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Arch 322: BUILDING UTILITIES 3 – Acoustics and Lighting Systems WEEK 2:

Objectives: 1. Acoustics 1. Acoustics 1.1 Fundamentals of Sound 1.2 Physical

Quantities of Sound 1.3 Measuring Sound Level 1. Identify the general information
about Acoustics. 2. Classify the basic factors regarding sound, its physical quantities,
sound levels, and its units.  It is the science which deals with the production,
control, transmission, reception and effects of sound in an enclosed space.  The
science of sound and vibration which refers to the stress fluctuations as well as waves
in a material medium  The art and science of designing a room or building which
insures both comfort and communication, and provides special features as the
purpose and use of the structure requires.  The science of sound phenomena in
buildings dealing with the production, transmission, and absorption of sound in order
to secure the distinct conditions in every part of the building or room. All acoustic
situations have three common elements: 1. SOURCE can be made louder or more
quiet 2. TRANSMISSION PATH the path can be made to transmit more or less
sound 3. RECEIVER the listener ; assumed to have a pair of healthy young ears with
a detection range of 20 to 20,000 Hz. 1.1 Fundamentals of Sound Sound  Sound is
the human ear’s response to pressure fluctuations in the air caused by vibrating
objects. For example, a tap on the wall produces sound because the tap makes a wall
vibrate. The vibrating wall produces pressure fluctuations in the air.  Sound travels
in space by a phenomenon called wave motion. Wave motion in air is similar to the
motion of a ripple produced by dropping a pebble into a water pond.  Is a physical
wave, or a mechanical vibration, or simply a series of pressure variations in an elastic
medium. - For airborne sound – the medium is air - For Structure-borne sound – the
media are concrete, steel, wood, glass and a combination of all of these  Any
vibratory motion of bodies, the transmission of these vibrations in a medium, and the
sensation produced on the human auditory mechanism  An alteration in pressure
(particle displacement in velocity) projected and propagated in an elastic material 1 |
P a g e  Also Audible signals Types of Sound/ Source of Sound 1. Speech –
produced by human voice 2. Music– produced by an instrument 3. Noise – produced
by impact, by vibrating bodies, even by speech or music 1.2 Physical Quantities of
Sound 1. FREQUENCY (f) – the number of sound ripples generated in unit time. The
number of cycles that the air particles move back and forth in one second in a sound
wave is called the frequency of the wave. Its unit is cycles per second (c/s) which is
also termed Hertz (Hz) after the Austrian physicist Heinrich Hertz (1857 -94). Eight
frequency bands, or octaves, are considered in room acoustics with the following
center frequencies: 63 Hz, 125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz and 8 kHz.
Frequency range for speech and music: 2. SPEED (c) – The speed of sound in air has
been measured as 344 m/sec (1,130 ft/sec). This corresponds to 1,240 km/hr (770
mi/hr) which is extremely small as compared to the speed of light (300,000 km/sec).
The speed of sound in air does not vary with the frequency of sound or its loudness.
Sounds at audible frequencies, regardless of their loudness, travel at the same speed.
all 2 | P a g e 3. WAVELENGTH (λ) – The wavelength and the frequency of sound
are related to each other as shown in the equation below. The wavelength of sound
corresponding to the center frequencies are as shown below: 4. INTENSITY - is
defined as the amount of sound power falling on (or passing through, or crossing) a
unit area. Since the unit of power is watt (W), the unit of sound intensity is watt per
square meter (W/m2). The sound intensity which is just audible, called the threshold
of audibility, has been determined be 10-12 W/m2 , and the intensity that corresponds
to the sensation of pain in the human ear is approximately 10 W/m2. 1.3 Measuring
Sound Level Characteristics of Sound to 1. LOUDNESS – is a measure of the
intensity of sound and is expressed in decibels (dB). It is a quantity called the sound
intensity level (IL). 3 | P a g e 2. PITCH – is the frequency of sound wave perceived
by the human ear. A high-pitched sound means that it has a high frequency. The
female voice is slightly higher pitched than the male voice. Important Acoustical
Terms • absorption coefficient – the fraction of the incident sound energy absorbed
by a surface. • anechoic chamber – a sealed room in which all the surfaces are
designed to completely absorb all sound produced in the room. • attenuation – a
reduction in sound level. Sound attenuation in air-conditioning is specified in terms
of dB per meter. • background noise – ambient noise • break-in noise – transfer of
noise from a space surrounding the duct into the duct through duct walls. • break-out
noise – transfer of noise from the interior of a duct through duct walls into a space
outside the duct. • dead room – a room containing an unusually large amount of
sound absorption.. • decibel (dB) – a unit of measurement for sound pressure level,
sound intensity level or sound power level • diffraction – a change in the direction of
propagation of sound as a result of bending caused by a barrier in the path of a sound
wave. • diffuse sound (field) – a sound field in which the sound comes in equal
intensity from all directions. • direct sound – the sound that arrives at a receiver along
