Eia Summary Report

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The given document describes the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment

(EIA) Project Report for the expansion of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) in
Nairobi, conducted by GIBB Africa Ltd on behalf of Queen's Quay Architects International. The
report aims to provide sufficient information to determine whether the project's activities will
have significant adverse environmental impacts and to obtain approval for an Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) License. The report covers the proposed project site, design, and
environmental concerns related to airport operations, along with proposed mitigation measures.

The objectives of the EIA are multifaceted. They include fulfilling legal requirements outlined in
environmental management regulations, obtaining background information on the site and
associated legal issues, assessing and predicting potential impacts during different project
phases, suggesting alterations to the proposed design based on assessment findings, proposing
mitigation measures for adverse environmental impacts and safety risks, allowing for public
participation, lowering long-term project costs, and preparing an Environmental Management
and Mitigation Plan.

The Terms of Reference for the assessment are based on NEMA's Environmental Impact
Assessment and Audit Regulations, which outline the content expected in the Project Report. It
includes descriptions of the project's location and physical area, national environmental
legislative and regulatory framework, project objectives, technology and processes to be used,
materials to be employed, project activities during construction and operation, waste generation,
description of the potentially affected environment, anticipated environmental effects, analysis of
alternatives, environmental management plan, action plan for preventing accidents, health
hazards and emergency management measures, identification of knowledge gaps and
uncertainties, project budget, design details, and any additional information required by NEMA.
The methodology involves a desk-study to gather site information and legal aspects,
interviews with consulting architects, site visits for visual assessment and public consultation,
and an assessment of potential impacts during different project phases. The report concludes with
an Environmental Management Plan and proposed mitigation measures.

GIBB Africa Ltd is registered with NEMA as a "Firm of Experts for Environmental Impact
Assessment and Audit," making them authorized to undertake the EIA study and submit the
Project Report. The report demonstrates the comprehensive assessment of the expansion project's
environmental implications and lays the groundwork for obtaining necessary permits and
ensuring responsible environmental management throughout the project's lifecycle.

The need for development arises from forecasts indicating continued passenger growth at
JKIA, necessitating expansion, modification of existing infrastructure, and an increase in air
traffic movements. The government's approach to airport expansion emphasizes balancing
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economic prosperity with minimizing environmental impacts and respecting the rights and
interests of affected communities.

Design considerations focus on separating departing and arriving passengers and increasing the
terminal's capacity. Four alternative options were developed, with Option 3 representing a hybrid
scheme incorporating the best elements of the first two alternatives.

The construction methodology will adhere to standard techniques, supervised by project

engineers and architects. The construction activities will involve site preparation, installation of
services and interiors, connection to existing utilities, and the use of heavy and light machinery.

The project's energy utilization, water supply and storage, sewage and sewage management, and
waste disposal have been thoroughly considered, with upgrades and expansions in place to meet
the anticipated demand. Landscaping elements are also planned for the interior and exterior of
the terminal building to enhance aesthetics and security.


The document discusses Kenya's environmental policy and legal framework related to
environmental management and coordination. The national environmental policy aims to
integrate environmental aspects into national development plans and focuses on sustainable use
of natural resources, conservation of biodiversity, and environmental protection. The legal
framework includes over 77 statutes that address various environmental concerns, such as public
health, water quality, air quality, land use, and protection of endangered species.

The enactment of the Environmental Management and Coordination Act in 1999 established the
National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) with the mandate to coordinate all
environmental activities. The Act provides guidelines for environmental impact assessments
(EIAs) and environmental audits (EAs) for projects listed in the Second Schedule. The Factories
and Other Places of Work Act addresses health, safety, and welfare of workers employed in
factories and construction sites, outlining requirements for notification of accidents, sanitary
accommodation, prohibition of deductions from wages, and duties of employees.

Overall, Kenya's environmental policy and legal framework aim to balance economic
development with environmental conservation and sustainable practices to protect the country's
natural resources and promote a healthy and safe working environment.

The document also discusses various rules, regulations, and administrative frameworks related to
health and safety in workplaces in Kenya. Legal Notice No. 31 of the Kenya Gazette Supplement
outlines rules for factories and other workplaces employing twenty or more employees. These
rules cover safety measures for dangerous machinery, fencing, encasement, dangerous liquids,
and working in confined spaces, among others. Additionally, it establishes the Health & Safety
Committee and specifies the duties and training requirements for its members. The text also


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mentions other relevant sectoral legislation and international conventions ratified by Kenya
concerning environmental protection.

