The Karkions Revenge

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A scenario from Dunderdagar

This game is not affiliated with, sponsored, or departing, the karkion made a cryptic comment that
endorsed by Fria Ligan AB. This Supplement the humans might come to regret being without his
was created under Fria Ligan AB’s Dragonbane tribe’s protection, a comment that was the source of
Third Party Supplement License. much amusement to the baron, who turned it into a
kind of running joke.
A day or two’s journey west of Nordrose, high atop a INTRODUCTION
cliff on the rugged coast of Northern Viddenmark, lies After not having been seen or heard from for seven
Baron Vredenek’s summer palace of Evengold. The de- years, the cat people tribe and their chieftain have
sign of this delicate and airy palace of wood and marble made a sudden and unexpected return to Northern
was inspired by elvish architecture, and it is the baron’s Viddenmark. Some weeks ago, the winter staff of Even-
pride and joy. He designed much of it himself, and was gold returned battered and bloody to Nordrose, report-
very active in overseeing its construction (often to the ing that the palace had been taken over by a karkion,
frustration of his chief builder and architect). The fre- accompanied by a dozen or more cat people. The staff
quent storms that batter the coast in the autumn and tried to fight back, but were overwhelmed. The karkion
winter mean that for most of the year the palace is in- let them leave with their lives in order to deliver a mes-
habited by only a skeleton staff tasked with the main- sage to the baron: that humans were no longer permit-
tenance and upkeep of the building. However, when the ted to approach the clifftop, and that death would be
milder weather comes to Northern Viddenmark in the the fate of any who dared defy him.
late spring or early summer, the baron makes the jour- The baron was enraged by this impudence, but tem-
ney along the coast, accompanied by anyone who is pered his first instinct, which was to attack the tribe
anyone in the high society of Nordrose, to spend the with the full force of his household guard. This restraint
hottest weeks of the year enjoying the cool sea breezes was not motivated by any feelings of mercy, but simply
and stunning clifftop views of Elmer’s Sea. The sum- by the fear that the palace might be damaged or even
mer sunsets are particularly spectacular, and the pal- destroyed were it to be the site of a pitched battle. In-
ace takes its name from the lingering golden light of stead the baron has hired a small group of adventurers
the summer evenings. (the PCs) to get rid of the cat people, promising them
Long before humans discovered the site where Even- 100 gold apiece if they are successful. He doesn’t give
gold now stands, however, it was considered to be a the PCs any information about the history of his con-
sacred place by a tribe of cat people who dwell deep flict with the tribe, or the broken agreement. He sim-
in Overseer’s Forest, south of Nordrose. Since time im- ply tells them that a tribe of cat people, led by an evil
memorial there was a circle of standing stones on the and wily karkion, has taken over his summer palace
clifftop where the cat people, led by their karkion chief- and that they must be got rid of in time for the sum-
tain and high priest, would conduct rituals every mid- mer party season. He doesn’t care how the PCs achieve
summer and midwinter. When the tribe discovered hu- this – trickery, violence, or negotiation – just as long as
mans digging the foundations of a palace so close to no serious damage is done to the palace. He does sug-
their most sacred place, they attacked, and many lives gest that the best strategy might be to assassinate the
were lost on both sides. Eventually an agreement was karkion chieftain, as he believes the cat people will like-
reached between the baron and the karkion chieftain ly be much more amenable to negotiation (or intimida-
that the construction of the palace would go ahead, but tion) without their leader.
that the humans would keep a respectful distance from
the standing stones. This agreement held for some NORDROSE
years, but eventually the baron grew tired of the cat If they wish, the PCs can prepare for their mission in
people carrying out their strange rituals among the Nordrose by gathering information and purchasing sup-
stones every midsummer. His guests found the rhyth- plies. Nordrose is a large settlement where common
mic chanting, mewling, and screeching irksome and and uncommon items are readily available for purchase.
unsettling, and it really put a damper on the mood of Even certain rare items can be located without too
the baron’s own midsummer party. much trouble, if you ask the right people. The baron
Eventually, some seven years ago, Baron Vredenek himself will not tell the PCs anything about the history
decided that there was no reason for him to feel bound of his conflict with the cat people tribe, but there are
by an agreement made with a tribe of savage demi- others in Nordrose who know at least parts of the story
humans. He simultaneously ordered that the standing and who might be willing to share what they know with
stones be removed and replaced with a lush pleasure the PCs given the right incentives. In particular, the PCs
garden, and that his household guard chase the cat peo- might hear some interesting stories about Evengold at
ple out of the woods – or slaughter them if they wouldn’t the Rusty Flail, an inn popular with local soldiers and
leave. After suffering heavy casualties at the hands of mercenaries, especially if they are generous in buying
the baron’s soldiers, the karkion chieftain agreed to drinks for some of the more battle-worn patrons. If any
lead his people to find a new home in the east. Before of the PCs have, or are able to make, contacts with any-

one belonging to the upper echelons of Nordrose so- reason. That being said, most groups of players are
ciety, they may be able to hear some tales about the likely to choose an approach that falls into one of three
grand midsummer parties that are held there every categories: employing brute force in an all-out attack
year, and about how these parties used to be disturbed on the tribe; sneaking into the palace to assassinate
by the strange rituals of a bunch of scruffy, smelly forest- the karkion chieftain; and trying to negotiate with the
dwellers before their dirty stone monument was re- tribe to get them to leave willingly. Some suggestions
moved some years ago. follow as to how each approach might play out.


