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Materi dan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris

I. Direction for numbers 1 – 20: Choose the correct answers.

Direction for numbers 1-5: Listen to the recording. Then, you can select the
correct answer.

1. Who is Tom?
2. What did they do on the beach?
3. Why did They ask for help?
4. What did all people do?
5. Why were they happy?

PTS/ENGLISH/IV/2/2023 – 2024
Direction for numbers 6 – 10: Choose the correct answer

6. Tell me about the process of making Colombia coffee?

7. How is Colombia coffee well-known as?
8. What does farmer do?
9. How does coffee grow?
10. What is the most important process of making Colombia coffee?

PTS/ENGLISH/IV/2/2023 – 2024
11. What stories are still famous today?
12. What is right about Medusa?
13. What is fact about perseus?

14. What did Perseus bring?

15.What did Perseus do to kill Medusa?
16.How did Pegasus Look like?

PTS/ENGLISH/IV/2/2023 – 2024
Direction for numbers 17 – 20: Choose 2 correct answers!

17. What is the story about?

18.What did Tchaikovsky Write?
19.Who is Anna Pavlova?
20.Where did Anna Pavlova visit?

II. Direction for numbers : Match the group below!

PTS/ENGLISH/IV/2/2023 – 2024
III. Direction for Numbers 21 - 25: Long answer!
21.Tell about 2 heroes you like!
22.Tell about your expensive things in your house!
23.Could you swim when you were a child?
24. Arrange these sentences into correct sentences!
a. Six, were when could you scooter you ride a ?
b. Bike seven, you could ride a when you were ?
c. You were a when five, you somersault do could?

25. Translate these sentences into English!

a. Dapatkan kamu berlari dengan cepat ketika kamu kecil = ….
b. Nenek mu berjalan dengan lambat= ….
c. Adik perempuanku bermain violin dengan baik= ….

PTS/ENGLISH/IV/2/2023 – 2024
The answer keys final term semester II 2023/2024

I. Multiple choices
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. c

PTS/ENGLISH/IV/2/2023 – 2024
5. a
6. c
7. a
8. d
9. a
10. b
II. Complex multiple choices
11. A, c
12. A,b
13. b,c
14. a,b
15. B, c
16. a, c
17. a,c
18. b,c
19. b,c
20. a,b
III. True – False
21. True
22. True
23. False
24. False
25. False

IV. Match the words

26. Store
27. Places
28. Activities
29. Drinks
30. foods
V. Short answers
31. I drink le mineral, ice tea, Tea Jus
32. I always wear black clothes and black scissors
33. I always wake up every morning and pray Fajr after washing my face
a. They drew the picture last Sunday
b. She made a cake for uncle bob yesterday
c. She made a cake for uncle bob yesterday
d. We rode our bike
a. We sing a song
b. I wear my clothes
c. We make a cake for uncle bob

PTS/ENGLISH/IV/2/2023 – 2024
Mengetahui, Surakarta, 5 Maret 2023
Kepala SDICT Al Abidin Pembuat Soal

PTS/ENGLISH/IV/2/2023 – 2024
Fityatul Muharromah, S.P., S.Pd Mochammad Jauhari Achmad,S.Pd.
NIP. - NIP. -
Pengawas Gugus IV

Drs. Sutrisno, M.Pd.

NIP. 19630607 1983 04 1 006

PTS/ENGLISH/IV/2/2023 – 2024

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