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CV 222/MM 222 Fluid Mechanics

The University of the South Pacific

School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics
CV 222/MM 222 – Fluid Mechanics

Lab #: Lab Title

Lab Session Time:

Student Name:
Student ID#:


Write down the aim(s) of the experiment. It should be clear and precise.


The introduction of the lab report should include:

 A background on the subject of the experiment.
 A brief literature review highlighting previous work conducted on a similar study.
 Reason for which the lab report is being conducted – purpose statement.
All cited materials in the text including figures have to be referenced properly. Please use the Harvard
referencing system.

Example of in text referencing is shown below.

Hydrostatic pressure is the component of pressure variation in a fluid flow that would exist in the absence of
fluid motion as a result of gravitational body force (Cengel and Cimbala, 2006). A fluid in this condition is
known as a hydrostatic fluid.

Figures have to be labeled properly and correctly. Example is shown below. Do not forget to cite these
figures in your text.

The hydrostatic pressure apparatus is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Hydrostatic pressure apparatus

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CV 222/MM 222 Fluid Mechanics


Identify all the equipment and materials used in the experiment.


The procedure section is a record of how the experiment was carried out in a set of steps. This is written in
the passive voice and in the 3rd person. It outlines:

 Where the experiment was conducted (in the laboratory or in the field – where applicable).
 The materials used – list the quantity used as well as any changes that were made to the
procedure (where applicable).
 The experimental design should be determined by the kind of data to be collected and the
appropriate statistical analysis.
 How the data was obtained, recorded and analyzed.
Some key points to remember while writing the procedure are:
 Always write in the Past Tense.
 Always use International System of Units (SI) units and keep them consistent throughout the
 Avoid needlessly explaining common techniques.


This is where you present the results and discussion. A successful discussion is only possible after
completing literature review on the particular lab. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR DISCUSSION MUST

IMPORTANT - Show sample calculation for one data set here as well.

Present your results here. The raw data with the analyzed data has to be presented in a tabulated form.

Tables have to be labeled properly and correctly. Example is shown below. Do not forget to cite these tables
in your text.

Table 1 Hydrostatic force at different depth of immersion

r q m yc Theoretical (mm) Experimental (mm) Force

(mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) yn yp yn yp N

In the results section you have to provide a sample calculation. All equations have to be typed in MS Word.

The data can then be further analyzed using graphs to show/highlight relationship between variables.

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CV 222/MM 222 Fluid Mechanics

Graphs have to be labeled properly and correctly. Example is shown below. Do not forget to cite and
explain these graphs in your text.

Figure 2 Theoretical and experimental depth of centre of pressure at varying immersion depths

IMPORTANT – Refer to the graphs and tables requirement document.

You must explain, analyze and interpret the results of the experiment. Discuss clearly what the results
indicate. Discuss experimental and theoretical results and why they do or do not agree. The following
questions may help you in your discussion:

 Do any of your results have particular technical or theoretical meaning?

 How do your results relate to your experimental objective(s)?
 How do your results compare to those obtained in similar investigations?

Finally answer any question(s) that may be given in your lab handout.


Draw conclusions from your results and highlight the key findings of the experiment.


Put your reference here in the alphabetical order.

Please use the Harvard referencing style. Visit the site to learn Harvard referencing system

Cengel, Y. A. and Cimbala, J. M. (2006). Fluid Mechinics – Fundamentals and Applications. 1st ed. in SI
units. New York: McGraw Hill, pp. 922. [An example of a book]

McCormick M. E., Murthagh J., McCabe P. (1998). Large-scale Experimental Study of a Hinged-Barge
Wave Energy Conversion System. In: Proceedings of 3rd European Wave Energy Conference. Patras,
Greece, 1998. [An example of a conference paper]

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CV 222/MM 222 Fluid Mechanics

Zullah, M. A, Prasad, D., Ahmed, M. R. and Lee, Y. H. (2010). Performance Analysis of a Wave Energy
Converter Using Numerical Simulation Technique. Science China Technological Sciences, 53(1), pp. 13-18.
[An example of a journal article]

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