HDL Lasthope

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1ns/1ps,100ns/100ps,10n Functions Tasks - Can enable (call)

s/1ps timescale in Verilog - Can enable (call) just other tasks and functions -
another function (not May execute in non -zero
task) - Execute in 0 simulation time- May contain
simulation time - No any timing control
timing control statements statements- May have
allowed - At lease one arbitrary (none, one ormany)
input, none output inputs, outputs, or inouts
- Return only a single - Do not return any value
value - Synthesizable Not synthesizable

Delay Used to delay statement by specified amount of

simulation time, Event Control @
Delay execution until event occurs
Event may be single signal/expression change
Multiple events linked by or
Both - defined in a module, local to the module can
have local variables (registers, but not nets) and
events, do not contain initial or always statements,
they are only blocked by “begin …end”.,are called
from initial or always statements or others task and

Shifter Keywords: task, endtask

module shifter( Must be used if the procedure
input [7:0] data_in, // 8-bit data input has - any timing control
MooreFSM 101 Dectector module Mealy101Detector (dataIn, Shifter
input dir, // Shift direction (0 right, 1 left) constructs - zero or more than
module moore_detector( input x, rst, found, clock, reset); module shifter(
output [7:0] data_out // 8-bit data output); one output argument
clk, output z); input dataIn, clock, reset, found; input [7:0] data_in, // 8-bit data input
// Wires for internal connections
localparam [1:0] reg [3:0] state, next_state; input [2:0] shift_amt, // 3-bit shift amount Keyword:function,endfunction
wire [7:0] left_shift, right_shift;
reset=0, got1=1, got10=2, got101=3; parameter reset = 3'b000; input dir, // Shift direction (0 right, 1 left) Can be used if the procedure -
// Left shift by one bit
reg [1:0] state, next_state; parameter got1 = 3'b001; output reg [7:0] data_out // 8-bit dataout); does not have any timing
assign left_shift[7:1] = data_in[6:0];
always @(*) parameter got10 = 3'b010; // Perform the shift operation control constructs - returns
assign left shift[0]=1'b0;//LSB filled w O
case (state) always @(state or dataIn) always @(*) begin exactly a single value -does not
// Right shift by one bit
reset: case (state) if (dir) begin // Left shift have any output
assign right_shift[6:0]= data_in[7:1];
if (x=1'b1) next_state = got1; reset: data_out = data_in << shift_amt; has at least one input argument
assign right_shift[7]=1'b0;//MSBfilled w O primitive latch (q, clock, data);
else next_state= reset; if (dataIn) next_state = got1; end else begin // Right shift
// Mux to select output output reg q; input clock, data;
got1: else next_state = reset; data_out = data_in >> shift_amt;
assign data_out table // clock data q q+
if (x=1'b1) next_state = got1; got1: end end endmodule
= dir ? left shift: right_shift; endmodule 01:?:1;
else next_state = got10; if (dataIn) next_state = got1;
got10: else next_state = got10; Counter4bit Mos switch:cmos,nmos,pmos,rcmos,rnmos,rpmos 00:?:0;
if (x=1'b1) next_state =got101; got10: module counter_4bit( Bidirectional pass switch:tran,rtran,tranif1,rtranif1 1 ? : ? : - ; // - = no change
else next_state= reset; if (dataIn) next_state = got1; input wire clk, //Clock input endtable endprimitive
got101: else next_state = reset; input wire rst_n, //low reset module encoder8_3 Gates provide a much closer one-to-one
if (x=1'b1) next_state = got1; default: output reg [3:0] out); ( encoder_out, enable, encoder_in ); mapping between the actual circuit and the
else next_state = got10; next_state = reset; always@(posedge clk output[2:0] encoder_out; model.There is no continuous assignment
default: endcase or negedge Ist_n) begin input enable; equivalent to the bidirectional transfer gate.
