Ed 207 Reviewer - Mid Terms

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Globalization is a reality and ICT has become a fundamental part of the process. A networked society is
one in which the entire planet is organized around telecommunication networks of computers. The
powerful use of networks has broken boundaries, provided opportunities for inclusion and collaboration.
However, there will also be a struggle for those who do not have access or those who are excluded,
marginalized and powerless. Thus, a need to establish policies in the use of ICT is imperative.


The Oxford English Dictionary has defined “policy” as a course of action, adopted and pursued by a
government, party, ruler, and statesman. It is any course of action adopted as expedient or
advantageous. Its operational definition of policy is a plan of action to guide decisions and achieve


INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY includes the use of computers, which has become indispensable in
modern societies processdata and save time and effort. What is needed will be computer hardware and
peripherals, software and for the user, computer literacy.

TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES include telephones (with fax) and the broadcasting of radio
and television often through satellites.Telephone system, radio and TV broadcasting are needed in this

NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES the best known of networking technologies is internet, but has
extended to mobile phone technology, Voice over internet protocol (VOIP) satellite communications and
other forms of communications are still in their infancy. In addition to the Internet, this category also
includes mobile telephone, cable, DSL, satellite and other broadband connectivity.

THE DICT ROADMAP In our country, the Department of Information and Communication Technology
(DICT) has formulated a roadmap to guide all agencies in the utilization, regulation, and enhancement of
ICT.Each project has corresponding policy statements and guidelines.

The ICT for Education (ICT4E) is a program under the DICT that supports all the efforts of the
education sector in incorporating the use of ICT as well as in determining and gaining access to the
infrastructure (hardware, software, telecommunications facilities and others) which are necessary to use
and deploy learning technologies at all levels.


ICT in Education Masterplan for all levels, including a National Roadmap for Faculty Development In
ICT in Education. A National Framework Plan for ICTs in Basic Education was developed.

Content and application development through the Open Content in Education Initiative(OCEI)which
converts DepEd materials into interactive multimedia content, develop applications used in schools, and
conduct students and teachers competitions to promote the development of education-related web

PheDNET, is a “walled” garden that hosts educational learning and teaching materials and applications for
use by Filipino students, their parents and teachers. All public high schools will be part of this network
with only DepEd-approved multimedia applications, materials, and mirrored internet sites accessible from
the school's PCs.

Established Community eLearning Centers called eSkwela for out-of-school youth(OSY) providing them
with ICT-enhanced alternative education opportunities.

eQuality Program for tertiary education through partnerships with state universities and colleges(SUCs) to
improve quality of IT education and the use of ICT in education in the country, particularly outside of
Metro Manila.

Digital Media Arts Program which builds digital media skills for the government using
OpenSourcetechnologies. Particular beneficiary agencies include the Philippine Information Agency And
Other government media organizations, the Cultural Center of the Philippines, National Commission for
Culture and Arts and other government art agencies, State UniversitiesandColleges and local government

ICT skills strategic plans which develops an interagency approach to identifying strategic and policy and
program recommendations to address ICT skills demand-supply type.


Access and Civil Liberties are two sets of issues in ICT Policy which are crucial to modern society. The
other concern is civil liberties which refer to human rights and freedom. These Include Freedom of
expression, the right to privacy, the right to communicate and intellectual property rights.

ACCESS TO THE USE OF INTERNET AND ICT Access means the possibility for everyone to use the
internet and other media. In richer countries,basic access to internet is almost available to all with faster
broadband connections. There Still Countries where access to internet is still a challenge.
Issue No. 1: Freedom of Expression and Censorship
Under international human rights conventions, all people are guaranteed the rights for free expression.
However, with the shift from communicating through letters, newspapers, and public meetings to
electronic communications and online networking, a need to look into these means modifies the
understanding of freedom of expression and censorship.
EXAMPLE: Individual rights are given up in order to have access to electronic networks. Microsoft
Network’s(MSN’s contracts provide protection of individuals like “upload, or otherwise make available files
that concern images, photographs or other materials protected by intellectual property laws, including but
not limiting to copyright or trademark laws, unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received
all necessary consents to do the same.” However, Microsoft reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to
terminate access to any or all MSN sites or services.

