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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

Copyright © 2005 TEMENOS HOLDINGS NV

Why Security for Banks?

For business transactions

¾ Secrecy
¾ Funds transferred correctly

To provide a secure environment

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How banks ensure security?

• Control
¾ Different functions (Maker – Checker)
¾ Individual users
¾ Different departments

• Audit
¾ Internal & External

• Reporting
¾ MIS and Statutory

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Different levels

Example of a typical Treasury Operation

TREASURY Authorizer

Front Office Middle Office Back Office


Inputter1 Inputter2 Inputter3

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Why SMS?

Any unauthorized usage of the system

¾ Detect
¾ Stop
¾ Record

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SMS in Temenos T24


Authorizer Queries
Transaction Input
 Security Management System



Temenos T24 Core

 Validation  Maturity Control
AUTHORIZED  Revaluation

Static Data
Risk Management Messages/Clearing Accounting
 Interest Rates  Credit Risk  Print  General Ledger
 Commissions  Market Risk  Debits/Credits
SWIFT SID Interface

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SMS Functionalities

Access to Temenos T24

User profiles


System Control


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Access to Temenos T24


Sign On Name

User profile


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Sign On Name and Password

Sign On Name

Sign On Name and Sign On Name and

Password are Password are masked
encrypted at the from the user during
database level input


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Password Attributes

¾ Not displayed on input.

¾ Encrypted on file.
¾ No more than two repeat characters.
¾ Last two passwords cannot be used.
¾ At first sign on, Temenos T24 will ask for Password to
be input twice.
¾ Minimum of 6 characters, maximum of 16.

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Password Attempts

Assumption: Number of password attempts is 3 User has forgotten

The password

Sign on Name



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Password Attempts

Assumption: Number of password attempts is 3 User has forgotten

The password

Sign on Name



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Password Attempts

Assumption: Number of password attempts is 3 User has forgotten

The password

Sign on Name



Security Administrator


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• If the User has forgotten the password, the Security

Administrator can use PASSWORD.RESET to clear the old

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This situation arises when:

¾ A User closes their PC without closing Temenos T24
¾ A Hardware or system failure occurs

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Types of Sign off

¾ User Initiated

¾ An Inactive Session

¾ Hardware Failure

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User Profiles

¾ Created using the USER Application

¾ Each User has a profile which defines

¾ System Usage Times

¾ Which Company entity they can access

¾ The applications, Versions, Functions and Records they are

allowed to access and use

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User – Important fields

¾ User ID

¾ User Name

¾ Sign On Name

¾ Classification

¾ Company Code

¾ Department Code

¾ Password Validity

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User – Important fields continuation

¾ Start Date Profile

¾ End Date Profile

¾ Start time

¾ End time

¾ Time Out Minutes

¾ Attempts

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User – Important fields continuation

¾ Company restriction

¾ Application

¾ Version

¾ Function

¾ Field Number

¾ Data Comparison

¾ Data From

¾ Data To

T2MBTT – R05 – 1.0 Copyright © 2005 TEMENOS HOLDINGS NV 20

User – Important fields continuation

¾ Sign On Off Log

¾ Security Mgmt L

¾ Application Log

¾ Function Id Log

¾ Override class

¾ Attributes

T2MBTT – R05 – 1.0 Copyright © 2005 TEMENOS HOLDINGS NV 21

Workshop - 1

• Create a New Profile for you as a member of staff with all

Functions including Auditor Review.
• Log in as this new user. Remember to set your password to
• Access User Application. Exit from the application.

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Workshop - 1 Solution

Login as the same user and check whether you are able to
do a auditor review

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Workshop - 2

• Make the following changes in your recently created USER

• Restrict access only to CUSTOMER Application with the
functions of Input, See, and Print.
• Log out and log in again.
• Now try to access USER application. Test whether the
access has been restricted

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Workshop – 2 Solutions

User ‘ROBERT’ has access only to the Customer application.