next_state = reset; always @(posedge clock) if (!rst_n) begin input[7:0] encoder_in;
endcase // case(state) if (reset == 1) state <= reset; // Reset the counter to 0 reg[2:0] encoder_out; - Tasks can be used for common Verilog
//---State FF Transition (current state) else state <= next_state; out <= 4'b0000; always @ (enable or encoder_in) code (is used for both combinational and
always @(posedge clock) assign found = (state == got10 end else begin begin if (enable) sequential logic) - Function are used whe
if (reset ==1'b0) state <= reset; && dataIn == 1) ? 1: 0; // Increment the counter case (encoder_in) the common code (is used for purely
else state <= next_state; endmodule // Mealy101Detector out <= out + 1'b1; 8'b00000001: encoder_out = 3'b000; combinational logic) - Functions are
assign z= (state== got101) ? 1:0; end endendmodule 8'b00000010: encoder_out = 3'b001;
typically used for conversions and
endmodule 8'b00000100: encoder_out = 3'b010;
A variables used in behavioral 8'b00001000: encoder_out = 3'b011;
commonly used calculations
module FSM(o, a, b); description 8'b00010000: encoder_out = 3'b100;
output o; reg o; input a, b; reg[1:0]state; A storage device or a 8'b00100000: encoder_out = 3'b101;
always @(posedge clk or reset) temporary variable 8'b01000000: encoder_out = 3'b110;
if (reset) state <= 2'b00; Types of register: reg : 8'b10000000 : encoder_out = 3'b111;
else case (state) unsigned integer default: $display("Check input bits.");
2'b00: begin state <= a? 2'b00: 2'b01; variables of varying bit width end endcase endmodule
o <= a & b; end integer: 32-bit signed integer
2'b01: begin state <= 2'b10; o <= 0; real: signed floating-point - Nets data types present the
end endcase time: 64-bit unsigned integer physical connections between
module traffic_light(HG, HY, HR, FG, // flip-flops S1: if (ts) begin devices. A net does not store a
FY, FR,ST_o, tl, ts, clk, reset, c) ; always@ next_state = S2 ; ST = 1 ; value, it must be driven by a gate
output HG, HY, HR, FG, FY, FR, ST_o; (posedge clk or posedge reset) end else begin or continuous assignment. If a
input tl, ts, clk, reset, c ; if(reset) // asynchronous reset next_state = S1 ; ST = 0 ; net variable has no driver, then it
reg ST_o, ST ; reg[0:1] state, next_state ; begin state = S0 ; end S2: if(tl | !c)begin has a high-impedance value (z). - A net or reg declaration without a <range>
parameter EVEN= 0, ODD=1 ; ST_o = 0 ; end next_state= S3;ST = 1; Net data type can be declared by specification is one bit wide; that is, it is
parameter S0= 2'b00, S1=2'b01, else begin state = next_state ; end else begin following keywords : wire, wand, scalar.Multiple bit net and reg data types are
S2=2'b10, S3=2'b11; ST_o = ST ; end next_state = S2; ST = 0; wor, supply0, supply1, …- Cannot declared by specifying a <range>, and are
assign HG = (state == S0) ; always@ (state or c or tl or ts) end be assigned in an initial or always known as vectors.
assign HY = (state == S1) ; case(state) // state transition S3: if(ts) begin block Net data type represent - Vector can be declared at [high# : low#] or
assign HR = ((state == S2)||(state == S3)) ; S0: if(tl & c) begin next_state = S0 ; ST = 1 ; physical connections between [low# : high#], but the left number in the
assign FG = (state == S2) ; next_state = S1 ; ST = 1 ; end end else begin structural entities. A net must be squared brackets is always the most
assign FY = (state == S3) ; else begin next_state = S3 ; ST = 0 ; driven by a driver, such as a gate significant bit of the vector
assign FR = ((state == S0)||(state == S1)) ; next_state = S0; ST = 0; end end endcase endmodule or a continuous assignment. - Vectors can be declared only for nets and
reg data types. (Vector declaration for
Parameters are constants. There are two types of parameters: module parameters and specify parameters. • Combinational Logic
