while total OD market will be around 280 billion portals provide limited ways of querying data (data pull
EUR. The global potential value of OD in education, trans- via REST or other means). However, it is complicated to
portation, consumer products, electric power, oil and gas, react on a certain contextual situation in a timely manner
health care, and consumer finance has been estimated as 3 because OD users have to constantly pull the data set of
trillion USD [4]. interest. This is not suitable for scenarios where real-time
The majority of available OD is relatively static, accu- OD are used. Some exceptions like [16] exist, however
mulated over time, and it is typically distributed using spe- real-time OD are still a rarity since traditional OD tools
cialized portals. EU Open Data portal contains more than and methodologies are not applicable [11].
12,000 datasets on subjects such as science, environment,
economics, trade, and finance [6]. There are also national In the preparatory stages of this research, we inter-
OD initiatives such as Latvia’s OD portal with 241 datasets viewed several municipal organizations in Latvia and they
and 64 publishers [7] and municipal OD portals like Open confirmed that OD extraction from systems of their origin
Stockholm [8]. So far, the OD movement has been mostly and publishing are not streamlined processes. They require
concentrating on provisioning accumulated data, which has manual work, and therefore organizations are reluctant to
led to a research gap in the areas of OD applicability [3, commit to frequent data updates and often choose publish-
9, 10] and real-time OD specifically, which traditional OD ing only data that change rarely. While the expectations are
tools and methodologies fail to support [11]. that for the maximum benefit the data pipeline connecting
an OD provider and an OD user should be seamlessly inte-
1.1 Challenges of Open Data application grated combining data push and data pull, the reality falls
short of this vision.
The number of successful OD application use cases is a A literature review by Susha et al. [17] suggests that
more important factor than the number of published OD measures promoting OD usage and creation of sustainable
datasets and the volume of data that have been made avail- OD solutions are (1) supporting research; (2) supporting
able to the general public. Despite many OD datasets being building of community of data users; (3) supporting deploy-
available, several sources conclude that only a small portion ment of newly developed services and their repurposing in
of them is actually used, hence the current level of OD adop- other regions; and (4) integrating data-driven content and
tion can be considered as insufficient [12–14]. The following services into government operations and organizational pro-
challenges are related to OD usage: cesses. A research by Lnenicka et al. [18] states that the
use of OD and big data should be addressed on the level of
• OD providers, in general, have limited understanding enterprise architecture and lists cloud computing as a key
about requirements and preferences of OD users, since supporting technology for wider OD adoption.
traditional OD portals do not provide a bidirectional
link between OD providers and OD users. In addition, 1.2 Motivation and research questions
OD providers are seldom troubled with establishing the
required technical infrastructure needed by OD users, Considering the challenges for successful OD utilization,
e.g., in a form of rich APIs for data query and retrieval. many of them could be solved by forming a business eco-
• OD users (enterprises) are unsure about the quality of system, i.e., a network of organizations—including OD
data and the associated metadata might be incomplete. providers, government agencies and other stakeholders,
They need to establish specific technical solutions for intermediaries and OD users. In essence, the OD ecosystem
ensuring continuous flow and processing of OD. Many would consist of some entities providing or managing Open
OD users are still reluctant to use OD because they do Data while others would be OD users consuming the data.
not know how to find the data, and because some data Such an ecosystem would create a multi-point exchange of
sets are not available in a fully machine-readable form. OD, which would be organically evolving and growing in
The data may also be outdated, and not offering a rich or terms of data use. It would also be able to identify and share
efficient API [15]. knowledge and reusable solutions for OD usage.

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 373

Capability-driven development (CDD) is chosen as an business case concerning regional road maintenance. A dis-
approach to substantiate such an OD ecosystem. CDD is a cussion and concluding remarks are presented in Sects. 5
methodological approach for configuring dynamic, context- and 6 respectively.
aware, re-deployable business capabilities on top of exist-
ing enterprise information systems [19–21]. It also supports
identification and use of information resources outside the 2 Background
organization and its IS, as well as modeling collaborations
among organizations. CDD is a reference methodology 2.1 State of the art in Open Data usage
developed to support continuous delivery of business capa-
bilities in a variety of cases by being able to capture and take Carrara et al. [5] present the vision of the concept of Open
advantage of changes in business context. It encompasses Data. OD are data that “…can be freely used, modified,
existing enterprise models, software applications, context and shared by anyone for any purpose. OD must be avail-
models, and patterns. The technical environment of CDD able under an open license and provided in a convenient
contains facilities for data publishing and anonymization, and modifiable form that is machine readable” [ibid]. This
knowledge management, and sharing. CDD is deemed suit- requires that OD should be reusable by third parties to reap
able for the OD ecosystem because it provides models at benefits from OD outside the organizational structure that
different levels of abstraction starting with the enterprise created them.
level down to the executable data management level; the tool For example, The Open Data Institute [22] reports a
support is provided for model-based development and execu- survey of 270 UK-based companies that use, produce,
tion of data processing; facilities for matching data users and invest in OD. They have over 500,000 employees in
and data providers are provided; the overall solution can be total, and 70% of them are microenterprises with up to 10
tailored to individual needs of the ecosystem’s members and employees. About half of them work in the IT sector and
knowledge sharing is enabled. At the same time, the base the rest work in 12 other industries, such as research, busi-
CDD does not offer concepts for dealing specifically with ness administration, arts, and entertainment. The business
OD and extension of the methodology could be developed approach of these companies is to use OD to exploit gaps in
to support these aspects. the existing market offerings by creating new products and
This paper examines the possibilities of using OD to services. In doing so they also develop new business models
configure and adjust business solutions and services with by disruption of the existing ones. This survey reports that
the support of the CDD methodology. With respect to the most of the solutions use governmental OD (70%) while
problems discussed in the previous section, the envisioned 49% use OD from non-governmental sources. The most
solution should ensure the following criteria: (1) seamless commonly used types of OD are geospatial data, transport
OD publishing at the OD provider’s side; (2) seamless OD data, environmental data, and demographic data. The inhibi-
usage for adapting enterprise’s business capabilities accord- tors of OD usage are lack of APIs, inefficient data market-
ing to dynamic change of context situation at OD user’s side; places, underdeveloped data reuse culture, and the existing
(3) OD usage feedback and two-way collaboration between OD are not always accurate, up to date, and accessible in
OD provider and OD user; (4) systematic support for sharing machine-readable format [22, 23].
reusable artifacts such as OD usage solutions, designs and The majority of OD application cases available in the
configurations of capabilities based on OD. scientific literature illustrate OD being used for the purpose
To this end ,the following research question has been put of building research prototypes and, as it is common for such
forward—how to support Open Data ecosystems by Capa- applications, they are using conventional IS development
bility-Driven Development? The overall research question approaches that do not specifically address issues such as
is refined into two subquestions: (RQ1) what extensions to OD identification and reuse.
CDD are necessary to support OD ecosystems? and (RQ2) For example, in respect to the data quality, an applica-
What information system architecture is necessary to sup- tion of OD to get a better understanding of China’s urbani-
port capability-based OD ecosystems? zation is considered [24]. The authors acknowledge OD
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 fragmentation and discrepancy issues—relevant OD are
outlines a background to the Open Data initiative and to scattered across multiple online and even offline sources.
the capability-driven development approach. Section 3 pre- Sometimes the same data are gathered by multiple organi-
sents the requirements, an extended CDD metamodel with zation. The needed data are heterogeneous and often gov-
components for representing Open Data sources for use of ernment monitoring and census programs fall behind, and
Open Data by IT-supported business capabilities and their therefore, it is not timely enough. The topic of urbanization
application specifically in a CDD-enabled user environ- is also addressed in [25] by a general OD framework pro-
ment. Section 4 elaborates the theoretical proposal on a real moting more effective collaboration between government