Censorship restricts the transmission or information by blocking it or filtering the information. Blocking is
preventing access to whole areas of the internet based upon the “backlist” of a certain internet address,
location or email address while filtering is sifting the packages of data or messages as they move across
computer networks and eliminating those considered“undesirable”materials. The selection of sites that
are blocked or filtered has been considered as an issue.

When you are surfing the web, you may think you are anonymous, but there are various ways that
information about you or your activities can be collected without your consent.

Defamation actions may be used to silence critics. This action deters the freedom of expression


Issue No. 2: Privacy and Security
Privacy policies are an issue. Most commercial sites have a privacy policy. When someone uses the site
and clicks. “I agree” button, it is as if you have turned over private information to an authority that may
access it.

For most, privacy means “personal privacy” the right of individuals not to have their home, private or
personal life interfered with.

2. Privacy of communications refers to the protection from interference with communication over the
phone or internet. Respect for privacy of communications is an essential prerequisite for the maintenance
of human relationship via technological communications media.

3. Information privacy is related to the use of computers and communications systems which are able to
hold and process information about large numbers of people at a high speed. It is important to ensure
that information will only be used for purposes for which it was gathered and will not be disclosed to
others without consent of the individuals.


Issue No. 3: Surveillance and Detention
The use of electronic communications has enhanced the development of indirect surveillance.In The
indirect surveillance, there is no direct contact between the agent and the subject of surveillance but
evidence of activities can be traced. The new and powerful form of indirect surveillance is dataveillance.
Dataveillance is the use of personal information to monitor a person's activities while data retention is the
storage and use of information from communication systems.
Issue No. 3: Surveillance and Detention There is very little that can be done to prevent surveillance. What
can be done is to change the methods of working to make surveillance difficult. This is called “counter
surveillance” or “information security” if it refers to computers and electronic communication.

Issue No. 4: E-pollutants from E-wastes The accumulated e-waste is due to rapid turnover of equipment
due to rapid improvement of software. While material waste can be destroyed by crushing, toxic material
brought about by the different equipment requires utmost management. The quantities of e-waste are
increasing in both developed and developing countries. A very dismal state is that there is a significant
amount of electronic waste that has been shipped from industrial countries, using less environmentally
responsible procedure.

Remedies include standardization and regulatory measures to increase the life cycle of equipment before
they become obsolete. Efficient extraction of toxic components and requiringtherecyclingby both
consumers and equipment vendors are selling must be required. If not controlled then, e-waste will
tremendously affect climate change, damage human lives, andoverload the capacity of the earth in
carrying solid waste.

Implications to Teaching and Learning

For Teachers and Teaching
Guide the teachers on what they should teach that relate to ICT, and how to teachit.
SinceICTdevelopment becomes so rapid and fast, teachers might be overwhelmed by its rapid speed.
Temperance in its use is a caution that should be looked at.

Technology should never replace any human teacher. The tools support instructional materials for the
teachers which are available for use. The teacher should learn how to appropriately use them. The
human touch of the teacher is still a vital component in teaching. Teachers should always be reminded
that there are always limitations in the use of different gadgets and tools.

There are rules and regulations that govern the use of technology. Caution should be observed to protect
individual privacy. As teachers, you must be aware that the use of technology may jeopardize your
privacy and security.
All the issues and many more shall be part of the teaching content as each teacher will be encouraged to
use technology in teaching.

For Learners and Learning

The learners of the 21st century are even more advanced than some of the teachers. However,learners
will need guidance on how to use, regulate technology use. As there are positive and negative effects of
technology use, learners should know the difference. Learners should not only know the benefits of
technology use, but they should also know how they can be protected from the hazards that technology
brings to their lives.

Learners should take advantage of the potential of learning support they can derive such as the
development of higher order thinking skills, the development of learning communities through
collaboration, the enhancement of skills to manage the vast resources as 21st century learners and many
Both the teachers and learners should be mindful of the e-waste that are being thrown away to the land
and to the atmosphere. Thus, safety in the use of technology shall be presented in nextlesson.

