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ALLEN ie TEE (Main + Advanced) 2025 CAREER INSTITUTE NURTURE COURSE Phase : TOPS PHYSICS QUIZ # 07 (KINEMATICS [1-D]) SECTION-I Single Correct Answer Type 11Q.B3MCD] 1. Theacceleration of free fall ata planet is determined by timing the fall ofa steel ball photo electrically. The ball passes B and C at times t, and t, after release from A. The acceleration of free fall is given by ~ Photoelectei cll c Ligit —__,_¢) beam Ya D in 2. Aparticle is moving along a straight ine such that square of its velocity varies with time as shown in the figure. What is the acceleration of the particle at t= 4 s? vim's’) 169) (A)4m (B) 1/4 mis? (C12 mist (yo 3. The velocity of a particle that moves in the positive x-direction varies with its po figure. The acceleration of the particle when x = 5.5 m is- vias") 8 6 4 oa se (Ayo (B) 5 ms? (©) 10. ms* (D) 20 ms? PHYSICS / Quiz # 07 (Kinematics [1-D]) E-1/6 AEE (Main + Advanced) 2025 Q U 1Z NURTURE COURSE Phase : TOPS 4. 1 A particle moving on the x-axis with constant acceleration has displacements of 6 m from t=7sand 3 m from t=5 stot=8 s. The distance covered from t= 6s to t=9 sis (A) 1.75 m (B) 2.25 m (3.0m (D0 The relation between time t and distance x is t= ax?+ bx, where a and b are constants. The accelerati is: [AIEEE-2005] (A) = 2abv? (B) 2bv? (C)-2av3 (D) 2av? A diwali rocket was fired from a 50 m tall building. It has a constant acceleration of 40 m/s? for 1 sec before it runs out of fuel. Choose the INCORRECT Graph, tains) As vio) ) Lc ®) IN 122) aol i> sos x) gx 100] 0) si © » ©) 1s 3s : 7 a (sec) A stone is thrown upwards from top of a tower 60 m high at a speed at 20 m/s. The correct position-time graph for the time interval in which it reaches ground, is (g = 10 m/s? & take origin to be the base of the tower) se) wo © ) a 9 9 ) graph of a particle moving along ‘x’ axis. sm) sco) «| ) we) 18) B © 1 lacement Figure show acceleration { ial velocity of laoXo , i the particle is given as wf a), x co-ordinate of the particle is increasing in whole journey. Initial x co-ordinate of the particle is :- To T i Px Tox mx (A) 32x, (B)x, 4x, (D) 16 x, E26 PHYSICS / Quiz # 07 (Kinematics [1-D]) " AEE (Main + Advancod) 2025 ri U IZ NURTURE COURSE scat Phase : TOPS 9. Given graphis ———_— ys velocity graph. Ifthe time interval during which velocity changes from acceleration 2m/s to 4m/sis given by At seconds. Then find the value of 2At :- 1 (sim) amis) 3 (B)4 (5 (D6 10. Two body move from the same point along a straight line. The first body moves with veloci v= (3t?— 61) m/s, the second with velocity v=(10t+ 20) m/s. At what instant and at what distance from the initial point will they meet. (A) 10sec:800m —(B) 15sec;700m —(C) 15sec; 800m ——(D) 10 see : 700m 11. The length, breadth & height ofa cuboid depends on time tas L=1+sint; b= —1;h=(¢+ 1) find x the rate of change of volume with time at t= 5 sec. 31> 3 3 (A) 28+ 2-1 (BSW +2n-2 (AVS n-2 (A) 2m? + 2-2 Multiple Correct Answer Type 1Q144MCDI 12. The position of a particle with time is given by (x.y) =(8E, 3) fort st, =(8tt,, 3) fort >t, Choose the CORRECT alternative. (A) Particle moves along a straight line parallel to x axis. (B) PHYSICS / Quiz # 07 (Kinematics [1-D]) E-3/6 AEE (Main + Advanced) 2025 Q U 1Z NURTURE COURSE Phase : TOPS Linked Comprehension Type (1 Para x 2Q.) [3 M (-1)] (Single Correct Answer Type) Paragraph for Question no. 13 and 14 A ball is dropped from the top of a building. During downward journey its speed increased due to gravity, if we consider air resistance which is opposite the motion of ball then rate of change of velocity of ball is different than acceleration due to gravity, depending on direction of motion of ball it may be lesser or greater than acceleration due to gravity. 