374 J. Kampars et al.

and companies. The city of Barcelona is used as a baseline

case; however, no explicit examples of how firms could gain OD User
competitive advantage using OD are presented in the article.
To improve data quality and to support reuse, [26] proposes
an OD infrastructure containing a metadata model, interac-
tion mechanisms, and data quality indicators thus facilitating OD marketplace
easier discoverability and applicability of OD. The metadata
model proposes that users should be given an option to rate
datasets and follow other OD users and individual datasets.
API management
Traditional attributes like usage statistics and revision date
should be enriched by linked visualizations, application area
and scientific context, geographic and temporal context. To
evaluate the effectiveness of the approach, experiments are OD provider 1 OD provider 2
conducted on searching for and finding OD, OD analysis and API API
visualization, and OD quality analysis [26]. It was confirmed
that availability of metadata, interaction mechanisms, and
Fig. 1  OD marketplace structure. Adapted from [16]
quality indicators positively influences the ease and speed
of OD usage. Thus, these three elements are crucial for OD
infrastructures. there is little evidence of wide adoption for business use.
The commercial use of OD requires addressing concerns The Traffiklab team has identified the use of Open Data
data reuse culture and having a methodological approach and development of cross-organizational IT infrastructures
to building OD applications [10]. The study states that the among the main challenges of the project [27]. Users of
use of OD requires specific in-house capabilities and com- the Traffiklab need to provision and adequate infrastruc-
putational resources and that locating relevant OD datasets ture and implement the data integration and interpretation
is a difficult task. If a company lacks some of the necessary logic themselves.
resources or skills, it should form alliances with other OD The growing popularity of the Internet of Things [15]
stakeholders. However, a more specific guidance for estab- and the fact that real-time data originates from various sen-
lishing such alliances is currently lacking. sor networks has drawn attention of many researches. Most
Development of OD alliances can potentially be sup- of the current research concentrates on the infrastructure
ported by OD marketplaces. They provide two-side col- challenges associated with consuming and publishing data
laboration between OD users and providers. An example of streams in general and as a result solutions that consider the
such an OD marketplace, namely, Traffiklab is reported in perspective of OD and cross-organizational IT infrastruc-
Smith et al. [16]. Traffiklab is a Swedish OD marketplace ture are lacking. One of few contributions to real-time OD
distributing open public transport data and linking together proposes to use a model-driven development-based solution
public transport authorities and Open Data users. It pro- [11]. The developed tool currently only supports consum-
motes the development of digital travel services for public ing data in the CSV format and is applied in an air-quality-
transport companies and their customers. The main compo- monitoring use case. Another real-time OD distribution case
nent of Traffiklab is a technical platform (backend and API) is reported in [28]. It proposes a message queue for sharing
(Fig. 1). The marketplace also provides documentation and smart cities related data. The proposal supports the data
some ways of sharing knowledge like general code exam- push model that allows subscribers to be notified in a case
ples, forum, and newsletters. However, there is no methodo- of certain events such as a broken light bulb on a road. It
logical support and Traffiklab does not contain concrete OD uses the well-known MQTT messaging protocol. However,
usage patterns. there are some challenges of using it in the OD domain. The
Traffiklab supports direct publishing of third-party APIs protocol does not support labeling of messages with types
as well as providing access to third-party APIs through or metadata. This is addressed by proposing a topic naming
its own API management system. The use of the API convention (MQTT-Topic Naming of Open Data for smart
management system allows consolidating information Cities, namely MTNC). In correspondence to MTNC, the
about performance and errors of individual OD provid- name of the topic is set according to a pattern MainObjec-
ers. According to the user survey, the most prominent per- tive/SubObjective/X (e.g., environment/water/temperature).
ceived values of this OD marketplace are lover complexity, Practical experiments with 50 OD users showed that they
improved access to knowledge, lower risk, and higher vis- were able to find topics that were named corresponding to
ibility. Although Traffiklab provides a variety of different MTNC in 70% cases, while the success rate was 30% when
APIs including data pull that is suitable for real-time data, MTNC was not applied.

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 375

One of the OD usage success criteria is an ability of an that an Enterprise Architecture based top-down approach
OD-based solution to address identified business needs should be used instead as a way to deal with complexity,
[22]. Zeleti et al. [29] propose a theoretical OD competitive integrating new systems in the landscape, facilitating reuse
capability framework for OD-driven organizations (Table 1). and communication. Lnenicka et al. [18] propose a Govern-
It covers business, relational rent, infrastructure and offer- ment Enterprise Architecture Framework (GEAF) for stor-
ing aspects. It aims to familiarize organizations and their ing, processing and publishing of big and open linked data.
management team with the areas where they must plan and The objective of GEAF is to create a unified ICT environ-
develop a comprehensive vision and action plan to use OD ment across an entire public organization and one of its key
more efficiently. The framework can be used to reduce both components is cloud computing.
business and technology-related risks. Government organi- In summary, OD usage has become relatively common,
zations can use this framework to familiarize themselves but there are also challenges:
with OD-driven organizations as well to analyze the OD
problem domain from a perspective of an OD user. The aim • it only focuses on certain application areas,
of this framework is to facilitate publishing more OD and • real-time OD are unpopular as traditional OD solutions
establishing the technical infrastructure that fits the actual fail to support it,
requirements of OD users. • building OD-based applications is not explicitly sup-
Various researches suggest that adoption of Open Data ported from a methodological perspective, and as a
and big data should be addressed on higher levels of abstrac- result, companies follow the bottom-up approach which
tion rather than simply creating a series of isolated small- results in creation of isolated incompatible data process-
scale data integration and interpretation processes, that ing solutions that are hard to maintain, and
are separated from organizational goals and other existing • the key areas that need more support are: establishment
processes. Gong et al. [30] have investigated the use of big of data reuse culture, data marketplaces, sharing mecha-
data at the Dutch Tax organization, which started various nisms, as well as alliances and ecosystems.
big data initiatives in a bottom-up manner. The research-
ers expected that this approach would facilitate creation of 2.2 Capability‑driven development
cross-departmental new big data-related processes and pro-
cedures; however, the resulting solutions turned out to be too Capability as a concept is used in a variety of contexts with
diverse and incompatible. The bottom-up approach resulted differences in its meaning and interpretation (c.f. [20, 31]).
in fragmentation of initiatives, control and maintenance However, most views on capability agree that possessing a
problems, and overall higher cost. The authors concluded capability means to have competence and ability, and to have
the right resources in adequate amount, to do something. An
Table 1  Open Data competitive capability framework. Adapted from example for advantages of capabilities in comparison with
[29] more widely used concepts of business design, such as busi-
ness service or business process is that of context-dependent
Business Growth and commercialization
variability. The fact that an organization is able to implement
Pricing method
a business solution or carry out a business service in one
setting does not necessarily guarantee that it is also able to
do the same in another setting. More about the suitability
of capability-based approaches and CDD, in particular, is
Relational Rent Intra-firm collaboration
available in [20]. As discussed previously, the problems in
Partner network
the OD domain can be associated to the need to provide
Business interaction
support for OD identification, reuse, incorporation in busi-
Customer relationship
ness solutions, as well as dealing with varying data qual-
Offering Quality
ity and establishing organizational alliances (ecosystems)
of efficient OD creation and reuse. Building such types of
ecosystems requires considering holistic organization-wide
Response time
solutions, not just IT- or IS development solutions. Hence,
Flexibility and volume
they can be addressed in terms of capabilities and for this
Infrastructure Service
reason the CDD methodology is being extended for the pur-
pose of building OD ecosystems.
From the business perspective, a capability describes
what the business does that creates value for customers
[31]. It represents an organizational and/or IS design from

376 J. Kampars et al.

a result-based perspective including various dimensions delivery. Monitoring of defined KPIs facilitates capabil-
like organization’s values, goals, processes, people, and ity refinement and pattern updating.
resources. The emergence of the use of the notion of capa-
bility has the following motivations: More information about the architecture of the CDD envi-
ronment is available in Sandkuhl and Stirna [21].
• In the context of business planning, capability is
becoming recognized as a fundamental component to
describe what a core business does and, in particular, 3 Using CDD for engineering OD‑based
as an ability for delivering value, beneath the business applications
strategy [32];
• Capability supports configurability of operations on a Many organizations are reluctant to use OD due to a lack
higher level than services and processes, and according of information on how to find the data, as well as because
to changes in operational business context [19, 31]. some data are not available in a fully machine-readable form.
• The Capability-driven development (CDD) approach It is also a common case that data may not be up to date
[19, 20] has developed an integrated methodology for and not offered with rich or efficient API [34]. Organiza-
context-aware business and IT solutions. It consists of tions should know which data they need for fulfilling their
a metamodel (see Fig. 2) and guidelines for the way of business goals, as well as they should have an IS capable
working. The main concepts of the metamodel are pre- to fetch real-time OD as soon as it changes and act upon it.
sented in Table 2. Developing custom-made solutions for this on a case-by-
• The areas of modeling as part of CDD are enterprise case basis is inefficient. If multiple OD providers with their
modeling (EM), context modeling, variability modeling, own proprietary APIs would exist, this would significantly
adjustment algorithms, and patterns for capturing best complicate the data integration task since point-to-point
practices. integration would be necessary. Moreover, in case of API
changes, the OD integration solution would also need to
The background colors of model elements indicate three be changed. The current state is that OD providers often do
focus areas of the CDD metamodel and they also reflect the not commit to establishing the needed technical infrastruc-
three iterations of development of this metamodel. Elements ture and rich APIs for data query and retrieval. A practical
with white background are the core components used for requirement would be that data pull and data push be sup-
capability design; they were included in the initial version ported for the purpose of greater flexibility. On the side of
of the metamodel. Yellow elements address the context- OD users, they are reluctant to invest in OD solutions that
dependent variation aspects, and orange elements as used seem to be unstable, the inner working of which are hard to
for modeling specific types of run-time adjustments and their investigate, and their implementation requires considerable
characteristics. own development.
The metamodel is implemented in a technical environ- With such challenges, a key to widen OD publishing and
ment to enable the support for the methodology by consist- usage is the role of a mediator—a broker or a marketplace,
ing of the following key components (see UML component that would simplify the daily tasks of the OD provider and
diagram in Fig. 3). the OD user by providing extra services for both of them.
Table 3 summarizes the requirements for managing OD from
• Capability Design Tool (CDT) is a graphical modeling the perspectives of provider, user, and broker that were elic-
tool for supporting the design of capability elements. ited based on the literature review in Sect. 2.
• Capability Navigation Application (CNA) is an applica-
tion that makes use of the models (capability designs) 3.1 CDD metamodel extension for Open Data
created in the CDT to monitor the capability context by
receiving the values of measurable properties (MP in The CDD approach simplifies the process of transforma-
Fig. 3) and handle run-time capability adjustments. tion of enterprise IS into context-aware systems that can be
• Capability Context Platform (CCP) is a component for adjusted according to the current parameters of a situation.
distributing context data to the CNA. Integration and interpretation of contextual (often exter-
• Capability Delivery Application (CDA) represents the nal) data is supported by components of the CDD environ-
existing business applications that are used to support the ment, namely the CCP and the CNA. According to the CDD
capability delivery. This can be a custom-made system, methodology, the existing business IS, denoted Capability
or a configured standard system such as an ERP system. Delivery Application, would only need to provide an API
The CNA communicates or configures the CDA to adjust for adjusting its business logic via the CNA when required
for changing data contexts during capability design and by changes in the contextual situation.