Batchar, Cabrobias, Padilla, Genova

MODULE 3 Non-Digital and Digital Skills and Tools in Delivering Technology- Enhanced Lessons

Instructional Materials - are materials that are used to aid in the transmission of information from one to

These materials would include powerpoint presentations (visual aids), articles, books, and materials for
project development.

The teachers need instructional materials to enhance teaching and learning. Instructional materials can
be print or non-print items that are related to impact information to students in the educational process.

Instructional materials are the supplementary materials, which help the teacher to make his/her
presentation: concrete, effective, interesting, meaningful and aspiring.

Non-Digital or Conventional Materials

DIORAMA -are small scenes created of layers of materials all depicting a similar concept or theme. They
usually display a historical time period, a nature scene, or a fictional situation.

NATURE TABLE- contains stuffs and/or scenes related to the current season, or forthcoming festival or a
symbol of an ecosystem.

WRITING BOARD- displays information written with chalk (chalkboard or blackboard) or special pens

FLIP CHART- is a large tablet or pad of paper, usually on a tripod or a stand. It is a simple tool that may
seem "old school", but it has many advantages when making presentations.

ZIGZAG BOARD- is a multi-board series of three or four rectangular boards. They are joined together
along the sides by hinges so that they can be easily folded up and carried.

WALL DISPLAY- is a collection of many different types of items and materials put up on a wall to make an
interesting and informative display.

ROPE and POLE - display board consists of two parallel, horizontal poles tied loosely together with rope.
Visual aids such as posters and pictures can be pinned to the rope. This kind of display board is
invaluable where there are few solid walls for displaying information.

Pocket Chart- is a visual tool commonly used in educational settings, but also finding applications in
various other contexts. It typically consists of a flexible fabric or plastic material with clear vinyl pockets
sewn onto the front. These pockets can hold cards, strips of paper, pictures, or other visual aids.

Conta, Escoltor

An infographic is a visual representation or an image such as a diagram, chart

or picture representing information or data. It is eye-catching and makes use of a clear layout, attractive
colors and hues, and caricatures that provide a cohesive presentation of the information. If it is used to
market products in the increasing visual world, then
infographics can also be employed in marketing information and ideas in the teaching and learning
One tool that can be used in creating infographics is Canva (http://www.canva.
com). It has several infographics template for education. You can try out the free design elements and
produce one just like a professional infographic designer. You
can start exploring this site and familiarize yourself with its features. As a gentle
reminder, please take time to read the instructions and navigate around the features to get optimal use
of it.

There are many ways for which infographics can be used.

Using infographics:
1) To present survey data
Infographics can be highly useful. Data are much easier to decode. They
Presenting statistical data such as from surveys can be overwhelming
can be made easier and quicker to understand if they are presented in an

2. To simplify a complex concept

- simplifying a complex idea is the core purpose of using an infographics. This is very effective and
educational tool as a way of summarizing key points or providing an overview of a lesson.
3) To explain how something functions
Using infographics, you can show the intricacy of how something complex works. It can reveal the
mechanics behind how an object works. Designers can create infographics by showing the mechanics
behind intricate objects, processes, concepts.

4) To compare

Presenting information by highlighting similarities and differences through a visual parallel in an

infographic can turn out more effective than sometimes expressing it in words. It is easier to draw
comparisons with the same information neatly organized.

5.) To present interesting facts

When information or facts are presented all in words, the use of infographics can bring life. If done well,
the infographics can transform the information into visual image that can attract and engage readers.
If there is a written text, the information may not stand out compared to when it is presented in this
format. Information written in snippets becomes understandable and more appealing to the eye.

How will you make your own Infographics?

You need the following:
1. You need to be online.
2. Using the PC, laptop or mobile phone, search for Canva, Vismen or Venngage among others.
3. Create or sign up an account if you still do not have one in order to design your own infographics.
4. Procedure:

Step 1: Choose the most suitable template for your use from the library.
Step 2: You may use images from their file or upload your own pictures.
Step 3:
Make a cohesive layout containing correct and essential information.
STEP 4: You can choose a background and font styles.
Step 5:
You may change the color of boxes and the text to suit your style and add stunning filters to add flair.
STEP 6: Save the image of the infographics
STEP 7: Share the infographic you have created.

