4TH B 9 R.M.E Mock Questions

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EDUCATION-NEWS CONSULT Name…………………………………………………………..

2024 BECE MOCK 4 Index Number…………………………………………….....

1 HR, 45 MINS


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Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. While you are waiting, read and observe the
following instructions carefully. Write your name and index number in ink in the spaces provided

This booklet consists of two papers; I and II. Answer Paper 2 which comes first in your answer
booklet and Paper 1 on your Objective Test answer sheet. Paper 2 will last for 1 hour after which the
answer book let will be collected. Do not start Paper until you are told to do so. Paper 1 will last 45


1. Read through the questions, brainstorm and plan your answers before you finally answer
them. This is one of the good ways to manage your time in an exam and to do well.
2. Write clearly, use simple expressions and provide the best answers possible.
3. Write answers that provide additional information. If you just list answers or provide one to
three worded answers, your will fail the paper.
4. Do well to explain your answers to help earn full marks. Check your units of measurement,
spellings, grammar and read over your work before submitting.
5. Write question numbers boldly, start every new major question (answers) on a new page.
6. Do not rewrite the full question before answering. Only write the question number.
7. Show workings in all instances in section B if the question involves calculations.
This paper consists of three parts, A, B and C. Answer three questions only, choosing one question from
each section. All questions carry equal marks.

Answer only one question from this section
1. (a) State any four of the collection of blessings that describe the qualities and attitudes that are valued
in the Christian faith which Jesus Christ gave to his disciples in the sermon on the mount. (4 marks)
(b) Explain four reasons for people of diverse religious background to live in harmony.
(12 marks)
(c) Write down four characteristics of an intolerant community. (4 marks)

2. (a) Discuss five importance of death rites. (15 marks)

(b) Outline five reasons bribery and corruption needs to be avoided. (5 marks)

Answer only one question from this section

3. (a) State five importance of sacredness of the environment. (5 marks)

(b) Outline five defensive skills you would use to protect your friend against substance abuse.
(5 marks)
(c) Give an account on "The Parable of the Shower". (10 marks)

4. (a) Explain four moral lessons learnt from the exemplary life of Noah. (12 marks)
(b) Describe how God tested Abraham's faith. (8 marks)

Answer only one question from this section

5. (a) Examine five religious significance of puberty rites. (15 marks)

(b) State five importance of death rites to the community. (5 marks)

6. (a) Explain the following types of rewards.

i. Recommendation
ii. Good Testimonial
iii. Awards
iv. Citation (8 marks)

(b) Give four reasons why leisure is importance to people. (4 marks)

(c) Write down any four benefits a budget. (4 marks)
Answer All Questions
Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each question and
shade in pencil on your answer sheet the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you
have chosen. Give only one answer to each question.

1. Decent dressing and good eating habits show ...............

A. That one belongs to a traditional society
B. That one is obedient to parents
C. The community one comes from
D. The level of training one has received

2. Obedience is expected of all humankind because it is God's .............

A. Command
B. Desire
C. Favorite
D. Hope

3. The gospel in the Bible describes the ..................

A. Deeds of prophets
B. Life and works of Jesus Christ
C. Life and works of the apostles
D. Spread of Christianity
4. Which of the Ten commandments preserve the life of humankind?. The .......
A. Fourth
B. Ninth
C. Sixth
D. Tenth

5. Blessed are the meek, for they shall .............

A. Be comforted
B. Inherit the earth
C. Obtain mercy
D. See God

6. "A mighty tree has been uprooted." This Akan expression shows that a ..........
A. Battle has been won
B. Difficult problems have been solved
C. Prominent person has passed away
D. Significant progress has been made

7. We show total obedience to God by .......

A. Doing His will
B. Going to church
C. Reading the Bible
D. Reciting the Lord's prayer

8. Commitment can best be explained as an act of ...............

A. Accepting one's fault publicly
B. Devoting oneself to something
C. Fighting for one's basic rights
D. Showing forgiveness

9. Fajr is an Islamic prayer which is said .........

A. At dawn
B. At sunset
C. In early afternoon
D. In late afternoon

10. Which of the following persons is not mentioned in the Qur'an as the recipient of Zakat?
A. Imam
B. Needy
C. Poor
D. Traveler