Functions allowed - Input, See and Print

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Workshop – 2 Solutions Continuation

User ‘ROBERT’ doesn’t have access to USER application

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User1 Teller

User2 Teller

User3 Teller

User4 Teller

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¾ Define the Group Security Requirements

¾ Enter the group name

¾ Attach the condition Group to the User’s Profile

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Workshop - 3

• Create a User Group for Account Managers

• Restrict this to only Input, See, Delete and Authorise Customer

records where Sector is equal to 1000

• Attach this to your USER profile.

• Log out and log in.

• Check whether the access is now restricted properly.

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Workshop -Solution

T2MBTT – R05 – 1.0 Copyright © 2005 TEMENOS HOLDINGS NV 30


¾ It is possible to attach different attributes to different users

depending on usage
¾ Attributes field in the user profile can be set to options like
Explorer, Super user, etc.

T2MBTT – R05 – 1.0 Copyright © 2005 TEMENOS HOLDINGS NV 31

Workshop - 4

• Amend your user profile and prevent access to command line

• Log out and log in
• Has your access been restricted to command line?
• Log in as your ‘trainee’ user and give access to command line in
your user profile.

T2MBTT – R05 – 1.0 Copyright © 2005 TEMENOS HOLDINGS NV 32


¾ Non Blocking
Any user can approve the override

¾ Blocking
Only users with proper authentication are allowed
to approve the override

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Override - Blocking

¾ OVERRIDE.CLASS record is used

¾ The ID is the Application name
¾ Defines which Override messages require a User-defined
¾ User-defined classifications are then linked to User profiles

T2MBTT – R05 – 1.0 Copyright © 2005 TEMENOS HOLDINGS NV 34

Workshop - 4

• Select any Customer record.

• Change Nationality to AD & Residence to AE and commit.
• Look at the override. Get the record authorized.

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Workshop Solution

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Workshop - 5

• View the OVERRIDE.CLASS record for CUSTOMER application

• Include the override ‘ADDRESS/RESIDENCE STILL AGREE’ in
• After this, repeat the previous workshop and look at the Override.
• Try to get this record authorized

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Workshop Solution

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Workshop Solution

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Workshop Solution

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Workshop Solution

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Workshop - 6

• Attach Default Class ‘CUS’ to your User Profile

• Login as this USER and authorize the record which is in INAO
• Test whether you have the right access

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Workshop solution

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Workshop solution

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Workshop - 7

• Select any Customer record.

• Change Nationality to AD & Residence to AE and commit.
• Attach Default Class ‘CUS’ to a different User Profile.
• Login as this USER and authorized the record.
• Test whether you have the right access

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Workshop solution

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Workshop solution

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• In a Bank, each user will have authority to approve certain set of

overrides based on amount involved
– INP - amounts up to USD 50,000
– SUP - between USD 50,000 and 1,000,000
– MGR - excess amounts over USD 1,000,000
– This is achieved using the Application

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¾ Who is currently logged onto the System

¾ Which Application, Function and Record ID are being used

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• These fields within the USER Application allow the Security

Administrator to decide the usage information that needs to be
recorded in PROTOCOL

• All Security Violations will be automatically recorded

• A PROTOCOL report will be produced each working day

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Historical activity

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• Temenos T24 uses a comprehensive Audit Trail (or Audit Log) to

allow the System Administrator to see who is accessing the
system and when.
• It shows the following information
– Record Status
– Current Record No
– Inputter
– Date and Time
– Authoriser
– OVERRIDE.CLASS Information
– Audit Code, Date and Time

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Workshop - 7

• Create a new user

• Give him access to audit records
• Login as this user
• Check whether you have correct access

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¾ This table will allow the user to specify for each T24 Application,
which field number(s) identify a 'Customer' or 'Account' field.
¾ Used by the Security Management System to control EXTERNAL
type users for whom specific Customer and account number(s)
have been specified on the profile
¾ An override will need to be approved when CUSTOMER.FD field
input is not of a 'CUS' type and ACCOUNT.FD field input is not of
‘ACC’ ‘ALL’ or ‘ANT’ type.

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User profile of an external user

External User- TRIAL

Restricted access
to records of

Restricted Access
to Branch,
Applications and

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Example of typical operation

The dropdown has only the respective customer’s account

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