Task: 6
Creating an Infographic
Choose a lesson from a textbook. Identify a concept or segment of the lesson that you can choose as a
content material. Use the information by creating and designing an infographic that captures the essential
information using the steps you learned earlier. You may use Canva or any other tools in the web. Be
ready to share your output to the class.

C. Ipad/Tablet and the Online Bulletin Board

Creativity and collaboration are fun! A dull and boring bulletin board can be made interesting when done
online. Posts when done with themed backgrounds, stylish fonts and varied colors become attractive to
the learners. An online bulletin board is a way of presenting ideas with a twist and interest with no cost
at all. Here's how:

Step 1: Search for https://padlet.com/

Step 2: Sign up or log-in using any of your social media account.
Step 3: If you want to make your own, click MAKE A PADLET.
a. You can choose Start with a Blank or Pick a Template. b. Start making posts by clicking the + sign.
c. Make your posts as creative as you can by clicking Modify and selecting your choice of color, font,
theme, etc.
d. You can now share your Padlet or online bulletin board to your friends. Click Share and allow others to
have access to it or you can share through the social media account where others can view it.
Step 4: If you want to join someone's bulletin board, click JOIN A PADLET. a. Enter in the dialog box the
URL of the padlet you want to join.
b. Start posting on your friend's/classmate's padlet by clicking the + sign

TASK 7 : Sign up of a padlet account. Ask somebody from the class to make a padlet with an interesting
topic and let everyone have access to it. Collaborate by having your posts in one online bulletin board.
Show creativity in designing your padlet and your posts.

Task 8:
How can you integrate this application tool in your class? Enumerate the varied activities where the
online bulletin board can be used.

Berdan, Parrenas

Creating ePortfolio as a Technology Tool

Portfolios are means of keeping things in order. It is a collection of student work that exhibits students’
efforts, progress, achievements and competencies gained during the course. It can look like an album or
scrapbook or a filer where the document and evidences are kept. Nowadays, online portfolios are used in
creating sites. This is called ePortfolio or digital portfolio. This can be used as a digital archive that can
contain the same materials as a physical portfolio but can have as multimedia productions, relevant
online links or references, digital stories or video blogs, powerpoint presentations, photographs and other
ICT materials. The ePortfolio can be private or can be published and shared publicly to stakeholders like
parents and friends.

Roles of ePortfolios:
1. Student ePortfolio can evaluate students academic progress. They can inform the teacher to adapt and
use instructional strategies when pieces of evidence indicate that they are either learning or not. The
construction of ePortfolio starts from the beginning and should be an ongoing process. They
should not be reviewed only at the end of the term but navigated around and provided feedback to let
the students know how they are doing.
2. Monitoring students’ progress can be highlighted in a portfolio. It may not only contain finished
products but also several versions on how the students improved their work based on the
feedback provided by mentors. Portfolios can actually determine whether the students have transferred
what they have learned in new projects or other domains.
3. Portfolios document students’ learning growth. They actually encourage the students' sense of
accountability for their own learning process. This may lead them to see that the learning
process is theirs and not anybody else’s. This can make learners reflect from where they have begun to
how far they have developed. When they make decisions on what or what not to include, they get
engaged in the process of creating their own voice in their portfolio.

Creating an Online Portfolio Using a Site

Example of ePortfolio

Steps in constructing an ePortfolio

1. Enter your gmail account and look for Sites. If it is the first time that you have done this, you need to
read the directions.
2. You scroll down and read further until you see the icon for Sites.
3. When you click it, it will lead you to another section. This will let you create a site that you can use as
an ePortfolio.
4. Consider a good label or a title for your ePortfolio and prepare the texts, links, Multimedia Outputs,
images or jpeg files that you want to upload in the pages of the ePortfolio.
Parts of an ePortfolio

Like a book, it has pages or sections. The organization can follow a chronological order based on the
activities that you go through or you can have a thematic arrangement. Whatever you choose, it will be a
display of your organizational skills.