a direct line from the source without reflection from any surface. • echo – a sound
that has been reflected with sufficient time delay. • environmental noise – exterior
background noise in a neighborhood (ie. traffic, aircraft). • fidelity – faithful
reproduction of a sound source. • flutter echo – a rapid but repetitive succession of
sound from a sound source usually occurring as a result of multiple reflections in a
space with hard, flat and parallel walls. • frequency – the number of full cycles per
second measured. • impact noise – noise caused by the collision of two objects. •
infrasonic – a sound that is below the human audible frequency, below 20 Hz. •
insulation – see isolation • intermittent sound – a sound which is discontinuous or
fluctuates to such an extent that at times its sound pressure level falls below a
measurable level. • inverse square law – a law which states that the sound intensity in
a free field varies inversely with the square of the distance from the source. •
isolation – a lack of acoustical connection. • leak – a small opening in a barrier that
allows airborne sound to pass through. • live room – a room containing an unusually
small amount of sound absorption. • loudness – an auditory sensation that depends on
sound pressure level and the frequency of sound. • masking – the increase in the
threshold of audibility of a sound that is required so that the sound can be heard in the
presence of another sound. • noise isolation class (NIC) – a single number rating
derived from the measured value of noise reduction between two rooms. • noise
reduction (NR) – the reduction in sound pressure level of noise. • noise reduction
coefficient (NRC) – a single number rating derived from measured values of sound
absorption coefficients of a material at 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz. • outdoor-indoor
transmission class (OITC) – a weighted single number rating of the sound reduction
effectiveness of a partition that separates an indoor space from the outside. • pitch – a
listener’s perception of the frequency of a pure tone. • reflection coefficient – a
measure of the sound reflective property of a surface. • resonance – the relatively
large amplitude of vibration produced when the frequency of the source of sound is
equal to the natural frequency of a room. • reverberant sound field – a sound field
created by repeated reflections of sound from the boundaries in an enclosed space. 4 |
P a g e • reverberation – the continuation of sound in an enclosed space after the
initial source has been terminated. • reverberation time (RT) – the time it takes for
sound intensity to decay by 1 millionth of its steady state value after the sound • sabin
– a unit of measure of sound absorption. • scattering – an irregular diffraction of
sound in many directions. • sound insulation – the ability of a barrier to prevent
sound from reaching a receiver. • sound intensity (SI) – the average rate of sound
energy flow through a unit area in a given direction. • sound intensity level (SIL) – a
quantity expressed in decibels of airborne sound. • sound lock – a small space that
works as a buffer between a source room and a receiving room. • sound pressure –
fluctuating pressure of sound superimposed on the static air pressure. • sound
pressure level – see sound intensity level • sound transmission class (STC) – a single
number rating of the sound insulation rating of a partition. • structure-borne sound –
sound propagated through a solid structure. • transmission coefficient – the ratio of
transmitted sound energy to incident sound energy • transmission loss (TL) – is the
measure of sound insulation of a partition. • wavelength – distance between two
adjacent compressions or rarefactions in a sound wave. • white noise – a noise whose
energy is uniform over a wide range of frequencies. This is analogous to the term
“white light”, which consists of almost equal amount of light of different wavelength
(colors). A white noise sounds hissy Self- Assessment Let us check how well you
understood the Fundamentals of Sound, Physical Quantities of Sound and Measuring
Sound Level by doing this activity. Recitation Instruction: Flexible Teaching
Learning Modality (FTLM) adopted Face to face Discussion Module, case study or
research works, exercises, problems sets, quizzes, major exams, comprehensive
reading and memorization. Online Discussion Google meet; zoom meeting Reference
Francis D.K. Ching: A Visual Dictionary of Architecture (2nd Edition) Salvan, G. S.
Architectural Utilities 3: Lighting & Acoustics WEEK 3: Objectives: 2. Sound
Absorption 1. Identify the general information about Acoustics. 2. Distinguish the
different types and functions of each absorptive materials. 2. Sound Absorption 5 | P
a g e Types of Acoustics 1. Psycho Acoustics deals with the reaction of human
beings to audible sound 2. Environmental Acoustics deals with the effects of the
environment upon audible sound waves  Architectural Acoustics / Room Acoustics
may be defined as the technology of designing spaces, structures, and mechanical
systems to meet hearing needs.  Landscape acoustics  electro acoustics deals with
the generation and detection of audible sound waves. 3. Sonics deals with the
technical application of mechanical waves in basic scientific research, industry, and
medicine Types of Sound  Wanted – sound heard as perfectly as possible at the
right level or loudness without pain or strain  Unwanted – sound which entails an
annoyance factor Properties of Sound 1. Sound pressure The fluctuation in the
atmospheric pressure caused by the vibration of air particles due to sound wave 2.