integer, real, realtime, and time data types
Parameters are not variables, they are used for “per instance” constants.For global constants, using ‘define - Logic without state variables
are illegal.)
… - Examples:adders, multiplexers,
Create: decoders, encoders • Sequential Logic
- No clock involved - Logic with state variables
AnhTuanMien VHDL = VHSIC HDL = - State variables: latches, flip-flops, registers, memories
TrungVipPro Very High Speed - Clocked
Integrated Circuit HDL - State machines, multi-cycle arithmetic, processors
HaftAdder(Structural) FullAdder1b(Struct) FullAdder3b(Struct) SingleRam2port SingleRam1Port
module HA( module test(a, b, cin, module fa3bit(a,b,cin,s,cout); module single_ram( module single_port_ram(
input a, b, sum, cout);input a, b, input [2:0] a, b; input clk, en, we
input clk,input [3:0]addr, data_in,
output sum, carry); cin; input cin; input [2:0] addr,
assign sum=a^b(xor); output sum, cout; output [2:0] s; input [7:0] din, output reg [3:0] data_out);
assign carry=a&b(and) wire m, n, k; output cout; output reg[7:0] dout); reg [3:0] ram[15:0];
endmodule xor x1(m, a, b); wire [1:0] c; reg [7:0] mem[7:0]; always @(posedge clk) begin
The “assign” statement and a1(n, a, b); test(a[0], b[0], cin, s[0], c[0]); always@(posedge clk) begin if (we) begin ram[addr] <= data_in;
can be used to xor x2(sum, m, cin); test(a[1], b[1], c[0], s[1], c[1]); if (en) begin
and a2(k, m, cin); test(a[2], b[2], c[1], s[2], cout); if( we) mem[addr] <= din;
implement both
or o1(cout, n, k); endmodule else dout <= mem[addr]; always @(posedge clk) begin
combinational as well
endmodule end end endmodule data_out <= ram[addr];
as sequential circuits
end endmodule
RegisterFile LIFO FIFO LockControl
Module Register_File module lifo(input clk,input rst,input push,input pop, module fifo module lock_control (lock, A, B, C, D, clk, rst);
(clk,WE,DataW,A1,A2,AData,’ input [7:0] data_in, output reg [7:0] data_out, #(parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, FIFO_DEPTH = 16) output lock;
RD1,RD2); output reg full, output reg empty); ( input A, B, C, D, clk, rst;
input clk,WE; parameter DEPTH = 16; // Size of the stack input clk, reset, write, read, reg[32:0] counter;
input [4:0]A1,A2,AData; parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 4;// Address width, log2 input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_in, reg skip,fail_1,fail_2,fail_3,fail_4;
input [31:0]DataW; reg [7:0] stack[DEPTH-1:0]; // Stack memory output reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_out, wire fail;
output [31:0]RD1,RD2; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] sp; // Stack pointer output reg full, empty); reg [2:0] state, next_state;
reg [31:0] Register [31:0]; // Reset and stack pointer management //Biến đêm và các mảng lưu trữ parameter[2:0] s0=0, s1=1,
always @ (posedge clk) always @(posedge clk) begin reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] fifo_array [FIFO_DEPTH-1:0]; s2=2, s3=3, s4=4, s5=5;
begin if (rst) begin reg [$clog2(FIFO_DEPTH):0] write_ptr, read_ptr, count; always @(posedge clk) begin
if(WE) #1=write, 0=read sp <= 0; empty <= 1; full <= 0; // Logic cập nhật FIFO if (rst==1) state= s0;
Register[AData] <= DataW; end else begin // Push operation always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin else state= next_state;
end if (push && !full) begin if (reset) begin if (skip==1) counter= 0;
assign RD1 = Register[A1]; stack[sp] <= data_in; sp <= sp+ 1; empty <= 0; write_ptr<= 0; read_ptr<= 0; count <= 0; empty <= 1; else counters counter +1;
assign RD2 = Register[A2]; full <= (sp == (DEPTH - 2)); end full <= 0; end
endmodule // Pop operation else if (pop && !empty) begin end else begin always @() begin case(state)
sp <= sp 1; full <= 0; empty <= (sp == 1);| If (write && !full) begin // Ghi dữ liệu se: if (counters=1) begin