Home Page

This first section is the Home or your cover page. This is the first thing that your readers will see. You
need to introduce yourself and the objectives of your ePortfolio. Usually, there areTemplates available
and each provides sections. You can add personal touches such as images or a change of color themes


The pages that you can add depend on how you would like to organize your
ePortfolio. What is important is that you need to construct your ePortfolio at the start of the class. In
that way, you can have a fresh start as you try to be conscious in documenting the activities and learning
that goes with each session . When adding pages, click the icon and decide whether it will be parallel to
your Home Page or it will be under it. Just remember that when you have a template, there are particular
ways that the pages have been arranged. So, if you start, it would not be detrimental if you conform to
the template.


A major element in a portfolio whether it is online or not, is the writing of the reflections. It is thinking-
aloud, a way of documenting what they are thinking. How students are processing the input and the
applications of what they have learned into an activity or a project that needs to be captured. With the
pencil-and-paper test, the chance to get a piece of their insights or realizations may be nil/null unless the
teacher requires them to do so.

Gibb’s Reflective Cycle Model (1988)


This initial phase in writing a reflection is very simple since you just need to describe the activity or the
experience to the reader. You can write a little about the background on what you are reflecting about
byIncluding relevant and to-the-point details

Learners are involved in learning in an activity or perhaps a lesson can trigger certain feelings. So at this
point, you can consider and think about how you feel at the time when you were doing the activity or
having the experience. You need to discuss your emotions honestly about the Experience but not to
forget that this is part of an academic discourse.

When evaluating, discuss how well you think the activity went. Recall how you reacted to the task or
situation and how others reacted. Was the experience a pleasant one or otherwise? This is also a
possible part where you can incorporate related readings of other author’s principles or Theories.


This part of the write up includes your analysis of what worked well and what has facilitated it or what
may have hindered it. You can also discuss related literature that may have brought
about your experience
Now, you can write what you have learned from the experience or what you could have done. If your
experience is a good one, you can probably discuss how it can be endured or how you will further
enhance a positive outcome. On the other hand, if the experience is frustrating eliciting other negative
feelings, perhaps, you can discuss how those can be avoided in happening as this leads to the next step
–Action Plan

Action Plan

At the end of your reflection, you write what action you need to take so that you will improve the next
time such as consult an expert for some advice or read a book that will provide answers to your
queries.You make plans on how you can address what went wrong so that you can take the right step to
succeed in achieving the task. If you did well and feel good about it, then you can plan out how you can
further enhance a good work. When showing examples of your work, you can upload word file, excel
data,pictures, jpeg or pdf files, powerpoint presentations among others but a brief description explains
the reason why the file is uploaded has to be written. This will guide the readers as you also reflect on
how relevant or significant the material is to you.

Administrating the ePortfolio

Before publishing your ePortfolio for the world to see your work, you can control who can see your work
The icon for sharing the site can be managed by entering the email address of the person with whom you
want to share it.

Assessing an ePortfolio using a Rubric

Evaluating an ePortfolio using a rubric, is a consistent application of learning
expectations,learning outcomes or standards.
It should tell the students the link between learning or what will be taught and the Assessment what will
be evaluated.
Rubrics are simple and easy to understand. The items in the rubric should be mutually exclusive
Students can see connections between learning (what will be taught) and assessment (what will be
evaluated) by making the feedback they receive from teachers clearer, more detailed, andmore useful in
terms of identifying and communicating what students have learned or what they may still need to learn.
Portillo, Caquilgan

Lesson 4: Technology Collaborative Tools in the Digital World

1. Skype is a software application allowing you to do a videoconferencing for free. All you need is to
create an account and can be used for a video meeting.

2. Wiki is a software that allows you to create a page or a selection of pages designed to allow you to
post or write, edit, or upload a link quickly. This is good when students need to work together to
complete a task even if they are not physically together. A task such as writing a paper together,
planning a presentation or surveying ideas from team members can be managed by a wikispace that
efficiently allows one to document the contribution of each member in the team. Work can be extended
virtually and asynchronously.