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 377

Fig. 2  CDD metamodel [33]

378 J. Kampars et al.

Table 2  The key concepts of the CDD metamodel

Concept Description

Capability Capability is the ability and capacity that enable an enterprise to achieve a business Goal in a certain context (repre-
sented by Context Set)
KPI Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurable properties that can be seen as targets for achievement of Goals
Context Set Context Set describes the set of Context Elements that are relevant for design and delivery of a specific Capability
Context element range Context Element Range specifies boundaries of permitted values for a specific Context Element and for a specific Con-
text Set
Context element A Context Element is representing any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity
Measurable property Measurable Property is any information about the organization’s environment that can be measured
Context element value Context Element Value is a value of a specific Context Element at a given run-time situation. It can be calculated from
several Measurable Properties
Goal Goal is a desired state of affairs that needs to be attained. Goals can be refined into subgoals forming a goal model.
Goals should be expressed in measurable terms such as KPI
Process Process is a series of actions that are performed in order to achieve a particular result. A Process supports Goals and has
input and produces output in terms of information and/or material. When initiated a process is perceived to consume
Pattern Patterns are reusable solutions for reaching business Goals under specific situational contexts. The context defined for
the Capability (Context Set) should match the context in which the Pattern is applicable
Process variant Process variant is a part of the Process, which uses the same input and delivers the same outcome as the Process in a
different way
Adjustment Capability Delivery Application (e.g., business application) is adjusted according to current contextual situation as part
of the capability. ScheduledAdjustment checks the capability context based on a predefined schedule (e.g., see whether
a condition is met once a day) while EventBasedAdjustment can be triggered as soon as the corresponding data is
received (e.g., update dynamic traffic sign when external temperature falls below °C)

Fig. 3  Components of the CDD environment

Open Data is one of the candidate data sources when developed in a top-down fashion considering business goals
contextual situation needs to be identified because it can and existing processes. If they are made public, they could
be based on many parameters that are available as OD, e.g., contribute to a wider adoption of OD. Furthermore, if a
weather, traffic, pricing, public records. In terms of the CDD business solution of a company relies on OD and OD-based
terminology, OD units that can be seen as raw data become pattern originating from a third party, the dependencies and
Measurable Property and Context Element values, which can potential risks need to be modeled. These needs for basing
be used for aggregations and calculations. Such calculations capability-driven solutions on OD are not directly supported
are then used in capabilities for deciding on adjustments and in the regular CDD methodology and hence its metamodel
in patterns for triggering the adjustments. Business logic and method support need extensions. The rest of this section
included in Capabilities and Patterns provide code-level presents an extended version of the CDD metamodel con-
examples on how OD can be used. Such capability design taining concepts needed for incorporating OD in capability
could be seen as mashups of Open Data services that are designs (see Fig. 4). The concepts are explained in Table 4.

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 379

Table 3  Summary of requirements for provisioning and using Open Data

Role Requirements

Provider Publish datasets in a machine-readable format in real time or near-real time

Create ontology for reuse and publish metadata
Make sure no privacy-sensitive data is published
Ensure consistent data model and communicate any changes with OD broker
User Define business goals to identify the external data types needed by capabilities
Classify data types as the elements of a capability context
Find a matching OD and finalize the definition of the capability context according to available OD
Connect to the API service to enable machine-to-machine interoperability with OD broker
Fetch and use data in the pace needed, and as the data changes
Evaluate the quality of the data, such as completeness, and provide feedback
Share knowledge on OD use with other OD users through an OD broker
Broker/marketplace Provide data publishing API for OD providers
Provide a rich API for OD users supporting both data pull and push, including various ways to
query the data and to subscribe to subsets of data
Provide permanent storage of all OD and its related metadata
Create an OD catalog as a list of rich datasets available in an OD initiative, including supporting
services such as information management and the metadata
Provide data preprocessing and anonymization as-a-service for OD providers
Provide data preprocessing and integration as-a-service for OD users
Provide a portal (platform) as an online front-end for users to access all resources available under a
data initiative, including the data catalog, a knowledge base, technical support and feedback

Fig. 4  Extended CDD metamodel with components for representing Open Data sources

380 J. Kampars et al.

Table 4  Concepts of the OD extension of the CDD metamodel

Concept Description

Legal entity Legal Entity is any legal entity or physical person that owns data, which can be published as OD, or possesses
knowledge on OD usage. Legal Entity can use OpenData or OpenKnowledge, or it can choose to share OpenData
and OpenKnowledge with other Business Entities
OpenDataCandidate OpenDataCandidate is a generalization of ContextElement, MeasurableProperty and ContextIndicator of which can
be made public as OpenData. OpenDataCandidate is owned by a specific Legal Entity and can be used in Open-
KnowledgeCandidate entities (e.g., Capability or Capability DeliveryPattern)
Graphical representation ContextIndicator contains a graphical representation of a context element, thus supporting sharing OD together with
respective visualizations. These items are to be published in the Capability Context Platform and would be made
publicly available for OD Context Elements
OpenData Once published OpenDataCandidate (e.g., ContextElement or Measurable Property) becomes OpenData. It is
published in the CDD Cloud environment, which serves the role of a broker or OD marketplace. OpenData has
associated metadata, it does not contain any privacy-sensitive data, and it is used by a Legal Entity
Metadata OpenData and OpenKnowledge entities must have associated metadata in order to be published
CDD cloud environment Acts as mediator between OD user and OD provider by providing the needed services (see Table 3). OpenKnowl-
edge and OpenData entities are published in CDD Cloud environment [35]. CDD Cloud Environment also
provides value calculation of Context Elements, aggregating the data in near-real time and changing the levels of
abstraction as necessary
MultiDimensionalValue A value that has at least one Dimension and at least one Measure. Dimensions hold values that are not typically
used for aggregations like various IDs or timestamps, while measures are numeric values that are subject to aggre-
gation. As an example—a weather data MultiDimensionalValue would have Dimensions—time, place ID and
Measures—temperature, humidity, wind speed. MeasurableProperty Value and ContextElement Value are both
specializations of MultiDimensionalValue. An example of a MultiDimensionalValue is given in Table 13
Dimension MultiDimensionalValue contains of dimensions and measures (see MultiDimensionalValue for more information).
An example of a Dimension is given in Table 13
Measure MultiDimensionalValue contains of dimensions and measures (see MultiDimensionalValue for more information).
An example of a Measure is given in Table 13
Measurable property value Measurable Property has a Measurable Property Value, which is a specialization of a MultiDimensionalValue.
Although Measurable Property Value and Context Element Value are structurally similar, the former one is asso-
ciated with lower levels of abstraction, while the latter one could have higher granularity and data aggregation as
part of the value calculation logic. The value calculation tasks are performed in the CDD Cloud Environment
OpenKnowledgeCandidate OpenKnowledgeCandidate is a generalization of Capability DeliveryPattern and Capability of which can be made
public as OpenKnowledge. OpenKnowledgeCandidate is owned by a specific Legal Entity and can use OpenDa-
taCandidate. It can be based on another OpenKnowledgeCandidate instance (e.g., an open capability published by
one Legal Entity can be used to create a specialized capability version for another Legal Entity)
OpenKnowledge Once published, OpenKnowledgeCandidate becomes OpenKnowledge. It exemplifies the use of OpenData and is
used by a Legal Entity

Elements from the previous versions of CDD metamodel model knowledge artifacts because they contain best prac-
(see Fig. 2) are shown with white background, while OD tices of carrying out certain business services and using OD.
related extensions are displayed using green background. Such an approach is based on the principle of pattern-based
To emphasize the OD metamodel extension and to improve knowledge management [36, 37].
model readability, not all elements from the original meta- The notation used in the OD ecosystem model is summa-
model are shown in Fig. 4. rized in Table 5. It contains Capability, Capability delivery
pattern, Measurable property, and Context element, which
3.2 Open Data and knowledge ecosystem are placed in entity (natural or legal person) boundaries and
perspective are connected indicating inter- or intra-organizational data
and knowledge transfer.
The metamodel provides concepts for modeling capabili- According to the metamodel, capability can be supported
ties on top of OD and OD ecosystems. The models should by Capability delivery pattern, and it can be based on capa-
be able to represent inter-entity and intra-entity data and bility published by other legal entity. It can use data from
knowledge dependencies. Specific models introduced are context elements. If capability is based on another capability,
OD ecosystem diagram, OD transfer map, Open Knowledge inherited patterns as well as data and knowledge flows can
transfer map, as well as Open Data and Open knowledge be omitted from the model; however, they are shown in the
catalogs. Capability and capability delivery pattern elements data and knowledge dependency matrixes.