Wavelength The distance a sound wave travels during each complete cycle of
vibration measured in meters or feet 3. Loudness Subjective attribute of an auditory
sensation in terms of which sound may be ordered on a scale of soft to loud 4.
Threshold of audibility Minimum intensity that is capable of evoking an auditory
sensation in the ear 5. Threshold of pain Minimum sound pressure level which
stimulates the ear to a point which is painful 6. Frequency - the number of
displacements or oscillations that a particle undergoes in one (1) second  Hertz –
unit measure of frequency; numerically equal to cycles per second  Pitch - the
attribute of an auditory system which enables us to pinpoint sounds on a scale
extending from high o low frequency - subjective response of human hearing to
sound frequency  Tone - sound sensation having pitch 7. Directionality of sound
sources - the way in which it sound is distributed in a region free from reflecting
surfaces - sound sources radiate sound waves in all directions; - radiation pattern
varies with the frequency - high frequency sounds are more pronounced along the
longitudinal axis of the sound source 6 | P a g e Natural elements that affect sound
Temperature - particles of sound tend to follow cold air Clouds - if heavy, clouds can
act as a reflecting surface Wind - may change the direction of sound Bodies of water
- can also act as a reflecting surface Sound Absorption  some absorb low frequency
energy; some absorb high frequency energy Noise Reduction by Absorption  Noise
levels in a room are highest for a given source if the room’s surfaces are primarily
sound reflecting; lowest if there are large areas of sound absorbing materials (e.g.
sound absorbing ceilings Sound Transmission Class (STC) 1. Galvanised steel
suspended sub-construction 2. Acoustic panel -Rigid, 15mm thick acoustic board
manufactured from 96% recycled glass granulate. -Average acoustic performance:
0.70 NRC – 0.65 αW (250- 2000 Hz) 3. Bonding & jointing -Gypsum-based joint
adhesive and synthetic intermediate plaster for smoothing joints. 4. Finish - Silicate
bound, acoustically transparent coating with a fine texture. Spray applied in 3 coats. 7
| P a g e T Runner Bricks Gypsum Board Thermal & Acoustic Insulation Thermal
Insulation: Brick generally exhibits better thermal insulation property than other
building materials like concrete. Perforation can improve the thermal insulation
property of bricks to some extent. Besides, the Thermal Mass and moisture that the
brick has absorbed can help to keep the temperature inside the house relatively
constant. In other words, brick absorbs and releases heat slowly and thus keep the
house cool during day-time and warm during night-time. Acoustic Insulation: As far
as acoustic insulation is concerned, brick wall provides good sound insulation
property due to its dense structure. The thickness and density of brick will deaden
noise transmission and will deflect noise from streets, neighboring homes, and jet
planes. The sound insulation of brick work is generally accepted as 45 decibels for a
4 1/2 inches thickness and 50 decibels for a 9 inches for the frequency ranges from
200 to 2,000 Hz Self- Assessment Let us check how well you understood the Sound
Absorption by doing this activity. Seatwork 1 Instruction: (10 points) Flexible
Teaching Learning Modality (FTLM) adopted Face to face Discussion 8 | P a g e
Module, case study or research works, exercises, problems sets, quizzes, major
exams, comprehensive reading and memorization. Online Discussion Google meet;
zoom meeting Reference Francis D.K. Ching: A Visual Dictionary of Architecture
(2nd Edition) Salvan, G. S. Architectural Utilities 3: Lighting & Acoustics WEEK 4:
Objectives: 3. Reverberation 3. Reverberation 1. Explain what is reverberation and its
role in acoustic design. This prolongation of sound in a hall even though the source
of sound is cut off is called reverberation. Reverberation is dependent only on the
volume of a space and the acoustically absorptive quality of the room's finishes.