The document provides information about the location, climate, topography, geology,
hydrogeology, and biological environment surrounding the airport in Nairobi, Kenya. The airport
is owned by the Government of Kenya and managed by Kenya Airports Authority (KAA). It is
situated in a predominantly industrial, residential, and military area, with adjacent properties
including residential areas, industries, military zones, and vacant land. The area's soils are
developed from volcanic ashes and are poorly drained. The topography is a plateau rising from
700m to 1700m above sea level, with an escarpment and hill masses. Geologically, the area is
covered by Middle and Upper Kerichwa Valley Tuffs. The hydrogeology involves volcanic
rocks and groundwater found in bands between lava flows. The airport is within the Athi River
Catchment, and the surrounding undeveloped area consists of bushed grassland and grassland
with scattered trees and shrubs. Various wildlife species, including gazelle, zebra, and giraffe,
are found in the area, though their diversity is affected by ongoing development.


The document presents an assessment of environmental impacts related to the proposed
expansion of JKIA (Jomo Kenyatta International Airport) in Nairobi, Kenya. The impacts are
categorized as positive and adverse, with positive impacts expected during the operation phase
and adverse impacts mainly during construction. Positive impacts include enhanced airport
security, increased air traffic movements, improved car parking facilities, modification of
infrastructure, and visual enhancement of the airport environment. Adverse impacts include
vegetation loss, soil erosion, air and noise pollution, water and soil contamination, public health
impacts, landscape scarring, road safety issues, overwhelming of wastewater treatment systems,
and occupational health and safety problems.

To mitigate these impacts, various measures are suggested. For instance, controlled clearing of
vegetation, erosion control, and measures to reduce air and noise pollution during construction.
Proper waste management, rehabilitation of materials sites, and traffic management to avoid
delays are also recommended. The costs associated with these mitigation measures will be
included in the project's Bill of Quantities (BoQ).

Overall, the proposed expansion is expected to have both positive and adverse impacts on the
environment, and careful planning and implementation of mitigation measures will be crucial to
minimize negative consequences.


The Environmental Management and Mitigation Plan (EMP) aims to identify, avoid, or
mitigate environmental impacts during the planning, design, construction, and operation of new


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projects. The EMP is a working document that will be updated as new information is received or
site conditions change. The objectives of the EMP are to comply with national environmental
and social requirements and outline measures to prevent, minimize, mitigate, or compensate for
adverse impacts.

Responsibilities for implementing the EMP are defined for various entities involved, including
the Ministry of Transport, Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), consultants, contractors, and the
National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA). KAA and the Ministry of Transport
have the responsibility to ensure that mitigation measures specified in the EMP and contract
documents are implemented. The Resident Engineer (RE) appointed by the Supervising
Consultant oversees construction activities and compliance with the EMP. The Contractor must
comply with environmental requirements, and NEMA exercises general supervision and
coordination over environmental matters.

The plan includes environmental guidelines for different project stages, such as pre-construction,
site preparation, site housekeeping, health, safety, and security. Stakeholder consultation and
environmental training and awareness for the Contractor are emphasized. The EMP also covers
site layout plans, site security, and various environmental programs, including environmental
audits, aircraft noise assessment, hazardous materials spill response, water quality monitoring,
and management of ozone-depleting substances. Equipment maintenance is highlighted, ensuring
compliance with standards and availability of spare parts.

In conclusion, the EMP serves to guide the implementation of measures to protect the
environment and reduce the negative impact of the proposed expansion project at the Jomo
Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA). The plan is subject to updates based on evolving project
information and site conditions. It involves multiple stakeholders, including government bodies,
consultants, and the Contractor, to ensure effective environmental management throughout the
project's lifecycle.

The conclusion of the Project Report indicates that the document was prepared to provide
relevant information about the proposed project to the National Environment Management
Authority (NEMA) to assess whether the activities may have significant adverse environmental
impacts. The Report suggests that if adequate mitigation measures are implemented to address
negative impacts, it could serve as a basis for obtaining an Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) License.

The Project Report covers the assessment and study of the proposed project site, design, and
neighboring concerns. It proposes mitigation measures for identified impacts and presents an
environmental management plan to implement the measures effectively. Based on the findings,
the report recommends that the project can proceed with the proposed mitigation measures, as it


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aligns with the area's current development. The approval from NEMA can be issued based on
this report.

The construction is expected to occur in different phases over approximately three years, with an
estimated cost of USD 25 million. The Appendices include documents such as NEMA
Registration Certificate for GIBE Africa Ltd, summary of offenses and penalties for non-
compliance, photographs, documentation from Kenya Airports Authority (KAA), and public
consultation forms.

Additionally, the document lists various offenses and penalties for non-compliance with
environmental legislation, along with the requirements for licenses and permits related to
hazardous wastes, effluent discharge, and handling hazardous materials.


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