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 381

Table 5  Open Data and knowledge ecosystem diagram notation

Notation Description

Legal enty name Legal entity boundaries are indicated using dashed line. The name of the
corresponding legal entity is given in the top middle

The top section contains element type and number (e.g., Capability 1). Capa-
bility name is given in the middle sector. If it is private, there is a lock icon
in the bottom right part

The top section contains element type and number (e.g., Pattern 1). Pattern
name is given in the middle sector. If it is private, there is a lock icon in the
bottom right part
The top section contains element type and number (e.g., Measurable prop-
erty 1). Measurable property name is given in the middle sector. If it is
private, there is a lock icon in the bottom right part
The top section contains element type and number (e.g., Context element 1).
Context element name is given in the middle sector. If it is private, there is
a lock icon in the bottom right part
Dashed lines indicate knowledge dependencies

Solid lines indicate data dependencies

Capability delivery pattern can use data from context model element can be seen by a legal entity is dictated by the
elements. It can also be based on other capability delivery openness of the particular element (e.g., whether it is OD or
pattern. If so, inherited data and knowledge flows can be not) and its owner (e.g., whether the legal entity viewing the
omitted from the model; however, they are shown in the data ecosystem model owns the particular element). As an exam-
and knowledge dependency matrixes. ple, a legal entity can navigate ecosystem model and view
Measurable properties and context elements contain data. OD and open knowledge elements published by other legal
Typically, a context element value is calculated by using entities, links between them and its own private knowledge
one or several measurable properties, although it can also and data elements (ones that have not been made publicly
be measured by another context element that has been pub- available). A legal entity cannot view details for an element
lished by another OD provider entity. that is owned by another legal entity and that has not been
In a real case of a capability-based business solution, made publicly available. Therefore, the full ecosystem model
there would be several legal entities, providing various OD is filtered according to legal entity’s access level before it
entities, including a large number of data points at run-time, can be viewed.
based on which capabilities would be designed. Each legal Tables 6 and 7 show templates for Open Data and Open
entity models its capabilities according to the CDD nota- Knowledge catalogs. The contents of these are generated
tion using CDT tool, where it is indicated whether measur- automatically using the data available in the cloud-based
able properties, context elements, capabilities or patterns CPR, and they can be used by legal entities to identify useful
become Open Data and open knowledge. The full eco- OD and open knowledge entities as well as data depend-
system model is generated automatically according to the encies between them. The contents of both catalogs are
notations in Table 5 using individual capability models and made entirely publicly available in cloud-based CPR envi-
information available in the cloud-based CPR, where open ronment. Open Data Catalog ­ODC and Open Knowledge
capabilities and patterns are published. Whether a specific Catalog ­OKC contain a full list of published measurable

382 J. Kampars et al.

Table 6  Template of Open Data catalog Open Knowledge transfer map (OKM) (see Table 9) is
Legal entity Open Data Related open Description
used to show relations between open knowledge providers
knowledge and users, and it can be expressed as OKM = {{lea, ­OKi,
­leb}, …, {lec, ­OKi, ­led}}, where l­ ea provides open knowledge
lei odi OKi ­OKi for legal entity ­leb, ­lec provides open knowledge ­OKj for
… … … legal entity l­ ed, {lea, ­leb, ­lec, ­led} ∈ LE, ­OKi ∪ OKj ∈ PP ∪ CP.
lej odj OKj Legal entity cannot serve as a knowledge provider for itself,
and therefore, OKM ∩ {lea, ­OKi, ­lea} = Ø. If a legal entity
uses a capability or a pattern provided by another legal
Table 7  Template of Open Knowledge catalog
entity, it automatically becomes dependent on the Open Data
Legal entity Open knowl- Relevant Open Description that the specific knowledge item uses and it must be reflected
edge Data
in the Open Data transfer map, therefore it is advised to fill
lei oki ODi the Open Knowledge transfer map between the Open Data
… … … transfer map.
lej okj ODj The contents of OKM and ODM are generated automati-
cally using data available in the cloud-based CPR where
they are made publicly available. These can be used to locate
useful OD and knowledge items or to get an overall evalu-
properties ­MPP, = {mp1, ­mp2, …, m ­ pn}, context elements
ation of the particular ecosystem (e.g., which are the most
­CEP = {ce1, ­ce2, …, c­ en}, capabilities C ­ P = {c1, ­c2, …, c­ n},
prominent knowledge and data contributors).
patterns ­PP = {p1, ­p2, …, ­pn}, their corresponding legal enti-
ties LE = (le1, ­le2, …, ­len) and interdependencies.
3.3 Cloud‑based capability‑driven Open Data
More specifically, O ­ D C = {{od i, ­l e i, ­O K i}, …, {od j,
­lej, ­OKj}}, where {odi, ­odj} ∈ MPP ∪ CEP, {lei, ­lei} ∈ LE,
­OKi ∪ OKj ∈ CP ∪ PP, ­odi an Open Data item published by
In order to provide functionality needed for the envisioned
legal entity l­ ei and referenced in open knowledge O ­ Ki, ­odj an
OD ecosystem, the initial CDD environment architecture
Open Data item published by legal entity l­ ej and referenced
developed in the CaaS project [20] was extended and
in open knowledge ­OKj.
exemplified with a potential application as part of a road
Similarly ­O K C = {{ok i , ­l e i , ­O D i }, …, {ok j , ­l e j ,
maintenance use case. Figure 5 contains a UML compo-
­O D j }}, where {ok i , ­o k j } ∈ P P ∪ C P, {le i , ­l e i } ∈ LE,
nent diagram of the CDD architecture components, while
­ODi ∪ ODj ∈ MPP ∪ CEP, ­oki an open knowledge item pub-
Fig. 6 reuses the notation from Table 5 and shows the asso-
lished by legal entity ­lei and using Open Data ­ODi, ­okj an
ciated data and knowledge flows. The proposed architec-
open knowledge item published by legal entity ­lej and using
ture emphasizes use of real-time OD; however, it could be
Open Data ­ODj.
further extended to import accumulated OD that could be
Open Data transfer map (ODM) (see Table 8) is used
used to enrich the real-time OD with extra features (e.g.,
to show relations between Open Data providers and users
determining the closest main road for a set of GPS coor-
and it can be expressed as ODM = {{lea, ­ODi, ­leb}, …, {lec,
dinates). Road weather station data provider, Mobile road
­ODi,led}}, where ­lea provides Open Data ­ODi for legal entity
sensing provider, Microsoft Dynamics ERP system, Han-
­leb, ­lec provides Open Data ­ODj for legal entity ­led, {lea,
saworld ERP System are external systems. The remaining
­leb, ­lec, ­led} ∈ LE, ­ODi ∪ ODj ∈ MPP ∪ CEP. Legal entity can-
components are part of the CDD cloud environment. The
not serve as an Open Data provider for itself, and therefore,
main difference from architecture given in Fig. 3 is addi-
ODM ∩ {lea, ­ODi, ­lea} = Ø.
tional interfaces in the Capability Context Platform that
are used for publishing and retrieving publicly available

Table 8  Template of Open Data Open Data providers

transfer map
Open Data users lea leb … lec led
lea – – – –
leb ODi – – –
… … … … …
lec – – –
led – – – ODj

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 383

Table 9  Template of Open Open Knowledge providers

Knowledge transfer map
Open Knowledge users lea leb … lec led
lea – – – –
leb OKi – – –
… … … … …
lec – – – –
led – – – OKj