3. Blogging In blogging, it is journaling your ideas to which others can react allowing a thread of
discussion to take place and which can be used online. It is the abbreviation of weblog. It would help if
you provide direction when using a weblog.

a. Use weblog with a clear instructional objective. It is an opportunity to explore the skill of
communicating ideas. Like in a writing class,you can guide students on how to design the whole blog or
upload materials and support students in developing critical communication.

b. Guidance on what and how to post will be needed. Teach the students that the blogging is for
educational purposes and is different from a personal blog. Proper or formal language variety should be
used. A writing prompt would help to guide your students' posts.

c. With easy access to information, a major obligation is to teach the students to use multiple source and
to cite them appropriately.

d. Writing about your ideas is a personal act but it is important that you are taught to make blogs
personal without revealing too much of personal information such as contact information and too
personal pictures. When writing blogs, you write your reflections but safeguarding yourself is also an
important consideration.

e. It may help if you can look for very good examples of blogs. There are online and print publications
that review blogs and you can use the information to guide you toward getting good models.

4. Google Group or Google Form is an application that can be used in a collaborative documentation of
ideas contributed by members of the team. Having a google account will come very handy and you
can easily have access to a variety of applications.

Ellaga, Fuentes

Digital literacy skills

The 21st Century has redefined digital literacy. It has broadened its perspective to include other aspects
of the 21st context.
These literacies include
(1) Cyber Literacy or Digital Literacy,
(2) Media Literacy,
(3) Arts and Creativity Literacy,
(4) Financial Literacy,
(5) Multicultural Literacy or Global Understanding.

Digital literacies are the individual's capabilities to be able to effectively and responsibly function and
perform in a digital society.
– The term "digital literacy was coined by Paul Gilster in 1997 and it came from the discussion of the
concepts on (a) visual literacy when images and non-verbal symbols try to capture the knowledge: (b)
technological literacy requiring one to be able to use technology in addressing a need; (c) computer
literacy, which in the 1980s started to become a household item manipulated to achieve one's target;
and (d) information literacy which refers to the finding, evaluating, using and sharing of information.

The Digital Literacies

Media Literacy is one's ability to critically read information or content and utilize multimedia in
creatively producing communications.
Information Literacy is locating information from the web and interpreting while evaluating its validity
in order that it can be shared.
ICT Literacy is knowing how to select and use digital devices, applications or services to accomplish
tasks requiring the use of the internet.
Communications and Collaboration are one's capabilities in being able to participate in the digital
networks in the teaching and learning context.
Identity Management is being able to understand how to ensure safety and security in managing
online identity and foster a positive digital reputation.
Learning Skills - are ways of knowing how to study and learn in a technology. enriched environment;
this is knowing how to utilize technology in addressing the need to learn efficiently.
Digital Scholarship is being able to link and participate in professional and research practices.

One important component of digital literacy is having an in-depth understanding of concepts requiring
essential core skills. These core skills are known as the Cs of the 21 Century Skills.

The Four Cs of the 21st Century Skills

The four C's of the 21st Century Skills refer to critical thinking, creativity, communication, and
collaboration. To perform well in this century, you need to develop and enhance these skills namely
creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration. All of these 21st century skills are essential
for students to do well in school and succeed in the workplace.

1. Critical thinking is learning how to solve problems. It teaches students not to accept immediate
claims without seeking the truth. It is the ability to differentiate facts from opinions and not only just
learn a set of facts or figures but also discover these for the sake of knowing what ought to be.
2. Creativity requires students to think out of the box and to take pride in what is uniquely theirs. It
means that they will be able to look at a problem from multiple perspectives-including can propose
multiple possibilities and alternatives to address a problem and they need to take calculated risks.

3. Communication makes students express their ideas in the clearest and organized manner. Through
varied modes face-to-face, technologically mediated or a blended medium, they need to know how to
efficiently and clearly convey ideas.

4. Collaboration happens when students know how to work well with others to accomplish a given task
or solve a problem at hand. This is a 21st essential. When students are made to work with others in a
pair or in a team, they are given the chance to practice how to relate with others.

In addition to the 4C's, there are Citizenship and Character. Citizenship is known as netizenship in
the virtual world. This is making the person consider how one behaves accordingly by observing the
norms and rules that are in accordance with what are socially and virtually acceptable. As a result, one is
projecting a reputable digital identity which is his or her character.

Digital Literacy Skills vs. Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy Skills are required in the wired world. These skills vary from texts to images to
multimedia. Future teachers who will be handling students considered as tech savvy should equip
themselves with competencies and fluencies needed to handle the fast emerging tools and applications
that should be able to handle even artificial intelligences.

