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Are phones bad ford Article

children or are we undeceive?
Many people have concerns about phones and that they can get lost by
children very quickly while others suggest that phones can help find
children in case, they are lost the child could easily call the parents or

A Phone can be lost by a child.

Most children are very careless about the items they own and don’t
know how to take care of them, Children can get distracted very quickly
by anything or anyone that can grab their attention thus they can forget
phones, bags, etc. hence it is very hard to really on a child, due to their
way of living.

A child can be found by a phone.

Many people confuse children with toddlers as they think they're the
same, Toddlers are very random and can be very messy, but children are
more obedient and can follow rules to keep them from losing stuff like
perhaps a phone and it is better to lose a phone than a child.

Our conclusion.
The main thing is to keep children safe and not let them danger
themselves so getting them a phone is good but it doesn’t have to be a
high-end phone it could be a relatively cheap phone for calls and not
games to lower the chances of them getting it out of there pocket or
bag thus they don’t have a higher chance of losing it.

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