Context Element values. The following acronyms are CCP as soon as new data becomes available. MP Mobile
used throughout this section: MP—Measurable property, road sensing is part of LAM’s private workspace. It is not
CE—Context element, P—Capability delivery pattern, being made available to other legal entities due to privacy
C—Capability, CNA—Capability Navigation Application, concerns. MP Mobile road sensing data is used to calcu-
CCP—Capability Context Platform, CPR—Capability Pat- late the value of a Context Element CE Driving conditions
tern Repository, CDA—Capability Delivery Application, on main roads in the private LAM’s workspace within the
CDT—Capability Design Tool. cloud-hosted CNA. For this purpose, the CNA uses Measur-
The example case used to demonstrate the components able property data retrieval interface provided by the CCP.
of the cloud-based CDD Open Data architecture is that of During the CE value calculation, the granularity of the data
the Latvian Autoroad Maintainer (LAM). The case is further is changed, and it no longer contains privacy-sensitive data,
extended and elaborated in Sect. 5, which concentrates more which is why the LAM has chosen to publish it as OD in
on the ecosystem perspective. The LAM is a legal entity pro- the public section of the CCP via Context element publish
viding road maintenance on main national roads in Latvia. interface. Value recalculation is performed in near-real time
The LAM has a data source—Mobile road sensor, which in a data pull manner. The LAM uses data from CE Driving
is part of its local infrastructure. Using a custom adapter, conditions on main roads as part of its CP Reactive road
which has been specifically designed for the data provider, maintenance, which supports C Main road maintenance. P
it publishes multidimensional values of MP Mobile road Reactive road maintenance contains a generalized code-level
sensing via the Measurable property data publish interface example and documentation on how information about driv-
provided by CCP. The near-real-time data is published in a ing conditions can be used for providing reactive road main-
data push manner—the data source adapter posts it to the tenance. This pattern is made available as open knowledge

Fig. 5  Cloud-based CDD architecture for OD

384 J. Kampars et al.

Latvian Autoroad Maintainer Jelgava Road Maintainer

Capability 1 supported Paern 1 Paern 2 Capability 2
by based supported
Reacve road on Reacve road by Regional road
Main road
maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance
Measurable property 1 Context element 1 Context element 2
Driving condions Driving condions
Mobile road sensing measured on main roads on Jelgava roads
measured by

Jelgava Municipality
Measurable property 2
Jelgava weather

Fig. 6  Open Data and knowledge ecosystem for CDD OD architecture example case

and is published in the cloud-hosted CPR using Capability value of CE Driving conditions on Jelgava roads, which is
pattern and model publishing interface. C Main road main- private. The calculation tasks are performed by the cloud-
tenance is private and it is concerned with triggering road based CNA, while cloud-based CCP acts as broker. To
maintenance operations in the ERP system of the LAM, implement C Regional road maintenance, the JRM reuses
namely Hansaworld (example of a CDA). The Hansaworld publicly available P Reactive road maintenance (previ-
ERP needs to expose a Capability adjustment interface, so ously published in the CPR via Capability and pattern
that it can be adjusted when necessary from the cloud-based model retrieval and publishing interface by the LAM) and
CNA. Hansaworld is hosted in local infrastructure of the extends it with the use of CE Driving conditions on Jel-
LAM and only a small subset of the original data needs to be gava’s roads. Since the pattern depends on CE Driving
processed by it, since the majority of the computing tasks is conditions on main roads, the corresponding values are
performed by the cloud-based environment. This approach retrieved from the public section of the cloud-hosted CCP
allows to separate concerns of data interpretation and data- (Context element data retrieval interface) together with
driven adjustments and also allows to avoid extensive real- the values of MP Jelgava weather stations (Measurable
time data processing by systems which were not originally property data retrieval interface).
designed for this purpose. During run-time, road maintenance operations are
The CPR exposes Capability and pattern performance initialized in the ERP system of the Jelgava Road Main-
data interface for publishing KPI (key performance indica- tainer, namely Microsoft Dynamics NAV (an example of
tors) to support performance evaluation of open capabilities a CDA), based on values of CE Driving conditions on
and patterns. In this case, the quality of the P Reactive road Jelgava roads and CE Driving conditions on main roads.
maintenance is measured by the level of legislation conform- This ERP system is hosted in local infrastructure of the
ance (legislation regulates how much time the road main- legal entity (OD user) and through Capability adjustment
tenance companies have before they have to perform road interface it receives from the cloud-based CNA only the
maintenance operations due to current weather conditions, subset of the data that it needs react upon. Similarly, as
e.g., A+ class main roads need to be cleaned in 2 h at most). with C Main road maintenance, KPI data regarding the
Jelgava Municipality (JM), who is another actor in the level of legislation conformance is sent back to the CPR
given OD ecosystem, owns local road weather stations that via the Capability and pattern performance data interface.
publish the multidimensional values of MP Jelgava weather Aggregated values of the capability KPIs are used to cal-
stations through Measurable property data publish interface culate the performance of the patterns to which they are
exposed by the CCP. This MP is made available as OD for related [38]. The performance data is part of the metadata
third parties. that is available in CPR.
Jelgava Road Maintainer (JRM, a commercial entity The cloud-based CPR is used to consolidate usage related
performing road maintenance within the Jelgava Munici- data and metadata. It has a user interface in which users can
pality) uses MP Jelgava weather stations to calculate the manually rank data and knowledge items as well as provide

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 385

other types of feedback. In this example, users from LAM time in CDT by the legal entity who owns the data, which in
and Jelgava Road Maintainer provide feedback for P Reac- turn simplifies the process of publishing OD.
tive Road Maintenance. Model elements from the CPR can To reuse Open Knowledge in the form of capabilities or
be imported into the CDT using its Capability and pattern patterns, the designer would need to navigate the user inter-
model retrieval and publishing interface, where they can be face of the CPR; it contains knowledge items and references
used to build capabilities and patterns which are then pub- to their associated data. Example of searching for knowledge
lished and executed in the CNA via the Capability publish items is shown in Fig. 8.
interface. In the CPR, each page presenting a pattern contains a
model, related capabilities, used measurable properties,
3.4 Application during CDD design and run‑time context elements, user feedback, and pattern performance
indicator, that is calculated from the KPI values of capabili-
Capabilities are designed following the CDD method com- ties using the pattern. An example of a pattern page in the
ponent for capability design (see [10]). This method com- CPR is shown in Fig. 9.
ponent consists of steps such as goal and KPI modeling, A design of a knowledge item can be imported into the
context modeling, capability adjustment modeling, as well CDT where it can be modified as necessary. In case of an
as, if needed, pattern modeling. Capability design is primar- OD ecosystem, if one of its legal entities decides to make its
ily supported by an Eclipse-based Capability Design Tool patterns or capabilities available as Open Knowledge, other
(CDT, see Fig. 3). The cloud-based capability context plat- entities would be able to specify similar capability designs
form (CCP) acts as an OD broker and provides available for themselves with little additional effort.
measurable properties that are related to the capability in the Table 10 summarizes the main activities of capabil-
capability design. Cloud-based Capability Pattern Reposi- ity design from the perspectives of Open Data and Open
tory (CPR) is used to see whether there are knowledge items Knowledge. At the run-time, the status of business context
that can be reused and what data they depend on. and related KPIs are continuously monitored. Table 11 sum-
With respect to the use of OD, a particular task that needs marizes Open Data and Open Knowledge-related capability
to be supported is finding relevant OD that can be linked as run-time activities.
measurable properties on the basis of which context element
calculations can be defined to specify context elements. For
this purpose, measurable properties need to be searched 4 Example case—intelligent transportation
in the CDT that is integrated with the CCP. Alternatively, systems
search can be performed in the CPR (see Fig. 7) because it
also contains a list of measurable properties and their rela- To illustrate the principles of the Open Data and Open
tions to knowledge items. knowledge ecosystem a case of Intelligent Transportation
When a legal entity uses its own data, it should consider Systems in Latvia is analyzed. This case is motivated by
whether it can be published as OD. In case it contains pri- open-ended interviews with representatives from a number
vacy-sensitive data, it should be anonymized first, which can of organizations involved in road maintenance [The Lat-
be done by changing its granularity through transforming vian Autoroad Maintainer (LAM), The Latvian State Roads
specific instances of measurable properties into a context (LSR), The Latvian Association of Local and Regional Gov-
element (more sophisticated anonymization strategies can ernments, Jelgava municipality and a company performing
also be applied if necessary). Whether OpenDataCandidate maintenance on the municipal roads the city of Jelgava]
entity becomes OpenData would be specified during design and Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional

Fig. 7  Measurable property list from the CPR

386 J. Kampars et al.

Fig. 8  Knowledge item search in the CPR

Development of Latvia (MEPRD), the Ministry that is road conditions are scattered around multiple heterogene-
responsible for maintaining the Latvia’s Open Data portal. ous unintegrated systems and are interpreted manually by
The interviews took place during August 2018 and focused LAM’s personnel to decide upon triggering road mainte-
on the existing situation, goals of the business entities, and nance operations. The majority of the data is owned by other
associated challenges. LAM is a focal company and addi- organizations like the LSR, Latvian Environment, Geology
tional parties were identified during elaboration of the case. and Meteorology Centre or specific municipalities like
Jelgava. Nonetheless, the data have not been opened yet,
4.1 The current situation due to technical challenges associated with it. In the winter
of 2018/2019, the LAM started using mobile sensors that
The initial analysis was aimed at identification of its key were installed on regional buses and would provide real-
capabilities of the LAM. This was done using enterprise time information about the actual driving conditions. Data
modeling techniques. The Road maintenance capability was gathered by the mobile sensors are described in Table 12.
identified as one of high-priority capabilities because of its Since these data are gathered by public entities, they are
societal impact. This capability implies that the LAM should Open Data. However, the existing Latvian OD infrastructure
be able to provide road maintenance for the Latvian state maintained by MEPRD is not suitable for handling highly
main roads. Figure 10 shows a fraction of a goal model in dynamic data and data sharing opportunities remain undis-
the CDD notation with goals and their respective KPIs. The covered. On the other hand, investment in Open Data infra-
goal model notation of the CDD is adopted from the 4EM structure is difficult to justify since there are few usage cases.
method [20, 39]. It is important to note that realization of Other legal entities like municipalities and municipal road
some of the goals, such as Goal 1.1.1 Prevent road icing maintenance companies would also benefit from this data,
requires precise up-to-date information and quick reaction. since routes of the regional buses also cross-municipal ter-
The Road maintenance capability is delivered continu- ritory and would provide precise data about road conditions
ally throughout the year and it can be divided into proactive in locations where other data sources do not exist. Neverthe-
and reactive road maintenance. Proactive road maintenance less, this data has not been opened due to the aforementioned
is especially important during winter, when it is important challenges and even the LAM does not have tools for auto-
to apply de-icing materials before black ice forms. Reac- matically interpreting the data in real-time.
tive road maintenance ensures restoring proper driving The LSR oversees road maintenance on the main roads
conditions in the case of a hazard (e.g., snowstorm, fallen of Latvia and provides smart traffic management using
trees, traffic accident). Data about current and predicted smart traffic lights and dynamic traffic signs, which allow

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 387

Fig. 9  Pattern page fragment from the CPR

to adjust the maximum speed limit and display various of road weather stations, dynamic traffic lights, and traffic
alerts according to the current driving conditions. A frag- signs. Road maintenance of municipal roads is performed
ment of the LSR’s goal model is shown in Fig. 11. either by a municipality-owned company or a private legal
The LSR owns weather stations that are installed along entity. Even if data is shared between the municipality
the state main roads. A screenshot from the LSR’s internal and the local road maintenance company, road conditions
Road Weather Information System, containing data from are interpreted separately by the specific municipality (for
the installed weather stations, is shown in Fig. 12. smart traffic management purposes) and the road mainte-
Both the LSR and the LAM share a similar goal of nance company (for road maintenance purposes). Lack of
reviewing road related weather conditions. Therefore both usable data or inadequate data interpretation knowledge
companies need to interpret the data to evaluate the driv- is quite common, especially when smaller municipalities
ing conditions. However, no data sharing or knowledge are considered. They would benefit from the expertise and
transfer regarding the interpretation and measures taken data possessed by the LAM and the LSR; however, no data
occurs. exchange and knowledge transfer occur.
The previously described collaboration and data shar- Our interviews with organizations have shown that
ing issues also occur on the municipal level. Municipali- involved parties are interested in collaborating once they
ties like Jelgava are also concerned with overseeing road are aware of the potential synergy; however, there is a lack
maintenance and smart traffic management. They own a set

388 J. Kampars et al.

Table 10  Capability design from Open Data and Open Knowledge perspectives
Capability design steps Description

Identify reusable knowledge Browse the CPR to identify if any existing patterns or capabilities can be reused
Define goals Goals and KPIs are defined in the process of designing capabilities. This is done on the
basis of the existing business models as well as service level agreements with customers
and suppliers. If patterns or capabilities are reused, the goal model is modified accord-
ing to the needs of the specific legal entity
Design context elements Design new context elements or modify the existing ones inherited from reused capabil-
ity or pattern according to the envisioned capability. Consider business processes and
process variants as well as what situational properties influence variations
Find Open Data Analyze the available OD sources with respect to the KPIs and context elements. Existing
data use cases and user feedback should also be reviewed in the CPR using OD ecosys-
tem model, OD and Open Knowledge transfer maps
Implement data source adapters if necessary If own data sources are used, it might be necessary to develop an adapter for transferring
data from the source system to the CCP in near-real time
Review context elements and their calculations After all data sources, both private and open, have been identified, context element value
calculation algorithms must be specified, if necessary
Implement adjustments Implement adjustments that are triggered by a certain context situation (value of one or
multiple context elements) and perform an adjustment in the CDA. This activity could
include exposing interfaces in CDA if they are not already available
Consider publishing Open Data and Open Consider if the included measurable properties or context elements can be published as
Knowledge OD for others to use. The same applies to patterns and capabilities that are candidates
for becoming open knowledge. Provide corresponding metadata, when publishing Open
Data or open knowledge

Table 11  Capability run-time with Open Data and open knowledge

Capability delivery at run-time Description

Data retrieval Data is retrieved from the data provider and sent to the cloud-based CCP
Passing data to the CNA Data is integrated by the cloud-based CCP and sent to the cloud-based CNA
Calculating Context element values The CNA performs calculation of context element values
Triggering adjustments Event-based adjustments are triggered when matching contextual situation occurred
Interaction with the CDA Execution of an adjustment usually results in interacting with the CDA (e.g., business application)
via its API
Review of KPIs and run-time improvements User reviews the KPIs available in the cloud-based CNA and modifies the value of adjustment
constants if necessary. Adjustment constants are used for altering context element calculations or
adjustments during run-time. If greater improvements are required, the design of the capability
is revised in the CDT according to Table 10. In case of data quality issues, new possible data
sources are identified, and feedback is left in the cloud-based CPR, e.g., showing that the par-
ticular data is not suitable for the specific capability. If data interpretation and adjustment logic
must be altered, the designer can look for more appropriate patterns or capabilities published in
the cloud-based CPR

of an adequate technological platform and guidelines for benefit all parties involved (e.g., municipality would have
sharing OD and knowledge about its usage. extra weather information from road weather stations
Analysis of the interviews led to the identification of controlled by the LSR and the LAM), it does not occur.
the following challenges: Organizations are not aware of the potential synergy.
• Inefficient operation—sometimes multiple legal entities
• Inappropriate technology—publishing frequently require the same data interpretation logic (e.g., what are
changing data is a technically complicated task and not the driving conditions according to available measure-
supported by the existing OD platform, which is why ments) though its sharing and reuse is infrequent and
companies tend to publish only data sets that change unstructured.
rarely. • Adoption barriers—datasets available in the OD platform
• Unawareness—although the exchange of real-time data are not used widely enough. This could be explained by
in the area of Intelligent Transportation system would insufficient knowledge on how such data should be used

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 389

Fig. 10  LAM road maintenance goal model

Table 12  Data items gathered Column Description

by mobile road sensors owned
by LAM Latitude Latitude from GPS coordinates
Longitude Longitude from GPS coordinates
Road condition Possible values—dry, moist, wet, ice, snow, critical wet,
chemically wet
Road surface temperature Temperature °C measured on the road surface
Ambient temperature Temperature °C measured in air
Water film height The amount of water on the road 0–6000 µm
Dew point temperature Temperature °C at which water vapor starts to condensate
Relative humidity Humidity 0–100%
Ice percentage Ice percentage 0–100%
Friction Calculated friction 0–1

Fig. 11  Smart traffic manage-

ment goal model

390 J. Kampars et al.

Fig. 12  Road weather informa-

tion system of the LSR

or a large number of datasets that have little practical pattern repository. The model shows the Road maintenance
value. capability owned by the LAM as well as its patterns of pro-
active and reactive road maintenance. The proactive and
4.2 Design of OD‑based ecosystem reactive road maintenance have been specified as separate
capability delivery patterns. P Proactive road maintenance
To address the aforementioned challenges, a full OD eco- uses CE Two-hour road condition prediction, while P Reac-
system model (see Fig. 13), which is developed according tive road maintenance relies on CE Driving conditions. An
to CDD OD extension, is created. The model shows all MP Mobile road sensing is based on the mobile road sensors
parties involved in the Intelligent Transportation System that are controlled by the LAM and it is published as OD.
ecosystem along with their key capabilities. Identification This measurable property is an example of MultiDimension-
of context elements and measurable properties pertinent to alValue (see Fig. 4, Table 4) where every data item consists
these capabilities shows that information exchange spans of multiple measures recorded at specific location given by
organizational boundaries. latitude and longitude (i.e., data dimensions) (Table 13). The
The city of Jelgava and its local road maintenance com- LAM has opened all of its data and knowledge items for
pany have been generalized as Municipality and Regional others to use.
Road Maintenance Company (RRMC), since other munici- The RRMC provides regional road maintenance.
palities and regional road maintenance companies have According to the ecosystem model, it can view all knowl-
similar challenges. The case also includes entities that did edge and data items of the LAM because these elements
not participate in the interviews; however, they have been will be made openly available and indexed by the cloud-
identified by the participating parties to be important to the based CPR. The user interface of the CPR allows view-
OD ecosystem, namely Latvian Environment, Geology and ing individual capability and pattern models, as shown
Meteorology Centre (LEGMC), and a crowd-sourced navi- in Fig. 8. Since the capability is almost identical to the
gation service provider (CNSP), such as Waze. Data and one published by the LAM, it can be reused and personal-
knowledge that are not relevant for the Intelligent Transpor- ized by the RRMC. The cloud-based environment allows
tation System use case are omitted from the model. Links to legal entities such as the LSR or the LAM to navigate the
other OD and knowledge could exist as this is not indented ecosystem model and the available catalogs in the shared
to be a closed ecosystem—OD and knowledge items can be CPR. They can also look for open capabilities with sub-
used by any legal entity. goals similar to the ones in their own goal model. This
The following acronyms are used throughout this sec- would promote the identification of possible synergy
tion: MP—measurable property, CE—context element, P— scenarios as well as facilitate data and knowledge shar-
capability delivery pattern, C—capability, CPR—capability ing. In this example, the LSR could discover additional