ALU32BIT end end end // Data out management fifo_array[write_ptr] <= data_in; next_state=s1;
module ALU_32bits always @(posedge clk) begin write_ptr<= write_ptr + 1; count <= count + 1; skip=1; end else begin
(S, A, B, M, S1, S0); if (pop && !empty) begin data_out <= stack[sp-1]; if (read && !empty) begin // Đọc dữ liệu next_state= s0;
output reg [31:0] S; end end endmodule data_out <= fifo_array[read_ptr]; skip=0; end
input [31:0] A; read_ptr<= read_ptr + 1; count <= count - 1; s1: if (counter==1) begin
input [31:0] B; Continuous assignment, which assigns values to end //Cập nhật tín hiệu trạng thái next_state=s2;
nets. Procedural assignment, which assigns empty <= (count = 0); full <= (count == FIFO_DEPTH); skip=1; end else begin
input M, S1, S0;always values to variables. end end endmodule next_state= s1;
@(A, B, M, S1, S0) begin skip=0; end
case ({M, S1, S0}) s2: if (counter==1) begin
3'b000: S = ~A; next_state=s3;
3'b001: S = A&B; skip=1; end else begin
3'b010: S = A^B; next_state= s2;
3'b011: S = A|B; skip=0; end
3: if (counter==1) begin
3'b100: S = A+1; Blocking Assignment: Thường next_state=s4;
3'b101: S = A+B; được sử dụng trong khối skip=1; end else begin
3'b110: S = A-B; procedural để đảm bảo thứ tự
next_state= s3;
thực hiện đúng.Non-Blocking
3'b111: S = A-1; Assignment: Thường được sử skip=0; end
default: S=0; dụng trong các khối procedural s4: if (fail==1) begin
endcase end endmodule đề mô hình các phép gán đồng next_state= s0;
Two basic forms of behavioral assignments:
thời và tránh các điều kiện đua. skip=1; end else begin
1.Continuous assignment, which assigns values to nets. next_state=s5;
Continuous assignments drive nets and are evaluated and updated whenever skip=1; end
an input operand changes value. s5: if (counter==3) begin
2.Procedural assignment, which assigns values to variables. next_state=s0;
Procedural assignments update the value of variables under the control of the skip= 1; end else begin
procedural flow constructs that surround them. next_state= s5;
skip=0; end
primitive multiplexer module operation; module shifter; default: begin
Procedural assignment
(mux, control, dataA, parameter delay = 10; define LEFT_SHIFT1'b0 next_state=s0;
Module bcd_counter
dataB); reg [15:0] A, B; define RIGHT_SHIFT 1'b1 skip=0; end
(count,ripple_out,clr,clk) ;
output mux; reg [15:0] AB_AND, AB_OR, reg [31:0] addr, left_addr, endcase
output [3:0] count ;
input control, dataA, dataB; AB_XOR; initial right_addr; end
output ripple_out ;
table $monitor( …); reg control; always @(*) begin
reg [3:0] count ;
control dataA dataB mux Initial begin initial begin…end case (state)
input clr,clk ;
010:1;011:1; … always @(addr)begin s1: fail 1 = !(B==1&&D==0&&A==0&&C==0);
wire ripple_out
01x:1;000:0; end left_addr = s2: fail 2 = !(B==1&&D==1&&A==0&&C==0);
= (count == 4'b1001) ? 0:1 ;
001:0;00x:0; always @(A or B) begin shift(addr, `LEFT_SHIFT); s3: fail 3 = !(B==1&&D==1&&A==1&&C==0);
// combinational
101:1;111:1; bitwise_oper(AB_AND, AB_OR, right_addr= s4: fail 4 = !(B==1&&D==1&&A==1&&C==1);
always @ (posedge clk or
1x1:1;100:0; AB_XOR, A, B); end shift(addr,`RIGHT_SHIFT); default: begin
posedge clr)
110:0;1x0:0; task bitwise_oper; end fail_1= 0; fail_2= 0; fail_3= 0; fail_4= 0; end
x00:0;x11:1; output [15:0]ab_and,ab_or,ab_xor; function [31:0] shift; endcase
if(clr) count = 0 ;
endtable endprimitive input [15:0] a, b; input [31:0] address; assign fail= fail_1||fail_2||fail_3||fail_4;
else if (count == 4'b1001)
begin input control; assign locks (state==s5)?1:0;
count = 0 ;
#delay ab_and = a & b; begin end endmodule
else count = count + 1 ;
endmodule ab_or = a | b; shift=(control==`LEFT_SHIFT)
ab_xor = a ^ b; ?(address<<1) : (address>>1);
end endtask endmodule end endfunction endmodule

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