Lynch (2017), identified eight digital literacy skills needed to become digitally literate. These are:
1. Coding. Coding is a universal language. Basic understanding of HTML, CSS and the like will create a
shared understanding of what can be done with the web pages.
2. Collaboration. - The use of Google Docs among others allows students to begin experimenting with
effective online collaboration.
3. Cloud software. An essential part of document management. The cloud is used to store everything
from photos to research projects, to term papers and even music.
4. Word Processing Software. Google, Microsoft Online Drop Box are available for storage and
management solutions.
5. Screencasting. - A screencast is a video recording using the computer screen, and usually includes
audio. On the other hand, when you take a picture on the screen of your computer, it is called a
6. Personal Archiving. Students should be taught the concepts of meta- data, tagging, keywords and
categories to make them aware how they are represented online.
7. Information evaluation. Critical thinking to weed out fake news is a crucial 21 century skill. The use
of tools and skills needed to process information are very much needed.
8. Use of social media. Social media serves different purposes depending on the user, the technology
and the need. For example, students should realize that Twitter can be useful for staying current on the
latest news in the field.

Digital literacy has been defined in many ways that is understandable by both digital natives and digital
immigrants. Teachers and students should not only be proficient in how to use (digital skills) but they
need to see the information and media technology to find, evaluate, create and communicate information
requiring both cognitive and technical skills.

Aligarbes, Abada, Sumagaysay, Selibio, Juanico

Luces, Gelladula

Blended Learning
Another way of handling flexible learning is by combining modalities of instructional delivery. Blended
learning is a combination of learning activities wherein a part of the lesson is delivered online while the
other part is handled in the actual physical setting of a classroom.

Kinds of Blended Learning

1. Model 1: Face-to-Face Driver

In the face-to-face model, the teacher delivers the curricula most of the time and utilizes online learning
at certain times with the purpose to augment or provide an alternative experience. Instruction is provided
in a computer laboratory or assigned tasks are uploaded online.

2. Model 2: Rotation
In a particular course or subject, students rotate on a fixed schedule between learning online in a one-
to-one, self-paced learning environment and being inside the classroom with a face-to-face teacher. This
is the model that is in between the traditional face-to-face learning and online learning.

3. Model 3: Flex
This model uses an online platform that delivers most of the course. Support to learning is provided as
needed through on-site support or by an online tutor who facilitates the tutorial or small group sessions.
Sessions can be arranged into synchronous or asynchronous. Course participants may work on their tasks
at any convenient time as long as it is within the confines of the course duration.

4. Model 4: Online Lab

The online-lab model uses an online platform in delivering the course but located in a physical classroom
or computer laboratory. Since the lessons are in modular format and available in the online program,
teacher assistants supervise these classes. However, they may not provide the needed expertise if
learners seek assistance. Furthermore, students who are enrolled in an Online Lab model of blended
learning may be enrolled in a traditional classroom courses at the same time and therefore have block

5. Model 5: Self-Blend
The self-blend Model is a system provided by the school where the students can choose the courses they
would like to have in addition to their typical brick-and-mortar classroom classes. This model is always
remote - a major difference from the Online Lab.

6. Model 6 :,Online-driver
the online-driver model utilizes a platform and a teacher delivers all the curricula.
Students remotely work on their program most of the time. If ever there is a face-to-face component, it
is made optional or if ever it is required for the students to go to the physical learning environment such
as in a school, then it can be extracurricular activities augmenting the curriculum.

Dello, Jabaybay, Madurar, Margallo

Online Communities of Learning / Social Networking

Online networking, others would immediately refer to Facebook which plays a significant role in
communication. In educational settings, social networking becomes a valuable tool for collaboration,
information sharing, and data work among classmates, friends, teachers, and society members.

What is Networking?

Effective networking involves cultivating productive relationships within a group of individuals who
communicate regularly. Personal networks can be tapped for social, educational, or professional
purposes. Building relationships is emphasized, aiming to shift from transactional favors to trustworthy
collaborations on assigned tasks.