Travelling to Evengold is straightforward. The palace If the PCs are captured on the way to Evengold, or sim-
lies about 50km along the coast from Nordrose, and ply choose to approach the palace openly and peace-
the adventurers can follow the coast road, meaning no fully, requesting an audience with the tribe’s leader,
pathfinder rolls are required. However, if the PCs sim- they will be brought before the karkion chieftain. He
ply make their way along the open road without mak- will view them with scepticism, and if he concludes
ing any efforts to disguise their intentions, they will be that they represent a threat to his mission he will not
ambushed by cat people rangers about 3km from the hesitate to sentence them to death by being thrown
palace. The ambush will take place in a narrow ravine, from the clifftop. Although he will not shy from violence,
with archers firing arrows down on the party before however, it will not be his first resort and he will hear
ducking behind the cover of the rocks. Treat this attack the PCs out.
as an ambush (Rulebook p.43) and treat all of the cat He will respond with indignation to accusations that
people as obscured targets (Rulebook p.49), giving a he is an intruder or trespasser, and tell the PCs with a
bane to any ranged attacks against them. There should
be as many cat people as PCs +D4. They will instruct CAT PEOPLE RANGER
the PCs to surrender and lay down their weapons. If Movement: 12 • HP: 8 • WP: 9
they do so, the cat people will stop attacking and take Damage Bonus: AGL +D4, STR +D4
them prisoner, leading them to Evengold for an audi-
ence with their chieftain (see NEGOTIATION below). Skills: Acrobatics 14, Awareness 12, Evade 12,
If the PCs manage to reduce the cat people’s numbers Sneaking 14
to 3 or fewer, the survivors will flee to Evengold to raise Abilities: Catlike, Nine Lives
the alarm.
If the PCs decide to take a more roundabout route to Armour: Leather (1)
the palace, approaching from the south or the south- Weapons: Longbow 12 (D12 damage),
east, a successful SNEAKING roll will allow them to get Dagger 12 (D8 damage)
within sight of the palace without being detected by
lookouts – whose attention is focused on the road from
Nordrose. Sneaking into the palace itself requires a fur- CAT PEOPLE GUARD
ther SNEAKING roll, opposed against the cat people Movement: 12 • HP: 10 • WP: 9
guards’ AWARENESS of 12. If the PCs attempt to infil- Damage Bonus: STR +D4
trate the palace in daylight, their SNEAKING rolls are
made with a bane. Skills: Acrobatics 14, Awareness 12, Evade 12,
Sneaking 10
EVENGOLD Abilities: Fast Footwork, Nine Lives
There are D6+12 cat people guards in and around Even-
gold at any one time, of which D4+2 are patrolling the Armour: Studded leather (2)
grounds. During daylight, 6 cat people will be working Weapons: Long spear 12 (2D8 damage),
in the pleasure garden, digging up the flower beds and Short sword 10 (D10 damage)
setting up a series of standing stones using a complex
system of ropes and pulleys. The karkion chieftain will
either be overseeing the work in the garden, resting KARKION CHIEFTAIN
in the baron’s chambers, or brooding on the rooftop. Movement: 12 • HP: 20 • WP: 16
Damage Bonus: AGL +D4, STR +D4
The scenario presented to the PCs has no obvious so- Skills: Acrobatics 14, Awareness 16, Evade 14,
lution, and the more the PCs know about the back- Mentalism 14, Myths & Legends 16
ground to the conflict, the less sympathy they are like- Abilities: Iron Fist, Robust (2), Wings
ly to feel with Baron Vredenek. GMs should encourage
the players to think creatively about how they wish to Spells: Dispel, Dominate, Mental Strike,
approach the problem, and roll with their ideas, within Power Fist, Stone Skin, Telepathy

