Hydrologi Beaco

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1. Maximum Daily Rainfall

The maximum daily rainfall collecting from nearest rainfall station from project location. Based
on information from Department of Hydrology, AUTORIDADE NACIONAL PARA ÁGUA E
SANEAMENTO, ANAS I.P. it is known that the nearest rainfall station nearest from Caravela is
Rainfall Station Vqq. Bebui RF, Station Number 03005. The rainfall station location shows on
figure below.

Figure…. Location Map of Rainfall Station Bqq. Bebui RF nearest from Beaco

The maximum Daily Rainfall show on table below

Table…. Maximum Daily Rainfall Location Beaco

Year R (mm)
2011 56.30
2012 105.70
Year R (mm)
2013 171.60
2014 90.90
2015 91.40
2016 103.80
2017 48.40
2018 85.40
2019 97.00
2020 205.10
2021 306.30
2022 64.80

2. Basic Statistic Calculation

The basic statistic calculation show on table below

Table…. Basic Statistic Calculation, Location Beaco

m P = m/(N+1) Year Rainf all (R) (mm) Ln R (mm)

1 0.077 2021 306.300 5.725
2 0.154 2020 205.100 5.323
3 0.231 2013 171.600 5.145
4 0.308 2012 105.700 4.661
5 0.385 2016 103.800 4.642
6 0.462 2019 97.000 4.575
7 0.538 2015 91.400 4.515
8 0.615 2014 90.900 4.510
9 0.692 2018 85.400 4.447
10 0.769 2022 64.800 4.171
11 0.846 2011 56.300 4.031
12 0.923 2017 48.400 3.879

Amount of Data = 12 12
Mean Value = 118.892 4.635
Standart Deviation = 74.276 0.534
Skewness Coefficient = 1.735 0.705
Curtosis Coefficient = 2.945 0.230
Coefficient of Variation = 0.625 0.115
Median Value = 94.200 4.545

3. Frequency Distribution Analysis

Frequency distribution analysis is carried out in 4 common methods :
 Normal Distribution
 Log-Normal Distribution
 Gumbel Distribution
 Log-Pearson III distribution

The Suitability Test for the Distribution of Rainfall Data is carried out by 2 methods:
 Chi Square Test
 Smirnov-Kolmogorov Test

Table…. Chi-Square Test for NORMAL Distribution, Location Beaco

Class P(x >= Xm) Ef R (mm) Of Ef - Of ( Ef -Of ) / Ef

5 0.200 0 < P <= 0.2 2.400 181.404 2.000 0.400 0.067

0.400 0.2 < P <= 0.4 2.400 137.709 1.000 1.400 0.817
0.600 0.4 < P <= 0.6 2.400 100.074 2.000 0.400 0.067
0.800 0.6 < P <= 0.8 2.400 56.379 5.000 2.600 2.817
0.999 0.8 < P <= 0.999 2.400 -110.639 2.000 0.400 0.067
12.000 12.000 Chi-Square = 3.833
DK = 2
Distribution NORMAL Accepted Chi-Critical = 5.991
Note : Chi-Square = Chi-Kuadrat Value
Ef = Frequency based on the class distribution
Of = Frequency based on the frequency distribution
DK = Degrees of Freedom

Table…. Chi-Square Test for LOG-NORMAL Distribution, Location Beaco

Class P(x >= Xm) Ef R (mm) Of Ef - Of ( Ef -Of ) / Ef

5 0.200 0 < P <= 0.2 2.400 161.614 3.000 0.600 0.150

0.400 0.2 < P <= 0.4 2.400 118.014 0.000 2.400 2.400
0.600 0.4 < P <= 0.6 2.400 90.017 5.000 2.600 2.817
0.800 0.6 < P <= 0.8 2.400 65.733 1.000 1.400 0.817
0.999 0.8 < P <= 0.999 2.400 19.763 3.000 0.600 0.150
12.000 12.000 Chi-Square = 6.333
DK = 2
Distribution LOG-NORMAL Rejected Chi-Critical = 5.991
Note : Chi-Square = Chi-Kuadrat Value
Ef = Frequency based on the class distribution
Of = Frequency based on the frequency distribution
DK = Degrees of Freedom