Reducing Reverberation  Excessive reverberation can cause echoes that interfere
with speech intelligibility.  Smaller classrooms generally have shorter reverberation
times than large classrooms.  However, sound waves may be reflected more
frequently and can create a masking effect. Materials and Surface  Increase the
amount of soft, rough, or porous surfaces (e.g., acoustical paneling, bulletin boards,
carpeting, bookcases) and decrease the amount of smooth, hard surfaces (e.g.,
exposed concrete walls, glass) to reduce room reverberation times and overall noise
levels.  Avoid placing sound-absorbing material directly above or in front of the
teacher's lecture position.  Install acoustical tiling with an absorption coefficient of
at least 0.65 to cover hard, sound reflective ceilings Install sound-absorbing wall
panels or sound-absorbing concrete masonry units to lower reverberation times in
especially problematic rooms (e.g., high ceilings, many windows). Porous Absorptive
Materials  Position large reflective surfaces (e.g., blackboards, glazing)at non-
parallel angles to the walls to reduce echoes.  Porous absorbing materials are
usually more than 90% air. The small pores lead to dissipation of the sound
propagating through them.  At high frequencies a porous material has an acoustic
impedance similar to that of air. Most incident energy enters the porous material and
is absorbed there.  At low frequencies, a layer of porous material behaves
acoustically like a stiffness. This leads to large reflection and little absorption. 9 | P a
g e Gymnasiums  Hang sound-absorbing baffles or banners from the ceiling to 
Reduce reverberation times.  Include sound-absorbing panels above perforated
metal and fiber glass roof decking on ceilings to reduce reverberation times.  Install
acoustical panels or bleachers on at least one of two parallel walls to reduce flutter,
echoes.  Leave ceilings above bleachers non-absorptive to support livelier cheering.
Concert Hall  Materials play a huge part in concert hall acoustics.  The same
materials used in a space with good acoustics could be made to sound worse if they
were arranged in a different way.  In general, however, hard reflective materials are
ideal for concert hall acoustics.  This is because the orchestra needs all the
reflection and reverberation that it can get to make the sound richer. Cinema Hall 
A simple hand clap at the front of the cinema will reveal the slap echoes across the
walls floor and ceiling which evolve into reverberation, and will be clearly heard. 
As a general rule the first early reflections within 30 milliseconds are heard as being
part of the direct sound.Whereas after 30 milliseconds the later slap echoes and
reverberation are heard as being from the room. Cinema Hall  The majority of
modern cinemas are concrete constructed which limits sound escaping from the
room.  The curtain material on walls absorbs high frequencies but has little effect
on absorbing low frequencies as in the  If pleated curtain material absorbs50% (-
3B) of sound energy at500Hz the sound would have to strike the curtain 20 times to
be reduced to 0.0001% (-60dB). - 3B is only heard as a slight reduction. Auditorium
 To reduce the echo between walls, the most common approach is to add sound
absorbing acoustical panels. = Most sound panels consist of fluffy, porous material
that trap sound.  Most sound panels consist of fluffy, porous material that trap
sound.  Any area with large amounts of flat reflective space should receive
treatment.  Apply acoustic material to stage areas, side walls, back walls and
balcony faces.  This prevents sound from reflecting back into the room by
absorbing the sound's energy. If there is no absorptive material on the back wall,
music and sound will simply reflect back into the room. This distracts from audience
experience. Self- Assessment Let us check how well you understood the
Reverberation by doing this activity. Quiz 1 Instruction: (15 points) Flexible
Teaching Learning Modality (FTLM) adopted Face to face Discussion 10 | P a g e
Module, case study or research works, exercises, problems sets, quizzes, major
exams, comprehensive reading and memorization. Online Discussion Google meet;
zoom meeting Reference Francis D.K. Ching: A Visual Dictionary of Architecture
(2nd Edition) Salvan, G. S. Architectural Utilities 3: Lighting & Acoustics WEEK 5:
Objectives: 4. Reflection 4. Reflection 1. Identify what is reflection and explain its
importance in acoustic design. Characteristics of sound 1. Sound reflection – sound
reflected off a surface, usually one which is hard, rigid and / or flat 2. Flat surface –
uniform reflection 3. Convex surface – sound dispersion 4. Concave surface – sound
concentration As a sound wave strikes an interface between two media with normal
incidence (i.e orthogonal or perpendicular to the direction of the wave) sound can
only either be reflected or transmitted 11 | P a g e Characteristics of sound 1. Sound
absorption - sound waves absorbed into a material upon contact - change of sound
energy into some other form 2. Sound diffusion- occurs when sound waves are
dispersed equally in a room 3. Sound diffraction - acoustical phenomenon which
causes sound waves to be bent or scattered around such obstacles as corners,
columns, walls, beams, etc. 12 | P a g e Characteristics of sound 1. Sound Refraction
- change of sound wave direction as it moves from one medium to another of
different density Sound Transmission - sound which penetrates through surface 
Flanking transmission – sound travelling along parts of the building other than the
common wall or floor.  Direct transmission - sound coming through the common
wall or floor Behavior of Sound in an Enclosed Space 1. Incident or direct sound 2.
Reflected sound 3. Sound absorbed by surface treatment 4. Diffused sound 5.
Diffracted sound 6. Transmitted sound 7. Sound dissipated within the structure 8.
Sound conducted by the structure

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