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1. Ordained Ministry
The St Paul society is under the pastoral oversight of Very Rev Charles Obeng Mensah. He
visits the society at least once every month to administer the Communion.

2. Lay Ministry
The Circuit Evangelist, Evang. Kofi Owusu Fakah, is regular at the society’s services. In the
absence of the Minister in Charge, the Circuit evangelist, chairs the Leaders meeting to steer
the affairs of the church.
The society has planned a training program for all Lay preachers in the society to equip them
for Ministry. The training is expected to begin from January 2021 and will be organized
The breakdown for lay preachers in the society is given below:
Full Local Preachers: 3
On trial: 2
Note to Preach: 3
Total: 8

3. Ushers, Caretakers, Stewards & Class Meetings

The society has two untrained Ushers. Training for these two members as Ushers have
become a challenge due to the Covid-19 restrictions on the organization of such trainings by
the Diocese. The Stewards have been very instrumental in the growth of the society even in
this trying times of a global pandemic.
Class meetings were suspended due to Covid-19 restrictions.

4. Inter-generational Organizations
The St Paul society has the following organizations been nursed for inauguration

 Men’s fellowship
 Singing Band
 Church Choir
 Susana Wesley Movement Auxiliary(SUWMA)

5. Evangelism Mission and renewal office

The evangelism and visitation committee visits members, especially the non-active ones and
report to the Leaders meeting for necessary action. Due to the Covid restrictions, most
activities were suspended. The third Sunday of the month has been set for evangelism and
outreach by the Teens class to boost the evangelism drive in the young ones. The society has
plans to organize a crusade at a strategic location in the neighbourhood.

6. Worship life
Sunday divine worship begins at 9:00am and ends at 11:00am.The society celebrated Advent,
end of year harvest and watchnight services during the period under review. Bible studies and
Prayer meetings were held every Wednesday and Friday respectively at 7:00pm.

7. Children’s Ministry
The society has 63 Sunday school children with 3 trained teachers and 3 helpers. The teen
service started meeting in a well-spaced out class room, the other classes were suspended due
to the Covid-19 restrictions for gatherings involving children.
An end of year party was organized for the Children; packed lunch and drinks were hand
delivered to avoid crowding and flouting of the Covid -19 restrictions

8. Recommendations
 We recommend the Circuit Ushering Body organizes a Circuit Ushers Training to
augment the Diocesan Ushers Training already in place.
 Procurement of the re-designed communion elements be made on our behalf since
getting them has become very difficult.
The year has been a challenging year, yet we know that the mighty arm of God that has seen
us through will be with us in the coming year .Ebenezer!

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