Table…. Chi-Square Test for GUMBEL Distribution, Location Beaco

Class P(x >= Xm) Ef R (mm) Of Ef - Of ( Ef -Of ) / Ef

5 0.200 0 < P <= 0.2 2.400 172.331 2.000 0.400 0.067

0.400 0.2 < P <= 0.4 2.400 124.366 1.000 1.400 0.817
0.600 0.4 < P <= 0.6 2.400 90.527 5.000 2.600 2.817
0.800 0.6 < P <= 0.8 2.400 57.904 2.000 0.400 0.067
0.999 0.8 < P <= 0.999 2.400 -26.462 2.000 0.400 0.067
12.000 12.000 Chi-Square = 3.833
DK = 2
Distribution GUMBEL Accepted Chi-Critical = 5.991
Note : Chi-Square = Chi-Kuadrat Value
Ef = Frequency based on the class distribution
Of = Frequency based on the frequency distribution
DK = Degrees of Freedom

Table…. Chi-Square Test for LOG-PEARSON III Distribution, Location Beaco

Class P(x >= Xm) Ef R (mm) Of Ef - Of ( Ef -Of ) / Ef

5 0.200 0 < P <= 0.2 2.400 157.005 3.000 0.600 0.150

0.400 0.2 < P <= 0.4 2.400 110.960 0.000 2.400 2.400
0.600 0.4 < P <= 0.6 2.400 85.261 6.000 3.600 5.400
0.800 0.6 < P <= 0.8 2.400 65.262 0.000 2.400 2.400
0.999 0.8 < P <= 0.999 2.400 32.658 3.000 0.600 0.150
12.000 12.000 Chi-Square = 10.500
DK = 1
Distribution LOG-PEARSON III Rejected Chi-Critical = 3.841
Note : Chi-Square = Chi-Kuadrat Value
Ef = Frequency based on the class distribution
Of = Frequency based on the frequency distribution
DK = Degrees of Freedom

Table…. Smirnov-Kolmogorof Test for Distribution, Location Beaco

4. Return Period Analysis

Return Period Analysis show on table below.

Table…. Return Period Analysis, Location Beaco

P(x >= Xm) T Characteristics of rainfall (mm/day) according to probability
0.5 2. 118.892 0.000 103.070 -0.213 106.690 -0.164 96.880 -0.116
0.2 5. 181.404 0.842 161.614 0.575 172.331 0.719 157.005 0.787
0.1 10. 214.081 1.282 204.452 1.152 215.790 1.305 209.876 1.331
0.04 25. 248.926 1.751 262.713 1.936 270.702 2.044 294.860 1.967
0.02 50. 271.437 2.054 308.905 2.558 311.438 2.592 373.739 2.410
0.01 100. 291.684 2.326 357.353 3.210 351.874 3.137 468.189 2.832
0.001 1,000. 348.423 3.090 537.529 5.636 485.486 4.936 938.094 4.132

Note : 1. XT = m + K T * s
2. According to the Chi-Squared Test, it is best to use the NORMAL distribution
3. Whereas according to the Smirnov-Kolmogorov Test, it is best to use the LOG-PEARSON III distribution
4. The calculation was done using the formula in the book 'Applied Hydrology', 1988, Ven Te Chow, et. Al.
5. Design Rainfall
The design Rainfall show on table below

Table…. Design Rainfall for each Return Period, Location Beaco

P(x >= Xm) T
Probability Return Period
0. 0. 0.00
0.5 2. 118.89
0.2 5. 181.40
0.1 10. 214.08
0.04 25. 248.93
0.02 50. 271.44
0.01 100. 291.68
0.001 1,000. 348.42

Figure…. Design Rainfall for each Return Period, Location Beaco

In accordance with the function of the building, it is planned to use a 10-year return period of
214.08mm for drainage channel design.


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