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When I was 15 years old I had an Angora cat, her name was Lesly. She was
mustard colored and white. She was very intelligent, affectionate and
Lesly was very delicate and tender. He liked to eat tuna cakes, play with my
brothers and sleep on the furniture. He rarely made noise at night because
he thought he saw little mice. My kitten was not loud or aggressive, on the
contrary, she was very playful. We used to go to the park, she liked to play
with a small cloth ball that her grandmother had made for her out of wool
and threads.
My kitten was not strange, I miss my kitten Lesly very much, it was almost
human because she paid attention to everything that was said to her, even
to relieve herself, she meowed so that they would open the door for her and
go out into the street. She was a member of the family.
My favorite moment was when my godparents gave it to me for my 15th
birthday. She died at the age of 5 choking.

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