Social Networking Platforms

Social networking platforms, evolving for over a decade, offer varied ways to communicate through the
internet or mobile devices. Personal profiles on these platforms facilitate contact with friends, resource
sharing, and interest exploration. Communication can be one-on-one or in groups, allowing for both
public and discreet discussions. Popular platforms like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and
LinkedIn provide diverse options for creating personal accounts and connecting with others.


Founded in 2004 and based in Menlo Park, California, Facebook is the largest and most popular social
networking site. Widely used, it allows users to share profiles, blogs, pictures, and videos. Originally for
college students, it now caters to users aged 13 and up, serving personal and business purposes.


Twitter, founded in 2006 and based in San Francisco, is not just a social networking service but also a
source of online news. Users post and interact through 140-character messages called "tweets." Twitter
enables immediate sharing of thoughts, and only registered users can post tweets.


Launched in 2003, LinkedIn is a social networking website focused on professional connections and
career development. Users can upload resumes, educational qualifications, skills, and work history.
Connections can endorse skills, aiding potential employers in assessing candidates.

Introduced in 2011 by Google, Google+ is a comprehensive communication social network. It allows
users to connect and stay updated with friends through various circles like friends, family, acquaintances,
and those being followed. It integrates with Gmail, providing a seamless experience.


Created in 2005 and owned by Google, YouTube is a video-sharing site where users can upload, view,
and share multimedia content. Often overlooked as a social network, it facilitates connections through
video sharing, allowing users to make videos public or private.


Founded by Ben Silbermann, Pinterest serves as a creative catalog for ideas. Users share images, ideas,
and project concepts. It requires an account and can be linked to Facebook for seamless posting. It's an
excellent platform for those passionate about creativity.


Instagram, a visual storytelling platform, enables users to share photos with captions. Users can like or
comment on posts, and it's widely used for various topics, including travel, food, and business.
Advertisers utilize Instagram's broad follower base.


Combining social media and blogging, Tumblr simplifies content sharing. Users can post photos, videos,
quotes, music, and links. It offers straightforward searching capabilities for various content.


Acquired by Specific Media in 2011, MySpace, based in Beverly Hills, California, focuses on music and
personal interests. Users can make friends, post blogs, photos, and videos. It rebounded after a crisis,
serving as a platform for music enthusiasts to connect and stay updated on the music industry.

Safeguarding Oneself when Engaging in Social Networking Sites

You need to understand and take precautionary measures to safeguard yourself in social networking
Networking can be confined and monitored within the school system. Students can use social networking
platforms designed for educational purposes that will allow students to post, share and discuss insights
gained from an activity. Some of these sites are SuperClubs Plus, Learner Journey, ScuttlePad, among
others. One drawback, however, is that sometimes youngsters are not enticed to use these social
networking platforms because they are not an attractive as Facebook or Twitter. When young users
prefer to use a social networking website that is outside of the school's system teach them to stay safe
through some precautionary measures:
1. A social networking account has passwords and log-in details. Secure passwords and keep them

2. Log out every time you use public computers.

3. Regularly check privacy settings of social networking websites so that only direct friends or those
particularly known can see the posts.

4. Online posts are saved and may become a permanent part of their online reputation. As you use the
internet, you leave a digital footprint which can be traced back to you.

5. Do not accept invites from contacts unless you know them personally or you are sure of their identity.

6. Seriously consider the effect of possible posts on others before deciding to do so. If posts (ie text,
picture, video) could be considered offensive or humiliating another person, then you refrain from posting
or uploading

7. Using appropriate language is essential. The tone when communicating or sending social networking
messages should be respectful.

8. Better be safe than sorry. You should accept friends and connections when you are sure of the
person's identity. Personally, meeting someone you only met online is discouraged. Even if the similarity
of having a personal meeting looks convincing, accompanied it would be better if you will be

9. When there is an indication of met one, it is report this by clicking the report button of abuse. It is
better still to friends or trusted adults about the case yo

10. Bullying the messages, spal networking website. Cyberli uses the site's messages, updates, and other
functions to intimidate, humiliate, taunt, or pick on the individual. When this happens you can do the
following actions:

a. ignore the behavior by not responding at all;

b. block the person;

c. click the report button of abuse; or

d. talk to a trustworthy adult about it.

Molina, Talero

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