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 391

Fig. 13  Intelligent transportation systems Open Data and knowledge ecosystem

data sources such as the ones provided by the LAM, the Table 13  Data structure for the MP Mobile road sensing value
LEGMC or CNSPs. Similarly, the RRMC could learn from
the LAM’ s know-how of interpreting road conditions,
which has been published as an open Reactive road main- Dimensions Latitude
tenance pattern. A context model for the LSR’s capability Longitude
Smart traffic management (following CDDs context model Measures Road condition
notation, see [20]) is given in Fig. 14 and it shows all the Road surface temperature
additional data sources. The capability uses CE Driving Ambient temperature
conditions and CE Driving speed limit, both of which are Water film height
published as OD. Similarly, MP Weather stations (data Dew point temperature
from the LSR’s controlled weather stations) is also made Relative humidity
publicly available. Ice percentage
Since on the municipality-level capability Smart traffic Friction
management is similar to the one published by the LSR,
that is available in the cloud-based CPR, it can be reused
and customized for the purposes of each municipality. Data LAM. According to the ecosystem model, weather forecast
from municipal weather stations is published as Open Data together with data from the weather radar and the weather
and, in this case, would become MP Weather Stations and stations would be published as OD while the capability
other ecosystem participants would benefit from it. Environment monitoring kept private to the LEGMC.
The LEGMC envisions the capability Environment moni- The main capability of a CNSP is Routing. This capabil-
toring. A CE Two-hour weather forecast is a part of it. It ity uses CE Driving speed limit and CE Traffic congestion,
would use a combination of a weather radar installed near which takes into account MP Driver GPS and MP Traffic
the Riga International Airport, weather stations owned by Alerts. MP Driver GPS contains privacy-sensitive data, and
the LEGMC, as well as weather stations of municipalities, therefore, it is private, while CE Traffic congestion and MP
the LSR, and data from mobile road sensing provided by the Traffic alerts are published as OD. Other legal entities cannot

392 J. Kampars et al.

Fig. 14  Context model of smart traffic management capability owned by LSR

view details about MP Driver GPS and Routing capability RRMC and Municipality. Although knowledge users are not
as these elements are kept private by the CNSP. Thereby, expected to identify the suitable OD sources, they would
only the CNSP can see them in the ecosystem model while become dependent on the ones used by the knowledge pro-
other legal entities (OD users) can only access the CNSP’s vider. Accordingly, Municipality would require weather
CE Traffic congestion and MP Traffic alert. station data from the LEGMC, traffic congestion data and
A fragment of an OD catalog, which can be generated traffic alerts from the CNSP, and mobile road sensing data
using the publicly available information in cloud-based from the LAM.
CPR, is shown in Table 14, while Table 15 contains a frag-
ment of Open Knowledge catalog. It can be used to identify 4.3 Benefits of the OD ecosystem
dependencies between Open Data and knowledge items. As
an example, the RRMC could investigate on which OD it Application of the CDD method to the challenges of devel-
would become dependent by reusing the LAM’s capability oping the Intelligent Transportation System identified in
Road maintenance. Sect. 4.1 has a number of benefits. The proposed system
Maps showing OD transfer and Open knowledge transfer design and the lessons learned in the process allows identify-
are shown in Tables 16 and 17, respectively. Table 16 shows ing the following benefits:
that the LSR is a major data provider and its investment in
making OD available is justified because many members of • The development of the model of the OD ecosystem
the ecosystem need the data. The majority of the LSR’s OD improves collaboration, traceability, and discoverbil-
is interpreted data such as driving conditions or maximum ity, which are aspects needed for a broad OD adoption.
allowed speed limit, which in turn relies on the OD provided The Open Data and knowledge catalogs extracted from
by other legal entities. This shows that a legal entity could the model improve awareness about the information and
become a major data provided even if it does not directly knowledge available. In terms of discoverability, accord-
own any data sources. The use of the cloud-based environ- ing to the experiences of the CaaS project [20] the cloud-
ment would allow such companies to run the data interpre- based CPR assists in locating related capabilities, usable
tation logic as a service without establishing a demanding patterns and data sources. CPR is able to index all pub-
local computing infrastructure to cope with the needs of the lished models, which allows various ways of navigating
data users. Table 17 shows that the LAM and the LSR are and filtering the available information. Open Data and
able to provide open knowledge that can be reused by the knowledge transfer maps can be used to visualize ecosys-

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 393

Table 14  A fragment of Open Data catalog

Legal entity Open Data Related open knowledge Description

LEGMC MP weather radar P Predictive road maintenance by LAM Data from weather radar
P Predictive road maintenance by RRMC installed near Riga
international airport
MP WeatherStations C Smart traffic management by LSR Data from weather
C Smart traffic management by municipality stations installed
alongside national
P Predictive road maintenance by RRMC
importance roads
P Predictive road maintenance by municipality
P Reactive road maintenance by RRMC
P Reactive road maintenance by municipality
… … … …

Table 15  Open Knowledge catalog

Legal entity Open Relevant Open Data Description

LSR C Smart CE Driving conditions by LSR Smart traffic management capability is concerned with managing
traffic MP Weather stations by LSR dynamic traffic signs and traffic lights, displaying informational mes-
manage- sages on monitors alongside the road according to current contextual
MP Weather stations by LEGMC
ment situation
MP Mobile road sensing by LAM
MP Weather stations by municipality
MP Traffic alert by CNSP
CE Driving speed limit by LSR
CE Traffic congestion by CNSP
MP Traffic alert by CNSP
… … … …

Table 16  Open Data transfer map

Open Data providers

Open Data users LEGMC MP Weather sta- – MP Mobile road – MP Weather sta-
tions sensing tions
Municipality MP Weather sta- CE Traffic conges- MP Mobile road – CE Driving speed
tions tion sensing limit
MP Traffic alert CE Driving condi-
CNSP – – – – CE Driving speed
LAM CE Two-hour MP Weather sta- – – CE Driving condi-
weather forecast tions tions
MP Weather sta- MP Weather sta-
tions tions
MP Weather radar
RRMC CE Two-hour MP Weather sta- – CE Two-hour CE Driving condi-
weather forecast tions Road condition tions
MP Weather sta- prediction MP Weather sta-
tions MP Mobile road tions
MP Weather radar sensing
LSR MP Weather Sta- MP Weather sta- CE Traffic conges- MP Mobile road –
tions tions tion sensing
MP Traffic alert

394 J. Kampars et al.

Table 17  Open Knowledge transfer map

Open Knowledge providers

Open Knowledge users LEGMC – – – – –

Municipality – – – – C Smart traf-
fic manage-
CNSP – – – – –
LAM – – – – –
RRMC – – – C Road mainte- –
P Predictive road
P Reactive road
LSR – – – – –

tem-wide collaboration scenarios and the corresponding of the members of the ecosystem, which in turn drives the
data and knowledge transfer, which currently does not selection of suitable OD and knowledge entities. These are
exist. then used to configure the data processing solution. If com-
• Based on the experiences gained in the CaaS project pared to the existing enterprise architecture management
[20], it is possible to ascertain that the envisioned eco- approaches and goal-driven development methods, the CDD
system can be later used to configure the cloud-based supports specifying the data processing algorithms and their
CDD environment to enact information and knowledge execution support. If compared to OD marketplaces, big data
exchange, which would otherwise be difficult for the indi- processing, and streaming solutions, the CDD provides a
vidual actors in the road maintenance sector to establish high-level abstraction layer for capturing, communication,
on case-by-case basis. and configuring the data consuming and publishing solu-
• The capability-oriented way of working with OD leads to tions. The proposed OD extensions and the cloud-based
discovery of creative solutions rather than just cataloging architecture facilitate seamless and model-driven publish-
available data. Among the benefits would be the aware- ing of OD and open knowledge as an integral part of an
ness of the municipalities that the LAM’s mobile sensors enterprise architecture model that specifies which data and
are available for determining road conditions and how to knowledge elements are open and shared with the commu-
access this data. nity. Tasks such as data preprocessing and interpretation
• The capability-based approach would offer a technologi- (e.g., calculation of a context element value) are performed
cal support for real-time data that is aimed for seamless by the cloud-based CDD environment as a service, thus
publishing of OD streams. It also provides data pro- minimizing the efforts needed to become an OD publisher
cessing as a service (e.g., calculation of CE values) in or OD user. According to our interviews, manual work has to
the cloud-based environment. Business systems would be performed for publishing each individual batch of static
receive only the subset of data they need to act upon and data using traditional OD platforms because data providers
not the entire data stream, as discussed in Sect. 3.3. are reluctant to commit to frequent data updates. Cloud-
• Increased efficiency for the ecosystem as a whole because based environments and, in this case, the CPR, simplify the
data interpretation performed as part of value calculation process of discovery of suitable OD and open knowledge
for published context elements can be reused by other elements.
legal entities by simply subscribing to the context ele- The envisioned OD ecosystem is the result of the joint
ment value stream. effort of all parties involved. The partners create their own
capability models and they use the pattern repository as a
source of capability design knowledge. Once designed capa-
5 Discussion bilities are published in the pattern repository, the common
model can be constructed.
The CDD enables representation of the problem domain at Currently, it is assumed that the members of the open
several levels of abstraction: goals describe strategic inten- ecosystem see all open elements and elements owned by
sions, capabilities realize them by functional positioning themselves. The data and knowledge catalog indicates the

