Contract of Lease

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This Contract of ease made and entered into by and between:

, herein referred to as the LESSOR;

, herein referred to as the LESSEE.

Whereas, the Lessor is the owner/caretaker of the residential house located at 10 Jose Felipe St., Lower Rock Quarry, Baguio City;
Whereas the lessor has granted and the lessee has accepted a lease’ terms and conditions hereinafter provided;

1. That premises hereby leased shall be used exclusively by the LESSEE for residential purposes only and shall not be diverted to
other uses. It is hereby expressly agreed that if at any time the premises are used for other purposes, the LESSOR shall have the
right to rescind this contract without prejudice to its other rights under the law.

2. The term of lease shall commence on JULY 01, 2023 , to DECEMBER 31, 2023 , renewable every six (6)

3. That the LESSEE paid the amount of to the LESSOR representing one (1)
month damage deposit AND one (1) month advance. That the monthly rental shall be
________to be paid by the LESSEE every end of every month;

4. In case of default by the LESSEE in the payment of the rent, the LESSOR shall provide thirty (30) days grace period for the
payment of the previous rent. Therefore, the total amount to be paid shall be the rent from the previous month including the
current month. The LESSOR has the right to evict the LESSEE and padlock the premises when the LESSEE is still in default of

5. The LESSEE expressly warrants that the leased premise/s shall be used by them exclusively for the purpose for which the lease
agreement is entered for which the LESSEE is hereby strictly prohibited from using the said premise for any other purpose
without prior written consent of the LESSOR;

6. The LESSEE shall pay for and defray at her exclusive expense, the consumption of water, electric, telephone or other utility
services in the lease premises.
NOTE: Ten (10) percent penalty shall be imposed upon failure by the LESSEE to pay his/her utilities expenses to the LESSOR
on or before the given due date.

7. All repairs in the premises shall be for the exclusive account of the LESSEE;

8. The monthly rental may be subject to an increase every contract renewal depending upon the sole discretion of the LESSOR;

9. If whole or any part of the leased premises shall be destroyed or damaged by fire, flood, lightning, typhoon, earthquake, storm,
or any unforeseen disabling cause of acts of God, as to render the leased premises during the term substantially unfit for use and
occupation of the LESSEE, then this contract may be terminated without compensation by the LESSOR or be the LESSEE by
notice in writing to the other.

10. LESSOR’S right of entry. The LESSOR or its authorized agent shall enter after giving due notice to the LESSEE or its
representative at any reasonable hour to examine the same or make repairs therein or for the operation and maintenance of the
building or to exhibit the leased premises to prospective LESSEE, or for any other lawful purposes which it may deem

11. In case the Leased premises shall be deserted or vacated before the expiration of this leases, the LESSOR shall have the right,
in addition to the right provided in other portion of this contract to enter the premises as the agent of the LESSEE, either by
force or otherwise, without being liable to any prosecution thereof, and to receive the therefore, and to apply the same payment
of the rent due hereunder, holding the LESSEE liable for the discrepancy;

12. Upon expiration of this agreement, the LESSEE shall voluntarily surrender the leased premises to the LESSOR, provided
however, that the LESSOR reserves the right to terminate this contract upon violation of its terms and conditions.

13. This contract of lease shall be valid and binding between the parties, their successor’s-in-interest, and assigns.

14. To abide with the rules and regulations provided by the management.


New Rules and Regulations or amendments to these rules may be adopted by the Management upon giving 30 days notice in

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writing to tenants. These rules and any changes were amendments that have a legitimate purpose and are not intended to be
arbitrary or work as a substantial modification of tenant’s rights. They will not be unequally enforced. Tenant is responsible
for the conduct of guest and adherence to these rules and regulations are, like all basic rules between good neighbors, based
on common sense and courtesy. These rules help maintain the proper operation and appearance of this property and provide
you and your fellow residents with comfort and convenience that you expect in your home environment. We hope that you
feel that compliance with these rules will accomplish our mutual objectives.

1. Inspect the premises upon move in and move out with management.
2. Light bulbs are to be replaced at the tenant’s expense.
3. Tenant is responsible for cleanliness of area in front of their apartment and for any common area used.
4. Large parties are strictly prohibited.
5. Respect your neighbors, keep noise level down especially during dark.
6. Curfew hour shall be by 10PM.
7. Drunken, belligerent, or threatening conduct towards other tenants, tenant’s visitors, or management will not be
tolerated. Termination of lease may be applied at the management's discretion.
8. Use of illegal drugs is ground for immediate eviction.
9. Disturbances and problems with tenants, tenant’s guests and or children may constitute ground for eviction and
lease termination at the sole discretion of management. Tenant will be given notice to change behavior
10. Smoking and drinking liquor strictly prohibited within the premises.
11. Cost of repair or clearance of stoppages in waste pipes and drains, water pipes or plumbing figures caused by
tenant’s negligence or improper usage are the responsibility of the tenant. Payment for the corrective action must
be paid by tenant on demand. Tenant is strictly prohibited from using any chemical drain cleaners as they may
damage the pipes.




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