11. HIV/AIDS affect the society mostly by .........

A. Acquisition of more drugs
B. Reduction in death rates
C. Reduction of workforce
D. Training of more doctors

12. An example of a religious song is ........

A. Highlife
B. Hymns
C. Recitation
D. Raggae

13. Idleness means ..........

A. Doing nothing
B. Enjoying siesta
C. Having fun
D. Playing games

14. Which of the following is not an example of a stimulant?

A. Alcohol
B. Chloroquine
C. Cocaine
D. Marijuana
15. Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated by Muslims to ..........
A. Mark Ibrahim's sacrifice to Allah
B. Mark the end of Ramadan
C. Remember the birth of Mohammed
D. Remember the death of Mohammed

16. Egya Ahor was honoured with the Ahobaa festival because of his .........
A. Death for the land
B. Good leadership
C. Killing of the beast
D. Magical deed

17. Otofo is a puberty rite performed by the .......... for the female adolescent.
A. Akan
B. Dagomba
C. Ewe
D. Ga

18. Tha parable of the mustard seed symbolizes the .........

A. Forgiveness of sinners
B. Gradual growth of the kingdom of God
C. Love for the work of God
D. Second coming of Jesus Christ

19. The last of the five pillars of Islam is .......

A. Fajr
B. Hajj
C. Salat
D. Shahada

20. One disadvantage of the nuclear family is ........

A. Children may not know their kinsmen
B. Commitment to the family
C. Effective communication
D. Privacy

21. Abram and his wife Sarai lived in the land of ....... before his call.
A. Canaan
B. Egypt
C. Moreh
D. Ur
22. Matrilineal inheritance is when a child inherits from the ........
A. Cousins
B. Father's family
C. Mother's family
D. Siblings

23. Which of the following celebrations signifies the salvation of all Christian's?
A. Ash Wednesday
B. Christmas
C. Easter
D. Palm Sunday

24. In which way can money spread germs?

A. Crumpling it in one's pocket
B. Keeping it under your pillow
C. Keeping it in your brassier
D. Writing on the notes

25. The most abused drug in Ghana is .........

A. Cocaine
B. Laxatives
C. Paracetamol
D. Tobacco

26. Myth is an example of ...........

A. Oral tradition
B. Proverb
C. Story
D. Wise saying

27. The first Jewish temple was built by ........

A. David
B. Samuel
C. Saul
D. Solomon

28. Which of the following succeeded Prophet Mohammed(SAW)?

A. Abdullah
B. Abubakar
C. Ibrahim
D. Khalifa
29. When provoked, one needs to control temper by showing ...........
A. Comportment
B. Courtesy
C. Decency
D. Dignity

30. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the desciples of Jesus Christ occurred during..........
A. Ascension
B. Passover
C. Pentecost
D. Resurrection

31. The parable of the prodigal son teaches ........

A. forgiveness
B. Love
C. patience
D. tolerance
32. The young Prophet Muhammed (SAW) always went to hide in the cave at mount Hira in Mecca because
he .........
A. had an encounter with Allah anytime he went there
B. hated idol worship
C. was afraid of his uncle
D. wanted his peace of mind

33. Which of the following disciples of Jesus Christ was not part of the three that accompanied Him to
Gethsemane to pray?
A. Andrew
B. James
C. John
D. Peter

34. The habit of praying regularly is important because it is a ........... responsibility of every Christian.
A. Moral
B. Political
C. Social
D. Spiritual

35. According to the Christian story of creation, God created ......... on the fourth day.
A. Day and night
B. Land animals and humankind
C. Sun, moon and stars
D. Waters below and waters above
36. Which of the following activities destroy our vegetation?
A. Clearing the land for building sites
B. Constructing drains everywhere
C. Deforestation
D. Killing birds for game

37. In order to live in harmony with family members, we must be ..........

A. Brave
B. Courageous
C. Faithful
D. Respectful

38. The purpose of school rules and regulations is to .........

A. Encourage people to become good students
B. Get pupils punished
C. Promote good conditions for work
D. Reward obedient pupils

39. Which of the following items can be found in an Islamic home?

A. Amulet
B. Cross
C. Rosary
D. Tasba

40. The act of going round the Ka'ba seven times during the Hajj teaches ...........
A. Bravery
B. Cleanliness
C. Endurance
D. Humanity

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