13, Neglect air resistance and let ball rebound after striking the ground and goes to the top of tower a then choose the wrong graph :- (take upward as positive) speed Position| (A) (B) velocity © (D) 14. Consider air resistance is acting on the ball and acceleration due to air resistance is of constant magnitude, If ball again return to top of the building after striking to the ground, then choose the correct option :- (Take upward as positive) (A) Time taken in down ward motion is smaller than time in upward m (B) Speed of ball just after striking the ground is greater than just before striking the ground. (C) Acceleration is positive during downward motion. (D) Speed increases at a faster rate during downward motion in the presence of air resistance as compared to in the absence of it. Nn, SECTION-III Numerical Grid Type (Ranging from 0 to 9) 3Q[4M(0)] ‘The window of the fourth floor of SANKALP building is 5 m high. A man looking out of the window sees an object moving up and down the height of window for 2 see. Find the height that the object reaches from the top end of the window. E-4/6 PHYSICS / Quiz # 07 (Kinematics [1-D]) AEE (Main + Advancod) 2025 QU IZ NURTURE COURSE Phase : TOPS 2. Twotrains are moving in opposite direction on same track. When their separation was 600 m their drivers notice the mistake and start slowing down to avoid collision. Graphs of their velocities as function of time x iss shown, If separation between the drivers when firs train stops is x then find the value of 7. vans van 0 p po «i ssc) (Festa) (Second tain 3. Twotrains A and B are moving on a straight track towards each other. At t= 0, the situation is as shown in the diagram below. The driver of train B realises that in order to avoid a collision, B must fit into the side track. Length of side track is equal to the length of the train B and length of train A is large as compared to side track. The train A continues with the same speed of 4 m/s. The magnitude of minimum a decleration of train B in order to avoid the collision is >= m/s". Then cis, Tm SECTION-II Numerical Answer Type Question 4Q.[3(0)] (upto second decimal place) 1, Twoparticle A and B are moving in same direction on same straight line. A is ahead of B by 20m. A has constant speed 5 m/sec and B has initial speed 30 m/sec and retardation of 10 m/sec’. Then if x (in m) is total distance travelled by B as it meets A for second time. Then value of x will be. 2. A boy throws a ball with speed u ina well of depth 14 m as shown. On bounce with bottom of the well the speed of the ball gets halved. What should be the minimum value of u (in m/s) such that the ball may be able to reach his hand again? It is given that his hands are at 1 m height from top of the well while throwing and catching. 3. A helicopter takes off along the vertical with an acceleration of 3 m/sec? & zero initial velocity. In a certain time, the pilot switches off the engine. At the point of take off, the sound dies away in 30 sec. Determine the velocity of the helicopter at the moment when its engine is switched off, assuming the velocity of sound is 320 m/sec. 4, A particle is moving with uniform acceleration along x-axis with initial velocity along positive x. At 1 75 the magnitude of displacement becomes = the total distance travelled. By this time the x “2 3 coordinate of particle is still positive. The instant (in sec) at which displacement becomes zero is, PHYSICS / Quiz # 07 (Kinematics [1-D]) E-5/6 AEE (Main + Advanced) 2025 Q U 1Z NURTURE COURSE Phase : TOPS SECTION-IV Matrix Match Type (4 x 5) 1 Q. [8 M (for each entry +2(0)] 1, Match the column :- Column— : Shows graph of One Dimension motion of a particle. Symbols have their usual meaning such as x(0)= initial position, x(t)= position at =t,, (0) Column-Il: Shows physical quantities, Displacement and distanee are asked for 0

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