Extending organizational capabilities with Open Data to support sustainable and dynamic… 395

usage of data and knowledge by a particular legal entity. No or unnecessary use of de-icing materials damages the
additional details would be available unless the correspond- environment and wastes public funds. The envisioned
ing legal entity has openly published the data consuming solution would contribute to the involvement in the deliv-
elements. As a result, every member of the ecosystem would ery of data necessary for road maintenance and traffic
have a slightly different view of the complete ecosystem management, in essence building a sense of joint owner-
model. ship of OD. It would lead to improved road conditions,
The OD-based ecosystem facilities knowledge sharing more precise information about road conditions, efficient
what might cause an indirect dependence on external data utilization of public funding, and reduced environmental
providers, i.e., by reusing capability or pattern, an organiza- impact.
tion also chooses to use the referenced data entities. How- • State and municipality road management institutions—
ever, the CDD technological platform supports late binding the lack of information about road conditions and tasks
and relatively simple replacement of one set of measurable performed complicates evaluation of road maintenance
properties with another to calculate the same context ele- efficiency and allocation of resources to these activities.
ment. This way knowledge is reused at the context element These institutions have limited means of information
level, while application-specific measurable properties can exchange to benefit from data and knowledge accumu-
be used if they are available. lated by different institutions. The envisioned solution
The proposed approach does not address sharing of would lead to more precise information for assessing the
static data (e.g., spatial database containing road network) efficiency of road maintenance actions, access to the road
via pull; however, the employed push approach could be maintenance and traffic management knowledge base to
beneficial for sharing updates to relatively static data sets improve understanding about relevant challenges and
as well. The execution platform based on the CDD envi- solutions.
ronment would be easily geared toward working with data • Road maintenance companies—the lack of data and for-
streams. The modeling approach to distinguish private and malized decision-making mechanisms make the process
public data and knowledge can also be used to represent of justification of road maintenance decisions harder. The
static data entities and batch processing. In such cases, the decisions are based on extrapolating observations made
model would be used for explorative purposes, but not for at individual points rather than by considering the whole
the configuration of the executable system. The proposed road network. This would be addressed by the possibility
OD extension is based on the use of the OD ecosystem to make data-driven decisions and further to take appro-
architecture discussed in Sect. 3.3 and its implementation priate actions to deliver better services and lower costs.
in a cloud environment. Concerning the practical aspects • Transportation and logistics companies—the lack of
of implementation, the data users involved in the ecosys- information on road conditions and traffic safety limit
tem would need to upgrade their existing applications by their ability to route vehicles efficiently and to avoid acci-
extending them with the elements of the CDD architecture dents. The proposed solution would allow the selection of
(Table 3). As drawback of the proposal, it is the need for safe and efficient routes as well as it would provide timely
the involved actors to become acquainted with the capa- updates of road conditions and recommended speed.
bility-based thinking about what the business can do and • Emergency services—poor driving conditions limit their
what factors influence its delivery. Sandkuhl and Stirna ability to reach emergency situations on-time. The envi-
[20] provide guidance for introducing CDD in organiza- sioned solution would offer a selection of fastest routes
tions, but more detailed guidance for ecosystem thinking depending on road conditions.
would be needed. • Research and innovation institutions—data siloses
To illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach, make it difficult to access data to conduct research on
we have modeled an OD and knowledge ecosystem of the prediction of road conditions and selection of road
capability-based Intelligent Transportation Systems. The maintenance activities, as well as to develop innovative
proposal is based on the interviews with key actors of the services. A more structured approach to OD management
ecosystem. From the perspective of the application case, and use would address this challenge.
the OD extension to CDD addresses the following business
6 Conclusions and future work
• Society as a whole—if road maintenance is not per-
formed on time or information about road conditions is The contribution of this paper is as follows. (1) We have
not available, driving conditions may become potentially analyzed how organizations are able to improve their busi-
dangerous which in turn may result in a loss of life, inju- ness capabilities by taking advantage of Open Data initia-
ries, and property damages. At the same time, excessive tives. (2) We have defined and further exemplified design

396 J. Kampars et al.

and run-time requirements as well as provided a method Currently, our research team is working on a pilot pro-
extension for provisioning and using Open Data by means ject with IT department of LAM to raise the level of con-
of business capabilities. The motivation behind this study text awareness in their ERP system and provide real-time
lies in the fact that the success of modern organizations interpretation of Waze alert feeds and road related weather
heavily relies on their ability to gather different data from information. During later stages of the project, we plan
their surroundings. In many cases, the requirements for data to approach Latvian Association of Local and Regional
accuracy, amount, and the pace at which it needs to be pro- Governments and regional road maintenance companies to
cessed are constantly increasing. Yet, despite its commonly empirically validate the theoretical findings from Sect. 4.
recognized suitability for distributing information to broad Concerning future work, the functionality of the CPR
audiences, an essential aspect for successful OD initiatives will be extended to fully address the requirements of OD
is the need to overcome the current problems emphasized in broker as documented in Table 3. It has the potential of
the introduction of this article, chiefly among which is the being used by business organizations to provide all the
need to make OD more available to business organizations. tasks needed to make raw/original OD using a set of trans-
The proposed OD extension provides benefits for both formations and API adapters compliant with the internal
data providers and users: Currently, data providers are not data of the organizations. Furthermore, extensions that are
able to fully benefit from data at their disposal because needed to support the processing of aggregated data in
what is published as Open Data is not sufficiently used. conjunction with real-time data will also be developed.
The proposed ecosystem approach provides the ability to
share their Open Data while meeting privacy requirements.
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Jelena Zdravkovic is Professor Jānis Grabis is a Professor at the

the Department of Computer and Faculty of Computer Science
Systems Sciences (DSV), at and Information Technology,
Stockholm University. She has Riga Technical University, Lat-
Ph.D. in Computer and Systems via. He obtained his Ph.D. from
Sciences at Royal Institute of the Riga Technical University in
Technology (KTH) from 2006, 2001 and worked as a Research
as well as MBA in E-commerce. Associate at the College of Engi-
Jelena’s research interests neering and Computer Science,
include enterprise modeling, University of Michigan-Dear-
requirements engineering, and born. He has published in major
capability-driven development. academic journals including
She is in the Editorial Board of OMEGA, European Journal of
Springer BISE and RE Journals, Operational Management, Inter-
as well as a regular reviewer for national Journal of Production
a number of other international Research, Computers & Indus-
journals including several of Springer, Elsevier’s Journal of Systems trial Engineering and others. He has been a guest-editor for two top
and Software and Information and Software Technology Journal, and academic journals and member of the program committee of several
IEEE Computing. Jelena has organized a number of international con- academic conferences. Grabis has co-authored a monograph on supply
ferences and workshops in the IS Engineering discipline, and she serves chain configuration published by Springer. His research interests are in
in the program committees of many of them. supply chain management, enterprise applications, and project
Janis Stirna has received a degree
of Doctor of Philosophy in Com-
puter and Systems Sciences from
the Royal Institute of Technol-
ogy (KTH), Sweden in 2001 and
was awarded Associate Professor
(docent) from Jönköping Univer-
sity, Sweden in 2008. In 2015, he
was promoted to full professor at
Department of Computer and
Systems Science (DSV), Stock-
holm University. Stir na’s
research interests are enterprise
modeling methods and tools,
organizational patterns, and
model-driven development.
Stirna is an author or co-author of more than 100 research reports and
publications as well as three text books on enterprise modeling. He has
participated in 14 EU-financed research projects and has co-developed
four enterprise modeling methods, including 4EM—For Enterprise
Modeling and CDD—Capability-Driven Development. Stirna is cur-
rently vice-chair of the IFIP Working Group 8.1 Design and Evaluation
of Information Systems.


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