snarl that it is the humans that built this monument to ground. He knew, however, that the spell imprisoning
vanity who are the real trespassers. The tribe are sim- the demon would not last forever, but would need to be
ply taking back what is theirs. renewed every seven years at most. This secret was
If the PCs take a more conciliatory tone and attempt passed down through the generations to the current
to negotiate a solution, the chieftain may be sympa- chieftain, who is his direct descendant. Six midsum-
thetic to what they are trying to do, but will inform the mers have now passed without the rituals being per-
PCs that the baron has already broken a negotiated formed that are needed to ensure the demon’s contin-
agreement and that he cannot be trusted. ued imprisonment. If the standing stones are not re-
If the PCs come to understand the real history of the established and the rituals carried out in full this mid-
construction of Evengold and of the way the tribe have summer, the demon will break free to ravage the world
been treated by the baron, they may decide to abandon once more.
the promise of the baron’s gold and instead side with
the tribe. If they do so, the karkion chieftain may reveal SWITCHING SIDES
the full truth of the situation to them, see THE KAR- If the PCs decide to side with the karkion and the cat
KION’S SECRET and SWITCHING SIDES below. people and are able to win the trust of the chieftain, he
will reveal to them the secret of the imprisoned demon
VIOLENCE and ask for their help in averting the impending cata-
The PCs will be significantly outnumbered by the cat strophe. If the PCs take this path, the baron will even-
people, but if they count some capable fighters among tually send a detachment of his household guard to
their number, and employ sound tactics (e.g. attacking investigate what has happened to them. The PCs will
under cover of darkness, making sneak attacks to pick need to work with the karkion chieftain and the cat peo-
off the cat people one by one or in small groups, etc.) ple and form a strategy to either defeat the baron’s
they may be able to achieve their mission by simply soldiers or to hold them off until midsummer. There
killing all of the cat people occupying the palace, along should be as many guards as there are PCs and cat peo-
with their leader. If the party takes this approach, see ple, led by a knight. (Use the Guard and Knight Cham-
THE KARKION’S SECRET and MIDSUMMER PARTY pion stats from p.105 in the Rulebook.)
ASSASSINATION If the PCs successfully kill or drive off the tribe, the
The baron’s suggestion of assassinating the karkion baron will be delighted, and reward each of them with
chieftain is a sound – if dishonourable – one. If one of the the gold they were promised, along with a mastercraft-
PCs is able to sneak into the palace at night and attack ed weapon made to order by his own armourer. He will
the chieftain in his sleep, or poison his food, they may also invite them to celebrate midsummer with him as
well be able to kill him without raising the alarm. Should his guests of honour at Evengold. During the festivities,
such an intruder fail though, they will be quickly over- the baron will insist that they leave their weapons and
whelmed by cat people guards and summarily execut- armour in the palace armoury, and will ply them with
ed by being thrown from the clifftop. If their leader is alcohol in a series of toasts given at regular intervals
killed, the cat people will become disheartened and throughout the party, which is held in the pleasure gar-
leave the palace. Again, see THE KARKION’S SECRET den. (Note the rules for the effects of consuming alco-
and MIDSUMMER PARTY below if the party take this hol described on p.80 of the Rulebook.) When the party
path. is at its height, the air will be rent by a great crack of
splitting stone, and a demon will emerge from the fis-
THE KARKION’S SECRET sure that has opened up in the ground.
The karkion chieftain has a very good reason for return- While the PCs rush to retrieve their weapons and
ing to Evengold, but this is a secret he will not share armour, the demon will begin devouring the hapless
lightly – even the cat people he leads are not fully aware guests. Use the stats for the Demon on p.85 of the
of the true situation. The circle of standing stones that Rulebook, or the stats for the Shadow Demon on p.146
the baron razed in order to construct his pleasure gar- of the Bestiary. As they battle the demon, the PCs may
den was not simply a place of religious tradition and spot the karkion chieftain circling in the air far above.
ritual. The clifftop where Evengold now stands was the He will wait for the demon to kill the foolish humans be-
site of a great battle many centuries ago between a fore descending to take it on in single combat and try
great karkion mage and a demon. According to legend, to imprison it in stone once more. This will be a sight to
they struggled together on the clifftop for seven days behold, should the PCs live long enough to witness it.
and seven nights – now one gaining the upper hand,
now the other. Realising that the demon was too power- CREDITS
ful for him to defeat outright, the mage used the last –
Writing: Śraddha
­­­ ­­pa Shan Welsh
of his strength to imprison the demon inside a great Design: Jörgen Karlsson • Cover image: Rully Akbar
block of black stone which he buried deep under the Copyright © Dunderdagar 2024







50 metres


5 5

2 1 3 4
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 9



1. Hall 5. Stairs 9. Servants’ room

2. Dining hall 6. Guest room 10. Kitchen
3. Lounge 7. Armoury 11. Storage
4. Library 8. Guards’ room 12. Patio 2x2 metres


13 14

17 17
15 16 16 15


13. The Baron’s Bedchamber 16. Wardrobe

14. The Heir’s Bedchamber 17. Roof
15. Bathroom 2x2 metres

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